*** Apologies for multiple posting ***
Special issue on Human-Centered AI for One Health
to be published in the journal
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can already significantly
increase the efficiency of processes in many areas today and help people
with everyday problems. However, there is still a lack of clarity as to
how the benefits of AI can be effectively exploited and, at the same
time, providing the reliability, security, traceability, explainability
and thus the trustworthiness of the system for humans. AI is usually
viewed from the perspective of autonomy: from autonomous behavior to
autonomous decision making. In various contexts, a high degree of
autonomy can be useful (although not without risks). However, another
approach might be to use AI as a means to support and facilitate humans
by complementing (and valuing) human cognitive abilities rather than
replacing them. One particular approach is even to use human
experiential knowledge, contextual understanding, and common sense to
advantage, by means of human-in-the-loop, e.g., Deep Reinforcement
Learning with the human-in-the-loop. All these approaches are grouped
under the umbrella term Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI).
This new discipline aims to use AI technologies not only with and for
humans, but also to develop them with successful Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) approaches. The ultimate goal is to design systems
that complement, empower, and in no way replace human capabilities. This
requires a strong integration of privacy, security and safety.
HCAI researchers have the potential to create intelligent systems that
are more reliable, safe and trustworthy for humans. This is important in
all critical areas of life, such as healthcare and medical contexts, as
well as health in general. This interdisciplinary field should result
from cross-fertilization of research in health sciences, human-computer
interaction, artificial intelligence, decision support systems, and
natural language. For this special issue, original and high-quality
articles are sought that provide an opportunity to demonstrate the
progress of HCAI methods and tools and their application to the
maintenance of human health. In particular, the “One Health” idea of the
World Health Organization (WHO) is pushed, which is an approach calling
for the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally,
nationally, and globally, to attain optimal health for the human and the
whole ecological environment.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- HCAI approaches to support One Health
- New user interfaces and modalities for a seamless interaction between
human and AI designed with HCAI approaches, particularly on how a
human-in-the-loop can be included
- Methods and algorithms enabling a better human-AI collaboration
- Methods and tools supporting humans to better understand decisions of
AI-driven applications for one health
- Empowerment of users of AI systems to reconfigure intelligent systems
based on their experiences
- Case studies and lesson learned from experimental evaluation of HCAI
systems in medical and healthcare domains
- Investigations of users’ mental models of AI systems in use
- Analysis of users’ requirements and new work practices emerging from
the use if AI in medical and healthcare domains
- Deep-Reinforcement Learning with the human-in-the-loop
Guest Editors
Nadia Berthouze University College London, UK,
Paolo Buono University of Bari, Italy, paolo.buono(a)uniba.it
Maria Francesca Costabile University of Bari, Italy,
Adela Grando Arizona State University, USA,
Andreas Holzinger University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences Vienna, Austria, andreas.holzinger(a)human-centered.ai
This is a rolling issue. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time before
the deadline. All submissions that pass editorial pre-check are sent to
peer-review. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the
journal (as soon as accepted). Response to the authors will be given at
the earliest convenience of the editors.
To help authors find a good fit, we encourage them to send proposals of
about 1000 words that provide a clear indication of what the paper is
about and how HCAI is addressed. Proposals will be evaluated for
relevance to the special issue theme, and guidance will be given.
Proposals that are not appropriate are desk rejected to save the
authors' valuable time.
Submission Guidelines
Submission of the full paper is via the online Elsevier Editorial System
Authors should prepare the manuscript of their full paper according to
the Instructions for Authors provided in the Guide for authors section
of the journal webpage
When submitting the new manuscript, select “VSI: HCAI for One Health” as
article type.
Important Dates
Proposal closing: 15th May 2023
Special issue closing (full paper final submission deadline): 15th
October 2023
For questions regarding this special issue, please contact the Managing
Guest Editor, Prof. Paolo Buono, paolo.buono(a)uniba.it
Paolo Buono
Associate Professor
IVU Lab, Department of Computer Science
University of Bari, Italy