
  • 27 participants
  • 1214 discussions

9th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2022): Second Call for Contributions
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 5 months

ECCE2022 conference October 4-7-2022, Germany
by Lammers, H.A.
3 years, 5 months

ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022): First Call for Special Track Proposals
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 5 months

CSCW 2021 Early Registration ending Oct 1st (1 week left)!
by Ciolfi, Luigina
3 years, 5 months

Call for Papers: OpenCERT 2021 (10th Int. Work. on Open Community approaches to Education, Research and Technology)
by Maria De Marsico
3 years, 5 months

2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): Final Call for Special Sessions Proposals
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 5 months

CFP: Special issue on "Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development: toward the 'new normal' " - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 5 months

I: ACM Europe Council Webinar “Getting recognized by ACM Awards and Honors”
by Maristella Matera
3 years, 5 months

Deadline extension IxD&A Journal: special issue on "Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education"
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 6 months

CFP: UD 2022 - 6th International Conference on Universal Design
by Daniela Fogli
3 years, 6 months

9th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2022): Early Call for Contributions
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 6 months

2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): Second Call for Papers and Special Sessions
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 6 months

BHCC 2021 - Deadline Extended
by Sihang Qiu
3 years, 6 months

Last CFP: Special issue on "Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 6 months

CFP: Multimedia Tools and Applications - Special Issue on New Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI (deadline: 30 November, 2021)
by Melonio Alessandra
3 years, 6 months

INTERACT 2021 - Call for Participation
by Paolo Buono
3 years, 6 months

MUM 2021 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials (Dec 5-8, 2021, Leuven, Belgium)
by Wanling Cai
3 years, 6 months

Call-for-Papers Special Issue "Explainable User Models" (Multimodal Technologies and Interaction Journal)
by Oana Inel
3 years, 7 months

CFP: Multimedia Tools and Applications - Special Issue on New Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI (deadline: 30th November 2021)
by chitaly2021
3 years, 7 months

[CFP] MUM 2021: Deadline Extension to August 13
by Adalberto Simeone
3 years, 7 months

2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): First Call for Papers and Special Sessions
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 7 months

ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Call 2021 (2) - Application form open!
by Fabio Paternò
3 years, 7 months

[CFP] Int. Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (Paper Deadline: Aug 6)
by Adalberto Simeone
3 years, 7 months

BHCC 2021 - Call for Contributions
by Sihang Qiu
3 years, 7 months

CFP: HHEE @ ACM HT 2021: HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia
by Ilenia Galluccio
3 years, 7 months

Call for PhD applications (including HCI, VR, Persuasive Technology, Serious Games)
by Luca Chittaro
3 years, 8 months

IntRS'21 Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems - 2nd Cfp
by Giovanni Semeraro
3 years, 8 months

Paper Invitation: [Applied Sciences] Special Issue "Human and Artificial Intelligence"
by Giuseppe Sansonetti
3 years, 8 months

CfP - OzCHI 2021 - 33rd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
by Alessandro Soro
3 years, 8 months

[CFP] MUM 2021 - Pictorials Track (Dec 5-8, 2021, Leuven, Belgium)
by Wanling Cai
3 years, 8 months

CfP ACM CHI PLAY 2021 - Work-in-Progress papers deadline: July 16th
by Fabrizio Balducci
3 years, 8 months

CFP: HHEE @ ACM HT 2021: HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia
by Ilenia Galluccio
3 years, 8 months

Second CFP: Special issue on "Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 8 months

ACM GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium Call for Participation! Deadline 25 August 2021
by Myriam Lewkowicz
3 years, 8 months

CFP: IEEE/ACIS Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop (online). Extended deadline: June 25, 2021
by Miguel Garcia
3 years, 8 months

CHItaly 2021, July 11--13, Bolzano-online: Closing of Physical Registration
by chitaly2021
3 years, 8 months

Questionario sulla trasparenza dei validatori automatici di accessibilità
by Vanessa Palumbo
3 years, 8 months

Open call per CHI 2024: general chair e program chair
3 years, 8 months

CFP: HHEE @ ACM HT 2021: HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia
by Ilenia Galluccio
3 years, 8 months

