We are pleased to announce the *1st Workshop on C3AI: Child-centered Interaction and Trust in Conversational AI
C3AI will be held as part of IDC2025: 24th annual ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference, scheduled from June 23-26, 2025 IDC_ACM 2025, at Reykjavík University in Iceland.
_What human factors shape children's feelings of trust and distrust towards AI? How can we create trustworthy AI systems that not only build positive relationships with children but also help them understand AI's limitations and manage expectations?_
The C3AI workshop invites researchers, practitioners, educators, designers, and professionals to come together and explore the human factors involved in building trust in children toward AI, while also exploring how to encourage critical thinking and awareness of AI's limitations. This workshop offers participants a hands-on opportunity to analyse child-CAI interactions, with pre-recorded examples from five countries provided by the organisers. Depending on time constraints, additional case studies submitted by participants may also be analysed during the workshop. We seek submissions on topics such as:
* Reviewing and improving existing human-centred AI design frameworks for children;
* Assessing AI's impact on children's development;
* Mental model formation in children;
* Tailoring AI explanations to children's cognitive models;
* Participatory design with children;
* Involving children in creating explainable, transparent systems;
* Developing metrics for trust, explainability, and reliability in child-AI interactions;
* Designing AI systems that encourage critical thinking and awareness of AI's limitations;
* Ethical considerations for AI systems;
We encourage you to submit a concise position paper (which could be considered for future publication) under the 'Short papers' category. Position statements should be non-anonymous, and formatted according to the ACM Standard Template [2 [2]].
These should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair [3 [3]]under one of the following submission types:
a) Short papers (2-3 pages)
b) Design examples (600-800 words)
c) Case Study including an Abstract (300-500 words) and supporting visuals (e.g., video/images)
Case Study submissions will be analysed within the group activity as part of the workshop, subject to time constraints.
d) Abstracts (300-500 words)
Submission deadline: (on or before) April 15th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: (on or before) May 1st, 2025
Submission of camera-ready workshop proposal: May 6th, 2025
Workshop Day: June 23rd, 2025
Grazia Ragone, University of Bari (IT)
Zhen Bai, University of Rochester (US)
Judith Good, University of Amsterdam (NL)
Arzu Güneysu, Umeå University (SE)
Elmira Yadollahi, Lancaster University (UK)