*** Last Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers ***
UMAP 23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: March 31, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
ACM UMAP 2023 is the premier international conference on systems that adapt to
users and user models for adaptation. The UMAP 2023 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will
take place as part of the 31st International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation,
and Personalization. The DC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore
and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished researchers
and industry practitioners from the field.
Doctoral students are invited to apply to present their research to experienced
scholars who will provide constructive feedback and advice. Students should
consider participating in the DC if they are at least one year away from completing
their dissertation at the time of the event, but after having settled on a research
area or dissertation topic.
This forum will provide Ph.D. students with an opportunity to
Present and discuss their research ideas to experienced scholars in a supportive,
formative, and yet critical environment
Explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished
researchers from the field who will provide constructive feedback and advice;
Explore career pathways available after completing their Ph.D. degree
Network and build collaborations with other members of the community
Students are asked to submit a brief proposal outlining their doctoral research,
which will be evaluated by the consortium committee. Good quality applications will
be selected for presentation at a DC Session as part of the conference. Each student
with an accepted submission will be assigned a mentor who will provide feedback on
the students work and will discuss the doctoral research with the student and the
audience at the consortium.
Please refer to the conference web site for more detailed information regarding the
preparation and submission of DC contributions:
● Submission of papers: March 31, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2023
● Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 2, 2023
● Conference: June 26-29, 2023
Note: The submission times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
● Antonija Mitrovic, Canterbury University, New Zealand
● Michel Desmarais, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
● Martijn Willemsen, Eindhoven University of Technology and JADS, Netherlands
● Contact: umap2023-doctoral@um.org