[CFP] MUM 2021, Int. Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (Dec 5-8, 2021, Leuven, Belgium)
by Adalberto Simeone
3 years, 9 months

by Catia Prandi
3 years, 9 months

CFP:IEEE/ACIS Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop (online). Extended deadline: June 25, 2021
by Miguel Garcia
3 years, 9 months

CHItaly 2021, July 11--13, Bolzano-online: Hybrid Program and Registration
by chitaly2021
3 years, 9 months

IxD&A Journal N. 48: meet the authors and download the articles
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 9 months

15 PhD scholarships at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
by María Menéndez-Blanco
3 years, 9 months

CFP: IEEE/ACIS Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop (online). Extended deadline: June 25, 2021
by Miguel Garcia
3 years, 9 months

2nd International EMPATHY Workshop: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems - Final Call For Papers
by Andrea Mattioli
3 years, 9 months

SLERD 2021: program, registration and open events
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 9 months

BHCC 2021 - Call for Contributions
by Sihang Qiu
3 years, 9 months

Two PhD fellowships available at HIIS Laboratory, CNR-ISTI
by Fabio Paternò
3 years, 9 months

I: SIGCHI Equity Talks: SIGCHI Across Chapters (May 27)
by Maristella Matera
3 years, 9 months

Invitation to submit to Special Issue on "VR, AR, and HCI" (MDPI Open Access Journal)
by Lammers, H.A.
3 years, 9 months

CHItaly 2021, July 11--13, Bolzano-online: keynotes, program, registration
by chitaly2021
3 years, 9 months

CFP: IEEE/ACIS Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop. Extended deadline: May 22, 2021
by Miguel Garcia
3 years, 10 months

cfp IFIP IoT 2021
by Fabio Paternò
3 years, 10 months

CFP: Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop, deadline: May 10, 2021
by Miguel Garcia
3 years, 10 months

Call for Submission - Special issue on Interface Design Challenges for Smart Control Room
by Giuliana VITIELLO
3 years, 10 months

Associate professor in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Bergen, Norway
by Morten Fjeld
3 years, 10 months

SIGCHI Development Fund & Co.
by Luigi De Russis
3 years, 10 months

EUSSET CSCW Summer School in Como - 23rd to 27th August
by María Menéndez-Blanco
3 years, 10 months

Extended submission deadline (May 11): Call for Papers: HCSE-Workshop at INTERACT 2021
by Stefan Sauer
3 years, 10 months

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: Unified Call for Workshop Papers / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
3 years, 10 months

[IxD&A] Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal has entered in the third age of the scientific communication.
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 10 months

[Extended CfP] MIXR - 1st International Workshop on Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality
by Maurizio Mancini
3 years, 10 months

Call for Papers: HCSE-Workshop at INTERACT 2021 (submit by April 30)
by Stefan Sauer
3 years, 10 months

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: LAST-DAY Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers/ 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
3 years, 10 months

[CFP] Track in Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence - XVIII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS [ItAIS2021], 15-16 October 2021, Trento
by Tania Di Mascio
3 years, 10 months

Bidding for The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction 2023 is now open
by Fabio Paternò
3 years, 10 months

Call for papers | MIST4TEL | 14th May 2021
by Melonio Alessandra
3 years, 10 months

INTERACT 2021 - 2 days left to submit a contribution
by Paolo Buono
3 years, 11 months

Opening for tenure-track and other positions at Univ. Genova
by volpe@infomus.dist.unige.it
3 years, 11 months

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: 3rd Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
3 years, 11 months

IxD&A Journal N. 47: meet the authors and download the articles
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 11 months

CfP Reminder: The online ECSCW 2021 workshop on Transferable UX on June 8, 2021
by Anton Fedosov
3 years, 11 months

Call for Papers for WHAT21 workshop at INTERACT
by Lammers, H.A.
3 years, 11 months

[CFP] MRB-EICS 2021 - Management of Risks and Benefits when Engineering Interactive Digital Systems
by Davide Spano
3 years, 11 months

ITAC - Special Session on Information Technology against COVID19 @GoodIT
by Marcos Baez
3 years, 11 months

INTERACT 2021 - 10 days left to submit a contribution
by Paolo Buono
3 years, 11 months

GaLePro Workshop Promotion
by Mariana Reimão Queiroga Valério De Carvalho
3 years, 11 months

