IJCAI-2025 Special Track on AI, the Arts, and Creativity

AI has been used in recent years to generate creative artefacts or behaviours in domains such as music, visual arts, storytelling, literature and poetry, games, architecture, design, autonomously or in collaboration with humans. There is also a growing interest in developing AI techniques to play roles in creative processes beyond generation, including analysis, evaluation and curation, as well as in creative solving of complex problems and in supporting co-creation environments.

The IJCAI 2025 AI, Arts & Creativity special track aims to explore the relationships between AI and the arts, creativity and creative practice. We welcome original technical submissions addressing, e.g., the following questions, but stating explicitly how the proposed research relates with the underlying creative process:

Important Dates

Submission deadline (full papers, no separate abstract submission): February 11, 2025
Notification: April 28, 2025

Note: All deadlines are anywhere on earth.

Submission of Research Papers

Research papers are submitted with the same format and general guidelines as for the main conference (https://2025.ijcai.org/call-for-papers-main-track/) except that there will be no summary reject phase and no rebuttal, and we do not require extra files to be uploaded for previously rejected papers.

Please note that submissions should relate explicitly to the theme of the track, ideally in the abstract, and will be desk-rejected otherwise. General machine learning papers should be submitted to IJCAI’s main track.

Research paper submissions must meet all the Submission Requirements described in the above general instructions. In particular, they must be anonymous, and papers are expected to satisfy the highest scientific standards as submissions to the main track of IJCAI 2025. Also, double submissions to the special track and main conference are not allowed.

Submit your research paper here:

Accepted research papers will be included in the IJCAI 2025 proceedings.

Submission of Demos

As in previous editions,  the authors will not be able to submit demos to the AI, Arts & Creativity track. However, they are invited to submit demos that are relevant to this special track’s topic to the IJCAI 2025 Demo track, indicating the “AI, Arts & Creativity” nature of the demo within the submission procedure.

Participation in the conference

At least one author of each accepted paper must participate in the conference at Montreal and present the work. We are looking forward to the community meeting in person. Authors who possess evidence indicating their inability to obtain visas for Canada may submit a request to pcchair@2025.ijcai.org to participate in the satellite event in Guangzhou.

Papers not presented in person, whether at the main conference in Montreal or the satellite event in Guangzhou, will be excluded from the proceedings unless one of the authors provides notification of exceptional circumstances to IJCAI via pcchair@2025.ijcai.org. Any such exceptional circumstances must receive prior approval from IJCAI.

The Track Chairs,

F. Amilcar Cardoso

François Pachet

Allegra De Filippo


Please, send all enquiries about the AI, Arts & Creativity Track to the Track Co-Chairs via email: arts@2025.ijcai.org