Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults
A workshop to held at the ACM SIGCHI CUI 2023 conference (Conversational User Interfaces)
Call for Submissions and for Participation
This multidisciplinary workshop aims to tackle the significant gaps in theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and exploration of new paradigms within the research and design of Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs) for Older Adults (OAs). We also aim to build research capacity by bringing together researchers and practitioners across several disciplines and industries who are actively working or having an interest toward understanding older adults’ use of and need for CUIs.
We invite researchers from various fields to present their work on and collectively engage in synthesizing and collating findings from different disciplines, and to discuss barriers and approaches to designing CUIs that are usable, adoptable, personally, and culturally relevant to OAs.
Given the nascent phase of this community, and our goal of encouraging a grassroots approach to defining this space, we welcome position papers, short research papers, or short expressions of interest relevant to the broad space of designing CUIs for OAs.
There is no format for the expression of interest - those wishing to participate in the workshop without a submitted paper should simply contact the organizers via email indicating through a short paragraph their prior experience and/or interest as relevant to the workshop, alongside their professional website or scholar page.
For those interested in submitting a formal paper, we welcome short papers describing e.g. a research study, a novel system, a new theoretical contribution, or position papers that highlight new or ongoing challenges in the field. Submitted papers will be lightly reviewed by the organizing committee within 10 days of submission (there is no formal deadline).
Accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website. We recommend papers to be no more than 4 pages long, following the CHI Extended Abstract format). Submissions, expressions of interest, and any other queries related to the workshop should be sent to:
Submissions will be reviewed according to the fit with the workshop topic and potential to contribute to the workshop goals. Alternate submission arrangements may be possible (such as the showcasing of papers previously accepted at other conferences).
Best Regards,
Workshop Organizing Team