International EMPATHY workshop: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems
by Andrea Mattioli
3 years, 11 months

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: 2nd Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
3 years, 11 months

ACM IUI 2021: Call for participation
by Axel Soto
3 years, 11 months

Call for Papers: HCSE-Workshop at INTERACT 2021 (submit by April 30)
by Stefan Sauer
3 years, 11 months

Call for Papers: HCSE-Workshop at INTERACT 2021 (submit by April 30)
by Stefan Sauer
3 years, 11 months

[Call for WS] MIST4TEL'21 Extended deadline 9th April
by Melonio Alessandra
3 years, 11 months

CfP: CoPDA 2021 "Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: AI for Humans or Humans for AI?"
by Barbara Rita Barricelli
3 years, 11 months

[EICS 2021] Last days for submitting to DC (March 31th)
by Davide Spano
3 years, 11 months

Call for papers | MIST4TEL'21 | 6-8 Oct 2021 | Salamanca (Spain)
by Melonio Alessandra
3 years, 11 months

ACM UMAP 2021: Final Call for Demo and LBR Papers
by Oana Inel
3 years, 11 months

INTERACT 2021 - prossima scadenza per inviare un contributo: 16 aprile
by Carmelo Ardito
3 years, 11 months

ws on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots@UMAP2021: DEADLINE EXTENDED
by Cristina Gena
3 years, 11 months

Deadline extension IxD&A Journal: Special issue on "Collaborative multimedia applications in technology" and Focus section on "Design during and for Pandemics"
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 11 months

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2021) - ACM UMAP Workshop
by Noemi Mauro
3 years, 11 months

EXTENDED DEADLINE - ExUM Workshop @UMAP 2021 - Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalized Systems
by Giovanni Semeraro
3 years, 11 months

CFP workshop "Designing for/with/around Nature: Exploring new frontiers of outdoors-related HCI" at CHItaly 2021
by Eleonora Mencarini
3 years, 11 months

CFP: GHItaly21 - 4-th Workshop on Games-Human Interaction
by Maria De Marsico
3 years, 12 months

Extended deadline SLERD 2021 - 6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 12 months

[Reminder] Call for Participation - Interactive Experiences at CHItaly
by María Menéndez-Blanco
3 years, 12 months

[CfP] 2nd International Workshop on the Internet of Sounds
by Luca Turchet
4 years

Second Call for Papers ExUM@UMAP 2021
by Oana Inel
4 years

CFP: Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2021) - ACM UMAP Workshop
by Noemi Mauro
4 years

CFP: Special Track on AI for Tackling Dis/Misinformation during Pandemics @ ACM GoodIT2021
by Chilean Scholar
4 years

Call for Scientific Video Documents - SLERD 2021 - 6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years

I: Equity Talks #1: On Being Global
by Maristella Matera
4 years

The online ECSCW 2021 workshop on “Challenges of transferring UX designs and insights across products and services” on June 8, 2021
by Anton Fedosov
4 years

Call for papers: VR-ISLAND WORKSHOP, CHitaly 2021
by Giulia Staggini
4 years

Gregorio Convertino
by Fabio Paternò
4 years

Second International Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots (cAESAR), in conjunction with UMAP 2021
by Cristina Gena
4 years

MIXR - 1st International Workshop on Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality
by Maurizio Mancini
4 years

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: 1st Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
4 years

1st Call for papers PATCH@UMAP 2021
by Noemi Mauro
4 years

[CHItaly 2021] Last Call for Long and Short Research Papers / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by Gennari Rosella
4 years

Invito partecipazione indagine università
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years

ACM UMAP 2021: Second Call for Doctoral Consortium
by Oana Inel
4 years

I: SIGCHI 2021 award winners
by Maristella Matera
4 years

Final CfP SLERD 2021 - 6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years

I: SIGCHI 2021 award winners
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years

EICS 2021 Tech Notes CfP
by Davide Spano
4 years

[Reminder] CfP Posters and Demos Track at ECSCW’21 (June 7-11, 2021) in Zurich, Switzerland
by Anton Fedosov
4 years, 1 month

Fwd: Agenda Now Online!
by Massimo Zancanaro
4 years, 1 month

INTERACT 2021 - Deadline extension for Workshop proposals - February 10th
by Davide Spano
4 years, 1 month

