Sorry for multiple posting!


Dear colleague,
this year we are organizing the 14th edition of the
Int. Workshop on
Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning,

It will be held in the framework of the conference
MIS4TEL, 13th Int Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems
for Technology Enhanced Learning
Guimarães (Portugal), 12th-14th July, 2023

The workshop papers will be published in the MIS4TEL proceedings.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 29th, 2023 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: May 13th, 2023
Camera-Ready papers due: 19th May, 2023

The Call for papers is summarized below.
We hope you will find topics of your interest in our workshop, and will
like the idea of submitting a paper.

Please, if you think this call might interest some of your colleagues,
be so kind to forward this message.
Many thanks!

Best wishes and regards
The Workshop Organizers
  Malinka Ivanova,
  Minoru Nakayama,
  Marco Temperini (writing)

14th workshop on
Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning

eLearning is a dynamic research area reflecting on the current
requirements of all participants in the educational process for
innovative teaching and meaningful learning combining existing knowledge
with future perspectives.
The aim of IEETeL is to connect researchers, educators and technology
experts giving them an opportunity to share and discuss new solutions,
trends and realizations of eLearning environments and the adoption of
emerging technologies in educational settings. These will draw the
challenging problems in information gathering, processing and usage;
development of web-based and mobile services; building intelligent and
social-oriented applications in support of flexible, personalized,
adaptable, in-demand learning.
This forum invites research, technical papers, and report of work in
progress, investigating eLearning environment development, information
processing/management for education in local/small settings and in
global/large scale ones,  practices of implementation in education to
facilitate high school and university students' learning, and to help
then train to become self-organized life-long learners.

Special Topics for IEETeL2023
- Intelligent Environments and Sensor Networks for Education
- eLearning in Support of Students with Disabilities

Topics of interest
- 3D Virtual Environments
- Adaptive and intuitive environments
- Assessment in education
- Assistive Technologies
- Augmented Reality Implementation
- Educational Data Mining
- Intelligent and smart applications
- Internet of things in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Education with the Internet of things
- Learning Analytics
- Mobile Learning Environments and Applications
- Peer Learning and Peer Evaluation
- Personal Learning Environments
- Security and Privacy
- Semantic Web
- Social-Collaborative Learning
- Virtual Reality for education
- Visual aspects of Technology Enhanced Learning

Papers (max 10 pages) are prepared and submitted according to the
instructions in the submission page of the conference:
*** Look for IEETeL!

Organization Committee
Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria,
Minoru Nakayama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan,
Marco Temperini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy,

Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters 
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Biometrics Newsletter
IEEE Senior member

Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
tel: +39 06 49918312