*Update: the workshop submission deadline has been extended to the 15 of
CfP below
*= IS-EUD 2023 = *
9th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2023)
6-8 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
Complete CfP:
End-User Development (EUD) aims to empower end-users who are not
necessarily experts in technology development, to create their own
technology to address their specific needs. These technologies might
include mobile, web or software systems, IoT solutions, physical computing
devices or machine learning systems.
IS-EUD is a bi-annual event that gathers researchers interested to extend
our knowledge about how to design end-user development technologies and to
provide scientific accounts of phenomena surrounding end-user development
*== Topics ==*
The conference welcomes contributions that:
• describe new, simple and efficient environments for end-user development
• describe new processes, methods and techniques for empowering users to
create, modify and tailor technology artefacts
• present case studies and design implications on challenges and practices
of end-user development
• develop theoretical concepts and foundations for the field of end-user
*== Contributions ==*
Submission website:
*=== Papers ===*
• *Regular papers*, up to 16 pages (not counting references), describing
original unpublished research making a substantial contribution to the
research field
• *Short papers*, up to 8 pages (not counting references), describing
original unpublished research, making a small but solid contribution to the
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. The review
process for this category is double-blind, thus submissions must be
anonymized. Accepted papers (both regular and short) will appear in the
archival proceedings of IS-EUD 2023, published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes on Computer Science (LNCS)
• Submission deadline: 1 March 2023
• Notification: 23 March 2023
• Camera-ready: 16 April 2023
*=== Workshop Proposals ===*
Workshop proposals are invited (up to 6 pages) aligned to the themes of the
conference. Workshops provide an informal setting where participants have
the opportunity to discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters
the active exchange of ideas.
Workshops can be half-day or one-day long and will be held on June 6, 2023.
Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the IS-EUD 2023 adjunct
proceedings, which will be submitted to
CEUR-WS.org for online publication.
• Submission deadline: 15 March 2023
• Notification: 5 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 30 April 2023
*=== Demonstrations and Work in Progress ===*
Demonstrations offer the chance to show EUD-related systems to the
community. Submitted contributions should explain the system relevance and
describe a plan for the activities during the conference.
Work in progress submissions (up to 6 pages) are intended for presenting
preliminary results or tentative findings and position papers. The authors
of accepted contributions will have the opportunity to give an oral
presentation during parallel sessions.
Accepted demonstration and work in progress papers will be included in the
IS-EUD 2023 adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to
CEUR-WS.org for
online publication.
• Submission deadline: 30 March 2023
• Notification: 20 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 28 April 2023
*=== Doctoral Consortium ===*
The IS-EUD Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD students
working on theory and application of EUD. We particularly encourage
students that are about half-way through their doctoral research to submit
doctoral consortium contributions (max 6 pages) describing the topic of
their PhD, their approach and a summary of their progress.
Accepted doctoral consortium papers will be included in the IS-EUD 2023
adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to
CEUR-WS.org for online
• Submission deadline: 30 March 2023
• Notification: 20 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 28 April 2023
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760 | Skype: davide.spano5
Website <http://people.unica.it/davidespano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID