* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be interested, thanks
NEW DEADLINE 5th April 2024
2nd International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia
Co-located within the 17th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Arenzano (Genoa), Italy
June 3rd or 4th 2024
More info:
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to
present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future
cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public
industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
- the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity
education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
- the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate
in cybersecurity education;
- the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users
development to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
- the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the
relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
- the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals
aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Learning in Cybersecurity
- Personalized Learning in Cybersecurity Education
- AI-Driven Cybersecurity Education
- Generative AI in Cybersecurity Education
- Explainable AI for Cybersecurity
- Immersive Virtual Reality for Cybersecurity Education
- Augmented Reality in Cybersecurity Education
- Game-based approaches in Cybersecurity Education
- Artistic Approaches to Cybersecurity Education
- Designing Tools and Frameworks for Cybersecurity Education
- Contextual Methodologies for Cybersecurity Education
- Innovative Technologies for Professional Cybersecurity Competencies
- Explainable Security in Public Administration
- Human, Economic, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cybersecurity Education
- Innovative Training Programs for Cybersecurity Education
- Empowering Users in Technology Creation with Cybersecurity Considerations
- Warning dialogues for Cybersecurity
- Human Factors for Cybersecurity
- Case Studies on Cybersecurity Challenges and Practices
- Data Visualization in Cybersecurity
- Accessibility in Cybersecurity Tools and Education
- User Behavior Analysis in Cybersecurity
- Conversational Interface in Cybersecurity Education
We will consider two different types of submissions:
- Regular papers will be up to 10 pages (excluding references) and will report original
research on how cybersecurity and education can support Academia and Industry to reduce
the gap between demand (workplace, recruitment) and supply (qualification, training);
- Extended Abstracts will be up to 4 pages (excluding references) and will report novel
ideas about the application of the role of cybersecurity education in Academia and
Both types of submissions, if accepted, will be part of the workshop proceedings
All submissions should be submitted through Easychair
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=cse4ia0) in PDF format using the “CEUR
https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is
also available at:
All submissions will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on
originality, quality, soundness, and relevance.
The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program
committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper will be required to attend the
workshop. Virtual participation will be made possible.
Selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of a
relevant cybersecurity and human-computer interaction journal.
Submission deadline: 27th March 2024 05th April 2024
Notification: 19th April 2024
Camera-ready: 5th May 2024
Registration due: 10th May 2024
Vita Santa Barletta - Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT
Federica Caruso - Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and
Mathematics, University of L’Aquila, IT (federica.caruso1(a)univaq.it)
Tania Di Mascio - Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics,
University of L’Aquila, IT (tania.dimascio(a)univaq.it)
Francesco Greco - Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT
Tasmina Islam - Department of Informatics, King's College London, UK
Veronica Rossano - Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT
Hannan Xiao - Department of Informatics, King's College London, UK