*** Second Call for Papers ***
28th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
(ICECCS 2024)
19-21 June, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 8 December, 2023 AoE ***)
Recent years have witnessed a rapidly rising emphasis on the design, implementation and
management of complex computer systems which are present in every aspect of human
activities, such as manufacturing, communications, defence, transportation, aerospace,
hazardous environments, energy, and healthcare. These complex systems are frequently
distributed over heterogeneous networks and process a large amount of data, leveraging
emerging artificial intelligence (AI), large language models, and machine learning techniques.
Complexity arises from many factors, including the dynamic environment and the scenarios
these systems operate in, demanding and sometimes conflicting requirements in functionality,
efficiency, scalability, security, dependability and adaptability, data heterogeneity, as well as
the wide range of development methodologies, programming languages and implementation
details. Performance, real-time behaviour, fault tolerance, robustness, security, adaptability,
development time and cost, and long life concerns are some of the key issues arising in the
development of such systems.
The International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS) is a
well-established event that has been held around the world for over 25 years. The goal of this
conference is to bring together industrial, academic, and government experts from a variety of
application domains and software disciplines, to discuss how the disciplines’ problems and
solution techniques interact within the whole system. Researchers, practitioners, tool
developers and users, and technology transfer experts are all welcome. The scope of the
conference includes long-term research issues, near-term requirements and challenges,
established complex systems, emerging promising tools, and retrospective and prospective
reflections of research and development into complex systems.
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished research results, case
studies and tools. Papers are solicited in all areas related to complex computer-based systems,
including the causes of complexity and means of avoiding, controlling, or coping with
complexity. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
Requirements, modeling and formal methods
• Requirements analysis and specification
• Model-driven development
• Model checking
• SAT/SMT solvers for software analysis and testing
AI, Complex intelligent models and complex systems
• Big data management
• Data-drive and AI-backed systems
• Machine learning for Software Engineering
• AI4SE and SE4AI
• Adaptive, self-managing and multi-agent systems
Security, reliability and dependability
• Safety-critical and fault-tolerant architectures
• Formal methods
• Security and privacy of complex systems
• Privacy-preserving AI
• Fairness
Software engineering
• Verification and validation
• Reverse engineering and refactoring
• Software architecture
• Human Machine Interaction
• Agile methods
Realistic complex systems
• Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, sensor networks
• Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
• Autonomous systems and self-healing systems
• Industrial case studies
Different kinds of contributions are sought, including novel research, lessons learned,
experience reports, and discussions of practical problems faced by industry and user domains.
The ultimate goal is to build a rich and comprehensive conference program that can fit the
interests and needs of different classes of attendees: professionals, researchers, managers,
and students. A program goal is to organize several sessions that include both academic and
industrial papers on a given topic and culminate panels to discuss relationships between
industrial and academic research.
Full papers are divided into two categories: Technical Papers and Experience Reports. The
papers submitted to both categories will be reviewed by the program committee members,
and papers accepted in either category will be published in the conference proceedings.
Technical papers should describe original research, and experience reports should present
practical projects carried out in the industry, and reflect on the lessons learnt from them.
Short paper submissions describe early-stage, ongoing or PhD research. All short papers will
be reviewed by the program committee members, and accepted short papers will be published
in the conference proceedings.
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be concurrently considered
for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality,
contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference.
The proceedings have been published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE
Computer Society.
Submitted manuscripts should be in English and formatted in the style of the double-column
IEEE CPS format. Full papers should not exceed 9 pages + 1 page for bibliography, and short
papers should not exceed 5 pages + 1 page for bibliography, including figures, references,
and appendices. All submissions should be in PDF format. Submissions not adhering to the
specified format and length may be rejected immediately without review.
Please prepare your manuscripts in accordance with the IEEE CPS guidelines.
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
We invite all prospective authors to submit their manuscripts via the ICECCS 2024 portal,
hosted by the EasyChair conference management system.
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceccs2024 .
• Abstract Submissions Due: 08 December, 2023 AoE
• Full Paper Submissions Due: 15 December, 2023 AoE
• Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 15 March, 2024
• Camera-ready Due: 15 April, 2024
• Author Registration Due: 15 April, 2024
• Conference Dates: 19-21 June, 2024
Steering Committee
• Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
• Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Ireland
• Xiaohong Li, Tianjin University, China
• Shaoying Liu, Hiroshima University, Japan
• Mauro Pezze, University in Lugano, Switzerland
• Roy Sterritt, Ulster University, United Kingdom
• Jing Sun (Chair), University of Auckland, New Zealand
General Co-Chairs
• Yamine Ait-Ameur, IRIT, France
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Guangdong Bai, University of Queensland, Australia
• Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
/Apologies for unintended cross-mailing/
*9th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
*June 27-28, 2024*
/*Troyes, France (hybrid)*/
slerd.uniroma2.it <http://slerd.uniroma2.it/>
1st: ines [dot] di_loreto [at] utt [dot] fr /(conference chair)/
2nd: aslerd [dot] org [at] gmail [dot] com
Deadline for paper submission: *March 8, 2024
*call for papers <http://slerd.uniroma2.it/call-for-papers/>
*SLERD 2024 will host also the 5th edition of the *International*
*Student Design Contest* -> see call for proposal and demo
* *
*SLERD 2024* is organized by /Université de Technologie de Troyes /in
collaboration with /ASLERD/ <http://www.aslerd.org>/./
Please Note: SLERD 2024 will be held in precence but a possibility to
attend it virtually is provided (hybrid format).
* /*Short Intro*/
In the context of smart learning ecosystems and regional development it
is vital to adopt a forward-thinking mind-setting that takes into
account the future needs of the learners and the changing economic
Such a mind-setting can benefit from a more holistic perspective that
considers the social and cultural context of the region, as well as the
skills and capabilities of its workforce and the wellbeing of all
involved actors. This requires a deeper understanding of the community
and its needs, as well as a commitment to inclusive and equitable
Ultimately, identifying traces and latent images of the future in the
present smart learning ecosystems and regional contexts means laying the
foundations for a long-term view that enables wellbeing growth in fair
contexts. Indeed, embracing a holistic approach, investing in education
and training, and promoting inclusive development, is what we need to
create a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.
The general topics of the conference reflect the above perspective
aiming to provide in-depth discourse among academics, students and
practitioners. SLERD 2024 is proud to invite colleagues – researchers
and practitioners – from all over the world to share the efforts
concerning the development of smart learning ecosystems capable to
promote smart learning, social innovation and equally accessible quality
/*Topics of interests*/
*SLERD 2023* is proud to invite colleagues - researchers and
practitioners - from all over the world to share the efforts concerning
the development of smart learning ecosystems and, contributions on how
to build together a brilliant future, where smart learning ecosystems
and smart education will be even more central in the education of future
citizens, and in the promotion of social innovation and territorial
General topics of interests can be grouped under three big themes:
/*• places for smart education
*/ *
• future of institutional learning
• interplay between formal and informal learning
• new educational models and settings
• continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, processes
in learning
• role of, and case studies of, games and gamification in smart education
• dual education and other alternate scheme approaches
• monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution,
city, region)
/*• people in place centered design for smart education*/
• general frameworks and methodological advances
• design, data and other relevant literacies
• smart citizen’s literacies, skill and competences
• communities and co-design in smart learning
• sharing & participatory practices
• open access to any resource and disparity
• cultural influences
/*• supportive learning technologies for smart education*/
*• AI for smart learning ecosystems: ethical aspects, tools and H-AI
*• semantic web technologies and applications***
• text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis
• real/virtual communities and social network analysis
• interoperability and application of open/smart data and services
• safety & security in education
• IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies
• adaptability to educational contexts and citizens
• role of VR in education
/*Important dates:*/
• Deadline for papers submission: *March**8, 2024*
• Notification to the authors: April 19, 2024
• Camera ready paper: May 3, 2024
• Conference: June 27-28, 2024
SLERD welcomes contributions composed by min. 4500 words. The max.
length of the contributions should not overcome 16 pages.
Papers should be written according to:
Link to the /*paper submission page on easy chair:*/
Information about SLERD 2024 will continuously updated on the ASLERD
Linkedin page -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5103530/>
Facebook page -> link
Join ALSLERD and share our vision on the future of Smart Learning
Ecosystems: Timisoara declaration
See ASLERD website <http://www.aslerd.org> for
Request of membership, membership fees and legal
*** Second Call for Papers ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: November 24, 2023 AoE ***)
The CAiSE’24 organization calls for full papers with a special emphasis on the theme of
Information Systems in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged
as a transformative technology, revolutionizing various industries, and its significance in
Information Systems cannot be overstated. AI-powered systems have the potential to
streamline operations, enhance decision-making processes, and drive innovation across
organizations. From data analysis to automated processes, AI is reshaping the way we leverage
information in the digital age. The relevance of AI in IS extends beyond internal operations.
AI-powered predictive analytics enables organizations to forecast trends, anticipate customer
needs, and optimize resource allocation. This empowers businesses to adapt swiftly to
changing market dynamics, gain a competitive edge, and make proactive decisions. AI
algorithms can also detect anomalies and patterns that indicate potential security breaches,
contributing to robust cybersecurity measures in information systems. However, while
acknowledging the benefits, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of AI in
information systems. Ensuring data privacy, addressing bias in algorithms, and maintaining
transparency are vital aspects that need to be carefully managed and regulated to foster trust
and accountability.
In addition to offering an exciting scientific program, CAiSE’24 will feature a best paper award,
a journal special issue, and a PhD-thesis award:
• Best Paper Award‚ prize EUR 1000 (sponsored by Springer)
• A small selection of best papers will be invited to submit enhanced versions for
consideration in a special issue of Elsevier Information Systems journal dedicated to this
• PhD-Thesis Award
• Best PhD thesis of a past CAiSE Doctoral Consortium author (co-sponsored by the CAiSE
Steering Committee and Springer)
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must conform to Springer‚ LNCS
format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references, and appendices.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding 15 pages, or being obviously out
of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without review. See the guidelines here:
https://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html .
The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Three to
five keywords characterizing the paper should be listed at the end of the abstract. Each paper
will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and, if positively evaluated, by
one additional program board member. The selected papers will be discussed among the paper
reviewers online and during the program board meeting. As the review process is not blind,
please indicate your name and affiliation on your submission. Accepted papers will be
presented at CAiSE’24 and published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
conference proceedings.
We invite three types of original and scientific papers. The type of submission must be
indicated in the submission system. Each contribution should explicitly address the
engineering or the operation of information systems, clearly identify the information systems
problem addressed, the expected impact of the contribution to information system engineering
or operation, and the research method used. We strongly advise authors to clearly emphasize
these aspects in their paper, including the abstract.
Technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the
field of IS Engineering. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem
tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and its potential‚ as
well as demonstrate the benefits of the contribution through a rigorous evaluation.
Empirical papers evaluate existing problem situations including problems encountered in
practice, or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e., by empirical studies,
experiments, case studies, experience reports, simulations, etc. Scientific reflection on
problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation
presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be clearly stated. The
research method must be sound and appropriate.
Exploratory papers describe completely new research positions or approaches, in order to face
a generic situation arising because of new ICT tools, new kinds of activities, or new IS
challenges. They must precisely describe the situation and demonstrate why current methods,
tools, ways of reasoning, or meta-models are inadequate. They must also rigorously present
their approach and demonstrate its pertinence and correctness in addressing the identified
The topics of contribution include but are not limited to:
• Novel Approaches to IS Engineering
◦ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
◦ Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
◦ Big Data, Data Science and Analytics
◦ Blockchain applications in IS
◦ Simulation and Digital Twins
◦ IS for collaboration and social computing
◦ Virtual reality / Augmented Reality
◦ Context-aware, autonomous and adaptive IS
• Models, Methods and Techniques in IS Engineering
◦ Ontologies and Ontology Engineering
◦ Conceptual modeling, languages and design
◦ Requirements engineering
◦ Process modeling, analysis and improvement
◦ Process automation, mining and monitoring
◦ Models and methods for evolution and reuse
◦ Domain and method engineering
◦ Product lines, variability and configuration management
◦ Compliance and alignment handling
◦ Active and interactive models
◦ Quality of IS models for analysis and design
◦ Visualization techniques in IS
◦ Decision models and business intelligence
◦ Knowledge graphs
◦ Human-centered techniques
• Architectures and Platforms for IS Engineering
◦ Distributed, mobile and open architecture
◦ Big Data architectures
◦ Cloud- and edge-based IS engineering
◦ Service oriented and multi-agent IS engineering
◦ Multi-platform IS engineering
◦ Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
◦ Workflow and Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS)
◦ Handling of real time data streams
◦ Content management and semantic Web
◦ Crowdsourcing platforms
◦ Conversational agents (chatbots)
◦ Microservices design and deployment
• Domain-specific and Multi-aspect IS Engineering
◦ IT governance
◦ eGovernment
◦ Autonomous and smart systems (smart city management, smart vehicles, etc.)
◦ IS for healthcare
◦ Educational Systems and Learning Analytics
◦ Value and supply chain management
◦ Industry 4.0
◦ Sustainability and social responsibility management
◦ Privacy, security, trust, and safety management
◦ IS in the post-COVID world
Submit your paper using the Easy Chair link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024 .
• Abstract Submission: 24th November 2023 (AoE)
• Paper Submission: 1st December 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: 23rd February 2024
• Camera-ready Papers: 5th April 2024
• Author registration: 5th April 2024
General Chairs
• Haris Mouratidis, University of Essex, UK
• Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Local Organizing and Finance Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Twente, The Netherlands
• Flavia Maria Santoro, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Other Committee Members
Call for application for 24-month research position in Human-Computer
Interaction / Data Visualization field
The call is available at:
The submission procedure is available until 13th November 2023, not later
than 5 p.m. (Rome time) on the PICA platform (link to the platform is
available in the call above).
Starting date: December 1st 2023.
Topic: Characterizing and Measuring Visual Information Literacy
Description: The research activity is within the above titled PRIN project,
and aims at characterizing and measuring the literacy of people in reading
and writing Data Viz, Infographics and the like. The project will be
articulated around some main goals: exploring the neuro-cognitive models of
learning and learning progress; identifying a model of explanation for how
people evolve their literacy on Visual Information; build and assess the
related construct by creating an items bank and administering
questionnaires to users.
Work environment: The work to be done has a fair balance between "desk
work" and having to do with people for carrying out experiments with
them. The work team will as much as possible maintain a fresh, open eye
over new ideas, availability in case of discussion of ah-ah moments, and
will promote the constructive dialogue with other team members, such as
experts in the domain of HCI, learning, and statistics.
Admission requirement: Master’s Degree in Computer science, Computer
engineering, or a legally equivalent qualification.
Working Place: The candidate will be working at the Department of Economics
and Management, University of Brescia - Italy. The supervisor is Prof.
Angela Locoro (https://www.unibs.it/it/ugov/person/229457).
Very Appreciated Skills: The ideal candidate must have carried out research
in the field of Human Computer Interaction and / or Data Visualization, and
in particular should have a basic knowledge of psychometric measurement of
users' performance and the design of interactive interfaces / Data Viz
Contract Type and Salary: This is a 24-month, full-time, non-permanent
contract. The salary is approximately EUR 1,900 net per month.
For any further information that you may require about the call and the
project, do not hesitate to contact me at the references below.
Thank you for reading and sharing this to whom might be interested,
All the best,
*Angela Locoro, PhD*
Professore Associato / Associate Professor
Dipartimento di Economia e Management / Department of Economics and
Università degli Studi di Brescia
email: Angela.Locoro(a)unibs.it
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
*Call for Conference Bids: UMAP 2025 and Beyond - ACM Conference on User
Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization*
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce that the UMAP conference series, sponsored by
ACM and coordinated by User Modeling Inc., is now open for bids for hosting
in 2025 and subsequent years. For the 2025 and 2026 editions, we are
specifically seeking bids from regions outside of Europe, but all proposals
are welcome and will be reviewed.
*Expression of Interest in Hosting*
Should you be interested in organizing and hosting ACM UMAP, please reach
out to Ludovico Boratto at ludovico.boratto(a)acm.org and Cristina Gena at
cristina.gena(a)unito.it. We will provide you with detailed information,
including the official guidelines.
*Financial Details*
Please note that while ACM assumes all financial responsibilities for
hosting UMAP, they require a comprehensive bid that includes budget
details. This necessitates initiating preparations nearly two years ahead
of the conference.
*About UMAP*
UMAP typically attracts between 140 and 190 participants. Both UM Inc. and
ACM offer limited funds to sponsor PhD students wishing to attend. However,
to ensure robust student participation, we encourage potential hosts to
seek additional sponsors.
*Support from UM Inc.*
UM Inc. works hand-in-hand with the chosen organizer, assisting in the
selection of general and program co-chairs, as well as other key roles. We
also collaborate on practical aspects such as finalizing dates and
structuring the conference.
*Submission Deadline*
Please submit your bids via email to Cristina Gena (President) and Ludovico
Boratto (Vice President) by December 15, 2023.
Warm regards,
Ludovico Boratto
Vice President, UM Inc.
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards./
D*EADLINE EXTENSION -> November 30th 2023* (hard deadline)
Special Issue on
*Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
established in 2005
SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science,
Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal
that implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CiteScore 2022: 2.0 (Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Media Technology,
Education; Q3: Human Computer Interaction) *
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Mihai Dascalu, University Politehnica of Bucharest
• Óscar Mealha, University of Aveiro, Portugal
• Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, Estonia
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *November 30th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: January 15th, 2024
• Camera ready paper: February 15th, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: March 2024 (tentatively)
The development of Smart Learning Ecosystems is of strategic relevance
for all the territorial ambits on which they insist, either because they
can act as a bulwark against degradation in the most critical areas, or
because they can contribute to increasing the well-being of students and
their communities of reference; moreover, they can also act as a driver
for sustainable development of the territories.
The achievement of an adequate level of smartness in the learning
ecosystems is, however, a process that needs a long-term vision,
multidisciplinary competencies, an attitude to understand people and
contexts and to mediate points of view, a dynamic approach to resilience
to keep on track and achieve, step-by-step, the foreseen goals: in
short, an attitude to design and implement sustainable projects and
processes aimed at achieving a people-centered smart environments and
Climate change, pandemics, wars (more or less uncovered), and the energy
and food crises triggered by them, all point towards the need to change
our lifestyles and make them fully sustainable. The SDGs [1] and the
cultural and technological transitions they foster – such as the green
transition – therefore become new challenges with which smart learning
ecosystems and communities must measure themselves to support the
education of competent and responsible future citizens.
Citizens whose future behaviour implies the entrenchment of a sense of
membership [2] and the development of meta-design competencies [3]-,
i.e., the competence of knowing how to explore and manage, the ambiguity
and uncertainty that changes will bring.
Within such an evolving scenario, we also have to face the amplifying
power of digital technologies, which – as discussed in the UNESCO
document “The futures of education for participation in 2050” [4] –
could contribute, through educational processes, to the development of a
fairer and more equitable society and, at the same time, to more careful
use of resources; but, on the other hand, if not adequately utilized,
they could also lead to deepening the existing gaps. Thus, we have to
face a parallel digital transition that raises many questions about its
impact on humans and the environment, including its energy
sustainability. The digital transition – which complements the other
cultural transitions induced by SDGs (giving rise to multiple twin
transitions) – thus, left us with complex questions about when, how, and
why to use digital technologies in and for learning, that can be
approached through multiple perspectives and angles. How can they
contribute sustainably, to transform education, support cultural
transitions, reduce inequalities, and at the same time, empower
individuals according to their needs, expectations, and talents?
1. https://en.unesco.org/sustainabledevelopmentgoals
2. Haste H., Chopra V., “The futures of education for participation in
2050: educating for managing uncertainly and ambiguity”, 2020,
3. Giovannella C. “Is complexity tameable? Toward a design for the
experience in a complex world” IxD&A Journal, N. 15, 2012, pp. 18-30,
4. Futures of Education. A new Social Contract for Education.
*Topics of Interest*
General topics of interest acting, also as background and frame for the
twin transitions, can be grouped under three big themes: places for
smart education, people in place- centered design for smart education,
supportive learning technologies and tools for smart education. All can
be related to studies that develop on a post-pandemic view and strategy
for a better learning world, namely nurtured by the pertinence of smart
learning ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions, like the green
and digital one.
*Places for smart education*
* future of institutional learning
* interplay between formal and informal learning
* new educational models and settings
* continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space in the
learning process
* role of games and gamification case studies in smart education
* dual education and other alternate scheme approaches
* monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution,
city, region)
*People in place- centered design for smart education*
* general frameworks and methodological advancement
* competence based learning, evaluation and certification
* design, data and other relevant literacies
* literacies, skills and competences of future citizens
* communities and co-design in smart learning ecosystems
sharing & participatory practices
* open access to any resources and disparity
* cultural influences
*Supportive technologies and tools for smart education*
* AI for smart learning ecosystems: Ethical aspects, tools and H-AI
* knowledge graphsx and applications
* text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis
* intelligent tutoring systems
* real/virtual communities and social network analysis
* interoperability and application of open/smart data and services
* safety & security in education
* IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies
* adaptability to educational contexts and citizens
* role of VR in education
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of Twins Transitions")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of Twins Transitions/
• mihai [dot] dascalu [at] upb [dot] ro
• oem [at] ua [dot] pt
• sirje [dot] virkus [at] tlu [dot] ee
To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards.
//Note: *also the paper management system of the journal has migrated
to* *https://ojs.ixdea.org/* <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
The old OJS istance has been discontinued since the 1st of July 2023 and
cannot longer used to submit papers to IxD&A Journal.
Special Issue on
*Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration*
Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2007 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Stine S. Johansen, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
• Alan G. Burden, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
• Eike Schneiders, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
• Alexander N. Walzer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *December 15th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: March 30th, 2024
• Camera ready papers due by: April 20th, 2024
• Publication: May 2024 (tentatively)
This special issue is intended to investigate human-centred and
design-led approaches to Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). Robotic
capabilities are diversifying and, with those, so are opportunities and
challenges for HRC. With the intention of leveraging the complementary
skills of people and robots, HRC has a wide range of applications,
including manufacturing, emergency response, education, healthcare, and
the home. Furthermore, with collaborative robots, or “cobots”,
moving into “the wild”, research that goes beyond expanding mechanical
robotic capabilities is becoming more critical. As robots are no longer
isolated mechanical tools operating at their own pace and in their own
confined space, we call for research on how to design for close
collaboration between robots and people.
There is a need for diverse approaches to understand and design
collaborative robotic systems from a human-centred rather than
technology-driven perspective, thereby empowering people in the
collaboration. Questions relevant to be answered for design-led,
human-centred HRC include:
• What are methodological approaches to HRC research that emphasise the
role of people?
• How can HRC become accessible to diverse populations, e.g., through
conveying robot intent in various modalities or through novel
interaction approaches?
• How can we design for various human-robot configurations, e.g.,
considering different robot behaviours in changing environments and
• How can robots adapt to fluctuations in human performance and working
Given the diverse range of applications for HRC, there is an opportunity
for multiple disciplines to come together to explore the many dimensions
of this emerging field. Collaboration between disciplines such as
robotics, interaction design, human factors, psychology, architecture,
and more is crucial for understanding and addressing the many challenges
of designing inclusive, adaptable, trustworthy, effective, and safe HRC
systems. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, we can develop more
comprehensive solutions that leverage the strengths of each discipline
and create a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in
human-robot collaboration.
Investigating implications of people collaborating closely with robots
is critical to shaping the future of HRC. These implications include
ethical and social aspects of integrating robots into particular
application domains and understanding the impact of robots in terms of,
e.g., people’s daily routines and life experiences. Additionally, it is
essential to examine how HRC can impact workforce dynamics and job roles
as more organizations integrate robots into their operations.
By exploring the implications of HRC, we can (1) identify challenges and
opportunities and (2) develop strategies for ensuring that HRC systems
benefit and support people. The guest editors encourage submissions that
consider these aspects.
*Topics of Interest*
We invite researchers drawing upon design-based research approaches to
share their theoretical, methodological, or practical perspectives. We
welcome submissions that report on qualitative or quantitative studies,
systematic reviews or scoping reviews, as well as theoretical and
reflective pieces.
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue
includes, but is not limited to:
• Human-centred investigations of HRC
• Design-led approaches to HRC
• Robot adaptability
• HRC “in the wild”, e.g., methodological perspectives and/or studies of
particular domains
• Inclusive design and accessibility for HRC
• Critical and speculative design approaches to HRC
• Participatory design in HRC
• Ethical issues for HRC
• Sustainable design in HRC
• Design of trustworthy collaborative robots
• HRC and architectural methods and design
• Empirical and human-centred evaluations of HRC
• Mixed human-robot team collaboration
• Playfulness and/or gamification for HRC
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration/
• stine [dot] johansen [at] qut [dot] edu [dot] au
• alan [dot] burden [at] qut [dot] edu [dot] au
• eike [dot] schneiders [at] nottingham [dot] ac [dot] uk
• alex [dot] walzer [at] ibi [dot] baug [dot] ethz [dot] ch
* Forthcoming issues:*
• ‘Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age’
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, Anders Mørch,
Alessandro Pagano
• ‘STEAM teaching and learning: advances beyond the state of the art’
Guest editors: Hector Cardona-Reyes, Carlos Alberto Lara-Álvarez, Miguel
Angel Ortiz Esparza, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
ACM IUI 2024 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
In conjunction with the 29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/
Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs
Julia Sheidin, Braude College of Engineering, Israel, julia(a)braude.ac.il<mailto:sheidin.julia@gmail.com>
Axel Soto, CONICET and Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina, axel.soto(a)cs.uns.edu.ar<mailto:axel.soto@cs.uns.edu.ar>
Eva Zangerle, University of Innsbruck, Austria, eva.zangerle(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:eva.zangerle@uibk.ac.at>
Call for Proposals
We are pleased to invite proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide a venue for presenting research on focused topics of interest and an informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges. Potential workshop topics should be related to the general theme of the conference.
Tutorials are designed to provide fundamental knowledge and experience on topics related to intelligent user interfaces, and the intersection between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Note: We encourage you to contact the chairs with your ideas (wt2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:wt2024@iui.acm.org>), and work together to prepare an exciting proposal.
We encourage proposals for a wide range of workshop and tutorial formats and activities, including but not limited to:
* "Mini-conferences" on specialized topics; such workshops may have their own paper submission and review processes.
* Interactive formats to explore a certain topic during the workshop (e.g., through breakout rooms); such workshops may have their own paper submission and review process or target a report summarizing the outcome of the interactive discussions.
* "Late breaking work" meetings; such workshops usually have a lighter review process (e.g. based on abstracts only).
* "Hands-on" workshops around a specific problem or topic that may wish to ask participants to submit a position statement.
* "Project centric" workshops that may be closely related to the scope of an existing large-scale (e.g. NSF, EU, etc. funded) project.
* "Mini-competitions", challenges, or hackathons around selected topics with individual or team participation.
* Tutorials on a specific topic relevant to IUI; for example, methods and approaches in HCI and/or AI, specific techniques or algorithms to develop intelligent user interfaces, etc.
We invite submissions of proposals for full-day and half-day workshops or tutorials. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop and tutorial chairs.
Workshops with few submissions may be canceled, shortened, merged with other workshops, or otherwise restructured. The organizers of accepted workshops and tutorials are responsible for producing a call for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the IUI conference community. Workshop and tutorial organizers will maintain their own website with information about the workshop or tutorial and the ACM IUI 2024 website will refer to this website. The workshop organizers will coordinate the paper solicitation, collection, and review process. A workshop and tutorials summary will be included in the ACM Digital Library for ACM IUI 2024, and we will separately publish a joint workshop proceedings for accepted workshop submissions (through CEUR or similar).
Proposal Format
Workshop or tutorial proposals should be a maximum of four pages long (single-column format). Prepare your submission using the latest templates: Word Submission Template<https://authors.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_submi…>, or the LaTeX template<https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/latex_templates/acmart-primary.zip>.
The proposals should be organized as follows:
* Name and title: A one-word acronym and a full title. Please indicate “(Workshop)” or “(Tutorial)” after the title, as appropriate.
* Description of workshop or tutorial topic: This description should discuss the relevance of the suggested topic to IUI and its interest for the IUI 2024 audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the workshop or tutorial is of particular interest.
* Previous history: List of previous workshops or tutorials that were held on the topic including the conferences that hosted past workshops or tutorials and the number of participants.
* Organizer(s): Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the organizer(s). Provide a brief description of the background of the organizer(s). Strong proposals normally include organizers who bring differing perspectives on the topic and are actively connected to the communities of potential participants. Please indicate the primary contact person and the organizers who plan to attend the workshop. Also please provide a list of other workshops or tutorials organized by workshop organizers in the past.
* Workshop program committee: Names and affiliation of the members of the (tentative) workshop program committee that will evaluate the workshop submissions.
* Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and how you plan to invite participants for the workshop or tutorial. If possible, include the names of at least 10 people who have expressed interest to participate in the workshop or tutorial.
* Workshop or Tutorial activities: A brief description of the format regarding the mix of events or activities, such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, teaching activities, hands-on practical exercises, general discussion. Please also list here any material you will make available to tutorial participants, e.g. slides, access to hardware/software, handouts, etc.
* Workshop format: virtual, in-person, or hybrid.
* Planned outcomes of the workshop or tutorials: What are you hoping to achieve by the end of the workshop or tutorials? Please list here any planned publications or other outputs arising from workshops.
* Length: Full-day or half-day.
Important Dates
• Discuss your topic with the workshop and tutorials chairs: Oct 9, 2023
• Workshop Proposals due: Oct 16, 2023
• Workshop Proposals Decisions Sent: Nov 6, 2023
Call for Papers for the Second Submission Round of
EICS 2024: The 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
Computing Systems, June 24-28, 2024 - Cagliari, Italy
Submission deadline for the 2nd Round of PACM EICS 2024 for Full Papers and
Technical Notes: October 26, 2023
EICS 2024 is the sixteenth international ACM SIGCHI conference devoted to engineering interactive computing systems and their user interfaces, addressing one or more software quality factors, such as usability, user experience, reliability, security, etc. Work presented at EICS covers all stages of the engineering life-cycle of interactive systems -inception, requirements, design, specification, coding, data analytics, validation and verification, deployment, and maintenance. EICS has the longest tradition of bringing together researchers who contribute to better ways of creating interactive computing systems, stemming from the conference on command languages in the seventies. The conference is best known for rigorously contributing and disseminating research results that hold the midst in between user interface design, software engineering, and computational interaction.
EICS focuses on models, languages, notations, methods, techniques, and tools that support designing, developing, validating, and verifying interactive systems. The conference brings together people who study or practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from design, HCI, software engineering, requirements engineering, software development, modeling, and programming.
Submissions advance the state of the art of the engineering of interactive systems. Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling, specification, and analysis of interaction and interactive systems
* Model-based development of interactive software
* Requirements engineering for interactive systems
* Methods, processes, principles and/or tools for building interactive systems (e.g., design, implementation, prototyping, evaluation, verification and validation, testing)
* Software architectures for interactive systems
* Formal methods within interactive systems engineering
* Certification issues of methods, tools, and processes to create interactive systems
* Frameworks, toolkits, domain-specific languages, and APIs for interactive systems
* Languages and notations for describing user interfaces and interactions
* Integrating engineering issues in the design process of interactive systems
* Engineering design tools
* Engineering evaluation tools
* Supporting design in interactive development processes
* Computational-Interaction Systems and Techniques
* Interactive data-driven systems
* Engineering interactive applications with emerging technologies (e.g., adaptive, context-aware, tangible, haptic, touch and multitouch input, voice, gestures, EEG, multimodal input, mobile and wearable systems, AI, (augmented, mixed, virtual) realities...)
* Engineering hardware/software integration in interactive systems (e.g., fabrication and maker processes, physical computing, cyber-physical systems…)
* Engineering interactive systems for various user categories (e.g., children, elderly, people with disabilities…)
* Engineering interactive systems for various application domains (e.g., health, home, entertainment, desktop, avionics, space, nuclear, civil protection, law enforcement, emergency services, and calamity management...)
* Engineering interactive systems for specific properties (user experience, usability, safety, security, dependability, …)
* Engineering smart interactive systems (e.g., recommending, adaptive, intelligent)
* Building Human-centred AI systems (integrating explainable AI, intelligible design, human-in-the-loop, adaptive and context-aware, interactive agents…)
A newcomer’s guide to EICS is available at
EICS Full Papers and Technical Notes are published as articles in the Journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI - EICS series). There are three submission deadlines per year, and authors can choose when to submit. Papers follow the traditional journal model of reviewing: papers may be accepted after submission and review, or may be recommended for revisions and re-submission to the next round to enable authors to refine papers based on reviewer recommendations.
Submissions for the journal of this venue should present original and mature research work within the scope of the conference. Note that accepted journal papers can be either regular research papers, or technical notes. Technical Notes are shorter, more focused contributions that focus specifically on system contributions and technical work. Elucidating technical details of complex interactive systems, preferably ensuring the work can be reproduced or put to practice, is a primary objective of a Technical Note. Tech Notes require an illustrative example of the system, and they can, but do not need to, be validated by formal user evaluations or user studies. Validation can also be done through, e.g., simulation, feasibility, or comparisons. Tech Notes will be judged on their technical merits and relevance to interactive systems concerns.
There are no length restrictions on Full Papers and Technical Notes, nor any limit to the number of references that may be included. We advise authors to ensure the length of their papers is in function of the contributions. Concise and clear is often to be preferred over lengthy and verbose.
Full Papers and Technical Notes should be written in the ACM format; see
The PACMHCI-EICS deadline for the Second Round of Full Papers and Technical Notes submissions is 26 October 2023.
Papers are submitted using
EICS’24 Full Papers and Technical Notes chairs
Carmen Santoro and Anke Dittmar
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal - founded in 2005*
*that implements also video presentations of the published
contributions. *
*On-line Events*
*Special issue N. 56
Hybrid Games & Interaction Design
*/co-guest editors: Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa
and Fotis Liarokapis
/*regular papers*/
*Meet the authors *
authors index <https://ixdea.org/56_authors_index/>
on the /*12th of October - 15:00 CET*/
/(event coordination by: Liliana Vale Costa & Oscar Mealha)/
to attend the presentations, for free, please fill the reservation form
-> link
Articles are available for free downloading at ->
Special issue N. 57
‘Competence-based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing, and democracy.’
*/co-guest editors: Ilaria Bortolotti, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina
Cachia, Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
/*regular papers*/
*Meet the authors *
authors index <https://ixdea.org/57_authors_index/>
on the /*26th of October - 15:00 CET*/
/(event coordination by: Liliana Vale Costa & Oscar Mealha)/
to attend the presentations, for free, please fill the reservation form
-> link
Articles are available for free downloading at ->
To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin ->link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook ->link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel ->link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy
*** First Call for Papers ***
21st International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR 2024)
June 10-12, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 12th February, 2024 AoE ***)
The International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR) is a biannual conference
in the field of software reuse research and technology. ICSR is a premier event aiming to
present the most recent advances and breakthroughs in the area of software reuse and to
promote an intensive and continuous exchange among researchers and practitioners.
The guiding theme of this edition is Sustainable Software Reuse.
We invite submissions on new and innovative research results and industrial experience
reports dealing with all aspects of software reuse within the context of the modern software
development landscape. Topics include but are not limited to the following.
1 Technical aspects of reuse, including
• Reuse in/for Quality Assurance (QA) techniques, testing, verification, etc.
• Domain ontologies and Model-Driven Development
• Variability management and software product lines
• Context-aware and Dynamic Reuse
• Reuse in and for Machine Learning
• Domain-specific languages (DSLs)
• New language abstractions for software reuse
• Generative Development
• COTS-based development and reuse of open source assets
• Retrieval and recommendation of reusable assets
• Reuse of non-code artefacts
• Architecture-centric reuse approaches
• Service-oriented architectures and microservices
• Software composition and modularization
• Sustainability and software reuse
• Economic models of reuse
• Benefit and risk analysis, scoping
• Legal and managerial aspects of reuse
• Reuse adoption and transition to software reuse
• Lightweight reuse approaches
• Reuse in agile projects
• Technical debt and software reuse
2 Software reuse in industry and in emerging domains
• Reuse success stories
• Reuse failures, and lessons learned
• Reuse obstacles and success factors
• Return on Investment (ROI) studies
• Reuse in hot topic domains (Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Virtualization,
Network functions, Quantum Computing, etc.)
We welcome research (16 pages) and industry papers (12 pages) following the Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science format. Submissions will be handled via
EasyChair (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=icsr2024). Submissions will be
**double-blindly** reviewed, meaning that authors should:
• Omit all authors’ names and affiliations from the title page
• Do not include the acknowledgement section, if you have any, in the submitted paper
• Refer to your own work in the third person
• Use anonymous GitHub, Zenondo, FigShare or equivalent to provide access to artefacts
without disclosing your identity
Both research and industry papers will be reviewed by members of the same program
committee (check the website for details). Proceedings will be published by Springer in
their Lecture Notes for Computer Science (LNCS) series. An award will be given to the best
research and the best industry papers.
The authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit an extended
version (containing at least 30% new material) to a special issue in the Journal of Systems and
Software (Elsevier). More details will follow.
• Abstract submission: January 22, 2024, AoE
• Full paper submission: January 29, 2024, AoE
• Notification: March 8, 2024, AoE
• Camera Ready: March 22, 2024, AoE
• Author Registration: March 22, 2024 AoE
Steering Committee
• Eduardo Almeida, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
• Goetz Botterweck, Lero, University of Limerick, Ireland
• Rafael Capilla Sevilla, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
• John Favaro, Trust-IT, Italy
• William B. Frakes, IEEE TCSE committee on software reuse, USA
• Martin L. Griss, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Oliver Hummel, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
• Hafedh Mili, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
• Nan Niu, University of Cincinnati, USA
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Claudia M.L. Werner, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Co-Chairs
• Achilleas Achilleos, Frederick University, Cyprus
• Lidia Fuentes, University of Malaga, Spain
AVI 2024 1st Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
3-7 June 2024
Genoa, Italy
Workshop and tutorial proposals:
· Friday, December 1, 2023 (23:59, AoE)
Submission webpage: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=avi2024
We invite proposals for workshops to be held on June 3-4, 2024, in conjunction with the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2024). We invite proposals for workshops in all the areas related to Advanced Visual Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction.
Workshop proposals must be submitted following the instructions on: https://avi2024.dibris.unige.it/calls
We encourage the proposal of tutorials on new and emerging topics or, conversely, consolidated topics related to Advanced Visual Interfaces and HCI approaches, methodologies, or technologies. The selected tutorials will be held on the last day of the conference and Doctoral Consortium students will be invited to participate in them.
Tutorial proposals must be submitted following the instructions on:
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
· Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
· Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.
While rooted in Italy, AVI is an actual international conference concerning the nationality of participants, authors of papers, and program committee members. The mixture of carefully selected research contributions paired with cordial Italian hospitality creates a unique conference atmosphere, which has made AVI an internationally recognized brand.
AVI 2024 is under the patronage of University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, Italy.
We look forward to your participation in AVI 2024!
Cristina Conati, AVI 2024 General Chair
Gulatiero Volpe, AVI 2024 General Chair
Ilaria Torre, AVI 2024 Program Chair
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Affective Visual Interfaces
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Conversational Interfaces
Full-body Interaction
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Interaction Design Tools
Building Interactions: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for i-TV
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Interfaces and Interactions for Inclusion, Accessibility and Aging
Interfaces for Children
Learning, Education, and Families
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Usability and (Cyber)Security
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
General Chairs
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
Program Chair
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Long Papers Chairs
Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari
Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Elisabetta Bevacqua, National Engineering School of Brest
Maurizio Mancini, Sapienza University of Rome
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Poster Chairs
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento
Demo Chairs
Radoslaw Niewiadomski, University of Genoa
Fabiana Vernero, University of Turin
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabio Paternò, CNR ISTI
Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
Publicity Chairs
Beatrice Biancardi, LINEACT CESI
Federica Delprino, University of Genoa
Proceedings Chairs
Eleonora Ceccaldi, University of Genoa
Cigdem Beyan, University of Trento
Web Chair
Paola Barra, University of Naples Parthenope
Paolo Bottoni,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Paolo Buono
University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Catarci
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, Italy
Maristella Matera
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Massimo Mecella
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Kent Norman
University of Maryland, USA
Emanuele Panizzi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Genny Tortora
University of Salerno, Italy
Giuliana Vitiello
University of Salerno, Italy
Marco Winckler
Université Côte d'Azur, France
Tel : +33 (0)6 71 62 50 45
93 boulevard de La Seine
CS 40177 - 92006 Nanterre cedex
*** Last Call for Workshop Proposals ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: October 13, 2023 AoE ***)
CAiSE is a well-established, highly visible conference series on Advanced Information Systems
(IS) Engineering. It covers all relevant topics in the area, including methodologies and
approaches for IS engineering, innovative platforms, architectures and technologies, and
engineering of specific kinds of IS. CAiSE conferences also have the tradition of hosting
workshops in related fields. Workshops are intended to focus on particular topics and provide
ample room for discussions of new ideas and developments.
CAiSE 2024, the 36th edition of the CAiSE series, invites proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference, related to the CAiSE topics, covering new emerging
topics and targeting innovative papers in special focus areas.
Prospective workshop organisers should specify whether they plan an event with a
presentation-oriented track, a discussion-oriented track, or both.
Presentation-oriented track
This track focuses on accepted papers with presentations followed by Q&A sessions, akin to
conferences. The proceedings of these workshops are intended to be published in a joint
volume in the Springer LNBIP series. Submissions must conform to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP
format and should not exceed 12 pages. According to the Springer standards, the overall
acceptance rate cannot exceed 45%-50%.
Discussion-oriented track
This track emphasizes discussions facilitated by paper presentations revolving around novel
ideas and early-stage research. Since the main criterion for paper acceptance in such
workshops is relevance and potential for raising discussion, they are not expected to have
their proceedings in the Springer LNBIP volume.
The edition of a joint proceedings volume next to the LNBIP one for the discussion-oriented
track is underway. Proceedings shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication.
Details on this aspect will be provided separately.
Proposal submission
Workshop proposals should be submitted via EasyChair at the following address: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024
Please select the Author role and the CAiSE 2024 Workshops track.
Prior contact with the workshop chairs (caise2024-workshops(a)easychair.org) is encouraged.
The organizer(s) of approved workshops will be responsible for advertising their workshop,
eliciting high-quality submissions, organizing the reviewing process of their workshop’s
papers according to the principles and guidelines of CAiSE, and collecting camera-ready
copies of accepted papers (verifying that they comply with the formatting rules). Organizers
(including co-organizers) are expected to attend their entire workshop.
Detailed instructions for workshop proposers
The proposal (up to 1000 words) should cover the following points:
• Workshop title, duration (1 day or 2 days), preferred date (3-4 June 2024)
• Workshop type (presentation-oriented or discussion-oriented, or both).
• Information on the organizers (PC chairs, other organizers who will be present at the workshop or are otherwise involved, including the person responsible for web presence and communication). Please include names, addresses, and affiliations, indicating the main responsible person. The submission should include a one-paragraph biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience. Please specify at least one PC chair. PC chairs will not be allowed to submit papers to the workshop, but other organizers (who will have no oversight over the review process) are encouraged to do so.
• Purpose: What are the main goals of the workshop? Please list the workshop topics. How does the focus of the workshop differ from the main conference? How does the focus of the workshop differ from other potential CAiSE events? (Proponents are advised to look at the workshops and working conferences held at CAiSE 2022 and CAiSE 2023 and differentiate your scope from theirs.)
• Organization of the workshop: Specify the type of contributions, distribution into sessions, type of sessions, etc. Mention if you plan to have any keynote speaker (please note that the conference organization will not cover fees, travel expenses, accommodation and registration costs of keynote speakers). Include any special requirements regarding infrastructure and room layout.
• Tentative list of PC members.
• An estimate of the number of papers to be accepted, and the number of attendees. If applicable, short information on previous editions of the workshop series (this should include submission, acceptance, and attendance information). Short information on your plans for advertising your workshop and making it highly visible.
Services provided by CAiSE
• EasyChair installation for the management of the workshop submissions (each organizer will be made chair of their own workshop).
• Publication of papers in an LNBIP volume for presentation-oriented tracks, and in a CEUR-WS.org online volume for discussion-oriented tracks.
• One free workshop-only registration if more than 10 people are registered for the workshop. Organizers willing to attend the whole event (main conference) will have to register for the conference at their own expense.
• Local organizational infrastructure and administrative support (registration, badges, refreshments, beamers, screens, etc.). In particular, all venue issues (rooms, meals and catering, social dinner, etc.) as well as the management of the registrations and the financing/administrative issues will be handled by the CAiSE Organization Board and are not under the responsibility of the workshop organizers.
• Advertisement of the workshop on the CAiSE 2024 homepage and mailings.
Please note that the workshop may be canceled if the number of registrations is less than 10.
Also, in the case of workshops with topics that are similar, two or more workshops may be
suggested to merge together.
Key Dates
• Submission of workshops proposals (via Easychair): October 13th, 2023 (AoE)
• Workshop notifications: November 3rd, 2023
• Workshop paper submission (tentative, recommended for presentation-oriented tracks): March 6th, 2024 (AoE)
• Workshop paper decision (recommended for presentation-oriented tracks): April 3rd, 2024
• Camera-ready due (recommended for presentation-oriented tracks): April 22nd, 2024
• Author registration for workshops papers: April 22nd, 2024
• Workshops: June 3rd-4th, 2024
For more information and inquiries, please feel free and welcome to contact the Workshop
Chairs at the following address: caise2024-workshops(a)easychair.org
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit: https://iui.acm.org/2024/call_for_papers.html *
ACM IUI 2024: 29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
March 18-21, 2024
ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024 is the 29th annual premiere venue, where researchers and practitioners meet and discuss state-of-the-art advances at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal IUI submissions should address practical HCI challenges using machine intelligence and discuss both computational and human-centric aspects of such methodologies, techniques and systems.
In addition to traditional IUI themes, we add this year a new theme of Large Language Models (LLMS) for the people. As LLMs become more powerful and more accessible, end users can interact with them in various ways and a wide variety of new applications become feasible. This raises new research questions regarding the interaction between users and generative AI models, including the design of new interactions and intelligent systems, when to trust systems powered with LLMs, fairness in LLMs, studying the effect of such models on people’s work and aligning user expectations with model capabilities.
As always, contributions to IUI are expected to be supported by rigorous evidence appropriate to the claims (e.g., user study, system evaluation, computational analysis). Contributions are welcome from all relevant arenas, including academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations. We strongly believe that diverse insights are critical to the vitality of the IUI community and the conference will accept papers for both long and short oral presentations.
** Topics **
IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Usable Large Language Models and Generative AI
* End-user interaction with LLMs and Multimodal models (e.g., chatbots, image generation)
* LLMs in the workplace
* Trustworthy LLMs
* Bias in LLMs
* The effects of LLMs use on creative tasks
* Personalized user interaction with LLMs
* Prompt Engineering
* User control and steering of LLMs (e.g. RLHF)
- Human-centered AI methods, approaches, and systems
* Explainable AI methods
* Democratization of AI
* Persuasive technologies in IUI
* Privacy and security of IUI
* Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
* User modelling for intelligent interfaces
* User-adaptive interaction and personalization
* IUI for crowd computing and human computation
- Computational innovation
* Interactive machine learning
* Human-in-the loop AI testing and debugging
* Human-centered recommendation and recommender systems
* Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning
* Intelligent user interfaces for generative AI
- Innovative User Interfaces
* Affective interfaces
* Intelligent aesthetic interfaces
* Intelligent collaborative interfaces
* Intelligent AR/VR interfaces
* Intelligent visualization and visual analytics
* Intelligent wearable and mobile interfaces
* Intelligent tangible interfaces
- Intelligent Multimodal Systems
* Embodied agents
* Multimodal AI assistants
* Intelligent multimodal interfaces
- Evaluations of Intelligent User Interfaces
* User experiments and studies
* Reproducibility (including benchmarks, datasets, and challenges)
* Meta-analysis
* Mixed-methods evaluations
- Applications IUI
* Education and learning-related technologies
* Healthcare and wellbeing
* Automotive
* Assistive technologies
* Entertainment
* Workplace happiness
* Social media
* Information retrieval
* Internet of things (IoT)
* Smart cities
* Generative AI
** Papers **
We invite original paper submissions that are not under consideration elsewhere. This year, there is no page limit on the papers (however, we strongly encourage authors to not exceed 10,000 words) and no formal distinction between long and short papers will be made. However, we expect the paper length to be commensurate with the scientific values and contribution of the work. Authors of papers that exceed 12,000 words should add a note at the end of their manuscript explaining how the length of the paper is commensurate with the contribution of the work.
Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices. A selected set of accepted top quality full papers will be invited to submit their extended versions for publication in an ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) special issue titled "Highlights of IUI 2024" that will appear in 2025.
All accepted papers will be invited for oral presentation as part of the main conference program. Additionally, all authors of accepted papers are invited to present a poster of their work during the poster session.
** Highlights of this year **
We also encourage authors to discuss potential ethical considerations of their work; aspects pertaining to current societal issues; diversity, inclusion, and equality; and other topics under the broad responsible AI topic.
Reflection of practical and societal impact
* We encourage authors to consider practical and societal implications of their work (as well as its shortcomings) throughout their projects and to include a reflection on those implications in their papers, in particular how the proposed methods and insights could be applied and deployed in a realistic setting and how they can improve people's lives in the real world.
* We also encourage authors to discuss potential ethical considerations of their work in terms of diversity, inclusion, and equality; and other topics under the broad responsible AI topic and its societal impact. We recognize that technology is rarely neutral --- simply by making some things easier than others, it reshapes society (Winner, 1980; Green, 2020). Further, given the incredibly short invention-to-application cycles for AI-related technologies, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that “somebody else” will carefully consider how an emerging intelligent user interface technology might impact the world before this technology is deployed. Because it is often difficult to anticipate the cumulative or indirect impacts of an invention, we provide a few concrete suggestions to consider throughout the research process and for reflecting on one’s work at the end.
* Our purpose is to help authors ensure that the likely societal consequences of their work are consistent with their intentions and values. For colleagues who are not yet experienced with incorporating societal impacts into their IUI research but who are willing to give it a try, we prepared some simple ideas to consider.
** Submission instructions **
Important dates
* Abstract submission- Oct 2th, 2023
* Full Submission - Oct 9th, 2023
* Initial decisions released - Dec 14th, 2023
* Rebuttal period (by invitation only)- Dec 14th-20th, 2023
* Notifications sent - Jan 5h, 2024
* Camera Ready submission - Jan 25th, 2024
* All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS 2.0 http://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi by the abstract and paper deadline.
* In PCS 2.0, first click "Submissions" at the top of the page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select "SIGCHI", "IUI 2024" and "IUI 2024 Papers", respectively, and press "Go".
* ACM IUI uses a double-blind review process. All submissions (and supplemental materials) must be appropriately anonymized according to the following guidelines:
* Authors’ names and affiliations are not visible anywhere in the paper.
* Acknowledgements should be anonymized or removed during the review process.
* Self-citations should be included where necessary but must use the third person. For example, "... as shown in our previous user study [2] ... " is not allowed, whereas "... as shown in Smith et al. [2] " is acceptable (because in this case the citation [2] will NOT be perceived as self-citation).
* Failure to follow these guidelines may result in submissions being desk rejected without review.
* Authors should also be aware of the SIGCHI Policy for Submission and Review at SIGCHI Conferences.
* Authors are asked to make their paper submissions accessible (so that reviewers with vision impairments can access them, for example). The authors of accepted papers will be required to make their final PDFs accessible. Please use the SIGCHI Guide to an Accessible Submission for detailed instructions.
* If you are submitting a video as supplemental material, please provide captions, as described in Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos.
* Please refer to the Accessibility page for further details and guidelines.
Submission format and length
* We will adopt the ACM TAPS Workflow.
* Prepare your submission for review in a single column format, using the latest templates: Word Submission Template, or the LaTeX template using \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for the LaTeX template.
* Papers are of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. We encourage authors to stay within a 10,000 word limit. Authors of papers exceeding 12,000 words should add a note at the end of their manuscript explaining how the length of the paper is commensurate with the contribution of the work.
Supplemental materials
* Submitting supplemental material (e.g. questionnaires, demo videos of applications, data sheets) is optional but encouraged.
* If supplying a demo video, please follow the SIGCHI Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos.
Additional Policies
* As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.
Program Chairs
* Dorota Glowacka, University of Helsinki
* Denis Parra, PUC Chile
* Ofra Amir, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
*** First Call for Papers ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: November 24, 2023 AoE ***)
The CAiSE’24 organization calls for full papers with a special emphasis on the theme of
Information Systems in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged
as a transformative technology, revolutionizing various industries, and its significance in
Information Systems cannot be overstated. AI-powered systems have the potential to
streamline operations, enhance decision-making processes, and drive innovation across
organizations. From data analysis to automated processes, AI is reshaping the way we leverage
information in the digital age. The relevance of AI in IS extends beyond internal operations.
AI-powered predictive analytics enables organizations to forecast trends, anticipate customer
needs, and optimize resource allocation. This empowers businesses to adapt swiftly to
changing market dynamics, gain a competitive edge, and make proactive decisions. AI
algorithms can also detect anomalies and patterns that indicate potential security breaches,
contributing to robust cybersecurity measures in information systems. However, while
acknowledging the benefits, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of AI in
information systems. Ensuring data privacy, addressing bias in algorithms, and maintaining
transparency are vital aspects that need to be carefully managed and regulated to foster trust
and accountability.
In addition to offering an exciting scientific program, CAiSE’24 will feature a best paper award,
a journal special issue, and a PhD-thesis award:
• Best Paper Award‚ prize EUR 1000 (sponsored by Springer)
• A small selection of best papers will be invited to submit enhanced versions for
consideration in a special issue of Elsevier Information Systems journal dedicated to this
• PhD-Thesis Award
• Best PhD thesis of a past CAiSE Doctoral Consortium author (co-sponsored by the CAiSE
Steering Committee and Springer)
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must conform to Springer‚ LNCS
format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references, and appendices.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding 15 pages, or being obviously out
of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without review. See the guidelines here:
https://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html .
The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Three to
five keywords characterizing the paper should be listed at the end of the abstract. Each paper
will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and, if positively evaluated, by
one additional program board member. The selected papers will be discussed among the paper
reviewers online and during the program board meeting. As the review process is not blind,
please indicate your name and affiliation on your submission. Accepted papers will be
presented at CAiSE’24 and published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
conference proceedings.
We invite three types of original and scientific papers. The type of submission must be
indicated in the submission system. Each contribution should explicitly address the
engineering or the operation of information systems, clearly identify the information systems
problem addressed, the expected impact of the contribution to information system engineering
or operation, and the research method used. We strongly advise authors to clearly emphasize
these aspects in their paper, including the abstract.
Technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the
field of IS Engineering. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem
tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and its potential‚ as
well as demonstrate the benefits of the contribution through a rigorous evaluation.
Empirical papers evaluate existing problem situations including problems encountered in
practice, or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e., by empirical studies,
experiments, case studies, experience reports, simulations, etc. Scientific reflection on
problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation
presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be clearly stated. The
research method must be sound and appropriate.
Exploratory papers describe completely new research positions or approaches, in order to face
a generic situation arising because of new ICT tools, new kinds of activities, or new IS
challenges. They must precisely describe the situation and demonstrate why current methods,
tools, ways of reasoning, or meta-models are inadequate. They must also rigorously present
their approach and demonstrate its pertinence and correctness in addressing the identified
The topics of contribution include but are not limited to:
• Novel Approaches to IS Engineering
◦ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
◦ Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
◦ Big Data, Data Science and Analytics
◦ Blockchain applications in IS
◦ Simulation and Digital Twins
◦ IS for collaboration and social computing
◦ Virtual reality / Augmented Reality
◦ Context-aware, autonomous and adaptive IS
• Models, Methods and Techniques in IS Engineering
◦ Ontologies and Ontology Engineering
◦ Conceptual modeling, languages and design
◦ Requirements engineering
◦ Process modeling, analysis and improvement
◦ Process automation, mining and monitoring
◦ Models and methods for evolution and reuse
◦ Domain and method engineering
◦ Product lines, variability and configuration management
◦ Compliance and alignment handling
◦ Active and interactive models
◦ Quality of IS models for analysis and design
◦ Visualization techniques in IS
◦ Decision models and business intelligence
◦ Knowledge graphs
◦ Human-centered techniques
• Architectures and Platforms for IS Engineering
◦ Distributed, mobile and open architecture
◦ Big Data architectures
◦ Cloud- and edge-based IS engineering
◦ Service oriented and multi-agent IS engineering
◦ Multi-platform IS engineering
◦ Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
◦ Workflow and Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS)
◦ Handling of real time data streams
◦ Content management and semantic Web
◦ Crowdsourcing platforms
◦ Conversational agents (chatbots)
◦ Microservices design and deployment
• Domain-specific and Multi-aspect IS Engineering
◦ IT governance
◦ eGovernment
◦ Autonomous and smart systems (smart city management, smart vehicles, etc.)
◦ IS for healthcare
◦ Educational Systems and Learning Analytics
◦ Value and supply chain management
◦ Industry 4.0
◦ Sustainability and social responsibility management
◦ Privacy, security, trust, and safety management
◦ IS in the post-COVID world
Submit your paper using the Easy Chair link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024 .
• Abstract Submission: 24th November 2023 (AoE)
• Paper Submission: 1st December 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: 4th March 2024
• Camera-ready Papers: 5th April 2024
• Author registration: 5th April 2024
General Chairs
• Haris Mouratidis, University of Essex, UK
• Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Local Organizing and Finance Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Twente, The Netherlands
• Flavia Maria Santoro, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Other Committee Members
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
ACM IUI 2024 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
In conjunction with the 29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/
Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs
Julia Sheidin, Braude College of Engineering, Israel, julia(a)braude.ac.il<mailto:sheidin.julia@gmail.com>
Axel Soto, CONICET and Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina, axel.soto(a)cs.uns.edu.ar<mailto:axel.soto@cs.uns.edu.ar>
Eva Zangerle, University of Innsbruck, Austria, eva.zangerle(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:eva.zangerle@uibk.ac.at>
Call for Proposals
We are pleased to invite proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide a venue for presenting research on focused topics of interest and an informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges. Potential workshop topics should be related to the general theme of the conference.
Tutorials are designed to provide fundamental knowledge and experience on topics related to intelligent user interfaces, and the intersection between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Note: We encourage you to contact the chairs with your ideas (wt2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:wt2024@iui.acm.org>), and work together to prepare an exciting proposal.
We encourage proposals for a wide range of workshop and tutorial formats and activities, including but not limited to:
* "Mini-conferences" on specialized topics; such workshops may have their own paper submission and review processes.
* Interactive formats to explore a certain topic during the workshop (e.g., through breakout rooms); such workshops may have their own paper submission and review process or target a report summarizing the outcome of the interactive discussions.
* "Late breaking work" meetings; such workshops usually have a lighter review process (e.g. based on abstracts only).
* "Hands-on" workshops around a specific problem or topic that may wish to ask participants to submit a position statement.
* "Project centric" workshops that may be closely related to the scope of an existing large-scale (e.g. NSF, EU, etc. funded) project.
* "Mini-competitions", challenges, or hackathons around selected topics with individual or team participation.
* Tutorials on a specific topic relevant to IUI; for example, methods and approaches in HCI and/or AI, specific techniques or algorithms to develop intelligent user interfaces, etc.
We invite submissions of proposals for full-day and half-day workshops or tutorials. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop and tutorial chairs.
Workshops with few submissions may be canceled, shortened, merged with other workshops, or otherwise restructured. The organizers of accepted workshops and tutorials are responsible for producing a call for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the IUI conference community. Workshop and tutorial organizers will maintain their own website with information about the workshop or tutorial and the ACM IUI 2024 website will refer to this website. The workshop organizers will coordinate the paper solicitation, collection, and review process. A workshop and tutorials summary will be included in the ACM Digital Library for ACM IUI 2024, and we will separately publish a joint workshop proceedings for accepted workshop submissions (through CEUR or similar).
Proposal Format
Workshop or tutorial proposals should be a maximum of four pages long (single-column format). Prepare your submission using the latest templates: Word Submission Template<https://authors.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_submi…>, or the LaTeX template<https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/latex_templates/acmart-primary.zip>.
The proposals should be organized as follows:
* Name and title: A one-word acronym and a full title. Please indicate “(Workshop)” or “(Tutorial)” after the title, as appropriate.
* Description of workshop or tutorial topic: This description should discuss the relevance of the suggested topic to IUI and its interest for the IUI 2024 audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the workshop or tutorial is of particular interest.
* Previous history: List of previous workshops or tutorials that were held on the topic including the conferences that hosted past workshops or tutorials and the number of participants.
* Organizer(s): Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the organizer(s). Provide a brief description of the background of the organizer(s). Strong proposals normally include organizers who bring differing perspectives on the topic and are actively connected to the communities of potential participants. Please indicate the primary contact person and the organizers who plan to attend the workshop. Also please provide a list of other workshops or tutorials organized by workshop organizers in the past.
* Workshop program committee: Names and affiliation of the members of the (tentative) workshop program committee that will evaluate the workshop submissions.
* Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and how you plan to invite participants for the workshop or tutorial. If possible, include the names of at least 10 people who have expressed interest to participate in the workshop or tutorial.
* Workshop or Tutorial activities: A brief description of the format regarding the mix of events or activities, such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, teaching activities, hands-on practical exercises, general discussion. Please also list here any material you will make available to tutorial participants, e.g. slides, access to hardware/software, handouts, etc.
* Workshop format: virtual, in-person, or hybrid.
* Planned outcomes of the workshop or tutorials: What are you hoping to achieve by the end of the workshop or tutorials? Please list here any planned publications or other outputs arising from workshops.
* Length: Full-day or half-day.
Important Dates
• Discuss your topic with the workshop and tutorials chairs: Oct 9, 2023
• Workshop Proposals due: Oct 16, 2023
• Workshop Proposals Decisions Sent: Nov 6, 2023
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit: https://iui.acm.org/2024/call_for_papers.html *
ACM IUI 2024: 29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
March 18-21, 2024
ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024 is the 29th annual premiere venue, where researchers and practitioners meet and discuss state-of-the-art advances at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal IUI submissions should address practical HCI challenges using machine intelligence and discuss both computational and human-centric aspects of such methodologies, techniques and systems.
In addition to traditional IUI themes, we add this year a new theme of Large Language Models (LLMS) for the people. As LLMs become more powerful and more accessible, end users can interact with them in various ways and a wide variety of new applications become feasible. This raises new research questions regarding the interaction between users and generative AI models, including the design of new interactions and intelligent systems, when to trust systems powered with LLMs, fairness in LLMs, studying the effect of such models on people’s work and aligning user expectations with model capabilities.
As always, contributions to IUI are expected to be supported by rigorous evidence appropriate to the claims (e.g., user study, system evaluation, computational analysis). Contributions are welcome from all relevant arenas, including academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations. We strongly believe that diverse insights are critical to the vitality of the IUI community and the conference will accept papers for both long and short oral presentations.
** Topics **
IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Usable Large Language Models and Generative AI
* End-user interaction with LLMs and Multimodal models (e.g., chatbots, image generation)
* LLMs in the workplace
* Trustworthy LLMs
* Bias in LLMs
* The effects of LLMs use on creative tasks
* Personalized user interaction with LLMs
* Prompt Engineering
* User control and steering of LLMs (e.g. RLHF)
- Human-centered AI methods, approaches, and systems
* Explainable AI methods
* Democratization of AI
* Persuasive technologies in IUI
* Privacy and security of IUI
* Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
* User modelling for intelligent interfaces
* User-adaptive interaction and personalization
* IUI for crowd computing and human computation
- Computational innovation
* Interactive machine learning
* Human-in-the loop AI testing and debugging
* Human-centered recommendation and recommender systems
* Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning
* Intelligent user interfaces for generative AI
- Innovative User Interfaces
* Affective interfaces
* Intelligent aesthetic interfaces
* Intelligent collaborative interfaces
* Intelligent AR/VR interfaces
* Intelligent visualization and visual analytics
* Intelligent wearable and mobile interfaces
* Intelligent tangible interfaces
- Intelligent Multimodal Systems
* Embodied agents
* Multimodal AI assistants
* Intelligent multimodal interfaces
- Evaluations of Intelligent User Interfaces
* User experiments and studies
* Reproducibility (including benchmarks, datasets, and challenges)
* Meta-analysis
* Mixed-methods evaluations
- Applications IUI
* Education and learning-related technologies
* Healthcare and wellbeing
* Automotive
* Assistive technologies
* Entertainment
* Workplace happiness
* Social media
* Information retrieval
* Internet of things (IoT)
* Smart cities
* Generative AI
** Papers **
We invite original paper submissions that are not under consideration elsewhere. This year, there is no page limit on the papers (however, we strongly encourage authors to not exceed 10,000 words) and no formal distinction between long and short papers will be made. However, we expect the paper length to be commensurate with the scientific values and contribution of the work. Authors of papers that exceed 12,000 words should add a note at the end of their manuscript explaining how the length of the paper is commensurate with the contribution of the work.
Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices. A selected set of accepted top quality full papers will be invited to submit their extended versions for publication in an ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) special issue titled "Highlights of IUI 2024" that will appear in 2025.
All accepted papers will be invited for oral presentation as part of the main conference program. Additionally, all authors of accepted papers are invited to present a poster of their work during the poster session.
** Highlights of this year **
We also encourage authors to discuss potential ethical considerations of their work; aspects pertaining to current societal issues; diversity, inclusion, and equality; and other topics under the broad responsible AI topic.
Reflection of practical and societal impact
* We encourage authors to consider practical and societal implications of their work (as well as its shortcomings) throughout their projects and to include a reflection on those implications in their papers, in particular how the proposed methods and insights could be applied and deployed in a realistic setting and how they can improve people's lives in the real world.
* We also encourage authors to discuss potential ethical considerations of their work in terms of diversity, inclusion, and equality; and other topics under the broad responsible AI topic and its societal impact. We recognize that technology is rarely neutral --- simply by making some things easier than others, it reshapes society (Winner, 1980; Green, 2020). Further, given the incredibly short invention-to-application cycles for AI-related technologies, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that “somebody else” will carefully consider how an emerging intelligent user interface technology might impact the world before this technology is deployed. Because it is often difficult to anticipate the cumulative or indirect impacts of an invention, we provide a few concrete suggestions to consider throughout the research process and for reflecting on one’s work at the end.
* Our purpose is to help authors ensure that the likely societal consequences of their work are consistent with their intentions and values. For colleagues who are not yet experienced with incorporating societal impacts into their IUI research but who are willing to give it a try, we prepared some simple ideas to consider.
** Submission instructions **
Important dates
* Abstract submission- Oct 2th, 2023
* Full Submission - Oct 9th, 2023
* Initial decisions released - Dec 14th, 2023
* Rebuttal period (by invitation only)- Dec 14th-20th, 2023
* Notifications sent - Jan 5h, 2024
* Camera Ready submission - Jan 25th, 2024
* All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS 2.0 http://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi by the abstract and paper deadline.
* In PCS 2.0, first click "Submissions" at the top of the page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select "SIGCHI", "IUI 2024" and "IUI 2024 Papers", respectively, and press "Go".
* ACM IUI uses a double-blind review process. All submissions (and supplemental materials) must be appropriately anonymized according to the following guidelines:
* Authors’ names and affiliations are not visible anywhere in the paper.
* Acknowledgements should be anonymized or removed during the review process.
* Self-citations should be included where necessary but must use the third person. For example, "... as shown in our previous user study [2] ... " is not allowed, whereas "... as shown in Smith et al. [2] " is acceptable (because in this case the citation [2] will NOT be perceived as self-citation).
* Failure to follow these guidelines may result in submissions being desk rejected without review.
* Authors should also be aware of the SIGCHI Policy for Submission and Review at SIGCHI Conferences.
* Authors are asked to make their paper submissions accessible (so that reviewers with vision impairments can access them, for example). The authors of accepted papers will be required to make their final PDFs accessible. Please use the SIGCHI Guide to an Accessible Submission for detailed instructions.
* If you are submitting a video as supplemental material, please provide captions, as described in Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos.
* Please refer to the Accessibility page for further details and guidelines.
Submission format and length
* We will adopt the ACM TAPS Workflow.
* Prepare your submission for review in a single column format, using the latest templates: Word Submission Template, or the LaTeX template using \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for the LaTeX template.
* Papers are of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. We encourage authors to stay within a 10,000 word limit. Authors of papers exceeding 12,000 words should add a note at the end of their manuscript explaining how the length of the paper is commensurate with the contribution of the work.
Supplemental materials
* Submitting supplemental material (e.g. questionnaires, demo videos of applications, data sheets) is optional but encouraged.
* If supplying a demo video, please follow the SIGCHI Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos.
Additional Policies
* As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.
Program Chairs
* Dorota Glowacka, University of Helsinki
* Denis Parra, PUC Chile
* Ofra Amir, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce the third episode of the UI-Engineering live
talks, which are bimonthly seminars organised by the IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 and
given by members or invited experts.
This month, prof. Davide Spano will discuss techniques for supporting end
users and novice programmers in creating XR environments, particularly for
defining their interactive behaviour. The talk will be given on * September
28, 15:30 CET *
Title: Easing XR Development for Novices and End Users
Speaker: Davide Spano
Link: https://youtube.com/live/mXDPX8CSEGQ?feature=share
This talk discusses a rule-based approach for enabling end-users and novice
developers to define interactive behaviours in immersive eXtended Reality
(XR) experiences. We start with a cultural and environmental preservation
case study, introducing an authoring environment for first-person
cinematographic video games based on 360-degree videos.
Then, we extend the technique to the end-user configuration of Virtual
Reality (VR) environments. The solution relies on template environments
created by expert developers and an extensible library supporting their
configuration by end-users through rules in a constrained natural language.
Finally, we show how novice developers can benefit from the same rule-based
representation, inspecting development examples defined through different
XR toolkits. Our Unity Editor plugin can identify and describe interactions
as rules, suggest similar interactions, and copy-paste interactions from
examples, even if they use different toolkits. We conclude by discussing
open questions and further extension of this research.
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <https://www.unica.it/unica/page/it/luciod_spano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards.
//Note: *also the paper management system of the journal has migrated
to* *https://ojs.ixdea.org/* <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
The old OJS istance has been discontinued since the 1st of July 2023 and
cannot longer used to submit papers to IxD&A Journal.
Special Issue on
*Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based Activities
with Children *
Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2007 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Naska Goagoses, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany
• Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Namibia University of Technology, Namibia
• Erkki Rötkönen, University of Turku, Finland
• Tariq Zaman, ASSET, University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *October 30th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: December 20th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: January 31st, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: May 2024 (tentatively)
In this special issue, we are calling for contributions dealing with
distributed online co-design with children and its wider field of
design-based learning. We are looking for both theoretical and
methodological reflections on the position of participatory design and
co-design and empirical cases that advance design practices with
children in online environments. A significant contribution of the
volume will focus on facilitation tools and techniques connected to
the contemporary challenges of distributed online design in formal
settings (i.e. K-12) or informal settings with children.
Effective techniques and tools for co-located environments (Antle et
al., 2020, Zaman et al.,2022), which foster the genuine participation of
children (Kinnula & Iivari, 2021), have been established over the years
within the child-computer interaction community. However, technologies,
tools, and techniques for distributed online co-design with children are
only beginning to emerge, with much room for new developments and the
need for adaptations. Co-design with children in online and hybrid
environments, encountered constraints in the utilization of existing
technologies and tools, and challenges when applying longstanding design
facilitation techniques (Itenge et al., 2021; Rötkönen et al., 2021;
Rötkönen et al., 2022, Winschiers-Theophilus et al., 2022,). Within
online environments, new technological affordances and methods need to
be explored, and established facilitation strategies and co-design
methods need to be amended (Bertran et al., 2022; McVeigh-Schultz &
Isbister, 2021; Walsh et al., 2015; Warren et al., 2022). The move to
online environments offers a variety of challenges but also new
opportunities (Fails et al. 2022), including the collaborative
participation of children that are geographically distributed
(Winschiers-Theophilus et al., 2022). Given the challenges, yet also the
novel opportunities, a larger collection of theoretical and empirical
work about online co-design with children and design-based learning is
*Topics of Interest*
We invite researchers drawing upon design-based research approaches to
share their theoretical, methodological, or practical perspectives. We
welcome submissions that report on qualitative or quantitative studies,
systematic reviews or scoping reviews, as well as theoretical and
reflective pieces.
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue
includes, but is not limited to:
● Geographically distributed participants
● Ethical considerations and implications
● Special educational needs
● Inclusion, diversity, and heterogeneity
● Social-emotional learning
● Intergenerational engagement and communication
● Facilitation tools and techniques
● Supportive technologies and platforms
● Formal and informal educational contexts
● Design-based learning in K-12
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Online Design-Based Activities with Children")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: Online Design-Based Activities with Children/
• naska [dot] goagoses [at] uni-oldenburg [dot] de
• hwinschiers [at] nust [dot] na
• rotkonenerkki [at] utu [dot] fi
• tariqzaman [at] uts [dot] edu [dot] my
* Forthcoming issues:*
• ‘Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age’
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, Anders Mørch,
Alessandro Pagano
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
• ‘STEAM teaching and learning: advances beyond the state of the art’
Guest editors: Hector Cardona-Reyes, Carlos Alberto Lara-Álvarez, Miguel
Angel Ortiz Esparza, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori
*** First Call for Papers ***
28th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
(ICECCS 2024)
June 19-21, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: December 8, 2023 AoE ***)
Recent years have witnessed a rapidly rising emphasis on the design, implementation and
management of complex computer systems which are present in every aspect of human
activities, such as manufacturing, communications, defence, transportation, aerospace,
hazardous environments, energy, and healthcare. These complex systems are frequently
distributed over heterogeneous networks and process a large amount of data, leveraging
emerging artificial intelligence (AI), large language models, and machine learning techniques.
Complexity arises from many factors, including the dynamic environment and the scenarios
these systems operate in, demanding and sometimes conflicting requirements in functionality,
efficiency, scalability, security, dependability and adaptability, data heterogeneity, as well as
the wide range of development methodologies, programming languages and implementation
details. Performance, real-time behaviour, fault tolerance, robustness, security, adaptability,
development time and cost, and long life concerns are some of the key issues arising in the
development of such systems.
The International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS) is a
well-established event that has been held around the world for over 25 years. The goal of this
conference is to bring together industrial, academic, and government experts from a variety of
application domains and software disciplines, to discuss how the disciplines’ problems and
solution techniques interact within the whole system. Researchers, practitioners, tool
developers and users, and technology transfer experts are all welcome. The scope of the
conference includes long-term research issues, near-term requirements and challenges,
established complex systems, emerging promising tools, and retrospective and prospective
reflections of research and development into complex systems.
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished research results, case
studies and tools. Papers are solicited in all areas related to complex computer-based systems,
including the causes of complexity and means of avoiding, controlling, or coping with
complexity. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
Requirements, modeling and formal methods
• Requirements analysis and specification
• Model-driven development
• Model checking
• SAT/SMT solvers for software analysis and testing
AI, Complex intelligent models and complex systems
• Big data management
• Data-drive and AI-backed systems
• Machine learning for Software Engineering
• AI4SE and SE4AI
• Adaptive, self-managing and multi-agent systems
Security, reliability and dependability
• Safety-critical and fault-tolerant architectures
• Formal methods
• Security and privacy of complex systems
• Privacy-preserving AI
• Fairness
Software engineering
• Verification and validation
• Reverse engineering and refactoring
• Software architecture
• Human Machine Interaction
• Agile methods
Realistic complex systems
• Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, sensor networks
• Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
• Autonomous systems and self-healing systems
• Industrial case studies
Different kinds of contributions are sought, including novel research, lessons learned,
experience reports, and discussions of practical problems faced by industry and user domains.
The ultimate goal is to build a rich and comprehensive conference program that can fit the
interests and needs of different classes of attendees: professionals, researchers, managers,
and students. A program goal is to organize several sessions that include both academic and
industrial papers on a given topic and culminate panels to discuss relationships between
industrial and academic research.
Full papers are divided into two categories: Technical Papers and Experience Reports. The
papers submitted to both categories will be reviewed by the program committee members,
and papers accepted in either category will be published in the conference proceedings.
Technical papers should describe original research, and experience reports should present
practical projects carried out in the industry, and reflect on the lessons learnt from them.
Short paper submissions describe early-stage, ongoing or PhD research. All short papers will
be reviewed by the program committee members, and accepted short papers will be published
in the conference proceedings.
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be concurrently considered
for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality,
contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference.
The proceedings have been published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE
Computer Society.
Submitted manuscripts should be in English and formatted in the style of the double-column
IEEE CPS format. Full papers should not exceed 9 pages + 1 page for bibliography, and short
papers should not exceed 5 pages + 1 page for bibliography, including figures, references,
and appendices. All submissions should be in PDF format. Submissions not adhering to the
specified format and length may be rejected immediately without review.
Please prepare your manuscripts in accordance with the IEEE CPS guidelines.
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
We invite all prospective authors to submit their manuscripts via the ICECCS 2024 portal,
hosted by the EasyChair conference management system.
• Abstract Submissions Due: 08 December, 2023 AoE
• Full Paper Submissions Due: 15 December, 2023 AoE
• Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 15 March, 2024
• Camera-ready Due: 15 April, 2024
• Author Registration Due: 15 April, 2024
• Conference Dates: 19-21 June 2024
Steering Committee
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Ireland
Xiaohong Li, Tianjin University, China
Shaoying Liu, Hiroshima University, Japan
Mauro Pezze, University in Lugano, Switzerland
Roy Sterritt, Ulster University, United Kingdom
Jing Sun (Chair), University of Auckland, New Zealand
General Co-Chairs
• Yamine Ait-Ameur, IRIT, France
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Guangdong Bai, University of Queensland, Australia
• Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Gentili Membri di SIGCHI-Italy,
Come illustrato durante il Town Hall meeting tenutosi in occasione della
conferenza CHItaly2023 a Torino il 20 settembre, lo scorso giugno
l'Extended Board del nostro capitolo (composto da me e dai colleghi
Maristella Matera, Massimo Zancanaro, Luigi De Russis, Davide Spano, Rosa
Lanzilotti, Anna Spagnolli, Alessio Malizia) ha inviato dei commenti alla
versione beta del documento sulle linee guida curriculari ACM di Computer
Science, relativamente alla disciplina della Human Computer Interaction.
Il collega Amruth Kumar, che ha raccolto i diversi commenti alla versione
beta, mi ha informata che ora è disponibile la versione gamma al link
https://csed.acm.org/cs2023-gamma/ ma che nel frattempo il committee
continua a valutare i feedback ricevuti sulla precedente versione.
Chi fosse interessato, può scrivermi per prendere visione del documento
(versione beta) commentato da noi e prendere parte alla discussione.
Abbiamo tempo fino al 31 ottobre per inviare ulteriori commenti (questa
volta alla versione gamma), a nome del capitolo italiano di SIGCHI. Chi
riuscisse a dedicare un po' di tempo a questa attività, sarebbe il
Colgo l'occasione per congratularmi con i General Chairs Cristina Gena e
Luigi De Russis e con tutti i membri del Comitato Organizzatore per
l'eccellente lavoro svolto col programma scientifico di CHItaly2023. Tutto
sullo sfondo dell'incantevole città di Torino. Come sempre, è stato un
piacere incontrare tanti di voi di persona e constatare che la nostra
comunità sta crescendo e si sta arricchendo di tanti giovani ricercatori
pieni di entusiasmo verso la disciplina dell'HCI, in tutte le sue
Un caro saluto a tutti,
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <https://docenti.unisa.it/003730/home>
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards./
Special Issue on
*Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions *Call for
Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
established in 2005
SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science,
Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal
that implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CiteScore 2022: 2.0 (Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Media Technology,
Education; Q3: Human Computer Interaction) *
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Mihai Dascalu, University Politehnica of Bucharest
• Óscar Mealha, University of Aveiro, Portugal
• Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, Estonia
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *October 15th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: December 15th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: January 15th, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: March 2024 (tentatively)
The development of Smart Learning Ecosystems is of strategic relevance
for all the territorial ambits on which they insist, either because they
can act as a bulwark against degradation in the most critical areas, or
because they can contribute to increasing the well-being of students and
their communities of reference; moreover, they can also act as a driver
for sustainable development of the territories.
The achievement of an adequate level of smartness in the learning
ecosystems is, however, a process that needs a long-term vision,
multidisciplinary competencies, an attitude to understand people and
contexts and to mediate points of view, a dynamic approach to resilience
to keep on track and achieve, step-by-step, the foreseen goals: in
short, an attitude to design and implement sustainable projects and
processes aimed at achieving a people-centered smart environments and
Climate change, pandemics, wars (more or less uncovered), and the energy
and food crises triggered by them, all point towards the need to change
our lifestyles and make them fully sustainable. The SDGs [1] and the
cultural and technological transitions they foster – such as the green
transition – therefore become new challenges with which smart learning
ecosystems and communities must measure themselves to support the
education of competent and responsible future citizens.
Citizens whose future behaviour implies the entrenchment of a sense of
membership [2] and the development of meta-design competencies [3]-,
i.e., the competence of knowing how to explore and manage, the ambiguity
and uncertainty that changes will bring.
Within such an evolving scenario, we also have to face the amplifying
power of digital technologies, which – as discussed in the UNESCO
document “The futures of education for participation in 2050” [4] –
could contribute, through educational processes, to the development of a
fairer and more equitable society and, at the same time, to more careful
use of resources; but, on the other hand, if not adequately utilized,
they could also lead to deepening the existing gaps. Thus, we have to
face a parallel digital transition that raises many questions about its
impact on humans and the environment, including its energy
sustainability. The digital transition – which complements the other
cultural transitions induced by SDGs (giving rise to multiple twin
transitions) – thus, left us with complex questions about when, how, and
why to use digital technologies in and for learning, that can be
approached through multiple perspectives and angles. How can they
contribute sustainably, to transform education, support cultural
transitions, reduce inequalities, and at the same time, empower
individuals according to their needs, expectations, and talents?
1. https://en.unesco.org/sustainabledevelopmentgoals
2. Haste H., Chopra V., “The futures of education for participation in
2050: educating for managing uncertainly and ambiguity”, 2020,
3. Giovannella C. “Is complexity tameable? Toward a design for the
experience in a complex world” IxD&A Journal, N. 15, 2012, pp. 18-30,
4. Futures of Education. A new Social Contract for Education.
*Topics of Interest*
General topics of interest acting as background and frame for the twin
transitions can be grouped under three big themes: places for smart
education, people in place- centered design for smart education,
supportive learning technologies and tools for smart education. All can
be related to studies that develop on a post-pandemic view and strategy
for a better learning world, namely nurtured by the pertinence of smart
learning ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions, like the green
and digital one.
*Places for smart education*
* future of institutional learning
* interplay between formal and informal learning
* new educational models and settings
* continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space in the
learning process
* role of games and gamification case studies in smart education
* dual education and other alternate scheme approaches
* monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution,
city, region)
*People in place- centered design for smart education*
* general frameworks and methodological advancement
* competence based learning, evaluation and certification
* design, data and other relevant literacies
* literacies, skills and competences of future citizens
* communities and co-design in smart learning ecosystems
sharing & participatory practices
* open access to any resources and disparity
* cultural influences
*Supportive technologies and tools for smart education*
* AI for smart learning ecosystems: Ethical aspects, tools and H-AI
* knowledge graphsx and applications
* text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis
* intelligent tutoring systems
* real/virtual communities and social network analysis
* interoperability and application of open/smart data and services
* safety & security in education
* IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies
* adaptability to educational contexts and citizens
* role of VR in education
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of Twins Transitions")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of Twins Transitions/
• mihai [dot] dascalu [at] upb [dot] ro
• oem [at] ua [dot] pt
• sirje [dot] virkus [at] tlu [dot] ee
To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
*** Deadline extended: STAG 2023 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics
It is still possible to submit your contribution to STAG 2023.
The submission deadlines have been extended to September 17th (Abstract
submission) and September 24th (Papers/Posters submission), 2023.
You can read the detailed CFP below.
STAG is an annual international conference organized by the Italian Chapter
of the Eurographics Association. The University of Basilicata and Casa
delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera will host STAG 2023 on November 16-17 (
The aim of STAG is to disseminate knowledge and pioneering concepts
pertaining to the theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Graphics.
By bringing together researchers and professionals from both national and
international scientific communities, the event facilitates the exchange of
the latest advancements in the field. The conference actively encourages
the submission of innovative proposals that address practical challenges
through novel approaches, intelligent solutions that enhance existing
techniques and algorithms for real-world applications, as well as system
and workflow papers that showcase their tangible impact on practical
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
- 2D/3D Computer Vision
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning for Visual Computing
- Acquisition and Reconstruction
- Animation
- eXtended Reality
- Computational Fabrication and Digital Manufacturing
- Computational Geometry
- Computer Graphics applications in industry, biomedicine, cultural
heritage, entertainment, physics, design, robotics, digital twin, smart
cities, etc.
- Geometry processing
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Imaging and image processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Rendering
- Shape modeling, synthesis and analysis
- Topological Data Analysis for Visual Computing
- Visualization and Perception
- Volumetric modeling
- 3D Web graphics
*** Submission ***
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research papers, as
well as dataset papers and software papers.
Accepted papers will be included in the STAG proceedings, published in the
Eurographics Digital Library. The authors of the selected top-quality
papers presented at the conference will receive invitations to submit
extended versions of their work to a Special Issue in prestigious academic
journals, including Computers & Graphics (Elsevier), Computer Graphics &
Applications (IEEE), or Graphical Models (Elsevier).
Please check the conference website for more information:
- Abstract submission: September 10, 2023 - September 17, 2023
- Papers submission: September 17, 2023 - September 24, 2023
- Notification: October 13, 2023
- Camera Ready: October 20, 2023
- Conference: November 16-17, 2023
*** Contact ***
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
*established in 2005
SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science,
Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal
implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CiteScore 2022: 2.0 (Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Media Technology,
Education; Q3: Human Computer Interaction)
*Issue N. 57
*featuring a special issue
**Competence-based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing, and democracy.**
*/guest editors: ///Ilaria Bortolotti, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina
Cachia, Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone/
Regular papers
is now available for free downloading
/IxD&A implements the Gold/Diamond Open Access road to its contents with
no charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 57 - ToC*/**
///Preface to the special isue on
*Competence-based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing, and democracy.*
by /Ilaria Bortolotti, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia, Arianna Sala,
Nadia Sansone/
p. 5 – 7
/Carlo Giovannella/
“Learning by being”: integrated thinking and competencies to mark the
difference from AIs, pp. 8 – 26
/Stefano Cacciamani and Nobuko Fujita/
Promoting Life Competences in the Knowledge Society: The Contribution of
Knowledge Building Model for Educational Systems, pp. 27 – 46
/Marcelo F. Maina, Lourdes Guàrdia, Federica Mancini, Carolina García/
Development of a Model for Transversal Competence Assessment in K-12: an
Internal Validation Study for the Digital Competence, pp. 47 – 64
/Betty Tärning, Eva-Maria Ternblad, Agneta Gulz, Magnus Haake/
A tale about facts and opinions: The impact of a drama intervention on
middle-school students´ information literacy, pp. 65 – 81
/Giuseppe Ritella, Fedela Feldia Loperfido/
Harnessing digital community mapping for the development of primary and
secondary students’ civic competences: a case study, pp. 82 – 96
//David S. Bowers and Marian Petre/
Developing a Competence Assessment which References a Student Portfolio
to a Professional Skills Framework, pp. 97 – 114
/Antonio Palacios-Rodríguez, Francisco D. Guillén-Gámez, Julio
Cabero-Almenara, Juan Jesús Gutiérrez-Castillo/
Teacher Digital Competence in the stages of Compulsory Education
according to DigCompEdu: The impact of demographic predictors on its
development, pp. 115 – 132
/Alejandra Celis Vargas, Rikke Magnussen, Ingrid Mulder, Birger Larsen/
Towards a framework for Open Data literacy in education: A systematic
mapping review of Open Data skills and learning approaches, pp. 133 – 151
/Kai Pata and Külli Kori/
Cross Academia and Public Citizen Engagement for Developing Active
Citizenship Competences, pp. 152 – 166
*Regular paper*
/Agneta Gulz and Magnus Haake/
Lessons from a preschool intervention study carried out during the
Covid-19 pandemic, pp. 167 – 187, abstract, download
*To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
IxD&A Privacy Policy
Dear all,
I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday. I am excited to announce an upcoming Special Issue in "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing" titled "Human AI Conversational Systems: When Humans and Machines Start to Chat", for which I am serving as an editor. I believe that many of you would be ideal contributors to this special issue.
About the Special Issue:
In the digital era, chatbots and conversational agents like ChatGPT have marked a significant shift in human-computer interactions, offering a more intuitive, human-like approach to obtaining information, utilizing products, and accessing services. This special issue aims to shed light on the present achievements in this domain and to further probe into the prospective avenues through which we might engage with these technologies in the future.
Key Topics of Interest include (but are not limited to):
Designing, implementing, and evaluating chatbot interactions with humans.
Natural language processing and multi-modal interaction nuances.
Personalization techniques and adaptation strategies for conversational agents.
Societal, ethical, and emotional implications of chatbots and their interactions.
The application of chatbots in diverse sectors such as Arts, Humanities, and Creative Industries.
Submission Details:
Deadline: December 15, 2023
Length: Typically 7,000–8,000 words (excluding references, captions, appendices). Longer or shorter articles have specific conditions as mentioned in the call.
Call for Paper: Human AI Conversational Systems: When Humans and Machines Start to Chat<https://www.springer.com/journal/779/updates/24070322>
Submission Link: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Submission Guidelines<https://www.springer.com/journal/779/submission-guidelines>
Further Information: Springer Nature Information for Journal Article Authors<https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/journal-author>
For an in-depth understanding of the scope and guidelines, please refer to the attached Call for Papers.
I encourage all of you to consider submitting your pioneering work to this special issue. Additionally, please feel free to share this call with your colleagues and research associates who may also be interested.
Thank you for your consideration, and I am eagerly looking forward to the many new perspectives that you can bring to this special issue.
Warm regards,
Tommaso Turchi
Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
3-7 June 2024
Genoa, Italy
Workshop and tutorial proposals:
Friday, December 1, 2024
Long and short papers:
Abstract submission: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Paper submission: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Posters and Demos:
Paper submission: Thursday, February 29, 2024
Doctoral Consortium:
Paper submission: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
(all deadlines are 23:59, AoE)
Submission webpage: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=avi2024
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.
While rooted in Italy, AVI is an actual international conference concerning the nationality of participants, authors of papers, and program committee members. The mixture of carefully selected research contributions paired with cordial Italian hospitality creates a unique conference atmosphere, which has made AVI an internationally recognized brand.
AVI 2024 is under the patronage of University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, Italy.
We look forward to your participation in AVI 2024!
Cristina Conati, AVI 2024 General Chair
Gulatiero Volpe, AVI 2024 General Chair
Ilaria Torre, AVI 2024 Program Chair
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Affective Visual Interfaces
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Conversational Interfaces
Full-body Interaction
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Interaction Design Tools
Building Interactions: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for i-TV
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Interfaces and Interactions for Inclusion, Accessibility and Aging
Interfaces for children
Learning, Education, and Families
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Usability and (Cyber)Security
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
We solicit high-quality original research papers in the area of advanced visual interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction in general. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts.
Accepted long and short research papers will be included in the Proceedings published by ACM Press and available in the ACM Digital Library.
Long and Short papers are publications that address AVI 2024 topics and describe original, unpublished research. Submissions must be anonymized.
The maximum length of long papers is 8 pages (with one additional page for references).
The maximum length of short papers is 4 pages (with one additional page for references).
Authors are required to send a 250-word abstract by the abstract deadline, one week before final submission, to speed up the paper assignment to reviewers.
The AVI 2024 Poster Track allows researchers and practitioners to present their work in progress and obtain precious feedback from their peers in an informal setting.
Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized.
The demo track is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive visual interfaces. We are looking for implementations of novel and exciting concepts or systems related to the main topics of AVI.
Demo papers must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized.
We invite proposals for workshops that will facilitate the exchange of new ideas in all areas related to advanced visual interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction. We invite organizers to propose either half-day or one-day long workshops held on June 3 or June 4, 2024, at the AVI2024 venue.
We encourage the proposal of tutorials on specific topics related to AVI and general HCI approaches, methodologies, or technologies.
The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting for PhD students to present their work and receive feedback on their doctoral research plan and progress. Students will be offered the opportunity to articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims at providing students with guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and the other students participating in the sessions. Finally, the Doctoral Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development of their scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research community.
General Chairs
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
Program Chair
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Long Papers Chairs
Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari
Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Elisabetta Bevacqua, National Engineering School of Brest
Maurizio Mancini, Sapienza University of Rome
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Poster Chairs
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento
Demo Chairs
Radoslaw Niewiadomski, University of Genoa
Fabiana Vernero, University of Turin
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabio Paternò, CNR ISTI
Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
Publicity Chairs
Beatrice Biancardi, LINEACT CESI
Federica Delprino, University of Genoa
Proceedings Chairs
Eleonora Ceccaldi, University of Genoa
Cigdem Beyan, University of Trento
Web Chair
Paola Barra, University of Naples Parthenope
Paolo Bottoni,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Paolo Buono
University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Catarci
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, Italy
Maristella Matera
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Massimo Mecella
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Kent Norman
University of Maryland, USA
Emanuele Panizzi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Genny Tortora
University of Salerno, Italy
Giuliana Vitiello
University of Salerno, Italy
Marco Winckler
Université Côte d'Azur, France
Ilaria Torre
Associate Professor, University of Genoa, IT
Department of Computer Science, Bio-engineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering
Head of the MSc in Digital Humanities - Interactive systems and digital media, Polytechnic School
Office +39 010 3532818
Email ilaria.torre(a)unige.it<mailto:ilaria.torre@unige.it>
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
ACM IUI 2024 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
In conjunction with the 29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/
Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs
Julia Sheidin, Braude College of Engineering, Israel, julia(a)braude.ac.il<mailto:sheidin.julia@gmail.com>
Axel Soto, CONICET and Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina, axel.soto(a)cs.uns.edu.ar<mailto:axel.soto@cs.uns.edu.ar>
Eva Zangerle, University of Innsbruck, Austria, eva.zangerle(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:eva.zangerle@uibk.ac.at>
Call for Proposals
We are pleased to invite proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide a venue for presenting research on focused topics of interest and an informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges. Potential workshop topics should be related to the general theme of the conference.
Tutorials are designed to provide fundamental knowledge and experience on topics related to intelligent user interfaces, and the intersection between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Note: We encourage you to contact the chairs with your ideas (wt2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:wt2024@iui.acm.org>), and work together to prepare an exciting proposal.
We encourage proposals for a wide range of workshop and tutorial formats and activities, including but not limited to:
* "Mini-conferences" on specialized topics; such workshops may have their own paper submission and review processes.
* Interactive formats to explore a certain topic during the workshop (e.g., through breakout rooms); such workshops may have their own paper submission and review process or target a report summarizing the outcome of the interactive discussions.
* "Late breaking work" meetings; such workshops usually have a lighter review process (e.g. based on abstracts only).
* "Hands-on" workshops around a specific problem or topic that may wish to ask participants to submit a position statement.
* "Project centric" workshops that may be closely related to the scope of an existing large-scale (e.g. NSF, EU, etc. funded) project.
* "Mini-competitions", challenges, or hackathons around selected topics with individual or team participation.
* Tutorials on a specific topic relevant to IUI; for example, methods and approaches in HCI and/or AI, specific techniques or algorithms to develop intelligent user interfaces, etc.
We invite submissions of proposals for full-day and half-day workshops or tutorials. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop and tutorial chairs.
Workshops with few submissions may be canceled, shortened, merged with other workshops, or otherwise restructured. The organizers of accepted workshops and tutorials are responsible for producing a call for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the IUI conference community. Workshop and tutorial organizers will maintain their own website with information about the workshop or tutorial and the ACM IUI 2024 website will refer to this website. The workshop organizers will coordinate the paper solicitation, collection, and review process. A workshop and tutorials summary will be included in the ACM Digital Library for ACM IUI 2024, and we will separately publish a joint workshop proceedings for accepted workshop submissions (through CEUR or similar).
Proposal Format
Workshop or tutorial proposals should be a maximum of four pages long (single-column format). Prepare your submission using the latest templates: Word Submission Template<https://authors.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_submi…>, or the LaTeX template<https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/latex_templates/acmart-primary.zip>.
The proposals should be organized as follows:
* Name and title: A one-word acronym and a full title. Please indicate “(Workshop)” or “(Tutorial)” after the title, as appropriate.
* Description of workshop or tutorial topic: This description should discuss the relevance of the suggested topic to IUI and its interest for the IUI 2024 audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the workshop or tutorial is of particular interest.
* Previous history: List of previous workshops or tutorials that were held on the topic including the conferences that hosted past workshops or tutorials and the number of participants.
* Organizer(s): Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the organizer(s). Provide a brief description of the background of the organizer(s). Strong proposals normally include organizers who bring differing perspectives on the topic and are actively connected to the communities of potential participants. Please indicate the primary contact person and the organizers who plan to attend the workshop. Also please provide a list of other workshops or tutorials organized by workshop organizers in the past.
* Workshop program committee: Names and affiliation of the members of the (tentative) workshop program committee that will evaluate the workshop submissions.
* Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and how you plan to invite participants for the workshop or tutorial. If possible, include the names of at least 10 people who have expressed interest to participate in the workshop or tutorial.
* Workshop or Tutorial activities: A brief description of the format regarding the mix of events or activities, such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, teaching activities, hands-on practical exercises, general discussion. Please also list here any material you will make available to tutorial participants, e.g. slides, access to hardware/software, handouts, etc.
* Workshop format: virtual, in-person, or hybrid.
* Planned outcomes of the workshop or tutorials: What are you hoping to achieve by the end of the workshop or tutorials? Please list here any planned publications or other outputs arising from workshops.
* Length: Full-day or half-day.
Important Dates
• Discuss your topic with the workshop and tutorials chairs: Oct 9, 2023
• Workshop Proposals due: Oct 16, 2023
• Workshop Proposals Decisions Sent: Nov 6, 2023
*Application Deadline: 15th of September 2023*
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=svs*
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2023) to be held from December 3rd to 6th in the enchanting city of Vienna, Austria. We would like to invite passionate and dedicated students to join us as volunteers. This is an exceptional opportunity for you to gain valuable hands -on experience, expand your network, and contribute to the success of an international conference.
*Responsibilities of Student Volunteers*
* Assisting with registration and check-in processes
* Guiding attendees and providing information about the conference venue and schedule
* Assisting speakers and presenters during sessions
* Supporting the organizing committee with various administrative tasks
* Helping with the setup and management of conference equipment and facilities
* Assisting with social events and networking activities
* Social media support
*Benefits of Volunteering*
* Free registration - Access to all conference sessions and workshops during your volunteer shifts
* A goodie bag, t-shirt and a certificate of appreciation for your valuable contribution
* Networking opportunities with renowned researchers and industry professionals
* Recognition on the conference website and in the official program
* An opportunity to showcase your organizational and communication skills
* Must be a currently enrolled student
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Reliable and responsible with a professional attitude
If you are enthusiastic about MUM 2023 and would like to be a part of the conference, we encourage you to apply as a student volunteer. To submit your application here<https://forms.gle/2q7A7DRPkkk5fpcVA> (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesAxVcvUUKRi-7cFqCS7CiXEUI2V7HZ4p…).
The deadline for applications is Sept 15th, 2023. Selected volunteers will be notified by email no later than Sept 29th, 2023. We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to Vienna for a memorable conference experience!
*Student Volunteers Chair*
Ambika Shahu,TU Wien
All questions about the student volunteer program should be emailed to: sv2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:sv2023@mum-conf.org>
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer updated from 5 March 2023 onwards./
*NEXT HARD DEADLINE**-> September 15th 2023*
Special Issue on
*AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
• Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy
• Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway
• Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy
*Important dates:*
• Extended deadline: *September 15th, 2023 (hard deadline)*
• Notification to the authors: November 10th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: November 30th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: December 2023/January 2024 (tentatively)
This special issue is intended to explore the assumption (and to provide
at least partial evidence) that the most successful Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems out there today are dependent on teams of
humans, just as humans depend on these systems to gain access to
information, provide insights and perform tasks beyond their own
capabilities. An assumption that implies a confrontation between AI,
Human-Centered AI and HCD and a reflection on the role of HCD in the AI age.
The issue, thus, is not intended to be focalized on the design of user
interfaces of systems containing embedded AI features, per se; rather,
it is expected to be grounded in research activities involving a broad
spectrum of academic disciplines – from computer science to social
science – that will critically analyze the interplay between
AI, Human-Centered AI and HCD, in order to investigate the impact on
individuals, social groups, and society as a whole.
In particular this special issue wish to explore the relationship
between AI, aimed at replacing human beings, and Intelligence
Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering human beings in their daily
life and work. Balancing between these two perspectives means changing
the research paradigm from traditional human-computer interaction, to
designing the collaboration between humans and computers. This will
foster creativity, meaningful work, intersubjectivity, and learning, and
eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a
variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this new
age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge and
competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, new research
methods, etc.
The guest editors encourage researchers to submit articles that will
consider these aspects.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but not limited to:
* AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues
* AI support in everyday work
* Collaborative human-centered design
* End-User Development for AI-based systems
* Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems
* Explainable AI through meta design
* Human-centred AI
* Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning effectiveness
* Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: AI for Humans and Humans for AI")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on AI for Humans and Humans for AI/
• renatea [at] oslomet [dot] no
• vita [dot] barletta [at] uniba [dot] it
• anders [dot] morch [at] iped [dot] uio [dot] no
• alessandro [dot] pagano [at] uniba [dot] it
*** First Call for Workshop Proposals ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
(CAiSE 2024)
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: October 13, 2023 AoE ***)
CAiSE is a well-established, highly visible conference series on Advanced Information Systems
(IS) Engineering. It covers all relevant topics in the area, including methodologies and
approaches for IS engineering, innovative platforms, architectures and technologies, and
engineering of specific kinds of IS. CAiSE conferences also have the tradition of hosting
workshops in related fields. Workshops are intended to focus on particular topics and provide
ample room for discussions of new ideas and developments.
CAiSE 2024, the 36th edition of the CAiSE series, invites proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference, related to the CAiSE topics, covering new emerging
topics and targeting innovative papers in special focus areas.
Prospective workshop organisers should specify whether they plan an event with a
presentation-oriented track, a discussion-oriented track, or both.
Presentation-oriented track
This track focuses on accepted papers with presentations followed by Q&A sessions, akin to
conferences. The proceedings of these workshops are intended to be published in a joint
volume in the Springer LNBIP series. Submissions must conform to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP
format and should not exceed 12 pages. According to the Springer standards, the overall
acceptance rate cannot exceed 45%-50%.
Discussion-oriented track
This track emphasizes discussions facilitated by paper presentations revolving around novel
ideas and early-stage research. Since the main criterion for paper acceptance in such
workshops is relevance and potential for raising discussion, they are not expected to have
their proceedings in the Springer LNBIP volume.
The edition of a joint proceedings volume next to the LNBIP one for the discussion-oriented
track is underway. Proceedings shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication.
Details on this aspect will be provided separately.
Proposal submission
Workshop proposals should be submitted via EasyChair at the following address: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024
Please select the Author role and the CAiSE 2024 Workshops track.
Prior contact with the workshop chairs (caise2024-workshops(a)easychair.org) is encouraged.
The organizer(s) of approved workshops will be responsible for advertising their workshop,
eliciting high-quality submissions, organizing the reviewing process of their workshop’s
papers according to the principles and guidelines of CAiSE, and collecting camera-ready
copies of accepted papers (verifying that they comply with the formatting rules). Organizers
(including co-organizers) are expected to attend their entire workshop.
Detailed instructions for workshop proposers
The proposal (up to 1000 words) should cover the following points:
• Workshop title, duration (1 day or 2 days), preferred date (3-4 June 2024)
• Workshop type (presentation-oriented or discussion-oriented, or both).
• Information on the organizers (PC chairs, other organizers who will be present at the workshop or are otherwise involved, including the person responsible for web presence and communication). Please include names, addresses, and affiliations, indicating the main responsible person. The submission should include a one-paragraph biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience. Please specify at least one PC chair. PC chairs will not be allowed to submit papers to the workshop, but other organizers (who will have no oversight over the review process) are encouraged to do so.
• Purpose: What are the main goals of the workshop? Please list the workshop topics. How does the focus of the workshop differ from the main conference? How does the focus of the workshop differ from other potential CAiSE events? (Proponents are advised to look at the workshops and working conferences held at CAiSE 2022 and CAiSE 2023 and differentiate your scope from theirs.)
• Organization of the workshop: Specify the type of contributions, distribution into sessions, type of sessions, etc. Mention if you plan to have any keynote speaker (please note that the conference organization will not cover fees, travel expenses, accommodation and registration costs of keynote speakers). Include any special requirements regarding infrastructure and room layout.
• Tentative list of PC members.
• An estimate of the number of papers to be accepted, and the number of attendees. If applicable, short information on previous editions of the workshop series (this should include submission, acceptance, and attendance information). Short information on your plans for advertising your workshop and making it highly visible.
Services provided by CAiSE
• EasyChair installation for the management of the workshop submissions (each organizer will be made chair of their own workshop).
• Publication of papers in an LNBIP volume for presentation-oriented tracks, and in a CEUR-WS.org online volume for discussion-oriented tracks.
• One free workshop-only registration if more than 10 people are registered for the workshop. Organizers willing to attend the whole event (main conference) will have to register for the conference at their own expense.
• Local organizational infrastructure and administrative support (registration, badges, refreshments, beamers, screens, etc.). In particular, all venue issues (rooms, meals and catering, social dinner, etc.) as well as the management of the registrations and the financing/administrative issues will be handled by the CAiSE Organization Board and are not under the responsibility of the workshop organizers.
• Advertisement of the workshop on the CAiSE 2024 homepage and mailings.
Please note that the workshop may be canceled if the number of registrations is less than 10.
Also, in the case of workshops with topics that are similar, two or more workshops may be
suggested to merge together.
Key Dates
• Submission of workshops proposals (via Easychair): October 13th, 2023
• Workshop notifications: November 3rd, 2023
• Workshop paper submission (tentative, recommended for presentation-oriented tracks): March 6th, 2024
• Workshop paper decision (recommended for presentation-oriented tracks): April 3rd, 2024
• Camera-ready due (recommended for presentation-oriented tracks): April 22nd, 2024
• Workshops: June 3rd-4th, 2024
For more information and inquiries, please feel free and welcome to contact the Workshop
Chairs at the following address: caise2024-workshops(a)easychair.org
Registration continues to be open for both the virtual and the physical
Early registration deadline is now September 7, 2023.
As of September 8, late/on-site registration rates apply.
Information about the registration costs are available here:
The registration form is accessible at the following link:
* We apologise if you receive multiple copies of this invitation *
We welcome you to attend the 2nd Workshop on Measuring the Quality of Explanations in Recommender Systems, co-located with RecSys 2023 (https://recsys.acm.org/recsys23/), September 11, 2023, online.
We invite academics, industry practitioners, designers, developers, and policymakers in all relevant fields (CS, HCI/UX, social science, law) interested in discussing, getting acquainted with, and shaping the research agenda for the evaluation of explanations for recommender systems to participate in the QUARE workshop.
The QUARE workshop will be organised as an interdisciplinary, discussion-centric event that aims to outline a research agenda for generating, evaluating, and operationalising explanations. By engaging and bringing together perspectives and solutions from industry and academia, the workshop will thus facilitate the exchange of various perspectives (technical, social, human factors) regarding the generation, evaluation, and operationalisation of explanations for recommender systems.
The goal of the workshop is to shape, co-create, and share with the community a research agenda for evaluating the quality of recommendation explanations.
More precisely, we address three main questions:
* Generating explanations: How to balance user needs and organisational objectives when explaining recommendations?
* Evaluating explanations: How to evaluate the quality of explanations through both subjective and objective measures?
* Operationalising explanations: What could be a typical MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for explanations of recommendations? What are the most basic features we may need?
You can find more information on the workshop’s website:
This workshop edition features three panel sessions, each panel addressing one of the questions mentioned above.
Each session will be opened by a series of lightning talks by the panellists, followed by an interactive discussion, where participants will be able to discuss the topic of the session, asking questions to the panellists, sharing their experiences, and presenting their points of view.
The workshop will start at 12:30 UTC and have a duration of approximately 5.5 hours.
Email us at quare-workshop at googlegroups.com if you would like to get more information about the workshop and details about how to attend.
- Oana Inel (University of Zurich, CH) <inel(a)ifi.uzh.ch<mailto:inel@ifi.uzh.ch>>
- Nicolas Mattis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) <n.m.mattis(a)vu.nl<mailto:n.m.mattis@vu.nl>>
- Milda Norkute (Thomson Reuters Labs, CH) <Milda.Norkute(a)thomsonreuters.com<mailto:Milda.Norkute@thomsonreuters.com>>
- Alessandro Piscopo (BBC, UK) <alessandro.piscopo(a)bbc.co.uk<mailto:alessandro.piscopo@bbc.co.uk>>
- Timothée Schmude (University of Vienna, AT) <timothee.schmude(a)univie.ac.at<mailto:timothee.schmude@univie.ac.at>>
- Sanne Vrijenhoek (University of Amsterdam, NL) <s.vrijenhoek(a)uva.nl<mailto:s.vrijenhoek@uva.nl>>
- Krisztian Balog (Google Research, NO) <krisztianb(a)google.com<mailto:krisztianb@google.com>>
On behalf of the Quare organisers,
Alessandro Piscopo
Lead Data Scientist | Content Discovery
*** CALL FOR PAPERS - MUM 2023 ***
Deadline for Full and Short Papers: 29th of August 2023, AoE
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=papers *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, will be held in Vienna, Austria, December 3rd – 6th. MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and practitioners discuss challenges and achievements in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM conferences.
* Submission Guidelines and List of Topics *
We welcome submissions of high-quality papers that offer original and unpublished contributions relevant to mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Prototypes and systems tackling relevant technical challenges
* Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, learning, entertainment, social networking, and advertising
* Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
* Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new applications and services
* Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
* Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
* Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* Interaction and collaboration with human-centered AI systems
* Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Interaction design for automotive and other modes of transportation
* Fabrication and device prototyping
Papers should be grounded in existing literature and knowledge, and should be written for an interdisciplinary audience. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair by August 29th, 2023, AoE at the latest. Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. The correct template for submissions is the ACM Primary Article Template in single-column format (in PDF format). Submissions should be prepared using either the single-column Word Submission Template or the single-column LaTeX template (using the “manuscript, review, anonymous” style available in the template). Submissions can be of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution, with 16 pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as long papers in past editions and 7 pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as short papers in past editions.
* Successful submissions of around 16 pages typically represent significant empirical, theoretical, or methodological advances in the field.
* Successful submissions of around 7 pages offer more focused contributions; they are not intended to be work-in-progress reports. Instead, they should offer complete, rigorously developed work with a solid contribution to the field. Short papers have a smaller scope or more focused contribution than long papers.
Submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission. Papers must be anonymized. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind review process managed by the Program Chairs. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, chosen from the pool of members of the Program Committee listed below. This pool of reviewers features experts from the previous edition and new researchers to address new emerging research areas and underrepresented communities. Papers will be assigned through a bidding process. Authors are encouraged to submit an optional video of a maximum of 6 minutes to support their submission. To ensure all reviewers can view videos, authors should use the H.264 encoding and the MP4 file format. The bit rate of videos can be lowered to accommodate the upload limits of EasyChair (max. 50 MB per file).
Link to Submission System: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
* Important Dates *
Submission: August 29th, 2023 (AoE)
Notification to authors: October 5th, 2023
Conference dates: December 3th - December 6th, 2023
* Technical Program Chairs *
Pascal Knierim, University of Innsbruck
Jonna Häkkilä, University of Lapland
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: papers2023(a)mum-conf.org
*** CALL FOR DEMOS- MUM 2023***
*Demos Submission Deadline: 9th of October 2023, AoE*
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=demos *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
* MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and practitioners gather to discuss challenges and achievements in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM conferences.
* The MUM demo track provides an opportunity to present a hands-on demonstration of your work, research, service, prototype, or product addressing one or more of the topics listed below. Traditionally, MUM maintains an open and experimental attitude to demos, welcoming submissions from authors with a variety of backgrounds. We want to see and play with your prototypes, services, devices, systems, and innovative examples of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. We encourage making your demonstration visually or otherwise appealing to attract attention from conference attendees.
*List of Topics and Submission Guidelines*
Demo topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Architectures, systems, algorithms and other constructions tackling relevant technical challenges
* Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
* Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new applications and services
* Conceptualizations and theorizations of the field
* Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
* Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Middleware and distributed computing support for mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
* Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, entertainment, networking, and advertising
* Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
* Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Fabrication and device prototyping
* Demo submissions should be maximum 3 pages (excluding references).The submission should be prepared as a PDF file, in single-column format, using either Word or LaTeX ACM Primary Article Templates<https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/taps-production-…>. If LaTeX is used, single-column mode should be configured by using "\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}" as document class setting. Submissions will undergo a review process managed by the demonstration chairs. Demos must be submitted via EasyChair<https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230>.
* This year, authors are required to submit a three minute video with their submission showing a detailed hands-on presentation of their demo as well as an additional document (.pdf or .txt) with the list of hardware they would need to bring to the venue.
* Demo submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission elsewhere. Demo submissions should not be anonymized and will undergo a single-blind review process. Final camera-ready versions of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. Accepted demos will appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.
Link to Submission System: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: October 9th, 2023, AoE
Notification of review decision: October 17th, 2023
Camera ready deadline: November 9th, 2023
Conference dates: December 3rd – December 6th, 2023
*Demo Chairs*
Paweł W. Woźniak, Chalmers University of Technology
Yomna Abdelrahman, Bundeswehr University Munich
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: demos2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:demos2023@mum-conf.org>
*Doctoral Consortium Submission Deadline: 9th of October 2023*
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=doctoral *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, will be held in Vienna, Austria, December 3rd – 6th. MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. As part of the Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) conference, we conduct a joint seminar for PhD students from the various sub-disciplines related to mobile media, ubiquitous computing, and human-computer interaction. The doctoral consortium (DC) will take place on-site on Sunday, Dec 3, 2023, before the main conference.
* The DC will be an opportunity for a small group of PhD students to meet and discuss their work with each other and with a panel of experienced researchers in the field, in an informal and interactive setting. We welcome applications from current PhD students studying in any area of relevance to the MUM community. PhD students at any stage of the PhD can apply. Depending on the stage the DC may provide helpful feedback for narrowing down a topic, discussing methodological and technical aspects of the ongoing research, or on the framing and presentation of the results in a thesis.
* Submission Guidelines*
* To apply for participation in the DC, we ask you to submit a 2-4 pages long paper in Word or LaTeX (using the ACM Primary Article Template)<https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/taps-production-…>. The paper should describe the context and motivation of your PhD research, the problem and aims that drive your research and your research objectives, hypothesis, and/or questions. It should further describe and explain your (proposed) research approach and methods, and include a discussion of results you may already have. Please also include the context of your PhD, i.e., the university programme in which you conduct your PhD, the status of your PhD, the expected completion date, and any other relevant information on your PhD situation.
* Submissions will not be peer-reviewed. We will select students for participation with a view of prioritising those who would likely benefit most. Accepted students will be asked to prepare a presentation on their PhD research, and a poster which will be included in the MUM 2023 poster track. Submissions must be submitted via e-mail to dc.mum2023(a)hcilab.org<mailto:dc.mum2023@hcilab.org>. For accepted doctoral consortium submissions, the author can select if s/he wants the submission to be included to the conference proceedings.
* If you are invited to participate, you must register regularly for the day of the PhD seminar or for the whole conference – or apply to participate free of charge as a student volunteer.
Your submission should be 2-4 pages. Please use the template and include the following:
* Your name, Advisor(s) name(s), and the university where you are conducting your doctoral work. Submissions should NOT be anonymous.
* Current year of study and projected completion date (plus information about the regulations of your PhD program regarding length, any part-time study, etc.)
Please address the following questions if applicable for you research:
* Which problem do you solve? Why is this problem important? What do you want to find out?
* Which steps do you plan to take, and how do you evaluate your results?
* Which research papers (not more than 3) are related most to your research? How does your work differ?
* What have you found out so far? What’s next?
* What’s still missing? Where do you need help? Where would you want to collaborate?
*Submissions must be submitted via e-mail to dc.mum2023(a)hcilab.org.<mailto:dc.mum2023@hcilab.org>*
*Important Dates*
Submission: October 9th, 2023
Decision Notification: October 17th, 2023
Camera-ready Deadline: November 9th, 2023
Conference Dates: December 3rd, 2023
*Doctoral Consortium Chairs*
Albrecht Schmidt, LMU Munich
Jasmin Niess, University of Oslo
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: dc.mum2023(a)hcilab.org<mailto:dc.mum2023@hcilab.org>
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -*
that implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CireScore 2022 = 2.0
(Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Education, Media Technology and Social
Science (SRJ); Q3: Human Computer Interaction)
*Videos of the on-line event are now avilable*
*Special issue N. 55
**Smart Learning Ecosystems: **toward the polyphonic construction of a
new normality*
*guest edited by //Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Marti, Francesca Pozzi
/*Regular papers
*Meet the authors *
authors list <https://ixdea.org/authors-of-issue-55-short-bios/>
Videos can be accessed from the IxD&A Journal website ->
from the IxD&A Youtube Channel -> link
(play list issue 55: link
To keep updated join IxD&A Linkedin group -> link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy <https://ixdea.org/privacy-policy-2/>
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
*established in 2005
SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science,
Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal
implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CiteScore 2022: 2.0 (Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Media Technology,
Education; Q3: Human Computer Interaction)
*Issue N. 56
*featuring a special issue
**Hybrid Games and Interaction Design**
*/guest editors: ///Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa
and Fotis Liarokapis/
Regular papers
is now available for free downloading
/IxD&A implements the Gold/Diamond Open Access road to its contents with
no charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 56 - ToC*/**
///Preface to the special isue on
**Hybrid Games and Interaction Design**
/Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa and Fotis Liarokapis/
p. 5 – 7
/Ralf Hebecker, Kolja Bopp/
*Live Learning Games: Insights from the application of a collaborative
hybrid game environment for staff training*, pp. 8/ –/ 28
/Stéphanie Jean-Daubias/
*JADE: a board game to teach software ergonomics*, pp. 29 – 52
/Richard E. Ferdig, Enrico Gandolfi, Chris Lenart, Robert Clements /
*Building an augmented reality system for consumption and production of
hybrid gaming and storytelling*, pp. 53 – 68
/Marta Fernández-Ruiz, David Ruiz-Torres, Héctor Puente Bienvenido/
*Environmental Visualization and Exploration in Mobile Augmented Reality
Games: Redefining the Spatial Affordances*, pp. 69 – 88
/André Sousa, Eduardo Magalhães, João Jacob/
*Inducing Flow In Board Games Through Augmented Audio*, pp. 89 – 114
/Derya Karadag/
*Gamification of design studio in the context of a user-centered design
workshop*, pp. 115 – 129
*Regular papers*
/Mark Scholten, Saskia M. Kelders, Julia E. W. C. Van Gemert-Pijnen/
*Similarity in action with an Embodied Conversational Agent; can
synchronous speech yield higher levels of rapport? An exploratory
eHealth study*/, /pp. 130 – 155
/Roberto Cibin, Tiziano Bonini, Maurizio Teli/
*Participatory Design and Critical Media Studies: a Convivial
Conversation*/, /pp. 156 – 173
/Andrés Solano, Juan Sebastian Sinisterra, Juan Sebastian Parra, David
Castro, Carlos Peláez/
*Usability Heuristics for Applications in the Context of Resilient
Cities*/, /pp. 174 – 200
*To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
IxD&A Privacy Policy
Cari Tutti,
è con molto piacere che faccio le mie congratulazioni a due nuovi
professori ordinari in università italiane:
Rosa Lanzilotti, che da qualche giorno ha preso servizio all'Università
di Bari;
Maristella Matera, che ha avuto oggi la chiamata dal suo Dipartimento
del Politecnico di Milano, dovrà probabilmente aspettare settembre per
la presa di servizio.
Sono due colleghe, e amiche per tanti di noi, di cui conosciamo bene il
valore e l'impegno, non solo nella nostra comunità ma nell'università
italiana e a livello internazionale. Avere due ulteriori professoresse
di HCI ci riempie di gioia e di orgoglio. Certamente continueranno a
trainare tanti altri giovani.
Davvero una bella notizia prima delle vacanze di agosto. Cari saluti,
M. Francesca
Prof. Maria Francesca Costabile
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Via Orabona 4 70125 Bari - Italy
tel +39-080-5443300 fax +39-080-5443300
email maria.costabile(a)uniba.it
www http://ivu.di.uniba.it/people/costabile.htm
We have a complete information Attendees List of Mobile World Congress -MWC
Las Vegas
If yes, I would be happy to send over our data model and pricing structure.
Elena Johnson
Con preghiera di diffusione
***Sorry for cross-posting***
Dear colleagues,
The Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, is offering a fully funded three-year PhD position on the topic of "Human-Centered AI for Knowledge Work" (supervisor: Prof. S. Andolina).
We're seeking motivated and skilled candidates with a keen interest in large language models and human-centered AI research. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge topics in HCI and AI within a lively multidisciplinary team (https://hintlab.polimi.it/), conduct independent research under experienced guidance, contribute to high-quality publications, and participate in international conferences. Additional benefits include access to advanced training, mobility periods, and a flexible, results-oriented work schedule.
The application deadline is 14:00 (Italian time) on September 5.
To apply, please visit: https://www.dottorato.polimi.it/?id=501&L=1 <https://www.dottorato.polimi.it/?id=501&L=1> (id: 3689-2860)
For any questions or additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at salvatore.andolina(a)polimi.it<mailto:salvatore.andolina@polimi.it>
Kind regards,
Salvatore Andolina
Assistant Professor (RTDb)
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano
Via Ponzio 34/5 - 20133 Milano, Italy
*** Call for Late Breaking Results ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 31 August, 2023 AoE ***)
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites now submissions for Late Breaking Results. The submitted papers should be
of original, high-quality research addressing cutting-edge developments from all areas of
behavioural and social computing. The conference aims to bring together researchers and
practitioners from academia and industry to share their knowledge, experience, and
perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers in the LBR category: 31 August 2023 AoE
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dear Colleagues,
The IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023)
invites applications for the 2023 edition of the IJCB Doctoral
Consortium (DC). Multiple *** travel grants *** are available to
support attendance at the DC.
The application deadline has been extended to *** August 10, 2023 ***.
For more information, visit:
With kind regards,
IEEE IJCB 2023 Organizers
The Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Tempestt Neal
Maria De Marsico
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Chair of IAPR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)di.uniroma1.it
tel: +39 06 49918312
Deadline for Workshops and Tutorials: August 22nd, 2023 (AoE)
**Workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed and archived in the ACM DL**
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=workshops*
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2023) welcomes proposals for workshops. A MUM Workshop is a forum for attendees with shared interests to present, discuss, and develop new ideas around a specific theme or domain related to Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. It is the perfect opportunity for putting the best minds in the field together to build new communities, to explore new ideas, and to develop emerging topics.
All workshops will take place on Sunday, the first day of the conference (Seminar rooms with equipment will be provided), on the 3rd of December. Because workshops are meant to encourage ideas exchange, we encourage proposals that go beyond being a mini-conference and that engage participants in hands-on activities and in discussion. We also encourage organisers to open the workshops to conference attendees without a workshop paper, but who would be interested in participating.
All tutorials will take place on the Sunday before the conference, on the 3rd of December and you can choose between three formats: 90min, half-day, or full-day. If you are interested in submitting a proposal and wish to discuss your ideas prior to the submission deadline, the workshop chairs welcome any inquiries. You can contact us at workshoptutorial2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:workshoptutorial2023@mum-conf.org>.
*Important Dates*
*Recommended Timeline for Internal Workshops*
WORKSHOP SUBMISSION: 28th of October 2023, AoE
WORKSHOP NOTIFICATION: 11th of November 2023, AoE
** Submission Guidelines **
* Workshop proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references)
* It should describe your goals for the workshop, how you plan to run the workshop, and any anticipated long-term outcomes that will impact the field. Additionally, include information on how you will publish your call and reach out to potential participants.
* Workshop proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the workshop. Submissions will be peer reviewed by experts in the field.
* Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair. Please select Workshops and Tutorials track in EasyChair.
* Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
* Tutorial proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references), and include the following details:
* Title
* Topics and objectives of the tutorial and how they are relevant to the MUM community
* Description of the tutorial activities
* Short biography of the organisers
* Proposed tutorial length (90min, half-day, full-day)
* Room and material requirements
* Maximum number of participants
* Tutorial proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the tutorial.
Submissions will be juried by the tutorial chairs. Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair, please select Workshops and Tutorials track. Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
*Organisers of the accepted workshops are responsible for the following tasks during the time leading up to the conference*
* Announce/disseminate their Workshop: Organisers of an accepted workshop must set up and maintain their own website in which they provide further and updated information about their workshop. The workshop page will be linked to from the official MUM workshop site.
* Solicit Submissions from Potential Participants: While some organizers may choose alternate formats, a position paper is generally 2-4 pages long and outlines the submitter’s view on the workshop theme and the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the topic. Proceedings of the workshop's submissions will be in charge of the workshop organizers. Commonly, the workshop's proceedings are included on each workshop's webpage.
* Select Participants: Choose participants on the basis of position papers submitted and your goals for the workshop.
* Workshop organizers and participants have to register for the conference.
* Provide a Participant List: A list of confirmed participants should be sent to the Workshop & Tutorials Chairs (workshoptutorial2023(a)mum-conf.org).
* Develop a final agenda of workshop activities.
* Develop a plan for any follow-up activities.
Link to submission system: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
* Workshop Chairs *
Philipp Wintersberger, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Thomas Kosch, HU Berlin
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: workshoptutorial2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:workshoptutorial2023@mum-conf.org>
Dear Colleague,
We hope this email finds you well. We are excited to announce the Call for
Submissions for the Doctoral Consortium
at the upcoming International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 2023.
Please share the attached call for submissions with your students. The
submission deadline is July 26, 2023.
In the first part of the message, we report the availability of travel
scholarships for eligible graduate and undergraduate students to attend the
IJCB 2023 Doctoral Consortium. In the second part, you find again the call
for Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium.
We are excited to announce the availability of a limited number of travel
scholarships for eligible graduate and undergraduate students to attend the
IJCB 2023 Doctoral Consortium. Selected Ph.D. students will receive
scholarships of at least $2,500, while undergraduate and master’s students
will be awarded scholarships of at least $400. Scholarships awarded to
Ph.D. students are intended to help cover expenses such as round-trip
flights (limited to U.S. flag carriers or flights ticketed through an
US-carrier (e.g., codeshare flights on international airlines)),
accommodation at the conference venue (Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana,
Slovenia) for the conference’s duration, and the IJCB registration fee.
Undergraduate and master’s students are also strongly encouraged to apply
for these scholarships to cover their conference registration fees, as
early exposure to such opportunities can be highly beneficial. Scholarships
will be granted to undergraduate and master’s students who demonstrate
significant potential to benefit from attending the consortium.
Priority will be given to women, students from underrepresented groups, and
persons with disabilities, in line with the IEEE Biometrics Council
commitment to diversity and inclusion. Students wishing to apply must
complete the application form here (https://tinyurl.com/IJCB23DCScholarship)
by August 15, 2023. Additionally, applicants’ faculty advisors must email a
letter of support to tjneal(a)usf.edu by August 15, 2023. The advisor’s
letter must explicitly state their willingness to support any costs not
covered by the travel scholarship, such as meals, additional flight or
lodging expenses exceeding the scholarship amount, incidentals,
transportation to and from the airport, and so on. Advisor letters must
also provide a statement regarding the availability (or lack thereof) of
travel funds for the applicant from other sources.
*Eligibility:* A limited number of travel scholarships are available to
support undergraduate or graduate students from any US university,
regardless of their citizenship or visa status, as well as US citizens
studying outside of the US. However, certain individuals are not eligible,
including speakers (unless they are students), postdocs, and those
supported through a federal grant or scholarship (e.g., NSF’s CyberCorps
Scholarship for Service or Graduate Research Fellowship Program). Although
students with alternative sources of funding, such as through their
advisor’s research funds, are eligible, priority will be given to students
with limited or no other means to support conference travel. Ph.D. students
that have already received an invitation to attend the IJCB 2023 Doctoral
Consortium will be prioritized, although this is not a requirement. We
strongly encourage students that wish to participate in the consortium to
take advantage of these scholarships.
We especially encourage faculty advisors to support and promote this
opportunity among their students from underrepresented groups that are
eligible to apply. To further support underrepresented students, we also
encourage advisors to explore the Broadening Participation in Computing
(BPC) Alliances. These alliances serve as invaluable resources, offering
comprehensive programs designed to address underrepresentation in the
computing disciplines. By collaborating with academic institutions, K-12
schools, government agencies, industry leaders, professional societies, and
other organizations, these alliances work towards achieving a
transformation in computing education. You can find a list of these
alliances at https://bpcnet.org/alliances/. Notable resources to aid your
BPC efforts are listed below:
- National Society of Black Engineers (https://www.nsbe.org/)
- Computing Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) (
- Institute for Mentorship for African Americans in Computer Science
(IAAMCS) (http://iaamcs.org/)
- Computing Research Association Committee on the Status of Women in
Computing Research (CRA-W) (https://cra.org/cra-wp/)
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) (
*Call for submissions*
The IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB’23) Doctoral
Consortium provides a valuable platform for Ph.D. students to engage with
the global research community in Biometrics, allowing them to present their
research and discuss their career objectives. This consortium offers an
opportunity for doctoral students to establish connections and
collaborations with experienced researchers in the field, while gaining
insights into potential career paths in both academia andindustry.
The IJCB’23 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place during the conference
as a parallel event to special sessions on the first day of the conference.
Attendance to the consortium is strictly by invitation. An informal
introduction by senior researchers acting as mentors will open the DC.
Afterwards, student participants will briefly present their research during
a spotlight oral session. This will be followed by a mentoring session,
providing students with an opportunity for constructive feedback and more
focused discussions with senior researchers. Additionally, each student
will be assigned a mentor from the committee, with whom they can interact
to explore specific areas of interest throughout the event. An informal
lunch with senior researchers will also be organized, enabling students to
engage in interactive conversations. DC participants will also have the
opportunity to participate in a poster session during the main conference
(specific details to be determined).
We invite eligible students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium, with the
expectation that successful applicants will actively participate in the
entire program in-person.
Eligible students are those pursuing a Ph.D. who have made progress in
their dissertation, with some results already published or nearing
publication. We value diversity and equality in terms of research topics,
participating institutions, and individuals involved. We particularly
encourage women and individuals from underrepresented groups to apply.
Although having a paper appearing in IJCB’23 is not a prerequisite for
participation, it is highly encouraged for applicants to have a paper
associated with the conference, whose topics could be summarized during the
To apply for the Doctoral Consortium, please submit:
1. A research statement summarizing the thesis research topic, the working
plan, and the progress to date (max 2 pages).
2. A CV (max 1 page). The CV should highlight any publications and
conference presentations that are related to the thesis topic.
3. A supporting letter from the thesis advisor that endorses the student’s
application to this Doctoral Consortium and briefly describes the progress
or status of the student’s thesis work.
All materials should be prepared in a single PDF file and submitted through
the Doctoral
Consortium Track of the IJCB 2023 CMT instance:
*Review and Selection Process*
Applications will be evaluated on:
1. Quality of the application and thesis topic.
2. Anticipated benefits (current/potential contributions to science) of the
student’s research.
3. Student’s contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds,
methodology, etc.
4. Endorsement by the thesis advisor.
There will be no papers published from the Doctoral Consortium in the
proceedings of IJCB.
*Financial Support*
The students selected to participate in the Doctoral Consortium may be
considered for financial support. However, the availability and extent of
financial support are subject to the availability of funds and are not
guaranteed. Applicants should be prepared to attend IJCB’23 without
financial support in the event that funds are not available. It is
important to note that the lunch session with senior mentors will be fully
covered by the conference anyway, and no expenses associated with lunch
will be incurred by the Doctoral Consortium participants or mentors.
*Important Dates*
• Submission deadline: July 26, 2023
• Notification of acceptance: August 7, 2023
• Doctoral consortium date: TBD
We look forward to welcoming the field’s most talented students to the IJCB
2023 Doctoral Consortium.
Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions.
Tempestt Neal and Maria De Marsico
IJCB’23 Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Chair of IAPR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)di.uniroma1.it
tel: +39 06 49918312
Registration is now open for both the virtual and the physical event.
Information about the registration costs are available here:
Early registration deadline is August 31, 2023.
As of September 1, late/on-site registration rates apply.
All the students participating at the doctoral consortium will be awarded
by a free registration supported by ACM SIGCHI. More details will be given
by email.
In addition to the free registrations for the DC, ACM SIGCHI has sponsored
10 free registrations for students attending the conference, who will be
selected according to the form below:
Please, note: students cannot apply if they are registering to the
conference as the main author of a submission which will appear in the
Conference Proceedings, published in the ACM Digital Library. In that case,
they will have to proceed with regular registration.
The registration form is accessible at the following link:
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*BehavRec Workshop @RecSys 2023 - Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE July, 18
International Workshop on Behavior Change and Persuasive Recommender Systems
co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’23)
Singapore, 18th-22nd September 2023
Web: https://behavrec.wordpress.com/
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=behavrec23
For any information: amon.rapp(a)unito.it
For solving a variety of personal and societal problems, changing human
behavior is crucial. Persuasive and behavior change recommender systems are
intentionally designed to provide users with suggestions on how to modify
their behavior, habits, beliefs and opinions. Research in this area has
advanced over the years attracting interest from both practitioners and
researchers also due to the increasing availability of personal data, like
medical records, physiological parameters, and psychological states, which
may enable novel forms of tailored suggestions that can be delivered
anywhere at any time, leveraging multiple technologies (e.g., natural
language processing) and different devices (e.g., ambient, wearable and
mobile devices).
The BehavRec workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing open problems
and innovative research approaches in this area. Some questions that
motivate the workshop are: What kind of data should be used to design
“persuasive” recommendations? How should they be delivered? What kind of
strategies should be implemented to design timely and contextualized
persuasive recommendations? What kind of theories should we rely on to
design effective persuasive recommendations? How to support the user’s
motivation and help them sustain the desired behavior in the long term?
What contextual factors may affect the effectiveness of behavior change
recommender systems and should be considered in design?
This workshop will deepen the discussion of novel approaches and
applications of recommender systems that might want to persuade users into
taking beneficial actions in domains as diverse as health and wellness,
safety and security, food and environmental sustainability, education and
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Persuasive and Behavior change recommender systems
– Health recommender systems
– Food recommender systems
– Recommender systems for education
– Persuasive conversational recommender systems
– Visual interfaces
– Context-aware interfaces
– Ubiquitous, wearable and mobile interfaces
– Conversational interfaces
– Controllability, transparency, and explainability
– Persuasive recommendation (e.g., argumentation-aware recommendation)
– Cultural differences (e.g., culture-aware recommendation)
– Context-aware recommendation
– How to balance the cost and benefit of behavior change recommender systems
– Challenges and limitations of implementing behavior change recommender
– Theories of behavior change and persuasion
– How to develop ethical and privacy-sensitive behavior change recommender
– Frameworks and models for developing personalized persuasive technology
– Objective and subjective approaches to behavior change recommendations
– Empirical studies and evaluations of recommender systems for behavior
– Evaluation methods and metrics (e.g., evaluation questionnaire design)
– Case studies and examples of behavior change recommender systems
– Success and failure stories with regard to behavior change recommender
– Long-term evaluation and evidence of long-term effects of behavior change
recommender systems.
We accept four kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (5-12 pages + references - single-column CEURART style)
(B) Position papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references -
single-column CEURART style);
(C) Journal papers (already published - 2 pages including abstract,
highlights, and a pointer to the complete paper single-column CEURART
(D) Manifestations of interest (max 2 pages including a bio of the
participant and a brief statement about why they are interest in the
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=behavrec23
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program
committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical
quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers, except from the (C-D) submission
type in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint volume. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the workshop.
The templates and format instructions are available here:
Early submission are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review system:
early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the notification will be
sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submission final deadline: July 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Paper notification: August 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Camera-ready version deadline: September 10, 2023
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Federica Cena
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Christoph Trattner
University of Bergen, Norway
Rita Orji
Dalhousie University, Canada
Julita Vassileva
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Alain Starke
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
*** Final Call for Papers ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 29 July, 2023 AoE ***)
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers: 29 July 2023 AoE (*** extended ***)
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce the second episode of the UI-Engineering live
talks, which are bimonthly seminars organised by the IFIP WG 2.7/13.4
and given
by members or invited experts.
This month, prof. Jürgen Ziegler will introduce us to the issues of
designing and engineering conversational recommender systems. The talk will
be given on the *20th of July, 15:30 CET*.
Title: Design and engineering issues in conversational recommender systems
Speaker: Jürgen Ziegler, University of Duisburg-Essen
Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/VnVRr9ef8wk?feature=share
Conversational interaction techniques have gained significant traction in
recent years, mainly due to the advances in language technologies. In line
with these developments, conversational recommender systems (CRS) have also
been gaining increasing attention. In contrast to conventional recommender
techniques they afford a higher level of flexibility and user control and
are especially helpful in cold-start situations.
The talk will elaborate several relevant design and engineering issues for
CRS, starting with the question how written interaction with a CRS can be
made more efficient and flexible by making use of GUI-elements and by
integrating it closely with search and filtering techniques. CRS can elicit
user preferences and provide recommendations, but they can also explain
them. I will present some insights from a study investigating explanatory
needs of users in a CRS. Finally, I will introduce the novel concept of
meta-intents which represent high-level dialog-related user preferences
that can be instrumental in designing and adapting user-system
conversations more effectively.
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <https://www.unica.it/unica/page/it/luciod_spano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
Dear colleagues,
*>>>>> We are pleased to announce that the deadline for paper submission to
the second AIRCAD workshop has been extended to 15/07/2023. <<<<<*
*We are also glad to announce that 5 selected papers will be invited to
submit an extended version to the Special Issue "Selected Papers from the
2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in
Computer-Aided Diagnosis (AIRCAD 2023)".*
Among such papers, the best paper will be awarded the full waiver.
Please find enclosed the call for papers with the new important dates and
the selected papers' award details.
Please spread the voice!
Kind regards
[apologies for multiple postings]
2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in
Computer-Aided Diagnosis AIRCAD2023
held in conjunction with the 22nd International Conference on Image
Analysis and Processing ICIAP2023,
Udine, Italy, 11-15th Sep 2023
Nowadays, healthcare systems collect and provide most medical data in
digital form. The availability of medical data enables a large number of
artificial intelligence applications, and there is a growing interest in
the quantitative analysis of clinical images using techniques such as
Positron Emission Tomography, Computerized Tomography, and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, mainly applied to texture analysis and radiomics. In
particular, thanks to machine and deep learning, researchers can generate
insights to improve the discovery of new therapeutic tools, support
diagnostic decisions, aid in the rehabilitation process, etc. However, the
increasing amount of available data may lead to a more significant effort
to make a diagnosis. Moreover, this task is even more challenging due to
the high inter/intra patient variability, the availability of various
imaging techniques, and the need to consider data from multiple sensors and
sources, which brought to the well-known domain shift issue.
To address the problems described, radiologists and pathologists today use
tools to assist them in analyzing biomedical images. They are known as
Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems, and they allow to mitigate or
eliminate the difficulties due to inter- and intra-observer variability,
represented by various assessments of the same region, under the same
assumptions, by the same physician at different times, and various
assessments of the same region by several physicians, thanks to appropriate
algorithms. Further relevant issues are data access, which may be delayed
or even prevented for various reasons, such as privacy, security, and
intellectual property, and the representativeness of the captured sample
compared to the real population. For these reasons, researchers have
recently explored the use of synthetic data, both for training the models
and to estimate and teach systems in situations that have not been observed
in actual reality.
This workshop aims to provide an overview of recent advances in the field
of biomedical image processing using machine learning, deep learning,
artificial intelligence, and radiomics features, placing particular
attention on contributions dealing with practical applications, for
example, the potential alternative solution against domain shift, or
exploiting synthetic images to teach actual CAD systems. In particular, the
ultimate goal is to analyze how these techniques can be employed in the
typical medical image processing workflow, from image acquisition to
classification, including retrieval, disease detection, prediction, and
The workshop calls for submissions addressing, but not limited to, the
following topics:
- Biomedical Image Processing
- Machine and Deep Learning techniques for image analysis (i.e.,
segmentation of cells, tissues, organs, lesions; classification of cells,
diseases, tumors, etc.)
- Image Registration Techniques
- Image Preprocessing Techniques
- Image-based 3D reconstruction
- Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis Systems (CADs)
- Biomedical Image Analysis
- Radiomics and Artificial intelligence for personalized medicine
- Machine and Deep Learning as tools to support medical diagnoses and
- Image retrieval (e.g., context-based retrieval, lesion similarity)
- CAD architectures
- Advanced architecture for biomedical image remote processing,
elaboration, and transmission
- 3D Vision, Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality applications for remote
- Image processing techniques for privacy-preserving AI in medicine.
Accepted papers will be included in the ICIAP 2023 proceedings, which will
be published by Springer as Lecture Notes in the Computer Science series
(LNCS). When preparing your contribution, please follow the guidelines
provided by Springer. The maximum number of pages is 12 pages including
references. Each contribution will be reviewed based on originality,
significance, clarity, soundness, relevance, and technical content.
The submission will be handled electronically via a unique Conference's CMT
Website for all the workshops belonging to the ICIAP Medical Imaging Hub:
During the submission, you must select the correct Track, which is
Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in Computer-Aided Diagnosis (AIRCAD).
Once accepted, the presence of at least one author at the event and the
oral presentation of the paper are expected. There are two registration
- Workshops/Tutorials pass, which covers only tutorials and workshops (2
- Conference pass, which includes the main conference, workshops/tutorials,
and social events (5 days).
For more details about the registration, see the ICIAP main conference
After the workshop, 5 manuscripts will be selected considering their
quality and the overall ratings provided by the Technical Program
Committee. The authors of such selected manuscript will be invited to
submit an extended version to the Special Issue "Selected Papers from the
2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in
Computer-Aided Diagnosis (AIRCAD 2023)" edited by the Journal of Imaging
(MDPI), which will be available soon.
Among such papers, the one with the highest rating will be recognized with
the BEST PAPER AWARD with waived publishing charges. The other manuscript
will still get a discount (about 50%) on the open-access publication fee.
- *Paper Submission: July 15, 2023*
- Notifications to Authors: July 30, 2023
- Camera Ready Papers Due: August 15, 2023
- Workshop Event: September 11, 2023
Albert Comelli, Ri.MED Foundation, acomelli(a)fondazionerimed.com
Cecilia Di Ruberto, University of Cagliari, dirubert(a)unica.it
Andrea Loddo, University of Cagliari, andrea.loddo(a)unica.it
Lorenzo Putzu, University of Cagliari, lorenzo.putzu(a)unica.it
Alessandro Stefano, Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology,
National Research Council of Cefalu’, alessandro.stefano(a)ibfm.cnr.it
Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi, NVIDIA (Germany)
Stefano Barone, University of Palermo (Italy)
Viviana Benfante, University of Palermo, Ri.MED Foundation and CNR (Italy)
Monica Bianchini, University of Siena (Italy)
Roberto Cannella, University of Palermo (Italy)
Renato Cuocolo, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Giuseppe Cutaia, University of Palermo (Italy)
Navdeep Dahiya, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
Mario D'Acunto, National Research Council (Italy)
Angelo Genovese, University of Milano (Italy)
Marco Grangetto, University of Torino (Italy)
Jon Ander Gómez Adrián, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
Riccardo Laudicella, University of Messina (Italy)
Salvatore Livatino, University of Hertfordshire (UK)
Carsten Marr, Helmholtz Zentrum München (Germany)
Mario Molinara, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)
Davide Moroni, National Research Council (Italy)
Paolo Napoletano, University of Milan, Bicocca (Italy)
Antonio Parziale, University of Salerno (Italy)
Giovanni Pasini, Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy)
Luca Pireddu, CRS4 (Italy)
Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan (Italy)
Mubashara Rehman, University of Udine (Italy)
Giorgio Russo, IBFM-CNR (Italy)
Giuseppe Salvaggio, University of Palermo (Italy)
Mattia Savardi, University of Brescia (Italy)
Alberto Signoroni, University of Brescia (Italy)
Alberto Signoroni, University of Brescia (Italy)
Arnaldo Stanzione, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Nicola Strisciuglio, University of Twente (Netherlands)
Enzo Tartaglione, Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (France)
Francesco Tortorella, University of Salerno (Italy)
Lorenzo Ugga, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Federica Vernuccio, University of Padova (Italy)
Andrea Loddo
PhD | Dept. Of Mathematics and Computer Science | University of Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, Cagliari, Italy
Office: +39 070 675 8503
*And after all we're only ordinary men*
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023) Doctoral
Call for Participants
The IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB’23) Doctoral
Consortium provides a valuable platform for Ph.D. students to engage
with the global research community in Biometrics, allowing them to
present their research and discuss their career objectives. This
consortium offers an opportunity for doctoral students to establish
connections and collaborations with experienced researchers in the
field, while gaining insights into potential career paths in both
academia and industry.
The IJCB’23 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place during the
conference as a parallel event to special sessions on the first day of
the conference. Attendance to the consortium is strictly by invitation.
An informal introduction by senior researchers acting as mentors will
open the DC. Afterwards, student participants will briefly present their
research during a spotlight oral session. This will be followed by a
mentoring session, providing students with an opportunity for
constructive feedback and more focused discussions with senior
researchers. Additionally, each student will be assigned a mentor from
the committee, with whom they can interact to explore specific areas of
interest throughout the event. An informal lunch with senior researchers
will also be organized, enabling students to engage in interactive
conversations. DC participants will also have the opportunity to
participate in a poster session during the main conference (specific
details to be determined).
We invite eligible students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium, with
the expectation that successful applicants will actively participate in
the entire program in-person.
Eligible students are those pursuing a Ph.D. who have made progress in
their dissertation, with some results already published or nearing
publication. We value diversity and equality in terms of research
topics, participating institutions, and individuals involved. We
particularly encourage women and individuals from underrepresented
groups to apply. Although having a paper appearing in IJCB’23 is not a
prerequisite for participation, it is highly encouraged for applicants
to have a paper associated with the conference, whose topics could be
summarized during the DC.
To apply for the Doctoral Consortium, please submit:
1. A research statement summarizing the thesis research topic, the
working plan, and the progress to date (max 2 pages).
2. A CV (max 1 page). The CV should highlight any publications and
conference presentations that are related to the thesis topic.
3. A supporting letter from the thesis advisor that endorses the
student’s application to this Doctoral Consortium and briefly describes
the progress or status of the student’s thesis work.
All materials should be prepared in a single PDF file and submitted
through the Doctoral Consortium Track of the IJCB 2023 CMT instance:
https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IJCB2023/ .
Review and Selection Process
Applications will be evaluated on:
1. Quality of the application and thesis topic.
2. Anticipated benefits (current/potential contributions to science) of
the student’s research.
3. Student’s contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds,
methodology, etc.
4. Endorsement by the thesis advisor.
There will be no papers published from the Doctoral Consortium in the
proceedings of IJCB.
Financial Support
The students selected to participate in the Doctoral Consortium may be
considered for financial support. However, the availability and extent
of financial support are subject to the availability of funds and are
not guaranteed. Applicants should be prepared to attend IJCB’23 without
financial support in the event that funds are not available. It is
important to note that the lunch session with senior mentors will be
fully covered by the conference anyway, and no expenses associated with
lunch will be incurred by the Doctoral Consortium participants or mentors.
Important Dates
• Submission deadline: July 26, 2023
• Notification of acceptance: August 7, 2023
• Doctoral consortium date: TBD
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Chair of IAPR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)di.uniroma1.it
tel: +39 06 49918312
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal - founded in 2005*
*that implements also video presentations of the published
contributions. *
*On-line Event*
*Special issue N. 55
Smart Learning Ecosystems: toward the polyphonic construction of a new
*/co-guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Marti, Francesca Pozzi
/*regular papers*/
*Meet the authors *
authors index <https://ixdea.org/55_authors_index/>
on the /*10th of July - 15:30 CET*/
/(event coordination by: Liliana Vale Costa & Oscar Mealha)/
to attend the presentations, for free, please fill the reservation form
-> link
Articles are available for free downloading at ->
To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin ->link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook ->link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel ->link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy
Call for Papers for the First Submission Round of
EICS 2024: The 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
Computing Systems, June 24-28, 2024 - Cagliari, Italy
Submission deadline for the 1st Round of PACM EICS 2024 for Full Papers
and Technical Notes: July 28, 2023
EICS 2024 is the sixteenth international ACM SIGCHI conference devoted
to engineering interactive computing systems and their user interfaces,
addressing one or more software quality factors, such as usability, user
experience, reliability, security, etc. Work presented at EICS covers
all stages of the engineering life-cycle of interactive systems -
inception, requirements, design, specification, coding, data analytics,
validation and verification, deployment and maintenance. EICS has the
the longest tradition of bringing together researchers who contribute to
better ways of creating interactive computing systems, stemming from the
conference on command languages in the seventies. The conference is best
known for rigorously contributing and disseminating research results
that hold the midst in between user interface design, software
engineering and computational interaction.
EICS focuses on models, languages, notations, methods, techniques and
tools that support designing, developing, validating and verifying
interactive systems. The conference brings together people who study or
practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from design,
HCI, software engineering, requirements engineering, software
development, modeling, and programming.
Submissions advance the state of the art of the engineering of
interactive systems. Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling, specification and analysis of interaction and
interactive systems
* Model-based development of interactive software
* Requirements engineering for interactive systems
* Methods, processes, principles and/or tools for building
interactive systems (e.g., design, implementation, prototyping,
evaluation, verification and validation, testing)
* Software architectures for interactive systems
* Formal methods within interactive systems engineering
* Certification issues of methods, tools, and processes to create
interactive systems
* Frameworks, toolkits, domain-specific languages and APIs for
interactive systems
* Languages and notations for describing user interfaces and
* Integrating engineering issues in the design process of
interactive systems
* Engineering design tools
* Engineering evaluation tools
* Supporting design in interactive development processes
* Computational-Interaction Systems and Techniques
* Interactive data-driven systems
* Engineering interactive applications with emerging technologies (e.g.,
adaptive, context-aware, tangible, haptic, touch and multitouch input,
voice, gestures, EEG, multimodal input, mobile and wearable systems, AI,
(augmented, mixed, virtual) realities...)
* Engineering hardware/software integration in interactive systems
(e.g., fabrication and maker processes, physical computing,
cyber-physical systems…)
* Engineering interactive systems for various user categories (e.g.,
children, elderly, people with disabilities,…)
* Engineering interactive systems for various application domains
(e.g., health, home, entertainment, desktop, avionics, space, nuclear,
civil protection, law enforcement, emergency services and calamity
* Engineering interactive systems for specific properties (user
experience, usability, safety, security, dependability, …)
* Engineering smart interactive systems (e.g. recommending,
adaptive, intelligent)
* Building Human-centred AI systems (integrating explainable AI,
intelligible design, human-in-the-loop, adaptive and context-aware,
interactive agents…)
A newcomer’s guide to EICS is available at
EICS Full Papers and Technical Notes are published as articles in the
Journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM -
EICS series). There are three submission deadlines per year, and authors
can choose when to submit. Papers follow the traditional journal model
of reviewing: papers may be accepted after submission and review, or may
be recommended for revisions and re-submission to the next round to
enable authors to refine papers based on reviewer recommendations.
Submissions for the journal of this venue should present original and
mature research work within the scope of the conference. Note that
accepted journal papers can be either regular research papers, or
technical notes. Technical Notes are shorter, more focused
contributions, that focus specifically on system contributions and
technical work. Elucidating technical details of complex interactive
systems, preferably ensuring the work can be reproduced or put to
practice, is a primary objective of a Technical Note. Tech Notes require
an illustrative example of the system, and they can, but do not need to,
be validated by formal user evaluations or user studies. Validation can
also be done through e.g. simulation, feasibility, or comparisons. Tech
Notes will be judged on their technical merits and relevance to
interactive systems concerns.
There are no length restrictions on Full Papers and Technical Notes, nor
any limit to the number of references that may be included. We advise
authors to ensure the length of their papers is in function of the
contributions. Concise and clear is often to be preferred over lengthy
and verbose.
Full Papers and Technical Notes should be written in the ACM format, see
The PACM-EICS deadline for the First Round of Full Papers and Technical
Notes submissions is 28 July 2023.
Papers are submitted using https://new.precisionconference.com
PACM-EICS Full Papers and Technical Notes chairs for EICS 2024
Carmen Santoro and Anke Dittmar
Questa email è stata esaminata alla ricerca di virus dal software antivirus AVG.
*** Last Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 will host a number of workshops which will be co-located with the main
conference on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops. These
workshops share the goal of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research
communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and
to have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community.
eScience 2023 will host the following workshops:
● 1st Workshop on cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions (INSTIL 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on E-science ReseaRch leading tO negative Results (ERROR 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security
(ReWorDS 2023)
● 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) Workshop
● IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health 2023)
● Research Software Engineers in eScience: Sustainable RSE Ecosystems within eScience
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop
● IEEE proceedings camera ready: July 21, 2023
● Workshop days: October 9-10, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards.
//Note: *also the paper management system of the journal has migrated
to* *https://ojs.ixdea.org/* <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
The old OJS istance has been discontinued since the 1st of July 2023 and
cannot longer used to submit papers to IxD&A Journal.
Special Issue on
*Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based Activities
with Children *
Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2007 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Naska Goagoses, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany
• Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Namibia University of Technology, Namibia
• Erkki Rötkönen, University of Turku, Finland
• Tariq Zaman, ASSET, University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *October 30th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: December 20th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: January 31st, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: May 2024 (tentatively)
In this special issue, we are calling for contributions dealing with
distributed online co-design with children and its wider field of
design-based learning. We are looking for both theoretical and
methodological reflections on the position of participatory design and
co-design and empirical cases that advance design practices with
children in online environments. A significant contribution of the
volume will focus on facilitation tools and techniques connected to
the contemporary challenges of distributed online design in formal
settings (i.e. K-12) or informal settings with children.
Effective techniques and tools for co-located environments (Antle et
al., 2020, Zaman et al.,2022), which foster the genuine participation of
children (Kinnula & Iivari, 2021), have been established over the years
within the child-computer interaction community. However, technologies,
tools, and techniques for distributed online co-design with children are
only beginning to emerge, with much room for new developments and the
need for adaptations. Co-design with children in online and hybrid
environments, encountered constraints in the utilization of existing
technologies and tools, and challenges when applying longstanding design
facilitation techniques (Itenge et al., 2021; Rötkönen et al., 2021;
Rötkönen et al., 2022, Winschiers-Theophilus et al., 2022,). Within
online environments, new technological affordances and methods need to
be explored, and established facilitation strategies and co-design
methods need to be amended (Bertran et al., 2022; McVeigh-Schultz &
Isbister, 2021; Walsh et al., 2015; Warren et al., 2022). The move to
online environments offers a variety of challenges but also new
opportunities (Fails et al. 2022), including the collaborative
participation of children that are geographically distributed
(Winschiers-Theophilus et al., 2022). Given the challenges, yet also the
novel opportunities, a larger collection of theoretical and empirical
work about online co-design with children and design-based learning is
*Topics of Interest*
We invite researchers drawing upon design-based research approaches to
share their theoretical, methodological, or practical perspectives. We
welcome submissions that report on qualitative or quantitative studies,
systematic reviews or scoping reviews, as well as theoretical and
reflective pieces.
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue
includes, but is not limited to:
● Geographically distributed participants
● Ethical considerations and implications
● Special educational needs
● Inclusion, diversity, and heterogeneity
● Social-emotional learning
● Intergenerational engagement and communication
● Facilitation tools and techniques
● Supportive technologies and platforms
● Formal and informal educational contexts
● Design-based learning in K-12
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Online Design-Based Activities with Children")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: Online Design-Based Activities with Children/
• naska [dot] goagoses [at] uni-oldenburg [dot] de
• hwinschiers [at] nust [dot] na
• rotkonenerkki [at] utu [dot] fi
• tariqzaman [at] uts [dot] edu [dot] my
* Forthcoming issues:*
• ‘Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age’
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, Anders Mørch,
Alessandro Pagano
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
• ‘STEAM teaching and learning: advances beyond the state of the art’
Guest editors: Hector Cardona-Reyes, Carlos Alberto Lara-Álvarez, Miguel
Angel Ortiz Esparza, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori
*** Last Call for Poster Submission ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: July 14, 2023, AoE ***)
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting contributions for Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results
and innovations.
Submitted poster papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column
text using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Accepted posters will be presented during
a poster reception. Accepted poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. At
least one author of each accepted poster must register as an author at the full registration rate.
Each author registration can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Poster Submissions due: July 14, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
Are you passionate about design practices, methods, and tools for CUI design?
Join us at CUI 2023 for our workshop: "Is CUI Design Ready Yet? A Workshop on Community Practices and Gaps in CUI Design & Resource Development"
As CUIs become more prevalent in both academic research and the commercial market, it becomes more essential to design usable and adoptable CUIs. While research has been growing on the methods for designing CUIs for commercial use, there has been little discussion on overall community practice of developing design resources to aid in practical CUI design. The aim of this workshop therefore is to bring the CUI community together to discuss the current practices for developing tools and resources for practical CUI design, the adoption (or non-adoption) of these tools and resources, and how these resources are utilized in the training and education of new CUI designers entering the field. This workshop will bring together all parts of the CUI community to have meaningful discussions on how CUI design resources are currently developed, and how we can improve these resources and tools to aid in their adoption in practical CUI design, and CUI academic & industry design training.
If you are interested in participating, we ask that you submit either a position paper by July 7th, 2023, or a statement of interest can be submitted at any time (there is no formal deadline for statements of interest). Please visit https://speech-interaction.org/cui2023_design_workshop/ for more information
Christine Murad, University of Toronto
Cosmin Munteanu, University of Waterloo
Benjamin Cowan, University College Dublin
Leigh Clark, Bold Insight UK
Martin Porcheron, Bold Insight UK
Joel Fischer, University of Nottingham
Heloisa Candello, IBM Research
Raina Langevin, University of Washington
/// KEY DATES ///
Position Paper Deadline: July 7th, 2023 (11:59 PM AOE, email to Christine Murad) [Statements of Interest have no formal deadline]
Acceptance Notifications: On a Rolling Basis
Camera Ready for Position Papers: July 12th, 2023, (11:59 PM AOE)
Workshop date: July 19th, 2023 (9:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
We hope to see you there!
Best Regards,
Christine Murad
PhD Candidate, Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults
A workshop to held at the ACM SIGCHI CUI 2023 conference (Conversational
User Interfaces)
Call for Submissions and for Participation
This multidisciplinary workshop aims to tackle the significant gaps in
theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and exploration of new
paradigms within the research and design of Conversational User Interfaces
(CUIs) for Older Adults (OAs). We also aim to build research capacity by
bringing together researchers and practitioners across several disciplines
and industries who are actively working or having an interest toward
understanding older adults’ use of and need for CUIs.
We invite researchers from various fields to present their work on and
collectively engage in synthesizing and collating findings from different
disciplines, and to discuss barriers and approaches to designing CUIs that
are usable, adoptable, personally, and culturally relevant to OAs.
Given the nascent phase of this community, and our goal of encouraging a
grassroots approach to defining this space, we welcome position papers,
short research papers, or short expressions of interest relevant to the
broad space of designing CUIs for OAs.
There is no format for the expression of interest - those wishing to
participate in the workshop without a submitted paper should simply contact
the organizers via email indicating through a short paragraph their prior
experience and/or interest as relevant to the workshop, alongside their
professional website or scholar page.
For those interested in submitting a formal paper, we welcome short papers
describing e.g. a research study, a novel system, a new theoretical
contribution, or position papers that highlight new or ongoing challenges
in the field. Submitted papers will be lightly reviewed by the organizing
committee within 10 days of submission (there is no formal deadline).
Accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website. We recommend papers
to be no more than 4 pages long, following the CHI Extended Abstract
format). Submissions, expressions of interest, and any other queries
related to the workshop should be sent to: cui-oa2023(a)cs.toronto.edu
Submissions will be reviewed according to the fit with the workshop topic
and potential to contribute to the workshop goals. Alternate submission
arrangements may be possible (such as the showcasing of papers previously
accepted at other conferences).
Workshop URL: http://speech-interaction.org/CUI-OA2023
Best Regards,
Workshop Organizing Team
We are looking for candidates for one three-year PhD scholarship that will
be carried out at the at the Human Interfaces in Information Systems (HIIS)
Laboratory at CNR-ISTI (http://hiis.isti.cnr.it/), Pisa, Italy.
The fellowship is associated with the PhD school at the Computer Science
department of the University of Pisa (https://dottorato.di.unipi.it/) in the
Adaptive Human-Computer Interaction area. The specific PhD topic will be
defined taking into account the background and the interests of the
The HIIS Laboratory is a creative and multi-disciplinary interactive
technologies research laboratory, with deep and extensive research
collaborations, at the national and international levels, industrial
partners, and a supportive and inclusive working environment.
Pisa is a lively small town located in Tuscany, near the coast, with an
international airport, characterised by the presence of a rich research
ecosystem (three Universities and many research centres) very active in the
ICT area. We are therefore looking for deserving candidates. It is useful to
have some programming knowledge, interest and passion for the considered
topics, and to carry out research activities.
The application procedure will be soon available. The deadline will be at
the end of July. Applicants must have earned a master degree by the end of
October 2023.
For further information any interested potential candidate can contact
fabio.paterno at isti.cnr.it
One fully-funded PhD position granted by Fondazione Bruno Kessler is
available for the PhD Programme in "Cognitive Science" at the University of
Trento on the topic of Artificial Intelligence for education.
The aim of this Ph.D project is to explore innovative, technology-based
approaches to facilitate playful education for inclusive, collaborative and
student-centered learning environments. The project aims to develop
semi-automatic and adaptive educational paths, as well as personalized
support systems that benefit both educators and learners. This will involve
utilizing various technologies and methods, such as end-user programming or
multimodal, competence-based learning, to co-create learning activities
that consider specific needs and preferences.
The ideal candidate will have a background in Computer Science, Psychology
or Cognitive Science, with knowledge of data science, artificial
intelligence, and educational theories. Experience in designing interactive
digital technologies, conducting experimental and in-the-wild studies, and
promoting inclusive, collaborative learning environments would be
advantageous and should be gained during the Ph.D training.
For more information on the scholarship:
For applying: https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/1941/announcement-of-selection
Massimo Zancanaro
Professor of Computer Science/Human-Computer Interaction, University of
Head of Intelligent Interfaces and Interaction (i3) research unit,
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Linkdin: https://it.linkedin.com/in/massimozancanaro
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=oH1ScJkAAAAJ
Twitter: @MaxZancanaro
Telegram: @MassimoZancanaro
Le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione sono di natura
privata e come tali sono da considerarsi riservate ed indirizzate
esclusivamente ai destinatari indicati e per le finalità strettamente
legate al relativo contenuto. Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per
errore, vi preghiamo di eliminarlo e di inviare una comunicazione
all’indirizzo e-mail del mittente.
The information transmitted is
intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may
contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you received this in
error, please contact the sender and delete the material.
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards./
Special Issue on
*Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions *Call for
Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Mihai Dascalu, University Politehnica of Bucharest
• Óscar Mealha, University of Aveiro, Portugal
• Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, Estonia
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *October 15th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: December 15th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: January 15th, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: March 2024 (tentatively)
The development of Smart Learning Ecosystems is of strategic relevance
for all the territorial ambits on which they insist, either because they
can act as a bulwark against degradation in the most critical areas, or
because they can contribute to increasing the well-being of students and
their communities of reference; moreover, they can also act as a driver
for sustainable development of the territories.
The achievement of an adequate level of smartness in the learning
ecosystems is, however, a process that needs a long-term vision,
multidisciplinary competencies, an attitude to understand people and
contexts and to mediate points of view, a dynamic approach to resilience
to keep on track and achieve, step-by-step, the foreseen goals: in
short, an attitude to design and implement sustainable projects and
processes aimed at achieving a people-centered smart environments and
Climate change, pandemics, wars (more or less uncovered), and the energy
and food crises triggered by them, all point towards the need to change
our lifestyles and make them fully sustainable. The SDGs [1] and the
cultural and technological transitions they foster – such as the green
transition – therefore become new challenges with which smart learning
ecosystems and communities must measure themselves to support the
education of competent and responsible future citizens.
Citizens whose future behaviour implies the entrenchment of a sense of
membership [2] and the development of meta-design competencies [3]-,
i.e., the competence of knowing how to explore and manage, the ambiguity
and uncertainty that changes will bring.
Within such an evolving scenario, we also have to face the amplifying
power of digital technologies, which – as discussed in the UNESCO
document “The futures of education for participation in 2050” [4] –
could contribute, through educational processes, to the development of a
fairer and more equitable society and, at the same time, to more careful
use of resources; but, on the other hand, if not adequately utilized,
they could also lead to deepening the existing gaps. Thus, we have to
face a parallel digital transition that raises many questions about its
impact on humans and the environment, including its energy
sustainability. The digital transition – which complements the other
cultural transitions induced by SDGs (giving rise to multiple twin
transitions) – thus, left us with complex questions about when, how, and
why to use digital technologies in and for learning, that can be
approached through multiple perspectives and angles. How can they
contribute sustainably, to transform education, support cultural
transitions, reduce inequalities, and at the same time, empower
individuals according to their needs, expectations, and talents?
1. https://en.unesco.org/sustainabledevelopmentgoals
2. Haste H., Chopra V., “The futures of education for participation in
2050: educating for managing uncertainly and ambiguity”, 2020,
3. Giovannella C. “Is complexity tameable? Toward a design for the
experience in a complex world” IxD&A Journal, N. 15, 2012, pp. 18-30,
4. Futures of Education. A new Social Contract for Education.
*Topics of Interest*
General topics of interest acting as background and frame for the twin
transitions can be grouped under three big themes: places for smart
education, people in place- centered design for smart education,
supportive learning technologies and tools for smart education. All can
be related to studies that develop on a post-pandemic view and strategy
for a better learning world, namely nurtured by the pertinence of smart
learning ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions, like the green
and digital one.
*Places for smart education*
* future of institutional learning
* interplay between formal and informal learning
* new educational models and settings
* continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space in the
learning process
* role of games and gamification case studies in smart education
* dual education and other alternate scheme approaches
* monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution,
city, region)
*People in place- centered design for smart education*
* general frameworks and methodological advancement
* competence based learning, evaluation and certification
* design, data and other relevant literacies
* literacies, skills and competences of future citizens
* communities and co-design in smart learning ecosystems
sharing & participatory practices
* open access to any resources and disparity
* cultural influences
*Supportive technologies and tools for smart education*
* AI for smart learning ecosystems: Ethical aspects, tools and H-AI
* knowledge graphsx and applications
* text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis
* intelligent tutoring systems
* real/virtual communities and social network analysis
* interoperability and application of open/smart data and services
* safety & security in education
* IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies
* adaptability to educational contexts and citizens
* role of VR in education
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of Twins Transitions")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of Twins Transitions/
• mihai [dot] dascalu [at] upb [dot] ro
• oem [at] ua [dot] pt
• sirje [dot] virkus [at] tlu [dot] ee
* Forthcoming issues:*
• ‘Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based
Activities with Children’
Guest editors: Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Erkki
Rötkönen, Tariq Zaman
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
*** Fifth Call for Papers ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
One fully-funded PhD position is available at the Creative, Intelligent &
Multisensory Interactions Laboratory of University of Trento, Italy (
The topic concerns* "Musician-AI partnership mediated by smart musical
instruments"*. We are looking for candidates with a background in
artificial intelligence and knowledge of music.
Deadline: *12th of July*
For further information please visit:
Do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions: luca.turchet(a)unitn.it
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)unitn.it
Tel: +39 0461 283792
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
GENERAL Workshop @CHITALY 2023 - Call For Papers - !!! EXTENDED DEADLINE
June, 30 !!!
1st International Workshop on GENerative, Explainable and Reasonable
Artificial Learning
co-located with the CHITALY 2023, Italy
Web: https://bit.ly/generalworkshop2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=general23
For any information: federico.torrielli(a)unito.it
The GENERAL workshop explores advances in General and Generative
Artificial Intelligence (GGAI), including breakthroughs in areas like
natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). It
emphasizes the emerging capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) and
Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) and promotes Human-Centered AIs with
applications like ChatGPT and Midjourney. The workshop delves into
generating human-like content across text and images, highlighting the
creative, coherent, and unexpected properties of these AI models. A key
aspect is AI explainability, focusing on understanding, explaining, and
controlling the complexities of these AI systems in terms of fairness,
accountability, and transparency. Additionally, it encourages
interdisciplinary collaboration between fields like HCI, psychology,
social studies, and the arts to enrich the understanding of AI's
societal and cultural impacts.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Users perceptions of images, texts and sounds generated by Generative AIs
– Machine Psychology
– AI Assistants, Chatbots and Virtual Agents
– Emerging properties of human-like intelligence in Large Language
Models (LLMs) and Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs)
– Interfaces and techniques for interacting with Generative AIs
– User studies on systems leveraging Generative AI
– AI explainability, transparency, and accountability in large-scale models
– Human-machine cooperation
– Ethical issues in Generative AI
– Consequences of Generative AIs on individuals and societies
– Safety and control mechanisms for large language models: analyzing and
mitigating harms from generative AI like misinformation, biases, or
synthetic media
– Emerging applications of AI and interdisciplinary research
– Communicating the potential of AI to the general public and fostering
public understanding.
We accept two kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (up to 12 pages, including references)
(B) Position Papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references)
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=general23
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program
committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical
quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint
volume. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the
Early submissions are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review
system: early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the
notification will be sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submissionfinal deadline: !!! EXTENDED TO June 30, 2023 !!!
* Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
* Camera-ready version deadline: July 21, 2023.
Federico Torrielli
University of Torino, Italy
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Italy
Luigi Di Caro
University of Torino, Italy
Dear students,
We are very excited that at the Media Interaction Lab (www.mediainteractionlab.eu<http://www.mediainteractionlab.eu/>) and at the Electronic Materials Devices & Systems Group (https://physics.groups.unibz.it/) of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, we are looking for two PhD candidates with a focus on Sensing, Human Computer Interaction, Unobtrusive Electronics, and the Design and Development of Next-Generation Interfaces. Both positions are supported by amazing partners, namely by the BMW Group and by Tratter Engineering.
The topics are as follows:
1) Smart Surfaces for the Automotive (in collaboration with Tratter Engineering, supervisor Prof. Michael Haller)
2) Unobtrusive physiological sensors for a car seat (in collaboration with BMW Group, supervisors Prof. Michael Haller/Prof. Niko Münzenrieder)
More information about the PhD programme can be found at: https://www.unibz.it/en/faculties/engineering/phd-advanced-systems-engineer…
Details about the call and application can be extracted from: https://www.unibz.it/assets/Documents/PhD/Phd-2-call/scheda-descrittva_117-… and https://www.unibz.it/assets/Documents/PhD/Phd-2-call/2023-24_General-part-2…
The application needs to be submitted online via: https://aws.unibz.it/exup/
Application deadline: July 18, 2023, 12pm (Rome time)
Our university has a strong international outlook, as testified by its multilingual courses (English, Italian, German) and a high number of students and teaching staff from abroad. The PhD programme will be in English.
The candidate must fulfil the following conditions to be eligible for employment:
- a Master's (MSc) degree in Electronics, (Textile-) Design, Computer Science, HCI, Physics, or a related area,
- fluency in written/spoken English,
The positions are available for 3 years starting in fall 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter).
If you are interested, please contact us in advance to get additional infos
michael.haller(a)unibz.it <mailto:michael.haller@unibz.it> & niko.muenzenrieder(a)unibz.it<mailto:niko.muenzenrieder@unibz.it>
Prof. Dr. Michael Haller
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
NOI Techpark
Via Volta 13
39100 Bolzano | ITALY
www.unibz.it | www.mediainteractionlab.eu
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -*
that implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CireScore 2022 = 2.0
(Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Education, Media Technology and Social
Science (SRJ); Q3: Human Computer Interaction)
*Videos of the on-line event are now avilable*
*Special issue N. 54
*Regular papers*
and a focus section on
*Online Social Environments for Active Ageing
*/Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira, Liliana Vale Costa/
*Meet the authors *
authors list <https://ixdea.org/authors-of-issue-54-short-bios/>
Videos can be accessed from the IxD&A Journal website ->
from the IxD&A Youtube Channel -> link
(play list issue 54: link
To keep updated join IxD&A Linkedin group -> link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy <https://ixdea.org/privacy-policy-2/>
CHItaly 2023, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, will
be held from 20th to 22nd of September 2023 in Torino.
Beyond all other sessions, there will be an Industry session, in which are
very welcome contributions from industry stakeholders, experts,
professionals on topics that include but are not limited to:
Human Computer Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) effect on industry
decision making and smart solutions deployment
Impact of HCAI on learning and organizational transformation
HCAI and automated processes and products
HCAI & User Experience
HCAI impact on industry sustainable and green innovation and growth
Long term impact of HCAI on manufacturing, mobility, tourism, health,
security, and safety
Effects of economic/energetic crisis on HCAI activities in industries
and vice versa
Quantification of Return of Investment of HCAI contributions into
industry process and activities
Industry needs toward HCAI research
New ways of collaboration between industry and HCAI academic / research
Needed human competences and digital/non digital assets to optimally
integrate HCAI activities into industry processes
HCAI training needs & modalities in industry environment
HCAI experts’ professional growth opportunities within companies
Current industry process and needed changes to deeply integrating HCAI
into product/process design and development
New perspectives of integration of HCAI activities into the product
design & development
The required format for submissions are posters and demos.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. An appealing and innovative
demonstration presents an opportunity to display further and disseminate
your research and attract attendees’ participation. Demos can have been
presented elsewhere.
Poster paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The paper should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title. The submission must also outline how the authors plan
to present their work, with a description of any special equipment for
setup that will be required.
Demo papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template
the ACM website
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX
from the ACM website
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023> by selecting the
proper track (“Industry” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their papers and
demos to CHItaly.
Poster should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Poster papers might
also include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Paper/Demo submission deadline: July 1st 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline (strict): July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
*** Last Mile for Paper Submission ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Submission Deadline: Abstracts by June 25, 2023; Full Papers by July 2, 2023
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities
• Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing
• Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management
• Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards
• Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT
• Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps
• Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc.
• Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
• Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics
• Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions
• Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Semantic services and service mining
• Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms
• Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Storage, computation and network Clouds
• Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
• Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
• Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds
• Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 25th, 2023 (AoE)
• Submission of full papers: July 2nd, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification to authors: August 4th, 2023 (AoE)
• Camera-ready versions due: August 21st, 2023 (AoE)
• Author registration due: August 21st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds:
• Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references)
• PhD Symposium (12 pages including references)
• Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2023 by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de)
• Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
*** Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 will host a number of workshops which will be co-located with the main
conference on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops. These
workshops share the goal of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research
communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and
to have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community.
eScience 2023 will host the following workshops:
● 1st Workshop on cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions (INSTIL 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on E-science ReseaRch leading tO negative Results (ERROR 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security
(ReWorDS 2023)
● 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) Workshop
● IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health 2023)
● Research Software Engineers in eScience: Sustainable RSE Ecosystems within eScience
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before end June 2023
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop
● IEEE proceedings camera ready: July 21, 2023
● Workshop days: October 9-10, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
VL/HCC 2023: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
We invite you to consider submitting work to our posters/showpieces,
tutorials, and graduate consortium tracks:
(due June 28 AoE) Posters and Showpieces
(due June 30 AoE) Tutorials ***NEW***
(due July 7 AoE) Graduate Consortium
Posters and Showpieces
Submission deadline: June 28, 2023 AoE
The Posters and Showpieces track (called the “showpieces track” for short)
offers an interactive opportunity to discuss recent research, experiences,
challenges, ideas, prototypes, and accomplishments with the VL/HCC
community. Formerly called “posters and demonstrations”, the category now
includes posters, videos, downloadable apps, handouts, electronic devices,
physical prototypes, or any other artifacts that facilitate meaningful
interactions with other conference attendees.
A broad range of topics are appropriate for showpieces. The following
non-exhaustive list illustrates the possibilities:
Current research in progress. This might include:
Original or innovative technologies or prototypes that may or may not
be accompanied by an evaluation
Short qualitative or quantitative studies
Reflections, provocations, or proposals about theory or methods
Results presented in the main VL/HCC conference
Results already presented at another conference or published in a journal
Existing commercial products and/or services
Efforts aimed at integrating research into education
Efforts aimed at commercializing research
Showpieces can help accomplish many goals, such as:
Helping graduate student presenters to meet faculty from other
Building community interest in a novel way of approaching a research
Starting conversations that could lead to new collaborations
Demonstrating to industry sponsors that a specific line of research has
practical applications
Showcasing products or services available for sale
More details:
Submission deadline: June 30, 2023 AoE
The 2023 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
(VL/HCC) invites proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction with the
symposium. Tutorials allow conference attendees to expand their knowledge
by introducing researchers to emerging areas or new technologies, or
providing an overview of the state of the art in an existing research area.
Tutorials should be on topics related to the conference, such as (but not
limited to) end-user programming, visual programming, domain-specific
languages, software visualization, and CS education.
Tutorial organizers must submit a proposal package and may either be
accepted or rejected. The preferred format for tutorials is either a half
day or full-day standalone session. However, we are also happy to consider
alternative or experimental topics and formats. If the tutorial is
accepted, then both the symposium organizers and the tutorial organizers
will publicize the event to help ensure that it draws a sufficient number
of attendees. Please note that a tutorial may be cancelled due to low
registration if the number of participants (including the organizers) is
less than fifteen.
Please submit proposals via email by June 30, 2023. Decision notifications
will be sent by Friday, July 7, 2023 at the latest.
More details:
Graduate Consortium
Submission deadline: July 7, 2023 AoE
The primary goal of this year’s event is to stimulate graduate students’
and other researchers’ thinking about “Low-Code / No-Code Development”.
This development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code to empower users in creating
software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This goal aligns with the theme of the 2023 VL/HCC
main conference. Other areas within the remit of VL/HCC are also welcome.
Why You Should Participate
Present your work to a smaller, more attentive audience
Get detailed, critical, constructive feedback from a diverse panel of
Meet other students working on similar problems
Travel funding may be available to help cover your cost of attending
VL/HCC (details below).
Who Can Participate?
The consortium is open to both Master’s and PhD students worldwide.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis, as well as from members of groups identified by NSF as
underrepresented in the sciences and engineering. If multiple applicants
from a particular university apply for the consortium this year, then no
more than two per university will be selected to participate. To be
eligible, each applicant may have participated no more than once in the
VL/HCC graduate consortia of past years.
