Care Tutte e cari Tutti,
Con immenso piacere vi comunico che Luigi De Russis è stato confermato
Executive Vice-President di ACM SIGCHI con Neha Kumar President!
Grazie a tutti per aver votato e buon lavoro a Luigi e all’intero Committee
per i prossimi 3 anni!
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <>
** Please forward this to anyone who might be interested **
*Apologies for multiple postings*
International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems,
*Deadline August 30th, 2024 *
to be held in Bari, Italy,
co-located with ACM RecSys 2024 (
Important Dates:
** August 30th, 2024, Paper submission deadline
** September 13th, 2024, Author notification
** September 20th, 2024, Camera-ready version deadline
** October tba, 2024, HRS Workshop
** 14nd-18th October 2024 RecSys conference
Workshop Organizers:
Hanna Hauptmann (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
Christoph Trattner (University of Bergen, Norway)
Helma Torkamaan (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Objectives & Topics:
Background: The HealthRecSys workshop discussions over the years have
spanned a broad spectrum of topics, reflecting the multifaceted nature of
health recommender systems and the diverse applications and challenges of
recommender systems in the health domain. Previous workshops encouraged
discussions of the potential of recommender systems in the health domain,
various new applications, associated challenges, and practical solutions
for existing systems or scenarios. These discussions have not only
introduced new challenges to the recommender system community but have also
underscored the critical role of human oversight in ensuring the
reliability and safety of health recommendations. The diversity of
application domains discussed, from mental health to nutrition, and the
variety of stakeholders involved, from patients to healthcare providers,
underscore the complexity and importance of this research area.
Goals: Our aim with the 6th HealthRecSys is to reignite these conversations
and provide a forward-thinking platform that revisits the foundational
elements that have contributed to the field's growth. However, the workshop
aspires to do more by infusing new perspectives and tackling the most
pressing global challenges and technological innovations head-on. The
workshop will explore contemporary themes such as the impact of global
health crises on recommender systems, the integration of Large Language
Models and other generative AI models in health applications, the
increasing emphasis on personalized and self-managed care, and the
increasing focus on health equity leading to consideration of literacy,
accessibility and monetary means when building health recommender systems.
These topics not only reflect the current state of the world but also align
with the broader shifts towards ethical AI, and the need for systems that
can adapt to and address individual health and care needs. Furthermore,
HealthRecSys is dedicated to strengthening the network of researchers
working on health recommender systems, drawing participants from an array
of health and care domains. This effort is aimed at cultivating a
cross-disciplinary community that promotes collaboration among recommender
systems specialists, healthcare professionals, ethicists, and policymakers,
among others. To enhance cross-sector collaboration, the 6th HealthRecSys
workshop will encourage joint projects and funding prospects, in addition
to promoting the sharing of resources, datasets, and tools among scholars
and industry practitioners.
The workshop is calling for submissions on a wide array of topics within
health recommender systems. This includes systems aimed at health
promotion, preventive, curative care, and recommender systems that are
health-aware. The scope of topics for the workshop is extensive, covering
various aspects within the domain of health recommender systems and
health-aware recommender systems, which include, but are not limited to:
** Accessibility, Usability, and Augmented Decision-Making
** Adherence and Patient (User) Compliance
** Algorithms and Recommendation Strategies
** Behavioral Interventions
** Case studies of Health Recommender Systems, Success and Failures and
Lesson learned
** Domain Knowledge Representation
** Electronic Health Records Integration
** Empowerment and Autonomy
** Ethics
** Evaluation and Metrics
** Equity
** Explanations and Justifications in Health Recommendations
** From Participatory Design and Co-Creation to HealthRecSys
** Gamification and Serious Games
** Generative AI
** Health-Aware Recommender Systems
** Health and Care Workers and Interactive Intelligent Systems
** Human/Expert-in-the-Loop
** Human-RecSys Collaboration for Personalized Health
** Interfaces, Visual, Context-aware, Conversational, Mobile
** In-the-Wild Personalization
** Longitudinal Studies
** LLM-based recommendations in Health
** Medical Evaluation Techniques
** Mobile Health Recommender Systems
** Multi-objective Challenges
** Multi-stakeholder Challenges
** Patient Needs/Satisfaction
** Personalization
** Persuasion/Nudging/Behavioral Change
** Pervasive Systems
** Privacy and Security
** Research Methods and tools
** Recommendations VS. Not Clinical Decision Supports
** Regulations and Standards
** Self-Care
** Trust and Transparency
** User Interaction Design
** User Profiling and Adaptive Systems
** Value-Driven Design of Health Recommender Systems
** Wearables for Recommender Systems
We solicit short research papers (4-6 pages) and short position papers (2
pages + references), both in the ACM conference paper style-double-column
format. Participants can decide between a research-focused submission and a
project-focused submission.