INTERACT 2021 - Deadline extension for Workshop proposals - February 10th
by Davide Spano
4 years, 1 month

Fifth International Summer School on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
by De Angeli Antonella
4 years, 1 month

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: 3rd Call for Workshop Proposals / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
4 years, 1 month

ACM UMAP 2021: Call for Demo and LBR Papers
by Oana Inel
4 years, 1 month

ACM UMAP 2021: Call for Doctoral Consortium
by Oana Inel
4 years, 1 month

INTERACT 2021 - Full paper and workshop proposal deadline is January 27th, 2021
by Paolo Buono
4 years, 1 month

MobileHCI 2021 - Cfp
by anna spagnolli
4 years, 1 month

Deadlines approaching / Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: 2nd Call for Long and Short Research Papers / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by Gennari Rosella
4 years, 1 month

Hybrid International CHItaly 2021: 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals / 11–13 July 2021 / Bolzano, Italy
by chitaly2021
4 years, 2 months

Post-doc position on “Remote music pedagogy in virtual reality”
by Luca Turchet
4 years, 2 months

[CFP] 2nd International Workshop on the Internet of Sounds
by Luca Turchet
4 years, 2 months

IxD&A Journal N. 46 is available for free downloading
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 2 months

ACM UMAP 2021: Third Call-for-Papers - Updated submission information
by Oana Inel
4 years, 2 months

First CfP SLERD 2021 - 6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 2 months

Deadline approaching: INTERACT 2021 - 18th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Call for Papers
by Paolo Buono
4 years, 2 months

ACM UMAP 2021: Second Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
by Oana Inel
4 years, 2 months

by Giuseppe Sansonetti
4 years, 2 months

Extended deadline: Special issue on "Pedagogical Approaches, Ludic and Co-Design Strategies & Tools supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 2 months

EICS 2021 Call for Papers (Round 3)
by Davide Spano
4 years, 2 months

INTERACT 2021 -18th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Call for Papers
by Paolo Buono
4 years, 2 months

IUI Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics (ESIDA) - Deadline extension
by Axel Soto
4 years, 2 months

ACM IUI Workshop - SOCIALIZE 2021 - CfP
by Giuseppe Sansonetti
4 years, 2 months

Request for Proposals — Bid on ACM IUI 2023 (deadline extended)
by Axel Soto
4 years, 3 months

Special Issue "AI and HCI Methods and Techniques for Cultural Heritage Curation, Exploration and Fruition"
by Noemi Mauro
4 years, 3 months

ACM UMAP 2021: Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
by Oana Inel
4 years, 3 months

CfP Posters and Demos Track at ECSCW’21 (June 7-11, 2021) in Zurich, Switzerland
by Anton Fedosov
4 years, 3 months

2nd CFP: IUI Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics (ESIDA)
by Axel Soto
4 years, 3 months

ACM UMAP 2021: Second call-for-papers
by Oana Inel
4 years, 3 months

[CFP] Special issue on ''Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction Development" (31 Dec 2020)
by Catia Prandi
4 years, 3 months

INTERACT 2021 -18th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
by Paolo Buono
4 years, 3 months

Last CFP: Special issue on "Pedagogical Approaches, Ludic and Co-Design Strategies & Tools supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 3 months

[CHItaly2021] - Call for Papers
by chitaly2021
4 years, 3 months

[CFP] Special Issue on the Internet of Sounds - Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
by Luca Turchet
4 years, 3 months

ACM IUI Workshop - SOCIALIZE 2021 - CfP
by Cristina Gena
4 years, 3 months

Call for Participation HCSE 2020 Nov 30 - Dec 02 - ONLINE ONLY!
by Stefan Sauer
4 years, 4 months

Call for Participation - The Academic Fringe Festival
by Sihang Qiu - EWI
4 years, 4 months

Fwd: Questionario su "tecnologie didattiche" e "modelli didattici" innovativi
by Maria De Marsico
4 years, 4 months

CFP: IUI Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics (ESIDA)
by Axel Soto
4 years, 4 months

by Oana Inel
4 years, 4 months

[CHItaly2021] - Call for Workshop Proposals
by Federica Caruso
4 years, 4 months

IxD&A Journal N. 45 is available for free downloading
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 4 months

