Care Tutte e cari Tutti,
Con immenso piacere vi comunico che Luigi De Russis è stato confermato
Executive Vice-President di ACM SIGCHI con Neha Kumar President!
Grazie a tutti per aver votato e buon lavoro a Luigi e all’intero Committee
per i prossimi 3 anni!
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <>
*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI)
Co-located with the 23rd International Conference of the Italian
Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)
November 25 – November 28, 2024, Bolzano (Italy)
Workshop website:
The goal of this workshop is to establish a forum for researchers and
professionals interested in understanding, envisioning, and discussing
the challenges and opportunities of AI awareness by promoting education
for Artificial Intelligence, promoting aspects such as methodologies,
educational pathways, and AI literacy.
Conference proceedings will be published on CEUR in the AI*IA series
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: September, 10th
Notifications of paper acceptance: October, 6th
Camera-ready version deadline: October, 20th
Workshop (at AI*IA 2024): November 26-28th, 2024
Topics of interest
Topic of interest include (but are not limited to)
Challenges and Opportunities in Education for AI
Leveraging online platforms for widespread AI Education
Innovative Education Techniques and methodologies to support AI
Hands-on research initiatives to support AI awareness and comprehension
Program development for Educators
Resources and techniques to explain AI in simple terms
AI Literacy kits and educational games
Educational tools and resources for correcting AI misconceptions
Case studies on AI Literacy courses for elderly people
Domain-specific threats due to AI biases and educational solutions
to overcome them
Education on AI-Ethical aspects
Training programs to convey AI awareness
Teaching Methodologies
Experimentations and reports on the practical applications of the above
topics in domain-specific contexts are welcomed (such as in healthcare,
K-12 and higher education systems, finance, Lifelong Learning, Adult
Education, and such like).
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the program
committee and evaluated on the basis of relevance, originality,
significance, soundness, and clarity. Papers should be formatted
according to the CEUR-WS's single-column style
We welcome three categories of paper submission
Full papers (8-10 pages)
Short papers (6 pages) -- Suitable for work in progress,
software prototypes, doctoral theses extended abstracts
Project papers (6 pages) excluding references -- General
overviews of research projects
Organisation Chairs
- Elisa Marengo - University of Torino, Italy
email: elisa.marengo(a)
- Michela Ponticorvo - University “Federico II” of Napoli, Italy
email: michela.ponticorvo(a)
- Manuel Striani - University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
email: manuel.striani(a)
Wewelcome youto submityourhigh-qualitywork to IUI’25 thatwilltake place
in Cagliari, Italy, on March 24-27, 2025!
Abstract submissiondeadline: October2nd, 2024
Paper submissiondeadline: October9th, 2024
Pleasevisitthe website for more information:
The ACM Conference on IntelligentUser Interfaces(ACM IUI) isthe
annualpremiere venuewhereresearchersand practitionersmeetand
discussstate-of-the-art advancesatthe intersectionof
ArtificialIntelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal
IUI submissionsshouldaddresspracticalHCI challenges usingmachine
intelligence and discussbothcomputationaland human-centricaspectsof
suchmethodologies, techniques and systems.
Contributionsare welcome from allrelevantarenas, includingacademia,
industry, government, and non-profit organizations.
Westronglybelievethatdiverse insights are criticalto the vitalityof the
IUI community and the conference willacceptpapers for bothlong and short
oralpresentations. Contributionsto IUI are expectedto be supportedby
rigorousevidenceappropriate to the claims(e.g., user study, system
evaluation, computationalanalysis).
