Call for Papers - Designing for Meaningful Interactions and Digital Wellbeing (Design4DWB
AVI 2022 Workshop
06 June 2022 - Rome, Italy
More info:
Nowadays, tech companies adopt attention-capture dark patterns like recommendations and
content autoplay to grab people's attention and maximize the time spent on different
digital services, from social networks to video sharing platforms. Such a controversial
business model exploits the individual's psychological vulnerabilities to increase
advertisements revenue, and has several measurable consequences on individuals' sense
of agency, often resulting in people's lack of control over technology use. In this
context, public media and researchers in different areas, from philosophy to
human-computer interaction, agree on the importance of considering a new kind of
psychological digital wellbeing.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide the academic and industrial communities a venue
for discussing ongoing research and ideas on the design of interfaces that allow people to
take advantage of digital platforms in a meaningful and conscious way, without the need
for external interventions (e.g., timers) that indiscriminately block the user's
interaction. This could be done with either novel Digital Self-Control Tools (DSCTs),
which allows people to limit their technology use through the redesign of interactive
elements, or by finding ways to motivate key stakeholders to avoid or mitigate
attention-capture dark patterns from the beginning of their design processes.
This workshop is part of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI
We invite researchers and practitioners in interdisciplinary domains intersecting HCI, AI,
psychology, design, and/or STS to engage in dialog on the topics above. A key priority of
our workshop will be to invite submissions from an intellectually diverse and global group
of participants to further discussions on how appropriate human-centered design can
contribute to digital wellbeing in this context. In particular, we solicit participation
across more and less technical researchers in HCI who are motivated to address the list of
topics below.
Prospective workshop participants are invited to submit a position paper (2-4 pages)
describing and highlighting their contributions to the workshop topics.
The topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Definition and analysis of attention-capture dark patterns.
- Novel interfaces for meaningful interaction.
- Novel DSCTs that focus on redesigning the user's interaction rather than blocking
- Design methods and tools for digital wellbeing.
- Strategies and tools for measuring people's digital wellbeing.
- Responsibility and role of tech companies.
- Social, educational, and political factors.
This one-day workshop will be interactive and informal. It will combine presentations of
accepted position papers with discussions and hands-on sessions, aimed at generating ideas
for future research directions. The workshop is planned to be in-person, at the
conference. Virtual participation will be made possible.
Submissions of position papers should be of 2-4 pages, in the ACM Primary Article
Submission Templates (single column,
PDFs of submissions can be emailed to Alberto Monge Roffarello (one of the organizers) at
alberto.monge(a) They will be reviewed by all organizers based on relevance,
originality, and overall quality. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted
paper will be required to attend the workshop. Virtual participation will be made
All workshop participants will need to register for the workshop. Accepted and presented
papers will be made available on CEUR Workshop Proceedings, if possible, while workshop
results will be published on our website. Notifications will be mailed to the authors
within 15 days of receipt (and no later than the date reported below).
Submission deadline: 27 March 2022
Notification: 27 April 2022
Camera-ready and registration due: 08 May 2022
Workshop date: 06 June 2022
Alberto Monge Roffarello, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Luigi De Russis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
R. X. Schwartz, University of Virginia, USA
Panagiotis Apostolellis, University of Virginia, USA