**Please forward to anyone who might be interested. Apologies for multiple
# International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems
* **Deadline: August 30th, 2024**
* to be held in Bari, Italy, co-located with ACM RecSys 2024 (
* Website: https://healthrecsys.github.io/
Important Dates:
- **Paper Submission Deadline:** August 30, 2024
- **Author Notification:** September 13, 2024
- **Camera-Ready Version Deadline:** September 20, 2024
- **Workshop Date:** October TBD, 2024
- **RecSys Conference:** October 14-18, 2024
Workshop Organizers:
- Hanna Hauptmann, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
- Christoph Trattner, University of Bergen, Norway
- Helma Torkamaan, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Objectives & Topics:
**Background:** The HealthRecSys workshop discussions over the years have
spanned a broad spectrum of topics, reflecting the multifaceted nature of
health recommender systems and the diverse applications and challenges of
recommender systems in the health domain. This includes discussions on new
applications, challenges, and practical solutions for existing systems or
**Goals:** Our aim with the 6th HealthRecSys is to reignite these
conversations and provide a forward-thinking platform that revisits the
foundational elements that have contributed to the field's growth. However,
the workshop aspires to do more by infusing new perspectives and tackling
the most pressing global challenges and technological innovations head-on.
The workshop will explore contemporary themes such as the impact of global
health crises on recommender systems, the integration of Large Language
Models and other generative AI models in health applications, the
increasing emphasis on personalized and self-managed care, and the
increasing focus on health equity leading to consideration of literacy,
accessibility, and monetary means when building health recommender systems.
These topics not only reflect the current state of the world but also align
with the broader shifts towards ethical AI, and the need for systems that
can adapt to and address individual health and care needs. Furthermore,
HealthRecSys is dedicated to strengthening the network of researchers
working on health recommender systems, drawing participants from an array
of health and care domains. This effort is aimed at cultivating a
cross-disciplinary community that promotes collaboration among recommender
systems specialists, healthcare professionals, ethicists, and policymakers,
among others. To enhance cross-sector collaboration, the 6th HealthRecSys
workshop will encourage joint projects and funding prospects, in addition
to promoting the sharing of resources, datasets, and tools among scholars
and industry practitioners.
**Topics:** The workshop is calling for submissions on a wide array of
topics within health recommender systems. This includes systems aimed at
health promotion, preventive, curative care, and recommender systems that
are health-aware. The scope of topics for the workshop is extensive,
covering various aspects within the domain of health recommender systems
and health-aware recommender systems, which include, but are not limited to:
- Accessibility, Usability, and Augmented Decision-Making
- Adherence and Patient (User) Compliance
- Algorithms and Recommendation Strategies
- Behavioral Interventions
- Case studies of Health Recommender Systems, Success and Failures, and
Lessons learned
- Domain Knowledge Representation
- Electronic Health Records Integration
- Empowerment and Autonomy
- Ethics
- Evaluation and Metrics
- Equity
- Explanations and Justifications in Health Recommendations
- From Participatory Design and Co-Creation to HealthRecSys
- Gamification and Serious Games
- Generative AI
- Health-Aware Recommender Systems
- Health and Care Workers and Interactive Intelligent Systems
- Human/Expert-in-the-Loop
- Human-RecSys Collaboration for Personalized Health
- Interfaces, Visual, Context-aware, Conversational, Mobile
- In-the-Wild Personalization
- Longitudinal Studies
- LLM-based recommendations in Health
- Medical Evaluation Techniques
- Mobile Health Recommender Systems
- Multi-objective Challenges
- Multi-stakeholder Challenges
- Patient Needs/Satisfaction
- Personalization
- Persuasion/Nudging/Behavioral Change
- Pervasive Systems
- Privacy and Security
- Research Methods and tools
- Recommendations VS. Not Clinical Decision Supports
- Regulations and Standards
- Self-Care
- Trust and Transparency
- User Interaction Design
- User Profiling and Adaptive Systems
- Value-Driven Design of Health Recommender Systems
- Wearables for Recommender Systems
We solicit short research papers (4-6 pages) and short position papers (2
pages + references), both in the ACM conference paper style-double-column
format. Participants can decide between a research-focused submission and a
project-focused submission.
Submission category research: innovative research ideas, preliminary
findings, or system prototypes that contribute new knowledge to the field
Submission category project: presentations on funded research initiatives,
collaborations between industry and academia, or partnerships between
healthcare entities and research institutions.