Submission category research: innovative research ideas, preliminary
findings, or system prototypes that contribute new knowledge to the field
Submission category project: presentations on funded research initiatives,
collaborations between industry and academia, or partnerships between
healthcare entities and research institutions.
Submission guidelines:
All submitted papers must:
** be written in English;
** contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
** be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template
-double-column format, with a font size no smaller than 9pt;
** be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and
formatted for US Letter size;
Submissions are encouraged to include links or demos as attachments to
enhance their presentation. All submissions will undergo a rigorous
peer-review process to ensure quality and originality. It is imperative
that submitted works are not concurrently under review at any other
conference, workshop, or journal and contain original, unpublished
contributions. Accepted papers will be published according to the ACM
RECSYS 2024 WS publication rules, with prior proceedings having been
published in CEUR workshop proceedings.
A Few Remarks
** The title of the paper, authors, and the author order cannot be changed
after the acceptance
** Major changes to the text of the reviewed and accepted papers are not
permitted after the review
** At least one of the authors should participate in the workshop, register
in the RecSys conference, and personally present the paper in the workshop.
RecSys 2024 will be hosted in Bari, Italy, from 14–18 October 2024.
Please visit the RecSys 2024 website for more
information about this location:
If you have questions regarding the workshop, do not hesitate to contact
the workshop chairs: healthrecsys(a)
Cari tutti,
vi ricordo che stiamo conducendo una nuova edizione del censimento dei
gruppi di ricerca attivi nell'area Human-Computer Interaction in Italia e
dei corsi attualmente erogati. I risultati saranno pubblicati sul sito di
La scadenza è Lunedì *1 luglio 2024*.
Trovate la situazione attuale ai seguenti link:
- didattica:
- ricerca:
Vi preghiamo di controllare che le informazioni riguardo il vostro gruppo e
i vostri corsi siano aggiornate.
Nel caso fossero necessarie modifiche potete compilare il seguente form:
Se avete delle domande, potete inviare un'e-mail a:
salvatore.andolina(a) o alberto.monge(a) o acantone(a)
Grazie per il vostri contributo e buon weekend!
Andrea Antonio Cantone
Ph.D. Student
HCI-UsE Lab Member
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
e-mail: *acantone(a) <acantone(a)>*
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
*** Extended deadline ***
We are excited to announce the first XAI Hackathon
<> supported by the FAIR
<> PNRR and XAI <> projects!
This event is open to young researchers, PhD candidates, and Master's
students with some background knowledge in Explainable Artificial
Use the XAI-LIB <> to integrate XAI
techniques into a ML prediction pipeline and improve transparency in
black-box AI decisions. Specifically, this involves
enhancing the prediction task with various explanation types (e.g.,
instance-based or rule-based);
assessing the impact of explanations on model transparency under
different critical conditions (model performs well or not);
developing a use-case scenario that showcases the benefits of
Final project evaluation will be based on:
The variety and effectiveness of the explanations used;
Assessment of the robustness, validity, and quality of the explanations;
A use-case scenario enriched with progressive explanation steps.
Event Highlights
Location: Officine Garibaldi, Via Vincenzo Gioberti, 39, 56124 Pisa PI
Date: July 5-6, 2024
Schedule: To be announced
Registration: Free of charge, but mandatory!
Teams: maximum of 3 people
Why Participate?
Prizes: The event offers significant cash prizes—*€2,500* for the
winning team, *€1,000* for the runner-up, and *€500* rewarding up to *three
teams in third place*.
Professional Support: Participants will benefit from technical support
and mentorship provided by senior researchers from the KDD lab in Pisa.
Registration (Deadline: 28th June)
Secure your spot: The Hackathon is restricted to 10 teams. Early
registration is strongly encouraged as spots are expected to fill
Please confirm your participation by filling via this Google Form
June 28th!
If you have any queries, or have any difficulties completing the
registration form, please email our dedicated mailbox:
Track on Accessible Devices and Technologies (ADT ‘25)
Sicily, Italy, March 31 – April 4, 2025
Part of the 40thACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ‘25)
<> <>
Theme and Scope
Modern devices and technologies can represent a digital barrier for
users with disabilities, but they can be exploited to become enabling
tools for them. Accessibility of devices and technologies is a critical
topic to allow inclusion of all users, especially due to the European
laws that impose accessibility for new products and the definition of an
updated version of WCAG (Web Accessibility Guidelines). This track
invites scientists, engineers, and decision-makers from government,
industry, and academia to present technical papers on their research and
development results in areas of accessibility.
This track can interest many researchers since it would give the chance
to face a wide range of topics, i.e., web or mobile technologies, with
different points of view, taking into account specific technological
constraints and digital barriers. It is well-known that the so-called
“curb cut effect” can be applied to any technological and digital
context (in terms of devices, content, and services): technologies that
were originally meant to benefit people with disabilities can help any
other users. Moreover, the history and the evolution of several
technologies have been influenced and/or motivated by the special needs
of people with disabilities.
We welcome submission on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:
Accessible devices/assistive technologies: assistive technologies
refer to all the assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for
people with disabilities that enable users to perform tasks they
were formerly unable to accomplish. On the one hand, the widespread
diffusion of new devices and technologies stimulates researchers to
find and apply new solutions to make them accessible to anyone. On
the other hand, experiences in accessibility-related fields have
been exploited and have provided benefits to users equipped with
non-conventional devices when they emerged in the market.
Accessible solutions for e-learning, e-commerce, e-banking, etc:
e-services and content often require specific technologies, being
bounded by specific constraints when accessed by people with
disabilities equipped with assistive technologies. Specific
interaction modalities may affect interactive service access, while
richness and quantity of content may affect the users’ ability to
process information.
Accessible content: e-books, accessible TV, accessible broadcasting,
Accessibility of games.
AI for Accessibility: AI can be exploited both for personalization
(i.e., integrating AI-based personalization to support specific and
special needs) and “enabler” (i.e., exploiting LLM to support the
creation of accessible applications).
Submission Guidelines
We would like to invite authors to submit papers on research on the
Accessibility area, with particular emphasis on assessing the current
state of the art and identifying future directions. Original papers
addressing any of the listed topics of interest (or related topics) will
be considered. Each submitted paper will be fully refereed and undergo a
double-blind review process by at least three referees. Accepted papers
will be included in the ACM SAC 2025 proceedings and published in the
ACM digital library, being indexed by Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge and
The track accepts full papers (max 8 pages), posters (max 2 pages), and
SRC abstracts (max 2 pages). Submissions should be properly anonymized
to facilitate blind reviewing. Papers that will receive high reviews
(that is acceptable by reviewer standard) but will not be accepted due
to space limitations can be invited for poster session. Authors of
accepted papers must be prepared to sign a copyright statement and must
pay the registration fee and guarantee that their paper will be
presented at the conference. No-show of scheduled papers will result in
excluding the papers from the ACM Digital Library.
See the track website
<>for more details.
Important Dates
September 20, 2024, 11:59 PM (UTC+0.00): Submission of regular
papers and SRC research abstracts
October 30, 2024: Notification of papers, posters, and SRC research
November 29, 2024: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers
December 6, 2024: Authors registration due
Ombretta Gaggi, University of Padua
Silvia Mirri, University of Bologna
Mike Paciello, AudioEye, WebABLE
Catia Prandi, University of Bologna
Submission Portal
Please submit your contribution through our online submission portal
available at
<>(regular papers) and
<>(SRC abstracts).
Contact us
For any inquires regarding the call for papers, please contact
gaggi(a) <>.
We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the ACM SAC
2025 Conference!
We welcome you to submit your high-quality work to IUI’25 that will take
place in Cagliari, Italy, on March 24-27, 2025!
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: October 2nd, 2024
Paper submission deadline: October 9th, 2024
Please visit the website for more information:
The ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) is the annual
premiere venue where researchers and practitioners meet and discuss
state-of-the-art advances at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal IUI submissions should
address practical HCI challenges using machine intelligence and discuss
both computational and human-centric aspects of such methodologies,
techniques and systems.
Contributions are welcome from all relevant arenas, including academia,
industry, government, and non-profit organizations. We strongly believe
that diverse insights are critical to the vitality of the IUI community and
the conference will accept papers for both long and short oral
presentations. Contributions to IUI are expected to be supported by
rigorous evidence appropriate to the claims (e.g., user study, system
evaluation, computational analysis).
IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Human-centered AI methods, approaches, and systems
Explainable AI methods
Democratization of AI
Persuasive technologies in IUI
Privacy and security of IUI
Recommendations in IUI
Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
User modelling for intelligent interfaces
User-adaptive interaction and personalization
IUI for crowd computing and human computation
Human control in daily automations
Computational innovation
Interactive machine learning
Human-in-the loop AI testing and debugging
Human-centered recommendation and recommender systems
Generative models
Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning
Intelligent user interfaces for generative AI
Innovative User Interfaces
Affective interfaces
Intelligent aesthetic interfaces
Intelligent collaborative interfaces
Intelligent AR/VR interfaces
Intelligent visualization and visual analytics
Intelligent wearable and mobile interfaces
Intelligent tangible interfaces
Intelligent conversational interfaces
Intelligent Multimodal Systems
Embodied agents
Multimodal AI assistants
Intelligent multimodal interfaces
Evaluations of Intelligent User Interfaces
User experiments and studies
Reproducibility (including benchmarks, datasets, and challenges)
Mixed-methods evaluations
Intelligent Applications
Education and learning-related technologies
Healthcare and wellbeing
Assistive technologies
Workplace happiness
Social media
Information retrieval
Internet of things (IoT)
Smart homes
Generative AI
Large Language Models
End-user interaction with LLMs and Multimodal models (e.g., chatbots,
image generation)
LLMs in the workplace
Trustworthy LLMs
Bias in LLMs
The effects of LLMs use on creative tasks
Personalized user interaction with LLMs
Prompt Engineering
User control and steering of LLMs (e.g. RLHF)
Looking forward to your submissions!
IUI’25 Technical Programme Chairs
Luis Leiva, Davide Spano, Katrien Verbert
IUI’25 General Chairs
Toby Li, Fabio Paterno, Kaisa Väänänen
RO-MAN 2024 Call for Paper: 2nd International Workshop Weighing the benefits of Autonomous Robot persoNalisation (WARN)
26th August 2024, in Pasadena, California & Virtual (Hybrid Format)
Submission deadline: *July 1st 2024*
If you have questions, please send us an e-mail at warn-workshop(a)<>
Personalisation in human-robot interaction (HRI) has demonstrated significant advantages in numerous scenarios and is becoming a dominant direction in the field. This workshop explores the multiple aspects of personalisation and behavioural adaptation in social HRI, highlighting the advantages and potential disadvantages. The workshop aims to explore how personalisation impacts interactions and users. While robots designed for end-to-end social interactions can enhance trust and rapport, they can also create filter bubbles or amplify cultural bias and stereotypes.
*The Program*
The workshop will be hosted in hybrid mode to engage the entire community. The workshop programme will alternate interactive activities with panel sessions and keynote presentations. We strongly encourage multidisciplinary discussion and invite researchers from various disciplines, including engineering, computer science, social science, psychology, philosophy, and law.
*Keynote speaker*
• Lauriel Riek - UC San Diego
• Bahar Irfan - KTH Royal Institute of Technology
• Barbara Bruno - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
• Elaine Short - Tufts University
• Emmanuel Senft - Idiap Research Institute
• Maja Mataric - USC Viterbi School of Engineering
• Ryan Calo - University of Washington
• Vicky Charisi - European Commission
• Wafa Johal - University of Melbourne
Andrea Rezzani
Faculty of Engineering
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Dominikanerplatz 3 - piazza Domenicani, 3
39100 - Italy UniBZ
sperando di fare cosa gradita, vi annunciamo il programma del workshop organizzato dal Mediterranean CHI (MedCHI) in occasione della conferenza womENcourage.
La conferenza si svolgerà a Madrid dal 26 al 28 Giugno 2024 ( Il Workshop si svolgerà la mattina del 27, dalle 11 alle 13 e si concentrerà sull'impatto della ricerca in HCI sulla valorizzazione della cultura e delle comunità del Mediterraneo, con particolare attenzione all'inclusività e alla parità di genere.
Di seguito trovate i dettagli del programma:
11:00 - 11:10: Introduzione e benvenuto
11.10 - 11.30: Sessione interattiva (con partecipazione dell’audience)
11.30 - 12.30: Panel: “The role of HCI research in promoting gender-inclusive computing practices and technologies”.
