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We seek a 3-year, fully funded PhD student interested in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Health. The doctoral student will work on a newly funded Project at the Department of Computer Science at the Sapienza University of Rome. The project is financed by the Italian Government under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Next Generation EU (NGEU).
The Project is titled "Digital Driven Diagnostics, prognostics and therapeutics for sustainable Health care" (D34Health)". The PhD research activity is in the framework of the Spoke 3 "AI & Advanced Diagnostics for the Digital Twins construction," specifically under the thematic line related to the "Digital Twins construction: Sensors and Wearable Devices".
The Project aims to develop non-invasive data-driven approaches for predicting, monitoring, and finding treatments for common lifestyle-related diseases. It will leverage AI and/or VR multimodal approaches (such as the Digital Twin and/or data visualization/navigation in VR) to predict patients' prognostic and/or therapy response outcomes.
The PHD student will work with an international team of researchers from various backgrounds (Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing, Psychology, Medicine). The Sapienza University of Rome is one of the most prestigious research institutions in Italy and Europe, located close to the Eternal City historical center.
Background: Master's Degree in Computer Science, Computer/Electronics/Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Human-Computer Interaction
English fluency is a major requirement.
Important: interested students pursuing their Master's Degree (i.e., those who did not get it yet) are eligible, assuming they will obtain their MD by the end of 2023.
To express your interest in the position, send a single PDF file to Prof. Maurizio Mancini m.mancini@di.uniroma1.it containing:
- CV
- transcript of Master Degree's career
- motivation letter
- reference letter
For any questions, contact Prof. Maurizio Mancini m.mancini@di.uniroma1.it
Deadline: the expressions of interest are accepted until June 9th, 2023.