More details:
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer updated from 5 March 2023 onwards./
D*EADLINE EXTENSION -> September 15th 2023* (hard deadline)
Special Issue on
*AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
• Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy
• Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway
• Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy
*Important dates:*
• Extended deadline: *September 15th, 2023 (new hard deadline)*
• Notification to the authors: November 10th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: November 30th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: December 2023/January 2024 (tentatively)
This special issue is intended to explore the assumption (and to provide
at least partial evidence) that the most successful Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems out there today are dependent on teams of
humans, just as humans depend on these systems to gain access to
information, provide insights and perform tasks beyond their own
capabilities. An assumption that implies a confrontation between AI,
Human-Centered AI and HCD and a reflection on the role of HCD in the AI age.
The issue, thus, is not intended to be focalized on the design of user
interfaces of systems containing embedded AI features, per se; rather,
it is expected to be grounded in research activities involving a broad
spectrum of academic disciplines – from computer science to social
science – that will critically analyze the interplay between
AI, Human-Centered AI and HCD, in order to investigate the impact on
individuals, social groups, and society as a whole.
In particular this special issue wish to explore the relationship
between AI, aimed at replacing human beings, and Intelligence
Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering human beings in their daily
life and work. Balancing between these two perspectives means changing
the research paradigm from traditional human-computer interaction, to
designing the collaboration between humans and computers. This will
foster creativity, meaningful work, intersubjectivity, and learning, and
eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a
variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this new
age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge and
competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, new research
methods, etc.
The guest editors encourage researchers to submit articles that will
consider these aspects.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but not limited to:
* AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues
* AI support in everyday work
* Collaborative human-centered design
* End-User Development for AI-based systems
* Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems
* Explainable AI through meta design
* Human-centred AI
* Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning effectiveness
* Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: AI for Humans and Humans for AI")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on AI for Humans and Humans for AI/
• renatea [at] oslomet [dot] no
• vita [dot] barletta [at] uniba [dot] it
• anders [dot] morch [at] iped [dot] uio [dot] no
• alessandro [dot] pagano [at] uniba [dot] it
Doctoral Consortium
Submission June 23, 2023
Notifications July 7, 2023
Camera-Ready July 21, 2023
Web(Doctoral Consortium): https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/callfordoctoralconsortium.php
* All deadlines are AoE
CALL FOR Doctoral Consortium
The Mobile HCI 2023 Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a forum for PhD students working on Mobile HCI topics to discuss their research goals, methods, and results at an early stage in their research. It aims to provide useful guidance for completion of the doctoral research and the initiation of a research career in a constructive way. The DC provides an opportunity for student participants to interact with other students, established researchers, and the broader Mobile HCI community.
The Doctoral Consortium will be held on Tuesday, 26th of September 2023. The Consortium will be a closed event, open only to the selected participants and other invited attendees.
ACM MobileHCI 2023
The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction Athens, Greece September 26 29, 2023 https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to send an email to the organizing committee
We hope to see you this year in Athens!
Posters and demos provide a unique opportunity to share valuable new ideas,
elicit feedback on early-stage work, and foster discussions and
collaborations among colleagues. Demos also provide a space for researchers
and practitioners to bring hands-on experiences to conference attendees.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Posters will be published in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, a
special jury will check all the accepted contributions and the best posters
will be awarded with a best-poster certificate.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. We welcome demos from students and
researchers in all stages of their careers. We particularly encourage
undergraduate students and authors of accepted full and short papers to
contribute their demos.
Demo submissions will be published in the conference proceedings.
An appealing and innovative demonstration presents an opportunity to
display further and disseminate your research and attract attendees’
participation. Note that demos must be about research: the track is not
meant for presenting commercial products. Business-related visibility is
achieved via sponsorship. Demos can have been presented elsewhere.
Posters and demos will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program
In particular, but not exclusively, we solicit submissions related to the
conference’s main topics:
methods, approaches, and systems relating to the Human and the AI;
innovative AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, and;
experiences in good and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
You may refer to the main call for papers for a more detailed list of
topics of interest.
Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The poster should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not anonymized.
The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the manuscript’s title.
The submission must also outline how the authors plan to present their
work, with a description of any special equipment for setup that will be
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template (
from the ACM website (
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX folder from the ACM website.
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template (
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX (
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website.
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair (
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=chitaly2023) by selecting the
proper track (“posters and demos” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their posters and
demos to CHItaly.
Posters should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Posters might also
include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Posters and demos will also have a 1-minute presentation at the plenary
session in addition to the dedicated sessions. The presentation must be
supported by 2 slides: a title-slide and a slide with the content.
EXTENDED Submission deadline: June 25th, 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is
day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE.
Anna Spagnolli (Università di Padova)
Alberto Monge Roffarello (Politecnico di Torino)
email: demo_poster(a)chitaly2023.it
Submit on EasyChair by selecting the “posters and demos” track:
*** CALL FOR POSTERS - MUM 2023 ***
Deadline for Posters: 9th of October 2023, AoE
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=posters*
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for presenting the advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and practitioners gather to discuss challenges and achievements in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This year's edition aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM conferences.
The MUM poster track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present their early-stage and ongoing work on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, services, interactions and experiences. The submissions can also describe preliminary research results that have not been fully designed, implemented or tested but show great promise, summarise several small-scale studies, or introduce novel, challenging and provoking research directions. Posters provide the opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present their work to the MUM community in an informal manner, receive valuable feedback on their research, discuss potential collaborations and address burning issues.
*Submission Guidelines and List of Topics*
* Topics of interest are those defined for the main paper conference track. They include, but are not limited to:
* Prototypes and systems tackling relevant technical challenges
* Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, learning, entertainment, social networking, and advertising
* Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
* Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new applications and services
* Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
* Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
* Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* Interaction and collaboration with human-centered AI systems
* Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Interaction design for automotive and other modes of transportation
* Fabrication and device prototyping
* Poster submissions should be maximum 3 pages long (excluding references), and should contain an abstract of maximum 150 words, that clearly states the poster's contribution to the field. The submission should be prepared as a PDF file, in single-column format, using either Word or LaTeX ACM Primary Article Templates.<https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/taps-production-…> If LaTeX is used, single-column mode should be configured by using "\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}" as document class setting.
* Poster papers must be submitted via EasyChair<https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230>. The submissions will undergo a rigorous review process managed by the poster chairs. The authors of the accepted submissions will receive instructions about the format requirements for the poster. They are also expected to bring the posters to the conference site with them and be present throughout the posters and demos session of the conference.
* Submissions should be anonymized and will undergo a double-blind review process. They should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission elsewhere. Final camera-ready versions of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. Accepted posters will appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. The proceedings will be available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.
* Authors are encouraged to submit an optional video of maximum 3 minutes to support their submission, which will be on acceptance published in the ACM Digital Library (as additional material to the paper). To ensure videos can be viewed by all reviewers, authors should preferably use 720p or 1080p resolution, H.264 encoding and the MP4 file format. To accommodate the upload limits of EasyChair (max. 50mb per file), the bit rate of videos can be lowered.
Link to Submission System: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
* Important Dates *
Submission: October 9th, 2023 (AoE)
Notification to authors: November 2nd, 2023
Conference dates: December 3th - December 6th, 2023
* Poster Chairs *
Christina Schneegass, Delft University of Technology
Markus Löchtefeld, Aalborg University
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: posters2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:papers2023@mum-conf.org>
*** Last Mile for Paper Submission ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline Extension: June 19, 2023, AoE, FIRM!)
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: June 19, 2023 (AoE) (FIRM!)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: July 10, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
Cari Tutti!
Vorrei segnalare il workshop AI and Sustainability in the Wine Industry, in programma per mercoledi 20 Settembre, a Torino, parte del programma di CHItaly 2023.
Stiamo pianificando un fantastico programma denso di talk e presentazioni (al mattino) e visite ad alcune wineries locali (pomeriggio) per riflettere sul futuro dell’industria eno-gastronomica.
Tutte le informazioni per partecipare sul sito della conferenza https://chitaly2023.it/accepted-workshops/ e maggiore dettagli al sito del workshop https://jeni92.wixsite.com/sustainablewine
Un salute dall’Australia 😊
Associate Professor Alessandro Soro | School of Computer Science
Academic Lead International & Engagement (School of Computer Science)
Faculty of Science | Queensland University of Technology
S Block, Level 10, Room 1050, Gardens Point Campus
E: alessandro.soro(a)qut.edu.au<mailto:alessandro.soro@qut.edu.au> | P: +61 07 3138 9569
CRICOS No. 00213J
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards./
D*EADLINE EXTENSION -> June 19th 2023* (hard deadline)
Special Issue on
*Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Dina El Zanfaly, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Peter Scupelli, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Daragh Byrne, Carnegie Mellon University, USA/
*Important dates:*
• *Extended Deadline*: *June 19th, 2023 /(hard deadline)/*
• Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023
• Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: October 2023 (tentatively)
Over the past few decades, interactive technologies have become more and
more embedded in and blended with our physical world. These
technologies—mobile computing, AR and VR, interactive IoTs, tangible
interfaces, and responsive architectures—are increasingly shaping our
daily experiences in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities.
We call these physical-digital spaces Hybrid Environments . As these
technologies continue to transform the way we live, many new
opportunities emerge for design education and practice.
Within higher education, more and more programs aim to cross-train
designers, architects, creative technologists, and artists to operate in
these emerging terrains. This is a complex pedagogical practice.
Designing for Hybrid Environments requires knowledge and training in the
design of both physical environments and interactive technologies.
Solutions cut across, and often operate at multiple, scales: from the
object to the room, from the neighborhood to the city. Consequently, the
design of good physical-digital spaces must often bridge fundamental
knowledge in design, architecture, art, interactivity, and computation.
How are we meeting this emergent need? How do we educate cross-trained
students to creatively respond and adapt to these complex design spaces?
In this special issue, we invite design educators to share their
pedagogies, frameworks, and tools for crafting next-generation
physical-digital spaces. We hope to gather, reflect, and share valuable
examples and instructional practices so that we might learn from one
another and critically examine how to teach students to design Hybrid
Environments. Ultimately, we seek to form a common understanding and
begin building the foundations for design education in this emerging field.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to Design Education for Hybrid Environments includes, but is not limited to:
• Teaching for and within VR, AR, and XR technologies.
• Teaching for interactive IoT, spatial computing, ambient media, and
responsive architecture.
• CAD and CAM tools to help conceive, represent, prototype, and test
Hybrid Environments.
• Theoretical frameworks and representational techniques to navigating
scales of design —from the object to the room, from the neighborhood to
the city.
• Cognitive approaches to explain and study reasoning, conceiving, and
building Hybrid Environments.
• Post-Pandemic Hybrid Environments, including telepresence, distributed
spaces, and the temporality of experience.
• Assessment and performance methods, including pilot studies,
curricula, or cases of evaluating Hybrid Environments design and
• Instructional experiences resilient to rapid change in technology
infrastructures and toolsets.
• Research methods supporting the design process and evaluation of
Hybrid Environments.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Design Education for Hybrid Environments")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on Design Education for Hybrid Environments/
• drosenb2 [at] andrew [dot] cmu [dot] edu
We invite you to the workshop:
Creating custom visualization templates with RAWGraphs 2.0
20 September 2023 @ CHItaly conference (Turin, IT)
[6475b91bf36e14ee9baac43b_Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 10.50.28.png]
Focusing on expanding access to data visualization, RAWGraphs (https://www.rawgraphs.io/) is an open-source software that offers a variety of visualization templates, such as Sankey diagrams, bubble charts, bump charts, horizon charts, and many more.
In this upcoming workshop, participants will be taught how to develop custom visualization templates using RAWGraphs. The new version, 2.0, has simplified the process of creating templates, allowing for easy usage through a straightforward loading function (to be released soon). This 4-hour workshop will be held during the CHItaly 2023 conference and is intended for visualization experts, designers, developers, and researchers (including PhDs) who desire to create specialized tools to support specific requirements and/or progress in their research. Our objective is to guide participants in creating 5 new templates. Hence, a fundamental prerequisite is a good understanding of data visualization and Javascript development.
Participation is possible as individuals or groups. It is also possible to participate in the idea of someone else in case you just want to learn more about the software.
Use this form to submit your participation: https://forms.gle/gbzLzUM7DSdg8JhM7
Further information at https://www.rawgraphs.io/ws-chitaly2023
Important dates
Deadline for submissions: 23 June 2023 (11:59 p.m. AoE)
Notification to authors: 14 July 2023
Date of the workshop: 20 September 2023 (detailed schedule TBA)
Feel free to contact us in case you need further information at:
hello(a)rawgraphs.io<mailto:hello@rawgraphs.io> (with email subject: WS CHItaly 2023).
The RAWGraphs Team
Tommaso Elli, PhD
Junior Researcher
Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano
Recent publications
Elli, T., Benedetti, A., Pallacci, V., Spadini, E., & Mauri, M. (2023). Designing network visualizations for genetic literary criticism<https://doi.org/10.53681/c1514225187514391s.31.176>. Convergences - Journal of Research and Arts Education, 16(31), 25–38
Elli, T., Bradley, A., Hinrichs, U., & Collins, C. (2022). Visualizing Stories of Sexual Harassment in the Academy: Community Empowerment through Qualitative Data<https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2022/research…>. Proceedings of DRS 2022, Bilbao
Parigini,M., Elli,T (2022). The Shape of Doubt: Employing data visualization to inquiry stylistic features in the narrative works of Italo Calvino<https://zenodo.org/record/6573372>. DH Benelux 2022
Mauri, M., Vantini, S., Gobbo, B., Elli, T., Aversa, E., Benedetti, A., Briones Rojas, M. D. L. A., & Colombo, G. (2022). Making posters to understand statistics: Towards a didactical approach in communication design<https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2022/research…>. Proceedings of DRS 2022, Bilbao
Elli, T (2022). Research through Visualization in Literary Criticism. Adaptations of data visualization to scholars’ interpretive work<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TK0OCk_MseNV1HEy2aIrgqfkktZJGUy1/view?usp=…> [Doctoral Thesis]. Politecnico di Milano
*** Final Call for Submissions ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Submission Deadline: Abstracts by June 25, 2023; Full Papers by July 2, 2023
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities • Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing • Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management • Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards, • Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT • Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps • Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc. • Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics • Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions • Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Semantic services and service mining • Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms • Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Storage, computation and network Clouds • Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds • Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 25th, 2023 (AoE) • Submission of full papers: July 2nd, 2023 (AoE) • Notification to authors: August 4th, 2023 (AoE) • Camera-ready versions due: August 21st, 2023 (AoE)
• Author registration due: August 21st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds: • Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references) • PhD Symposium (12 pages including references) • Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2023 by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
*established in 2005
SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science,
Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal
implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
SRJ 2022 = 0.356 (Q1: Architecture/Design; Q2: Social Science, Media
Technology; Q3: Human Computer Interaction, Education)
*Issue N. 55
*featuring a special issue
**Smart Learning Ecosystems: **toward the polyphonic construction of a
new normality**
*/guest editors: ///Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Marti, Francesca Pozzi/
Regular papers
is now available for free downloading
/IxD&A implements the Gold/Diamond Open Access road to its contents with
no charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 55 - ToC*/**
**//****/*Preface to the special isue on*
*Smart Learning Ecosystems: **toward the polyphonic construction of a
new normality*
/Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Marti, Francesca Pozzi/
p. 5 – 8
/Marcel Schmitz, Maren Scheffel, Roger Bemelmans, Hendrik Drachsler/
*Evaluating the Impact of FoLA on Learning Analytics Knowledge Creation
and Acceptance during Multidisciplinary, Co-Design of Learning
Activities*, pp. 9/–/ 33
/Francesca Mattioli, Laura Cipriani, Andrea Giuseppe Manciaracina,
Andrea Taverna/
*Exploring Innovation in the Teaching of Design. A Study on the
Experimental Teaching Practices in the Context of a School of
Design*, pp. 34 – 53,
/Maria José Fonseca, Óscar Mealha /
*Student experience and new media to leverage an Infocommunicational
case study model*, pp. 54 – 82
/Carlo Giovannella, Licia Cianfriglia, Antonello Giannelli /
*The Italian School Ecosystems two years after the pandemic in the
perceptions of schools’ principals and teachers – part 2 (a segmented
analysis)*, pp. 83 – 108
/Alessia Pece, Patrizia Marti/
*Designing inclusion: a smart learning ecosystem for hearing parents of
deaf children*, pp. 109 – 122
*Regular papers*
/Carlo Giovannella/
F*rom simplex to complex: designing for wellbeing at scale*, pp. 123 – 138
/Ulisses da Silva Fernandes, Glívia Angélica Rodrigues Barbosa, Bruno
Azevedo Chagas, Gabriel Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira
Barbosa, Raquel Oliveira Prates/
*Lessons Learned from Modeling the Interaction with Conversational
Agent*s/, /pp. 139 – 173
/Rebecca Wiczorek/
*Evaluation of Thermotactile and Vibrotactile Cues to Improve Hazard
Perception of Older Pedestrians*/, /pp. 174 – 193
/Uğur Efe Uçar, Gözde Gökdemir, Ervin Garip/
*A Study of the Application of Virtual Reality Technology as an
Anthropometric Measurement Tool*/, /pp. 194 – 211
*To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
IxD&A Privacy Policy
Call for Papers
Future Platforms for Cloud-Edge Continuum – Theoretical Foundations
and Practical Considerations
Special Session (SPES-01) organized within the scope of
9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT2023)
Aveiro, Portugal, October, 12-27, 2023https://wfiot2023.iot.ieee.org/
Internet of Things (IoT) brings fundamental changes to all sectors of
society and economy. However, realization of the IoT vision requires
data processing (stream, static, or both) in an “optimal location”
within the cloud-edge continuum. Within such continuum, data can be
produced, stored, and processed “anywhere”. For instance, (1)
far/nano-edge devices produce data act upon it locally, (2) fog nodes
process data stream locally, while (3) cloud/HPC facilities deliver
“unlimited” processing capabilities, need, for instance, to train
(large) AI models. Taking into account the, systematically increasing,
scale of IoT deployments the question arises: what capabilities must
be facilitated by future IoT platforms, which will have to manage
processes in multi-stakeholder, multi-cloud, federated, large-scale
IoT ecosystems.
Here, key challenges are related to the fact that such platforms
(encompassing operating systems, up to applications), will have to
jointly leverage continuous progress of multiple enabling
technologies, e.g.: 5G/6G networking, privacy and security,
distributed computing, artificial intelligence, trust management,
autonomous computing, distributed/smart applications, data management,
etc. Moreover, they must facilitate intelligent (autonomous)
orchestration of physical/virtual resources and tasks, by realizing
them at the “optimal location” within the ecosystem (e.g., closer to
where data is produced). To achieve this, resource-aware frugal AI is
needed, to facilitate self-awareness and decision support, across
heterogeneous ecosystem. Finally, it is also absolutely necessary that
resource management will consider the CO2 footprint of the ecosystem
and efficiently deploy data and tasks and also use multi-owner,
heterogeneous sources of renewable energy.
In this context, contributions addressing theoretical and practical
aspects of the following topics are invited (this list is, obviously,
not exhaustive):
* IoT architectures for domain agnostic user-aware, self-aware,
(semi-)autonomous edge-cloud continuum platforms, including proposals
for novel decentralized topologies, ad-hoc resource federation,
time-triggered behaviors
* Foundations for next generation of higher-level (meta) operating
systems facilitating efficient use of computing capacity across
edge-cloud continuum
* Resource aware AI, including frugal AI, bringing intelligence to the
edge-cloud continuum platforms (and ecosystems)
* Cognitive frameworks leveraging AI-techniques to improve
optimization of infrastructure usage and services and resources
* Efficient streaming Big Data processing within large-scale IoT ecosystems
* Interoperability solutions for multi-user edge-cloud continuum
platforms, capable of coping with systematically increasing complexity
of connecting vast numbers of heterogeneous devices
* Federated data spaces approach for improved data governance,
sovereignty and sharing
* Privacy, security, trust and data governance in competitive scenarios
* CO2 footprint reduction and efficient use of green energy in
edge-cloud continuum ecosystems
* Practical aspects of resource orchestration within highly
heterogeneous, large-scale edge-cloud continuum ecosystems
* Intent-based networking and its application to IoT
* Swarm intelligence for IoT-edge-cloud continuum
Important Dates:
* Paper submission: July 6, 2023
* Acceptance Notification: July 31, 2023
* Camera-Ready Paper Submission Deadline: August 20, 2023
Paper preparation and submission:
Paper should be six (6) pages in length and follow the instruction
provided for the main Conference. The conference allows up to two
additional pages for a maximum length of eight (8) pages with payment
of extra page charges once the paper has been accepted.
* Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, and Manjrasoft Pvt Ltd,
Melbourne, Australia
* Maria Ganzha, Warsaw University of technology and Systems Research Institute
* Levent Gürgen, Kentyou, Grenoble, France
* Carlos Palau, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
* Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
* Tarik Taleb,The University of Oulu and MOSAIC Lab, Oulu, Finland
Deadline for Workshops and Tutorials: August 22nd, 2023 (AoE)
**Workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed and archived in the ACM DL**
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=workshops*
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2023) welcomes proposals for workshops. A MUM Workshop is a forum for attendees with shared interests to present, discuss, and develop new ideas around a specific theme or domain related to Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. It is the perfect opportunity for putting the best minds in the field together to build new communities, to explore new ideas, and to develop emerging topics.
All workshops will take place on Sunday, the first day of the conference (Seminar rooms with equipment will be provided), on the 3rd of December. Because workshops are meant to encourage ideas exchange, we encourage proposals that go beyond being a mini-conference and that engage participants in hands-on activities and in discussion. We also encourage organisers to open the workshops to conference attendees without a workshop paper, but who would be interested in participating.
All tutorials will take place on the Sunday before the conference, on the 3rd of December and you can choose between three formats: 90min, half-day, or full-day. If you are interested in submitting a proposal and wish to discuss your ideas prior to the submission deadline, the workshop chairs welcome any inquiries. You can contact us at workshoptutorial2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:workshoptutorial2023@mum-conf.org>.
*Important Dates*
*Recommended Timeline for Internal Workshops*
WORKSHOP SUBMISSION: 28th of October 2023, AoE
WORKSHOP NOTIFICATION: 11th of November 2023, AoE
** Submission Guidelines **
* Workshop proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references)
* It should describe your goals for the workshop, how you plan to run the workshop, and any anticipated long-term outcomes that will impact the field. Additionally, include information on how you will publish your call and reach out to potential participants.
* Workshop proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the workshop. Submissions will be peer reviewed by experts in the field.
* Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair. Please select Workshops and Tutorials track in EasyChair.
* Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
* Tutorial proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references), and include the following details:
* Title
* Topics and objectives of the tutorial and how they are relevant to the MUM community
* Description of the tutorial activities
* Short biography of the organisers
* Proposed tutorial length (90min, half-day, full-day)
* Room and material requirements
* Maximum number of participants
* Tutorial proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the tutorial.
Submissions will be juried by the tutorial chairs. Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair, please select Workshops and Tutorials track. Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
*Organisers of the accepted workshops are responsible for the following tasks during the time leading up to the conference*
* Announce/disseminate their Workshop: Organisers of an accepted workshop must set up and maintain their own website in which they provide further and updated information about their workshop. The workshop page will be linked to from the official MUM workshop site.
* Solicit Submissions from Potential Participants: While some organizers may choose alternate formats, a position paper is generally 2-4 pages long and outlines the submitter’s view on the workshop theme and the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the topic. Proceedings of the workshop's submissions will be in charge of the workshop organizers. Commonly, the workshop's proceedings are included on each workshop's webpage.
* Select Participants: Choose participants on the basis of position papers submitted and your goals for the workshop.
* Workshop organizers and participants have to register for the conference.
* Provide a Participant List: A list of confirmed participants should be sent to the Workshop & Tutorials Chairs (workshoptutorial2023(a)mum-conf.org).
* Develop a final agenda of workshop activities.
* Develop a plan for any follow-up activities.
Link to submission system: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
* Workshop Chairs *
Philipp Wintersberger, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Thomas Kosch, HU Berlin
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: workshoptutorial2023(a)mum-conf.org<mailto:workshoptutorial2023@mum-conf.org>
Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults
A workshop to held at the ACM SIGCHI CUI 2023 conference (Conversational
User Interfaces)
Call for Submissions and for Participation
This multidisciplinary workshop aims to tackle the significant gaps in
theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and exploration of new
paradigms within the research and design of Conversational User Interfaces
(CUIs) for Older Adults (OAs). We also aim to build research capacity by
bringing together researchers and practitioners across several disciplines
and industries who are actively working or having an interest toward
understanding older adults’ use of and need for CUIs.
We invite researchers from various fields to present their work on and
collectively engage in synthesizing and collating findings from different
disciplines, and to discuss barriers and approaches to designing CUIs that
are usable, adoptable, personally, and culturally relevant to OAs.
Given the nascent phase of this community, and our goal of encouraging a
grassroots approach to defining this space, we welcome position papers,
short research papers, or short expressions of interest relevant to the
broad space of designing CUIs for OAs.
There is no format for the expression of interest - those wishing to
participate in the workshop without a submitted paper should simply contact
the organizers via email indicating through a short paragraph their prior
experience and/or interest as relevant to the workshop, alongside their
professional website or scholar page.
For those interested in submitting a formal paper, we welcome short papers
describing e.g. a research study, a novel system, a new theoretical
contribution, or position papers that highlight new or ongoing challenges
in the field. Submitted papers will be lightly reviewed by the organizing
committee within 10 days of submission (there is no formal deadline).
Accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website. We recommend papers
to be no more than 4 pages long, following the CHI Extended Abstract
format). Submissions, expressions of interest, and any other queries
related to the workshop should be sent to: cui-oa2023(a)cs.toronto.edu
Submissions will be reviewed according to the fit with the workshop topic
and potential to contribute to the workshop goals. Alternate submission
arrangements may be possible (such as the showcasing of papers previously
accepted at other conferences).
Workshop URL: http://speech-interaction.org/CUI-OA2023
Best Regards,
Workshop Organizing Team
*** Fourth Call for Papers ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*** Call for Participation ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
ACM UMAP – User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization – is the premier
international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that
adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model
user information. It is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGWEB, and organized with
User Modeling Inc. as the Steering Committee. The proceedings are published by
ACM and will be part of the ACM Digital Library.
UMAP 2023 will feature 104 technical presentations of various categories (main
conference papers, large breaking results, demos and posters, etc.). The participants
can also attend a number of workshops and tutorials. Finally, the technical program
also includes 3 keynote speakers.
More information can be found on the conference web site.
Please note that the early registration deadline has been extended by one week to June 2.
VL/HCC 2023: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
We invite you to consider submitting work to our posters/showpieces and
graduate consortium tracks:
Posters and Showpieces
Submission deadline: June 28, 2023 AoE
The Posters and Showpieces track (called the “showpieces track” for short)
offers an interactive opportunity to discuss recent research, experiences,
challenges, ideas, prototypes, and accomplishments with the VL/HCC
community. Formerly called “posters and demonstrations”, the category now
includes posters, videos, downloadable apps, handouts, electronic devices,
physical prototypes, or any other artifacts that facilitate meaningful
interactions with other conference attendees.
A broad range of topics are appropriate for showpieces. The following
non-exhaustive list illustrates the possibilities:
Current research in progress. This might include:
Original or innovative technologies or prototypes that may or may not
be accompanied by an evaluation
Short qualitative or quantitative studies
Reflections, provocations, or proposals about theory or methods
Results presented in the main VL/HCC conference
Results already presented at another conference or published in a journal
Existing commercial products and/or services
Efforts aimed at integrating research into education
Efforts aimed at commercializing research
Showpieces can help accomplish many goals, such as:
Helping graduate student presenters to meet faculty from other
Building community interest in a novel way of approaching a research
Starting conversations that could lead to new collaborations
Demonstrating to industry sponsors that a specific line of research has
practical applications
Showcasing products or services available for sale
More details:
Graduate Consortium
Submission deadline: July 7, 2023 AoE
The primary goal of this year’s event is to stimulate graduate students’
and other researchers’ thinking about “Low-Code / No-Code Development”.
This development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code to empower users in creating
software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This goal aligns with the theme of the 2023 VL/HCC
main conference. Other areas within the remit of VL/HCC are also welcome.
Why You Should Participate
Present your work to a smaller, more attentive audience
Get detailed, critical, constructive feedback from a diverse panel of
Meet other students working on similar problems
Travel funding may be available to help cover your cost of attending
VL/HCC (details below).
Who Can Participate?
The consortium is open to both Master’s and PhD students worldwide.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis, as well as from members of groups identified by NSF as
underrepresented in the sciences and engineering. If multiple applicants
from a particular university apply for the consortium this year, then no
more than two per university will be selected to participate. To be
eligible, each applicant may have participated no more than once in the
VL/HCC graduate consortia of past years.
More details:
*** Last Call for Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline Extension: June 19, 2023, AoE, FIRM!)
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: June 19, 2023 (AoE) (FIRM!)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: July 10, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
We seek a 3-year, fully funded PhD student interested in Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning for Health. The doctoral student will
work on a newly funded Project at the Department of Computer Science at the
Sapienza University of Rome. The project is financed by the Italian
Government under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Next
Generation EU (NGEU).
The Project is titled "Digital Driven Diagnostics, prognostics and
therapeutics for sustainable Health care" (D34Health)". The PhD research
activity is in the framework of the Spoke 3 "AI & Advanced Diagnostics for
the Digital Twins construction," specifically under the thematic line
related to the "Digital Twins construction: Sensors and Wearable Devices".
The Project aims to develop non-invasive data-driven approaches for
predicting, monitoring, and finding treatments for common lifestyle-related
diseases. It will leverage AI and/or VR multimodal approaches (such as the
Digital Twin and/or data visualization/navigation in VR) to predict
patients' prognostic and/or therapy response outcomes.
The PHD student will work with an international team of researchers from
various backgrounds (Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing,
Psychology, Medicine). The Sapienza University of Rome is one of the most
prestigious research institutions in Italy and Europe, located close to the
Eternal City historical center.
Background: Master's Degree in Computer Science,
Computer/Electronics/Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mathematics,
Statistics, Human-Computer Interaction
English fluency is a major requirement.
Important: interested students pursuing their Master's Degree (i.e., those
who did not get it yet) are eligible, assuming they will obtain their MD by
the end of 2023.
To express your interest in the position, send a single PDF file to Prof.
Maurizio Mancini m.mancini(a)di.uniroma1.it containing:
- CV
- transcript of Master Degree's career
- motivation letter
- reference letter
For any questions, contact Prof. Maurizio Mancini m.mancini(a)di.uniroma1.it
Deadline: the expressions of interest are accepted until June 9th, 2023.
*** CALL FOR PAPERS - MUM 2023 ***
Deadline for Full and Short Papers: 22nd of August 2023, AoE
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=papers *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, will be held in Vienna, Austria, December 3rd – 6th. MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and practitioners discuss challenges and achievements in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM conferences.
* Submission Guidelines and List of Topics *
We welcome submissions of high-quality papers that offer original and unpublished contributions relevant to mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Prototypes and systems tackling relevant technical challenges
* Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, learning, entertainment, social networking, and advertising
* Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
* Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new applications and services
* Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
* Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
* Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* Interaction and collaboration with human-centered AI systems
* Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Interaction design for automotive and other modes of transportation
* Fabrication and device prototyping
Papers should be grounded in existing literature and knowledge, and should be written for an interdisciplinary audience. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair by August 22nd, 2023, AoE at the latest. Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. The correct template for submissions is the ACM Primary Article Template in single-column format (in PDF format). Submissions should be prepared using either the single-column Word Submission Template or the single-column LaTeX template (using the “manuscript, review, anonymous” style available in the template). Submissions can be of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution, with 16 pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as long papers in past editions and 7 pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as short papers in past editions.
* Successful submissions of around 16 pages typically represent significant empirical, theoretical, or methodological advances in the field.
* Successful submissions of around 7 pages offer more focused contributions; they are not intended to be work-in-progress reports. Instead, they should offer complete, rigorously developed work with a solid contribution to the field. Short papers have a smaller scope or more focused contribution than long papers.
Submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission. Papers must be anonymized. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind review process managed by the Program Chairs. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, chosen from the pool of members of the Program Committee listed below. This pool of reviewers features experts from the previous edition and new researchers to address new emerging research areas and underrepresented communities. Papers will be assigned through a bidding process. Authors are encouraged to submit an optional video of a maximum of 6 minutes to support their submission. To ensure all reviewers can view videos, authors should use the H.264 encoding and the MP4 file format. The bit rate of videos can be lowered to accommodate the upload limits of EasyChair (max. 50 MB per file).
Link to Submission System: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
* Important Dates *
Submission: August 22nd, 2023 (AoE)
Notification to authors: October 5th, 2023
Conference dates: December 3th - December 6th, 2023
* Technical Program Chairs *
Pascal Knierim, University of Innsbruck
Jonna Häkkilä, University of Lapland
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: papers2023(a)mum-conf.org
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*GENERAL Workshop @CHITALY 2023 - Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE June, 23 ***
1st International Workshop on GENerative, Explainable and Reasonable Artificial Learning
co-located with the CHITALY 2023, Italy
Web: https://bit.ly/generalworkshop2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=general23
For any information: federico.torrielli(a)unito.it
The GENERAL workshop explores advances in General and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GGAI), including breakthroughs in areas like natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). It emphasizes the emerging capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) and promotes Human-Centered AIs with applications like ChatGPT and Midjourney. The workshop delves into generating human-like content across text and images, highlighting the creative, coherent, and unexpected properties of these AI models. A key aspect is AI explainability, focusing on understanding, explaining, and controlling the complexities of these AI systems in terms of fairness, accountability, and transparency. Additionally, it encourages interdisciplinary collaboration between fields like HCI, psychology, social studies, and the arts to enrich the understanding of AI's societal and cultural impacts.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Users perceptions of images, texts and sounds generated by Generative AIs
– Machine Psychology
– AI Assistants, Chatbots and Virtual Agents
– Emerging properties of human-like intelligence in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs)
– Interfaces and techniques for interacting with Generative AIs
– User studies on systems leveraging Generative AI
– AI explainability, transparency, and accountability in large-scale models
– Human-machine cooperation
– Ethical issues in Generative AI
– Consequences of Generative AIs on individuals and societies
– Safety and control mechanisms for large language models: analyzing and mitigating harms from generative AI like misinformation, biases, or synthetic media
– Emerging applications of AI and interdisciplinary research
– Communicating the potential of AI to the general public and fostering public understanding.
We accept two kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (up to 12 pages, including references)
(B) Position Papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references)
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=general23
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits. Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint volume. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop.
Early submissions are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review system: early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the notification will be sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submission final deadline: June 23, 2023
* Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
* Camera-ready version deadline: July 21, 2023.
Federico Torrielli
University of Torino, Italy
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Italy
Luigi Di Caro
University of Torino, Italy
The Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Udine, Italy, welcomes candidates applying for 12 three-year positions (10 of which are supported by scholarship).
Applicants will focus their research project on topics that can be chosen in a wide range listed here https://www.dmif.uniud.it/en/phd-courses/iai/
The deadline for applications is June 22, 2023, at 14:00 CEST.
Detailed instructions, as well as a link to the official call and application forms, are available here:
ENGLISH VERSION: https://www.uniud.it/en/research/do-research/doctorate-res/ammissione/activ…
VERSIONE ITALIANA: https://www.uniud.it/it/ricerca/lavorare-nella-ricerca/dottorato-ricerca/am…
Prospective applicants can contact the coordinator for further details and/or one or more Ph.D. Supervisors for project-related questions.
All contacts can be found on the Ph.D. website https://www.dmif.uniud.it/en/phd-courses/iai/phd-board/
Fabio Buttussi, Ph.D.
Laboratorio di Interazione Uomo-Macchina (HCI Lab)
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche
Università degli Studi di Udine
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCI Lab)
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics
University of Udine - Italy
*CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI* *- **https://chitaly2023.it/*
The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting for PhD
students to present their work and receive feedback on their doctoral
research plan and progress. Students will be offered the opportunity to
articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and
results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims at providing students with
guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers
and the other students participating in the sessions. Finally, the Doctoral
Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development of their
scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research
The topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as CHItaly’s. A
particular focus will be on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI)
and its applications to support humans, improve their performance as well
as increase safety and trustworthiness. The main scope of the consortium is
to enable PhD students to interact with their peers, as well as with more
senior researchers, on a wide range of Human-Computer Interaction related
topics, and related to the conference theme.
The consortium is open to PhD students worldwide at any stage in their
research. Students at an initial stage should be able to challenge their
ideas and current research directions. Students at a more mature stage
should be able to present their thesis and get advice on ways to further
improve and better communicate their contributions and findings.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis.
Students will be connected with a mentor that will provide more specific
feedback on their research.
Submitted papers must be in English and single-author, but the name of the
supervisor could be mentioned within the paper. Papers must be 5-page long
using the 1-column CEUR template (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip).
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users (https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt)
is also available.
Papers must:
Identify a significant research problem in the field of HCI.
Outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions.
Describe the contribution of the student by presenting the proposed
approach and the results achieved so far.
Accepted papers will be collected and published in CEUR-WS proceedings.
Each author of an accepted paper will present orally their contribution
during the conference.
Submission deadline: May 31st, 2023
Notifications to contributors: June 30th, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: July 15th, 2023
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento, Italy
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genova, Italy
email: dc(a)chitaly2023.it
Submit on EasyChair:
Dear colleagues,
we are starting a new activity at the IFIP WG 2.7/13.4: the UI-Engineering
Live Talks. The group will organize a bimonthly webinar given by a group
member or by an invited expert. Group members will participate in the
online meetings, while the live stream on YouTube will be publicly
Our group member Célia Martinie will give the inaugural talk on the 26th of
May at 14:00 CET. We would be delighted by your participation.
Title: Considering modelling techniques in HCI engineering education
Speaker: Célia Martinie, IRIT, France
Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/WKkEGSON1AM?feature=share
Teaching HCI requires to take into account the field’s diverse perspectives
(e.g. interaction design, human factors, software development…), as well as
its constant state of change (e.g. new contexts, new devices, new
programming languages…). Teaching HCI engineering particularly focuses on
preparing students to the design, development and implementation of usable
and effective interactive computing systems.
Amongst the engineering approaches that can be taught for that purpose,
model-based techniques are interesting because they match the industry
needs for techniques to develop usable and reliable interactive computing
systems. Beyond this concrete motivation for teaching students how to build
and use models, models are also interesting because they help students to
reason and understand problems, and can even make them better at
identifying and solving problems. However, students do not always
understand the benefits of using modelling techniques, and can find them
abstract, cumbersome and worthless to use. The purpose of this presentation
is to discuss the importance of teaching modelling for HCI engineering,
especially in a context where new technologies and new methodology trends
are continuously emerging. Several strategies can be envisioned to increase
the involvement of students with modelling techniques and I will detail one
possible strategy.
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <https://www.unica.it/unica/page/it/luciod_spano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
*** Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 will host a number of workshops which will be co-located with the main
conference on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops. These
workshops share the goal of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research
communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and
to have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community.
eScience 2023 will host the following workshops:
● 1st Workshop on cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions (INSTIL 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on E-science ReseaRch leading tO negative Results (ERROR 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security
(ReWorDS 2023)
● 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) Workshop
● IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health 2023)
● Research Software Engineers in eScience: Sustainable RSE Ecosystems within eScience
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before end June 2023
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop
● IEEE proceedings camera ready: July 21, 2023
● Workshop days: October 9-10, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
***Apologies for cross-postings***
Last Call for Tutorials for MobileHCI 2023 in Athens, 26-29 September
Deadline: May, 26
MobileHCI tutorials are in-depth presentations of fundamental or state-of-the-art topics presented by researchers or practitioners within the field of MobileHCI, which is about effective interaction with and through mobile devices, applications, and services. The tutorials empower attendees to learn new skills and offer possibilities to meet new people and discuss topics of shared interest. The scope for tutorials is broad and includes topics, such as new technologies, research approaches and methodologies, design practices, user/consumer insights, investigations into new services/applications/interfaces, statistics, and much more. Virtual or Augmented Reality, wearable computing, and generally applications with technology on the go in mind are highly recommended.
The overall conference theme in 2023 is "Beyond morality: Ethics and action in MobileHCI"<https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/conferencetheme.php>, so we invite tutorials to discuss ethical aspects in their work, as part of their problem definitions, system design, experiment design, instrument and metric adoption and conclusions.
In your proposal please include:
* The title of the tutorial
* Length of the tutorial (recommended at least one hour, three hours maximum)
* Learning goals of the tutorial
* The intended audience(s) of the tutorial
* The covered topics and the depths to which you will cover them
* Overview of the materials provided to the participants
* A brief biography of the instructor(s)
* Information on the delivery model of the tutorial (e.g., in presence or hybrid). A tutorial with physical presenter(s) is highly recommended.
More information at: https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/callfortutorials.php
Feel free to contact us for any questions and share this call with your network!
Kind regards from Tutorial Organizers,
Dr. Dimitra Anastasiou | Senior R&T Associate
Project coordinator of ENRICH4ALL<https://www.enrich4all.eu/>
(+352) 275 888 2838 | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/dimitraanastasiou/>
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux | L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
[cid:image001.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70]<https://lu.linkedin.com/company/luxembourg-institute-of-science-and-technol…> [cid:image002.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTRznhKNBzYDkB2dJWmTQfQ> [signature_1608235888] <https://twitter.com/LIST_Luxembourg> [cid:image004.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70] <https://www.facebook.com/LISTLuxembourg/>
[signature_347910317] <http://www.list.lu/>
Posters and demos provide a unique opportunity to share valuable new ideas,
elicit feedback on early-stage work, and foster discussions and
collaborations among colleagues. Demos also provide a space for researchers
and practitioners to bring hands-on experiences to conference attendees.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Posters will be published in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, a
special jury will check all the accepted contributions and the best posters
will be awarded with a best-poster certificate.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. We welcome demos from students and
researchers in all stages of their careers. We particularly encourage
undergraduate students and authors of accepted full and short papers to
contribute their demos. An appealing and innovative demonstration presents
an opportunity to display further and disseminate your research and attract
attendees’ participation. Note that demos must be about research: the track
is not meant for presenting commercial products. Business-related
visibility is achieved via sponsorship. Demos can have been presented
Posters and demos will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program
In particular, but not exclusively, we solicit submissions related to the
conference’s main topics:
methods, approaches, and systems relating to the Human and the AI;
innovative AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, and;
experiences in good and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
You may refer to the main call for papers for a more detailed list of
topics of interest.
Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The poster should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not anonymized.
The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the manuscript’s title.
The submission must also outline how the authors plan to present their
work, with a description of any special equipment for setup that will be
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template (
from the ACM website (
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX folder from the ACM website.
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template (
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX (
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website.
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair (
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=chitaly2023) by selecting the
proper track (“posters and demos” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their posters and
demos to CHItaly.
Posters should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Posters might also
include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Posters and demos will also have a 1-minute presentation at the plenary
session in addition to the dedicated sessions. The presentation must be
supported by 2 slides: a title-slide and a slide with the content.
Submission deadline: June 20th, 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
Anna Spagnolli (Università di Padova)
Alberto Monge Roffarello (Politecnico di Torino)
email: demo_poster(a)chitaly2023.it
Submit on EasyChair by selecting the “posters and demos” track:
CHItaly 2023, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, will
be held from 20th to 22nd of September 2023 in Torino.
Beyond all other sessions, there will be an Industry session, in which are
very welcome contributions from industry stakeholders, experts,
professionals on topics that include but are not limited to:
Human Computer Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) effect on industry
decision making and smart solutions deployment
Impact of HCAI on learning and organizational transformation
HCAI and automated processes and products
HCAI & User Experience
HCAI impact on industry sustainable and green innovation and growth
Long term impact of HCAI on manufacturing, mobility, tourism, health,
security, and safety
Effects of economic/energetic crisis on HCAI activities in industries
and vice versa
Quantification of Return of Investment of HCAI contributions into
industry process and activities
Industry needs toward HCAI research
New ways of collaboration between industry and HCAI academic / research
Needed human competences and digital/non digital assets to optimally
integrate HCAI activities into industry processes
HCAI training needs & modalities in industry environment
HCAI experts’ professional growth opportunities within companies
Current industry process and needed changes to deeply integrating HCAI
into product/process design and development
New perspectives of integration of HCAI activities into the product
design & development
The required format for submissions are posters and demos.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. An appealing and innovative
demonstration presents an opportunity to display further and disseminate
your research and attract attendees’ participation. Demos can have been
presented elsewhere.
Poster paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The paper should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title. The submission must also outline how the authors plan
to present their work, with a description of any special equipment for
setup that will be required.
Demo papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template
the ACM website
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX
from the ACM website
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023> by selecting the
proper track (“Industry” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their papers and
demos to CHItaly.
Poster should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Poster papers might
also include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Paper/Demo submission deadline: July 1st 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline (strict): July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
*** Fifth Call for Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: Friday, July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: Monday, July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Monday, August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: Monday, August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
* Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies. *
Call for Papers
IEEE PICom 2023
The 21st IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2023)
Nov 13-17, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society
Over the last fifty years, computational intelligence has evolved from
artificial intelligence, nature-inspired computing, and social-oriented
technology to cyber-physical integrated ubiquitous intelligence towards
Pervasive Intelligence (PI). The IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Intelligence and Computing is intended to cover all kinds of
these intelligent paradigms as well as their applications in various
pervasive computing domains. PICom-2023 is the conference on Pervasive
Intelligence and Computing. It aims to bring together computer
scientists and engineers, to discuss and exchange experimental and
theoretical results, work-in-progress, novel designs, and
test-environments or testbeds in the important areas of Pervasive
Intelligence and Computing. PICom 2023 invites original papers
addressing all aspects related to Pervasive Intelligence and Computing.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Deep Learning and Deep Computation
- Big Data and Smart Data
- Brain-inspired Computing
- Crowdsourcing and Social Computing
- Collective Intelligence
- Agent-based Computing
- Ubiquitous Intelligence
- Cyber-Physical Computing
- The Internet of Things
- Edge Intelligence
- Embedded HW, SW and Systems
- Pervasive Devices and RFIDs
- Wearable Devices and Applications
- Sensor Technology and Networks
- Pervasive Networks/Communications
- Edge and Fog Computing
- Device Virtualization
- Privacy, Security and Trust
- Context-Aware Computing
- Mobile Data Mining
- Ubiquitous Data Mining
- Activity Recognition
- Intelligent Cloud Computing
- Services for Pervasive Computing
- Smart Cities and Smart Homes
- Intelligent Social Networking
- Pervasive Technologies for ITS
- HCI for Pervasive Computing
- Middleware for Pervasive Computing
- Intelligent/Smart IoT
- Programming Abstractions for IoT
=====================RESEARCH TRACKS=============================
The 2023 edition of IEEE PICom will be organized in research tracks.
Therefore, papers should be submitted to a single track, the one that
better fits their subject, from the following:
Track 1: Computational Intelligence
Track 2: Intelligent Networks, Middleware and Applications
Track 3: Pervasive Computing and Activity/Affect Recognition
Track 4: Smart Object, Environment, System and City
=====================IMPORTANT DATES=============================
Main Conference Papers
Paper Submission Due: 1 July, 2023
Authors Notification: 15 September, 2023
Camera-ready Submission: 30 September, 2023
Submission Link :
General Chair
Flavia C. Delicato, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Program Co-Chairs
Antonio Liotta, University of Bolzano, Italy
Deepak Puthal, Khalifa University, UAE
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*BehavRec Workshop @RecSys 2023 - Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE July, 18
International Workshop on Behavior Change and Persuasive Recommender Systems
co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’23)
Singapore, 18th-22nd September 2023
Web: https://behavrec.wordpress.com/
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=behavrec23
For any information: amon.rapp(a)unito.it
For solving a variety of personal and societal problems, changing human
behavior is crucial. Persuasive and behavior change recommender systems are
intentionally designed to provide users with suggestions on how to modify
their behavior, habits, beliefs and opinions. Research in this area has
advanced over the years attracting interest from both practitioners and
researchers also due to the increasing availability of personal data, like
medical records, physiological parameters, and psychological states, which
may enable novel forms of tailored suggestions that can be delivered
anywhere at any time, leveraging multiple technologies (e.g., natural
language processing) and different devices (e.g., ambient, wearable and
mobile devices).
The BehavRec workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing open problems
and innovative research approaches in this area. Some questions that
motivate the workshop are: What kind of data should be used to design
“persuasive” recommendations? How should they be delivered? What kind of
strategies should be implemented to design timely and contextualized
persuasive recommendations? What kind of theories should we rely on to
design effective persuasive recommendations? How to support the user’s
motivation and help them sustain the desired behavior in the long term?
What contextual factors may affect the effectiveness of behavior change
recommender systems and should be considered in design?
This workshop will deepen the discussion of novel approaches and
applications of recommender systems that might want to persuade users into
taking beneficial actions in domains as diverse as health and wellness,
safety and security, food and environmental sustainability, education and
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Persuasive and Behavior change recommender systems
– Health recommender systems
– Food recommender systems
– Recommender systems for education
– Persuasive conversational recommender systems
– Visual interfaces
– Context-aware interfaces
– Ubiquitous, wearable and mobile interfaces
– Conversational interfaces
– Controllability, transparency, and explainability
– Persuasive recommendation (e.g., argumentation-aware recommendation)
– Cultural differences (e.g., culture-aware recommendation)
– Context-aware recommendation
– How to balance the cost and benefit of behavior change recommender systems
– Challenges and limitations of implementing behavior change recommender
– Theories of behavior change and persuasion
– How to develop ethical and privacy-sensitive behavior change recommender
– Frameworks and models for developing personalized persuasive technology
– Objective and subjective approaches to behavior change recommendations
– Empirical studies and evaluations of recommender systems for behavior
– Evaluation methods and metrics (e.g., evaluation questionnaire design)
– Case studies and examples of behavior change recommender systems
– Success and failure stories with regard to behavior change recommender
– Long-term evaluation and evidence of long-term effects of behavior change
recommender systems.
We accept four kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (5-12 pages + references - single-column CEURART style)
(B) Position papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references -
single-column CEURART style);
(C) Journal papers (already published - 2 pages including abstract,
highlights, and a pointer to the complete paper single-column CEURART
(D) Manifestations of interest (max 2 pages including a bio of the
participant and a brief statement about why they are interest in the
Submission site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=behavrec23
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program
committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical
quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers, except from the (C-D) submission
type in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint volume. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the workshop.
The templates and format instructions are available here:
Early submission are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review system:
early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the notification will be
sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submission final deadline: July 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Paper notification: August 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Camera-ready version deadline: September 10, 2023
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Federica Cena
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Christoph Trattner
University of Bergen, Norway
Rita Orji
Dalhousie University, Canada
Julita Vassileva
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Alain Starke
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dear list members,
please find below the call for papers of the 4th International Symposium on
the Internet of Sounds.
We are happy to announce that the program will include not only paper,
poster, demo and tutorial presentations, but also two satellite events:
- the 1st International Workshop on Networked Immersive Audio
- the 2nd International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and
For both of them a separate call for papers will be circulated soon.
The conference will be held in hybrid form.
Best wishes
[Apologies for cross-posting, please distribute]
*4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds*
Pisa, October 26-27, 2023
*Call for papers and demos*
We are pleased to invite the community to submit to the 4th International
Symposium on the Internet of Sounds (IS2 2023). The Internet of Sounds is
an emerging research field positioned at the intersection of the Internet
of Things and the Sound and Music Computing domains. The symposium will be
hosted at the congress center “Ex Monastero delle Benedettine” in the city
of Pisa, Italy, and will take place on the 26 and 27 of October 2023.
The aim of the symposium is to bring together academics and industry to
investigate and advance the development of Internet of Sounds technologies
by using cutting-edge tools and processes. The event will consist of oral
presentations, keynotes, poster presentations, demonstrations, as well as
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Wireless acoustic sensor networks
- Networked music performances
- Web Audio
- Networked Musical XR
- Detection and classification of sounds in acoustic sensor networks
- Sound-based anomaly detection and sound-based predictive maintenance
in networked settings
- Spatial audio for the Internet of Sounds
- Cloud-based services for musical and audio applications
- Ecoacoustics
- Embedded audio
- Privacy and security in acoustic sensor networks
- Smart Musical Instruments
- Musical haptics for the Internet of Musical Things
- Participatory live music performances
- Music education applications for the Internet of Musical Things
- Intelligent music production in Internet of Musical Things contexts
- Ubiquitous music
- Sonification for Internet of Sounds applications
- Protocols and exchange formats for the Internet of Sounds
- Improving accessibility and inclusiveness within the Internet of Sounds
- Open audio databases for Deep Learning and Data Mining
- Challenges in the management and delivery of large audio databases
- Visualization and Sonification of acoustic sensor networks
- Sustainability and ethical aspects of the Internet of Sounds
We consider contributions in the form of a full paper (min 5 pages, max 10
pages), a poster paper (4 pages), or a demo proposal (max 2 pages). Authors
are welcome to submit to all three tracks. We encourage the submission of
work in progress as well as more mature work. LaTeX and Word templates are
available: IEEE conference templates.
*Important dates*
- Papers and demos submission deadline: July 15, 2023
- Author notification: September 1, 2023
- Camera ready due: October 1, 2023
- Registration deadline: October 1, 2023
- Symposium dates: October 26-27, 2023
*Satellite events*
The program will include two satellite events:
- the 1st International Workshop on Networked Immersive Audio
- the 2nd International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and
The IS2 2023 proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE for publication.
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper, Best
Student Paper and Best Demo awards. To be eligible for the best student
paper award, the presenting and first author of the paper must be a
full-time student.
*Organizing Committee*
- Stefano Giordano (University of Pisa)
- Gregorio Procissi (University of Pisa)
- Nils Peters (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Fraunhofer IIS)
- Sacha Krstulovic (Music Tribe)
- Claudia Rinaldi (University of L’Aquila)
- Benjamin Matuszewski (IRCAM)
- Chrisoula Alexandraki (Hellenic Mediterranean University)
- Luca Borgianni (University of Pisa)
- Luca Turchet (University of Trento)
- ZTE - Italia <https://www.zteitalia.it/en/home/>
- Vianova <https://www.vianova.it/>
- Italtel <https://www.italtel.com/>
- Cubitlab <https://cubitlab.com/>
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)unitn.it
Tel: +39 0461 283792
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
=== ACM GoodIt 2023 Call for Papers ===
ACM GoodIT 2023 will focus on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public.
### Important Dates
-> All tracks Submission extended deadline: June 1
-> Notification of acceptance: July 7th, 2023
### Link
### Scope
The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social good. The latter is defined as something that provides a benefit to the general public, such as clean air, clean water, internet access, education, or healthcare. However, new media innovations and the proliferation of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good can now reflect global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration towards a positive societal impact.
The conference will feature regular and special tracks papers, work-in-progress and PhD papers.
### Papers length
* Full papers (main track and special tracks): papers must not exceed twelve (12) single-column pages, excluding references. Papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will likely be rejected.
Work in Progress Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed eight (8) single-column pages, excluding references.
* PhD Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed five (5) single-column pages, excluding references.
### Publication of papers
Submitted papers (in each of the special tracks) must be original works and must not have been previously published. They will be peer-reviewed (three reviews). All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work in presence at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
TLDR: The submission deadline has been extended to May 30th
Call for Papers
HCI-E2: Workshop on HCI Engineering Education
Submission website: https://ise.di.uminho.pt/hci-e2/openconf.php
In conjunction with INTERACT 2023
York 28 August - 1 September 2023
The workshop aims at carrying forward work on identifying, examining,
structuring, and sharing educational resources and approaches to support
the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Engineering. The widening range of available interaction technologies and
their applications in increasingly varied contexts (private or
professional) underlines the importance of teaching HCI Engineering but
also the difficulty of taking into account changes and developments in this
field in often static university curricula. Besides, as these technologies
are taught in diverse curricula (ranging from Human Factors and Psychology
to hardcore Computer Science), we are interested in what the best
approaches and best practices are to integrate HCI Engineering topics in
the curricula of programs in Software Engineering, Computer Science,
Human-computer Interaction, Psychology, Design, etc.
Engineering interactive systems is a multidisciplinary endeavour positioned
at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Software
Engineering, Usability Engineering, Interaction Design, Visual Design, and
other disciplines. The Human-Computer Interaction Engineering (HCI-E) field
is concerned with providing methods, techniques, and tools for the
systematic and effective design, development, testing, evaluation, and
deployment of interactive systems in a wide range of application domains.
HCI techniques, methods and tools, as well as many other novel forms of
interaction, involve aspects that need to be adequately addressed in the
curricula of programs in HCI, Software Engineering and Computer Science.
This begs the question of how best to address these topics in those
curricula, and what the best approaches to address them are. When
considering education about HCI Engineering, we need to think about who is
being educated as there is likely to be different curriculum scope and
educational methods for different types of learners. There are two main
distinctions likely influencing these methods:
- Technical vs non-technical. Students in Computer Science and similar
areas are likely to be the main consumers of detailed HCI-E education.
However, the creation of interactive applications “requires input from
science, engineering and design disciplines” and multidisciplinary teamwork
requires from participants an increased understanding and appreciation for
other disciplines. It is also important for those who are likely to have a
more interface design or user research role to able to appreciate the
limits of technology and the potential impacts of architectural design
- Student vs practitioner. It is likely that the primary interest of many
participants will be university education. However, developers are often
involved in lively online discussions about different frameworks, and even
in the use of monads in interactive JavaScript. Interaction Design
Foundation courses attract tens of thousands of UX practitioners worldwide,
evidencing the desire of on-the-job learning in both communities.
We would like to bring together experiences from people teaching HCI
concepts impacting how we engineer interactive systems and from people
working in HCI-E to identify topics and methods that should be included in
teaching this subject. Besides the courses in HCI-E, interesting inputs may
arrive from HCI courses outside the CS curriculum requiring to communicate
engineering challenges, or from more general software engineering courses
discussing aspects related to human factors. Hence, we will solicit
contributions from the HCI-E-related communities, and we will be very
interested in welcoming members of the educational community, for a
fruitful discussion.
We identify two types of potential outcomes that could define the group
activities during the workshop:
Educational resources – One goal is to create a repository of educational
resources for HCI-E including cases studies, projects and exercises. These
educational resources need to be described in a common structure. The
definition of this structure was started at the previous workshop. A goal
of the workshop will be to extend and consolidate this structure as well as
to describe these resources according to this structure.
HCI-E Education Roadmap – Edited volume: Depending on the quality of the
submissions and the workshop results, revised versions of the contributions
will be published on an edited volume. Alternatively, we will produce a
journal paper summarizing and consolidating the contributions, in the form
of an HCI Engineering Education roadmap.
Position papers (6-10 pages in Springer format) must report experiences
related to HCI Engineering education. Submissions could report software
engineering units including some aspects of HCI-E, curricula or teaching
units dedicated to HCI-E, case studies/projects demonstrating aspects of
HCI-E, evaluation of students’ skills related to HCI-E, training
non-technical and mixed students in HCI-E, training appropriate aspects of
HCI-E to professionals/practitioners, a new teaching modality promising for
teaching HCI-E, introducing HCI-E into existing curricula, etc. Authors
could also provide in their submission a short summary of their experience
in the field and their motivation to participate in this workshop.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 30th, 2023
Notification deadline: June 15th, 2023
Workshop: August Monday 28th or Tuesday 29th
Deadlines are AoE.
José C. Campos, University of Minho & HASLab/INESC TEC, Portugal
Laurence Nigay, University Grenoble Alpes, France
Alan Dix, Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales, UK
Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock, Germany
Simone DJ Barbosa, PUC Rio, Brazil
Lucio Davide Spano, University of Cagliari, Italy
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <https://www.unica.it/unica/page/it/luciod_spano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
Call for paper
Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies (at
EICS 2023 conference)
Swansea, Tuesday 27th of June 2023
Deadline for submission: June 2nd, 2023 AoE via
Submissions: up to 6 pages Springer LNCS format
Post-workshop publication: Springer LNCS volume
You are kindly invited to submit contributions to this workshop.
