Dear Colleagues,

IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations in Emerging Technologies organizing committee is inviting you to submit your research papers. The workshop will be held in Hybrid mode. The in-person mode will held at Hilton London Tower Bridge, London, from 2 to 4 September 2024

Topics include (but not limited to):
-Forensics and threat investigations in P2P, cloud/edge, SDN/NFV, VPN, and  social networks
-Forensics and threat investigations in IoT, smart tech (car, home, city), e/m-health    
-Forensics and visualization of big data
-Tools and services for cyber forensics and threat investigations
-Attack detection, traceback, and attribution in emerging technologies
-Malware analysis and attribution
-Methods for reconstruction of digital evidence in emerging technologies
-Security and privacy in P2P, cloud/edge, SDN/NFV, VPN, and social networks
-Security and privacy in IoT, smart tech (car, home, city)
-Open source intelligence (OSINT)
-Dark Web Investigations
-Digital evidence extraction/analysis using  AI/ML and data mining
-Data exfiltration from networked devices/services(e.g.cyber-physical systems, IoT)
-Large-scale investigations and ML for the analysis of intelligence data sets and logs

We also encourage contributions describing innovative work in the realm of cybersecurity, cyber defense, and digital crimes.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: June 3, 2024 AOE
Authors Notifications: July 3, 2024 AOE
Camera Ready submission: July 14, 2024 AOE
Early registration deadline: July 20, 2024 AOE

The workshop’s proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be included in IEEE Xplore.

Workshop Awards
-Best Open-Source Tool Prize, which will be presented in a paper during our workshop. The prize, valued at 300 euros,  is being financed by one of our collaborators from the industry.
-An additional industry collaborator is sponsoring the prestigious Best Paper award, which includes a one-year free license to utilize renowned digital forensics software.

This Workshop is Technically Supported by
-Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators
-Industrial Cybersecurity Center
-Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control, and Communication

To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions at
For more information, please don't hesitate to contact the CFATI General Chair Dr. Ahmed Elmesiry (

To get more news about our events, please join our low-traffic announcement group @

We look forward to your submissions.
ACFTI Secretariat