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CHItaly 2021 - Frontiers of HCI
The Hybrid International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
Deadline (strict): Feb 28th 2021
The theme for the 14th Edition of the Biannual Conference
https://chitaly2021.inf.unibz.it<https://chitaly2021.inf.unibz.it/>) of the Italian
SIGCHI Chapter (
http://sigchitaly.eu/en/general-info/) was defined in summer 2019 as
“Frontiers of HCI”. At that time, we were thinking about disciplinary and national
boundaries. Little did we know of the many frontiers this hybrid conference would have to
overcome to create a safe space for HCI related discussions. To overcome this challenge,
CHItaly combines physical and digital events while providing synchronous and asynchronous
spaces for dialogue.
So far, CHItaly has physically hosted HCI scholars working in the Mediterranean and other
European countries. The aim of CHItaly 2021 is to connect research and geographical areas,
so as to explore frontiers and cross-fertilise HCI research in practice. From this
perspective, a hybrid conference can become an incredible experimentation space which you
are all invited to shape.
To reach its aims, the conference
1. solicits contributions from diverse research communities relevant to HCI, such as
Science and Technology Studies, Technology Enhanced Learning, Interaction Design and
Digital Fabrication, Design and the Arts, besides traditional fields such as computer
science, engineering and psychology
2. opens its physical and digital doors to industry, civic societies and citizens.
Join CHItaly either virtually or physically to expand the frontiers of HCI.
The research track of the conference will be hybrid, blending digital and physical
frontiers. Contributions to the research track are in the form of either long or short
research papers.
Long papers present original and substantially new research in Human Computer Interaction
(HCI) and at the frontiers of HCI. They clearly indicate innovative aspects. Research
procedures or technical aspects are presented in sufficient detail to ensure scrutiny and
reproducibility. Results are communicated according to scholarly standards, and
implications of the contributions/findings for HCI have to be explicitly discussed.
Short papers present original and provocative research or novel applications in HCI. Merit
will be assessed in terms of originality and importance for HCI rather than maturity,
extensive technical validation, or research studies. Examples of contributions might
include but are not limited to: early-stage frontier research, techniques, technologies or
prototypes with or without an in-depth evaluation; a self-contained innovative qualitative
study for HCI; the design of novel systems, services or demos for hands-on interaction.
Both types of papers are archival publications of original research in the field of HCI,
and related to the conference theme and topics.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following ones, divided into
traditional topics for HCI and frontier topics, at the intersection with other fields, for
the advancement of HCI.
Traditional HCI: Theories, Methods, Studies
• HCI theories
• HCI design and evaluation methods
• HCI studies
• Interaction processes and models
• Collaborative and social computing and HCI
• Affective computing and HCI
• Accessibility and inclusive HCI
Arts, Humanities, Education, Society and HCI
• Design & arts and HCI
• Humanities and HCI
• Cultures, culture production and HCI
• Education and HCI
• Technology enhanced learning and HCI
• Learning analytics and HCI
• Values, ethics and HCI
• Society and HCI
Physical, Digital or Hybrid HCI
• Game and gamification-based solutions and HCI
• Augmented, virtual or mixed reality and HCI
• Smart things, smart ambients or smart cities and HCI
• Internet of Things (IoT) and HCI
• Physical computing, making or digital fabrication and HCI
• Cyber-physical systems, embedded systems and HCI
• Tangible design, industrial design or product design and HCI
• Mobile, wearable and ubiquitous computing and HCI
• Human-robot interaction and HCI
• Beyond cobots: assistive or proactive robots and HCI
Artificial Intelligence and HCI
• AI theories, technologies or tools and HCI
• Human-in-the-loop machine/deep learning and HCI
• Agent-based systems or multi-agent systems and HCI
• Formal methods and HCI
• Data analysis, modelling or visualisation and HCI
• Business processes and HCI including process analysis, modelling and visualisation
• Natural language processing and HCI
• Recommendation, personalisation or adaptation and HCI
For specifications please refer to
Accepted manuscripts will be invited for inclusion in the electronic ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS), published in the ACM Digital Library, which is
Scopus indexed.
Therefore, authors of the accepted papers will be invited to submit a camera-ready version
in a suitable ACM format for proceedings before the conference. Inclusion in the
proceedings is conditional upon submission of the revised manuscript and registration of
at least one presenter within the recommended deadlines.
After the conference, authors of accepted top-quality papers will be invited, through an
open call, to submit extended versions of their papers to special issues in highly ranked
international journals.
February 28, 2021 - Submission deadline
April 16, 2021 - Notification to authors
May 3, 2021 - Camera ready version
July 11th-13th, 2021 - Conference
(Deadlines are meant till 11.59 pm CET)
Rosella Gennari, Informatica, Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy
Maria de Marsico, Università La Sapienza di Roma, Italy
Alessandra Melonio, Informatica, Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy
Cristina Gena, Università di Torino, Italy
This year, CHItaly 2021 has several tracks, besides the track for long and short research
• workshops,
• interactive experience,
• doctoral consortium,
• industry event,