The main goal of this workshop is to offer a platform for scientists who
are interested in the design, development, evaluation, and use of
interactive systems involving AI technologies.
The first objective is to identify and gather information about knowledge
and practice in the workshop’s domain:
· Get an overview of current R&D practices (methods/notations/tools) to
engineer usable interactive systems embedding AI technologies, as well as
lessons learned and recommendations;
· Get an overview of current R&D practices (methods/notations/tools) to
architect usable interactive systems embedding AI technologies, as well as
lessons learned and recommendations;
· Identify a systematic approach for describing AI technologies and
assessing their impact on properties such as users’ UX and systems’
· Understand how the multiple stakeholders involved in interactive systems
design and development identify properties, how they describe them, and how
they assess their relative importance when they embed AI technologies
(going beyond the classical UX and usability but also addressing
performance, dependability, safety, ...);
· Identify an engineering approach to find an equilibrium between
(AI-based) automation and human interaction.
The second objective is to elicit the main gaps in AI technologies which
hinders their exploitation in the design and development of interactive
systems, especially if a user-centered design process is followed.
Emanuele Panizzi
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Call for paper
Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies (at
EICS 2023 conference)
Swansea, Tuesday 27th of June 2023
Deadline for submission: June 2nd, 2023 AoE via
Submissions: up to 6 pages Springer LNCS format
Post-workshop publication: Springer LNCS volume
You are kindly invited to submit contributions to this workshop.
The main goal of this workshop is to offer a platform for scientists who
are interested in the design, development, evaluation, and use of
interactive systems involving AI technologies.
The first objective is to identify and gather information about knowledge
and practice in the workshop’s domain:
· Get an overview of current R&D practices (methods/notations/tools) to
engineer usable interactive systems embedding AI technologies, as well as
lessons learned and recommendations;
· Get an overview of current R&D practices (methods/notations/tools) to
architect usable interactive systems embedding AI technologies, as well as
lessons learned and recommendations;
· Identify a systematic approach for describing AI technologies and
assessing their impact on properties such as users’ UX and systems’
· Understand how the multiple stakeholders involved in interactive systems
design and development identify properties, how they describe them, and how
they assess their relative importance when they embed AI technologies
(going beyond the classical UX and usability but also addressing
performance, dependability, safety, ...);
· Identify an engineering approach to find an equilibrium between
(AI-based) automation and human interaction.
The second objective is to elicit the main gaps in AI technologies which
hinders their exploitation in the design and development of interactive
systems, especially if a user-centered design process is followed.
Emanuele Panizzi
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards./
Special Issue on
*Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Dina El Zanfaly, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Peter Scupelli, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Daragh Byrne, Carnegie Mellon University, USA/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *May 20th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023
• Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: October 2023 (tentatively)
Over the past few decades, interactive technologies have become more and
more embedded in and blended with our physical world. These
technologies—mobile computing, AR and VR, interactive IoTs, tangible
interfaces, and responsive architectures—are increasingly shaping our
daily experiences in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities.
We call these physical-digital spaces Hybrid Environments . As these
technologies continue to transform the way we live, many new
opportunities emerge for design education and practice.
Within higher education, more and more programs aim to cross-train
designers, architects, creative technologists, and artists to operate in
these emerging terrains. This is a complex pedagogical practice.
Designing for Hybrid Environments requires knowledge and training in the
design of both physical environments and interactive technologies.
Solutions cut across, and often operate at multiple, scales: from the
object to the room, from the neighborhood to the city. Consequently, the
design of good physical-digital spaces must often bridge fundamental
knowledge in design, architecture, art, interactivity, and computation.
How are we meeting this emergent need? How do we educate cross-trained
students to creatively respond and adapt to these complex design spaces?
In this special issue, we invite design educators to share their
pedagogies, frameworks, and tools for crafting next-generation
physical-digital spaces. We hope to gather, reflect, and share valuable
examples and instructional practices so that we might learn from one
another and critically examine how to teach students to design Hybrid
Environments. Ultimately, we seek to form a common understanding and
begin building the foundations for design education in this emerging field.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to Design Education for Hybrid Environments includes, but is not limited to:
• Teaching for and within VR, AR, and XR technologies.
• Teaching for interactive IoT, spatial computing, ambient media, and
responsive architecture.
• CAD and CAM tools to help conceive, represent, prototype, and test
Hybrid Environments.
• Theoretical frameworks and representational techniques to navigating
scales of design —from the object to the room, from the neighborhood to
the city.
• Cognitive approaches to explain and study reasoning, conceiving, and
building Hybrid Environments.
• Post-Pandemic Hybrid Environments, including telepresence, distributed
spaces, and the temporality of experience.
• Assessment and performance methods, including pilot studies,
curricula, or cases of evaluating Hybrid Environments design and
• Instructional experiences resilient to rapid change in technology
infrastructures and toolsets.
• Research methods supporting the design process and evaluation of
Hybrid Environments.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Design Education for Hybrid Environments")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on Design Education for Hybrid Environments/
• drosenb2 [at] andrew [dot] cmu [dot] edu
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.60
• ‘SLE as engines of the twin transition’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based
Activities with Children’
Guest editors: Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Erkki
Rötkönen, Tariq Zaman
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer updated from 5 March 2023 onwards./
Special Issue on
*AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
• Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy
• Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway
• Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *May 20th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023
• Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: October 2023 (tentatively)
This special issue is intended to explore the assumption (and to provide
at least partial evidence) that the most successful Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems out there today are dependent on teams of
humans, just as humans depend on these systems to gain access to
information, provide insights and perform tasks beyond their own
capabilities. An assumption that implies a confrontation between AI,
Human-Centered AI and HCD and a reflection on the role of HCD in the AI age.
The issue, thus, is not intended to be focalized on the design of user
interfaces of systems containing embedded AI features, per se; rather,
it is expected to be grounded in research activities involving a broad
spectrum of academic disciplines – from computer science to social
science – that will critically analyze the interplay between
AI, Human-Centered AI and HCD, in order to investigate the impact on
individuals, social groups, and society as a whole.
In particular this special issue wish to explore the relationship
between AI, aimed at replacing human beings, and Intelligence
Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering human beings in their daily
life and work. Balancing between these two perspectives means changing
the research paradigm from traditional human-computer interaction, to
designing the collaboration between humans and computers. This will
foster creativity, meaningful work, intersubjectivity, and learning, and
eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a
variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this new
age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge and
competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, new research
methods, etc.
The guest editors encourage researchers to submit articles that will
consider these aspects.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but not limited to:
* AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues
* AI support in everyday work
* Collaborative human-centered design
* End-User Development for AI-based systems
* Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems
* Explainable AI through meta design
* Human-centred AI
* Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning effectiveness
* Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: AI for Humans and Humans for AI")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on AI for Humans and Humans for AI/
• renatea [at] oslomet [dot] no
• vita [dot] barletta [at] uniba [dot] it
• anders [dot] morch [at] iped [dot] uio [dot] no
• alessandro [dot] pagano [at] uniba [dot] it
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N.59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
• N.60
• ‘SLE as engines of the twin transition’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based
Activities with Children’
Guest editors: Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Erkki
Rötkönen, Tariq Zaman
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
***** *Workshop date confirmed for August 29, 2023 ***** *
**** Submission deadline extended to May 30, 2023 ****
_Attending the HCSE@INTERACT 2023 workshop does not require paper
If you only want to participate or present your work without submitting a paper,
please contact the organizers!
*(Apologies if you receive multiple e-mails on this subject via different
*Call for Papers*
International Workshop on
Human-Centered Software Engineering
Rethinking the Interplay of
Human–Computer Interaction and Software Engineering
in the Age of Digital Transformation
organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 onMethodologies for User-Centered Systems
atINTERACT 2023 <https://interact2023.org/>
The 19th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction
August 29, 2023
York, United Kingdom
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a process of technological
transformation that is affecting the social structure across the globe. It has
changed the way of shopping, of relating to others, of living. At the core of
the process are technologies that generate important cultural impacts in our
lives. In Europe, this process is differently named, depending on the different
countries: digitisation, digital transformation, digital transition, etc. Here
we call it digital transformation, but no matter how you name it, it has in fact
revolutionized every market and company, as well as our life.
We follow the definition by Gong & Ribiere (2020) that states that Digital
transformation is “A fundamental change process, enabled by the innovative use
of digital technologies accompanied by the strategic leverage of key resources
and capabilities, aiming to radically improve an entity* and redefine its value
proposition for its stakeholders.” (*An entity could be: an organization, a
business network, an industry, or society.).
Various technologies enable the digital transformation process: mobile and
wearable devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain,
Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning, Digital Twin, Cybersecurity. However, while introducing undeniable
benefits, they also bring some important issues.
This workshop is looking for contributions from various fields, with a focus on:
the domain of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT devices that are becoming
more pervasive and social
IoT also introduces issues from the cybersecurity perspective
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human lives and the
economywith the problem thatthe required computing power is high, there are
worriesof how AI models predict the output, data privacy and securityetc
Digital Twin (DT) is another protagonist of the digital transformation
process. It is a virtual replica of a real-world object that is run in a
simulation environment to mirror its physical pendant, with digital and
physical twins influencing each other including the ability to perform
benefits and issues of other technologies: usability of mobile and wearable
devices, as well as of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; user awareness
about the usage and the security of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain.
What emerges is that Human-Centered Software Engineering (HCSE) is more relevant
than ever. The interplay between Human–Computer Interaction and Software
Engineering needs to be rethought and fortified for a rapid response to the
evolution of technologies, while also considering aspects such as greater
agility in service development, sustainability, ethical considerations,
cybersecurity, user mindset and awareness, to name just a few. But also the
approaches for addressing them have to be carefully considered. For example,
some software development companies show an increasing interest in low-code
development platforms to facilitate application development by domain experts
without sophisticated software development knowledge, as a possible solution to
the need of more agile, fast and also sustainable service development. Domain
experts are, however, not trained in software development methods. This
introduces a risk of domain experts creating unusable applications or exceeding
the designated time frame of a project (or both).
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop series
of IFIP Working Group 13.2beyond the traditional themes of IFIP 13.2 workshops.
Particularly, this edition promotes sharing of knowledge and experiences that
address how to deal with the challenges of the digital transformation and its
influence on human-centered socio-technical system design and development
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized atINTERACT
2015 in Bamberg, Germany
2017 in Mumbai, India
<http://ifip-tc13.org/wg-13-213-5-workshop-interact17-mumbai/>,INTERACT 2019 in
Paphos, Cyprus
<https://sites.google.com/view/ifip-wg-13-2-workshop-interact/home>, andINTERACT
2021 in Bari, Italy <https://sites.google.com/view/hcse-workshop-interact2021/>.
Target Audience and Expected Outcomes
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human–computer
interaction from a user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on methods, processes and approaches for designing, building and
testing interactive systems. We expect a high participation of IFIP Working
Group 13.2 members. We particularly invite participants to present position
papers describing real-life case studies that illustrate how they rethought
HCI’s and SE’s interplay in order to address aspects such as agile development,
sustainability, ethical considerations, and cybersecurity. Any perspective and
related aspects of user interface design are welcome. We are especially
interested in work that deals with current trends that change the way humans
use, interact and collaborate with technical components in socio-technical
systems. We are also interested in methods, theories and tools that combine
human-centered design and software engineering practices. Position papers will
be made available through the workshop website. Furthermore, an extended version
of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a Springer LNCS
post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other INTERACT
workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Workshop Format
This full-day workshopisin person only. Itisorganized around presentation of
position papers and working activities in small groups. From the set of
contributions, a subset of selected case studies will be invited to be presented
at the beginning of the workshop and will be used to support the discussion that
follows. The morning session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and
presenting case studies. Participants will be invited to comment on the case
studies and to report similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be
devoted to interactive sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in
small groups and propose solutions to the problems of the case st udies seen in
the morning. Solutions proposed by the participants will be compiled and
compared. Based on the lessons learned, participants will be incited to draft an
agenda of future work that can be accomplished. We plan to run the
workshoponsite in person only. If circumstances require it, we intend to switch
to a completely digital format that will be run online. We will continuously
adapt to any decision regarding the conference format by the INTERACT 2023
Submission Instructions
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages
including abstract) shall report(practical) experiences related to research
challenges and results on human-centered software engineering or user-centered
development processes for interactive systems with a particular focus on
digital-transformation aspects and technologies (such as mobile and wearable
devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Augmented,
Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital
Twin, Cybersecurity) and their impact on software properties or software
development practices.Submissions are not anonymous and should include all
author names, affiliations, and contact information.Authors should also provide
in their submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their
motivation to participate in this workshop. Submissions will be processed via
the workshop web pages that will be managed by the workshop organizers at IFIP
WG 13.2.Papers are submitted through theEasyChair website
Submitted position paperswill be reviewed byan international program committee
comprisingthe organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2 who are
experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop based
on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position paperswill be made
available through the workshop website.Upon acceptance, at least one author of
each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.Furthermore,
an extended version of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a
Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other
INTERACT 2023 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: May 30, 2023 [extended!](May 8, 2023)
Acceptance notification:June 7, 2023[extended!] (May 31, 2023)
Final version of position paper: June30, 2023
Workshop date: August29, 2023 (confirmed)
Carmelo Ardito, UniversityLUM Giuseppe Degennaro, Italy
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
Please write toorganizers(a)hcse-conference.org
<mailto:organizers@hcse-conference.org>if you have any question.
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 19th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August28– September1, 2023, inYork,
United Kingdom. Look at the main conference web site for further information
(https://www.interact2023.org/ <https://www.interact2023.org/>).
Workshop: Sustainable Human-Work Interaction Designs (SHWID)
Organized by WG13.6 on Human Work Interaction Design and WG13.10 on Human-Centred Technology for Sustainability
Co-located with INTERACT 2023: 19th International Conference of Technical Committee 13 (Human-Computer Interaction) of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
28 August - 1 September 2023 - York, UK
Sustainable HCI explores ways to design interactive systems in a more sustainable way and to make user behavior more sustainable. Social justice and equity aspects became emergent domains in HCI during the last decade.
This workshop proposes to explore how HWID design methods and exemplary HWID designs can contribute to the implementation of environmental practices in the workplace, sustainable manufacturing processes, or socially fair systems and processes.
This workshop aims to (a) investigate processes and methods for creating sustainable designs and workplaces, (b) collect case studies that analyze experiences with introducing and learning from sustainability at work, and (c) formulate a research agenda for future work on sustainable human-work interaction designs.
Participants are asked to submit a position paper describing work on processes, methods, or results and evaluation of these to support (but not limited to):
- Digital sobriety
- Green IT
- Slow design, craft design
- Sustainable digitalization
- Users' experience in sustainable environment
- Engagement in environmental behavior
- System-organization fit, organizational implementation, or benefits realization
Participation and submission:
Papers must be two- to four-page position paper formatted according to the INTERACT proceedings format (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gu…). We encourage both senior and early-stage researchers to submit position papers describing work in progress or completed research.
Position papers must be submitted in PDF format (non-anonymized) in EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=shwid2023.
Submissions will be reviewed by two reviewers based on relevance, originality, significance, and quality. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop. In agreement with the authors, revised version of accepted position papers will be published in INTERACT Workshop Proceedings volume.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: May 16th, 2023 (extended)
Paper notification of acceptance: May 29th, 2023
Workshop organizers:
- Elodie Bouzekri (contact: elodie.bouzekri(a)estia.fr<mailto:elodie.bouzekri@estia.fr>)
- Barbara Rita Barricelli
- Torkil Clemmensen
- Morten Hertzum
- Masoodian Masood
[Apologies for the cross-posting]
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2023—for the first time—will
offer Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as another way for people from diverse
backgrounds and interests to join together around shared research
initiatives. SIGs enable conference attendees to meet informally about a
common interest, which may include specific technologies, societal
concerns, curious human behaviors or any other topic where there has been
or could be CSCW research. A SIG can be an excellent space for dialog and
may incorporate novel facilitation strategies, from group discussion to
collective storytelling, roleplay, and even sketching activities to help
SIG participants creatively engage with a topic. While CSCW 2023 will be a
hybrid conference from October 16-18, the SIG sessions will all be
facilitated in-person in Minnesota, USA.
Submission Details
SIG proposals must be submitted via the PCS system as a single PDF by May
11, 2023. Each submission must include a SIG Proposal (5-pages) as well as
Supplementary Materials describing the facilitation strategy and
requirements for the in-person session at the conference (2-pages).
Accepted proposals will be published as Extended Abstracts in the
Conference Proceedings. During the conference, CSCW will provide each SIG
with a meeting space for 75-minutes and will help to advertise the meetings
in various ways.
Online submission: PCS Submission System
Template: ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single column)
Submission format: A proposal including references (maximum 5-pages) and
mandatory supplementary material describing the SIG (2-pages).
Selection Process: Juried
How have other academic communities engaged with the topic of your SIG? The
SIG Proposal (5-pages) should clearly articulate a compelling reason for
the SIG. Authors are strongly encouraged to describe the topic in a maximum
of 20 primary references with approximately half of the references coming
from ACM publications and the other half from sources beyond the ACM. This
is not a hard rule as much as it is a challenge to seek out
interdisciplinary opportunities for collaboration.
Develop the proposal collaboratively with a group of people. While not
strictly required, we prefer that proposals be authored by a minimum of two
individuals representing at least two different organizations or
Clearly describe the activities you would like to facilitate during your SIG.
The Supplementary Material (also mandatory) using the same template should
be no more than 2-pages in length. Accepted SIGs will have a
scheduled, 75-minute
long session at the conference. After your SIG is accepted, we will notify
you what technical support will be available. Rooms will be set up to
facilitate discussion.
The following details about the SIG session should be included in the
Supplementary Material: (1) A brief description of the community (or
communities) to which this SIG would be of interest and why it is of
interest, (2) assumed attendee background, (3) the approach you will use
for organizing and presenting the SIG, (4) an informal schedule of
discussion topics, (5) your plan to attract a reasonable number of
attendees, and (6) which organizer should serve as the primary contact.
As you develop a plan for your SIG proposal, please pay attention to
accessibility considerations. Follow recommendations found in the Guide to
an Accessible Submission
<https://sigchi.org/conferences/author-resources/accessibility-guide/>. If
you have any questions or concerns about creating accessible submissions,
please contact the Accessibility Chairs at accessibility2023(a)cscw.acm.org
All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time
Deadline for submissions due: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Notification of acceptance: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Selection process
Although the process is highly selective, it does not necessarily follow a
reviewing process by a committee, and authors should not expect to receive
formal feedback on their submission other than the selection decision.
Specifically, we will consider the following criteria:
Appeal to the community: Is the topic both timely and of wide enough
appeal to attract a significant audience? At the same time, is the topic
sufficiently focused to allow for productive discussion during the SIG
meeting? Too narrow, and the SIG might attract too few people; too broad,
and it is difficult for progress to be made in the relatively short
duration of a SIG.
Format: Is the proposed format conducive to discussion and shared
insight? Will it be possible to achieve its aims? SIGs are not workshops,
nor project showcases, nor tutorials.
Diversity of perspective: It helps to be able to show that the SIG will
be able to encompass a wide perspective, and that the organizers can
accommodate and facilitate discussion across this breadth. Places to show
this are in the description of the intended community, the assumed attendee
background, and the home institutions and disciplines of the organizers.
Continuity: Does the SIG support the development of a longer term
interest group, for example follow-on SIGs or other types of contributions
at subsequent CSCW and other conferences? If the topic is a very recent or
new one, or a revival of an old topic, then arguments will need to be made,
to demonstrate that it is a topic that will persist, rather than simply
being this year’s fashion. If the topic is a continuation of previous
SIG(s), then it is necessary to present the latest developments of the
topic and their projection into the future.
Anonymity: Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or
proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time.
Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of
submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected
submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted
materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the
start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information
which will be published on the website prior to the conference.
Upon Acceptance of Your Submission
The corresponding author of a conditionally accepted paper has to follow
the instructions on preparing and submitting a final version by the
Publication-Ready Deadline. If the authors cannot meet these requirements
by the Publication-Ready deadline, the venue chairs will be notified and
may be required to remove the paper from the program. The publication-ready
version has to follow the LaTeX and Word templates from ACM. Should you
need technical assistance, please direct your technical query to:
For more details, check the website:
Thanks for your time and we hope to see you at CSCW 2023!
Brian McInnis and Sayan Sarcar
ACM MobileHCI 2023
The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
Athens, Greece
September 26—29, 2023
MobileHCI conference brings together people from diverse areas and
provides a multidisciplinary forum for academics, hardware and software
developers, designers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and
potential solutions for effective interaction with and through mobile
devices, applications, and services. The conference welcomes
contributions that promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse
between academics, researchers, and industries all over the world.
Please refer to https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023 for more details.
Demos, Tutorials, Panels, and Industrial Perspectives
Submission May 26, 2023
Notifications June 23, 2023
Camera-Ready July 7, 2023
Web (Demos): https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/callfordemos.php
Web (Tutorials): https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/callfortutorials.php
Web (Panels): https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/callforpanels.php
Web (Industrial Perspectives):
Late-Breaking Work
Submission May 26, 2023
Notifications June 30, 2023
Camera-Ready July 21, 2023
Web (Late-Breaking Work):
Doctoral Consortium
Submission June 23, 2023
Notifications July 7, 2023
Camera-Ready July 21, 2023
Web(Doctoral Consortium):
Student Volunteers
Lottery opens on May 1st, 2023
Lottery closes on July 1st, 2023
Notifications July 15th, 2023
Lottery site:
* All deadlines are AoE
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to send an email to the
organizing committee
We hope to see you this year in Athens!
Dear all,
We are excited to announce the 3rd season of Life in Academia
Join us for this online series of talks and engage with an absolutely
brilliant array of experts and interested audiences in critical
conversations around academia. Believing that academia is more than
research results and publications, this seminar series offers a wide
variety of impulses, empowering diverse voices.
Life in Academia
takes place this summer 2023 (May – July), *Tuesdays at 4pm CEST via
Zoom*. We look forward to seeing you there!
*Upcoming sessions: *
*Decolonial Praxis as an Academic and Pedagogical Imperative - *09/05/2023
Rima Saini (Middlesex University London, UK)
*Academia as a Masculinity Contest - *16/05/2023
Jennifer Berdahl (University of British Columbia, Canada)
*Designing with menstruating bodies and doing feminist science - *23/05/2023
Nadia Campo Woytuk (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
*Power abuse in academia: problem description and suggestions for
solutions - *30/05/2023
Jana Lasser (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
*#IchBinHanna #IchBinReyhan – Academic Precarity and Current Debates -
Jennifer S. Henke (Greifswald University, Germany)
*Community Service in Academia - *04/07/2023
Monica Pereira (Brunel University London, UK)
We hope to see you there!
Life in Academia members
*Please join our mailing list
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Gözel Shakeri (she/her)
Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction
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The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting for PhD
students to present their work and receive feedback on their doctoral
research plan and progress. Students will be offered the opportunity to
articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and
results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims at providing students with
guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers
and the other students participating in the sessions. Finally, the Doctoral
Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development of their
scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research
The topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as CHItaly’s. A
particular focus will be on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI)
and its applications to support humans, improve their performance as well
as increase safety and trustworthiness. The main scope of the consortium is
to enable PhD students to interact with their peers, as well as with more
senior researchers, on a wide range of Human-Computer Interaction related
topics, and related to the conference theme.
The consortium is open to PhD students worldwide at any stage in their
research. Students at an initial stage should be able to challenge their
ideas and current research directions. Students at a more mature stage
should be able to present their thesis and get advice on ways to further
improve and better communicate their contributions and findings.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis.
Students will be connected with a mentor that will provide more specific
feedback on their research.
Submitted papers must be in English and single-author, but the name of the
supervisor could be mentioned within the paper. Papers must be 5-page long
using the 1-column CEUR template (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip).
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users (https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt)
is also available.
Papers must:
Identify a significant research problem in the field of HCI.
Outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions.
Describe the contribution of the student by presenting the proposed
approach and the results achieved so far.
Accepted papers will be collected and published in CEUR-WS proceedings.
Each author of an accepted paper will present orally their contribution
during the conference.
Submission deadline: May 31st, 2023
Notifications to contributors: June 30th, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: July 15th, 2023
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento, Italy
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genova, Italy
email: dc(a)chitaly2023.it
Submit on EasyChair:
=== ACM GoodIt 2023 Call for Papers ===
ACM GoodIT 2023 will focus on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public.
### Important Dates
-> All tracks Submission deadline: May 15th, 2023
-> Notification of acceptance: July 7th, 2023
### Link
### Scope
The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social good. The latter is defined as something that provides a benefit to the general public, such as clean air, clean water, internet access, education, or healthcare. However, new media innovations and the proliferation of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good can now reflect global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration towards a positive societal impact.
The conference will feature regular and special tracks papers, work-in-progress and PhD papers.
### Papers length
* Full papers (main track and special tracks): papers must not exceed twelve (12) single-column pages, excluding references. Papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will likely be rejected.
Work in Progress Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed eight (8) single-column pages, excluding references.
* PhD Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed five (5) single-column pages, excluding references.
### Publication of papers
Submitted papers (in each of the special tracks) must be original works and must not have been previously published. They will be peer-reviewed (three reviews). All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work in presence at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
*CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI* *- **https://chitaly2023.it/*
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
Date: 20 September, 2023
Location: Turin, Piedmont, Italy
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 15th Edition of the
Biannual Conference (chitaly2023.it) of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (
http://sigchitaly.eu/en/general-info/), whose main theme is “Crossing HCI
and AI”. CHItaly2023 welcomes proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference. The goal of the workshops is to
provide additional venues for discussing and exploring emerging areas of
research in HCI, in general, and HCAI (Human-Centered AI), in particular,
with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and
academia. Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the workshop proposal
can focus on all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
Workshops in CHItaly are co-located events that are held the day before the
main conference starts. They represent forums where specific topics
relevant to CHItaly get discussed.
Workshop proposals will be reviewed according to quality criteria, which
consider the relevance of workshop proposals for CHItaly 2023, their
potential of gathering quality contributions, and their review
process. All workshops will be half-day.
>Structure of the Proposal
The workshop proposal should be organized as follows:
- Workshop title
- Workshop acronym (if any)
- Workshop edition and, if not on the first one, previous venues, number of
attendees, and links to the websites
- List of organizers (with a short bio) and main contact person
- Motivation and objectives
- List of topics
- Target audience and expected number of attendees
- Papers Review process (if any): the strategy used to collect
contributions (such as online conference management systems or submitting
by emails to the workshop chairs, etc.), minimum numbers of reviews, ...
- Workshop setting (paper presentations, discussions, group works, …)
- Dedicated proceedings (if any): type of papers, reviewing process, venue
(Journal special issue, CEUR-WS, …)
- PC tentative list
>Important dates for workshop proposals
Submission deadline: May, 8 EXTENDED
Review notification: May 16, 2023
Camera-ready for workshop summary: July 31, 2023
> TENTATIVE dates of the workshop review cycle
Submission deadline for workshop papers: June 23, 2023
Report workshop status to chairs: June 26, 2023
Go/No-go Decision on Workshops: June 30, 2023
Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: 28 July 21, 2023
Workshop held: September 20, 2023
Workshop proposals, in PDF format (no specific template is required), must
be uploaded via Easy Chair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023) by selecting the Track
“Workshop Proposals”.
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop
proposals and suggest involving organizers from different institutions,
bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops
with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions
and may ensure rich interactions.
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop website
containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop
organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity
and reviewing processes.
Finally, a paper describing each accepted workshop will be included in the
main conference Proceedings (submission deadline, format and requirements
will be defined later).
Berardina Nadja De Carolis, Università di Bari, Italy (
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Università Roma Tre, Italy (
*** Fifth Call for Submissions ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities • Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing • Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management • Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards, • Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT • Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps • Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc. • Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics • Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions • Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Semantic services and service mining • Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms • Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Storage, computation and network Clouds • Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds • Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 4th, 2023 (AoE) • Submission of full papers: June 11th, 2023 (AoE) • Notification to authors: July 14th, 2023 (AoE) • Camera-ready versions due: July 31st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds: • Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references, for the technical and special tracks) • PhD Symposium (12 pages including references) • Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2023 by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
Cari tutti,
segnalo una posizione aperta per Professore di II fascia nel SSD ING-INF/05
presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura dell'Università degli Studi
di Enna "Kore".
Le attività di ricerca attualmente in corso riguardano applicazioni di IA,
Speech Recognition, Cybersecurity e Human-Centered Design.
Dal punto di vista didattico, la Facoltà eroga un corso di laurea triennale
in Ingegneria Informatica (classe L-8), un corso di laurea magistrale in
Ingegneria dell'Intelligenza Artificiale e della Sicurezza Informatica
(classe LM-32), e un corso di dottorato di ricerca in Sistemi Intelligenti
per l'Ingegneria (XXXVIII ciclo).
A breve (entro luglio 2023) verrà inoltre realizzato un laboratorio
scientifico-didattico di Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HC-AI) da
50 postazioni, con attrezzature all'avanguardia a supporto della ricerca
sperimentale negli ambiti di cui sopra.
Link al bando:
Link didattica UKE: https://unikore.it/didattica/
Link ricerca e laboratori UKE: https://unikore.it/ricerca/
Contatti per ulteriori dettagli:
- Marco Siniscalchi, marco.siniscalchi(a)unikore.it
- Salvatore Sorce, salvatore.sorce(a)unikore.it
Prego voler fare circolare l'informazione a chiunque ritenete possa essere
Salvatore Sorce, PhD
Professore Associato
Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore"
Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura
Cittadella Universitaria - 94100 Enna
*** Sixth Call for Papers ***
7th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2023)
September 13-15, 2023, 5* St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: May 15, 2023 (AoE)
(Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS; Best Paper Award
sponsored by Springer with 300 EUR; Special Journal Issue in the
Future Internet journal)
“Internet for Survival”: How the effective and democratic evolution of the
Internet towards an infrastructure/ecosystem supporting resilience and
equality depends on deeply intertwined considerations rooted in technological,
social and economic sciences.
INSCI is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together scholars and practitioners
at the intersection of technological, social and economic sciences seeking to learn
how the Internet can be used to make our world a better place. Its insights are
expected to create a better understanding of this complex socio-technical system we
call “Internet”, for instance to inform political decisions on the technological priorities
for public funding and to drive a more sustainable and equitable development of the
innovation and social ecosystems it supports.
INSCI welcomes fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research, including policy-
oriented studies and works offering technological solutions, that investigate the role
of Internet for sustainable development, social and economic resilience, collective
intelligence, reliable information processing and protection, and, more generally, for
a holistic understanding of societal transformations, governance shifts and innovation
INSCI welcomes works done in interdisciplinary teams that may include computer
scientists, sociologists, policy makers, economists, designers and artists, or complex
system scholars, among others, preferably uniting expertise from social, economic
and technical sciences. This kind of work is expected to close the gap between
societal / economic impact and requirements and technological developments, seen
as both drivers and consequences of each other.
Thus, INSCI 2023 welcomes submissions to a wide range of topics including but not
limited to the following list.
Green, Sustainability, and Innovation
• The challenges of Responsible Research and Innovation on Internet solution
• The technological, social and economic benefits of Transnational and Inter-Cultural
• Internet solutions supporting Environmental policies related to Climate Change
• Green Computing in a holistic perspective: trade-offs of computing power, social
benefits, economic and environmental impacts (e.g. blockchains)
• Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Novel Platforms for alternative distributed
economic models
• Distributed environmental awareness: creating a collective consciousness of
environmental issues and possible solutions at individual and collective level.
Collective intelligence, sensing and action
• Energy optimisation from from networked production to shared consumption,
relying on top-down and bottom-up approaches
• Networks for circular economy models: conceiving and putting in place platforms
and solutions effectively supporting circular and social economy models,
collaborative making, art and creativity.
Enabling Technologies, Applications and Infrastructures
• Social implications of Reinforcement Algorithms, Machine Learning and Intelligent
• Feasibility and social /economic aspects of Algorithms for mediation content
• Data Sovereignty and inclusion aspects of Cloud, Grid and Cluster Computing
• Recommender, Adaptive and Context Aware Systems: design, social and inclusion
aspects, feasibility and adoption
• Networking and Wireless Systems as enablers: inclusion, health, privacy and
pervasiveness aspects
• People-driven Internet Technologies and Applications, including Collaborative
Platforms & Social Search, Open Data and New Interfaces
Societal Structures
• How will Internet of Things change Society and interaction models
• Digital Competences and Participation
• Virtual Communities and Behavioural Patterns: how are they affected by the
technological platforms being used
• Knowledge, Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, and Societal Web Impact on
Internet Evolution
• Offline and Online Human Behaviour with Emphasis on Social Media and Online/ER/
VR Interactions
Digital Politics and Governance
• Internet and Political Participation
• Online Political Freedoms in Policing and in Effect: Regional and Local Perspectives,
technological impacts and requirements
• Citizen Involvement into Decision-Making: Platforms, Actors, and Experiences
• Political Discussions Online: Issues and Groups Behind Them, technical and
collaborative solutions to moderate them
• E-governance Practices of Today’s Authorities across the world
• Internet regulation: Security vs. Openness
Free Communication Patterns and Democracy
• Freedom of Speech Online: a Contested Area of Policing
• Algorithms as New Total Communicative Power
• Extremist and Radical Talk Online and Policies or socio-Technical solutions to
counteract it
• Universal Internet Freedoms vs. Dark Web
• Participatory Democracy and Budgeting: citizens’ involvement in democratic
processes, for more equal and inclusive resource allocation
• Cognitive, Psychological Aspects and Incentive Mechanisms for online Engagement,
Collaboration and Participation (smart citizenship, e-literacy, participation skills,
decision support and recommendations for informed citizens and collective actions)
• E-Democracy and E-Participation: risks and opportunities, lessons learnt from
currently deployed solutions (e.g. e-voting, Decidim)
• Reliable online information: collaborative models and processes to produce/qualify
online information (e.g. post-truth Practices Online, filter bubble and fact checking),
for health (e.g. vaccination), democracy (international decision-making, political
campaigns, opinion and sentiment modelling, governmental censure and influence),
economy (product labelling, ethical marketing), safety of online ecosystems (children
protection, fake news, digital rebels)
• Crowdsourcing: implications, enablers
Sustainable Network Economy
• Legal, economic, technological and innovation hurdles related to Intellectual
Property and the Digital Commons
• New Collaborative Markets Analytics
• Economic Power of Online Platforms: Expropriation of Digital Labour, Open Data
solutions and their applicability
• Digital Corporations: World Leaders and Regional Alternatives
• Analogous Elites, Technological Precariat
• Digital Professions and Reshaping of Online Labour Markets
• New decentralised economic models: enabling and sustaining a distributed
ecosystem of platforms and solutions intrinsically respectful of privacy, self-
disclosure and digital sovereignty
• The consumer perspective: unlawful profiling, discrimination and lock-in,
automated contracts and warranties
Global Access Opportunities
• Internet Resilience: Defining/Comparing non-disconnection Technologies,
Monitoring Approaches and Internet Governance Models ensuring resiliency and
citizens’ empowerment and sovereignty
• Global and Local Faces of Today’s Digital Divide
• Comparing existing and future Open Distance Education and Life-long Learning
Environments on online/Virtual Reality Platforms, Practices Around the World
• Global Media Online: Translation and Language Divide
• Empowerment of Disabled with New Body Extensions
• Post-human and Tech-human Individuals and Societies
Data Sharing and Protection
• Data Openness vs. User Protection: tech and social aspects of open data policies
• Limits of Privacy and Anonymization, their dependance on technological solutions
and intended applications
• Clouds, Big Data and Data Protection Regulation vs. knowledge sharing and open
• Global Tech Powers and Alternative Solutions based on decentralisation
• Open Science and Access to Scientific Production: technological enablers, platform
governance, economic and innovation aspects
• Submission of Papers: May 15, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Decision: July 1, 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: July 15, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: July 15. 2023
All submitted papers must:
• Describe original results that have not been accepted or submitted for publication
• Be written in English and be submitted in PDF format
• Contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses
• Be formatted according to the Springer’s LNCS format Proceedings template:
• Contain three to seven keywords characterizing the paper, to be indicated at the
end of the abstract
• Be submitted via the conference system in EasyChair, using the submission link:
Full paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages (including all text, figures,
references and appendices). We encourage a length of 12 pages for full papers. The
Program Committee reserves the right to accept a submission as a short paper.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding the submission page
limits or being obviously out of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without
All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the international
Program Committee, with a mix of social, economic and technological expertise.
The review process will be single-blind.
Selection will be based on:
• Degree of interdisciplinarity (between social, economic and/or technical sciences)
• Novelty and technical merit
• Relevance of the generated insights for the future Internet development
The best paper will be sponsored with 300 EUR by Springer.
Camera-ready submissions should be corrected by following the remarks of the
reviewers and submitted using the same submission link in zip format including:
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in pdf format
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in editable sources format
• The Consent to Publish signed in ink and scanned to image file
Accepted papers will be presented at INSCI2023 and published in the conference
proceedings volume, which will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS). Authors of selected best papers from the conference will
be contacted in order to consider submission of an expanded version of their papers
for publication in a special issue to be organised with the international journal
Future Internet (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet), published by
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Vasileios Mezaris, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
• Fabrizio Sestini, European Commission DG CONNECT, Belgium
Steering & Program Committees
4th International Forum of Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust (NEMESIS’23)
Warsaw, Poland, 17–20 September, 2023
Organized within FedCSIS 2023 (IEEE: #57573)
Strict submission deadline: May 23, 2023, 23:59:59 AOE (no extensions)
KEY FACTS: Proceedings: submitted to IEEE Digital Library; indexing: DBLP,
Scopus and Web of Science; 70 punktów parametrycznych MEiN
Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and
associates who could be interested in it.
********************* Statement concerning LLMs *********************
Recognizing developing issue that affects all academic disciplines, we
would like to state that, in principle, papers that include text generated
from a large-scale language model (LLM) are prohibited, unless the produced
text is used within the experimental part of the work.
Nowadays, information security works as a backbone for protecting both user
data and electronic transactions. Protecting communications and data
infrastructures of an increasingly inter-connected world have become vital
nowadays. Security has emerged as an important scientific discipline whose
many multifaceted complexities deserve the attention and synergy of
computer science, engineering, and information systems communities.
Information security has some well-founded technical research directions
which encompass access level (user authentication and authorization),
protocol security, software security, and data cryptography. Moreover, some
other emerging topics related to organizational security aspects have
appeared beyond the long-standing research directions.
The International Forum of Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust (NEMESIS’23)
as a successor of International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy, and
Trust (INSERT’19) focuses on the diversity of the cyber information
security developments and deployments in order to highlight the most recent
challenges and report the most recent researches. The session is an
umbrella for all cyber security technical aspects, user privacy techniques,
and trust. In addition, it goes beyond the technicalities and covers some
emerging topics like social and organizational security research
directions. NEMESIS’23 serves as a forum of presentation of theoretical,
applied research papers, case studies, implementation experiences as well
as work-in-progress results in cyber security. NEMESIS’23 is intended to
attract researchers and practitioners from academia and industry and
provides an international discussion forum in order to share their
experiences and their ideas concerning emerging aspects in information
security met in different application domains. This opens doors for
highlighting unknown research directions and tackling modern research
challenges. The objectives of the NEMESIS’23 can be summarized as follows:
To review and conclude research findings in cyber security and other
security domains, focused on the protection of different kinds of assets
and processes, and to identify approaches that may be useful in the
application domains of information security.
To find synergy between different approaches, allowing elaborating
integrated security solutions, e.g. integrate different risk-based
management systems.
To exchange security-related knowledge and experience between experts
to improve existing methods and tools and adopt them to new application
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Biometric technologies
- Cryptography and cryptanalysis
- Critical infrastructure protection
- Security of wireless sensor networks
- Hardware-oriented information security
- Organization- related information security
- Social engineering and human aspects in cyber security
- Individuals identification and privacy protection methods
- Pedagogical approaches for information security education
- Information security and business continuity management
- Tools supporting security management and development
- Decision support systems for information security
- Trust in emerging technologies and applications
- Digital right management and data protection
- Threats and countermeasures for cybercrimes
- Ethical challenges in user privacy and trust
- Cyber and physical security infrastructures
- Risk assessment and management
- Steganography and watermarking
- Digital forensics and crime science
- Security knowledge management
- Security of cyber-physical systems
- Privacy enhancing technologies
- Trust and reputation models
- Misuse and intrusion detection
- Data hide and watermarking
- Cloud and big data security
- Computer network security
- Assurance methods
- Security statistics
The session will also solicit papers about current implementation efforts,
research results, as well as position statements from industry and academia
regarding applications of networking technology.
Submission rules:
- Authors should submit their papers as Postscript, PDF or MSWord files.
- The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages IEEE style
(including tables, figures and references). IEEE style templates are
available here.
- Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
merit and relevance to the workshop.
- Preprints containing accepted papers will be published on a USB memory
stick provided to the FedCSIS participants.
- Only papers presented at the conference will be published in
Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore®
- Conference proceedings will be published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN
and DOI numbers and posted at the conference WWW site.
- Conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation according to
information here.
- Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between FedCSIS
technical sessions.
Important dates:
+ Paper submission (strict deadline): May 23, 2023, 23:59:59 (AoE; there
will be no extension)
+ Position paper submission: June 7, 2023
+ Author notification: July 11, 2023
+ Final paper submission and registration: July 31, 2023
+ Payment (early fee deadline): July 26, 2023
NEMESIS Committee: https://fedcsis.org/sessions/nsa/nemesis/committee
Cari tutti,
Come di consueto, ci fa piacere fissare un momento di incontro con i
partecipanti del capitolo italiano a CHI2023.
Ci incontreremo tutti nella hall del centro congressi, vicino al
registration desk, per il coffee break delle 16 di mercoledì 26 aprile.
Vi aspettiamo!
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <https://docenti.unisa.it/003730/home>
*** Third Call for Papers ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*(Apologies if you receive multiple e-mails on this subject via different
*Call for Papers*
International Workshop on
Human-Centered Software Engineering
Rethinking the Interplay of
Human–Computer Interaction and Software Engineering
in the Age of Digital Transformation
organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 onMethodologies for User-Centered Systems
atINTERACT 2023 <https://interact2023.org/>
The 19th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction
August 28/29, 2023
York, United Kingdom
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a process of technological
transformation that is affecting the social structure across the globe. It has
changed the way of shopping, of relating to others, of living. At the core of
the process are technologies that generate important cultural impacts in our
lives. In Europe, this process is differently named, depending on the different
countries: digitisation, digital transformation, digital transition, etc. Here
we call it digital transformation, but no matter how you name it, it has in fact
revolutionized every market and company, as well as our life.
We follow the definition by Gong & Ribiere (2020) that states that Digital
transformation is “A fundamental change process, enabled by the innovative use
of digital technologies accompanied by the strategic leverage of key resources
and capabilities, aiming to radically improve an entity* and redefine its value
proposition for its stakeholders.” (*An entity could be: an organization, a
business network, an industry, or society.).
Various technologies enable the digital transformation process: mobile and
wearable devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain,
Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning, Digital Twin, Cybersecurity. However, while introducing undeniable
benefits, they also bring some important issues.
This workshop is looking for contributions from various fields, with a focus on:
the domain of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT devices that are becoming
more pervasive and social
IoT also introduces issues from the cybersecurity perspective
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human lives and the
economywith the problem thatthe required computing power is high, there are
worriesof how AI models predict the output, data privacy and securityetc
Digital Twin (DT) is another protagonist of the digital transformation
process. It is a virtual replica of a real-world object that is run in a
simulation environment to mirror its physical pendant, with digital and
physical twins influencing each other including the ability to perform
benefits and issues of other technologies: usability of mobile and wearable
devices, as well as of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; user awareness
about the usage and the security of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain.
What emerges is that Human-Centered Software Engineering (HCSE) is more relevant
than ever. The interplay between Human–Computer Interaction and Software
Engineering needs to be rethought and fortified for a rapid response to the
evolution of technologies, while also considering aspects such as greater
agility in service development, sustainability, ethical considerations,
cybersecurity, user mindset and awareness, to name just a few. But also the
approaches for addressing them have to be carefully considered. For example,
some software development companies show an increasing interest in low-code
development platforms to facilitate application development by domain experts
without sophisticated software development knowledge, as a possible solution to
the need of more agile, fast and also sustainable service development. Domain
experts are, however, not trained in software development methods. This
introduces a risk of domain experts creating unusable applications or exceeding
the designated time frame of a project (or both).
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop series
of IFIP Working Group 13.2beyond the traditional themes of IFIP 13.2 workshops.
Particularly, this edition promotes sharing of knowledge and experiences that
address how to deal with the challenges of the digital transformation and its
influence on human-centered socio-technical system design and development
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized atINTERACT
2015 in Bamberg, Germany
2017 in Mumbai, India
<http://ifip-tc13.org/wg-13-213-5-workshop-interact17-mumbai/>,INTERACT 2019 in
Paphos, Cyprus
<https://sites.google.com/view/ifip-wg-13-2-workshop-interact/home>, andINTERACT
2021 in Bari, Italy <https://sites.google.com/view/hcse-workshop-interact2021/>.
Target Audience and Expected Outcomes
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human–computer
interaction from a user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on methods, processes and approaches for designing, building and
testing interactive systems. We expect a high participation of IFIP Working
Group 13.2 members. We particularly invite participants to present position
papers describing real-life case studies that illustrate how they rethought
HCI’s and SE’s interplay in order to address aspects such as agile development,
sustainability, ethical considerations, and cybersecurity. Any perspective and
related aspects of user interface design are welcome. We are especially
interested in work that deals with current trends that change the way humans
use, interact and collaborate with technical components in socio-technical
systems. We are also interested in methods, theories and tools that combine
human-centered design and software engineering practices. Position papers will
be made available through the workshop website. Furthermore, an extended version
of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a Springer LNCS
post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other INTERACT
workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Workshop Format
This full-day workshopisin person only. Itisorganized around presentation of
position papers and working activities in small groups. From the set of
contributions, a subset of selected case studies will be invited to be presented
at the beginning of the workshop and will be used to support the discussion that
follows. The morning session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and
presenting case studies. Participants will be invited to comment on the case
studies and to report similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be
devoted to interactive sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in
small groups and propose solutions to the problems of the case st udies seen in
the morning. Solutions proposed by the participants will be compiled and
compared. Based on the lessons learned, participants will be incited to draft an
agenda of future work that can be accomplished. We plan to run the
workshoponsite in person only. If circumstances require it, we intend to switch
to a completely digital format that will be run online. We will continuously
adapt to any decision regarding the conference format by the INTERACT 2023
Submission Instructions
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages
including abstract) shall report(practical) experiences related to research
challenges and results on human-centered software engineering or user-centered
development processes for interactive systems with a particular focus on
digital-transformation aspects and technologies (such as mobile and wearable
devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Augmented,
Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital
Twin, Cybersecurity) and their impact on software properties or software
development practices.Submissions are not anonymous and should include all
author names, affiliations, and contact information.Authors should also provide
in their submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their
motivation to participate in this workshop. Submissions will be processed via
the workshop web pages that will be managed by the workshop organizers at IFIP
WG 13.2.Papers are submitted through theEasyChair website
Submitted position paperswill be reviewed byan international program committee
comprisingthe organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2 who are
experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop based
on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position paperswill be made
available through the workshop website.Upon acceptance, at least one author of
each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.Furthermore,
an extended version of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a
Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other
INTERACT 2023 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: May8, 2023
Acceptance notification:May 31, 2023
Final version of position paper: June30, 2023
Workshop date: August28 or 29, 2023
Carmelo Ardito, UniversityLUM Giuseppe Degennaro, Italy
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
Please write toorganizers(a)hcse-conference.org
<mailto:organizers@hcse-conference.org>if you have any question.
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 19th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August28– September1, 2023, inYork,
United Kingdom. Look at the main conference web site for further information
(https://www.interact2023.org/ <https://www.interact2023.org/>).
Call for Papers
HCI-E2: Workshop on HCI Engineering Education
In conjunction with INTERACT 2023
York 28 August - 1 September 2023
Submit your paper at https://ise.di.uminho.pt/hci-e2/openconf.php
The workshop aims at carrying forward work on identifying, examining,
structuring, and sharing educational resources and approaches to support
the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Engineering. The widening range of available interaction technologies and
their applications in increasingly varied contexts (private or
professional) underlines the importance of teaching HCI Engineering but
also the difficulty of taking into account changes and developments in this
field in often static university curricula. Besides, as these technologies
are taught in diverse curricula (ranging from Human Factors and Psychology
to hardcore Computer Science), we are interested in what the best
approaches and best practices are to integrate HCI Engineering topics in
the curricula of programs in Software Engineering, Computer Science,
Human-computer Interaction, Psychology, Design, etc.
Engineering interactive systems is a multidisciplinary endeavour positioned
at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Software
Engineering, Usability Engineering, Interaction Design, Visual Design, and
other disciplines. The Human-Computer Interaction Engineering (HCI-E) field
is concerned with providing methods, techniques, and tools for the
systematic and effective design, development, testing, evaluation, and
deployment of interactive systems in a wide range of application domains.
HCI techniques, methods and tools, as well as many other novel forms of
interaction, involve aspects that need to be adequately addressed in the
curricula of programs in HCI, Software Engineering and Computer Science.
This begs the question of how best to address these topics in those
curricula, and what the best approaches to address them are. When
considering education about HCI Engineering, we need to think about who is
being educated as there is likely to be different curriculum scope and
educational methods for different types of learners. There are two main
distinctions likely influencing these methods:
- Technical vs non-technical. Students in Computer Science and similar
areas are likely to be the main consumers of detailed HCI-E education.
However, the creation of interactive applications “requires input from
science, engineering and design disciplines” and multidisciplinary teamwork
requires from participants an increased understanding and appreciation for
other disciplines. It is also important for those who are likely to have a
more interface design or user research role to able to appreciate the
limits of technology and the potential impacts of architectural design
- Student vs practitioner. It is likely that the primary interest of many
participants will be university education. However, developers are often
involved in lively online discussions about different frameworks, and even
in the use of monads in interactive JavaScript. Interaction Design
Foundation courses attract tens of thousands of UX practitioners worldwide,
evidencing the desire of on-the-job learning in both communities.
We would like to bring together experiences from people teaching HCI
concepts impacting how we engineer interactive systems and from people
working in HCI-E to identify topics and methods that should be included in
teaching this subject. Besides the courses in HCI-E, interesting inputs may
arrive from HCI courses outside the CS curriculum requiring to communicate
engineering challenges, or from more general software engineering courses
discussing aspects related to human factors. Hence, we will solicit
contributions from the HCI-E-related communities, and we will be very
interested in welcoming members of the educational community, for a
fruitful discussion.
We identify two types of potential outcomes that could define the group
activities during the workshop:
Educational resources – One goal is to create a repository of educational
resources for HCI-E including cases studies, projects and exercises. These
educational resources need to be described in a common structure. The
definition of this structure was started at the previous workshop. A goal
of the workshop will be to extend and consolidate this structure as well as
to describe these resources according to this structure.
HCI-E Education Roadmap – Edited volume: Depending on the quality of the
submissions and the workshop results, revised versions of the contributions
will be published on an edited volume. Alternatively, we will produce a
journal paper summarizing and consolidating the contributions, in the form
of an HCI Engineering Education roadmap.
Position papers (6-10 pages in Springer format) must report experiences
related to HCI Engineering education.
Submissions could report software engineering units including some aspects
of HCI-E, curricula or teaching units dedicated to HCI-E, case
studies/projects demonstrating aspects of HCI-E, evaluation of students’
skills related to HCI-E, training non-technical and mixed students in
HCI-E, training appropriate aspects of HCI-E to
professionals/practitioners, a new teaching modality promising for teaching
HCI-E, introducing HCI-E into existing curricula, etc. Authors could also
provide in their submission a short summary of their experience in the
field and their motivation to participate in this workshop.
Link for submissions: https://ise.di.uminho.pt/hci-e2/openconf.php
Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 15th, 2023
Notification deadline: June 15th, 2023
Workshop: to be announced
Deadlines are AoE.
José C. Campos, University of Minho & HASLab/INESC TEC, Portugal
Laurence Nigay, University Grenoble Alpes, France
Alan Dix, Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales, UK
Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock, Germany
Simone DJ Barbosa, PUC Rio, Brazil
Lucio Davide Spano, University of Cagliari, Italy
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <https://www.unica.it/unica/page/it/luciod_spano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
1st International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia (CSE4IA)
Co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD) 2023
06-08 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
More info: https://sites.google.com/view/cse4ia-23
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
- the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
- the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
- the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users' development, to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
- the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
- the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
- Technology-Enhanced Learning for Cyber Security;
- Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Education;
- Virtual reality environments for Cyber Security Education;
- Game-based approaches for Cyber Security Education;
- Quantum solutions for Cyber Security Education;
- Artworks for Cyber Security Education;
- Design and implementation of tools, frameworks, and methodologies for Cyber Security Education;
- Methodologies for Cyber Security Education in formal and informal contexts;
- Innovative technologies to support the identification and articulation of tasks, competencies, skills, and knowledge for professionals' cybersecurity;
- Explainable Security in Public Administration;
- Human, Economics, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cyber Security Education;
- Innovative programs and training for Cyber Security Education;
- Processes, methods, and techniques for empowering users to create, modify and tailor technology artifacts taking into account Cyber Security issue;
- Case studies and design implications on Cyber Security challenges and practices of end-user development.
We are looking for three different types of submissions:
- Regular papers (up to 6 pages) will report original research on how cybersecurity and education can support Academia and Industry to reduce the gap between demand (workplace, recruitment) and supply (qualification, training).
- Vision papers (up to 4 pages) will report novel ideas about the application of the role of cybersecurity education in Academia and Industry.
- Presentation abstracts (up to 2 pages) will report experiences from Industry or previously accepted papers that are relevant to the workshop.
Regular and vision papers will be part of the proceedings, while presentation abstracts will not be included in the proceedings.
All papers should be submitted through Easychair in PDF format, using the “CEUR Template”: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
All papers will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Authors can submit and update their submissions through the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=cse4ia).
Selected submissions will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (https://www.springer.com/journal/11042/).
- Papers submission: May 3rd, 2023
- Papers notification: May 10th, 2023
- Papers camera-ready: May 15th, 2023
- Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari (vita.barletta(a)uniba.it<mailto:vita.barletta@uniba.it>)
- Danilo Caivano, University of Bari (danilo.caivano(a)uniba.it<mailto:danilo.caivano@uniba.it>)
- Federica Caruso, University of L’Aquila (federica.caruso1(a)univaq.it<mailto:federica.caruso1@univaq.it>)
- Sara Peretti, University of L’Aquila (sara.peretti(a)guest.univaq.it<mailto:sara.peretti@guest.univaq.it>)
- Veronica Rossano, University of Bari (veronica.rossano(a)uniba.it<mailto:veronica.rossano@uniba.it>)
The 14th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2023)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2023 - Limassol, Cyprus.
Important dates:
April 25, 2023: paper submission April 20, 2023: paper submission
May 8, 2023: notification to authors
May 18, 2023: camera-ready due
The workshop will be in person. However, in very exceptional circumstances
we might accept a remote participation, to be discussed with us at paper
submission time.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2023 will again
be the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage (CH)
research and personalization research. Focused on those using different
types of technology, with emphasis on ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios,
used to enhance the personal experience in CH sites. The workshop is aimed
at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are working on
various aspects of CH and are interested in exploring the potential of
state-of-the-art mobile and personalized technology (onsite as well as
online) to enhance the CH visiting experience. The expected result of the
workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future
research directions and, hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a primary area for
personalization research. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing
to experience and learn new things, with expectations but possibly without
a clear idea of what they will find there. The Museum Experience Revisited,
by John Falk and Lynn Dierking (2013), argues that the visitor’s experience
is constructed by the intertwining of the personal, the social, and the
physical context. The experience begins before the visit, when one starts
to think about it, and lasts well after leaving the building. Indeed CH is
rich in objects and information and offers much more than the visitor can
absorb during their limited time in situ. Hence, visitors may benefit from
individualized support that takes into account contextual and personal
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical
cultural heritage collections and in CH sites
Ambient Cultural Heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to CH sites
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalized mobile museum guides & personal museum assistants
Personalization by Citizen Curation
Recommendation strategies for CH
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH
NLG techniques and conversational agents for CH
(User Interaction with) Integration of virtual and physical collections
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH recommendation
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
(including CH)
Long-term personalization in CH
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Human-Robots adaptation in museums
3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Context-aware information presentation in CH
Interactive user interfaces for CH applications
Use of personality for guiding Cultural Heritage Experiences
Participatory CH including multiple viewpoints and perspectives
Community mapping for CH information sharing
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH
Personalized support to the exploration of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
https://patch2023.di.unito.it/submission.html .
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "The 14th International Workshop on
Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2023)":
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 .
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, d.petrelli(a)shu.ac.uk
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, graptis(a)humanopsis.com
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
9-13 October 2023, Paris - France
The 25th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2023) will be held in Paris, France. ICMI is the premier international forum that brings together multimodal artificial intelligence (AI) and social interaction research. Multimodal AI encompasses technical challenges in machine learning and computational modeling such as representations, fusion, data and systems. The study of social interactions englobes both human-human interactions and human-computer interactions. A unique aspect of ICMI is its multidisciplinary nature which values both scientific discoveries and technical modeling achievements, with an eye towards impactful applications for the good of people and society.
This year, the conference is pleased to welcome 3 keynote speakers:
* Maja Mataric (Interaction Lab, University of Southern California)
* Sophie Scott (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London)
* Simone Natale (University of Turin)
We are keen to showcase novel input and output modalities and interactions to the ICMI community. ICMI 2023 will feature a single-track main conference which includes: keynote speakers, technical full and short papers (including oral and poster presentations), demonstrations, exhibits, doctoral spotlight papers, and late-breaking papers. The conference will also feature workshops and grand challenges. The proceedings of all ICMI 2023 papers, including Long and Short Papers, will be published by ACM as part of their series of International Conference Proceedings and Digital Library, and the adjunct proceedings will feature the workshop papers.
Novelty will be assessed along two dimensions: scientific novelty and technical novelty. Accepted papers at ICMI 2023 will need to be novel along one of the two dimensions:
* Scientific Novelty: Papers should bring new scientific knowledge about human social interactions, including human-computer interactions. For example, discovering new behavioral markers that are predictive of mental health or how new behavioral patterns relate to children’s interactions during learning. It is the responsibility of the authors to perform a proper literature review and clearly discuss the novelty in the scientific discoveries made in their paper.
* Technical Novelty: Papers reviewed with this sub-criterion should include novelty in their computational approach for recognizing, generating or modeling data. Examples include: novelty in the learning and prediction algorithms, in the neural architecture, or in the data representation. Novelty can also be associated with new usages of an existing approach.
Please see the Submission Guidelines for Authors https://icmi.acm.org/2023/guidelines-for-authors/ for detailed submission instructions.
This year’s conference theme: The theme for this year’s conference is “Science of Multimodal Interactions”. As the community grows, it is important to understand the main scientific pillars involved in deep understanding of multimodal and social interactions. As a first step, we want to acknowledge key discoveries and contributions that the ICMI community enabled over the past 20+ years. As a second step, we reflect on the core principles, foundational methodologies and scientific knowledge involved in studying and modeling multimodal interactions. This will help establish a distinctive research identity for the ICMI community while at the same time embracing its multidisciplinary collaborative nature. This research identity and long-term agenda will enable the community to develop future technologies and applications while maintaining commitment to world-class scientific research.
Additional topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Affective computing and interaction
* Cognitive modeling and multimodal interaction
* Gesture, touch and haptics
* Healthcare, assistive technologies
* Human communication dynamics
* Human-robot/agent multimodal interaction
* Human-centered A.I. and ethics
* Interaction with smart environment
* Machine learning for multimodal interaction
* Mobile multimodal systems
* Multimodal behaviour generation
* Multimodal datasets and validation
* Multimodal dialogue modeling
* Multimodal fusion and representation
* Multimodal interactive applications
* Novel multimodal datasets
* Speech behaviours in social interaction
* System components and multimodal platforms
* Visual behaviours in social interaction
* Virtual/augmented reality and multimodal interaction
Please note that the instructions were updated as of March 17th, 2023. All submissions are expected for reviewing in PDF. The submission format is the double column ACM conference format (see https://icmi.acm.org/2023/guidelines-for-authors/) The length depends on the different submission categories:
* Long paper: The maximum length is 8 pages using latex or Word (excluding references).
* Short paper: The maximum length is 4 pages using latex or Word (excluding references).
The submissions can be submitted online on: https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions/icmi23a
ACM Publication Policies
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.
Important Dates
Paper Submission May 1, 2023
Rebuttal period June 26-29, 2023
Paper notification July 21, 2023
Camera-ready paper August 14, 2023
Presenting at main conference October 9-13, 2023
*Apologies for cross-posting*
*Call for papers*
***Submission deadline extended to May 7th***
EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems
- 4th Edition
June 6th, 2023
Cagliari, Italy
Workshop co-located with IS-EUD 2023
In the last decade, the spreading of low-cost technologies integrating
sensors and actuators has favored the development of the so-called smart
objects. This trend has been further fostered by the Internet of Things
(IoT), which connects the physical world with Internet via ubiquitous
sensors and actuators. The opportunities offered by the IoT are
amplified by the use of new approaches that, based on novel interaction
paradigms, involve directly non-technical users in configuring the joint
behavior of their smart objects, among them and with online services.
Existing solutions to define the behavior of such “IoT ecosystems” range
from systems that leave the users complete control for establishing the
joint behavior of smart objects, to solutions that automatically define
smart objects behavior exploiting intelligent techniques. In this
continuum, different technologies, frameworks, and approaches present
different levels of user control and automation. In this perspective it
is also important to consider the emerging role played by social and
humanoid robots, which are integrated sets of sensors and actuators with
human-like behaviours.
May 7th: Paper submission deadline (Extended)
May 9th: Paper acceptance notice (Extended)
May 29th: Camera-ready submission (Extended)
June 6th: Workshop day
This workshop aims to serve as a venue for discussing ongoing research
and sharing ideas for researchers and practitioners working on solutions
to personalize the behavior of IoT ecosystems. We aim to encourage
participation in order to have stimulating discussion from various
perspectives. Topics include, but are not limited, to:
- End-User Development (EUD) for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Usability of IoT Systems;
- Interface Design for IoT;
- Intelligent Interface for IoT Systems;
- Accessibility for IoT Systems;
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for EUD in IoT settings;
- Conversational User Interfaces for EUD;
- Usable Privacy and Security in IoT systems;
- Personalisation and Recommendations for IoT;
- IoT for Cultural Heritage;
- Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction;
- Human-centered artificial intelligence in IoT contexts;
- Explainable AI solutions for EUD;
- User centered design;
- Personalization for Humanoid Robots;
- Integrated and Visual Development Environments for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Industry case studies.
This will be a one-day workshop, oriented towards discussions, hands-on
sessions, and presentations. We invite submissions of two types: short
papers (3-4 pages) and position papers (1-2 pages). Participants are
asked to submit their paper describing their recent or future work in
one of the areas indicated in the topics of interest. All submissions
must be in the 1-column CEURART Template
Papers should be submitted in PDF to Easychair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=empathy2023). All papers will
be reviewed by the organizers and by the program committee based on
relevance and significance in order to provide constructive comments to
the submitters. Reviewing will be single blind (i.e. author names and
affiliations should be listed). If accepted, at least one of the authors
must register and attend the workshop. Final versions of the accepted
papers will be submitted for publication in the CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, which is indexed by Scopus.
- Margherita Andrao, University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Fabrizio Balducci, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
- Bernardo Breve, University of Salerno
- Andrea Mattioli, CNR-ISTI
- Fabiana Vernero, University of Torino
For more information, check our website at
or contact us at (empathy2023(a)easychair.org).
Dear colleague,
we are organizing the 7th Int. Symposium Learning Analytics (LA@IV2023)
co-located with the
27th Int. Conference Information Visualisation
25-28 July 2023 @ Tampere University, Finland
We hope you will be interested in the topics of our Symposium, and we
would be very happy if you liked the idea of submitting a paper.
The papers accepted at the Symposium will be included in the conference
Submission of full papers: May 2, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2023
Camera Ready: May 25, 2023
Early registration to IV2023: Jun 1, 2023
submission page:
(General submission page of the conference:
*** look for "Learning Analytics"
In the following you have the LA@IV2023 complete Call for Papers
Thanks for reading,
and best regards from the Symposium organizers!
Dr. Marco Temperini
Associate Professor
DIAG - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
LA@IV2023 – 7th Int. Symposium Learning Analytics
in the 27th Int. Conference Information Visualisation
25-28 July 2023 @ Tampere University, Finland
Submission of full papers: May 2, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2023
Camera Ready: May 25, 2023
Early registration to IV2023: Jun 1, 2023
submission page:
(General submission page of the conference:
*** look for "Learning Analytics"
Learning Analytics Themes and Topics
Worldwide, the use of technology in all fields of education is at a
historical high. The pandemic situation boosted the growth of education
in the online context: online learning is becoming an essential part of
the educational landscape.
Learning Analytics has always been a measurement of data about learners
and their contexts for understanding and optimizing learning and the
environments in which it occurs. It is a combination of educational
research, assessment sciences, statistics, visualization, data sciences,
artificial intelligence, and socio-technical system thinking for
human-centered design.
Educational concepts and practices can be enhanced, and put on trial, by
means of theories and techniques of Learning Analytics. Learning
Analytics can support educational practices to reach better results, in
any learning context, from traditional learning, in less technological
areas, to personalized and adaptive e-learning, extending its usefulness
to social-wide learning-on-demand applications.
In order to perform and develop Learning Analytics, current data science
and intelligent systems should be introduced in addition to the
conventional instruction/learning systems, theories, and practices.
At this stage of its evolution, Learning Analytics requires transparency
and an “easy to grasp” feeling, such as the visualization process of the
educational data can produce.
The interaction between Learning Analytics and Information Visualization
may produce a new concept of educational innovation.
The Learning Analytics Symposium within the Information Visualization
Conference LA@iV2023 aims at bringing together researchers from a number
of disciplines (e.g., Education, Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence in particular, Management, Psychology, Economics,
CyberSecurity, and Data Governance), practitioners, students,
policymakers and companies to share and discuss the latest research
insights related to Learning Analytics and its interaction with
Information Visualization.
Therefore, we welcome submissions from both research and practice,
encompassing different theoretical, methodological, empirical, and
technical contributions to the Learning Analytics field. Academics and
practitioners, who are interested in such topics should consider
submitting their research work and attending this event.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Learning Analytics and AI
AI for Education [Learning, Teaching, Intelligent Assessment and
AI-supported educational resources
AI virtual personal assistants
Learning & Teaching tracking
Temporal Analysis of Learning Data
Tools for quality assurance and quality improvement
Tools for boosting retention rate
Tools for adaptive learning
Tools to improve teaching quality
Emotional and expression for cognitive condition learning
Learning activity and eye movements
Learning activity and behavioural / bio signals
Learning Analytics for Education
Data Science for Education: open data, big data
Machine and Deep Learning for Education
Educational Data Mining
Platforms and Tools for Educational Data
Analytics for Teaching and learning methodologies supporting
departments and schools for education
Learning strategies
Self-regulated learning
Instructional designs
Peer support & assessment
Collaborative learning
Team-based learning
Generic skills / Key competence
Literacy development/assessment
Cultural difference
Evaluation theories and techniques
Test theory
Item Response Theory
Learning activities
Performance assessment
Essay document text analysis
Motivation assessment
Self Efficacy
Conceptual mapping
Educational indicators
Game-Based Learning / Gamification
Technical infrastructures and platforms for Learning Analytics
Platforms for MOOCs management
Personalised and Adaptive Learning systems
Learning analytics warehouse
Data Science platforms for Learning Analytics
Issues in Data-Driven Educational Theories and models
Automate assessment
Automate Essay / Report assessment
Prediction of learning performance and engagement
Educational Database / Datashare
Ethics and privacy in learning analytics
Symposium Steering Committee
Tania Di Mascio, University of L’Aquila, Italy tania.dimascio((a))univaq.it
Minoru Nakayama, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan
Filippo Sciarrone, Universitas Mercatorum, Italy
Marco Temperini, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy marte((a))diag.uniroma1.it
European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics.
Paper submission for ECCE 2023 has now passed, and we are now inviting the following contributions for ECCE 2023:
1. Work-in-Progress papers - deadline is Monday 22nd May 2023, notification June 1st, 2023.
2. Doctoral Consortium papers - extended deadline is Monday 22nd May 2023, notification June 1st, 2023.
https://digitaleconomy.wales/ecce2023/submission-information/<https://digitaleconomy.wales/ecce2023/> for information on submission guidelines.
1. Finally, we are inviting position papers for the two Workshops
* Workshop 1: Dark Patterns in HCI Design: the shadow side of cognitive ergonomics, platform effects and hidden incentives.
* Workshop 2: Analysing the quality of collaboration: cognitive ergonomics meets data analytics
The deadline is Monday 15th May, 2023. For details on submission, see
ECCE 2023 Conference organizers (Irene, Alan, Harry, Carina)
*** Last Call for Posters and Demos ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed
processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed
systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to applications, from
architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support
infrastructures, and application performance aspects.
We invite participants to submit original and unpublished works as posters and/or demos to the
Euro-Par 2023 conference presenting the latest breakthroughs which have been developed in
H2020, Horizon Europe, EuroHPC JU, national, regional and international R&D projects.
Topics of interest should cover the conference scope and tracks (please visit the conference
web site for more information about the topics covered by Euro-Par). The poster/demo
sessions will provide an excellent opportunity for students and researchers to present early-
stage research results and receive valuable feedback on their ongoing research from the
The authors are invited to submit poster and/or demo papers formatted in the Springer
LNCS style:
and not exceeding 4 pages (including references, etc.) Submission should be done via
Easy Chair, using the following link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=europar2023
Submissions to the poster and demo track will be evaluated through a comprehensive
peer-review process by the Poster and Demo Track Program Committee. The posters and
demos will be evaluated in terms of technical merit, innovation, and the potential to
stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference.
The authors of accepted poster and demo papers must register and present them at the
conference. Accepted poster and demo papers will be included in the workshop proceedings
to be published by Springer in LNCS after the conference.
All posters and demos will be considered for the Best Poster Award and the Best Demo Award,
respectively. Decisions will be based on the quality of the submission, as well as live
interactions with the Committee during the conference.
• Deadline for Submission of Posters/Demos: May 20, 2023
• Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2023
• George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (pallis-AT-ucy.ac.cy)
*CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI* *- **https://chitaly2023.it/*
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
Date: 20 September, 2023
Location: Turin, Piedmont, Italy
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 15th Edition of the
Biannual Conference (chitaly2023.it) of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (
http://sigchitaly.eu/en/general-info/), whose main theme is “Crossing HCI
and AI”. CHItaly2023 welcomes proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference. The goal of the workshops is to
provide additional venues for discussing and exploring emerging areas of
research in HCI, in general, and HCAI (Human-Centered AI), in particular,
with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and
academia. Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the workshop proposal
can focus on all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
Workshops in CHItaly are co-located events that are held the day before the
main conference starts. They represent forums where specific topics
relevant to CHItaly get discussed.
Workshop proposals will be reviewed according to quality criteria, which
consider the relevance of workshop proposals for CHItaly 2023, their
potential of gathering quality contributions, and their review
process. All workshops will be half-day.
>Structure of the Proposal
The workshop proposal should be organized as follows:
- Workshop title
- Workshop acronym (if any)
- Workshop edition and, if not on the first one, previous venues, number of
attendees, and links to the websites
- List of organizers (with a short bio) and main contact person
- Motivation and objectives
- List of topics
- Target audience and expected number of attendees
- Papers Review process (if any): the strategy used to collect
contributions (such as online conference management systems or submitting
by emails to the workshop chairs, etc.), minimum numbers of reviews, ...
- Workshop setting (paper presentations, discussions, group works, …)
- Dedicated proceedings (if any): type of papers, reviewing process, venue
(Journal special issue, CEUR-WS, …)
- PC tentative list
>Important dates for workshop proposals
Submission deadline: April 30, 2023
Review notification: May 16, 2023
Camera-ready for workshop summary: July 31, 2023
> TENTATIVE dates of the workshop review cycle
Submission deadline for workshop papers: June 23, 2023
Report workshop status to chairs: June 26, 2023
Go/No-go Decision on Workshops: June 30, 2023
Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: 28 July 21, 2023
Workshop held: September 20, 2023
Workshop proposals, in PDF format (no specific template is required), must
be uploaded via Easy Chair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023) by selecting the Track
“Workshop Proposals”.
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop
proposals and suggest involving organizers from different institutions,
bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops
with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions
and may ensure rich interactions.
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop website
containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop
organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity
and reviewing processes.
Finally, a paper describing each accepted workshop will be included in the
main conference Proceedings (submission deadline, format and requirements
will be defined later).
Berardina Nadja De Carolis, Università di Bari, Italy (
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Università Roma Tre, Italy (
*** Second Call for Tutorial Proposals ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 welcomes proposals for tutorials to be held with the main conference October
9-10 2023.
The eScience 2023 Tutorial Program is intended to teach new and/or state-of-the art tools
and techniques relevant to the eScience audience, disseminate information to conference
attendees on recently emerging topics and trends, or provide surveys and overviews of related
digital technologies.
We encourage all submissions that fall in the area of the conference, and particularly those
that have a practical (hands-on) component that helps attendees learn new technologies in
eScience. We also encourage submissions that disseminate new technologies in eScience to a
more diverse audience.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted per email as a single pdf file; the file should include
(1) a cover sheet and (2) an extended abstract. Submission email:
tutorials(a)escience-conference.org .
The cover sheet should include the following elements:
• Full title
• Abstract (300 words)
• Brief schedule - please plan for a half-day tutorial (approx 3 hours plus breaks)
• Intended audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced)
• Prerequisite knowledge or skills required for attendees
• Previous offerings of the tutorial, if any
• Detailed contact information of all presenters (and indication of the main contact person)
• Brief biography (max. 2 paragraphs) for each presenter, highlighting relevant teaching
The extended abstract (up to 2 pages) should include the following sections:
• Motivation
• Brief outline of the topics to be covered
• Detailed agenda of the tutorial
• Links to related resources
• Type of support materials to be supplied to attendees
• Requirements for online conference system
• Tutorial Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Tutorial Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Tutorials at the Conference: October 9-10, 2023
Tutorial Chairs (tutorials(a)escience-conference.org)
• Silvina Caino-Lores, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
• Philipp Gschwandtner, University of Innsbruck, Austria
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
VL/HCC 2023: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
**Call for Research Papers**
- Abstracts only: April 21, 2023
- Submission deadline: April 28, 2023
- Rebuttal phase: June 5 - 9, 2023
- Notification: June 23, 2023
- Camera-ready: July 14, 2023
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
We solicit original, unpublished research papers on computing technologies
for modeling, programming, communicating, and reasoning, which are easier
to learn, use or understand by humans than the current state-of-the-art.
Papers should focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate
those technologies and languages. This includes technologies intended for
general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public)
or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in business
administration, production environments, healthcare, urban design or
scientific domains). Empirical papers that validate current proposed
solutions with rigorous scientific means (i.e., empirical studies,
controlled experiments, rigorous case studies, etc.) are also welcome.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual languages: Novel visual languages, Design, evaluation, and theory
of visual languages and applications, Development of systems for
manipulating and interacting with diagrammatic representations
- Human aspects and psychology of software development and language design,
such as supporting inclusion and diversity in programming
- End-user development: End-user development, adaptation and programming,
Creation and evaluation of technologies and infrastructures for end-user
- Crowdsourcing design and development work
- Representations: Novel representations and user interfaces for expressing
computation, Software, algorithm and data visualization
- Modeling: Model-driven development, Domain-specific languages, including
modeling languages, Visual modeling of human behavior and socio-technical
- Thinking more deeply about code: Computational thinking and Computer
Science education, Debugging and program understanding, Explainable ML/AI
If you are not sure if your paper is a good fit for VL/HCC, feel free to
email the PC Co-chairs (see “Contact” below). We welcome those new to the
VL/HCC community to submit!
SPECIAL EMPHASIS FOR 2023: Low-Code / No-Code Development
This year’s special topic is “Low-Code / No-Code Development”. This
development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code. This way, users are empowered to
create software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This year, we especially welcome papers at VL/HCC
that design, build, or evaluate any aspects of low-code and no-code
We invite two kinds of papers:
- full-length research papers, up to 8 pages - plus unlimited additional
pages containing only references and/or acknowledgements
- short research papers, up to 4 pages - plus unlimited additional pages
containing only references and/or acknowledgements
Papers must be submitted using the IEEE two-column conference paper format.
Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format (which was updated
in 2019), and to select the “US letter” template:
Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system (
To facilitate the assigning of papers to reviewers, we require paper
abstracts to be submitted via EasyChair at least 1 week prior to the paper
submission deadline (see Important Dates below). The abstract must be kept
up to date such that it matches exactly the abstract in the submitted
paper. The abstract must be no longer than 250 words.
All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete,
self-contained, archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are
more extensive than those from short papers. Note that some full paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers if reviewers deem contributions
to be comparable in size to a short paper. Work-in-progress, which has not
yet yielded an archival contribution, should be submitted to the
Posters/Showpieces category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of
the Program Committee in a double-blind review process. Authors will then
receive the reviews for their submissions and will be able to answer them
in a rebuttal phase. Only after this step the PC will make a final decision
about the acceptance of the submissions. Submissions and reviews for the
technical program are managed with EasyChair. At least one author of each
accepted paper is required to register for VL/HCC 2023 and present the
paper at the conference. There will be a virtual presentation option in
case of travel restrictions. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper
from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital
Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
The proceedings of IEEE VL/HCC are published in digital form by the IEEE
Computer Science Society and archived in the IEEE Digital Library with an
official ISBN number. Accepted papers will be available to conference
attendees via the IEEE Open Preview program in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/).
We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Both authors and reviewers are
expected to make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process.
In case of questions, please contact the Program Chairs. Authors should
ensure that the submission can be evaluated without it being obvious who
wrote the paper. This means leaving author names off the paper and using
terms like “previous research” rather than “our previous research” when
describing background. However, do not hide previous work – papers must
still reference all relevant research using full (non-anonymized)
citations, including the author’s own prior work, so that reviewers can
evaluate novelty. Please reference your own prior work in the third-person
just like you would do for any other related work (e.g., avoid “As
described in our previous work [10], … ” and instead write something like
“As described by [10], …”). It is also important that authors specify all
conflicts of interest with potential reviewers during the submission phase.
Reviewers should not undertake any investigation that might lead to the
revealing of authors’ identity. If identities are inadvertently revealed,
please contact the Program Chairs.
The Program Chairs will check all submissions for obvious signs of lack of
anonymity and may ask authors to make changes and resubmit the paper within
three days of the submission deadline. Only changes to resolve anonymity
issues will be permitted.
Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For
example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected
to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to
use should demonstrate increased ease of use.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical
evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim
through the existence of a functioning prototype.
Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be
appropriate for justifying claims, including analytical methods, formal
arguments or case studies. Given this criterion, we encourage potential
authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and
what evidence would adequately support these claims. In addition, we expect
short papers to have less comprehensive evaluation than long papers.
PC Co-Chairs:
- Philip Guo (University of California San Diego, United States)
- Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Contact email: vlhcc2023(a)googlegroups.com
*** Final Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
ACM UMAP 2023, the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users,
and which collect, represent, and model user information, is organising a number of
workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The workshops provide a
venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User Modeling and Adaptive
Hypermedia research with a group of like-minded researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia. There will be a conference adjunct
proceedings published by ACM where all the workshop papers will be published.
● CRUM 2023: The first edition of the workshop on Context Representation in
User Modelling
● ExUM 2023: 5th Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalised
● GMAP 2023: 2nd Workshop on Group Modelling, Adaptation and
● HAAPIE 2023: 8th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and
Personalised Interactive Environments
● PATCH 2023: The 14th International Workshop on Personalised Access to
Cultural Heritage
● FairUMAP: 6th UMAP Workshop on Fairness in Uder Modelling, Adaptation, and
● ADAPPT: Adaptive and Personalised Persuasive Technologies Workshop
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before April 20
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop, around May 8, 2023
● Adjunct proceedings camera ready: May 18, 2023
● Workshop day: June 26, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
● Veronika Bogina, Haifa University, Israel
sveron AT gmail.com
● Antonela Tommasel, ISISTAN, CONICET-UNICEN
antonela.tommasel AT isistan.unicen.edu.ar
Sorry for multiple posting!
Dear colleague,
this year we are organizing the 14th edition of the
Int. Workshop on
Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning,
IEETeL2023 https://sites.google.com/view/ieetel2023/
It will be held in the framework of the conference
MIS4TEL, 13th Int Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems
for Technology Enhanced Learning
Guimarães (Portugal), 12th-14th July, 2023
The workshop papers will be published in the MIS4TEL proceedings.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 29th, 2023 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: May 13th, 2023
Camera-Ready papers due: 19th May, 2023
The Call for papers is summarized below.
We hope you will find topics of your interest in our workshop, and will
like the idea of submitting a paper.
Please, if you think this call might interest some of your colleagues,
be so kind to forward this message.
Many thanks!
Best wishes and regards
The Workshop Organizers
Malinka Ivanova,
Minoru Nakayama,
Marco Temperini (writing)
14th workshop on
Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning
eLearning is a dynamic research area reflecting on the current
requirements of all participants in the educational process for
innovative teaching and meaningful learning combining existing knowledge
with future perspectives.
The aim of IEETeL is to connect researchers, educators and technology
experts giving them an opportunity to share and discuss new solutions,
trends and realizations of eLearning environments and the adoption of
emerging technologies in educational settings. These will draw the
challenging problems in information gathering, processing and usage;
development of web-based and mobile services; building intelligent and
social-oriented applications in support of flexible, personalized,
adaptable, in-demand learning.
This forum invites research, technical papers, and report of work in
progress, investigating eLearning environment development, information
processing/management for education in local/small settings and in
global/large scale ones, practices of implementation in education to
facilitate high school and university students' learning, and to help
then train to become self-organized life-long learners.
Special Topics for IEETeL2023
- Intelligent Environments and Sensor Networks for Education
- eLearning in Support of Students with Disabilities
Topics of interest
- 3D Virtual Environments
- Adaptive and intuitive environments
- Assessment in education
- Assistive Technologies
- Augmented Reality Implementation
- Educational Data Mining
- Intelligent and smart applications
- Internet of things in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Education with the Internet of things
- Learning Analytics
- Mobile Learning Environments and Applications
- Peer Learning and Peer Evaluation
- Personal Learning Environments
- Security and Privacy
- Semantic Web
- Social-Collaborative Learning
- Virtual Reality for education
- Visual aspects of Technology Enhanced Learning
Papers (max 10 pages) are prepared and submitted according to the
instructions in the submission page of the conference:
*** Look for IEETeL!
Organization Committee
Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria,
Minoru Nakayama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan,
Marco Temperini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, marte(a)diag.uniroma1.it
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Biometrics Newsletter
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)di.uniroma1.it
tel: +39 06 49918312
Workshop: Sustainable Human-Work Interaction Designs (SHWID)
Organized by WG13.6 on Human Work Interaction Design and WG13.10 on Human-Centred Technology for Sustainability
Co-located with INTERACT 2023: 19th International Conference of Technical Committee 13 (Human-Computer Interaction) of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
28 August - 1 September 2023 - York, UK
Sustainable HCI explores ways to design interactive systems in a more sustainable way and to make user behavior more sustainable. Social justice and equity aspects became emergent domains in HCI during the last decade.
This workshop proposes to explore how HWID design methods and exemplary HWID designs can contribute to the implementation of environmental practices in the workplace, sustainable manufacturing processes, or socially fair systems and processes.
This workshop aims to (a) investigate processes and methods for creating sustainable designs and workplaces, (b) collect case studies that analyze experiences with introducing and learning from sustainability at work, and (c) formulate a research agenda for future work on sustainable human-work interaction designs.
Participants are asked to submit a position paper describing work on processes, methods, or results and evaluation of these to support (but not limited to):
- Digital sobriety
- Green IT
- Slow design, craft design
- Sustainable digitalization
- Users' experience in sustainable environment
- Engagement in environmental behavior
- System-organization fit, organizational implementation, or benefits realization
Participation and submission:
Papers must be two- to four-page position paper formatted according to the INTERACT proceedings format (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gu…). We encourage both senior and early-stage researchers to submit position papers describing work in progress or completed research.
Position papers must be submitted in PDF format (non-anonymized) in EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=shwid2023.
Submissions will be reviewed by two reviewers based on relevance, originality, significance, and quality. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop. In agreement with the authors, revised version of accepted position papers will be published in INTERACT Workshop Proceedings volume.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: May 8th, 2023
Paper notification of acceptance: May 29th, 2023
Workshop organizers:
- Elodie Bouzekri (contact: elodie.bouzekri(a)estia.fr<mailto:elodie.bouzekri@estia.fr>)
- Barbara Rita Barricelli
- Torkil Clemmensen
- Morten Hertzum
- Masoodian Masood
1st International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia (CSE4IA)
Co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD) 2023
06-08 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
More info: https://sites.google.com/view/cse4ia-23
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
- the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
- the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
- the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users' development, to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
- the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
- the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
- Technology-Enhanced Learning for Cyber Security;
- Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Education;
- Virtual reality environments for Cyber Security Education;
- Game-based approaches for Cyber Security Education;
- Quantum solutions for Cyber Security Education;
- Artworks for Cyber Security Education;
- Design and implementation of tools, frameworks, and methodologies for Cyber Security Education;
- Methodologies for Cyber Security Education in formal and informal contexts;
- Innovative technologies to support the identification and articulation of tasks, competencies, skills, and knowledge for professionals' cybersecurity;
- Explainable Security in Public Administration;
- Human, Economics, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cyber Security Education;
- Innovative programs and training for Cyber Security Education;
- Processes, methods, and techniques for empowering users to create, modify and tailor technology artifacts taking into account Cyber Security issue;
- Case studies and design implications on Cyber Security challenges and practices of end-user development.
We are looking for three different types of submissions:
- Regular papers (up to 6 pages) will report original research on how cybersecurity and education can support Academia and Industry to reduce the gap between demand (workplace, recruitment) and supply (qualification, training).
- Vision papers (up to 4 pages) will report novel ideas about the application of the role of cybersecurity education in Academia and Industry.
- Presentation abstracts (up to 2 pages) will report experiences from Industry or previously accepted papers that are relevant to the workshop.
Regular and vision papers will be part of the proceedings, while presentation abstracts will not be included in the proceedings.
All papers should be submitted through Easychair in PDF format, using the “CEUR Template”: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
All papers will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Authors can submit and update their submissions through the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=cse4ia).
Selected submissions will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (https://www.springer.com/journal/11042/).
- Papers submission: April 24th, 2023
- Papers notification: May 8th, 2023
- Papers camera-ready: May 15th, 2023
- Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari (vita.barletta(a)uniba.it)
- Danilo Caivano, University of Bari (danilo.caivano(a)uniba.it)
- Federica Caruso, University of L’Aquila (federica.caruso1(a)univaq.it)
- Sara Peretti, University of L’Aquila (sara.peretti(a)guest.univaq.it)
- Veronica Rossano, University of Bari (veronica.rossano(a)uniba.it)
The 14th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2023)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2023 - Limassol, Cyprus.
Important dates:
April 20, 2023: paper submission
May 8, 2023: notification to authors
May 18, 2023: camera-ready due
The workshop will be in person. However, in very exceptional circumstances
we might accept a remote participation, to be discussed with us at paper
submission time.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2023 will again
be the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage (CH)
research and personalization research. Focused on those using different
types of technology, with emphasis on ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios,
used to enhance the personal experience in CH sites. The workshop is aimed
at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are working on
various aspects of CH and are interested in exploring the potential of
state-of-the-art mobile and personalized technology (onsite as well as
online) to enhance the CH visiting experience. The expected result of the
workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future
research directions and, hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a primary area for
personalization research. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing
to experience and learn new things, with expectations but possibly without
a clear idea of what they will find there. The Museum Experience Revisited,
by John Falk and Lynn Dierking (2013), argues that the visitor’s experience
is constructed by the intertwining of the personal, the social, and the
physical context. The experience begins before the visit, when one starts
to think about it, and lasts well after leaving the building. Indeed CH is
rich in objects and information and offers much more than the visitor can
absorb during their limited time in situ. Hence, visitors may benefit from
individualized support that takes into account contextual and personal
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical
cultural heritage collections and in CH sites
Ambient Cultural Heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to CH sites
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalized mobile museum guides & personal museum assistants
Personalization by Citizen Curation
Recommendation strategies for CH
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH
NLG techniques and conversational agents for CH
(User Interaction with) Integration of virtual and physical collections
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH recommendation
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
(including CH)
Long-term personalization in CH
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Human-Robots adaptation in museums
3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Context-aware information presentation in CH
Interactive user interfaces for CH applications
Use of personality for guiding Cultural Heritage Experiences
Participatory CH including multiple viewpoints and perspectives
Community mapping for CH information sharing
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH
Personalized support to the exploration of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
https://patch2023.di.unito.it/submission.html .
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "The 14th International Workshop on
Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2023)":
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 .
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, d.petrelli(a)shu.ac.uk
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, graptis(a)humanopsis.com
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
13th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net>
Guimarães (Portugal) | 12th-14th July, 2023<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net>
Education is the cornerstone of any society, and it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. State-of-the-art, new interactive technologies and novel methodologies allow researchers, designers, and domain experts to pursue Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solutions targeting not only cognitive and social processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. Nowadays, we can identify two main strands, providing necessary and complementary strengths to a TEL-oriented design process: appropriate technologies should be applied, and appropriate methods should guide the design and implementation of such applications. Technologies in TEL are capable of delivering smart, personalized, tailored, and motivating learning solutions. Methods are coming from different fields, such as education, psychology, sociology, computer science, and from diverse communities, where collaboration and co-working are used, such as maker communities and participatory design communities. In addition, current trends concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Learning Analytics (LA) can help manage available (big) data and augment learning opportunities for learners (for instance by supporting self-regulated learning or adaptation of the learning material) and educators (for example, providing information about learners progression or facilitating reflections about teaching approaches and experiences).
As to these topics, the annual appointment of MIS4TEL established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences. The 13th edition of the conference calls for novel research in TEL and expands the topics of the previous editions, highlighting the role of the most recent methods and technological opportunities. As in the tradition of MIS4TEL, this edition aims at offering the different perspectives, and complementary voices, coming from the multidisciplinary field of TEL.
We invite contributions relevant to the following topics, without being limited to them, across approaches, methods, theories, implementations, and applications:
* Technologies and technology-based solutions for TEL
* Methodologies and experiences for TEL
* Learning analytics and AI for TEL
#1 Digital Technologies integration in the classroom
Schools and higher education institutions are gradually implementing the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the classrooms. Consequently, the teaching -and learning- processes are still to be reinvented and teachers relentlessly face new ways of dealing with their profession. The purpose of this track is to provide a forum to discuss the challenges posed by these technologies in the teaching profession and to offer practical answers for teachers to better make use of them (i.e., not only the technical mastery but also the application of pedagogical strategies to promote students’ learning).
It has been demonstrated that transferring existing programs or traditional lectures does not represent authentic ways of technology integration. The move from teacher-centered instruction to student based learning using interactive environments requires more complex solutions. It is therefore crucial for teachers (both pre-service and in-service) to be able to efficiently use these new tools. Teacher education programmes must then provide the means, models and frameworks to cope with the needs for the new forms of teaching and learning.
The main topics regarding this track are related but not limited to the following ones:
* Pre-service and in-service professional development education.
* Teacher Mentoring and coaching.
* Online and blended teaching
* Self-study to make sense of new ways of online teaching
* Promotion of web based learning, e-learning, and learning objects in classroom.
* Teachers’ technological competences and skills in classroom.
* Teachers’ practical knowledge (content, pedagogical and technological)
* Teachers’ Collaborative Learning and Teachers’ beliefs.
* New teaching methodologies (e.g., gamification).
* Action research and reflection processes for ICT.
* Educational inclusion (Challenges, accessibility, awareness and tools).
* María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez, University of Salamanca (Spain)
* Juan José Mena, University of Salamanca (Spain)
#2 AI for education
In recent years, there has been a great development in Technology Enhanced Learning, caused greatly by the distance learning exponential growth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many applications of data analysis and modeling of learning processes, based on emergent AI techniques and method such as machine learning and deep learning, have been proposed. In line with this trend, the main goal of this track, connected to the MIS4Tel 2023 conference, is to discuss and evaluate the contribution that AI, as one of the Technology Enhanced Learning approaches, is bringing to the educational field, especially in the last years. This track is intended to be a great opportunity for researchers and practitioners in the field, both to discuss new ideas and to explore some important aspects regarding the close relationship between AI from an application and theoretical point of view.
The topics of interest for this special session include, but are not limited to:
* Deep Learning and education
* IoT applications in education
* Peer Assessment
* Learning Analytics
* Intelligent Adaptive Learning Environment
* Affective Computing in Education
* Artificial Intelligence algorithms in Education
* Artificial Neural Networks in Education
* Human-Computer Interaction in Teaching System
* Artificial Intelligence in Student Evaluation
* Assessing Student Performance using Artificial Intelligence
* Educational Robotics
* Data Mining, Text Mining and Web Mining in Education
* Intelligent Agent-based Learning Environments
* Smart Chatbots in Education
* Intelligent Tutoring Systems
* Virtual reality and Augmented Reality based Learning Systems
* Pedagogical Artificial Agents
* Digital Assistants
* Metaverse and education
* Dalila Durães, University of Minho (Portugal)
* Filippo Sciarrone, Universitas Mercatorum (Italy)
Mike Sharples
The Open University
Julien Bourgeois
University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS (France)
Tuomo Kujala
University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Ana Paiva
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Authors of selected papers from MIS4TEL will be invited to submit an
extended and improved version to special issue in different journals.
Special issue "Frontiers of Agents and Multiagent Systems" MDPI Sensors JCR (2021): 3.847 (Q2)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/paams_sensors>
Special issue "Edge Computing in IoT Networks Based on Artificial Intelligence" MDPI Sensors JCR (2021): 3.847 (Q2)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/M541OYZ1I5>
Special issue "Advanced Architectures for Hybrid Edge Analytics Models on Adaptive Smart Areas" MDPI Electronics JCR (2021): 2.690 (Q3)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/special_issues/ZQTH4DY449>
Special issue "Trends in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Simulating Cognitive Mimetics" MDPI Systems JCR (2021): 2.895 (Q2)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/systems/special_issues/11932FU9BF>
Special issue ADCAIJ
JCI (2021): 0,05 (Q4)<http://revistas.usal.es/index.php/2255-2863/index>
LIST OF WORKSHOPS IN MIS4TEL 2023<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops>
* ETELT: Workshop on Integration of emerging technologies into education and training<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/etelt>
IEETeL: Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/ieetel>
NURSING: Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning in Nursing Education<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/nursing>
TEL4FC: Workshop on Technology - Enhanced Learning for Future Citizens<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/tel4fc>
[List of Workshops]<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops>
Marcelo Milrad
Linnaeus University
Nuno Otero
University of Greenwich
United Kingdom
María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez
University of Salamanca
Juan José Mena
University of Salamanca
Dalila Durães
University of Minho
Filippo Sciarrone
Universitas Mercatorum
Claudio Álvarez Gómez
University of Los Andes
Manuel Rodrigues
University of Minho
Zuzana Kubincova
Comenius University of Bratislava
Federica Caruso
University of L'Aquila
Accepted papers will be included in MIS4TEL 2023 Proceedings, published by Springer. At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to present the paper in order to include the paper in the conference proceedings.
All accepted papers will be published by LNNS Springer Verlag.
** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to DBLP<https://dblp.org>, INSPEC<https://www.theiet.org/publishing/inspec>, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series<https://kanalregister.hkdir.no/publiseringskanaler/Forside?request_locale=en>, SCImago<https://www.scimagojr.com>, SCOPUS<https://www.scopus.com/search/form.uri?display=basic#basic>, WTI Frankfurt eG<https://www.wti-ag.com/en/home>, zbMATH<https://zbmath.org>, Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.es>, Springerlink<https://link.springer.com>. **
Submission date
Notification date
Camera-ready deadline
Conference dates
24th March, 2023
14th April, 2023
24th April, 2023
(last extension)
3rd May, 2023
11th May, 2023
19th May, 2023
12th-14th July, 2023
Unsubscribe: info(a)mis4tel-conference.net<mailto:info@mis4tel-conference.net>
*** Call for Workshop Papers ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed
processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed
systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to applications, from
architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support
infrastructures, and application performance aspects. To provide a meeting point for
researchers to discuss and exchange new ideas and hot topics related to parallel and
distributed computing and their applications, Euro-Par 2023 will co-locate workshops that will
be held on August 28 - August 29, 2023, the first two days of the conference. Accepted papers
are published by Springer in LNCS.
• AMTE 2023 The 3rd International Asynchronous Many-Task systems for Exascale 2023
• HETEROPAR 2023 The 21st International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on
Heterogeneous Platforms
• PECS 2023 The 3rd International Workshop on Performance and Energy-efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed
• QUICKPAR 2023 The 1st International Workshop on Urgent Analytics for Distributed Computing
• RAW 2023 The 2nd International Workshop on Resource AWareness of Systems and Society https://www.cerciras.org/action-events/raw-workshop/raw-2023/call-for-paper…
• TDLPP 2023 The 1st International Workshop on Tools for Data Locality, Power and Performance
• WSCC 2023 The 1st International Workshop on Scalable Compute Continuum
• Demetris Zeinalipour, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (dzeina-AT-ucy.ac.cy)
• Dora Blanco Heras, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (dora.blanco-AT-
Call for Papers
CoPDA 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: Artificial and/or Human Intelligence: Nurturing Computational Fluency in the Digital Age
June 6th, 2023 - Cagliari, Italy
In conjunction with IS-EUD 2023 (https://cg3hci.dmi.unica.it/iseud2023/)
In the Middle Ages, most people were dependent on “scribes”, who helped them to write down their thoughts, ideas, and stories, as well as to read the material written by other people. Many people today are in the same situation concerning digital media: they are unable to express themselves, explore problem spaces, and appropriate tools, and act as designers in personally meaningful activities. They must rely on “high-tech scribes”.
This 7th edition of the CoPDA workshop series will explore new conceptual frameworks and innovative computational environments for supporting computational fluency allowing people to become independent of “high-tech scribes”. The workshop will be in continuity with the edition held in 2022 in Frascati (Rome) focused on the relationship between AI and Human-Centered Design. An important challenge for the researchers getting together in the workshop this year will be to explore the foundational idea(s) that these workshops have pursued and how they are related to each other. A particular objective of all previous CoPDA workshops has been to collectively identify important and interesting themes for future workshops and our hope and expectation is that this will happen again this year by exploring conceptual frameworks and socio-technical environments making Computational Fluency a desirable and reachable goal for all citizens.
A student who has proficient skills in computational fluency would be able to use strategies together with the facts he or she knows how to identify a more challenging problem or another representation of the solution. This is a step beyond Digital Literacy, which focuses on mastering the tool in use (e.g.: keyboarding, surfing the internet, proficiency with digital environments for reading, writing, calculating, and communication), and beyond Computational Literacy, which focuses on solving known problems in efficient ways, including the use of coding. Digital Literacy and Computational Literacy (at least some parts) are a prerequisite for Computational Fluency, which emphasizes pursuing personal meaningful problems and shared meaningful activities. Computational Fluency shows mastery and appropriation of computational concepts by allowing one to address new and wicked problems in a creative manner. These abilities cannot be formally taught but can be nurtured, encouraged, and supported with socio-technical environments and education programs that foster reflection, creativity, and sharing.
The workshop aims to discuss Computational Fluency in the Digital Age by considering several topics including (but not limited to):
- Computational Thinking
- Design Thinking
- Printed Fluency
- Digital Fluency
- Human-centered AI (HCAI)
- Explainability of AI-based decisions
- Evaluation of AI-based systems
- AI support in everyday work
- ChatGPT: Promises and Pitfalls
- Big data and privacy
- Adaptive, Adaptable, and Context-Aware Systems
- End-User Development and Meta-Design
- End-User Development for AI-based systems
- Design Trade-offs between AI and EUD
- Distributed cognition
- Cultures of participation
- Multi-dimensional aspects of learning
- Collaborative learning
- Educational nurturing
Authors are invited to submit a 6-page position paper using the 1-column CEUR template available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
The papers can be submitted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=copda2023
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be collected and submitted for publication on CEUR-WS proceedings.
Important dates
- Apr 30th, 2023: Submission deadline (Extended)
- May 10th, 2023: Notification of acceptance (Extended)
- May 17th, 2023: Camera ready (Extended)
- Jun 6th, 2023: CoPDA 2023 workshop
Organizing Committee
Barbara Rita Barricelli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Daniela Fogli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Anders Mørch (University of Oslo, Norway)
Antonio Piccinno (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy)
Stefano Valtolina (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
For any further information, please contact copda2023(a)easychair.org
Informativa sulla Privacy: https://www.unibs.it/it/node/1452
*** Last Call for Late-Breaking Results and Demos ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: April 24, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
● Submission of papers: April 24, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2023
● Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 18, 2023
● Conference: June 26-29, 2023
Note: The submission times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
● Max. 5 pages + max. 1 additional page for references;
● (Optional) video or external material demonstrating the system;
● Publication in ACM UMAP 2023 Adjunct Proceedings;
● Presentation as a demo + poster at the conference.
Description: Demonstrations will showcase research prototypes and
commercially available products in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must
be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more
innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference.
Demonstrations are an excellent and exciting way to showcase implementations
and get valuable feedback from the community. Each demo submission must
make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how these will
be demonstrated on-site as well as online.
To better identify the value of demos, we also encourage authors to submit a
pointer to a screencast (max. 5 minutes on Vimeo or YouTube) or any
external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub).
Descriptions of demonstrations should have a length of max. 5 pages + 1 page
of references in the new ACM single-column style. On an extra page (not to
be published), submissions should include a specification of the
technical requirements for demonstrating the system at UMAP 2023.
Late-Breaking Results
● Max. 7 pages + max. 2 additional pages for references;
● (Required) unpublished page with a list of questions the authors aim to get
feedback on;
● Publication in ACM UMAP 2023 Adjunct Proceedings;
● Presentation as a poster at the conference.
Description: Late-Breaking Results (LBR) are research-in-progress that must
contain original and unpublished accounts of innovative research ideas,
preliminary results, industry showcases, and system prototypes, addressing both
the theory and practice of User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization. In
addition, papers introducing recently started research projects or summarizing
project results are welcome as well.
We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit late-breaking work as
it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful
feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations
among colleagues.
Late-Breaking Results papers have a length of up to 7 pages + 2 pages of
references in the new ACM single-column style and will be presented to
the conference as posters. On an extra page (not to be published),
submissions should include a list of questions that the authors aim to get feedback
on during the poster session at UMAP 2023.
Papers will be reviewed single-blind and do not need to be anonymised before
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The
templates and instructions are available here:
Authors should submit their papers as single-column. The templates are
available here (we strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX for the
camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting):
● LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart} in the sample-
authordraft.tex file for single-column):
◦ https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/consolidated-tex-t…
● Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart} for single-column):
◦ https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acm-conference-proceedings-master-…
● MS Word:
◦ https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_submissio…
Note: Accepted papers will require further revision to meet the requirements and
page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM. Instructions for
the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers will be provided
after acceptance.
The ACM Code of Ethics gives the UMAP program committee the right to (desk-)
reject papers that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, employ unethical
research practices, or uncritically present outcomes/implications that
clearly disadvantage minority communities.
Submit your papers in PDF format via EasyChair for ACM UMAP 2023 Demos and
Late-Breaking Results at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
(choose “New Submission” and make sure to select “UMAP'23 - LBR and
Demos” track).
The review process will be single-blind, i.e., authors’ names should be included in
the papers. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
They will be assessed based on their originality and novelty, potential contribution
to the research field, potential impact in particular use cases, and the usefulness
of presented experiences, as well as their overall readability.
Papers that exceed the page limits or do not adhere to the formatting guidelines
will be returned without review.
UMAP has a *no dual submission* policy, which is why full paper submissions should
not be currently under review at another publication venue. Further, UMAP operates
under the ACM Conference Code of Conduct
as well as the ACM Publication Policies and Procedures
Accepted Demo and Late-Breaking Results papers will be published in the ACM UMAP
2023 Adjunct Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Papers will be accessible from
the UMAP 2023 website through ACM OpenToc Service for one year after publication
in the ACM Digital Library. All categories will be presented at the poster reception of
the conference, in the form of a poster and/or a software demonstration following
poster format. This form of presentation will provide presenters with an opportunity
to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the
To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper
must register for the conference and present the paper there.
● Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari, Italy
● Alisa Rieger, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
● Shaghayegh (Sherry) Sahebi, University at Albany – SUNY, USA
● Contact: umap2023-lbr(a)um.org
*** Fourth Call for Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: Friday, July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: Monday, July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Monday, August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: Monday, August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
*** CALL FOR PAPERS - MUM 2023 ***
Deadline for Full and Short Papers: 22nd of August 2023, AoE
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit: https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=papers *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, will be held in Vienna, Austria, December 3rd – 6th. MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and practitioners discuss challenges and achievements in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM conferences.
* Submission Guidelines and List of Topics *
We welcome submissions of high-quality papers that offer original and unpublished contributions relevant to mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Prototypes and systems tackling relevant technical challenges
* Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, learning, entertainment, social networking, and advertising
* Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
* Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new applications and services
* Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
* Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
* Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* Interaction and collaboration with human-centered AI systems
* Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous multimedia systems
* User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for mobile and ubiquitous systems
* Interaction design for automotive and other modes of transportation
* Fabrication and device prototyping
Papers should be grounded in existing literature and knowledge, and should be written for an interdisciplinary audience. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair by August 22nd, 2023, AoE at the latest. Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. The correct template for submissions is the ACM Primary Article Template in single-column format (in PDF format). Submissions should be prepared using either the single-column Word Submission Template or the single-column LaTeX template (using the “manuscript, review, anonymous” style available in the template). Submissions can be of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution, with 16 pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as long papers in past editions and 7 pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as short papers in past editions.
* Successful submissions of around 16 pages typically represent significant empirical, theoretical, or methodological advances in the field.
* Successful submissions of around 7 pages offer more focused contributions; they are not intended to be work-in-progress reports. Instead, they should offer complete, rigorously developed work with a solid contribution to the field. Short papers have a smaller scope or more focused contribution than long papers.
Submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission. Papers must be anonymized. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind review process managed by the Program Chairs. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, chosen from the pool of members of the Program Committee listed below. This pool of reviewers features experts from the previous edition and new researchers to address new emerging research areas and underrepresented communities. Papers will be assigned through a bidding process. Authors are encouraged to submit an optional video of a maximum of 6 minutes to support their submission. To ensure all reviewers can view videos, authors should use the H.264 encoding and the MP4 file format. The bit rate of videos can be lowered to accommodate the upload limits of EasyChair (max. 50 MB per file).
Link to Submission System: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mum20230
* Important Dates *
Submission: August 22nd, 2023 (AoE)
Notification to authors: October 5th, 2023
Conference dates: December 3th - December 6th, 2023
* Technical Program Chairs *
Pascal Knierim, University of Innsbruck
Jonna Häkkilä, University of Lapland
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: papers2023(a)mum-conf.org
Dear Colleagues,
Last days to submit your contribution to our Special Session on “eXtended
Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories, Technologies
and Applications” - IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended
Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE
2023) - October 25-27, 2023 - Milan -
I want to remind you that the deadline of *April 7* is for the submission
of a 1-2 page Abstract or a Graphical Abstract to show the idea you are
You will have time to finalise your work by the deadline of *May 15*.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
I'm looking forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse0
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 7, 2023 (extended) **NOTE: 1-2 pages
abstract or a graphical abstract**
Final Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2023 (extended)
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions about the special session, please feel free to contact us
via email.
*** Last Call for Special Session Proposals ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions that cover any topic related
to BESC. Special Sessions can also cover any other area focusing on challenging open problems
of relevance in applications on Behavioural, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing.
Papers accepted in the Special Sessions will be included in the same conference volume with
those accepted in the main track and will be candidates for being invited to the journal special
issues that will be organised for BESC 2023.
The proposals for organising Special Sessions should be submitted to the Special Sessions
Chairs by the indicated deadline. A proposal should be submitted in PDF, be no longer than 2
pages in length, and contain the following:
(i) Title of the proposed Special Session.
(ii) Names, affiliations and contact information of the proposers.
(iii) Names and affiliations of the Program Committee of the proposed Special Session.
(iv) Description of the proposed Special Session, including the covered topics and the rationale
as to why it fits into the themes of BESC.
(v) A dissemination plan of the CFP for the proposed Special Session that the proposers will
undertake, if their proposal is accepted.
E-mails for submission of Special Session Proposals:
taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au / yuting AT zhejianglab.com
• Submission of Special Session proposals: 10 April 2023
• Acceptance notification for Special Session proposals: 15 April 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia (taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au)
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China (yuting AT zhejianglab.com)
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*(Apologies if you receive multiple e-mails on this subject via different
*Call for Papers*
International Workshop on
Human-Centered Software Engineering
Rethinking the Interplay of
Human–Computer Interaction and Software Engineering
in the Age of Digital Transformation
organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 onMethodologies for User-Centered Systems
atINTERACT 2023 <https://interact2023.org/>
The 19th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction
August 28/29, 2023
York, United Kingdom
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a process of technological
transformation that is affecting the social structure across the globe. It has
changed the way of shopping, of relating to others, of living. At the core of
the process are technologies that generate important cultural impacts in our
lives. In Europe, this process is differently named, depending on the different
countries: digitisation, digital transformation, digital transition, etc. Here
we call it digital transformation, but no matter how you name it, it has in fact
revolutionized every market and company, as well as our life.
We follow the definition by Gong & Ribiere (2020) that states that Digital
transformation is “A fundamental change process, enabled by the innovative use
of digital technologies accompanied by the strategic leverage of key resources
and capabilities, aiming to radically improve an entity* and redefine its value
proposition for its stakeholders.” (*An entity could be: an organization, a
business network, an industry, or society.).
Various technologies enable the digital transformation process: mobile and
wearable devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain,
Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning, Digital Twin, Cybersecurity. However, while introducing undeniable
benefits, they also bring some important issues.
This workshop is looking for contributions from various fields, with a focus on:
the domain of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT devices that are becoming
more pervasive and social
IoT also introduces issues from the cybersecurity perspective
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human lives and the
economywith the problem thatthe required computing power is high, there are
worriesof how AI models predict the output, data privacy and securityetc
Digital Twin (DT) is another protagonist of the digital transformation
process. It is a virtual replica of a real-world object that is run in a
simulation environment to mirror its physical pendant, with digital and
physical twins influencing each other including the ability to perform
benefits and issues of other technologies: usability of mobile and wearable
devices, as well as of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; user awareness
about the usage and the security of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain.
What emerges is that Human-Centered Software Engineering (HCSE) is more relevant
than ever. The interplay between Human–Computer Interaction and Software
Engineering needs to be rethought and fortified for a rapid response to the
evolution of technologies, while also considering aspects such as greater
agility in service development, sustainability, ethical considerations,
cybersecurity, user mindset and awareness, to name just a few. But also the
approaches for addressing them have to be carefully considered. For example,
some software development companies show an increasing interest in low-code
development platforms to facilitate application development by domain experts
without sophisticated software development knowledge, as a possible solution to
the need of more agile, fast and also sustainable service development. Domain
experts are, however, not trained in software development methods. This
introduces a risk of domain experts creating unusable applications or exceeding
the designated time frame of a project (or both).
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop series
of IFIP Working Group 13.2beyond the traditional themes of IFIP 13.2 workshops.
Particularly, this edition promotes sharing of knowledge and experiences that
address how to deal with the challenges of the digital transformation and its
influence on human-centered socio-technical system design and development
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized atINTERACT
2015 in Bamberg, Germany
2017 in Mumbai, India
<http://ifip-tc13.org/wg-13-213-5-workshop-interact17-mumbai/>,INTERACT 2019 in
Paphos, Cyprus
<https://sites.google.com/view/ifip-wg-13-2-workshop-interact/home>, andINTERACT
2021 in Bari, Italy <https://sites.google.com/view/hcse-workshop-interact2021/>.
Target Audience and Expected Outcomes
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human–computer
interaction from a user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on methods, processes and approaches for designing, building and
testing interactive systems. We expect a high participation of IFIP Working
Group 13.2 members. We particularly invite participants to present position
papers describing real-life case studies that illustrate how they rethought
HCI’s and SE’s interplay in order to address aspects such as agile development,
sustainability, ethical considerations, and cybersecurity. Any perspective and
related aspects of user interface design are welcome. We are especially
interested in work that deals with current trends that change the way humans
use, interact and collaborate with technical components in socio-technical
systems. We are also interested in methods, theories and tools that combine
human-centered design and software engineering practices. Position papers will
be made available through the workshop website. Furthermore, an extended version
of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a Springer LNCS
post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other INTERACT
workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Workshop Format
This full-day workshopisin person only. Itisorganized around presentation of
position papers and working activities in small groups. From the set of
contributions, a subset of selected case studies will be invited to be presented
at the beginning of the workshop and will be used to support the discussion that
follows. The morning session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and
presenting case studies. Participants will be invited to comment on the case
studies and to report similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be
devoted to interactive sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in
small groups and propose solutions to the problems of the case st udies seen in
the morning. Solutions proposed by the participants will be compiled and
compared. Based on the lessons learned, participants will be incited to draft an
agenda of future work that can be accomplished. We plan to run the
workshoponsite in person only. If circumstances require it, we intend to switch
to a completely digital format that will be run online. We will continuously
adapt to any decision regarding the conference format by the INTERACT 2023
Submission Instructions
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages
including abstract) shall report(practical) experiences related to research
challenges and results on human-centered software engineering or user-centered
development processes for interactive systems with a particular focus on
digital-transformation aspects and technologies (such as mobile and wearable
devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Augmented,
Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital
Twin, Cybersecurity) and their impact on software properties or software
development practices.Submissions are not anonymous and should include all
author names, affiliations, and contact information.Authors should also provide
in their submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their
motivation to participate in this workshop. Submissions will be processed via
the workshop web pages that will be managed by the workshop organizers at IFIP
WG 13.2.Papers are submitted through theEasyChair website
Submitted position paperswill be reviewed byan international program committee
comprisingthe organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2 who are
experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop based
on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position paperswill be made
available through the workshop website.Upon acceptance, at least one author of
each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.Furthermore,
an extended version of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a
Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other
INTERACT 2023 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: May8, 2023
Acceptance notification:May 31, 2023
Final version of position paper: June30, 2023
Workshop date: August28 or 29, 2023
Carmelo Ardito, UniversityLUM Giuseppe Degennaro, Italy
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
Please write toorganizers(a)hcse-conference.org
<mailto:organizers@hcse-conference.org>if you have any question.
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 19th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August28– September1, 2023, inYork,
United Kingdom. Look at the main conference web site for further information
(https://www.interact2023.org/ <https://www.interact2023.org/>).
*** Final Call for Special Track Proposals ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and
Cloud Computing in Europe. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the
exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of Service-oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 will host Special Tracks as part of its program. Special Tracks provide a space
where ESOCC participants can discuss, e.g., topics relevant to Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing even if not explicitly mentioned in ESOCC’s topics of interest
(cf. https://cyprusconferences.org/esocc2023/call-for-papers/), early-stage research ideas
and/or results, or demonstrate industry-ready tools and research prototypes. Special Tracks
may be driven by research interests, needs from specific application domains, or aim at bringing
together practitioners and researchers from the area of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing.
Proposals for special tracks should indicate the title of the Special Track, its aims and scope
(150-300 words), the Special Track chair(s), and the tentative members of the track’s PC.
Please email your proposals as a PDF file to the PC chairs of ESOCC 2023, Florian Rademacher
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) and Jacopo Soldani (jacopo.soldani at unipi.it). Special
Tracks will be selected for ESOCC 2023 using a lightweight review process.
• Special Track Proposal Submission: April 18th, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: April 24th, 2023 (AoE)
Chairs of accepted Special Tracks can devise a Call for Papers for their track, which will be
published on ESOCC 2023 website, together with the provided information on the track (title,
aims and scope, PC). The Call for Papers for their track will then be disseminated alongside
that of ESOCC, and submissions will be handled through the EasyChair of ESOCC, which will
include a special track link. Papers accepted for Special Tracks will be included in the main
conference proceedings of ESOCC 2023, published by Springer in the LNCS series.
The best papers accepted in the Special Tracks will be eligible for consideration to be
invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special Issue to be published by Springer
Special Track chairs, presenters, and participants will be required to register through the
ESOCC 2023 registration page.
In case of any questions related to the Special Tracks, please do not hesitate to contact the
Program Chairs.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
*** Open Invitation for Self-Nomination to the Program Committee of BESC 2023 ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 is recruiting new PC members. If you are interested to join the PC and assist in the
review process, please fill the form available here: https://forms.gle/X2cYY2jfmVBMHcNi9
Please note the submission deadline and bear in mind that your assistance in the review
process will be required between mid-July and mid-September.
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia (taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au)
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China (yuting AT zhejianglab.com)
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*** Fourth Call for Submissions ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities • Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing • Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management • Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards, • Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT • Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps • Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc. • Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics • Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions • Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Semantic services and service mining • Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms • Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Storage, computation and network Clouds • Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds • Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 4th, 2023 (AoE) • Submission of full papers: June 11th, 2023 (AoE) • Notification to authors: July 14th, 2023 (AoE) • Camera-ready versions due: July 31st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds: • Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references, for the technical and special tracks) • PhD Symposium (12 pages including references) • Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2023 by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
1st International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia
Co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD) 2023
06-08 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
More info: https://sites.google.com/view/cse4ia-23
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users' development, to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
Technology-Enhanced Learning for Cyber Security;
Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Education;
Virtual reality environments for Cyber Security Education;
Game-based approaches for Cyber Security Education;
Quantum solutions for Cyber Security Education;
Artworks for Cyber Security Education;
Design and implementation of tools, frameworks, and methodologies for Cyber Security Education;
Methodologies for Cyber Security Education in formal and informal contexts;
Innovative technologies to support the identification and articulation of task, competencies, skills, and knowledge for professionals' cybersecurity;
Explainable Security in Public Administration;
Human, Economics, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cyber Security Education;
Innovative programs and training for Cyber Security Education;
Processes, methods, and techniques for empowering users to create, modify and tailor technology artifacts taking into account Cyber Security issue;
Case studies and design implications on Cyber Security challenges and practices of end-user development.
We are looking for three different types of submissions:
Regular papers (up to 6 pages), will report original research on how quantum programming can support software engineering tasks;
Vision papers (up to 4 pages), will report novel ideas about the application of quantum programming for software engineering;
Presentation abstracts (up to 2 pages), will report experiences from industry or previously accepted papers that are relevant to the workshop.
Regular and vision papers will be part of the proceedings, while presentation abstracts will not be included in the proceedings.
All papers should be submitted through Easychair in PDF format, using the “CEUR Template”: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
All papers will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Authors can submit and update their submissions through the EasyChair system.
Selected submissions will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (https://www.springer.com/journal/11042/).
