************** SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED **************

Call for Papers
International Workshop on Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in
EXtended environments (IHEX) - SITIS 2022 16th international conference on
Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems, Dijon, France, October
19-21, 2022

Submit your paper by August 19, 2022 (extended)



Dear Colleagues,
the submission deadline to contribute to the International Workshop on
Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in EXtended environments (IHEX) at
SITIS 2022 16th international conference on Signal Image Technology &
Internet based Systems (Conference website: https://www.sitis-conference.org)
is extended to August 19.
The workshop is about new approaches for designing and implementing
intelligent eXtended Reality systems. Please find the call for papers below
and forward it to colleagues who might be interested in contributing to the
For any questions and information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best Regards,
Agnese Augello

eXtended Reality is becoming more and more widespread; going beyond
entertainment and cultural heritage fruition purposes, these technologies
offer new challenges and opportunities also in educational, industrial and
healthcare domains. The research community in this field deals with
technological and human factors issues, presenting theoretical and
methodological proposals for perception, tracking, interaction and
visualization. Increasing attention is observed towards the use of machine
learning and AI methodologies to perform data analysis and reasoning,
manage a multimodal interaction, and ensure an adaptation to users’ needs
and preferences. The workshop is aimed at investigating new approaches for
the design and implementation of intelligent eXtended Reality systems. It
intends to provide a forum to share and discuss not only technological and
design advances but also ethical concerns about the implications of these
technologies on changing social interactions, information access and

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

 - Intelligent User Interfaces in eXtended environments
 - Computational Interaction for XR
 - Quality and User Experience in XR
 - Cognitive Models for XR
 - Semantic Computing in environments
 - XR-based serious games
 - Virtual Agents in eXtended environments
 - Adaptive Interfaces
 - Visual Reasoning
 - Content Modelling
 - Responsible Design of eXtended Environments
 - XR systems for Human Augmentation
 - AI methodologies applied to XR
 - ML approaches in XR
 - Ethical concerns in XR

University of Burgundy main campus, Dijon, France, October 19-21, 2022

Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Chiazzese, Institute for Educational Technology, National Research
Council, Italy
Dimitri Darzentas, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
Martin Flintham, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Ignazio Infantino, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Emel Küpçü, Xtinge Technology Inc., Turkey
Effie Lai-Chong Law, Durham University, United Kingdom
Pietro Neroni, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy

Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total including bibliography
and well-marked appendices and must follow the IEEE double columns
publication format.
You can download the IEEE conference templates – Latex and MS Word A4 – at
the following URL:
Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2022 submission site:
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. Papers
will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality,
technical soundness, and quality of presentation.
At least one author should attend the conference to present an accepted

Paper Submission      August 19, 2022 (extended)
Acceptance/Reject Notification.     September 19, 2022
Camera-ready       September 16, 2022
Author Registration    September 16, 2022

All papers accepted for presentation at the main tracks and workshops will
be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE
Computer Society and referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus,
DBLP and major indexes.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference
and present the work. A single registration allows attending both track and
workshop sessions.

For any questions, please contact us via email.

Agnese Augello agnese.augello@icar.cnr.it
Giuseppe Caggianese giuseppe.caggianese@icar.cnr.it
Boriana Koleva  B.Koleva@nottingham.ac.uk

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

Il giorno mar 12 lug 2022 alle ore 11:22 Agnese Augello <agnese.augello@icar.cnr.it> ha scritto:

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

International Workshop on Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in
EXtended environments (IHEX) - SITIS 2022 16th international conference on
Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems, Dijon, France, October
19-21, 2022


Dear Colleagues,
A friendly reminder to contribute to the International Workshop on
Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in EXtended environments (IHEX) at
SITIS 2022 16th international conference on Signal Image Technology &
Internet based Systems (Conference website: https://www.sitis-conference.org
The workshop is about new approaches for designing and implementing
intelligent eXtended Reality systems. Please find the call for papers below
and forward it to colleagues who might be interested in contributing to the
For any questions and information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best Regards,
Agnese Augello

eXtended Reality is becoming more and more widespread; going beyond
entertainment and cultural heritage fruition purposes, these technologies
offer new challenges and opportunities also in educational, industrial and
healthcare domains. The research community in this field deals with
technological and human factors issues, presenting theoretical and
methodological proposals for perception, tracking, interaction and
visualization. Increasing attention is observed towards the use of machine
learning and AI methodologies to perform data analysis and reasoning,
manage a multimodal interaction, and ensure an adaptation to users’ needs
and preferences. The workshop is aimed at investigating new approaches for
the design and implementation of intelligent eXtended Reality systems. It
intends to provide a forum to share and discuss not only technological and
design advances but also ethical concerns about the implications of these
technologies on changing social interactions, information access and

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

 - Intelligent User Interfaces in eXtended environments
 - Computational Interaction for XR
 - Quality and User Experience in XR
 - Cognitive Models for XR
 - Semantic Computing in environments
 - XR-based serious games
 - Virtual Agents in eXtended environments
 - Adaptive Interfaces
 - Visual Reasoning
 - Content Modelling
 - Responsible Design of eXtended Environments
 - XR systems for Human Augmentation
 - AI methodologies applied to XR
 - ML approaches in XR
 - Ethical concerns in XR

University of Burgundy main campus, Dijon, France, October 19-21, 2022

Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Chiazzese, Institute for Educational Technology, National Research
Council, Italy
Dimitri Darzentas, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
Martin Flintham, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Ignazio Infantino, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Emel Küpçü, Xtinge Technology Inc., Turkey
Effie Lai-Chong Law, Durham University, United Kingdom
Pietro Neroni, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy

Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total including bibliography
and well-marked appendices and must follow the IEEE double columns
publication format.
You can download the IEEE conference templates – Latex and MS Word A4 – at
the following URL:
Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2022 submission site:
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. Papers
will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality,
technical soundness, and quality of presentation.
At least one author should attend the conference to present an accepted

Paper Submission      July 15, 2022
Acceptance/Reject Notification.     September 9, 2022
Camera-ready       September 16, 2022
Author Registration    September 16, 2022

All papers accepted for presentation at the main tracks and workshops will
be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE
Computer Society and referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus,
DBLP and major indexes.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference
and present the work. A single registration allows attending both track and
workshop sessions.

For any questions, please contact us via email.

Agnese Augello agnese.augello@icar.cnr.it
Giuseppe Caggianese giuseppe.caggianese@icar.cnr.it
Boriana Koleva  B.Koleva@nottingham.ac.uk

Agnese Augello, Ph.D.
ICAR - Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Ugo la Malfa 153 - 90145 Palermo
+39-091-23894276 (Tel) +39-091-6529124 (Fax)

Agnese Augello, Ph.D.
ICAR - Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Ugo la Malfa 153 - 90145 Palermo
+39-091-23894276 (Tel) +39-091-6529124 (Fax)