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8th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development


June 19-20, 2023
Tallin, Estonia (hybrid)

janika [dot] leoste [at] tlu [dot] ee (conference chair)

Deadline for paper submission: March 5, 2023
call for papers
SLERD 2023 will host also a Demo Student Contest -> see call for demo

SLERD 2023 is organized by Tallinn University in collaboration with ASLERD.

Please Note: SLERD 2023 will be held in precence but a possibility to attend it virtually is provided (hybrid format).

Short Intro

The energy crises and war have underscored the need to change our living style, consumption habits, learning methods and tools. The transition towards future education is according to the Unesco thematic action track 4 encompassing digital transformation which  harnesses technology as part of larger systemic efforts. Making technology more inclusive, equitable, effective, relevant, and sustainable.

What should we expect for future learning ecosystems? How “smart learning ecosystems” are changing? How such changes may be related to the achievement of “a better learning for a better world” as a contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ? How will they contribute to the reduction of inequalities and, at the same time, to the empowering of each individual according to his expectations and talents?

However , such transformation has to take the environment into account. The sustainable development goals (SDG) do not concern only the industry and economic transition but also learning institutions. It is called twin transition. The twin transition means digital technologies playing a key role in achieving climate neutrality. These transformations have an effect on learning and needed skills; to adapt to a rapidly transforming technological reality and labour market, as well as green skills and climate awareness. The topics need an in-depth discourse on their environmental friendliness and the methods we, as teachers, facilitators and learners, use, adapt and design (see, e.g., Unesco Leading SDG 4 goals). As societies change, these also affect learning approaches, models and methodologiesbest suited for appreciated values such as equity, inclusion, quality and relevance to mention a few values frequently described concerning education. These values mean to mobilise action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to sow the seeds to transform education in a rapidly changing world. The Unesco paper The futures of education for participation in 2050” paves the way to deal with the change and ambiguity of the current and future times.

The complex questions of when, how and why to use digital technologies in and for learning can be approached through multiple perspectives and angles: values; informal, formal, and non-formal learning settings; infrastructural and systemic as well as technological views. The general topics of the conference reflect the above-mentioned different perspectives aiming to provide in-depth discourse among academics, students and practitioners. SLERD 2023 is proud to invite colleagues – researchers and practitioners – from all over the world to share the efforts concerning the development of smart learning ecosystems that drive towards green and digital transformation where learning ecosystems, approaches, methods and tools promote smart learning but are also environmentally friendly activating citizens, and in the promoting social innovation and equally accessible quality education.

Topics of interests

SLERD 2023 is proud to invite colleagues - researchers and practitioners - from all over the world to share the efforts concerning the development of smart learning ecosystems and, contributions on how to build together a brilliant post pandemic future, where smart learning ecosystems and smart education will be even more central in the education of future citizens, and in the promotion of social innovation and territorial development.

can be grouped under three big themes:
• places for smart education

• future of institutional learning

• interplay between formal and informal learning

• new educational models and settings

• continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, processes in learning

• role of, and case studies of, games and gamification in smart education

• dual education and other alternate scheme approaches

• monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution, city, region)

• people in place centered design for smart education

• general frameworks and methodological advances

• design, data and other relevant literacies

• smart citizen’s literacies, skill and competences

• communities and co-design in smart learning

• sharing & participatory practices

• open access to any resource and disparity

• cultural influences

• supportive learning technologies for smart education

• AI for smart learning ecosystems: ethical aspects, tools and H-AI interaction

• semantic web technologies and applications

• text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis

• real/virtual communities and social network analysis

• interoperability and application of open/smart data and services

• safety & security in education

• IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies

• adaptability to educational contexts and citizens

• role of VR in education

Important dates:

• Deadline for papers submission: March 5, 2023
• Notification to the authors: April 16, 2023
• Camera ready paper: April 30, 2023
• Conference: June 19-20, 2023

SLERD welcomes contributions composed by min. 4500 words. The max. length of the contributions should not overcome 16 pages.

Papers should be written according to:

Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Series Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies that will be indexed by SCOPUS, EI-Compendex and Springerlink.

Extended version of selected papers will be also included in a special issue of IxD&A Journal (ISSN 1826-9745, e-ISSN 2283-2998) indexed by SCOPUS and Emerging Sources of Web of Science.

Link to the paper submission page on easy chair:
Information about SLERD 2023 will continuously updated on the ASLERD
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