Submission guidelines:
All submitted papers must:
- be written in English;
- contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
- be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template -double-column
format, with a font size no smaller than 9pt;
- be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and
formatted for US Letter size;
Submissions are encouraged to include links or demos as attachments to
enhance their presentation. All submissions will undergo a rigorous
peer-review process to ensure quality and originality. It is imperative
that submitted works are not concurrently under review at any other
conference, workshop, or journal and contain original, unpublished
contributions. Accepted papers will be published according to the ACM
RECSYS 2024 WS publication rules, with prior proceedings having been
published in CEUR workshop proceedings.
A Few Remarks
- The title of the paper, authors, and the author order cannot be changed
after the acceptance
- Major changes to the text of the reviewed and accepted papers are not
permitted after the review
- At least one of the authors should participate in the workshop, register
in the RecSys conference, and personally present the paper in the workshop.
RecSys 2024 will be hosted in Bari, Italy, from 14–18 October 2024. Please
visit the RecSys 2024 website for more information about this location:
If you have questions regarding the workshop, do not hesitate to contact
the workshop chairs: healthrecsys(a)gmail.com
*** Last Call for Papers ***
ACM 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good
Special Track on Educating for a Sustainable Digital Future
( *** Submission Deadline: 17 May 2024 ***)
Exploring the development of our digital future requires a comprehensive examination of both
individual and societal consequences. Placing excessive emphasis on individual gains, a
common practice in individualistic societies for many years, has hindered the ability to grasp
the complex dynamics and forward-thinking mindset essential for the sustainability of a
contemporary society.
The evolving landscape of technology and the ongoing digital advancements have paved the
way for creative applications in the field of education, allowing us to adapt to the
ever-changing circumstances. When shaping a new approach for Information Systems and
Information Technology education, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of individuals
as key stakeholders and integral members of the wider community, while also recognizing the
pivotal role of collaboration.
In this track, we are searching for papers employing innovative technology and approaches to
educate the future generation towards world equality, collegiality, inclusion and a more
cooperative learning for a sustainable digital future. Values which are emphasized in the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which overall aim towards creating a more equitable,
sustainable, and peaceful world.
This track is particularly relevant to IS/IT educators and those creative IT practitioners who
care about developing a sustainable digital future.
Potential topics for papers include (but are not limited to):
• Sustainable and innovative education technologies and practices
• Universal access to quality education
• The new role for IS/IT in society and education and the value of information and knowledge
• The role of cooperative learning for life-long learning and societal developments
• Digital transformation: opportunities and challenges for education, work, and society
• Digital learning environments: Innovations and trends
• Equality, diversity, and inclusion in education, work, and society
• The use of large language models and generative AI in education
• New topics and domains in IT-enhanced education
We hope to attract the interest of IS/IT educators and those creative IT practitioners who care
about developing a sustainable digital future.
Please refer to the instructions on the conference web site:
https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/goodit2024/submission-of-papers/ .
All accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library .
• Submission deadline: 17 May 2024 (AoE)
• Notification of acceptance: 8 July 2024
• Camera ready: 19 July 2024
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Vasso Stylianou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Vasso Stylianou, stylianou.v(a)unic.ac.cy
*** Call for Applications: Bridge Professorship for Intelligent Interfaces
Innovation ***
The Professorship for Intelligent Interfaces Innovations is a collaboration
between the Center for Technology Experience at the Austrian Institute of
Technology GmbH (Vienna) and the University of Salzburg (specifically in the
field of Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces). This partnership
leverages the strengths of both institutions to establish a pioneering link
between fundamental research and practical applications.
The Professorship of Intelligent Interfaces Innovation is a unique
opportunity that bridges the gap between cutting-edge research and practical
application in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The successful candidate
has a recognized publication record and extensive experience in
interdisciplinary projects and mentoring colleagues. With a focus on applied
thinking and research, the Professor will have a keen eye for translating
theoretical knowledge into real-world solutions. The successful candidate
will demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit and startup experience and will
actively engage in strengthening collaborations with industry partners and
securing national and international grants. The role welcomes individuals
from diverse backgrounds who have a deep understanding of practices in
Human-Computer Interaction.
