*** Call for Special Tracks ***

38th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
(IEEE CBMS 2025)

June 18-20, 2025, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain


Attracting a worldwide audience, CBMS is the premier conference for computer-based medical
systems, and one of the main conferences within the fields of medical informatics and
biomedical informatics.
IEEE CBMS 2025 invites proposals for organization of special tracks that will be held in parallel
with the general conference track. The themes of the special tracks should not overlap with the
general conference topics and should focus on emerging research fields. All tracks are expected
to enable stimulating discussions of state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and perhaps
controversial topics. Their papers should report on significant unpublished work and must meet
the same standards as main conference papers. All accepted papers will be included in the
conference proceedings. We expect all accepted tracks to adhere to the conference paper
submission and reviewing schedule, as outlined in the dates indicated below.
Special Tracks chair(s) will be interacting with organisers of accepted workshops to ensure a
high-quality workshop program. In the case of detecting several similar submissions, the CBMS
2025 organization can propose the fusion of those proposals. 

Special Track requirements
The organizers of a special track must comply with a set of principles and obligations, listed below:

specific webpage with information about the special track will be created by CBMS
after the acceptance notification. The organizers must provide the following information to be
added to such webpage: special track description, list of topics, call for papers, submission
information (must be the same as CBMS 2025 regular track), special track organizers, special
track program committee members, any other relevant information. 

The organizers of the special track are responsible for the peer-review process within
their track. They must add their own Program committee members/reviewers to the
submission platform, ensure that receive all the reviews on time, check the quality of the
reviews, and establish the acceptance/rejection decision. The final decision will be sent by
CBMS 2025 PC Chairs. They also must pay special attention to potential conflicts of interest
and ensure that all the general ethical rules of research are followed.

At least one of the organizers of the special track must register and attend to CBMS
2025 in Madrid. The organizer(s) who attend CBMS will also chair the specific session that will
be assigned in the agenda to their track.

The organizers of the special track are responsible for the publicity of their track to try
to win as many submissions as possible. Please bear in mind that a special track with less
than 4 accepted papers could be canceled. In this case, the accepted papers will be moved to
the regular track.

Important Dates
Deadline for special track proposal: November 8, 2024 (AoE)
Special track notification acceptance: November 15, 2024

Submission Guidelines
Each proposal must include:
Special track title
Rough estimate of the expected ST size as number of sessions (with 4-5 papers per session)
A brief biography of ST organizer(s)
List of Special Track program committee members
A draft of Special Track “Call for papers” (important dates must be the same of the main
One or two appropriate journals or follow up publications: tracks are expected to organize a special issue, if planned.

The proposal must be sent to info[at]cbms-conference[dot]org

CBMS 2025 Special Track Chairs

Alba García Seco de Herrera
Gilberto Ochoa-Ruiz
Sharib Ali

Other Information

For more information, please contact info[at]cbms-conference[dot]org.