Applications are invited for a 18-month fellowship (assegno di ricerca) for conducting research within the project "Personalized Assistance through Social Robots for Active Aging", funded by POC PUGLIA FESR-FSE 2014/2020- azione 10.4 “Interventi volti a promuovere la ricerca e per l’Istruzione Universitaria” –“RIPARTI”.
The Research Fellow will work on Computer Vision and AI methodologies for estimating the level of frailty of seniors through the use of a Social Robot.
URL for application:
Keywords: computer vision, social robotics, user modeling
Closing date for applications: 09/Dec/2022
For further information, please contact prof. Berardina Decarolis: berardina.decarolis@uniba.i
Brief Description: The project is in the context of active aging and aims to develop and evaluate how, using the sensor of a social robot, it is possible to estimate in a precise and continuous way vital parameters, emotional states, and situations of danger and emergency of frail seniors. In particular, techniques based on computer vision and AI will be used to estimate vital parameters (Respiratory rate, Heart rate, Blood pressure), emotional state, risk situations (e.g. man down), and lifestyles (e.g. sedentariness). To achieve these objectives, the researcher will collaborate with expert members of the interdepartmental center CITEL, which incorporates both clinical and technological expertise, and with the project industrial partner represented by Exprivia company.
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