Interverranno Antinisca Di Marco, Tania Di Mascio e Laura Tarantino (Università dell’Aquila). Styliani Kleanthous (CYENS CoE, Cyprus), Barbara Crosetto (Università Carlos III, Madrid), Monica Landoni (Università della Svizzera Italiana)
12.30-13.00: Discussione con i partecipanti su possibili iniziative che il MedCHI potrà successivamente promuovere.
Lasciatemi ringraziare Antinisca, Tania e Laura per la loro disponiblità a condividere le esperienze e i risultati della loro ricerca in rappresentanza della nostra comunità italiana. Invitiamo chi di voi è già iscritto alla conferenza a partecipare al workshop in presenza. Per chi volesse partecipare online, abbiamo predisposto una stanza virtuale in Zoom:
Speriamo di poter contare sulla vostra partecipazione per arricchire la discussione su temi cruciali per la nostra comunità. Non esitate a contattarci per ulteriori informazioni o domande.
Un caro saluto a tutti!
Maristella e Giuliana (per il comitato Mediterranean CHI).
Deadline extension - Call for bids to host MobileHCI 2026
In short: Are you interested in bidding to host MobileHCI 2026? The deadline for bids has been extended to August 16th, 2024.
In more detail:
On behalf of the steering committee for the MobileHCI conference series we are inviting bids to host MobileHCI 2026. MobileHCI’24 ( will be in Melbourne, Australia. Details of the conference series can be found here:
MobileHCI is the forum that provides academics and practitioners a valuable place to discuss the challenges, potential solutions and innovations towards effective interaction with mobile systems and services. Our conference series brings together academics, designers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines to discuss the challenges and future of people interacting with and through technologies, applications, and services in a mobile world. The exact nature of a bid can of course include and seek to extend or focus this as the proposers envisage.
For the contents of the bids, please see below. We are paying special attention to the diversity (gender, cultural, economic, etc.) both in the organizing committee and in how the organisers plan to attract diverse audience to MobileHCI.
Bids should be sent to marcos.serrano(a) <> by ** August 16th, 2024 **. After receiving bids, the MobileHCI steering committee will review and vote on the bids and everyone who submits will be given the decision with feedback in the summer.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact any of the steering committee members. Information about the MobileHCI bidding process can be found at the International Steering Committee web pages here:
The form of the bid is fairly open but we do need the following information in order to make an informed decision:
* The initial planned dates. MobileHCI has typically been held in September. For 2026, we are suggesting either end of August or end of September.
* Intended location for the conference
* How will the conference be organised
* Will there be program chairs who manage the entire program or only papers chairs who manage the papers while the conference chairs manage the conference and program. Ideally, programme chairs should manage the main papers track and the entire program while the conference chairs manage the logistics of the conference
* Who will be conference chair - inc brief bio (1/2 page) and what will they be expected to handle
* Brief statement of chairs' experience of running conferences
* Who will be programme chair - inc brief bio (1/2 page) and what will they be expected to handle
* Who will edit the proceedings (default = both programme and conference chairs)
* Dates for submission that are in accordance with the PACM journal procedures (this includes a commitment for ACs and Paper Chairs to serve for 2 years)
* What are the initial planned dates for the conference and paper submission, which should include a 8 week revise and resubmit timeline
* A draft program for the conference: we suggest that the first day is the workshop day, followed by three days of the main conference
* Which research groups will support the conference
* Which sponsors are likely and how will you attract sponsorship
* Any letters of support from local entities offering help
* A plan on how to increase diversity
* A plan on how to increase accesibility
* a plan on how to make some or all of the conference sessions deliverable online
* Any direction/theme change you would envisage for MobileHCI (default = none)
* Any new features/tracks you would like to include or other changes you would like to make to the conference (default = none)
* Brief description (1/2 - 1 page) of conference venue
* Brief description (1/2 - 1 page) of conference city and region/country
* Rough idea of likely costs of (estimates only):
registration rates (normal is to include everything inc workshops and dinner for all delegates, bar one-day attendees) venue hire travel costs and rough times from several world cities: e.g., London, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, New York, Taipei, and Sydney a basic decent hotel for 5 nights
* Bidders can include a full budget (using their own or the ACM TMRF budget templates) which can include costs such as food, AV, room rental, registration, badges, PC meeting, speakers, conference management and ACM overhead (16%) and revenue details including registration, tutorials, workshops, sponsorship etc.
