Dear colleague,
we would like to attract your attention to HHEE @ ACM HT 2021: HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia
**Please forward to anyone who might be interested**
Apologies for cross-posting.
Workshop on HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia - HHEE 2021 (
in conjunction with the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media - HT 2021 (, 30 August – 2 September 2021 | Virtual event.
IMPORTANT DATES (23:59 AoE - Anywhere on Earth)
Paper deadline: Fri, July 23
Notification to authors: Mon, August 16
Workshop date: Mon, August 30
Camera-ready due: Sun, September 5 (note: papers will be made available to conference and workshop participants earlier)
Education, together with the whole society, is experiencing a leap towards virtualization, speeding up a process that was already under way. Online learning is thus becoming a usual practice and experience for millions of students, and we can expect that this will impact on future education and learning models.
Multimedia content and video-based learning are increasingly taking a central role, thus it becomes of paramount importance to take full advantage of them by providing and automating services that help to overcome issues, such as linear viewing and poor engagement, and to exploit the advantages through enhanced interactivity, multimodal interfaces, new visualization tools, knowledge graphs, summarization, personalized hypervideo.
In this scenario, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, and Natural Language Processing can play an essential role to exploit educational resources in order to enable a new wave of enhanced educational services and improve the consumption itself of multimedia content.
We are looking for contributions that address the challenges of interactive hypermedia and intelligent user interfaces for education, advance the state of the art in theories, methods, and technologies. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- multimodal intelligent user interfaces for education
- adaptive learning environments
- adaptive hypervideo
- interactive knowledge graphs
- multimedia-enriched knowledge graphs
- knowledge extraction from educational resources
- summarization and explanation
- error detection, feedback and accountability
- intelligent textbooks
- augmented video services
- semantically-enhanced educational services
- modeling, visualization and exploration of multimedia resources
- tracking and analysing learners behaviour with video content
- learning analytics for improving multimodal learning services
- cloud-based learning environments
Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the HT21 conference and will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
We encourage the submission of original contributions investigating hypermedia for enhanced education with interactive multimedia:
- Full research papers (max 10 pages, including references);
- Short papers (max 5 pages, including references) for position papers and research-in-progress papers.
Note on length: appendices count toward the page limit.
ACM HHEE ’21 uses a double blind review process
Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. For instance, citations to the authors’ own prior work should be made in the third-person.
Authors should submit their papers as single-column. Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
Using LaTeX is highly recommended to minimize the extent of reformatting for camera-ready.
* LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column):
* Overleaf (use\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for single-column):
* MS Word:
Submissions should be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair: When submitting, please select the track “Workshop on HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia”.
Authors are required to present their paper at the workshop. All the papers presented at the workshop will be published by ACM and will be available via the ACM Digital Library.
Mauro Coccoli, University of Genoa, IT
Ilenia Galluccio, University of Genoa, IT
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa, IT
Web page:
On behalf of the workshop organisers
Best Regards
Ilenia Galluccio
PhD Candidate
University of Genoa