*** Fourth Call for Contributions ***

ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good
(GoodIT 2022)

7–9 September, 2022, 5* St. Raphael Resort & Marina, Limassol, Cyprus



The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research
contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social
good. Social good is typically defined as something that provides a benefit to the
general public. In this context, clean air and water, Internet connection, education,
and healthcare are all good examples of social goods. However, new media
innovations and the explosion of online communities have added new meaning to the
term. Social good is now about global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of
individuals, technology, and collaboration to create a positive societal impact.

GoodIT solicits papers that address important research challenges related to, but not
limited to:
Citizen science
Civic intelligence
Decentralized approaches to IT
Digital solutions for Cultural Heritage
Environmental monitoring
Ethical computing
Frugal solutions for IT
Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications
Health and social care
IT for automotive
IT for development
IT for education
• IT for smart living
Privacy, trust and ethical issues in ICT solutions
Smart governance and e-administration
Social informatics
Socially responsible IT solutions
Sustainable cities and transportation
Sustainable IT
Technology addressing the digital divide

Paper Submission

The papers should not exceed six (6) pages (US letter size) double-column,
including figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format
(https://cyprusconferences.org/goodit2022/index.php/authors/ ).

They must be original works and must not have been previously published.

At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the
work at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the
proceedings. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference
proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library.

In addition to a Main Track, the conference features 9 additional Special Tracks.
More information on these tracks is available on the conference web site.

Journal Special Issues and Best Paper Award

Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to two special
journal issues:

• FGCS, Elsevier
• MDPI Sensors, where the theme of the special issue will be "Application of
Information Technology (IT) to Social Good"
(https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/topical_collection_goodit ).
Specifically 5 papers will be invited free of charge and another 5 papers will get a
20% discount on the publication fees.

Furthermore, MDPI Sensors will sponsor a Best Paper Award with the amount of
400 CHF.

Work-in-Progress and PhD Track

Inside ACM GoodIT, the Work-in-Progress and PhD Track provides an opportunity to
showcase interesting new work that is still at an early stage. We encourage
practitioners and researchers to submit to the Work-in-Progress venue as it provides
a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting feedback on early-stage
work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Moreover, this
track provides a platform for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their
ongoing research. Students at different stages of their research will have the
opportunity to present and discuss their research questions, goals, methods and
results. This is an opportunity to obtain guidance on various aspects of their research
from established researchers and other PhD students working in research areas
related to technologies for social good.

Important: For this specific track, papers must not exceed four (4) pages
(US letter size) double column, including figures, tables, and references in standard
ACM format (https://cyprusconferences.org/goodit2022/index.php/authors/ ).

Submission Instructions

All papers must be submitted electronically via the hotcrp web site
(https://goodit2022.hotcrp.com ). Once on the submission page, you will be able to
select the track where to submit your paper.

Important Dates

• Submission deadline for all types of contributions: 23 May 2022
• Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2022
• Camera-ready submission and author registration: 11 July 2022

Conference Committees
