*** CALL FOR DEMOS- MUM 2023***
*Demos Submission Deadline: 9th of October 2023, AoE*
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=demos *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
- MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and practitioners gather to
discuss challenges and achievements in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence
in research established by previous MUM conferences.
- The MUM demo track provides an opportunity to present a hands-on demonstration of your work, research, service, prototype, or product addressing one or more of the topics listed
below. Traditionally, MUM maintains an open and experimental attitude to demos, welcoming submissions from authors with a variety of backgrounds. We want to see and play with your prototypes, services, devices, systems, and innovative examples of mobile
and ubiquitous multimedia. We encourage making your demonstration visually or otherwise appealing to attract attention from conference attendees.
*List of Topics and Submission Guidelines*
Demo topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Architectures, systems, algorithms and other constructions tackling relevant technical challenges
- Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
- Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new applications and services
- Conceptualizations and theorizations of the field
- Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
- Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous systems
- Middleware and distributed computing support for mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
- Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, entertainment, networking, and advertising
- Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
- Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
- Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous multimedia systems
- User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for mobile and ubiquitous systems
- Fabrication and device prototyping
- Demo submissions should be maximum 3 pages (excluding
references).The submission should be prepared as a PDF file, in single-column format, using
either Word or LaTeX ACM Primary Article Templates. If LaTeX is used, single-column mode should be configured by using "\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}" as
document class setting. Submissions will undergo a review process managed by the demonstration chairs. Demos must be submitted via EasyChair.
- This year, authors are required to submit a three minute video with their submission showing a detailed hands-on presentation of their demo as well as an additional
document (.pdf or .txt) with the list of hardware they would need to bring to the venue.
- Demo submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission elsewhere. Demo submissions should not be anonymized and will undergo
a single-blind review process. Final camera-ready versions
of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. Accepted demos will appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain
accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.
Link to Submission System: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: October 9th,
2023, AoE
Notification of review decision: October 17th,
Camera ready deadline: November 9th,
Conference dates: December 3rd –
December 6th, 2023
*Demo Chairs*
Paweł W. Woźniak, Chalmers University of Technology
Yomna Abdelrahman, Bundeswehr University Munich
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: demos2023@mum-conf.org