IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023) Doctoral

Call for Participants

The IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB’23) Doctoral
Consortium provides a valuable platform for Ph.D. students to engage
with the global research community in Biometrics, allowing them to
present their research and discuss their career objectives. This
consortium offers an opportunity for doctoral students to establish
connections and collaborations with experienced researchers in the
field, while gaining insights into potential career paths in both
academia and industry.

The IJCB’23 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place during the
conference as a parallel event to special sessions on the first day of
the conference. Attendance to the consortium is strictly by invitation.
An informal introduction by senior researchers acting as mentors will
open the DC. Afterwards, student participants will briefly present their
research during a spotlight oral session. This will be followed by a
mentoring session, providing students with an opportunity for
constructive feedback and more focused discussions with senior
researchers. Additionally, each student will be assigned a mentor from
the committee, with whom they can interact to explore specific areas of
interest throughout the event. An informal lunch with senior researchers
will also be organized, enabling students to engage in interactive
conversations. DC participants will also have the opportunity to
participate in a poster session during the main conference (specific
details to be determined).


We invite eligible students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium, with
the expectation that successful applicants will actively participate in
the entire program in-person.

Eligible students are those pursuing a Ph.D. who have made progress in
their dissertation, with some results already published or nearing
publication. We value diversity and equality in terms of research
topics, participating institutions, and individuals involved. We
particularly encourage women and individuals from underrepresented
groups to apply. Although having a paper appearing in IJCB’23 is not a
prerequisite for participation, it is highly encouraged for applicants
to have a paper associated with the conference, whose topics could be
summarized during the DC.


To apply for the Doctoral Consortium, please submit:
1. A research statement summarizing the thesis research topic, the
working plan, and the progress to date (max 2 pages).
2. A CV (max 1 page). The CV should highlight any publications and
conference presentations that are related to the thesis topic.
3. A supporting letter from the thesis advisor that endorses the
student’s application to this Doctoral Consortium and briefly describes
the progress or status of the student’s thesis work.

All materials should be prepared in a single PDF file and submitted
through the Doctoral Consortium Track of the IJCB 2023 CMT instance: .

Review and Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated on:

1. Quality of the application and thesis topic.
2. Anticipated benefits (current/potential contributions to science) of
the student’s research.
3. Student’s contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds,
methodology, etc.
4. Endorsement by the thesis advisor.

There will be no papers published from the Doctoral Consortium in the
proceedings of IJCB.

Financial Support

The students selected to participate in the Doctoral Consortium may be
considered for financial support. However, the availability and extent
of financial support are subject to the availability of funds and are
not guaranteed. Applicants should be prepared to attend IJCB’23 without
financial support in the event that funds are not available. It is
important to note that the lunch session with senior mentors will be
fully covered by the conference anyway, and no expenses associated with
lunch will be incurred by the Doctoral Consortium participants or mentors.

Important Dates

• Submission deadline: July 26, 2023
• Notification of acceptance: August 7, 2023
• Doctoral consortium date: TBD

Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters 
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science
Chair of IAPR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
IEEE Senior member

Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
tel: +39 06 49918312