Dear colleagues


We are looking to hire up to two Research Assistants (“Assegnisti di Ricerca”) at i3lab ( - Department of Electronics, Information and Bio-engineering, Politecnico di Milano.


The research focuses on the topic of Multimodal Interaction, mainly  (but not exclusively) for VR/AR/MR applications in the domains of health (cognitive rehabilitation) and tourism. Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Computer Science or Computer Science and Engineering, or equivalent title, is a precondition to apply. Knowledge of Italian is not required.


For more information, please refer to the call[ID]=9071 (ITALIAN)[ID]=9071&L=1 (ENGLISH)


The submission deadline is September 1st.

The employment start day is October 1st.


Candidates can contact me for any further detail.


Thanks for disseminating this call!


Have a safe and relaxing summer




prof. Franca Garzotto

i3Lab (Innovative Interactive Interfaces Laboratory)

Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering

Politecnico di Milano

ph: +39 02 23993505
