Submission website: conjunction with INTERACT 2023
York 28 August - 1 September 2023
The workshop aims at carrying forward work on identifying, examining, structuring, and sharing educational resources and approaches to support the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Engineering. The widening range of available interaction technologies and their applications in increasingly varied contexts (private or professional) underlines the importance of teaching HCI Engineering but also the difficulty of taking into account changes and developments in this field in often static university curricula. Besides, as these technologies are taught in diverse curricula (ranging from Human Factors and Psychology to hardcore Computer Science), we are interested in what the best approaches and best practices are to integrate HCI Engineering topics in the curricula of programs in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Human-computer Interaction, Psychology, Design, etc.
Engineering interactive systems is a multidisciplinary endeavour positioned at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Software Engineering, Usability Engineering, Interaction Design, Visual Design, and other disciplines. The Human-Computer Interaction Engineering (HCI-E) field is concerned with providing methods, techniques, and tools for the systematic and effective design, development, testing, evaluation, and deployment of interactive systems in a wide range of application domains.
HCI techniques, methods and tools, as well as many other novel forms of interaction, involve aspects that need to be adequately addressed in the curricula of programs in HCI, Software Engineering and Computer Science. This begs the question of how best to address these topics in those curricula, and what the best approaches to address them are. When considering education about HCI Engineering, we need to think about who is being educated as there is likely to be different curriculum scope and educational methods for different types of learners. There are two main distinctions likely influencing these methods:
- Technical vs non-technical. Students in Computer Science and similar areas are likely to be the main consumers of detailed HCI-E education. However, the creation of interactive applications “requires input from science, engineering and design disciplines” and multidisciplinary teamwork requires from participants an increased understanding and appreciation for other disciplines. It is also important for those who are likely to have a more interface design or user research role to able to appreciate the limits of technology and the potential impacts of architectural design choices.
- Student vs practitioner. It is likely that the primary interest of many participants will be university education. However, developers are often involved in lively online discussions about different frameworks, and even in the use of monads in interactive JavaScript. Interaction Design Foundation courses attract tens of thousands of UX practitioners worldwide, evidencing the desire of on-the-job learning in both communities.
We would like to bring together experiences from people teaching HCI concepts impacting how we engineer interactive systems and from people working in HCI-E to identify topics and methods that should be included in teaching this subject. Besides the courses in HCI-E, interesting inputs may arrive from HCI courses outside the CS curriculum requiring to communicate engineering challenges, or from more general software engineering courses discussing aspects related to human factors. Hence, we will solicit contributions from the HCI-E-related communities, and we will be very interested in welcoming members of the educational community, for a fruitful discussion.
We identify two types of potential outcomes that could define the group activities during the workshop:
Educational resources – One goal is to create a repository of educational resources for HCI-E including cases studies, projects and exercises. These educational resources need to be described in a common structure. The definition of this structure was started at the previous workshop. A goal of the workshop will be to extend and consolidate this structure as well as to describe these resources according to this structure.
HCI-E Education Roadmap – Edited volume: Depending on the quality of the submissions and the workshop results, revised versions of the contributions will be published on an edited volume. Alternatively, we will produce a journal paper summarizing and consolidating the contributions, in the form of an HCI Engineering Education roadmap.
Position papers (6-10 pages in Springer format) must report experiences related to HCI Engineering education. Submissions could report software engineering units including some aspects of HCI-E, curricula or teaching units dedicated to HCI-E, case studies/projects demonstrating aspects of HCI-E, evaluation of students’ skills related to HCI-E, training non-technical and mixed students in HCI-E, training appropriate aspects of HCI-E to professionals/practitioners, a new teaching modality promising for teaching HCI-E, introducing HCI-E into existing curricula, etc. Authors could also provide in their submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their motivation to participate in this workshop.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 30th, 2023
Notification deadline: June 15th, 2023
Workshop: August Monday 28th or Tuesday 29th
Deadlines are AoE.
José C. Campos, University of Minho & HASLab/INESC TEC, Portugal
Laurence Nigay, University Grenoble Alpes, France
Alan Dix, Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales, UK
Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock, Germany
Simone DJ Barbosa, PUC Rio, Brazil
Lucio Davide Spano, University of Cagliari, Italy
-- Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
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