(Apologies for multiple postings)
Workshop on Reflections and Dialogues around Smart Technology (ResiSTo)
--- Proceedings in Springer Verlag; indexing in Scopus; fast review process ---
Co-located with 12th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL), L'Aquila, Italy | 13th-15th July, 2022
Workshop papers submission deadline: 8th May, 2022 (extended)
Workshop camera-ready papers: 17th June, 2022
Accepted workshop papers will be included in the MIS4TEL Proceedings published in the LNNS series of Springer Verlag (https://www.springer.com/series/15179), and will be Scopus indexed.
Smart technologies include, but are not limited to, AI-based devices for digital education, smart things, smart art-work, smart environments, smart cities and smart artefacts, in general. The workshop focuses on the role which reflections, as in design thinking,
and dialogues, as in ethnographic research, play in imagining, conceptualising, using, assessing smart technologies for different contexts and people, with a preference for learning contexts and learners.
Workshop papers are expected to describe frameworks, methods, toolkits, experiences, studies or provocations with reflections and dialogues around smart technologies. Examples are toolkits which enable young generations to design smart things and reflect across
their design (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212868921000660). Other examples are studies concerning design as a means for reflecting on stereotypes
The workshop is intended as a forum to share provocations concerning past research work, novel ideas grounded in the literature, work-in-progress prototypes, as well as preliminary results which intercept the theme of the workshop. In other words, workshop
papers are expected to report on early or ongoing research activities, which have not yet got the maturity expected for the main-conference submissions.
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Reflections in the creation, usage or evaluation of smart technologies
-Responsibility or other critical reflections in technology enhanced learning
-The role of dialogue in digital education
-Field studies and ecological studies for reflecting with/around smart technologies
-Playfulness, gamification and critical reflections with/around smart technologies
-Responsibility in the design of smart solutions
-Critical thinking in the design of smart cities, environments, things, artwork, artefacts
-Dialogue and reflections in designing smart technologies at a distance
-Dialogue and reflections in using smart technologies at a distance
-Dialogue and reflections in assessing smart technologies at a distance
-Dialogues and reflections in making or physical computing
-Creativity, dialogues, reflections and smart technologies
-Biases in smart technologies
-Unveiling ethics concerns with/around smart technologies
Workshop contributions should be 10-page papers or exceptionally 6-page papers, including references; papers must be formatted according to the Springer LNNS template, available on the main-conference website of MIS4TEL.
Papers should be submitted as PDF via Easychair. The Easychair submission page can be accessed at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mis4tel22. Please take care in selecting the correct track i.e., “Workshop on Reflections and Dialogues around Smart Technology (ResiSTo)” when submitting.
All submissions will undergo a fast yet careful peer review process by at least two members of the program committee.
Publication of an accepted paper in the proceedings requires that at least one author of the paper registers for and participates in the conference.
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alessandra Melonio, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Mehdi Rizvi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Elisa Rubegni, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
For more information, contact us at resisto.workshop@gmail.com
or check out our webpage at