IUI topicsof interestinclude, butare notlimited to:
Human-centeredAI methods, approaches, and systems
* ExplainableAI methods
* Democratizationof AI
* Persuasive technologiesin IUI
* Privacy and security of IUI
* Recommendationsin IUI
* Knowledge-basedapproachesto user interfacedesign and generation
* User modellingfor intelligentinterfaces
* User-adaptiveinteraction and personalization
* IUI for crowdcomputing and human computation
* Human control in dailyautomations
* Interactive machine learning
* Human-in-the loop AI testing and debugging
* Human-centeredrecommendationand recommendersystems
* Generative models
* Human-in-the-loop reinforcementlearning
* Intelligentuser interfacesfor generative AI
Innovative User Interfaces
* Affectiveinterfaces
* Intelligentaestheticinterfaces
* Intelligentcollaborative interfaces
* IntelligentAR/VR interfaces
* Intelligentvisualizationand visual analytics
* Intelligentwearable and mobile interfaces
* Intelligenttangibleinterfaces
* Intelligentconversationalinterfaces
* Embodiedagents
* MultimodalAI assistants
* Intelligentmultimodalinterfaces
* Evaluationsof IntelligentUser Interfaces
* User experimentsand studies
* Reproducibility(includingbenchmarks, datasets, and challenges)
* Meta-analysis
* Mixed-methodsevaluations
* Educationand learning-relatedtechnologies
* Healthcare and wellbeing
* Automotive
* Assistive technologies
* Entertainment
* Workplacehappiness
* Social media
* Information retrieval
* Internet of things(IoT)
* Smart homes
* Generative AI
Large Language Models
* End-user interaction with LLMsand Multimodalmodels (e.g., chatbots,
image generation)
* LLMsin the workplace
* TrustworthyLLMs
* Biasin LLMs
* The effectsof LLMsuse on creative tasks
* Personalizeduser interaction with LLMs
* Prompt Engineering
* User control and steering of LLMs(e.g. RLHF)
Lookingforwardto yoursubmissions!
IUI’25 Technical ProgrammeChairs
Luis Leiva, Davide Spano, KatrienVerbert
program2025(a) <>
IUI’25 General Chairs
Toby Li, Fabio Paterno, KaisaVäänänen
chairs2025(a) <>
Call for Papers – Digital Wellbeing for Teens: Designing Educational Systems
Special issue of Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)
Recently, researchers have been exploring the unexpected issues arising from the excessive use of personal devices and social media apps, particularly as companies adopt “attention-capture” tactics like guilty-pleasure recommendations and automatic content playback. These strategies exploit users’ psychological vulnerabilities to increase advertising revenue, resulting in significant impacts on users’ perceived agency and often leading to a sense of losing control over their technology use. This has led to the emergence of a new focus on “digital wellbeing,” studied in fields such as Human Computer Interaction and psychology. Traditional approaches by practitioners and researchers to tackle these issues involve developing Digital Self-Control Tools (DSCTs), such as mobile apps and browser extensions, that help users track their usage patterns and implement interventions like timers and lock-out mechanisms to regulate device use. However, both researchers and users are beginning to emphasize that achieving digital wellbeing requires more than just self-monitoring strategies; it is a journey of personal growth that necessitates education.
Topics of Interest
The goal of this special issue is to discuss ongoing research and ideas at the intersection of digital wellbeing and education. It aims to foster the development of strategies and interactive tools that mentor users, especially children and teenagers, towards a more meaningful and conscious use of technology. This can be accomplished in various ways, such as by designing new Digital Self-Control Tools with educational components, developing serious games, or creating collaborative platforms to introduce and support digital wellbeing learning in schools.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
• participatory and co-design of digital wellbeing systems;
• tools and strategies to teach digital wellbeing at school;
• strategies and tools for measuring students’ digital wellbeing;
• novel DSCTs that include educational aspects;
• gamification strategies for digital wellbeing;
• ethical, social, and political factors.
All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted anonymized either in .doc or in .pdf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Prospective participants are invited to submit an 8-20 pages paper (including authors’ information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
Important dates
Deadline: October 15th, 2024
Notification to the authors: January 15th, 2025
Camera ready paper: February 15th, 2025
Publication of the special issue: March 2025 (tentatively)
Guest Editors
Chiara Ceccarini, University of Bologna (Italy)
Catia Prandi, University of Bologna (Italy)
Alberto Monge Roffarello, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Luigi De Russis, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Chiara Ceccarini, PhD.
Junior Assistant Professor (RTD-A)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Bologna
Track on Accessible Devices and Technologies (ADT ‘25)
Sicily, Italy, March 31 – April 4, 2025
Part of the 40thACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ‘25)
<> <>
Theme and Scope
Modern devices and technologies can represent a digital barrier for
users with disabilities, but they can be exploited to become enabling
tools for them. Accessibility of devices and technologies is a critical
topic to allow inclusion of all users, especially due to the European
laws that impose accessibility for new products and the definition of an
updated version of WCAG (Web Accessibility Guidelines). This track
invites scientists, engineers, and decision-makers from government,
industry, and academia to present technical papers on their research and
development results in areas of accessibility.
This track can interest many researchers since it would give the chance
to face a wide range of topics, i.e., web or mobile technologies, with
different points of view, taking into account specific technological
constraints and digital barriers. It is well-known that the so-called
“curb cut effect” can be applied to any technological and digital
context (in terms of devices, content, and services): technologies that
were originally meant to benefit people with disabilities can help any
other users. Moreover, the history and the evolution of several
technologies have been influenced and/or motivated by the special needs
of people with disabilities.
We welcome submission on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:
Accessible devices/assistive technologies: assistive technologies
refer to all the assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for
people with disabilities that enable users to perform tasks they
were formerly unable to accomplish. On the one hand, the widespread
diffusion of new devices and technologies stimulates researchers to
find and apply new solutions to make them accessible to anyone. On
the other hand, experiences in accessibility-related fields have
been exploited and have provided benefits to users equipped with
non-conventional devices when they emerged in the market.
Accessible solutions for e-learning, e-commerce, e-banking, etc:
e-services and content often require specific technologies, being
bounded by specific constraints when accessed by people with
disabilities equipped with assistive technologies. Specific
interaction modalities may affect interactive service access, while
richness and quantity of content may affect the users’ ability to
process information.
Accessible content: e-books, accessible TV, accessible broadcasting,
Accessibility of games.
AI for Accessibility: AI can be exploited both for personalization
(i.e., integrating AI-based personalization to support specific and
special needs) and “enabler” (i.e., exploiting LLM to support the
creation of accessible applications).
Submission Guidelines
We would like to invite authors to submit papers on research on the
Accessibility area, with particular emphasis on assessing the current
state of the art and identifying future directions. Original papers
addressing any of the listed topics of interest (or related topics) will
be considered. Each submitted paper will be fully refereed and undergo a
double-blind review process by at least three referees. Accepted papers
will be included in the ACM SAC 2025 proceedings and published in the
ACM digital library, being indexed by Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge and
The track accepts full papers (max 8 pages), posters (max 2 pages), and
SRC abstracts (max 2 pages). Submissions should be properly anonymized
to facilitate blind reviewing. Papers that will receive high reviews
(that is acceptable by reviewer standard) but will not be accepted due
to space limitations can be invited for poster session. Authors of
accepted papers must be prepared to sign a copyright statement and must
pay the registration fee and guarantee that their paper will be
presented at the conference. No-show of scheduled papers will result in
excluding the papers from the ACM Digital Library.
See the track website
<>for more details.
Important Dates
September 20, 2024, 11:59 PM (UTC+0.00): Submission of regular
papers and SRC research abstracts
October 30, 2024: Notification of papers, posters, and SRC research
November 29, 2024: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers
December 6, 2024: Authors registration due
Ombretta Gaggi, University of Padua
Silvia Mirri, University of Bologna
Mike Paciello, AudioEye, WebABLE
Catia Prandi, University of Bologna
Submission Portal
Please submit your contribution through our online submission portal
available at
<>(regular papers) and
<>(SRC abstracts).
Contact us
For any inquires regarding the call for papers, please contact
gaggi(a) <>.
We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the ACM SAC
2025 Conference!
Call for Papers
Deadline extension: August 1, 2024
Track 2 – Networking Solutions for Social Applications, Multimedia, and
Track Chairs:
Ombretta Gaggi, University of Padua, Italy (email: gaggi(a)
Manuela Montangero, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
(email: manuela.montangero(a)
IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
10–13 January 2025
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Conference Dates: 10 January - 13 January 2025
Technical Papers due: August 1, 2024
Acceptance Notification: August 31, 2024
Summit at:
Scope and Motivation:
Social applications, multimedia, and games play a substantial role in
shaping Internet traffic and have emerged as dominant mode of social
interaction online. This recent trend has sparked significant research
interests, both at the network level and in terms of application and
service development. Moreover, with the advent of the metaverse,
research focus within these domains has expanded to encompass virtual
worlds, immersive experiences, and social interactions in virtual
environments. Given their increasing prevalence and interdisciplinary
nature, social applications, multimedia, and games have also garnered
research attention across diverse fields, including big data analytics,
cloud computing, artificial intelligence, data sensing, information
security, and privacy protection.
Main Topics of Interest: The Networking solutions for social
applications, multimedia, and games track seeks original contributions
in the following areas, as well as others that are not explicitly listed
but are closely related:
● Artificial Intelligence for social applications, multimedia, and games.
● Architectures, Platforms, and Protocols.
