
vi giro l’annuncio di un webinar, credo possa essere interessante per molti di noi.

Ne approfitto per augurare a tutti un buon inizio di semestre, sperando che sia il più possibile in presenza!


Cari saluti,


Da: ACM Professional Chapter Officers in Europe <EUROPE-PROF-CHAPTERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG> Per conto di Panagiota Fatourou
Inviato: mercoledì 15 settembre 2021 23:53
Oggetto: ACM Europe Council Webinar “Getting recognized by ACM Awards and Honors”


Dear ACM Europe Professional Chapter Officers,

I would appreciate it, if you disseminate the attached call for participation for the webinar “Getting recognized by ACM Awards and Honors” to the members of your chapter.The webinar aims at motivating Europeans to claim the recognition they deserve for their professional achievements through the ACM Awards and Member Grades programmes.

Best regards,

Panagiota Fatourou
Chair of the ACM Europe Council


Webinar “Getting Recognized by ACM Awards and Honors”
organized by the ACM Europe Council through the ACM Europe RAISE Working Group

Date: October 1, 2021, at 15:00 CET, 9:00 EDT

Registration is now open at:

Goal: To make Europeans more proactive in claiming the recognition they deserve for their professional achievements through the ACM Awards and Member Grades programmes.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get informed about the ACM member grades and awards and communicate directly with members of the ACM Awards and Member Grades Committees, getting better informed on how to prepare a successful nomination, providing feedback on the reasons that Europeans are willing to participate or not in these programmes, and helping us better understand the kind of support you find necessary in order to become more actively involved in these ACM programmes.

The webinar will take place, online, on October 1 (at 15:00 CET). It will feature an open discussion with Gabriele Kotsis, the ACM President, and Panagiota Fatourou, the ACM Europe Council Chair, as well as a panel comprised by the following members of the ACM Awards and Member Grades Committees:

·         Jim Larus, Chair of ACM Fellows Committee

·         Roy Levin, Co-Chair of ACM Awards Committee

·         John R. White, Co-Chair of ACM Awards Committee

·         Nuria Oliver, Member of ACM Fellows Committee

·         Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Member of ACM Distinguished Member Committee

·         Anastasia Ailamaki, Chair of ACM Europe Fellows Working Group 

Registration is free but required. To register (and see the programme) follow the link:

Register now! Your opinion does matter. We are looking forward to your participation.

Prof. Panagiota Fatourou
Chair of the ACM Europe Council 
Department of Computer Science
University of Crete, GREECE
Institute of Computer Science, Collaborating Researcher
Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas
Crete Island, GREECE
Tel: +30 2810 391727
Cellular: +30 6973 991277


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