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International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s)
- IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson
Reuters) indexed Journal -
N. 43
special issue on
"Smart Learning Ecosystems - Design as cornerstone of smart
educational processes and places"
(guest editors: Carlo Giovannella, Stefania Manca)
is now available for free downloading -> link
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents
with no charge to the authors
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journal, please donate:
IxD&A Journal, issue N. 43 - ToC
Carlo Giovannella and Stefania Manca
pp. 5 - 7
Tomasz Jaskiewicz, Ingrid Mulder, Nicola Morelli, Janice
Hacking the hackathon format to empower citizens in outsmarting
“smart” cities, pp. 8 - 29
Lars Schlenker, Carmen Neuburg
Third Teacher goes Raumwerkstatt - participatory planning
processes to redesign physical learning spaces, pp. 30 - 41
Alessandro Luigini, Monica Parricchi, Alessandro
Basso, Demis Basso
Immersive and participatory serious games for heritage
education, applied to the cultural heritage of South Tyrol,
pp. 42 - 67
Margarida M. Marques, Lúcia Pombo
Teacher readiness to adopt game-based mobile learning with
augmented reality, pp. 68 - 85
Diana Saplacan, Jo Herstad, Zada Pajalic
Use of Multiple Digital Learning Environments:
A study About Fragmented Information Awareness, pp.
86 - 109
Nicolae Nistor, Mihai Dascalu, Stefan Trausan-Matu
Joining Informal Learning in Online Knowledge Communities and
Formal Learning in Higher Education: Instructional Design and
Evaluation of a Blended-Learning Seminar with Learning Analytics
Support, pp. 110 - 127
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