Papers submission: April 24th, 2023
Papers notification: May 8th, 2023
Papers camera-ready: May 15th, 2023
Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari - vita[dot]barletta[at]uniba[dot]it
Danilo Caivano, University of Bari - danilo[dot]caivano[at]uniba[dot]it
Federica Caruso, University of L’Aquila - federica[dot]caruso1[at]univaq[dot]it
Sara Peretti, University of L’Aquila - sara[dot]peretti[at]guest[dot]univaq[dot]it
Veronica Rossano, University of Bari - veronica[dot]rossano[at]uniba[dot]it
*apologies for cross-posting*
*call for papers*
EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems
- 4th Edition
June 6th, 2023
Cagliari, Italy
Workshop co-located with IS-EUD 2023
In the last decade, the spreading of low-cost technologies integrating
sensors and actuators has favored the development of the so-called smart
objects. This trend has been further fostered by the Internet of Things
(IoT), which connects the physical world with Internet via ubiquitous
sensors and actuators. The opportunities offered by the IoT are
amplified by the use of new approaches that, based on novel interaction
paradigms, involve directly non-technical users in configuring the joint
behavior of their smart objects, among them and with online services.
Existing solutions to define the behavior of such “IoT ecosystems” range
from systems that leave the users complete control for establishing the
joint behavior of smart objects, to solutions that automatically define
smart objects behavior exploiting intelligent techniques. In this
continuum, different technologies, frameworks, and approaches present
different levels of user control and automation. In this perspective it
is also important to consider the emerging role played by social and
humanoid robots, which are integrated sets of sensors and actuators with
human-like behaviours.
April 30th: Paper submission deadline
May 4th: Paper acceptance notice
May 17th: Camera-ready submission
June 6th: Workshop day
This workshop aims to serve as a venue for discussing ongoing research
and sharing ideas for researchers and practitioners working on solutions
to personalize the behavior of IoT ecosystems. We aim to encourage
participation in order to have stimulating discussion from various
perspectives. Topics include, but are not limited, to:
- End-User Development (EUD) for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Usability of IoT Systems;
- Interface Design for IoT;
- Intelligent Interface for IoT Systems;
- Accessibility for IoT Systems;
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for EUD in IoT settings;
- Conversational User Interfaces for EUD;
- Usable Privacy and Security in IoT systems;
- Personalisation and Recommendations for IoT;
- IoT for Cultural Heritage;
- Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction;
- Human-centered artificial intelligence in IoT contexts;
- Explainable AI solutions for EUD;
- User centered design;
- Personalization for Humanoid Robots;
- Integrated and Visual Development Environments for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Industry case studies.
This will be a one-day workshop, oriented towards discussions, hands-on
sessions, and presentations. We invite submissions of two types: short
papers (3-4 pages) and position papers (1-2 pages). Participants are
asked to submit their paper describing their recent or future work in
one of the areas indicated in the topics of interest. All submissions
must be in the 1-column CEURART Template
Papers should be submitted in PDF to Easychair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=empathy2023). All papers will
be reviewed by the organizers and by the program committee based on
relevance and significance in order to provide constructive comments to
the submitters. Reviewing will be single blind (i.e. author names and
affiliations should be listed). If accepted, at least one of the authors
must register and attend the workshop. Final versions of the accepted
papers will be submitted for publication in the CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, which is indexed by Scopus.
- Margherita Andrao, University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Fabrizio Balducci, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
- Bernardo Breve, University of Salerno
- Andrea Mattioli, CNR-ISTI
- Fabiana Vernero, University of Torino
For more information, check our website at
or contact us at (empathy2023(a)easychair.org).
1st International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia
Co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD) 2023
06-08 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
More info: https://sites.google.com/view/cse4ia-23
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users development, to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
Technology-Enhanced Learning for Cyber Security;
Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Education;
Virtual reality environments for Cyber Security Education;
Game-based approaches for Cyber Security Education;
Quantum solutions for Cyber Security Education;
Artworks for Cyber Security Education;
Design and implementation of tools, frameworks, and methodologies for Cyber Security Education;
Methodologies for Cyber Security Education in formal and informal contexts;
Innovative technologies to support the identification and articulation of task, competencies, skills, and knowledge for professionals' cybersecurity;
Explainable Security in Public Administration;
Human, Economics, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cyber Security Education;
Innovative programs and training for Cyber Security Education;
Processes, methods, and techniques for empowering users to create, modify and tailor technology artifacts taking into account Cyber Security issue;
Case studies and design implications on Cyber Security challenges and practices of end-user development.
We are looking for three different types of submissions:
Regular papers (up to 6 pages), will report original research on how quantum programming can support software engineering tasks;
Vision papers (up to 4 pages), will report novel ideas about the application of quantum programming for software engineering;
Presentation abstracts (up to 2 pages), will report experiences from industry or previously accepted papers that are relevant to the workshop.
Regular and vision papers will be part of the proceedings, while presentation abstracts will not be included in the proceedings.
All papers should be submitted through Easychair in PDF format, using the “CEUR Template”: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
All papers will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Authors can submit and update their submissions through the EasyChair system.
Selected submissions will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (https://www.springer.com/journal/11042/).
Papers submission: April 24th, 2023
Papers notification: May 8th, 2023
Papers camera-ready: May 15th, 2023
Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari - vita[dot]barletta[at]uniba[dot]it
Danilo Caivano, University of Bari - danilo[dot]caivano[at]uniba[dot]it
Federica Caruso, University of L’Aquila - federica[dot]caruso1[at]univaq[dot]it
Sara Peretti, University of L’Aquila - sara[dot]peretti[at]guest[dot]univaq[dot]it
Veronica Rossano, University of Bari - veronica[dot]rossano[at]uniba[dot]it
CHItaly 2023: Call for Papers
[Apologies for Multiple Postings]
CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
20-22 September 2023
Location: from Turin to the World, using Metaverse
Besides traditional HCI topics, CHItaly 2023 aims at debating the
intersection of HCI and AI as an emerging field of research, devoted mostly
to Intelligent User Interfaces, i.e., interfaces developed using the
approaches from HCI and the tools from AI.
In addition to consolidated HCI contributions, we solicit research on
methods, approaches, and systems relating the Human and the AI, innovative
AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, experiences in good
and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
We welcome research contributions in the form of either long or short
research papers.
Long papers present original and substantially new research in HCI. Short
papers present original and provocative research or novel applications in
All paper manuscripts undergo a selective review process. Accepted papers
are invited for inclusion in the electronic ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series (ICPS - pending approval), published in the ACM Digital
Authors of top-quality papers will be invited to submit extended versions
to special issues in international journals.
Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the conference is interested in
all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
A more detailed list is available at https://chitaly2023.it/call_for_papers/
Submit on easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023
Main deadlines:
- Submission deadline: April 14th, 2023 (EXTENDED)
- Review notification: June 8th, 2023 (EXTENDED)
- Initial camera-ready submission: June 30th, 2023
- Final submission: July 31st, 2023
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is
day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE.
Papers Chairs
Tania Di Mascio (Università dell’Aquila)
Rosa Lanzilotti (Università di Bari)
Davide Spano (Università di Cagliari)
email: papers(a)chitaly2023.it
****** One Week Left - Abstract and Graphical Abstract Submissions Extended
Call for Papers
Special Session on "eXtended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse:
Practices, Theories, Technologies and Applications"
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 7, 2023 (extended)
Dear Colleagues,
There is only one week left to submit your work as an Abstract (1-2 pages)
or a Graphical Abstract to the special session on “eXtended Reality as a
gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories, Technologies and
Applications” - https://metroxraine.org/special-session-17.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended
Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE
2023) - October 25-27, 2023 - Milan - https://metroxraine.org/.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
I'm looking forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse0
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 7, 2023 (extended) **NOTE: 1-2 pages
abstract or a graphical abstract**
Final Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2023 (extended)
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions about the special session, please feel free to contact us
via email.
*** Fifth Call for Papers ***
7th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2023)
September 13-15, 2023, 5* St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: May 1, 2023 (AoE)
(Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS; Best Paper Award
sponsored by Springer with 300 EUR)
“Internet for Survival”: How the effective and democratic evolution of the
Internet towards an infrastructure/ecosystem supporting resilience and
equality depends on deeply intertwined considerations rooted in technological,
social and economic sciences.
INSCI is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together scholars and practitioners
at the intersection of technological, social and economic sciences seeking to learn
how the Internet can be used to make our world a better place. Its insights are
expected to create a better understanding of this complex socio-technical system we
call “Internet”, for instance to inform political decisions on the technological priorities
for public funding and to drive a more sustainable and equitable development of the
innovation and social ecosystems it supports.
INSCI welcomes fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research, including policy-
oriented studies and works offering technological solutions, that investigate the role
of Internet for sustainable development, social and economic resilience, collective
intelligence, reliable information processing and protection, and, more generally, for
a holistic understanding of societal transformations, governance shifts and innovation
INSCI welcomes works done in interdisciplinary teams that may include computer
scientists, sociologists, policy makers, economists, designers and artists, or complex
system scholars, among others, preferably uniting expertise from social, economic
and technical sciences. This kind of work is expected to close the gap between
societal / economic impact and requirements and technological developments, seen
as both drivers and consequences of each other.
Thus, INSCI 2023 welcomes submissions to a wide range of topics including but not
limited to the following list.
Green, Sustainability, and Innovation
• The challenges of Responsible Research and Innovation on Internet solution
• The technological, social and economic benefits of Transnational and Inter-Cultural
• Internet solutions supporting Environmental policies related to Climate Change
• Green Computing in a holistic perspective: trade-offs of computing power, social
benefits, economic and environmental impacts (e.g. blockchains)
• Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Novel Platforms for alternative distributed
economic models
• Distributed environmental awareness: creating a collective consciousness of
environmental issues and possible solutions at individual and collective level.
Collective intelligence, sensing and action
• Energy optimisation from from networked production to shared consumption,
relying on top-down and bottom-up approaches
• Networks for circular economy models: conceiving and putting in place platforms
and solutions effectively supporting circular and social economy models,
collaborative making, art and creativity.
Enabling Technologies, Applications and Infrastructures
• Social implications of Reinforcement Algorithms, Machine Learning and Intelligent
• Feasibility and social /economic aspects of Algorithms for mediation content
• Data Sovereignty and inclusion aspects of Cloud, Grid and Cluster Computing
• Recommender, Adaptive and Context Aware Systems: design, social and inclusion
aspects, feasibility and adoption
• Networking and Wireless Systems as enablers: inclusion, health, privacy and
pervasiveness aspects
• People-driven Internet Technologies and Applications, including Collaborative
Platforms & Social Search, Open Data and New Interfaces
Societal Structures
• How will Internet of Things change Society and interaction models
• Digital Competences and Participation
• Virtual Communities and Behavioural Patterns: how are they affected by the
technological platforms being used
• Knowledge, Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, and Societal Web Impact on
Internet Evolution
• Offline and Online Human Behaviour with Emphasis on Social Media and Online/ER/
VR Interactions
Digital Politics and Governance
• Internet and Political Participation
• Online Political Freedoms in Policing and in Effect: Regional and Local Perspectives,
technological impacts and requirements
• Citizen Involvement into Decision-Making: Platforms, Actors, and Experiences
• Political Discussions Online: Issues and Groups Behind Them, technical and
collaborative solutions to moderate them
• E-governance Practices of Today’s Authorities across the world
• Internet regulation: Security vs. Openness
Free Communication Patterns and Democracy
• Freedom of Speech Online: a Contested Area of Policing
• Algorithms as New Total Communicative Power
• Extremist and Radical Talk Online and Policies or socio-Technical solutions to
counteract it
• Universal Internet Freedoms vs. Dark Web
• Participatory Democracy and Budgeting: citizens’ involvement in democratic
processes, for more equal and inclusive resource allocation
• Cognitive, Psychological Aspects and Incentive Mechanisms for online Engagement,
Collaboration and Participation (smart citizenship, e-literacy, participation skills,
decision support and recommendations for informed citizens and collective actions)
• E-Democracy and E-Participation: risks and opportunities, lessons learnt from
currently deployed solutions (e.g. e-voting, Decidim)
• Reliable online information: collaborative models and processes to produce/qualify
online information (e.g. post-truth Practices Online, filter bubble and fact checking),
for health (e.g. vaccination), democracy (international decision-making, political
campaigns, opinion and sentiment modelling, governmental censure and influence),
economy (product labelling, ethical marketing), safety of online ecosystems (children
protection, fake news, digital rebels)
• Crowdsourcing: implications, enablers
Sustainable Network Economy
• Legal, economic, technological and innovation hurdles related to Intellectual
Property and the Digital Commons
• New Collaborative Markets Analytics
• Economic Power of Online Platforms: Expropriation of Digital Labour, Open Data
solutions and their applicability
• Digital Corporations: World Leaders and Regional Alternatives
• Analogous Elites, Technological Precariat
• Digital Professions and Reshaping of Online Labour Markets
• New decentralised economic models: enabling and sustaining a distributed
ecosystem of platforms and solutions intrinsically respectful of privacy, self-
disclosure and digital sovereignty
• The consumer perspective: unlawful profiling, discrimination and lock-in,
automated contracts and warranties
Global Access Opportunities
• Internet Resilience: Defining/Comparing non-disconnection Technologies,
Monitoring Approaches and Internet Governance Models ensuring resiliency and
citizens’ empowerment and sovereignty
• Global and Local Faces of Today’s Digital Divide
• Comparing existing and future Open Distance Education and Life-long Learning
Environments on online/Virtual Reality Platforms, Practices Around the World
• Global Media Online: Translation and Language Divide
• Empowerment of Disabled with New Body Extensions
• Post-human and Tech-human Individuals and Societies
Data Sharing and Protection
• Data Openness vs. User Protection: tech and social aspects of open data policies
• Limits of Privacy and Anonymization, their dependance on technological solutions
and intended applications
• Clouds, Big Data and Data Protection Regulation vs. knowledge sharing and open
• Global Tech Powers and Alternative Solutions based on decentralisation
• Open Science and Access to Scientific Production: technological enablers, platform
governance, economic and innovation aspects
• Submission of Papers: May 1, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Decision: July 1, 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: July 15, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: July 15. 2023
All submitted papers must:
• Describe original results that have not been accepted or submitted for publication
• Be written in English and be submitted in PDF format
• Contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses
• Be formatted according to the Springer’s LNCS format Proceedings template:
• Contain three to seven keywords characterizing the paper, to be indicated at the
end of the abstract
• Be submitted via the conference system in EasyChair, using the submission link:
Full paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages (including all text, figures,
references and appendices). We encourage a length of 12 pages for full papers. The
Program Committee reserves the right to accept a submission as a short paper.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding the submission page
limits or being obviously out of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without
All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the international
Program Committee, with a mix of social, economic and technological expertise.
The review process will be single-blind.
Selection will be based on:
• Degree of interdisciplinarity (between social, economic and/or technical sciences)
• Novelty and technical merit
• Relevance of the generated insights for the future Internet development
The best paper will be sponsored with 300 EUR by Springer.
Camera-ready submissions should be corrected by following the remarks of the
reviewers and submitted using the same submission link in zip format including:
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in pdf format
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in editable sources format
• The Consent to Publish signed in ink and scanned to image file
Accepted papers will be presented at INSCI2023 and published in the conference
proceedings volume, which will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS). Authors of selected best papers from the conference will
be contacted in order to consider submission of an expanded version of their papers
for publication in a special issue to be organised with the international journal
Future Internet (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet), published by
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Vasileios Mezaris, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
• Fabrizio Sestini, European Commission DG CONNECT, Belgium
Steering & Program Committees
=== ACM GoodIt 2023 Call for Papers ===
ACM GoodIT 2023 will focus on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public.
### Important Dates
-> All tracks Submission deadline: May 15th, 2023
-> Notification of acceptance: July 7th, 2023
### Link
### Scope
The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social good. The latter is defined as something that provides a benefit to the general public, such as clean air, clean water, internet access, education, or healthcare. However, new media innovations and the proliferation of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good can now reflect global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration towards a positive societal impact.
The conference will feature regular and special tracks papers, work-in-progress and PhD papers.
### Papers length
* Full papers (main track and special tracks): papers must not exceed twelve (12) single-column pages, excluding references. Papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will likely be rejected.
* Work in Progress Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed eight (8) single-column pages, excluding references.
* PhD Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed five (5) single-column pages, excluding references.
### Publication of papers
Submitted papers (in each of the special tracks) must be original works and must not have been previously published. They will be peer-reviewed (three reviews). All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work in presence at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
*** Second Call for Papers and Special Session Proposals ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions that cover any topic related
to BESC. Special Sessions can also cover any other area focusing on challenging open problems
of relevance in applications on Behavioural, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing.
Papers accepted in the Special Sessions will be included in the same conference volume with
those accepted in the main track and will be candidates for being invited to the journal special
issues that will be organised for BESC 2023.
The proposals for organising Special Sessions should be submitted to the Special Sessions
Chairs by the indicated deadline. A proposal should be submitted in PDF, be no longer than 2
pages in length, and contain the following:
(i) Title of the proposed Special Session.
(ii) Names, affiliations and contact information of the proposers.
(iii) Names and affiliations of the Program Committee of the proposed Special Session.
(iv) Description of the proposed Special Session, including the covered topics and the rationale
as to why it fits into the themes of BESC.
(v) A dissemination plan of the CFP for the proposed Special Session that the proposers will
undertake, if their proposal is accepted.
E-mails for submission of Special Session Proposals:
taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au / yuting AT zhejianglab.com
• Submission of Special Session proposals: 10 April 2023
• Acceptance notification for Special Session proposals: 15 April 2023
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia (taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au)
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China (yuting AT zhejianglab.com)
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI* *- **https://chitaly2023.it/*
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
Date: 20 September, 2023
Location: Turin, Piedmont, Italy
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 15th Edition of the
Biannual Conference (chitaly2023.it) of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (
http://sigchitaly.eu/en/general-info/), whose main theme is “Crossing HCI
and AI”. CHItaly2023 welcomes proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference. The goal of the workshops is to
provide additional venues for discussing and exploring emerging areas of
research in HCI, in general, and HCAI (Human-Centered AI), in particular,
with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and
academia. Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the workshop proposal
can focus on all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
Workshops in CHItaly are co-located events that are held the day before the
main conference starts. They represent forums where specific topics
relevant to CHItaly get discussed.
Workshop proposals will be reviewed according to quality criteria, which
consider the relevance of workshop proposals for CHItaly 2023, their
potential of gathering quality contributions, and their review
process. All workshops will be half-day.
>Structure of the Proposal
The workshop proposal should be organized as follows:
- Workshop title
- Workshop acronym (if any)
- Workshop edition and, if not on the first one, previous venues, number of
attendees, and links to the websites
- List of organizers (with a short bio) and main contact person
- Motivation and objectives
- List of topics
- Target audience and expected number of attendees
- Papers Review process (if any): the strategy used to collect
contributions (such as online conference management systems or submitting
by emails to the workshop chairs, etc.), minimum numbers of reviews, ...
- Workshop setting (paper presentations, discussions, group works, …)
- Dedicated proceedings (if any): type of papers, reviewing process, venue
(Journal special issue, CEUR-WS, …)
- PC tentative list
>Important dates for workshop proposals
Submission deadline: April 30, 2023
Review notification: May 16, 2023
Camera-ready for workshop summary: July 31, 2023
> TENTATIVE dates of the workshop review cycle
Submission deadline for workshop papers: June 23, 2023
Report workshop status to chairs: June 26, 2023
Go/No-go Decision on Workshops: June 30, 2023
Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: 28 July 21, 2023
Workshop held: September 20, 2023
Workshop proposals, in PDF format (no specific template is required), must
be uploaded via Easy Chair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023) by selecting the Track
“Workshop Proposals”.
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop
proposals and suggest involving organizers from different institutions,
bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops
with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions
and may ensure rich interactions.
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop website
containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop
organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity
and reviewing processes.
Finally, a paper describing each accepted workshop will be included in the
main conference Proceedings (submission deadline, format and requirements
will be defined later).
Berardina Nadja De Carolis, Università di Bari, Italy (
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Università Roma Tre, Italy (
Call for Papers
HCI-E2: Workshop on HCI Engineering Education
In conjunction with INTERACT 2023
York 28 August - 1 September 2023
The workshop aims at carrying forward work on identifying, examining,
structuring, and sharing educational resources and approaches to support
the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Engineering. The widening range of available interaction technologies and
their applications in increasingly varied contexts (private or
professional) underlines the importance of teaching HCI Engineering but
also the difficulty of taking into account changes and developments in this
field in often static university curricula. Besides, as these technologies
are taught in diverse curricula (ranging from Human Factors and Psychology
to hardcore Computer Science), we are interested in what the best
approaches and best practices are to integrate HCI Engineering topics in
the curricula of programs in Software Engineering, Computer Science,
Human-computer Interaction, Psychology, Design, etc.
Engineering interactive systems is a multidisciplinary endeavour positioned
at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Software
Engineering, Usability Engineering, Interaction Design, Visual Design, and
other disciplines. The Human-Computer Interaction Engineering (HCI-E) field
is concerned with providing methods, techniques, and tools for the
systematic and effective design, development, testing, evaluation, and
deployment of interactive systems in a wide range of application domains.
HCI techniques, methods and tools, as well as many other novel forms of
interaction, involve aspects that need to be adequately addressed in the
curricula of programs in HCI, Software Engineering and Computer Science.
This begs the question of how best to address these topics in those
curricula, and what the best approaches to address them are. When
considering education about HCI Engineering, we need to think about who is
being educated as there is likely to be different curriculum scope and
educational methods for different types of learners. There are two main
distinctions likely influencing these methods:
- Technical vs non-technical. Students in Computer Science and similar
areas are likely to be the main consumers of detailed HCI-E education.
However, the creation of interactive applications “requires input from
science, engineering and design disciplines” and multidisciplinary teamwork
requires from participants an increased understanding and appreciation for
other disciplines. It is also important for those who are likely to have a
more interface design or user research role to able to appreciate the
limits of technology and the potential impacts of architectural design
- Student vs practitioner. It is likely that the primary interest of many
participants will be university education. However, developers are often
involved in lively online discussions about different frameworks, and even
in the use of monads in interactive JavaScript. Interaction Design
Foundation courses attract tens of thousands of UX practitioners worldwide,
evidencing the desire of on-the-job learning in both communities.
We would like to bring together experiences from people teaching HCI
concepts impacting how we engineer interactive systems and from people
working in HCI-E to identify topics and methods that should be included in
teaching this subject. Besides the courses in HCI-E, interesting inputs may
arrive from HCI courses outside the CS curriculum requiring to communicate
engineering challenges, or from more general software engineering courses
discussing aspects related to human factors. Hence, we will solicit
contributions from the HCI-E-related communities, and we will be very
interested in welcoming members of the educational community, for a
fruitful discussion.
We identify two types of potential outcomes that could define the group
activities during the workshop:
Educational resources – One goal is to create a repository of educational
resources for HCI-E including cases studies, projects and exercises. These
educational resources need to be described in a common structure. The
definition of this structure was started at the previous workshop. A goal
of the workshop will be to extend and consolidate this structure as well as
to describe these resources according to this structure.
HCI-E Education Roadmap – Edited volume: Depending on the quality of the
submissions and the workshop results, revised versions of the contributions
will be published on an edited volume. Alternatively, we will produce a
journal paper summarizing and consolidating the contributions, in the form
of an HCI Engineering Education roadmap.
Position papers (6-10 pages in Springer format) must report experiences
related to HCI Engineering education. Submissions could report software
engineering units including some aspects of HCI-E, curricula or teaching
units dedicated to HCI-E, case studies/projects demonstrating aspects of
HCI-E, evaluation of students’ skills related to HCI-E, training
non-technical and mixed students in HCI-E, training appropriate aspects of
HCI-E to professionals/practitioners, a new teaching modality promising for
teaching HCI-E, introducing HCI-E into existing curricula, etc. Authors
could also provide in their submission a short summary of their experience
in the field and their motivation to participate in this workshop.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 15th, 2023
Notification deadline: June 15th, 2023
Workshop: to be announced
Deadlines are AoE.
José C. Campos, University of Minho & HASLab/INESC TEC, Portugal
Laurence Nigay, University Grenoble Alpes, France
Alan Dix, Computational Foundry, Swansea University, Wales, UK
Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock, Germany
Simone DJ Barbosa, PUC Rio, Brazil
Lucio Davide Spano, University of Cagliari, Italy
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <https://www.unica.it/unica/page/it/luciod_spano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
VL/HCC 2023: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
**Call for Research Papers**
- Abstracts only: April 21, 2023
- Submission deadline: April 28, 2023
- Rebuttal phase: June 5 - 9, 2023
- Notification: June 23, 2023
- Camera-ready: July 14, 2023
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
We solicit original, unpublished research papers on computing technologies
for modeling, programming, communicating, and reasoning, which are easier
to learn, use or understand by humans than the current state-of-the-art.
Papers should focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate
those technologies and languages. This includes technologies intended for
general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public)
or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in business
administration, production environments, healthcare, urban design or
scientific domains). Empirical papers that validate current proposed
solutions with rigorous scientific means (i.e., empirical studies,
controlled experiments, rigorous case studies, etc.) are also welcome.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual languages: Novel visual languages, Design, evaluation, and theory
of visual languages and applications, Development of systems for
manipulating and interacting with diagrammatic representations
- Human aspects and psychology of software development and language design,
such as supporting inclusion and diversity in programming
- End-user development: End-user development, adaptation and programming,
Creation and evaluation of technologies and infrastructures for end-user
- Crowdsourcing design and development work
- Representations: Novel representations and user interfaces for expressing
computation, Software, algorithm and data visualization
- Modeling: Model-driven development, Domain-specific languages, including
modeling languages, Visual modeling of human behavior and socio-technical
- Thinking more deeply about code: Computational thinking and Computer
Science education, Debugging and program understanding, Explainable ML/AI
If you are not sure if your paper is a good fit for VL/HCC, feel free to
email the PC Co-chairs (see “Contact” below). We welcome those new to the
VL/HCC community to submit!
SPECIAL EMPHASIS FOR 2023: Low-Code / No-Code Development
This year’s special topic is “Low-Code / No-Code Development”. This
development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code. This way, users are empowered to
create software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This year, we especially welcome papers at VL/HCC
that design, build, or evaluate any aspects of low-code and no-code
We invite two kinds of papers:
- full-length research papers, up to 8 pages - plus unlimited additional
pages containing only references and/or acknowledgements
- short research papers, up to 4 pages - plus unlimited additional pages
containing only references and/or acknowledgements
Papers must be submitted using the IEEE two-column conference paper format.
Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format (which was updated
in 2019), and to select the “US letter” template:
Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system (
To facilitate the assigning of papers to reviewers, we require paper
abstracts to be submitted via EasyChair at least 1 week prior to the paper
submission deadline (see Important Dates below). The abstract must be kept
up to date such that it matches exactly the abstract in the submitted
paper. The abstract must be no longer than 250 words.
All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete,
self-contained, archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are
more extensive than those from short papers. Note that some full paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers if reviewers deem contributions
to be comparable in size to a short paper. Work-in-progress, which has not
yet yielded an archival contribution, should be submitted to the
Posters/Showpieces category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of
the Program Committee in a double-blind review process. Authors will then
receive the reviews for their submissions and will be able to answer them
in a rebuttal phase. Only after this step the PC will make a final decision
about the acceptance of the submissions. Submissions and reviews for the
technical program are managed with EasyChair. At least one author of each
accepted paper is required to register for VL/HCC 2023 and present the
paper at the conference. There will be a virtual presentation option in
case of travel restrictions. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper
from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital
Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
The proceedings of IEEE VL/HCC are published in digital form by the IEEE
Computer Science Society and archived in the IEEE Digital Library with an
official ISBN number. Accepted papers will be available to conference
attendees via the IEEE Open Preview program in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/).
We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Both authors and reviewers are
expected to make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process.
In case of questions, please contact the Program Chairs. Authors should
ensure that the submission can be evaluated without it being obvious who
wrote the paper. This means leaving author names off the paper and using
terms like “previous research” rather than “our previous research” when
describing background. However, do not hide previous work – papers must
still reference all relevant research using full (non-anonymized)
citations, including the author’s own prior work, so that reviewers can
evaluate novelty. Please reference your own prior work in the third-person
just like you would do for any other related work (e.g., avoid “As
described in our previous work [10], … ” and instead write something like
“As described by [10], …”). It is also important that authors specify all
conflicts of interest with potential reviewers during the submission phase.
Reviewers should not undertake any investigation that might lead to the
revealing of authors’ identity. If identities are inadvertently revealed,
please contact the Program Chairs.
The Program Chairs will check all submissions for obvious signs of lack of
anonymity and may ask authors to make changes and resubmit the paper within
three days of the submission deadline. Only changes to resolve anonymity
issues will be permitted.
Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For
example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected
to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to
use should demonstrate increased ease of use.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical
evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim
through the existence of a functioning prototype.
Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be
appropriate for justifying claims, including analytical methods, formal
arguments or case studies. Given this criterion, we encourage potential
authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and
what evidence would adequately support these claims. In addition, we expect
short papers to have less comprehensive evaluation than long papers.
PC Co-Chairs:
- Philip Guo (University of California San Diego, United States)
- Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Contact email: vlhcc2023(a)googlegroups.com
Call for Papers
CoPDA 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: Artificial and/or Human Intelligence: Nurturing Computational Fluency in the Digital Age
June 6th, 2023 - Cagliari, Italy
In conjunction with IS-EUD 2023 (https://cg3hci.dmi.unica.it/iseud2023/)
In the Middle Ages, most people were dependent on “scribes”, who helped them to write down their thoughts, ideas, and stories, as well as to read the material written by other people. Many people today are in the same situation concerning digital media: they are unable to express themselves, explore problem spaces, and appropriate tools, and act as designers in personally meaningful activities. They must rely on “high-tech scribes”.
This 7th edition of the CoPDA workshop series will explore new conceptual frameworks and innovative computational environments for supporting computational fluency allowing people to become independent of “high-tech scribes”. The workshop will be in continuity with the edition held in 2022 in Frascati (Rome) focused on the relationship between AI and Human-Centered Design. An important challenge for the researchers getting together in the workshop this year will be to explore the foundational idea(s) that these workshops have pursued and how they are related to each other. A particular objective of all previous CoPDA workshops has been to collectively identify important and interesting themes for future workshops and our hope and expectation is that this will happen again this year by exploring conceptual frameworks and socio-technical environments making Computational Fluency a desirable and reachable goal for all citizens.
A student who has proficient skills in computational fluency would be able to use strategies together with the facts he or she knows how to identify a more challenging problem or another representation of the solution. This is a step beyond Digital Literacy, which focuses on mastering the tool in use (e.g.: keyboarding, surfing the internet, proficiency with digital environments for reading, writing, calculating, and communication), and beyond Computational Literacy, which focuses on solving known problems in efficient ways, including the use of coding. Digital Literacy and Computational Literacy (at least some parts) are a prerequisite for Computational Fluency, which emphasizes pursuing personal meaningful problems and shared meaningful activities. Computational Fluency shows mastery and appropriation of computational concepts by allowing one to address new and wicked problems in a creative manner. These abilities cannot be formally taught but can be nurtured, encouraged, and supported with socio-technical environments and education programs that foster reflection, creativity, and sharing.
The workshop aims to discuss Computational Fluency in the Digital Age by considering several topics including (but not limited to):
- Computational Thinking
- Design Thinking
- Printed Fluency
- Digital Fluency
- Human-centered AI (HCAI)
- Explainability of AI-based decisions
- Evaluation of AI-based systems
- AI support in everyday work
- ChatGPT: Promises and Pitfalls
- Big data and privacy
- Adaptive, Adaptable, and Context-Aware Systems
- End-User Development and Meta-Design
- End-User Development for AI-based systems
- Design Trade-offs between AI and EUD
- Distributed cognition
- Cultures of participation
- Multi-dimensional aspects of learning
- Collaborative learning
- Educational nurturing
Authors are invited to submit a 6-page position paper using the 1-column CEUR template available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
The papers can be submitted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=copda2023
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be collected and submitted for publication on CEUR-WS proceedings.
Important dates
- Apr 23rd, 2023: Submission deadline
- May 4th, 2023: Notification of acceptance
- May 15th, 2023: Camera ready
- Jun 6th, 2023: CoPDA 2023 workshop
Organizing Committee
Barbara Rita Barricelli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Daniela Fogli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Anders Mørch (University of Oslo, Norway)
Antonio Piccinno (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy)
Stefano Valtolina (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
For any further information, please contact copda2023(a)easychair.org
Informativa sulla Privacy: https://www.unibs.it/it/node/1452
Care tutte e cari tutti,
Sono lieta di comunicarvi che la collega Catia Prandi, dell'Università di
Bologna, è stata nominata membro dell'Executive Committee di ACM
SIGCHI, col ruolo di AC for Volunteer Support. La presenza, all'interno
dell'EC, di due membri del capitolo italiano di SIGCHI (vi ricordo che
il collega Luigi de Russis è Vice-President for Finance), rafforzerà
ulteriormente la nostra capacità di raccordarsi con la comunità scientifica
internazionale e ci consentirà di cogliere interessanti opportunità di
Congratulazioni, Catia, buon lavoro!
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <https://docenti.unisa.it/003730/home>
***** Apologies for any cross-posting *****
One month to go to the deadline for a range of categories (19 April 2023)!
INTERACT 2023 is the 19th International Conference of Technical Committee 13 (Human- Computer Interaction) of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
August 28 – September 1, 2023
York, United Kingdom and ONLINE
Full details: https://interact2023.org/ <https://interact2023.org/>
INTERACT is a very international and friendly conference and welcomes papers on all aspects of human-computer interaction and user experience.
The call for papers is now open for the following categories with a deadline of 19 April 2023:
Short papers
Interactive Demos
Doctoral Consortium
Industrial Experiences
Registration will open soon!
Enquiries to the General Chairs
Helen Petrie, University of York UK (helen.petrie(a)york.ac.uk <mailto:helen.petrie@york.ac.uk>)
Jose Abdelnour-Nocera, University of West London, UK and ITI/Larsys Portugal (Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera(a)uwl.ac.uk)
Lafayette to Hamilton: Immigrants, we get the job done (Hamilton, An American Musical)
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal - founded in 2005*
*that implements also video presentations of the published
contributions. *
*On-line Event*
*Special issue N. 54
Online Social Environments for Active Ageing
*/co-guest editors: Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira,
Liliana Vale Costa/
*Meet the authors *
authors index <https://ixdea.org/54_authors_index/>
on the /*31st of March - 16:30 CET*/
/(event coordination by: Janika Leoste & Oscar Mealha)/
to attend the presentations, for free, please fill the reservation form
-> link
Articles are available for free downloading at ->
To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin ->link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook ->link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel ->link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy
The 14th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2023)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2023 - Limassol, Cyprus.
Important dates:
April 20, 2023: paper submission
May 8, 2023: notification to authors
May 18, 2023: camera-ready due
The workshop will be in person. However, in very exceptional circumstances
we might accept a remote participation, to be discussed with us at paper
submission time.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2023 will again
be the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage (CH)
research and personalization research. Focused on those using different
types of technology, with emphasis on ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios,
used to enhance the personal experience in CH sites. The workshop is aimed
at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are working on
various aspects of CH and are interested in exploring the potential of
state-of-the-art mobile and personalized technology (onsite as well as
online) to enhance the CH visiting experience. The expected result of the
workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future
research directions and, hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a primary area for
personalization research. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing
to experience and learn new things, with expectations but possibly without
a clear idea of what they will find there. The Museum Experience Revisited,
by John Falk and Lynn Dierking (2013), argues that the visitor’s experience
is constructed by the intertwining of the personal, the social, and the
physical context. The experience begins before the visit, when one starts
to think about it, and lasts well after leaving the building. Indeed CH is
rich in objects and information and offers much more than the visitor can
absorb during their limited time in situ. Hence, visitors may benefit from
individualized support that takes into account contextual and personal
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical
cultural heritage collections and in CH sites
Ambient Cultural Heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to CH sites
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalized mobile museum guides & personal museum assistants
Personalization by Citizen Curation
Recommendation strategies for CH
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH
NLG techniques and conversational agents for CH
(User Interaction with) Integration of virtual and physical collections
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH recommendation
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
(including CH)
Long-term personalization in CH
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Human-Robots adaptation in museums
3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Context-aware information presentation in CH
Interactive user interfaces for CH applications
Use of personality for guiding Cultural Heritage Experiences
Participatory CH including multiple viewpoints and perspectives
Community mapping for CH information sharing
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH
Personalized support to the exploration of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
https://patch2023.di.unito.it/submission.html .
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "The 14th International Workshop on
Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2023)":
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 .
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, d.petrelli(a)shu.ac.uk
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, graptis(a)humanopsis.com
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
*** First Call for Tutorial Proposals ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 welcomes proposals for tutorials to be held with the main conference October
9-10 2023.
The eScience 2023 Tutorial Program is intended to teach new and/or state-of-the art tools
and techniques relevant to the eScience audience, disseminate information to conference
attendees on recently emerging topics and trends, or provide surveys and overviews of related
digital technologies.
We encourage all submissions that fall in the area of the conference, and particularly those
that have a practical (hands-on) component that helps attendees learn new technologies in
eScience. We also encourage submissions that disseminate new technologies in eScience to a
more diverse audience.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted per email as a single pdf file; the file should include
(1) a cover sheet and (2) an extended abstract. Submission email:
tutorials(a)escience-conference.org .
The cover sheet should include the following elements:
• Full title
• Abstract (300 words)
• Brief schedule - please plan for a half-day tutorial (approx 3 hours plus breaks)
• Intended audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced)
• Prerequisite knowledge or skills required for attendees
• Previous offerings of the tutorial, if any
• Detailed contact information of all presenters (and indication of the main contact person)
• Brief biography (max. 2 paragraphs) for each presenter, highlighting relevant teaching
The extended abstract (up to 2 pages) should include the following sections:
• Motivation
• Brief outline of the topics to be covered
• Detailed agenda of the tutorial
• Links to related resources
• Type of support materials to be supplied to attendees
• Requirements for online conference system
• Tutorial Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Tutorial Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Tutorials at the Conference: October 9-10, 2023
Tutorial Chairs (tutorials(a)escience-conference.org)
• Silvina Caino-Lores, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
• Philipp Gschwandtner, University of Innsbruck, Austria
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
ICMI 2023 Call for tutorial proposals
25th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
9-13 October 2023, Paris, France
ACM ICMI 2023 seeks half-day (3-4 hours) tutorial proposals addressing current and emerging topics within the scope of "Science of Multimodal Interactions". Tutorials are intended to provide a high-quality learning experience to participants with a varied range of backgrounds. It is expected that tutorials are self-contained.
Prospective organizers should submit a 4-page (maximum) proposal containing the following information:
1. Title
2. Abstract appropriate for possible Web promotion of the Tutorial
3. A short list of the distinctive topics to be addressed
4. Learning objectives (specific and measurable objectives)
5. The targeted audience (student / early stage / advanced researchers, pré-requisite knowledge, field of study)
6. Detailed description of the Tutorial and its relevance to multimodal interaction
7. Outline of the tutorial content with a tentative schedule and its duration
8. Description of the presentation format (number of presenters, interactive sessions, practicals)
9. Accompanying material (repository, references) and equipment, emphasizing any required material from the organization committee (subject to approval)
10. Short biography of the organizers (preferably from multiple institutions) together with their contact information and a list of 1-2 key publications related to the tutorial topic
11. Previous editions: If the tutorial was given before, describe when and where it was given, and if it will be modified for ACM ICMI 2023.
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Importance of the topic and the relevance to ACM ICMI 2023 and its main theme: "Science of Multimodal Interactions"
- Presenters' experience
- Adequateness of the presentation format to the topic
- Targeted audience interest and impact
- Accessibility and quality of accompanying materials (open access)
Proposals that focus exclusively on the presenters' own work or commercial presentations are not acceptable.
Unless explicitly mentioned and agreed by the Tutorial chairs, the tutorial organizers will take care of any specific requirements which are related to the tutorial such as specific handouts, mass storages, rights of distribution (material, handouts, etc.), copyrights, etc.
Important Dates and Contact Details
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: May 15, 2023
Tutorial Acceptance Notification: May 29, 2023
Camera-ready version of the tutorial abstract: June 26, 2023
Tutorial date: TBD (either October 9 or October 13)
Proposals should be emailed to the ICMI 2023 Tutorial Chairs, Prof. Hatice Gunes and Dr. Guillaume Chanel: icmi2023-tutorial-chairs(a)acm.org
Prospective organizers are also encouraged to contact the co-chairs if they have any questions.
*Apologize for unintended cross-mailing*
Invitation to submit an article to a special issue of the Interaction
Design and Architecture (IxD&A) journal entitled: “AI for Humans and Humans
for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age.”
This special issue explores the relationship between AI, aimed at replacing
human beings, and Intelligence Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering
human beings in their daily life and work. Balancing between these two
perspectives means changing the research paradigm from traditional
human-computer interaction, to designing the collaboration between humans
and computers. This will foster creativity, critical thinking,
intersubjectivity, and learning, and eventually improve the quality of life
of individuals. However, a variety of issues and ethical problems need to
be addressed in this new age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive
unemployment, knowledge and competence loss, lack of control, autonomous
weapons, and new research methods.
*Topics *
· AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues
· AI support in everyday work
· Collaborative human-centered design
· End-User Development for AI-based systems
· Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems
· Explainable AI through meta design
· Human-centred AI
· Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning
· Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design
*Submission procedure*: see above URL
*Important dates*:
· Deadline: May 20th, 2023
· Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023
· Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023
· Publication of the special issue: October, 2023 (tentatively)
*Questions: contact one or more of the guest editors*
· Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway ( renatea [at]
oslomet [dot] no )
· Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy ( vita [dot] barletta
[at] uniba [dot] it )
· Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway ( andersm [at] uio [dot]
no )
· Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy ( alessandro [dot]
pagano [at] uniba [dot] it )
Alessandro Pagano
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Tel. +39 3391354376
web: alessandropagano.net
orcid: orcid.org/0000-0002-7465-9778
*** Last Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: March 31, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
ACM UMAP 2023 is the premier international conference on systems that adapt to
users and user models for adaptation. The UMAP 2023 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will
take place as part of the 31st International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation,
and Personalization. The DC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore
and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished researchers
and industry practitioners from the field.
Doctoral students are invited to apply to present their research to experienced
scholars who will provide constructive feedback and advice. Students should
consider participating in the DC if they are at least one year away from completing
their dissertation at the time of the event, but after having settled on a research
area or dissertation topic.
This forum will provide Ph.D. students with an opportunity to
• Present and discuss their research ideas to experienced scholars in a supportive,
formative, and yet critical environment
• Explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished
researchers from the field who will provide constructive feedback and advice;
• Explore career pathways available after completing their Ph.D. degree
• Network and build collaborations with other members of the community
Students are asked to submit a brief proposal outlining their doctoral research,
which will be evaluated by the consortium committee. Good quality applications will
be selected for presentation at a DC Session as part of the conference. Each student
with an accepted submission will be assigned a mentor who will provide feedback on
the student’s work and will discuss the doctoral research with the student and the
audience at the consortium.
Please refer to the conference web site for more detailed information regarding the
preparation and submission of DC contributions:
● Submission of papers: March 31, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2023
● Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 2, 2023
● Conference: June 26-29, 2023
Note: The submission times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
● Antonija Mitrovic, Canterbury University, New Zealand
● Michel Desmarais, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
● Martijn Willemsen, Eindhoven University of Technology and JADS, Netherlands
● Contact: umap2023-doctoral(a)um.org
CHItaly 2023: Call for Papers
[Apologies for Multiple Postings]
CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
20-22 September 2023
Location: from Turin to the World, using Metaverse
Besides traditional HCI topics, CHItaly 2023 aims at debating the
intersection of HCI and AI as an emerging field of research, devoted mostly
to Intelligent User Interfaces, i.e., interfaces developed using the
approaches from HCI and the tools from AI.
In addition to consolidated HCI contributions, we solicit research on
methods, approaches, and systems relating the Human and the AI, innovative
AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, experiences in good
and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
We welcome research contributions in the form of either long or short
research papers.
Long papers present original and substantially new research in HCI. Short
papers present original and provocative research or novel applications in
All paper manuscripts undergo a selective review process. Accepted papers
are invited for inclusion in the electronic ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series (ICPS - pending approval), published in the ACM Digital
Authors of top-quality papers will be invited to submit extended versions
to special issues in international journals.
Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the conference is interested in
all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
A more detailed list is available at https://chitaly2023.it/call_for_papers/
Submit on easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023
Main deadlines:
- Submission deadline: March 31th, 2023
- Review notification: June 1st, 2023
- Initial camera-ready submission: June 30th, 2023
- Final submission: July 31st, 2023
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is
day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE.
Papers Chairs
Tania Di Mascio (Università dell’Aquila)
Rosa Lanzilotti (Università di Bari)
Davide Spano (Università di Cagliari)
email: papers(a)chitaly2023.it
****** Abstract and Graphical Abstract Submissions have been EXTENDED ******
Special Session on "eXtended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse:
Practices, Theories, Technologies and Applications"
These are the new extended deadlines:
- Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023 - April 7, 2023 (extended)
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023 - May 15, 2023 (extended)
Dear Colleagues,
The submission deadline to contribute with an Abstract (1-2 pages) or a
Graphical Abstract to the special session on “eXtended Reality as a gateway
to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories, Technologies and Applications” is
extended to April 7, 2023 - https://metroxraine.org/special-session-17.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended
Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE
2023) - October 25-27, 2023 - Milan - https://metroxraine.org/.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
I'm looking forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse0
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023 - April 7, 2023 (extended)
**NOTE: 1-2 pages abstract or a graphical abstract**
Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023 - May 15, 2023 (extended)
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions about the special session, please feel free to contact us
via email.
/Apologies for unintended cross-mailing
Deadline extension:*2nd of April (hard deadline)*/
*8th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
*June 19-20, 2023*
/*Tallin, Estonia (hybrid)*/
slerd.uniroma2.it <http://slerd.uniroma2.it/>
janika [dot] leoste [at] tlu [dot] ee/(conference chair)/
*call for papers <http://slerd.uniroma2.it/call-for-papers/>
*SLERD 2023 will host also a *Demo Student Contest* -> see call for demo
**/SLERD 2023 will features as *Keynotes*/**:
Ralf-Martin Shoe
**/Urban Challenges Driven Smart Cities /**
Päivi Kousa
**/AI brings new challenges and opportunities to higher education/**
****=========================================================** **
*SLERD 2023* is organized by /Tallinn University /in collaboration with
/ASLERD/ <http://www.aslerd.org>/./
Please Note: SLERD 2023 will be held in precence but a possibility to
attend it virtually is provided (hybrid format).
* /*Short Intro*/
The energy crises and war have underscored the need to change our living
style, consumption habits, learning methods and tools. The transition
towards future education is according to theUnesco thematic action track
digital transformation which harnesses technology as part of larger
systemic efforts. Making technology more inclusive, equitable,
effective, relevant, and sustainable.
What should we expect for future learning ecosystems? How “smart
learning ecosystems” are changing? How such changes may be related to
the achievement of “a better learning for a better world
as a contribution to theUnited Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
How will they contribute to the reduction of inequalities and, at the
same time, to the empowering of each individual according to his
expectations and talents?
/**//*Topics of interests*/
*SLERD 2023* is proud to invite colleagues - researchers and
practitioners - from all over the world to share the efforts concerning
the development of smart learning ecosystems and, contributions on how
to build together a brilliant post pandemic future, where smart learning
ecosystems and smart education will be even more central in the
education of future citizens, and in the promotion of social innovation
and territorial development.
can be grouped under three big themes:
/*• places for smart education
*/ *
• future of institutional learning
• interplay between formal and informal learning
• new educational models and settings
• continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, processes
in learning
• role of, and case studies of, games and gamification in smart education
• dual education and other alternate scheme approaches
• monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution,
city, region)
/*• people in place centered design for smart education*/
• general frameworks and methodological advances
• design, data and other relevant literacies
• smart citizen’s literacies, skill and competences
• communities and co-design in smart learning
• sharing & participatory practices
• open access to any resource and disparity
• cultural influences
/*• supportive learning technologies for smart education*/
*• AI for smart learning ecosystems: ethical aspects, tools and H-AI
*• semantic web technologies and applications***
• text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis
• real/virtual communities and social network analysis
• interoperability and application of open/smart data and services
• safety & security in education
• IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies
• adaptability to educational contexts and citizens
• role of VR in education
/*Important dates:*/
• Deadline for papers submission: *April 2**, 2023* *(hard deadline)*
• Notification to the authors: April 16, 2023
• Camera ready paper: April 30, 2023
• Conference: June 19-20, 2023
SLERD welcomes contributions composed by min. 4500 words. The max.
length of the contributions should not overcome 16 pages.
Papers should be written according to:
Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Series /Smart
Innovation, Systems and Technologies/ that will be indexed by SCOPUS,
EI-Compendex and Springerlink.
Extended version of selected papers will be also included in a special
issue of IxD&A Journal <https://www.ixdea.org/> (ISSN 1826-9745, e-ISSN
2283-2998) indexed by SCOPUS and Emerging Sources of Web of Science
Link to the /*paper submission page on easy chair:*/
Information about SLERD 2023 will continuously updated on the ASLERD
Linkedin page -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5103530/>
Facebook page -> link
Join ALSLERD and share our vision on the future of Smart Learning
Ecosystems: Timisoara declaration
See ASLERD website <http://www.aslerd.org> for
Request of membership, membership fees and legal
[Apologies for cross-posting, please distribute]
*4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds*
Pisa, October 26-27, 2023
*Call for papers and demos*
We are pleased to invite the community to submit to the 4th International
Symposium on the Internet of Sounds (IS2 2023). The Internet of Sounds is
an emerging research field positioned at the intersection of the Internet
of Things and the Sound and Music Computing domains. The symposium will be
hosted at the congress center “Ex Monastero delle Benedettine” in the city
of Pisa, Italy, and will take place on the 26 and 27 of October 2023.
The aim of the symposium is to bring together academics and industry to
investigate and advance the development of Internet of Sounds technologies
by using cutting-edge tools and processes. The event will consist of oral
presentations, keynotes, poster presentations, demonstrations, as well as
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Wireless acoustic sensor networks
- Networked music performances
- Web Audio
- Networked Musical XR
- Detection and classification of sounds in acoustic sensor networks
- Sound-based anomaly detection and sound-based predictive maintenance
in networked settings
- Spatial audio for the Internet of Sounds
- Cloud-based services for musical and audio applications
- Ecoacoustics
- Embedded audio
- Privacy and security in acoustic sensor networks
- Smart Musical Instruments
- Musical haptics for the Internet of Musical Things
- Participatory live music performances
- Music education applications for the Internet of Musical Things
- Intelligent music production in Internet of Musical Things contexts
- Ubiquitous music
- Sonification for Internet of Sounds applications
- Protocols and exchange formats for the Internet of Sounds
- Improving accessibility and inclusiveness within the Internet of Sounds
- Open audio databases for Deep Learning and Data Mining
- Challenges in the management and delivery of large audio databases
- Visualization and Sonification of acoustic sensor networks
- Sustainability and ethical aspects of the Internet of Sounds
We consider contributions in the form of a full paper (min 5 pages, max 10
pages), a poster paper (4 pages), or a demo proposal (max 2 pages). Authors
are welcome to submit to all three tracks. We encourage the submission of
work in progress as well as more mature work. LaTeX and Word templates are
available: IEEE conference templates.
*Important dates*
- Papers and demos submission deadline: July 15, 2023
- Author notification: September 1, 2023
- Camera ready due: October 1, 2023
- Registration deadline: October 1, 2023
- Symposium dates: October 26-27, 2023
The IS2 2023 proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE for publication.
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper, Best
Student Paper and Best Demo awards. To be eligible for the best student
paper award, the presenting and first author of the paper must be a
full-time student.
*Organizing Committee*
- Stefano Giordano (University of Pisa)
- Gregorio Procissi (University of Pisa)
- Nils Peters (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Fraunhofer IIS)
- Sacha Krstulovic (Music Tribe)
- Claudia Rinaldi (University of L’Aquila)
- Benjamin Matuszewski (IRCAM)
- Chrisoula Alexandraki (Hellenic Mediterranean University)
- Luca Borgianni (University of Pisa)
- Luca Turchet (University of Trento)
- ZTE - Italia <https://www.zteitalia.it/en/home/>
- Vianova <https://www.vianova.it/>
- Italtel <https://www.italtel.com/>
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)unitn.it
Tel: +39 0461 283792
Dear Colleagues,
Last days to submit your contribution to our Special Session on “eXtended
Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories, Technologies
and Applications” - IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended
Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE
2023) - October 25-27, 2023 - Milan -
I want to remind you that the deadline of tomorrow, 15 March, is for the
submission of a 1-2 page Abstract or a Graphical Abstract to show the idea
you are proposing. You will have time to finalise your work by the deadline
of April 30.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
I'm looking forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse0
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023. **NOTE that the abstract
should be 1 - 2 pages.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023.
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions about the special session, please feel free to contact us
via email.
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website will no longer be updated from 5 March 2023 onwards./
Special Issue on
*AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
• Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy
• Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway
• Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *May 20th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023
• Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: October 2023 (tentatively)
This special issue is intended to explore the assumption (and to provide
at least partial evidence) that the most successful Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems out there today are dependent on teams of
humans, just as humans depend on these systems to gain access to
information, provide insights and perform tasks beyond their own
capabilities. An assumption that implies a confrontation between AI,
Human-Centered AI and HCD and a reflection on the role of HCD in the AI age.
The issue, thus, is not intended to be focalized on the design of user
interfaces of systems containing embedded AI features, per se; rather,
it is expected to be grounded in research activities involving a broad
spectrum of academic disciplines – from computer science to social
science – that will critically analyze the interplay between
AI, Human-Centered AI and HCD, in order to investigate the impact on
individuals, social groups, and society as a whole.
In particular this special issue wish to explore the relationship
between AI, aimed at replacing human beings, and Intelligence
Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering human beings in their daily
life and work. Balancing between these two perspectives means changing
the research paradigm from traditional human-computer interaction, to
designing the collaboration between humans and computers. This will
foster creativity, meaningful work, intersubjectivity, and learning, and
eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a
variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this new
age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge and
competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, new research
methods, etc.
The guest editors encourage researchers to submit articles that will
consider these aspects.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but not limited to:
* AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues
* AI support in everyday work
* Collaborative human-centered design
* End-User Development for AI-based systems
* Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems
* Explainable AI through meta design
* Human-centred AI
* Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning effectiveness
* Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: AI for Humans and Humans for AI")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on AI for Humans and Humans for AI/
• renatea [at] oslomet [dot] no
• vita [dot] barletta [at] uniba [dot] it
• anders [dot] morch [at] iped [dot] uio [dot] no
• alessandro [dot] pagano [at] uniba [dot] it
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.56
'Hybrid Games and Interaction Design'
Guest editors: Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa, Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Fotis
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N.59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
• N.60
• ‘SLE as engines of the twin transition’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based
Activities with Children’
Guest editors: Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Erkki
Rötkönen, Tariq Zaman
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
*** Call for Workshop Papers ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
ACM UMAP 2023, the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users,
and which collect, represent, and model user information, is organising a number of
workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The workshops provide a
venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User Modeling and Adaptive
Hypermedia research with a group of like-minded researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia. There will be a conference adjunct
proceedings published by ACM where all the workshop papers will be published.
● CRUM 2023: The first edition of the workshop on Context Representation in
User Modelling
● ExUM 2023: 5th Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalised
● GMAP 2023: 2nd Workshop on Group Modelling, Adaptation and
● HAAPIE 2023: 8th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and
Personalised Interactive Environments
● PATCH 2023: The 14th International Workshop on Personalised Access to
Cultural Heritage
● FairUMAP: 6th UMAP Workshop on Fairness in Uder Modelling, Adaptation, and
● ADAPPT: Adaptive and Personalised Persuasive Technologies Workshop
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before April 20
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop, around May 8, 2023
● Adjunct proceedings camera ready: May 18, 2023
● Workshop day: June 26, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
● Veronika Bogina, Haifa University, Israel
sveron AT gmail.com
● Antonela Tommasel, ISISTAN, CONICET-UNICEN
antonela.tommasel AT isistan.unicen.edu.ar
Apologies for multiple posting
34th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
19 - 22 September 2023 | Swansea, United Kingdom
Please visit the conference website for up-to-date information, including registration:
ECCE 2023 invites contributions from researchers and practitioners which address the broad spectrum of Cognitive Ergonomics challenges in the analysis, design, and evaluation of virtual and physical interactive systems as part of a rich conference program including keynote talks, paper presentation as well as a doctoral consortium. The 34th ECCE conference will target state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to cognitive ergonomics and its role in design processes, information presentation and visualization, human factors and simulation, prototyping, cross / extended reality, user interfaces development, evaluations, and emerging ethical issues.
February 28, 2023: Deadline for workshop proposals (now closed)
March 31, 2023: Deadline for paper submissions*
June 22, 2023: Deadline for camera-ready submissions**
July 16, 2023: Early registration deadline
September 19, 2023: ECCE 2023 doctoral consortium and workshops
September 20-22, 2023: ECCE 2023 main conference
*Submissions of full papers are handled through EasyChair:
** One author per accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to guarantee publication in the conference proceedings.
Elizabeth Churchill, Senior Director of UX at Google.
Clara Crivellaro, Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy at Newcastle University.
John McCarthy, Head of School of Applied Psychology, University of Cork, Ireland
Robert Pepperell, Professor of Fine Art, Cardiff Metropolitan University & Co-founder and leader of Fovolab at Cardiff Metropolitan University
The Special Theme of ECCE 2023 is Responsible Technology: Community, Culture and Sustainability.
We are cordially inviting contributions on topics along, but not limited to, the following general topics of interest:
* Perception and Augmented Perception
* Design for sense-making and embodiment
* Emotion research for interactive technologies
* Mixed, augmented, and virtual realities
* Human factors and control systems
* Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
* Recent developments in AI
* History of computers and of ECCE
* Ethics of responsible technology
* Online Safety Bill & Digital Services Act
* Digital and interaction issues for education
* Social inclusion and diversity in a digital age
* Teaching Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction
For ECCE 2023 we invite authors to submit novel research contributions and innovative applications related to the conference topics. The following paper categories are welcome: full papers, demonstrations, workshops, and doctoral consortium proposals.
Long papers must not exceed 10 pages, including all sections, references, and possible appendices.
Short papers must not exceed 6 pages, including all sections, references, and possible appendices.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Please consult the website for publishing and formatting instructions. Submissions of full papers are handled through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecce2023
The deadline for full paper submissions is March 31st, 2023.
Demonstrations are about showing work in a setting that allows for open discussion. These sessions are suitable for authors who wish to present and demonstrate their work, small projects, systems, or prototypes in an interactive and informal setting during ECCE 2023. Demonstration proposals should be no longer than 2 pages and should explain the work to be presented, the nature of the presentation, and the relevance of the presentation to the conference themes.
Demonstration proposals, along with specific requirements for the demonstration (e.g., size of equipment, power, networking, etc.) should be directed to the general chairs (on ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by March 31st, 2023.
Workshops (now closed)
This year we welcome ideas for workshops, which will take place on Tuesday 19th September 2023. The suggested topics should be related to the aforementioned themes. Inquiries and Submissions of workshop proposals must be directed to the program chairs (ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by February 28th, 2023.
Doctoral Consortium papers
We warmly encourage doctoral students to apply to the doctoral consortium held one day prior to the conference (Monday 18th September 2023), which will be supervised by two leading experts. Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium should include a 2-page summary of the Ph.D. student’s work (including research context, past accomplishments, future directions, and problems encountered) and a 1-page CV.
Upon acceptance, students have to submit a consortium paper (no longer than 6 pages), including references and possible attachments. DC papers revised and submitted according to reviewer comments will be published in the ACM Digital Library along with the conference proceedings. Inquiries and Submissions of the Doctoral Consortium papers should be sent directly to the doctoral consortium chairs by March 31st, 2023.
