MIXR - 1st International Workshop on Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality
Hosted @CHItaly 2021 (14th Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter)
July 12th, 2021 (morning)
or eXtended Reality, is an umbrella term that encompasses the areas of
AR, VR, and MR, with strong emphasis on immersiveness, multimodality and
presence. XR is a multidisciplinary field incorporating subjects such
as computer science, psychology, cognitive science, and digital
humanities. Within XR, collaborative environments is one of the fastest
growing areas, as can be seen by the number of social VR worlds
available today. Most of these environments focus on the graphical
aspects of the environment, not fully taking advantage of multimodal and
multi-party design. Interaction in these environments is largely
limited to text chats and, in the case of a few systems, voice
Deeper and more meaningful engagement and interaction in
XR can be achieved by leveraging the principles of Social Signal
Processing (SSP) and Affective Computing (AC). Due to the simultaneous
one-to-one and one-to-many interactions that establish and evolve over
time, Multi-party (group) Interaction in XR is a complex process, whose
analysis is still an open challenge in SSP/AC.
Nowadays, the need
for exploring Multi-party Interaction in XR settings is expanding, as
people are increasingly meeting remotely through teleconferencing tools
for practical reasons (e.g., working and living abroad) or, for example,
as a result of the social restrictions related to the ongoing COVID-19
MIXR seeks to progress research on Multi-party Interaction in XR by pursuing the following objectives:
to investigate how social science theories and models of Multi-party
Interaction can be applied in or possibly adapted to XR scenarios
- to develop techniques for collecting multimodal data of Multi-party Interaction
to promote interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration between
scholars in Computer Science and Social Sciences on XR, Social Signal
Processing, Affective Computing, Multi-party Interaction
invite participants to submit short (6 pages) papers that focus on
Multi-party Interaction in XR. Topics of interest include Multi-Party
(team/group) Interaction in XR, covering the following research areas:
- Emotion recognition and expression
- Movement expressivity
- Team emergent states and dynamics
- Joint activity/collaboration
- Immersive CSCW
- Education and creativity
- Serious games
- Multimodality
- Interaction fidelity
- Theoretical models
- System/interface ergonomics
- Novel technologies
Important dates
May 2nd, 2021 - [Extended] Paper submission deadline
May 14, 2021 - Notifications to contributors
May 24, 2021 - Camera-ready/final version deadline
July 12, 2021 - Workshops
(All deadlines are meant till 11.59 pm CET)
Short papers (6 pages) can be submitted through EasyChair:
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mixr21#Authors should use the 1 column CEUR-ART style:
- The style is available from: Vol-XXX
- An Overleaf page is available at:
https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt- The offline version with the style files is at:
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zipAccepted papers will be published on the free open-access repository CEUR-WS, which is indexed on SCOPUS.