For details, see below. The full job description can also be found at:
The application deadline was extended to May 8, 2024.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Manfred Tscheligi
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi
Professor for Human-Computer Interaction
Head of Department for Artificial Intelligence & Human Interfaces (AIHI)
University of Salzburg
E-Mail: <mailto:manfred.tscheligi@plus.ac.at> manfred.tscheligi(a)plus.ac.at
Head of Center for Technology Experience
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
E-Mail: <mailto:andreas.kugi@ait.ac.at> manfred.tscheligi(a)ait.ac.at
Call for Applications
Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) is a thriving university in Austria
that stands for excellence in research and teaching in the field of
(digital) humanities, life sciences, sustainability of (social) processes
and for a strong connection between art & science. With its four guiding
themes of Art in Context, Development and Sustainability, Digital Life, and
Health & Mind, PLUS offers scientists excellent opportunities for inter- and
transdisciplinary networking. At the earliest possible date, the PLUS would
like to appoint a
University Professorship § 99 (1) UG 2002 for Intelligent Interfaces
The Intelligent Interfaces Innovation professorship has been established as
a joint professorship in the context of the Intelligent Interfaces
Innovation Lab - III.Lab established in cooperation with the Austrian
Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT) at the Department of Artificial
Intelligence and Human Interfaces (Faculty of Digital and Analytical
Sciences). This collaboration makes it possible to combine the strengths of
both institutions and create a pioneering link between sound basic research
and applied solutions. In this respect the bridge professorship is supported
by the State of Salzburg.
The holder of this position has an excellent publication record, experience
in leading various interdisciplinary projects, experience in supervising
students and young researchers, and has successfully conducted basic and
applied research in the field of new and future approaches in human-computer
interaction and future interaction, with a special focus on current
developments in the field of artificial intelligence. The objective of the
III.Lab is to develop fundamentally new interaction approaches in the
context of challenging contextual conditions ("Challenging Contexts").
Special topics of the III. Lab are Intelligent Interaction Artifacts and
Environments, Human-Centered Automation ("Human in the Loop"), Next
Generation Human Centered Design Methods and Tools, Societal Interfaces and
Hybrid Futures.
The duties of the position include teaching (courses on Human-Computer
Interaction) and supervising theses and dissertations.
Finally, the holder of the position is expected to make a significant
contribution to the further development of the III.Lab, to act as a bridge
between the organizations involved in the III.Lab and to develop them
General employment requirements are:
1. A completed domestic or equivalent academic qualification (doctorate)
in a field that corresponds to the subject of the professorship;
2. habilitation (venia docendi) or equivalent academic qualification;
3. relevant, internationally visible research at the highest level in
the areas of Human-Computer Interaction or corresponding sub-areas;
4. proven pedagogical skills and teaching experience at university
5. international networking;
6. academic leadership and social skills;
7. English and German proficiency: very good command.
Additional skills expected of candidates:
1. Ability to co-operate and establish interdisciplinary links between
different subject areas;
2. engagement for interdisciplinary thinking and working in
interdisciplinary contexts;
3. ability to combine basic research with applied research;
4. experience in the acquisition and administration of third-party
funded projects and co-operation projects with companies or research
5. team and communication skills, interdisciplinarity, resilience.
This half-time position (0.5 FTE) will be filled as soon as possible and for
a fixed term of five years in accordance with § 99 UG 2002 and the
collective bargaining agreement for universities (A1 salary group). The
position will be complemented by a half-time Principal Scientist (0.5 FTE)
at the cooperation partner AIT. The salary can be negotiated (minimum of EUR
5.404,- per month gross plus additional 13th and 14th monthly salary
PLUS is committed to increasing the proportion of women in research and
teaching positions and therefore explicitly encourages female candidates to
apply. Women will be given preference over equally qualified men. Disabled
persons and persons with chronic diseases who fulfil the qualification
criteria are invited to apply.
Travel and accommodation costs arising from this application unfortunately
cannot be reimbursed.
The following documents (in English) must be enclosed with the application:
(1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) research statement, including
past accomplishments and future plans related to the stated objectives of
the position; (4) teaching statement outlining teaching philosophy, past
experience (courses taught, supervision of students, etc.), and future
interests; (5) list of scientific publications, any software products and
patents; and (6) list of other relevant activities (e.g., experience in
obtaining external funding, conducting projects and cooperations).
Please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi at +43-662-8044-4800 or via
.Outlook/UMAA9W2N/manfred.tscheligi(a)plus.ac.at> manfred.tscheligi(a)plus.ac.at
with any questions. Applications should be addressed to the Interim Rector
of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin
Weichbold and sent by e-mail to <mailto:bewerbung@plus.ac.at>
bewerbung(a)plus.ac.at no later than May 8, 2024. Please include the reference
number B 0006/1-2024 of the job advertisement in the application.
PhD Position in computer science (research topics: user modeling,
recommender systems), 4 years full-time employment (40 hrs/week), paid
tuition, 50% teaching load, travel budget.
Full Description
PhD Position in computer science (research topics: user modeling,
recommender systems), 4 years full-time employment (40 hrs/week), paid
tuition, 50% teaching load, travel budget, supervised by Assoc. Prof.
Marko Tkalčič at the University of Primorska, Slovenia.
Research topics:
- psychologically-informed user modeling,
- psychologically-informed item modeling,
- inference of user and item characteristics,
- explanations,
- recommender systems.
The Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (DIST) at the
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
(FAMNIT) of the University of Primorska is seeking candidates for a PhD
student position in the area of psychologically-informed user modeling
and recommender systems under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marko
The project will explore how psychologically-informed features can be
used to model users, items, infer user characteristics from digital
traces, infer item characteristics, provide explanations and
recommendations in the music and film domains. The methodologies will
include user studies and machine learning. The candidate will work in a
great team with Marko Tkalčič as part of the HICUP lab
(https://hicup.famnit.upr.si/) in the beautiful Mediterranean city of
Koper (the beach is only a 3 min walk from the office).
- Full-time employment (40 hrs/week). Full social security.
- The position is for four years.
- The starting date is October 2024.
- MSc in Computer Science or related field.
- The position includes a 50% teaching load.
- The position comes with funding for travel (conferences).
Application Process:
The applications will be assessed on a rolling basis until the position
is filled. To apply, send an email to marko.tkalcic(a)famnit.upr.si with
the following documentation:
- motivation letter,
- CV,
- list of publications (if applicable),
- research statement (one page, describe your ideal PhD project),
- names and email addresses of two to three references.
Link to call: https://markotkalcic.com/phd_2024.html
Dr. Marko Tkalcic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/RecSysMare
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/markotkalcic
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JQ2puysAAAAJ
*** Final Call to Register at Early Bird Rate! ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Early Bird Registration (extended): May 15, 2024 ***)
( *** Registration site: https://cyprusconferences.org/caise2024/registration/ ***)
CAiSE is the premier conference series for information systems engineering. It offers a
meeting space for presentation of recent research results, discussion about trends and
futures of information systems engineering, and interaction between researchers and
Registration is now open, Early-bird registration is possible until May 15, 2024 (extended!).
See all CAiSE’24 speakers, the conference venue and the social events.
Highlights of the conference:
• 36 high quality research paper presentations
• CAiSE Forum: presentations and discussions of 10 innovative vision papers and 8 tool demos
• Journal-first paper presentations – of selected papers on IS Engineering topics that were
published in journals this year
• Research projects exhibition
• Keynote by Prof. J. Mark Bishop: The colour of cognition: from abstract computation to the
lived mind
• Keynote by Prof. David Harel: Two Projects on Human Interaction with AI
• Keynote by Prof. Sören Auer: Towards Neuro-Symbolic AI with Knowledge Graphs and
Generative AI
• Panel on the use of generative AI for IS engineering research and academic writing
• Orlenys López Pintado and David Chapela-Campa: Data-driven Business Process Simulation:
From Event Logs to Tools and Techniques
• Diego Calvanese and Davide Lanti: Designing Virtual Knowledge Graphs
• Henrik Leopold: How to Conduct Valid Information Systems Engineering Research?
• Luiz Olavo Bonino: FAIR Data Train: A FAIR-compliant distributed data and services platform
• Massimo Mecella: Engineering Information Systems with LLMs and AI-based techniques
• Working conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS)
• Working conference on Exploring Modelling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design
• 6 workshops: on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering, Blockchain for
Information Systems and Blockchain for Trusted Data Sharing, Hybrid Artificial Intelligence
and Enterprise Modelling for Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Graphs for
Semantics-driven Systems Engineering, Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and
Simulation, Digital Transformation with Business Process Mining
• Workshop and co-located events dinner with typical Cypriot food and atmosphere
• Welcome reception and cocktail
• A tour and a conference dinner in Aphrodite Hill’s Village
• A beach party with drinks and dancing