WUD-SIGCHItaly 2020: sono aperte le registrazioni
by Cristina Gena
4 years, 4 months

rinnovo chair SIG CHI Italy
by Massimo Zancanaro
4 years, 4 months

INVITO convegno 25° KM TRACKS (23 novembre 2020, dalle ore 9.00 in live web) - hcitaly
by JEKPOT - Customer Office
4 years, 4 months

ACM IUI 2021: Call for tutorials - Deadline extended
by Axel Soto
4 years, 4 months

SAVE THE DATE: 12 novembre ore 9,30 - WUD-SIGCHItaly 2020
by Cristina Gena
4 years, 4 months

Info su insegnamenti di HCI per AI
by Maria Francesca Costabile
4 years, 4 months

HWID'21: AI and Designing for Positive Work Experiences in Low Desire Society
by Barbara Rita Barricelli
4 years, 4 months

INTERACT 2021 -18th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Preliminary Call for Papers
by Carmelo Ardito
4 years, 5 months

ACM CSCW 2021 Call for Papers
by Ciolfi, Luigina
4 years, 5 months

Esiti dell'analisi condotta con i docenti universitari sulla didattica durante il periodo del lockdown
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 5 months

ACM IUI 2021: Call for papers (update on paper format)
by Axel Soto
4 years, 5 months

Extended Deadline is approaching: special issue on "Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 5 months

EICS 2021 Call for Papers (Round 2)
by Davide Spano
4 years, 5 months

[CFP] Special issue on ''Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction Development"
by Catia Prandi
4 years, 5 months

ACM IUI 2021: CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS (deadline extended)
by Axel Soto
4 years, 5 months

User-research vacancy
by De Angeli Antonella
4 years, 5 months

[CFP] Special Issue on the Internet of Sounds - Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
by Luca Turchet
4 years, 6 months

UMUAI Special issue on Personalization and Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactive Communication
by Cristina Gena
4 years, 6 months

First CFP: Special issue on "Pedagogical Approaches, Ludic and Co-Design Strategies & Tools supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 6 months

Call for papers AIUCD 2021
by Maria Simi
4 years, 6 months

Request for Proposals — Bid on ACM IUI 2023
by Axel Soto
4 years, 6 months

Deadline extension: Special issue on "Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 6 months

ACM IUI 2021: 2nd Call for papers
by Axel Soto
4 years, 6 months

IxD&A Journal N. 44 is available for free downloading
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 6 months

IxD&A journal: new URL to submit papers and next deadlines.
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 6 months

HCSE 2020: posters and demos submission is by Aug 31, 2020 - 8th Intl. Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering
by Carmelo Ardito
4 years, 6 months

ACM IUI 2021 - Call for tutorial proposals
by Axel Soto
4 years, 6 months

CFP: IoTSMS 2020 (*final deadline*: Sep 10, 2020), Paris, France
by Marco Guazzone
4 years, 6 months

ACM IUI 2021: Call for workshop proposals
by Axel Soto
4 years, 6 months

Fwd: [Ercim-cnr] ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Call 2020 (2) - Application form open !
by Fabio Paternò
4 years, 6 months

Reminder CfP: The online NordiCHI 2020 workshop on “Sharing & Cooperativism: Designing for Economies”
by Anton Fedosov
4 years, 6 months

CfP - International Workshop on Multi-Scale Movement Technologies at ICMI2020
by volpe@infomus.dist.unige.it
4 years, 7 months

Research Assistant Positions at i3lab-Politecnico di Milano
by Franca Garzotto
4 years, 7 months

Deadline extension: "Augmenting Space: The role of immersive technologies in future cities" - IxD&A Journal (focus session)
by Carlo Giovannella
4 years, 7 months

CFP: IoTSMS 2020 (*deadline extended*: Aug 20, 2020), Paris, France
by Marco Guazzone
4 years, 7 months

PhD Positions in VR/AR/XR available at the KU Leuven, Belgium (DL: 20 July)
by Adalberto Simeone
4 years, 8 months

Webinar "Progetto WADcher: monitoraggio, accessibilità, servizi digitali" (16/07/2020, ore 12:00)
by parvaneh parvin
4 years, 8 months
Results per page: