*** Apologies for cross-posting*** Dear colleagues, The deadline of the “New trends in sports and HCI” workshop at MobileHCI’22 has been postponed to June 9, 2022, AoE. CALL FOR PAPERS The field of HCI for sports is evolving under the push of new technological developments and worldwide natural events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change. Recent technological advancements have widened the possibilities of HCI in the sports domain by paving the way to augmented humans, inbodied interactions, esports, new forms of sociality thanks to virtual reality and the metaverse, and new ways for engaging the audience thanks to AI. Whereas contextual factors, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, seem to pull the sports trends in opposite directions: on the one hand, they foster the indoorisation and individualization of sports, as we can see by the spreading of home training systems such as bike rollers and related apps; and, on the other hand, they encourage practicing outdoor sports to take advantage of the ‘restorative power’ of nature. With this workshop, we invite the HCI community to discuss the current trends for portable technologies for sports and trace future directions for HCI research in this field. TOPICS OF INTEREST
HOW TO APPLY? We invite paper submissions (minimum 12.500 characters long/about 5 pages) in the form of a research, reflection, pictorial, provocation, or design fiction using the ACM SIGCHI template via Easy Chair. A program committee will assess the submissions based on their potential to spark an interesting discussion. Proceedings of the accepted submissions will be published with CEUR and indexed in Scopus. IMPORTANT DATES [NEW] submission deadline: June 9, 2022, AoE Notification: June 24, 2022 Workshop: October 1, 2022 ATTENDANCE The “New Trends in HCI and Sports” will take place online. The workshop activities and discussions will be organized accordingly. ORGANIZERS Eleonora Mencarini, FBK (Italy) Amon Rapp, University of Torino (Italy) Ashley Colley, University of Lapland (Finland) Florian Daiber, DFKI (Germany) Micheal D. Jones, Brigham University (U.S.A.) Felix Kosmalla, DFKI (Germany) Stephan Lukosch, University of Canterbury (New Zealand) Jasmin Niess, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) Evangelos Niforatos, TU Delft (The Netherlands) Paweł W. Woźniak, Chalmers University (Sweden) Massimo Zancanaro, University of Trento (Italy) For further information, visit our website: mobilehci22-hci-and-sports.dfki.de If you have any questions, please drop an email at: mencarini@fbk.eu Best regards, the New Trends in HCI and Sports workshop organizers |