One fully-funded PhD position granted by Fondazione Bruno Kessler is available for the PhD Programme in "Cognitive Science" at the University of Trento on the topic of Artificial Intelligence for education.

The aim of this Ph.D project is to explore innovative, technology-based approaches to facilitate playful education for inclusive, collaborative and student-centered learning environments. The project aims to develop semi-automatic and adaptive educational paths, as well as personalized support systems that benefit both educators and learners. This will involve utilizing various technologies and methods, such as end-user programming or multimodal, competence-based learning, to co-create learning activities that consider specific needs and preferences.
The ideal candidate will have a background in Computer Science, Psychology or Cognitive Science, with knowledge of data science, artificial intelligence, and educational theories. Experience in designing interactive digital technologies, conducting experimental and in-the-wild studies, and promoting inclusive, collaborative learning environments would be advantageous and should be gained during the Ph.D training.

For more information on the scholarship: 

For applying:

Massimo Zancanaro
Professor of Computer Science/Human-Computer Interaction, University of Trento
Head of Intelligent Interfaces and Interaction (i3) research unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Google Scholar: 

Twitter: @MaxZancanaro
Telegram: @MassimoZancanaro

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