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International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s)
- IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources
(Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal - founded in 2005
that implements
also video presentations of the published contributions.
On-line Events
Special issue N. 56
Hybrid Games & Interaction Design
co-guest editors: Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Nelson Zagalo,
Micael Sousa and Fotis Liarokapis
regular papers
Meet the authors
authors index
on the 12th of October - 15:00 CET
(event coordination by: Liliana Vale Costa & Oscar Mealha)
to attend the presentations, for free, please fill the reservation
form -> link
Articles are available for free downloading at -> https://doi.org/10.55612/s-5002-056
Special issue N. 57
‘Competence-based education: from school to responsible
citizenship, wellbeing, and democracy.’
co-guest editors: Ilaria Bortolotti, Stefano Cacciamani,
Romina Cachia, Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
regular papers
Meet the authors
authors index
on the 26th of October - 15:00 CET
(event coordination by: Liliana Vale Costa & Oscar Mealha)
to attend the presentations, for free, please fill the reservation
form -> link
Articles are available for free downloading at -> https://doi.org/10.55612/s-5002-057
To keep updated join the
IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link
IxD&A Facebook -> link
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents
with no charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the
journal, please donate:
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