Bids are welcome from any organisation or group of organisations, provided that:
* they have reviewed and agree with the guidance in the ACM SIGCHI Organising a Conference Page <…> (…)
* they agree to accept the committee guidelines on publication, refereeing and finance
* dates are agreed with the committee through negotiation after bidding
* the proposing team consists of at least one permanent faculty member
* the bidders have realistic expectations around how long different aspects of the conference organization take. For example, an ACM PAF takes time to approve, a TMRF may result in a series of questions and clarifications with the ACM and may take weeks to complete and a venue/hotel negotiation and contract signature by the ACM may take several weeks depending on the country, language or complexity of the contract.
Please submit your bid as a single PDF document by August 16th, 2024 by sending it to marcos.serrano(a) <>. You can request an example of an earlier successful bid from Marcos.
Looking forward to your bids!
Marcos Serrano and Jessica Cauchard
Chairs of the Mobile HCI Steering Committee
To unsubscribe from CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS send an email to:
To manage your SIGCHI Mailing lists or read our polices see:
Dear colleagues,
Please find enclosed the call for papers for our Special Issue.
*IMPORTANT*: The *submission period* *is approaching!*
Please accept our apologies for the multiple postings.
Synthetic Images to Support Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems – Call for
*- Submission Period: 1-31 July 2024*
- Acceptance Deadline: *9 December 2024*
Today's health systems collect and deliver most medical data in digital
format, mainly thanks to the scientific and technological advances that
have led to digitization and increased generation and collection of data
describing real-world applications or processes.
The availability of medical data enables a large number of artificial
intelligence applications, and there is growing interest in quantitative
analysis of clinical images, such as Positron Emission Tomography,
Computerized Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In addition, machine and deep learning models and data-driven artificial
intelligence applications have proven to improve the management and
decision-making to improve the discovery of new therapeutic tools, support
diagnostic decisions, aid in the rehabilitation process, etc.
Despite the potential of data-driven solutions, many problems prevent or
delay the development of such solutions. For example, the increasing amount
of available data can lead to increased effort to make a diagnosis and is
even more challenging due to high inter/intra patient variability, the
availability of different imaging techniques, the absence of completely
standard acquisition procedures, and the need to consider data from
multiple sensors and sources.
Additional relevant issues are data access and the representativeness of
the captured sample compared to the actual population. Access to real data
may be delayed or even prevented for various reasons, such as privacy,
security, and intellectual property, or the development of the necessary
(quality) acquisition and preparation technology. Sample representativeness
is another critical issue involving class imbalance and the representation
of rare and extreme events, which is crucial for the performance of
artificial intelligence models.
For these reasons, researchers have recently explored the use of synthetic
data (SD) with three different use cases regarding (i) data augmentation to
balance data sets or supplement available data before training a model,
(ii) privacy preservation to enable secure and private sharing of sensitive
data; and (iii) simulation: to estimate and teach systems in situations
that have not been observed in actual reality.
The main goals of this special issue are to bring together diverse, new,
and impactful research on synthetic data generation for biomedical imaging
with a powerful impact on Computer-Aided Diagnosis systems for real-world
clinical applications.
Topics of interest to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
- Synthetic Images for Privacy-Preserving Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems
- Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems Training with Synthetic Images
- Synthetic Images for Benchmarking Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems
- Medical Image Translation
- Text-guided Medical Image Generation
- Multimodal Medical Image Generation
- Synthetic Images for Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems Domain Adaptation
- Synthetic Images for Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems Domain
The PRL's submission system (Editorial Manager®) will be open for
submissions to our Special Issue from July 1st, 2024. When submitting your
manuscript, please select the article type VSI: SISCAD. Both the Guide for
Authors and the submission portal can be found on the Journal Homepage:
Guide for authors - Pattern Recognition Letters - ISSN 0167-8655 | by Elsevier.
Andrea Loddo, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Lorenzo Putzu, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Cecilia Di Ruberto, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Carsten Marr, Institute of AI for Health, Helmholtz Munich (Germany)
Albert Comelli, Ri.MED Foundation (Italy)
Alessandro Stefano, Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology,
National Research Council of Cefalu’ (Italy)
Andrea Loddo
PhD | Dept. Of Mathematics and Computer Science | University of Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, Cagliari, Italy
Office: +39 070 675 8503
*And after all we're only ordinary men*