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Invitation to submit an article to a special issue of the Interaction Design and Architecture (IxD&A) journal entitled: “AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age.”




This special issue explores the relationship between AI, aimed at replacing human beings, and Intelligence Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering human beings in their daily life and work. Balancing between these two perspectives means changing the research paradigm from traditional human-computer interaction, to designing the collaboration between humans and computers. This will foster creativity, critical thinking, intersubjectivity, and learning, and eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this new age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge and competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, and new research methods.



·      AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues

·      AI support in everyday work

·      Collaborative human-centered design 

·      End-User Development for AI-based systems 

·      Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems 

·      Explainable AI through meta design

·      Human-centred AI

·      Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning effectiveness

·      Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design


Submission procedure: see above URL


Important dates

·      Deadline: May 20th, 2023 

·      Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023

·      Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023

·      Publication of the special issue: October, 2023 (tentatively)


Questions: contact one or more of the guest editors

·      Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway ( renatea [at] oslomet [dot] no )

·      Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy ( vita [dot] barletta [at] uniba [dot] it )

·      Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway ( andersm [at] uio [dot] no )

·      Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy ( alessandro [dot] pagano [at] uniba [dot] it )

Alessandro Pagano
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Tel. +39 3391354376
web: alessandropagano.net
orcid: orcid.org/0000-0002-7465-9778