Students whose Doctoral Consortium (DC) papers are accepted will get free registration to the conference (supported by EACE).
General Chairs
Alan Dix, Swansea University and Cardiff Metropolitan University
Irene Reppa, Swansea University
Carina Westling, Bournemouth University
Harry Witchel, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Dr. Stéphane Safin, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Prof. Gerrit van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Workshop Chairs
Harry Witchel, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Raymond Bond, Ulster University
Contact us on: ecce2023(a)gmail.com
From: Lammers, H.A. (Elly) <h.a.lammers(a)vu.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 17:19
To: Lammers, H.A. (Elly) <h.a.lammers(a)vu.nl>
Subject: Fw: Call for papers - reminder
Apologies for multiple posting
34th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
19 - 22 September 2023 | Swansea, United Kingdom
Please visit the conference website for up-to-date information, including registration:
ECCE 2023 invites contributions from researchers and practitioners which address the broad spectrum of Cognitive Ergonomics challenges in the analysis, design, and evaluation of virtual and physical interactive systems as part of a rich conference program including keynote talks, paper presentation as well as a doctoral consortium. The 34th ECCE conference will target state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to cognitive ergonomics and its role in design processes, information presentation and visualization, human factors and simulation, prototyping, cross / extended reality, user interfaces development, evaluations, and emerging ethical issues.
February 28, 2023: Deadline for workshop proposals (now closed)
March 31, 2023: Deadline for paper submissions*
June 22, 2023: Deadline for camera-ready submissions**
July 16, 2023: Early registration deadline
September 19, 2023: ECCE 2023 doctoral consortium and workshops
September 20-22, 2023: ECCE 2023 main conference
*Submissions of full papers are handled through EasyChair:
** One author per accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to guarantee publication in the conference proceedings.
Elizabeth Churchill, Senior Director of UX at Google.
Clara Crivellaro, Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy at Newcastle University.
John McCarthy, Head of School of Applied Psychology, University of Cork, Ireland
Robert Pepperell, Professor of Fine Art, Cardiff Metropolitan University & Co-founder and leader of Fovolab at Cardiff Metropolitan University
The Special Theme of ECCE 2023 is Responsible Technology: Community, Culture and Sustainability.
We are cordially inviting contributions on topics along, but not limited to, the following general topics of interest:
* Perception and Augmented Perception
* Design for sense-making and embodiment
* Emotion research for interactive technologies
* Mixed, augmented, and virtual realities
* Human factors and control systems
* Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
* Recent developments in AI
* History of computers and of ECCE
* Ethics of responsible technology
* Online Safety Bill & Digital Services Act
* Digital and interaction issues for education
* Social inclusion and diversity in a digital age
* Teaching Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction
For ECCE 2023 we invite authors to submit novel research contributions and innovative applications related to the conference topics. The following paper categories are welcome: full papers, demonstrations, workshops, and doctoral consortium proposals.
Long papers must not exceed 10 pages, including all sections, references, and possible appendices.
Short papers must not exceed 6 pages, including all sections, references, and possible appendices.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Please consult the website for publishing and formatting instructions. Submissions of full papers are handled through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecce2023
The deadline for full paper submissions is March 31st, 2023.
Demonstrations are about showing work in a setting that allows for open discussion. These sessions are suitable for authors who wish to present and demonstrate their work, small projects, systems, or prototypes in an interactive and informal setting during ECCE 2023. Demonstration proposals should be no longer than 2 pages and should explain the work to be presented, the nature of the presentation, and the relevance of the presentation to the conference themes.
Demonstration proposals, along with specific requirements for the demonstration (e.g., size of equipment, power, networking, etc.) should be directed to the general chairs (on ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by March 31st, 2023.
Workshops (now closed)
This year we welcome ideas for workshops, which will take place on Tuesday 19th September 2023. The suggested topics should be related to the aforementioned themes. Inquiries and Submissions of workshop proposals must be directed to the program chairs (ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by February 28th, 2023.
Doctoral Consortium papers
We warmly encourage doctoral students to apply to the doctoral consortium held one day prior to the conference (Monday 18th September 2023), which will be supervised by two leading experts. Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium should include a 2-page summary of the Ph.D. student’s work (including research context, past accomplishments, future directions, and problems encountered) and a 1-page CV.
Upon acceptance, students have to submit a consortium paper (no longer than 6 pages), including references and possible attachments. DC papers revised and submitted according to reviewer comments will be published in the ACM Digital Library along with the conference proceedings. Inquiries and Submissions of the Doctoral Consortium papers should be sent directly to the doctoral consortium chairs by March 31st, 2023.
Students whose Doctoral Consortium (DC) papers are accepted will get free registration to the conference (supported by EACE).
General Chairs
Alan Dix, Swansea University and Cardiff Metropolitan University
Irene Reppa, Swansea University
Carina Westling, Bournemouth University
Harry Witchel, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Dr. Stéphane Safin, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Prof. Gerrit van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Workshop Chairs
Harry Witchel, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Raymond Bond, Ulster University
Contact us on: ecce2023(a)gmail.com
With apologies for cross postings - deadline March 6th
AISB Convention 2023
13-14 April 2023
Swansea, Wales, UK
The AISB Convention is a flourishing annual conference that thrives from an interdisciplinary audience and facilitates discourse amongst a diverse set of researchers and research cultures. Attendance will be free for AISB members.
The 2023 convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) will be held as a hybrid in-person and online event 13-14 April 2023. The convention will consist of several tracks based on popular symposia of previous AISB conventions instead of separately organised symposia. This decision was made to streamline the processes involved in organising the convention in the context of reduced timeframes due to COVID-19 disruptions from the past years and the longer-term changes this has brought about for the reseach community. In addition to the thematic tracks, we will run a general track that can accommodate papers on any topic related to AI. Each track acts like a mini conference with its own chair and programme committee.
Please see below for a list of tracks for 2023.
AI & Games (AIG)
This track focuses on the application of artificial intelligence or intelligent-like techniques, frameworks and theories to the creation of intelligent games.
AI can be used in any manner suitable in the game, from the algorithm to making the game more engaging, personalised, and/or interactive.
The following non-exhaustive list of research and practice shows potential submission topics:
* Use of AI techniques (e.g. planning, learning, evolution etc.)
* Design and engineering of AI components
* Procedural content generation
* Intelligent or adaptive player interaction
* Game analytics
* Data-driven player modelling
* Agent decision making systems
* Intelligent agents
* Environmental simulations
* Interactive narrative generation
* Intelligent narrative technologies
* Experimental AI
* Serious games & gamification
AI Ethics (AIE)
Recent years have seen an increased awareness of ethical issues stemming from a lack of responsibility in the design and deployment of AI- and data-driven technology systems. This track explores solutions to these issues. Some topics of interest:
* Algorithmic fairness
* Diversity
* Data governance
* Accountability
* Data privacy
* AI ethics principles
* Implementing ethical reasoning
* AI regulation
* Explainable AI
Computational Creativity (CC)
Computational creativity is continuing to attract researchers from both arts and science backgrounds. Philosophers, cognitive psychologists, computer scientists and artists have all contributed to and enriched the literature.
Many argue a machine is creative if it simulates or replicates human creativity (e.g. evaluation of AI systems via a Turing-style test), while others have conceived of computational creativity as an inherently different discipline, where computer generated (art)work should not be judged on the same terms, i.e. being necessarily producible by a human artist, or having similar attributes, etc.
More general topics of interest for this symposium include, but are not limited to:
* Novel systems and theories in computational creativity, in any domain, e.g. drawing and painting, music, storytelling, poetry, conversation, games, etc.
* The evaluation of computational creative systems, processes and artefacts
* Theory of computational aesthetics
* Representational issues in creativity, including visual and perceptual representations
* Social aspects of computational creativity, and intellectual property issues
* Creative autonomy and constraint
* Computational appreciation of artefacts, including human artwork
Philosophy & AI (AIP)
With its origins in the Philosophy after AI symposium from previous AISB Conventions, this track sets out to investigate the philosophical and linguistic perspectives of the research paths which deal with language as it is conceived by AI. Contributions to a general philosophical discourse on AI are also welcome.
We invite talks on the following (but not exclusively) topics:
* Linguistics and AI;
* AI research on language;
* Learning, creativity and AI;
* Meaning and AI;
* Creativity, machine-learning and language;
* Robots and communication;
* Truth, post-truth and AI;
* Social media, devices and human sociality.
General Track (GT)
This track accommodates AI research that does not align with any of the other special tracks. Possible topics include:
* Agents and multi-agent systems
* Agent-based social simulation
* Verification of AI systems
* Combining learning and reasoning
* Argumentation
* AI & cyber security
* Natural language processing
* Knowledge representation
Submissions to any of the tracks are in the form of extended abstracts and are subject to peer review. Proceedings will then accommodate final papers as short or regular papers. These are limited to the following page restrictions.
* Extended abstract (max. 2 pages)
* Short paper (max. 4 pages)
* Regular paper (max. 8 pages)
Page limits include references. Please use Springer Nature LaTeX or Word templates to prepare your papers.
Web site and submission links will be available from mid-January 2023.
Please use the following submission links:
* AISB - AI & Games 2023: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=aisbaig2023
* AISB - AI Ethics 2023: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=aisbaie2023
* AISB - Philosophy & AI 2023: Please email your submission to aip2023(a)aisb.org.uk
* AISB - Computational Creativity 2023: Please email your submission to cc2023(a)aisb.org.uk
* AISB - General Track 2023: Please email your submission to gt2023(a)aisb.org.uk
Important Dates
* Submission: 6 March 2023
* Notification of acceptance: 27 March 2023
* Camera-ready paper: 3 April 2023
Program Committee
General Chair: Bertie Müller (Swansea University)
Track Chairs:
* AISB - AI & Games 2023: Swen Gaudl (University of Plymouth, UK)
* AISB - AI Ethics 2023: Bertie Müller (Swansea University, UK)
* AISB - Philosophy & AI 2023: Giusy Gallo (Università della Calabria, Italy), Claudia Stancati (Università della Calabria, Italy)
* AISB - Computational Creativity 2023: Jiaxiang Zhang (Swansea University, UK)
* AISB - General Track 2023: Floriana Grasso (University of Liverpool, UK)
CHItaly 2023: Call for Papers
[Apologies for Multiple Postings]
CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
20-22 September 2023
Location: from Turin to the World, using Metaverse
Besides traditional HCI topics, CHItaly 2023 aims at debating the
intersection of HCI and AI as an emerging field of research, devoted mostly
to Intelligent User Interfaces, i.e., interfaces developed using the
approaches from HCI and the tools from AI.
In addition to consolidated HCI contributions, we solicit research on
methods, approaches, and systems relating the Human and the AI, innovative
AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, experiences in good
and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
We welcome research contributions in the form of either long or short
research papers.
Long papers present original and substantially new research in HCI. Short
papers present original and provocative research or novel applications in
All paper manuscripts undergo a selective review process. Accepted papers
are invited for inclusion in the electronic ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series (ICPS - pending approval), published in the ACM Digital
Authors of top-quality papers will be invited to submit extended versions
to special issues in international journals.
Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the conference is interested in
all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
A more detailed list is available at https://chitaly2023.it/call_for_papers/
Submit on easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023
Main deadlines:
- Submission deadline: March 31th, 2023
- Review notification: June 1st, 2023
- Initial camera-ready submission: June 30th, 2023
- Final submission: July 31st, 2023
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is
day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE.
Papers Chairs
Tania Di Mascio (Università dell’Aquila)
Rosa Lanzilotti (Università di Bari)
Davide Spano (Università di Cagliari)
email: papers(a)chitaly2023.it
****** One Week Left ******
Call for Papers
Special Session on
"eXtended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse:
Practices, Theories, Technologies and Applications"
Abstract (1-2 pages)
or alternatively, a Graphical Abstract
by March 15, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
a friendly reminder that there is only one week left to contribute with an
Abstract (1-2 pages) or a Graphical Abstract to the Special Session on
“eXtended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories,
Technologies and Applications” - IEEE International Conference on Metrology
for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023) - October 25-27, 2023 - Milan -
After the abstract submission, you will have time until April 30 to
finalize your contribution.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
Visit the conference website for further and updated information
I'm looking forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best wishes,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023. **NOTE that the abstract
should be 1 - 2 pages.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023.
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions about the special session, please feel free to contact us
via email.
*** Third Call for Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: Friday, July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: Monday, July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Monday, August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: Monday, August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website will no longer be updated from 5 March 2023 onwards./
Special Issue on
*Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Dina El Zanfaly, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Peter Scupelli, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Daragh Byrne, Carnegie Mellon University, USA/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *May 20th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: July 31st, 2023
• Camera ready paper: September 20th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: October 2023 (tentatively)
Over the past few decades, interactive technologies have become more and
more embedded in and blended with our physical world. These
technologies—mobile computing, AR and VR, interactive IoTs, tangible
interfaces, and responsive architectures—are increasingly shaping our
daily experiences in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities.
We call these physical-digital spaces Hybrid Environments . As these
technologies continue to transform the way we live, many new
opportunities emerge for design education and practice.
Within higher education, more and more programs aim to cross-train
designers, architects, creative technologists, and artists to operate in
these emerging terrains. This is a complex pedagogical practice.
Designing for Hybrid Environments requires knowledge and training in the
design of both physical environments and interactive technologies.
Solutions cut across, and often operate at multiple, scales: from the
object to the room, from the neighborhood to the city. Consequently, the
design of good physical-digital spaces must often bridge fundamental
knowledge in design, architecture, art, interactivity, and computation.
How are we meeting this emergent need? How do we educate cross-trained
students to creatively respond and adapt to these complex design spaces?
In this special issue, we invite design educators to share their
pedagogies, frameworks, and tools for crafting next-generation
physical-digital spaces. We hope to gather, reflect, and share valuable
examples and instructional practices so that we might learn from one
another and critically examine how to teach students to design Hybrid
Environments. Ultimately, we seek to form a common understanding and
begin building the foundations for design education in this emerging field.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to Design Education for Hybrid Environments includes, but is not limited to:
• Teaching for and within VR, AR, and XR technologies.
• Teaching for interactive IoT, spatial computing, ambient media, and
responsive architecture.
• CAD and CAM tools to help conceive, represent, prototype, and test
Hybrid Environments.
• Theoretical frameworks and representational techniques to navigating
scales of design —from the object to the room, from the neighborhood to
the city.
• Cognitive approaches to explain and study reasoning, conceiving, and
building Hybrid Environments.
• Post-Pandemic Hybrid Environments, including telepresence, distributed
spaces, and the temporality of experience.
• Assessment and performance methods, including pilot studies,
curricula, or cases of evaluating Hybrid Environments design and
• Instructional experiences resilient to rapid change in technology
infrastructures and toolsets.
• Research methods supporting the design process and evaluation of
Hybrid Environments.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Design Education for Hybrid Environments")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on Design Education for Hybrid Environments/
• drosenb2 [at] andrew [dot] cmu [dot] edu
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.56
'Hybrid Games and Interaction Design'
Guest editors: Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa, Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Fotis
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N.59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
• N.60
• ‘SLE as engines of the twin transition’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘Technologies, Tools, and Techniques for Online Design-Based
Activities with Children’
Guest editors: Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Erkki
Rötkönen, Tariq Zaman
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
*** Fourth Call for Late-Breaking Results and Demos ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: April 24, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
● Submission of papers: April 24, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2023
● Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 18, 2023
● Conference: June 26-29, 2023
Note: The submission times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
● Max. 5 pages + max. 1 additional page for references;
● (Optional) video or external material demonstrating the system;
● Publication in ACM UMAP 2023 Adjunct Proceedings;
● Presentation as a demo + poster at the conference.
Description: Demonstrations will showcase research prototypes and
commercially available products in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must
be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more
innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference.
Demonstrations are an excellent and exciting way to showcase implementations
and get valuable feedback from the community. Each demo submission must
make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how these will
be demonstrated on-site as well as online.
To better identify the value of demos, we also encourage authors to submit a
pointer to a screencast (max. 5 minutes on Vimeo or YouTube) or any
external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub).
Descriptions of demonstrations should have a length of max. 5 pages + 1 page
of references in the new ACM single-column style. On an extra page (not to
be published), submissions should include a specification of the
technical requirements for demonstrating the system at UMAP 2023.
Late-Breaking Results
● Max. 7 pages + max. 2 additional pages for references;
● (Required) unpublished page with a list of questions the authors aim to get
feedback on;
● Publication in ACM UMAP 2023 Adjunct Proceedings;
● Presentation as a (potentially virtual) poster at the conference.
Description: Late-Breaking Results (LBR) are research-in-progress that must
contain original and unpublished accounts of innovative research ideas,
preliminary results, industry showcases, and system prototypes, addressing both
the theory and practice of User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization. In
addition, papers introducing recently started research projects or summarizing
project results are welcome as well.
We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit late-breaking work as
it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful
feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations
among colleagues.
Late-Breaking Results papers have a length of up to 7 pages + 2 pages of
references in the new ACM single-column style and will be presented to
the conference as posters. On an extra page (not to be published),
submissions should include a list of questions that the authors aim to get feedback
on during the poster session at UMAP 2023.
Papers will be reviewed single-blind and do not need to be anonymised before
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The
templates and instructions are available here:
Authors should submit their papers as single-column. The templates are
available here (we strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX for the
camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting):
● LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart} in the sample-
authordraft.tex file for single-column):
● Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart} for single-column):
● MS Word:
Note: Accepted papers will require further revision to meet the requirements and
page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM. Instructions for
the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers will be provided
after acceptance.
The ACM Code of Ethics gives the UMAP program committee the right to (desk-)
reject papers that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, employ unethical
research practices, or uncritically present outcomes/implications that
clearly disadvantage minority communities.
Submit your papers in PDF format via EasyChair for ACM UMAP 2023 Demos and
Late-Breaking Results at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
(choose “New Submission” and make sure to select “UMAP'23 - LBR and
Demos” track).
The review process will be single-blind, i.e., authors’ names should be included in
the papers. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
They will be assessed based on their originality and novelty, potential contribution
to the research field, potential impact in particular use cases, and the usefulness
of presented experiences, as well as their overall readability.
Papers that exceed the page limits or do not adhere to the formatting guidelines
will be returned without review.
UMAP has a *no dual submission* policy, which is why full paper submissions should
not be currently under review at another publication venue. Further, UMAP operates
under the ACM Conference Code of Conduct
as well as the ACM Publication Policies and Procedures
Accepted Demo and Late-Breaking Results papers will be published in the ACM UMAP
2023 Adjunct Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Papers will be accessible from
the UMAP 2023 website through ACM OpenToc Service for one year after publication
in the ACM Digital Library. All categories will be presented at the poster reception of
the conference, in the form of a poster and/or a software demonstration following
poster format. This form of presentation will provide presenters with an opportunity
to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the
To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper
must register for the conference and present the paper there.
● Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari, Italy
● Alisa Rieger, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
● Shaghayegh (Sherry) Sahebi, University at Albany – SUNY, USA
● Contact: HYPERLINK "mailto:umap2023-lbr@um.org"umap2023-lbr(a)um.org
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
**AI per la Sostenibilità @Ital-IA 2023*- Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE
March, 19 ***
Workshop presso il*Terzo Convegno Nazionale CINI sull'Intelligenza
Artificiale Ital-IA*(https://www.ital-ia2023.it/)
29-31 Maggio 2023, Pisa, Italy
Ital-IA è il terzo Convegno Nazionale CINI sull'Intelligenza
Artificiale, organizzato per sviluppare obiettivi comuni tra istituzioni
pubbliche, industria italiana e la ricerca scientifica delle università
e dei centri di ricerca nazionali. Ital-IA ha l'ambizione di "fare rete
nazionale" tra tutte le azioni che si stanno disegnando in questi mesi
in Italia per cogliere le potenzialità di sviluppo legate alle
tecnologie dell'Intelligenza Artificiale.
Il convegno è organizzato dal Laboratorio Nazionale "Artificial
Intelligence ed Intelligent Systems" (AIIS), creato dal CINI (Consorzio
Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica). Il Laboratorio è stato
creato nel Giugno 2018 con il sostegno del Dipartimento di Informazione
e Sicurezza della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (come indicato
nel recente rapporto del DIS "Relazione sulla Politica dell’Informazione
per La Sicurezza 2018") per sviluppare obiettivi comuni tra istituzioni
pubbliche, industria italiana e la ricerca scientifica delle università
e dei centri di ricerca nazionali. Il laboratorio conta oggi 57 nodi che
includono quasi tutti gli Atenei Italiani oltre a CNR, FBK e IIT.
For any information: marco.polignano(a)uniba.it
La rapida evoluzione dell'Intelligenza artificiale dell'ultimo decennio
ha spinto la ricerca verso lo sviluppo di tecnologie sempre più
sofisticate e accurate basate su enormi quantità di dati. Tali sistemi
si sono dimostrati un ottimo strumento per supportare processi volti
alla sostenibilità Ambientale, Economica e Sociale sia lato produttivo
che lato di ricerca grazie alla loro eccezionale capacità di
comprensione dei dati (strutturati e non), pianificazione e reasoning.
In questo workshop si vogliono discutere quei sistemi di AI in grado di
agire in tale ambito ed aiutare aziende e università ad affrontare i
temi della sostenibilità ed efficienza. E' difatti prerogativa
dell'Unione Europea rendere possibile il transitare quanto prima verso
soluzioni produttive sostenibili, efficienti e attente al benessere
dell'ambiente e dei lavoratori.
Tuttavia gli stessi modelli di Intelligenza Artificiale possono essere
estremamente energivori e poco attenti alla sostenibilità, sopratutto
ambientale (eg. basti pensare ai grandi modelli di comprensione del
testo proposti dalle grandi multinazionali). Pertanto oggetto del
workshop è anche il tema della sostenibilità dei modelli di AI e alla
possibilità di renderli meno impattanti e più efficienti.
Gli argomenti di interesse del workshop sono (ma non limitati a):
• AI e metodi di data mining per la valutazione automatica e il ranking
di valori di sostenibilità sociale, economica e ambientale;
• Risorse e strategie di valutazione per le strategie di sostenibilità
sociale, economica e ambientale;
• Tecnologie basate su AI per il monitoraggio e la valutazione di
diversi aspetti delle procedure di mantenimento della sostenibilità
sociale, economica e ambientale (ma non limitati a), impronta di
carbonio, diversità e inclusione, equo commercio, giustizia sociale,
impatto ambientale, ecc.;
• Rilevamento automatico e prevenzione dei rischi legati alla non
sostenibilità di processi ed attività sia come obblighi nazionali ed
internazionali che di gestione del rischio riferiti (ma non limitati a),
farmacovigilanza, sicurezza alimentare, disuguaglianza ed esclusione,
mobbing sul lavoro, fake o contenuti imprecisi, stereotipi etnici e
altri linguaggi insensibili;
• Approcci di AI e tecnologie di NLP per interpretare e modellare il
posizionamento e la percezione del livello di sostenibilità sociale,
economica e ambientale;
• Modellazione di correlazioni tra le politiche, le azioni e le
dichiarazioni sulla sostenibilità di un'azienda con il pubblico;
• Estrazione, annotazione e integrazione dati, inclusi report aziendali,
studi di impatto ambientale, reclami dei consumatori, registrazioni
delle donazioni relative alle azioni volte alla sostenibilità, problemi,
registrazioni di violazioni e sanzioni relative a questioni di
sostenibilità, notizie e dati dei social media;
• Adattamento e sinergia di approcci e soluzioni di AI e sostenibilità;
• Modelli di AI sostenibili ed efficienti.
I contributi dovranno essere caricati, entro il 19 Marzo 2023, al
seguente link: https://www.ital-ia2023.it/submission/insert selezionando
come topic lo workshop cui si intende sottomettere.
* I contributi devono avere valenza tecnica e scientifica, e devono
preferibilmente riferirsi a progetti in corso o avere un taglio
applicativo in relazione al workshop.
* I contributi, la presentazione ed il poster possono essere redatti
sia in lingua italiana che inglese.
* I contributi devono essere di almeno 2 e di massimo 6 pagine
(incluso References) e devono essere redatti seguendo uno dei
template (LaTeX o Word) disponibili ai seguenti URL:
o Latex:https://www.ital-ia2023.it/static/frontend/ital-ia2023.zipo
come template
o Word:https://www.ital-ia2023.it/static/frontend/ital-ia2023_docx.zip
In particolare, si richiede di utilizzare:
+ il file sample.tex o Template.docx nel caso acconsentiate
alla pubblicazione su CEUR-WS.org e il vostro contributo sia
in inglese e di almeno 5 pagine
+ il file sample_NOPUB.tex o Template_NOPUB.docx nel caso non
acconsentiate alla pubblicazione su CEUR-WS.org
*Ogni contributo dovrà essere coperto da almeno una
registrazione all'evento.*
Tutti i contributi accettati per la presentazione saranno resi
disponibili sul sito della conferenza con licenza Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). I contributi
accettati redatti in inglese e superiori alle 5 pagine saranno
pubblicati su CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) e indicizzati da
Scopus, previo consenso degli autori esplicitato durante l'invio.
Sono accettati anche contributi che descrivano attività e approcci già
presentati in altri convegni o pubblicati su rivista.
Per garantire la pluralità nelle discussioni all’interno dei workshop,*i
vari gruppi di ricerca sono pregati di inviare al più un solo
contributo*, che può essere complessivo delle varie attività e progetti
in corso, per ogni workshop.
I contributi selezionati v*erranno presentati in forma di poster o di
breve presentazione i giorni 29 e 30 Maggio*, in modo che nella giornata
seguente se ne possano raccogliere i contenuti in forma aggregata, per
delineare un quadro delle attività di ricerca e sviluppo italiane
nell'Intelligenza Artificiale nei diversi settori applicativi.
* Paper submission: March 19, 2023 (GMT)
Prof.ssa Michela Milano, Università di Bologna Alma Master Studiorum, Italy
Dott. Roberto Pellungrini, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy
Dott. Marco Polignano, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Dear Colleagues,
a friendly reminder to contribute with an Abstract (1-2 pages) to the
special session on “eXtended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse:
Practices, Theories, Technologies and Applications” in the 2023 IEEE
International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial
Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023) that will be
held on October 25-27, 2023 in Milan.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
Visit the conference website for further and updated information
I'm looking forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best wishes,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023. **NOTE that the abstract
should be 1 - 2 pages.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023.
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions related to the special session, please feel free to
contact us via email.
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
*** Third Call for Submissions ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities • Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing • Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management • Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards, • Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT • Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps • Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc. • Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics • Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions • Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Semantic services and service mining • Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms • Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Storage, computation and network Clouds • Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds • Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 4th, 2023 (AoE) • Submission of full papers: June 11th, 2023 (AoE) • Notification to authors: July 14th, 2023 (AoE) • Camera-ready versions due: July 31st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds: • Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references, for the technical and special tracks) • PhD Symposium (12 pages including references) • Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (http://www.springer.com/lncs).
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esocc2023 by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*DEADLINE EXTENSION -> March 31, 2023 (new hard deadline)*/
Special Issue on
*Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Sumita Sharma, INTERACT Research Unit, University of Oulu
• Eva Durall Gazulla, INTERACT Research Unit, University of Oulu
• Marianne Kinnula, INTERACT Research Unit, University of Oulu
• Nitin Sawhney, Aalto University/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *March 31st, 2023 *(new extended hard deadline)
• Notification to the authors: May 15th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: June 15th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: July 2023 (tentatively)
Child-Computer Interaction (CCI) research is focused on cultivating,
nurturing, and nudging children towards technology use and design.
Recently, ethical aspects related to technology have come to the
forefront, including the inherent limitations of technology,
particularly related to Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine
learning (ML). Further, AI has a known diversity problem where
age-inclusion can be sometimes forgotten. While various global and
national policy frameworks on Children and AI are being developed, the
approaches are child-centered but not child-led, restricting children
from affecting their own digital futures. Further still, there is little
discussion with children on the limitations, inherent biases, and lack
of diversity in current design and development of AI/ML. As AI evolves
to mimic human-like cognition, emotions, conversations, and
decision-making, its impact on children and their futures should be
critically examined for, with, and by children.
Therefore, we invite researchers working on the various challenges and
opportunities related to Children and AI/ ML to submit their work to
this special issue. We welcome research that includes children as equal
partners and empowers them to consider present and future challenges as
experts of their own lives, with diverse interests, backgrounds,
perspectives, and experiences. We also welcome research and design work
with (but not limited to) educators, families, children (as testers,
co-designers, co-researchers, protagonists), and other stakeholders in a
variety of contexts (schools, after-school clubs, out of school
contexts, public spaces, rural, urban).
*Topics of Interest*
Suggested topics include theories,models, frameworks, exploratory
studies, case / user studies on (but not limited to):
• Research on and with Children and AI/ML
• AI Literacy for Al
• Children’s rights and AI
• Ethical AI for children
• Participatory Design and Research with intelligent systems
• Inclusion, diversity, and empowerment of under-represented children
and communities.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Age against the machine")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on Age against the machine/
• firstname [dot] lastname [at] oulu [dot] fi for the guest editors from
University of Oulu.
• firstname [dot] lastname [at] aalto [dot] fi for the guest editor from
Aalto University
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.56
'Hybrid Games and Interaction Design'
Guest editors: Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa, Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Fotis
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N.59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
***** Apologies for any cross-posting *****
The 14th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2023)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2023 - Limassol, Cyprus.
Important dates:
April 20, 2023: paper submission
May 8, 2023: notification to authors
May 18, 2023: camera-ready due
The workshop will be in person. However, in very exceptional circumstances
we might accept a remote participation, to be discussed with us at paper
submission time.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2023 will again
be the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage (CH)
research and personalization research. Focused on those using different
types of technology, with emphasis on ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios,
used to enhance the personal experience in CH sites. The workshop is aimed
at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are working on
various aspects of CH and are interested in exploring the potential of
state-of-the-art mobile and personalized technology (onsite as well as
online) to enhance the CH visiting experience. The expected result of the
workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future
research directions and, hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a primary area for
personalization research. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing
to experience and learn new things, with expectations but possibly without
a clear idea of what they will find there. The Museum Experience Revisited,
by John Falk and Lynn Dierking (2013), argues that the visitor’s experience
is constructed by the intertwining of the personal, the social, and the
physical context. The experience begins before the visit, when one starts
to think about it, and lasts well after leaving the building. Indeed CH is
rich in objects and information and offers much more than the visitor can
absorb during their limited time in situ. Hence, visitors may benefit from
individualized support that takes into account contextual and personal
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical
cultural heritage collections and in CH sites
Ambient Cultural Heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to CH sites
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalized mobile museum guides & personal museum assistants
Personalization by Citizen Curation
Recommendation strategies for CH
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH
NLG techniques and conversational agents for CH
(User Interaction with) Integration of virtual and physical collections
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH recommendation
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
(including CH)
Long-term personalization in CH
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Human-Robots adaptation in museums
3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Context-aware information presentation in CH
Interactive user interfaces for CH applications
Use of personality for guiding Cultural Heritage Experiences
Participatory CH including multiple viewpoints and perspectives
Community mapping for CH information sharing
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH
Personalized support to the exploration of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
https://patch2023.di.unito.it/submission.html .
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "The 14th International Workshop on
Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2023)":
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 .
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, d.petrelli(a)shu.ac.uk
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, graptis(a)humanopsis.com
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
*** Fourth Call for Papers ***
7th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2023)
September 13-15, 2023, 5* St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: May 1, 2023 (AoE)
(Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS; Best Paper Award
sponsored by Springer with 300 EUR)
“Internet for Survival”: How the effective and democratic evolution of the
Internet towards an infrastructure/ecosystem supporting resilience and
equality depends on deeply intertwined considerations rooted in technological,
social and economic sciences.
INSCI is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together scholars and practitioners
at the intersection of technological, social and economic sciences seeking to learn
how the Internet can be used to make our world a better place. Its insights are
expected to create a better understanding of this complex socio-technical system we
call “Internet”, for instance to inform political decisions on the technological priorities
for public funding and to drive a more sustainable and equitable development of the
innovation and social ecosystems it supports.
INSCI welcomes fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research, including policy-
oriented studies and works offering technological solutions, that investigate the role
of Internet for sustainable development, social and economic resilience, collective
intelligence, reliable information processing and protection, and, more generally, for
a holistic understanding of societal transformations, governance shifts and innovation
INSCI welcomes works done in interdisciplinary teams that may include computer
scientists, sociologists, policy makers, economists, designers and artists, or complex
system scholars, among others, preferably uniting expertise from social, economic
and technical sciences. This kind of work is expected to close the gap between
societal / economic impact and requirements and technological developments, seen
as both drivers and consequences of each other.
Thus, INSCI 2023 welcomes submissions to a wide range of topics including but not
limited to the following list.
Green, Sustainability, and Innovation
• The challenges of Responsible Research and Innovation on Internet solution
• The technological, social and economic benefits of Transnational and Inter-Cultural
• Internet solutions supporting Environmental policies related to Climate Change
• Green Computing in a holistic perspective: trade-offs of computing power, social
benefits, economic and environmental impacts (e.g. blockchains)
• Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Novel Platforms for alternative distributed
economic models
• Distributed environmental awareness: creating a collective consciousness of
environmental issues and possible solutions at individual and collective level.
Collective intelligence, sensing and action
• Energy optimisation from from networked production to shared consumption,
relying on top-down and bottom-up approaches
• Networks for circular economy models: conceiving and putting in place platforms
and solutions effectively supporting circular and social economy models,
collaborative making, art and creativity.
Enabling Technologies, Applications and Infrastructures
• Social implications of Reinforcement Algorithms, Machine Learning and Intelligent
• Feasibility and social /economic aspects of Algorithms for mediation content
• Data Sovereignty and inclusion aspects of Cloud, Grid and Cluster Computing
• Recommender, Adaptive and Context Aware Systems: design, social and inclusion
aspects, feasibility and adoption
• Networking and Wireless Systems as enablers: inclusion, health, privacy and
pervasiveness aspects
• People-driven Internet Technologies and Applications, including Collaborative
Platforms & Social Search, Open Data and New Interfaces
Societal Structures
• How will Internet of Things change Society and interaction models
• Digital Competences and Participation
• Virtual Communities and Behavioural Patterns: how are they affected by the
technological platforms being used
• Knowledge, Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, and Societal Web Impact on
Internet Evolution
• Offline and Online Human Behaviour with Emphasis on Social Media and Online/ER/
VR Interactions
Digital Politics and Governance
• Internet and Political Participation
• Online Political Freedoms in Policing and in Effect: Regional and Local Perspectives,
technological impacts and requirements
• Citizen Involvement into Decision-Making: Platforms, Actors, and Experiences
• Political Discussions Online: Issues and Groups Behind Them, technical and
collaborative solutions to moderate them
• E-governance Practices of Today’s Authorities across the world
• Internet regulation: Security vs. Openness
Free Communication Patterns and Democracy
• Freedom of Speech Online: a Contested Area of Policing
• Algorithms as New Total Communicative Power
• Extremist and Radical Talk Online and Policies or socio-Technical solutions to
counteract it
• Universal Internet Freedoms vs. Dark Web
• Participatory Democracy and Budgeting: citizens’ involvement in democratic
processes, for more equal and inclusive resource allocation
• Cognitive, Psychological Aspects and Incentive Mechanisms for online Engagement,
Collaboration and Participation (smart citizenship, e-literacy, participation skills,
decision support and recommendations for informed citizens and collective actions)
• E-Democracy and E-Participation: risks and opportunities, lessons learnt from
currently deployed solutions (e.g. e-voting, Decidim)
• Reliable online information: collaborative models and processes to produce/qualify
online information (e.g. post-truth Practices Online, filter bubble and fact checking),
for health (e.g. vaccination), democracy (international decision-making, political
campaigns, opinion and sentiment modelling, governmental censure and influence),
economy (product labelling, ethical marketing), safety of online ecosystems (children
protection, fake news, digital rebels)
• Crowdsourcing: implications, enablers
Sustainable Network Economy
• Legal, economic, technological and innovation hurdles related to Intellectual
Property and the Digital Commons
• New Collaborative Markets Analytics
• Economic Power of Online Platforms: Expropriation of Digital Labour, Open Data
solutions and their applicability
• Digital Corporations: World Leaders and Regional Alternatives
• Analogous Elites, Technological Precariat
• Digital Professions and Reshaping of Online Labour Markets
• New decentralised economic models: enabling and sustaining a distributed
ecosystem of platforms and solutions intrinsically respectful of privacy, self-
disclosure and digital sovereignty
• The consumer perspective: unlawful profiling, discrimination and lock-in,
automated contracts and warranties
Global Access Opportunities
• Internet Resilience: Defining/Comparing non-disconnection Technologies,
Monitoring Approaches and Internet Governance Models ensuring resiliency and
citizens’ empowerment and sovereignty
• Global and Local Faces of Today’s Digital Divide
• Comparing existing and future Open Distance Education and Life-long Learning
Environments on online/Virtual Reality Platforms, Practices Around the World
• Global Media Online: Translation and Language Divide
• Empowerment of Disabled with New Body Extensions
• Post-human and Tech-human Individuals and Societies
Data Sharing and Protection
• Data Openness vs. User Protection: tech and social aspects of open data policies
• Limits of Privacy and Anonymization, their dependance on technological solutions
and intended applications
• Clouds, Big Data and Data Protection Regulation vs. knowledge sharing and open
• Global Tech Powers and Alternative Solutions based on decentralisation
• Open Science and Access to Scientific Production: technological enablers, platform
governance, economic and innovation aspects
• Submission of Papers: May 1, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Decision: July 1, 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: July 15, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: July 15. 2023
All submitted papers must:
• Describe original results that have not been accepted or submitted for publication
• Be written in English and be submitted in PDF format
• Contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses
• Be formatted according to the Springer’s LNCS format Proceedings template:
• Contain three to seven keywords characterizing the paper, to be indicated at the
end of the abstract
• Be submitted via the conference system in EasyChair, using the submission link:
Full paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages (including all text, figures,
references and appendices). We encourage a length of 12 pages for full papers. The
Program Committee reserves the right to accept a submission as a short paper.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding the submission page
limits or being obviously out of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without
All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the international
Program Committee, with a mix of social, economic and technological expertise.
The review process will be single-blind.
Selection will be based on:
• Degree of interdisciplinarity (between social, economic and/or technical sciences)
• Novelty and technical merit
• Relevance of the generated insights for the future Internet development
The best paper will be sponsored with 300 EUR by Springer.
Camera-ready submissions should be corrected by following the remarks of the
reviewers and submitted using the same submission link in zip format including:
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in pdf format
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in editable sources format
• The Consent to Publish signed in ink and scanned to image file
Accepted papers will be presented at INSCI2023 and published in the conference
proceedings volume, which will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS). Authors of selected best papers from the conference will
be contacted in order to consider submission of an expanded version of their papers
for publication in a special issue to be organised with an accredited journal (under
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Vasileios Mezaris, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
• Fabrizio Sestini, European Commission DG CONNECT, Belgium
Steering & Program Committees
CHItaly 2023: Call for Papers
[Apologies for Multiple Postings]
CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
20-22 September 2023
Location: from Turin to the World, using Metaverse
Besides traditional HCI topics, CHItaly 2023 aims at debating the
intersection of HCI and AI as an emerging field of research, devoted mostly
to Intelligent User Interfaces, i.e., interfaces developed using the
approaches from HCI and the tools from AI.
In addition to consolidated HCI contributions, we solicit research on
methods, approaches, and systems relating the Human and the AI, innovative
AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, experiences in good
and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
We welcome research contributions in the form of either long or short
research papers.
Long papers present original and substantially new research in HCI. Short
papers present original and provocative research or novel applications in
All paper manuscripts undergo a selective review process. Accepted papers
are invited for inclusion in the electronic ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series (ICPS - pending approval), published in the ACM Digital
Authors of top-quality papers will be invited to submit extended versions
to special issues in international journals.
Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the conference is interested in
all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
A more detailed list is available at https://chitaly2023.it/call_for_papers/
Submit on easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2023
Main deadlines:
- Submission deadline: March 31th, 2023
- Review notification: June 1st, 2023
- Initial camera-ready submission: June 30th, 2023
- Final submission: July 31st, 2023
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is
day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE.
Papers Chairs
Tania Di Mascio (Università dell’Aquila)
Rosa Lanzilotti (Università di Bari)
Davide Spano (Università di Cagliari)
email: papers(a)chitaly2023.it
*** First Call for Papers and Special Session Proposals ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) (currently pending
approval for the 2023 edition) and the proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=besc2023 .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions that cover any topic related
to BESC. Special Sessions can also cover any other area focusing on challenging open problems
of relevance in applications on Behavioural, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing.
Papers accepted in the Special Sessions will be included in the same conference volume with
those accepted in the main track and will be candidates for being invited to the journal special
issues that will be organised for BESC 2023.
The proposals for organising Special Sessions should be submitted to the Special Sessions
Chairs by the indicated deadline. A proposal should be submitted in PDF, be no longer than 2
pages in length, and contain the following:
(i) Title of the proposed Special Session.
(ii) Names, affiliations and contact information of the proposers.
(iii) Names and affiliations of the Program Committee of the proposed Special Session.
(iv) Description of the proposed Special Session, including the covered topics and the rationale
as to why it fits into the themes of BESC.
(v) A dissemination plan of the CFP for the proposed Special Session that the proposers will
undertake, if their proposal is accepted.
• Submission of Special Session proposals: 10 April 2023
• Acceptance notification for Special Session proposals: 15 April 2023
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia (taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au)
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China (yuting AT zhejianglab.com)
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*Update: the workshop submission deadline has been extended to the 15 of
CfP below
*= IS-EUD 2023 = *
9th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2023)
6-8 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
Complete CfP: https://cg3hci.dmi.unica.it/iseud2023/cfp.html
End-User Development (EUD) aims to empower end-users who are not
necessarily experts in technology development, to create their own
technology to address their specific needs. These technologies might
include mobile, web or software systems, IoT solutions, physical computing
devices or machine learning systems.
IS-EUD is a bi-annual event that gathers researchers interested to extend
our knowledge about how to design end-user development technologies and to
provide scientific accounts of phenomena surrounding end-user development
*== Topics ==*
The conference welcomes contributions that:
• describe new, simple and efficient environments for end-user development
• describe new processes, methods and techniques for empowering users to
create, modify and tailor technology artefacts
• present case studies and design implications on challenges and practices
of end-user development
• develop theoretical concepts and foundations for the field of end-user
*== Contributions ==*
Submission website: https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/IS-EUD2023
*=== Papers ===*
• *Regular papers*, up to 16 pages (not counting references), describing
original unpublished research making a substantial contribution to the
research field
• *Short papers*, up to 8 pages (not counting references), describing
original unpublished research, making a small but solid contribution to the
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. The review
process for this category is double-blind, thus submissions must be
anonymized. Accepted papers (both regular and short) will appear in the
archival proceedings of IS-EUD 2023, published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes on Computer Science (LNCS)
• Submission deadline: 1 March 2023
• Notification: 23 March 2023
• Camera-ready: 16 April 2023
*=== Workshop Proposals ===*
Workshop proposals are invited (up to 6 pages) aligned to the themes of the
conference. Workshops provide an informal setting where participants have
the opportunity to discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters
the active exchange of ideas.
Workshops can be half-day or one-day long and will be held on June 6, 2023.
Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the IS-EUD 2023 adjunct
proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication.
• Submission deadline: 15 March 2023
• Notification: 5 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 30 April 2023
*=== Demonstrations and Work in Progress ===*
Demonstrations offer the chance to show EUD-related systems to the
community. Submitted contributions should explain the system relevance and
describe a plan for the activities during the conference.
Work in progress submissions (up to 6 pages) are intended for presenting
preliminary results or tentative findings and position papers. The authors
of accepted contributions will have the opportunity to give an oral
presentation during parallel sessions.
Accepted demonstration and work in progress papers will be included in the
IS-EUD 2023 adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for
online publication.
• Submission deadline: 30 March 2023
• Notification: 20 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 28 April 2023
*=== Doctoral Consortium ===*
The IS-EUD Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD students
working on theory and application of EUD. We particularly encourage
students that are about half-way through their doctoral research to submit
doctoral consortium contributions (max 6 pages) describing the topic of
their PhD, their approach and a summary of their progress.
Accepted doctoral consortium papers will be included in the IS-EUD 2023
adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online
• Submission deadline: 30 March 2023
• Notification: 20 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 28 April 2023
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760 | Skype: davide.spano5
Website <http://people.unica.it/davidespano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
*** Last Mile for Submission of Workshop Proposals ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 welcomes proposals for workshops to be co-located with the main conference
on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops broadly
related to eScience and co-located with the main conference. These workshops share the goal
of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and
users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and to
have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community. Workshops may be
focused on any eScience-related topic including, but not limited to interdisciplinary and
translational research, continuum computing infrastructures, data science, sustainability, and
eScience 2023 invites authors of workshop proposals to consider a diverse group of
organizers, paper reviewers, and keynote speakers in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, and
geographic areas.
eScience 2023 accepts two types of workshop proposals:
(1) workshops with peer-reviewed papers and proceedings, and
(2) workshops or mini-symposia with invited talks and no proceedings.
Workshops with peer-reviewed papers and proceedings
The proceedings of workshops with peer-reviewed papers will be included in the eScience
2023 proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, USA and made available
online through the IEEE Digital Library, if the following criteria are followed:
• The solicitation for papers must be open.
• All the papers must be peer-reviewed by a qualified Program Committee.
• The workshops Program Committee must have an appropriate size for the expected number
of submissions.
• The workshop proceedings must have at least 4 papers at a length of at least 6 pages and no
longer than 10 pages (including figure, tables, and citations) in the IEEE conference format.
• For each paper selected for publication, at least one of the authors must be registered to
eScience 2023 to present the paper in person.
Workshop organizers are responsible for establishing a Program Committee and a paper
submission system, collecting and evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance or
rejection in due time, ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, organizing selected
papers into sessions, and assigning session chairs. Proposals showing clear focus and
objectives in areas of emerging or developing interest will be prioritized.
Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to workshops(a)escience-conference.org
and not exceed 5 pages in length.
Proposals should include the following information:
• Workshop name and acronym.
• Workshop description, including its focus and goals (max. 500 words).
• Names and affiliations of the organizers and tentative composition of the committee (we
invite the authors of the proposal to consider a diverse group of organizers and committee
members in terms of e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, geographic areas, etc.).
• Expected number of submissions/accepted papers.
• Prior history of this workshop, if any.
Workshops or mini-symposia with invited talks and no proceedings
Workshop organizers are responsible for inviting the speakers, establishing a program in due
time, organizing the selected talks into sessions, and assigning session chairs. Proposals
gathering experts in areas of emerging or developing interest will be prioritized.
Each speaker must be registered to eScience 2023 to present in a session.
Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to workshops(a)escience-conference.org
and not exceed 5 pages in length.
Proposals for workshops or mini-symposia with invited talks only should include the
following information:
• Workshop name and acronym
• Workshop description (including its focus and goals) (max. 500 words)
• Names and affiliations of the organizers
• Expected number of talks and their length
• Tentative list of speakers and talk titles
• Prior history of this workshop, if any
• Workshop Submissions due: Friday, February 24, 2023 (AoE)
• Workshop Acceptance Notification: Friday, March 10, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Friday, July 21, 2023
• Final list of talks / agenda for no-proceedings workshops: Friday, July 21, 2023
Workshop Chairs (contact: workshops(a)escience-conference.org):
• Iraklis Klampanos, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece
• Fred Suter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
*** Last Mile for Paper Submission ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
*** Recipient of the Euro-Par Achievement Award 2023:
Professor Enrique S. Quintana Ortí ***
*** The Best Paper Award will be sponsored by Springer with €2,000 ***
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and
distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest
parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental
computational problems to applications, from architecture, compiler, language and
interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and
application performance aspects. The main audience of Euro-Par are researchers in
academic institutions, government laboratories and industrial organisations.
Euro-Par aims to be the primary choice of such professionals for the presentation of
new results in their specific areas. Euro-Par provides an excellent forum for focused
technical discussion, as well as interaction with a large, broad and diverse audience.
In addition, Euro-Par conferences provide a platform for a number of accompanying,
technical workshops for smaller and emerging communities.
Euro-Par 2023 will be held as a primarily in-person event (although remote
presentation and participation will be supported, if needed). The venue place is
the 5* St. Raphael Resort, in Limassol, Cyprus. Euro-Par 2023 is organised by the
Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus. The General Chair
is George A. Papadopoulos and the Program Chairs are Marios D. Dikaiakos and
Rizos Sakellariou. The Organizing Committee is listed on the web site:
https://2023.euro-par.org/conference/committees/ .
The Euro-Par 2023 proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
• Papers must be in PDF format and should not exceed 14 pages (including
references and any appendices)
• Papers must be formatted in the Springer LNCS style:
• The submission process will be single-blind
• Papers that don’t meet these requirements might be rejected without a review
• Contributions submitted elsewhere or currently under review will not be considered
• All submitted papers will be checked for originality by Springer iThenticate;
papers which show an insufficient originality might be rejected without a review
• Paper submissions are made through EasyChair using the link:
• Abstract Submission: February 24, 2023 (AoE)
• Paper Submission: March 3, 2023 (AoE)
• Author Notification: April 30, 2023
• Camera-Ready Papers: June 2, 2023
• Author Registration: June 2, 2023
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an artefact that will be evaluated
separately. Accepted Artefacts will be considered for the Euro-Par 2023 Artefact Special
Issue in the Journal of Open Source Software (https://joss.theoj.org).
We invite submissions of high-quality, novel and original research results in areas
of parallel and distributed computing covered by the following list of tracks. More
information on the tracks can be found on the conference web page:
Track 1. Programming, Compilers and Performance
• Biagio Cosenza, University of Salerno, Italy
• Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Track 2. Scheduling, Resource Management, Cloud, Edge Computing, and Workflows
• Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino, Italy
• Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Track 3. Architectures and Accelerators
• Jesus Carretero, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
• Leonel Sousa, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Track 4. Data Analytics, AI, and Computational Science
• Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
• Radu Prodan, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Track 5. Theory and Algorithms
• Chryssis Georgiou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Christos Kaklamanis, University of Patras, Greece
Track 6. Multidisciplinary, Domain-specific and Applied Parallel and Distributed Computing
• Francisco F. Rivera, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
• Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy
VL/HCC 2023 : IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
**Call for Research Papers**
We solicit original, unpublished research papers on computing technologies
for modeling, programming, communicating, and reasoning, which are easier
to learn, use or understand by humans than the current state-of-the-art.
Papers should focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate
those technologies and languages. This includes technologies intended for
general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public)
or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in business
administration, production environments, healthcare, urban design or
scientific domains). Empirical papers that validate current proposed
solutions with rigorous scientific means (i.e., empirical studies,
controlled experiments, rigorous case studies, etc.) are also welcome.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual languages: Novel visual languages, Design, evaluation, and theory
of visual languages and applications, Development of systems for
manipulating and interacting with diagrammatic representations
- Human aspects and psychology of software development and language design,
such as supporting inclusion and diversity in programming
- End-user development: End-user development, adaptation and programming,
Creation and evaluation of technologies and infrastructures for end-user
- Crowdsourcing design and development work
- Representations: Novel representations and user interfaces for expressing
computation, Software, algorithm and data visualization
- Modeling: Model-driven development, Domain-specific languages, including
modeling languages, Visual modeling of human behavior and socio-technical
- Thinking more deeply about code: Computational thinking and Computer
Science education, Debugging and program understanding, Explainable ML/AI
If you are not sure if your paper is a good fit for VL/HCC, feel free to
email the PC Co-chairs (see “Contact” below). We welcome those new to the
VL/HCC community to submit!
SPECIAL EMPHASIS FOR 2023: Low-Code / No-Code Development
This year’s special topic is “Low-Code / No-Code Development”. This
development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code. This way, users are empowered to
create software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This year, we especially welcome papers at VL/HCC
that design, build, or evaluate any aspects of low-code and no-code
We invite two kinds of papers:
- full-length research papers, up to 8 pages - plus unlimited additional
pages containing only references and/or acknowledgements
- short research papers, up to 4 pages - plus unlimited additional pages
containing only references and/or acknowledgements
Papers must be submitted using the IEEE two-column conference paper format.
Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format (which was updated
in 2019), and to select the “US letter” template:
Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system (
To facilitate the assigning of papers to reviewers, we require paper
abstracts to be submitted via EasyChair at least 1 week prior to the paper
submission deadline (see Important Dates below). The abstract must be kept
up to date such that it matches exactly the abstract in the submitted
paper. The abstract must be no longer than 250 words.
All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete,
self-contained, archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are
more extensive than those from short papers. Note that some full paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers if reviewers deem contributions
to be comparable in size to a short paper. Work-in-progress, which has not
yet yielded an archival contribution, should be submitted to the
Posters/Showpieces category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of
the Program Committee in a double-blind review process. Authors will then
receive the reviews for their submissions and will be able to answer them
in a rebuttal phase. Only after this step the PC will make a final decision
about the acceptance of the submissions. Submissions and reviews for the
technical program are managed with EasyChair. At least one author of each
accepted paper is required to register for VL/HCC 2023 and present the
paper at the conference. There will be a virtual presentation option in
case of travel restrictions. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper
from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital
Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
The proceedings of IEEE VL/HCC are published in digital form by the IEEE
Computer Science Society and archived in the IEEE Digital Library with an
official ISBN number. Accepted papers will be available to conference
attendees via the IEEE Open Preview program in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/).
We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Both authors and reviewers are
expected to make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process.
In case of questions, please contact the Program Chairs. Authors should
ensure that the submission can be evaluated without it being obvious who
wrote the paper. This means leaving author names off the paper and using
terms like “previous research” rather than “our previous research” when
describing background. However, do not hide previous work – papers must
still reference all relevant research using full (non-anonymized)
citations, including the author’s own prior work, so that reviewers can
evaluate novelty. Please reference your own prior work in the third-person
just like you would do for any other related work (e.g., avoid “As
described in our previous work [10], … ” and instead write something like
“As described by [10], …”). It is also important that authors specify all
conflicts of interest with potential reviewers during the submission phase.
Reviewers should not undertake any investigation that might lead to the
revealing of authors’ identity. If identities are inadvertently revealed,
please contact the Program Chairs.
The Program Chairs will check all submissions for obvious signs of lack of
anonymity and may ask authors to make changes and resubmit the paper within
three days of the submission deadline. Only changes to resolve anonymity
issues will be permitted.
Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For
example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected
to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to
use should demonstrate increased ease of use.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical
evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim
through the existence of a functioning prototype.
Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be
appropriate for justifying claims, including analytical methods, formal
arguments or case studies. Given this criterion, we encourage potential
authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and
what evidence would adequately support these claims. In addition, we expect
short papers to have less comprehensive evaluation than long papers.
- Abstracts only: April 21, 2023
- Submission deadline: April 28, 2023
- Rebuttal phase: June 5 - 9, 2023
- Notification: June 23, 2023
- Camera-ready: July 14, 2023
PC Co-Chairs:
- Philip Guo (University of California San Diego, United States)
- Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Contact email: vlhcc2023(a)googlegroups.com
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*DEADLINE EXTENSION -> February 20, 2023 (new hard deadline)*
Special Issue on
*Hybrid Games and Interaction Design*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate:
CFP: link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Nelson Zagalo, DigiMedia, University of Aveiro, Portugal
• Fotis Liarokapis, University of Technology, Cyprus
• Micael Sousa, University of Coimbra, Portugal
• Ana Patrícia Oliveira, University of Aveiro, Portugal/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *February**20*, *2023* *(extended)*
• Notification to the authors: March 30, 2023
• Camera ready paper: April 15, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: first half of May, 2023
Board games gained significant momentum throughout the past two decades,
with some of the best creations earning millions of dollars in funding
platforms during 2021, in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally,
digital games have surpassed all other media, from film to music, in
investments and returns. Board and digital games are two forms of play
which use the same base of design – the game design – so it was without
surprise that a new hybrid approach, that mixed both media, would appear.
Over the past five years, we have seen games with Augmented Reality,
board games using smartphones as assisting tools, tablets being used as
boards, or even games using real food–edible games. This combination of
digital and physical components and strategies in games contributes to a
new experience of play which enhances not only the player’s immersion
and interaction, but also the contents, presentation, atmosphere, and
control of the game. There are some questions emerging in this
discussion, namely about the complementary relationship between physical
and digital games: What are the borderlines between real and virtual
dimensions in hybrid games? How can hybrid games provide a more
participatory gaming experience while players become engaged with
digital and physical components at the same time? Which model of
interaction design of hybrid games best favors player experience,
communication, and engagement?
In this special issue, we want not only to present the current
state-of-the-art of the hybrid games, as the possibilities beyond
current days, making use of speculative approaches to design, as design
fiction, but we want to dig deeper through the lenses of interaction
design, in order to understand the new needs in the realm of
technologies. Furthermore, we want to understand the full impacts and
effects of this move on human interaction with game artifacts and
consequently find out what should we expect from the discipline of
interaction design while using ludic approaches in the next decade.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to Gamification of the Learning Process' includes, but is not limited to:
• Hybrid digital/physical games
• Methods of hybrid game design
• Design Fiction and Hybrid Interaction Design
• Interaction design relation with game design
• Play Hybridism
• Hybrid systems;
• Hybrid design models;
• Hybrid game mechanics and patterns;
• Hybrid storytelling models;
• Hybrid Game interaction models;
• Cognition and game design;
• Aesthetics of Hybrid Digital/Physical Games;
• Board games and Digital Games;
• Hybrid-games design;
• Hybrid game User Experience;
• Players’ physical/digital behavior modelling;
• NPC behavior and Physical Characters
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
-> link
*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Hybrid Games and Interaction Design")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/Hybrid Games and Interaction Design/
• nzagalo [at] ua [dot] pt
* *To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N. 59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the special session on
“Extended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories,
Technologies and Applications” (https://metroxraine.org/special-session-17)
hosted by the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended
Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE
2023) that will be held on October 25-27, 2023 in Milan.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session. Visit the conference
website for further and updated information https://metroxraine.org/.
We look forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best wishes,
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ugo Erra and Luigi Gallo.
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023.
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions related to the special session, please feel free to
contact us via email.
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
*** Last Call for Special Track Proposals ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and
Cloud Computing in Europe. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the
exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of Service-oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 will host Special Tracks as part of its program. Special Tracks provide a space
where ESOCC participants can discuss, e.g., topics relevant to Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing even if not explicitly mentioned in ESOCC’s topics of interest
(cf. https://cyprusconferences.org/esocc2023/call-for-papers/), early-stage research ideas
and/or results, or demonstrate industry-ready tools and research prototypes. Special Tracks
may be driven by research interests, needs from specific application domains, or aim at bringing
together practitioners and researchers from the area of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing.
Proposals for special tracks should indicate the title of the Special Track, its aims and scope
(150-300 words), the Special Track chair(s), and the tentative members of the track’s PC.
Please email your proposals as a PDF file to the PC chairs of ESOCC 2023, Florian Rademacher
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) and Jacopo Soldani (jacopo.soldani at unipi.it). Special
Tracks will be selected for ESOCC 2023 using a lightweight review process.
• Special Track Proposal Submission: February 26th, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: March 5th, 2023 (AoE)
Chairs of accepted Special Tracks can devise a Call for Papers for their track, which will be
published on ESOCC 2023 website, together with the provided information on the track (title,
aims and scope, PC). The Call for Papers for their track will then be disseminated alongside
that of ESOCC, and submissions will be handled through the EasyChair of ESOCC, which will
include a special track link. Papers accepted for Special Tracks will be included in the main
conference proceedings of ESOCC 2023, published by Springer in the LNCS series.
The best papers accepted in the Special Tracks will be eligible for consideration to be
invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special Issue to be published by Springer
Special Track chairs, presenters, and participants will be required to register through the
ESOCC 2023 registration page.
In case of any questions related to the Special Tracks, please do not hesitate to contact the
Program Chairs.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee