Dear colleagues,


Due to some requests, the ECSCW workshop and masterclasses deadline has been extended to February 25th.


Have a nice week-end!


Kind regards

Claudia &  Bryan, ECSCW 2022 workshop and masterclasses co-chairs






The ECSCW 2022 conference is looking for workshop and masterclass submissions! 

Call for Workshop Proposals

CSCW is a challenging and rapidly developing area of research where the exchange of ideas and discussion of concepts with other researchers provide an effective way of gaining new insights and identifying opportunities for possible collaborations.


The ECSCW 2022 Workshops provide an opportunity to engage in discussions with other researchers, present and illustrate new developments on different themes within CSCW, provoke and reflect on novel perspectives and receive feedback on early ideas in a friendly and constructive manner.


ECSCW 2022 invites workshop proposals addressing basic research questions, new methodologies and approaches, innovative technologies, and emerging research areas. Workshops are good venues for involving attendees in working together to share, reflect and develop new insights. Workshops may be half-day or full-day sessions. Outcomes might include journal special issues, blogs or new collaborations. 


We encourage accepted workshop organisers to create web-based resources for their workshops so that advertising, submission and organisation can be handled online.


If you are submitting a workshop on accessibility or assistive technology, please refer to the SIGACCESS guidelines on writing about disability.

Important Dates

January 15th, 2022        System open for Submissions

February 25th, 2022       (extended) Submission due for workshop proposals (23:59 AoE)

February 28th, 2022       Notifications to workshop organizers

March 14th, 2022       Deadline for the camera-ready version of the accepted proposals, workshop descriptions, and workshop website links. 

May 9th, 2022 Workshop organizers must notify Workshop Chairs with final workshop attendance numbers

Monday/Tuesday June 27/28th, 2022            Workshops at ECSCW 2022

June 27th - July 1st, 2022 ECSCW 2022 Conference

Submission Format & Process

Workshops submissions should:


Workshops submissions are not anonymous.

Call for Masterclass Proposals

Masterclasses provide the opportunity to learn about specific CSCW methods, concepts and approaches from experts in the related field within small in-depth group discussions. Masterclasses facilitate a more focused discussion on any CSCW topic, and enable organizers to do theoretical input in lectures as well as engage participants in more hands-on workshop experiences. While masterclasses are open to a broad range of participants, these are particularly targeted at early career researchers and PhD students. Masterclasses may be half-day or full-day sessions.


If you are submitting a masterclass on accessibility or assistive technology, please refer to the SIGACCESS guidelines on writing about disability.

Important Dates

January 15th, 2022     System open for Submissions

February 25th, 2022       (extended) Submission due for masterclasses proposals (23:59 AoE)

February 28th, 2022    Notifications to masterclasses organizers

March 14th, 2022        Deadline for the camera-ready version of the accepted masterclasses 

May 9th, 2022             Masterclasses organizers must notify the Chairs with final masterclasses attendance numbers

Monday/Tuesday June 27/28th, 2022            Masterclasses at ECSCW 2022

June 27th - July 1st, 2022 ECSCW 2022 Conference

Submission Format & Process

Masterclasses submissions should:


Masterclass proposals are not anonymous and should include all authors names, affiliations, and contact information.

Selection Process for Workshops and Masterclasses

Proposals will be single-blind reviewed by the Workshops and Masterclass Chairs and selected members of the ECSCW program committee. Selection will be based on the relevance of the proposed topic for ECSCW and the organiser(s) expertise.


For any queries, please, do not hesitate to contact the ECSCW 2022 Masterclasses Chairs at


Additional Information:

To access this information via the web, please visit the ECSCW 2022 website:


Workshop and Masterclass Chairs,


Claudia Mueller and Bryan Semaan





Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller


Ass. Prof. Information Systems, esp. IT for the Ageing Society

Institute for Information Systems

Office US-F 115, Kohlbettstr. 15, 57072 Siegen

T +49 271 740 4036 (Sekr.), email:


Professor at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland

Department of Health Sciences/ Careum Research

Pestalozzistr. 3, CH-8032 Zürich,