● Business models for social applications, multimedia, and games.
● Communication security for social applications, multimedia, and games.
● Data Sensing.
● Distributed games engines.
● Ethical considerations in social applications, multimedia, and games.
● Gamification and game-based learning in applications.
● Human-Computer Interfaces and Human-Machine Interfaces.
● Immersive storytelling and narrative techniques in multimedia and games.
● Knowledge discovery for social applications, multimedia, and games.
● Metaverse, virtual worlds, immersive experiences.
● Naming and routing of media streams.
● New paradigms of future communications networks.
● Non-visual Interfaces for accessibility and/or Virtual Reality.
● Novel applications for the social, multimedia, and games scenario.
● Smart moving and smart objects.
● Social computing and collective intelligence.
● Social influence and persuasion in multimedia and games.
● Social interactions in communication networks.
● Recommender algorithms.
● Rumor source localization in large-scale, real-world networking solutions.
● User profiling and behavior analysis.
● User engagement and retention strategies in social applications and
● Virtual reality and augmented reality applications.
*** First Call for Contributions ***
20th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE 2025)
May 5-7, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
In a world in which technology is increasingly present in people’s lives, and changing human
behavior and attitudes is often the key to solving many societal and personal problems,
studying how technology might be used to influence humans (in their behavior, attitudes and
information processing), is paramount.
Persuasive Technology is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design,
development and evaluation of interactive technologies aimed at influencing people’s attitudes
and/or behaviors through persuasion, but not through coercion or deception. The research
community aims at enriching people’s lives in various domains such as health and sustainability
by supporting people in setting and achieving their own goals, thus helping them change their
The 2025 conference will be hosted in Limassol, Cyprus at the 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina.
The previous successful conferences have been organized in Wollongong, Limassol, Eindhoven,
Stanford, Oulu, Claremont, Copenhagen, Columbus, Linköping, Sydney, Padua, Chicago,
Salzburg, Amsterdam, and Waterloo. The conference series seeks to bring together researchers
and practitioners from industry and academia working with various topics of persuasive
We welcome the following categories of papers and extended abstracts:
• Technical papers that introduce novel persuasive technology approaches and solutions
alongside evidence of their potential.
• Empirical studies which seek to provide evidence and explanation of methods, principles and
theories in persuasive systems.
• Conceptual-theoretical papers which primarily seek to contribute to the general
understanding of the field’s core themes and specificities.
• Other papers, e.g. literature reviews or experience reports.
The scope of the conference includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:
• Persuasive systems’ design
• Behavior change support systems
• Interaction with persuasive systems, interfaces, visualization
• Interactive agents in persuasive systems
• (Generative) AI for persuasive technology
• Tailored and personalized persuasion
• Gamification for persuasion
• Evaluation and validation of persuasive applications
• Fitting methods for development, evaluation and implementation of persuasive systems
• Optimizing engagement with persuasive systems
• Software architectures and technical infrastructures for persuasive systems
• Smart environments, e.g. IoT, and persuasion
• Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems
• Motivational, cognitive and perceptual factors in persuasive technology
• Application domains for persuasive technologies such as safety, healthy living, sustainable
behaviors, learning and training, marketing and commerce, work environments, organizations
• Positive technology
• Humanizing and/or dehumanizing effects of persuasive technology
• Values and ethics in persuasive technology
• Privacy, perceived security and trust in persuasive technology
• Resilience and counter-persuasion
• Detecting persuasive strategies in social media posts
• Encouraging adherence to safety measures in pandemic situations
Questions that we hope to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
• How to recognize and demonstrate the real life effects of persuasive technology on people’s
attitudes and behaviours?
• How to conduct studies that not just show their effectiveness but are also able to explain in
more detail why a design or intervention works?
• How to design an evaluation study so that it yields insights that are applicable to other
designs or interventions?
• How theoretical insight can help improve application and/or intervention planning and design?
• How can design and intervention studies improve theory?
Regular Papers
This format is suitable for original research, which is completed work at the time of submission
and, regardless of the length of the paper, is a self-sufficient scientific contribution. Papers can
be full papers (12 pages, excluding references) or short papers (6 pages, excluding references)
in Springer LNCS format, and describe work not presented, published or simultaneously
submitted elsewhere. Accepted papers will be included in the Springer LNCS conference
proceedings and be devoted a timeslot for oral presentation. Selected papers will be invited for
submission to Behaviour & Information Technology journal (Taylor & Francis).
Extended Abstracts
We also welcome extended abstract submissions to showcase the results of already conducted
studies where authors do not wish to publish them as regular papers in the conference
proceedings but rather present them at the conference for discussions that can shape the final
version (that may be submitted elsewhere later). The studies will be also be devoted a timeslot
for oral presentation in a special session. Extended abstracts must not be more than 2 pages in
CEUR format (including references). Accepted abstracts will be included in the adjunct
conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1 column style, see here). Selected
papers in this category, based on their quality, level of timeliness and relevance, and
completion, will also be invited for submission to Behaviour & Information Technology
Poster Presentations
This format is suitable for descriptions of smaller studies, project outlines, literature reviews or
work-in-progress. Authors should submit a 2-page abstract in CEUR format (1 column style).
Accepted posters will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop
Proceedings). Posters will be displayed and presented during a dedicated session of the
Demonstrations and Artefacts
The Persuasive 2025 track on Demonstrations and Artefact is intended to foster discussion and
exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners from academia and industry by
demonstrating or presenting hardware and software products or artefacts, including those in
virtual settings (e.g., simulation systems, VR, and games), that range from early research
prototypes to mature production-ready systems. The contribution should be the result of
original, innovative work, including solving novel technical or research problems, and/or
creating novel individual or industrial UI/UX. Accepted demonstrations or presentations shall be
presented live during the conference.
Doctoral Consortium Papers
The Doctoral Consortium is a special session of the conference where PhD students can receive
advice in a constructive atmosphere. Students present and discuss their research with other PhD
students and a panel of established researchers in the area of persuasive technology. Students
interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should submit a 4-page abstract in CEUR
format (1 column style) describing their research question, its position with respect to the state
of the art, their research plans and methodology, ideas, and results achieved so far. Accepted
abstracts will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings)
unless opted out by the student.
Workshops and Tutorial Proposals
Workshops are meant to gather a number of people to work interactively on an emerging topic
and exchange ideas. Tutorials are intended to help people attending the conference organize a
related scientific meeting on a specific topic or instruct on a specific practice. Approved
workshops and tutorials will be announced on the conference website. Tutorials and workshops
will take place during a half- or full-day session before the conference. If you want to organize
a workshop, please submit a proposal as a maximum 4-page description in Springer LNCS
format (
guidelines), including a description of the topic, motivation, organization (including the list of
organizing members, how the organizers will form a program committee, duration of the
workshop and mode of delivery: in-person/hybrid), expected outcome, and supporting
materials (if applicable).
Workshop and tutorial descriptions will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings) Workshop organisers
must commit to creating their Call for Papers and their website within one week of the
Please email your proposal by December 01, 2024, to the workshop chairs: Wenzhen Xu
(wenzhen.xu(a), Rhoda Abadia (Rhoda.Abadia(a), and Kaoru Sumi
The organizing committee will review the proposals and communicate the results by December
15, 2024.
Paper submission:
• Submission deadline: January 03, 2024 (AoE)
• Decision notification: February 15, 2025
• Camera ready submission: February 28, 2025
Workshop and tutorial proposals:
• Submission deadline: December 1, 2024 (AoE)
• Decision notification: December 15, 2024
Workshop papers, posters, demos, artefacts, and doctoral consortium submission:
• Submission deadline: March 1, 2025 (AoE)
• Decision notification: March 15, 2025
• Camera ready: March 28, 2025
• Author registration deadline for the main track: February 28, 2025
• Author registration deadline for the rest of the categories: March 28, 2025
• Early bird registration: April 5, 2025
Accepted papers of the main track (both Full and Short) will be published by Springer in a
volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (
computer-science/lncs). Workshop and demo descriptions, extended abstracts , abstracts
from posters, and doctoral consortium abstracts will be published as an adjunct CEUR
Extended versions of the best papers and selected papers from the conference will be invited to
submit to a special issue on Persuasive Technology 2025 in Behaviour and Information
Technology, a Taylor & Francis publication.
General Chairs
• Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Raian Ali, HBKU, Qatar
• Khin Than Win, University of Wollongong, Australia
Demo, Poster and Artefacts
• Ruben Hgouveia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
• Hanne Spelt, Philips, Netherlands
Workshops and Tutorial Chairs
• Rhodora Abadia, University of South Australia, Australia
• Kaoru Sumi, Future University of Hakodate, Japan
• Wenzhen Xu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
• Sriram Iyengar, University of of Arizona, USA
• Roberto Legaspi, KDDI, Japan
• Shahla Meedya, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Proceedings Chairs
• Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, University of Wollongong, Australia
• Kiemute Oyibo, University of York, Canada
Society for Persuasion and Technology Steering Committee
• Raian Ali – Chair
Professor, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
• Luca Chittaro – General Member
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Physics, University of Udine, Italy
• Roberto Legaspi – General Member Research Scientist, Collaborative AI Lab, Human-centered AI Laboratories KDDI Research, Inc.,
• Harri Oinas-Kukkonen – General Member Professor, Information Systems Science and Dean of Graduate School, University of Oulu, Finland
• Kiemute Oyibo – General Member Assistant Professor, Interactive Systems Research Group, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, York University, Canada
• Khin Than Win – Secretary Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia
Applications are invited for a research fellowship (Assegno di Ricerca) on "Multisensory analysis of human and artificial trajectories" at the Music Informatics Laboratory (LIM - of the Università degli Studi di Milano.
The position is funded by the Italian research funding programme PRIN 2022. The successful applicant will be part of the project MAHATMA "Multiscale Analysis of Human and Artificial Trajectories: Models and Applications" (principal investigator: Davide Rocchesso<>). The appointment term is one year.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to contribute to experimental research and modeling of multisensory representations of trajectories at different scales in interactive contexts, exploiting the diversity of the senses and of the motor abilities.
Details about the position and application are available at:…
Application deadline: August 28, 2024.
La Statale per il futuro
Salute, transizione digitale, sostenibilità
Il tuo 5xmille<> ai nuovi progetti di ricerca dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.
Codice fiscale 80012650158
================ CFP ================
Special Issue on Prototyping and Developing Real-World Applications for
Extended Reality
The Virtual Reality Journal, published by Springer Nature, announces a call
for papers to appear in a special edition that will focus on the
transformative impact of Extended Reality (XR), encompassing Virtual
Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality, on real-world applications
and end-user development.
================ GUEST EDITORS ================
- Andrea Bellucci (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Lucio Davide Spano (University of Cagliari)
- Nanjia Wang (University of Calgary)
- Judith Friedl-Knirsch (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)
Please direct questions to: andrea.bellucci(a)
================ FOCUS OF THIS CALL ================
We invite submissions of original and mature research papers that explore
the potential of Extended Reality (XR) technology in various real-world
applications, such as medical training simulations, immersive data
visualization, and remote collaboration. This special issue aims to
showcase cutting-edge XR applications and to provide empirical evidence
supporting their effectiveness in solving real-life tasks. Additionally, we
seek contributions that address the open challenges in enabling end
users—be they developers, domain experts, or regular users—to create,
program, and tailor XR experiences to their specific goals, interests,
needs, and abilities.
We are particularly interested in rigorous studies that demonstrate the
benefits of XR in practical scenarios, alongside innovative applications,
tools, approaches, and interfaces that streamline XR development or
prototyping, all supported by thorough evaluation. For example, involving
the different stakeholders in the configuration, adaptation, and management
of the environment. The integration of technologies such as Machine
Learning, LLMs and Virtual Agents with XR are expected to be significant
emerging themes.
The special issue aims to highlight the transition of XR technology from
theoretical concepts to practical, impactful applications, emphasizing the
significance of end-user development.
================ IMPORTANT DATES ================
- Submission open: October 1st, 2024
- Paper submission deadline: January 31st, 2025
- Anticipated first decision: 2-3 months after submission
Earlier submissions are encouraged. Papers will be published as soon as
they are accepted.
================ PUBLISHING MODEL ================
Virtual Reality is a fully open-access (OA) journal. All articles will be
freely available to readers worldwide, ensuring the widest possible
dissemination and reuse. Transforming Virtual Reality to a full OA
demonstrates Springer Nature commitment to open research, providing
researchers with OA publication venues that enhance their visibility and
comply with funder and institutional requirements. See the FAQs for more
================ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ================
Authors should prepare their manuscript in line with the Virtual Reality
Guide to Authors available at
Authors should submit through the online submission site at and select
“Prototyping and Developing Real-World Applications for Extended Reality"
when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to the
topics of the special issue.
All submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance,
significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality
of presentation, by at least three independent reviewers. It is the policy
of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission,
be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any
time during the review process. Final decisions on all papers are made by
the Editor in Chief.
On behalf of the guest editors,
Andrea Bellucci
Associate Professor / Profesor Titular de Universidad
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Office: 2.2.B.15 / +34916245935 /
Call for Papers for the First Submission Round of
EICS 2025: The 17th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
Computing Systems, June 24-28, 2025 - Trier, Germany
Submission deadline for the 1st Round of PACM EICS 2025 for Full Papers
and Technical Notes: July 26, 2024
EICS 2025 is the seventeenth international ACM SIGCHI conference devoted
to engineering interactive computing systems and their user interfaces,
addressing one or more software quality factors, such as usability, user
experience, reliability, security, etc. Work presented at EICS covers
all stages of the engineering life-cycle of interactive systems -
inception, requirements, design, specification, coding, data analytics,
validation and verification, deployment and maintenance.
EICS has the longest tradition of bringing together researchers who
contribute to better ways of creating interactive computing systems,
stemming from the conference on command languages in the seventies. The
conference is best known for rigorously contributing and disseminating
research results that hold the midst in between user interface design,
software engineering and computational interaction.
EICS focuses on models, languages, notations, methods, techniques and
tools that support designing, developing, validating and verifying
interactive systems. The conference brings together people who study or
practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from design,
HCI, software engineering, requirements engineering, software
development, modeling, and programming.
Submissions advance the state of the art of the engineering of
interactive systems. Topics include, but are not limited to:
*Modelling, specification and analysis of interaction and interactive
*Requirements engineering for interactive systems
*Methods, processes, principles and/or tools for building interactive
systems (e.g., design, implementation, prototyping, evaluation,
verification and validation, testing)
*Software architectures for interactive systems
*Formal methods within interactive systems engineering
*Bridging the gap between engineering and design practices.
*Engineering design and evaluation tools
*Computational techniques for designing and evaluating interactive systems
*Interactive data-driven systems
*Explore and/or employ of diverse interaction techniques and devices
(e.g., adaptive, context-aware, tangible, haptic, touch and multitouch
input, voice, gestures, recognition of physiological signals, multimodal
input, mobile and wearable systems, virtual, augmented, mixed and
extended reality)
*Engineering hardware or software integration in interactive systems
(e.g., fabrication and maker processes, physical computing,
cyber-physical systems)
*Engineering interactive systems for diverse user groups (e.g.,
children, elderly, people with disabilities,…)
*Engineering collaborative multi-user interactive systems
*Engineering interactive systems embedding AI-technologies
*Engineering interaction-driven AI-technologies
*Applying AI technologies in methods, processes and tools for building
interactive systems in all stages of the engineering lifecycle
A newcomer’s guide to EICS is available at
EICS Full Papers and Technical Notes are published as articles in the
Journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM -
EICS series). There are three submission deadlines per year, and authors
can choose when to submit. Papers follow the traditional journal model
of reviewing: papers may be accepted after submission and review, or may
be recommended for revisions and re-submission to the next round to
enable authors to refine papers based on reviewer recommendations.
Submissions for the journal of this venue should present original and
mature research work within the scope of the conference. Note that
accepted journal papers can be either regular research papers, or
technical notes. Technical Notes are shorter, more focused
contributions, that focus specifically on system contributions and
technical work. Elucidating technical details of complex interactive
systems, preferably ensuring the work can be reproduced or put to
practice, is a primary objective of a Technical Note. Tech Notes require
an illustrative example of the system, and they can, but do not need to,
be validated by formal user evaluations or user studies. Validation can
also be done through e.g. simulation, feasibility, or comparisons. Tech
Notes will be judged on their technical merits and relevance to
interactive systems concerns.
There are no length restrictions on Full Papers and Technical Notes, nor
any limit to the number of references that may be included. We advise
authors to ensure the length of their papers is in function of the
contributions. Concise and clear is often to be preferred over lengthy
and verbose.
Full Papers and Technical Notes should be written in the ACM format, see
Papers should comply with the ACM policy on Research Involving Human
Participants and Subjects, see…
Papers are submitted using
The PACM-EICS deadline for the First Round of Full Papers and Technical
Notes submissions is 26 July 2024.
Papers are submitted using
PACM-EICS Full Papers and Technical Notes chairs for EICS 2025
Anke Dittmar and Célia Martinie
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