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6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development - SLERD Reload
Smart Learning Ecosystems and the Regional Development after the pandemic.

June 24-25, 2021
Bucharest, Romania (blended)
Deadline for video submission: April 30, 2021
call for scientific video contest

Videos offer a dynamic way to communicate any kind of content and are used especially by young generations to share ideas, connect and discuss. Even in the academic sector,  scientific video documents are an emerging way to communicate concepts and research results and might become in the near future an excellent alternative to scientific papers.

With this call – which is targeting Ph. D students, graduate students (within 2 years after the graduation), students with research fellowships, master's degree students – we aim to explore this new scientific communication channel.

Candidates are invited to submit a scientific video document (max. duration 3 mins.), where they are expected to elaborate on the notion of “smart learning ecosystem” in the context of their research (what's a smart learning ecosystem?) and present their contribution to the field (what are you doing to further develop the notion?). 

Videos should be creative and lively objects, similar to ‘elevator pitches’. Nonetheless, while answering to the above mentioned questions, you should keep your video a “scientific communication document”, thus following - as far as this is possible in 3 mins - a “scientific format” (for example stating your research questions, mentioning the methods, describing your results). 

IMPORTANT: If you need support and/or want to learn more about how to produce a scientific video document, we invite you to participate in one short free-of-charge workshop HOW TO MAKE YOUR RESEARCH VISIBLE”.

See the full text of the call, for more information about the workshop and how to register.

A Jury will select a maximum of 6 videos as finalists for presentation at the conference during a dedicated session. Finalists will be invited to participate in the session and their contribution to the discussion will also be taken into consideration by the Jury for the final awarding.

A maximum of 3 “BEST SCIENTIFIC VIDEO DOCUMENTS” will be awarded with a certificate issued by ASLERD, as well as with a prize as it follows:

The 3 best videos will be uploaded on the ASLERD website/YouTube channel. 

The Jury reserves the possibility to award special mentions.

Important dates: Video submission: 30th April, 2021 Notification to candidates:  31st May, 2021 Participation by finalists in the live session at the conference and prize awarding: possibly 25th June, 2021 (to be confirmed).

Join ALSLERD and share our vision on the future of Smart Learning Ecosystems: Timisoara declaration

See ASLERD website for
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