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Special Issue on "Ethical Innovation with/in Music Technology"   IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society


Recently, there has been increasing attention by the academic and industrial research community towards topics at the confluence of music technology and ethical and responsible innovation. Conceptual frameworks and technical methods proposed to address issues related to diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, environmental sustainability, surveillance, and fair remuneration for artists are impacting the discussions of both established communities (e.g., New Interfaces for Musical Expression or Music Information Retrieval), and emerging ones (e.g., Internet of Musical Things or Musical Metaverse).

The rapid progress and widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence, Extended Reality, and Internet of Things applied to music raise the urgent question on how to concretely embed ethics and responsible innovation practices in musical hardware and software development processes so that the services provided do not infringe on the ethical rights of stakeholders in the music ecosystem by performing ethical response-ability in the ethical pluralism of music practices. Such stakeholders involve a significant part of digital societies, including performers, composers, audiences, music teachers and students, sound engineers, as well as music labels and publishers.

The intent of this special issue is to identify the main considerations around the ethical and responsible development of future music technologies. We target ethical innovation in music technology as well as with music technology. We aim at defining a promising road-map to account for these considerations while maintaining the objective of pushing the boundaries of musical hardware, software and socio-technical ecosystems, thus merging musical innovation with the understanding of its impact on society.

We invite theoretical and methodologically rigorous original submissions that challenge, provoke, and expand these emerging frontiers. We welcome both conceptual and experimental studies, corroborated by quantitative and/or qualitative data. The studies can address a plethora of musical activities, including composition, performance, improvisation, teaching and learning, as well as broader ethical and responsible innovation issues in and beyond the music industry.

Key topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 Important dates

Guest Editors


Luca Turchet, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Founder and President of the Internet of Sounds Research Network

Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy

Tel: +39 0461 283792