Dear Colleagues,
Applications are invited for a one-year research assistant position (assegno di ricerca) at the University of Bologna (Italy), within the Computer Science and Engineering department.
This position is funded by the Emilia-Romagna region, as part of the “PR FESR 21-27 Azione 1.1.2 – Bando per progetti di ricerca industriale strategica rivolti agli ambiti prioritari della Strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente” programme.
The research position will delve into various topics within the Human-Computer Interaction field, including citizen science, gamification and game thinking, and data visualization. The focus will be on the context of “Digital Twin and Sustainability”. The proof of concept will be deployed in the natural park along the Po Delta in Emilia Romagna (“Parco del Delta del Po”, Emilia Romagna).
The ideal applicant should have an MSc in Computer Science or related areas (a PhD degree is not mandatory), with a solid background in Human-computer interaction, and mobile and web programming.
Application Deadline: 18th March 2024
For application instructions, please visit:
If you know of suitable candidates who may be a good fit for this position, kindly share this call with them.
Please feel free to contact me (catia.prandi2(a) for any further information.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
*** Last Call for Tutorial Proposals ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 28th February, 2024 AoE ***)
CAiSE'24 invites proposals for tutorials on advanced topics in the field of Information Systems
Engineering. Tutorials should aim at offering new insights, knowledge, and skills to
professionals, educators, researchers, and students seeking to gain a better understanding
either about methods of broad interest in the field, or emergent paradigms that are ripe for
practical adoption or that require further research to reach maturity.
Proposals emphasizing the special theme of the CAISE'24 conference “Information Systems in
the Age of Artificial Intelligence” are encouraged, but proposals on other new or long-standing
topics in information systems engineering are also welcome.
Tutorials should be focused on principles, concepts, and methods. Commercial or
sales-oriented presentations are not allowed and will not be accepted.
Tutorials are intended to provide a pedagogic introduction to or overview of a topic of
relevance. Potential presenters should keep in mind that there may be a heterogeneous
audience, including novice graduate students, experienced practitioners, and specialized
researchers. Tutorial speakers should be prepared to cope with this diversity in the audience.
Tutorials will be 90 minutes long and organized in parallel with the technical sessions of the
main conference and participants of the conference will have free access to all of them.
Potential proposers are free to contact the tutorial chairs via e-mail to validate their idea prior
to the submission.
The tutorial chairs will review each proposal and select a subset of them based on the
following criteria:
1. relevance to the field of IS engineering;
2. anticipated appeal to the conference audience;
3. timeliness and importance for the conference audience;
4. past experience and qualifications of the instructor(s).
The tutorial chairs will also consider the complementarity of the proposal w.r.t. the conference
program and other tutorial proposals.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted to Easy Chair using the conference submission site
( and then selecting the “CAiSE 2024
Tutorials” track.
The proposal (length up to 1500 words) should cover the following points:
• Title
• Presenters and affiliation
• Goal: The overall goal of the tutorial.
• Scope: Intended audience, level (basic or advanced), and prerequisites.
• Topic relevance and novelty: Specifically indicate the relevance to the scope of CAiSE,
the relevance to practice, the novel aspects that would make this tutorial beneficiary and
appealing to CAiSE participants.
• Structure of contents: Here you should provide a structured overview of your planned
tutorial, organized into numbered sections and subsections. For each subsection, you
should sketch its contents in a few sentences or bullet points.
• References: Provide references to papers, books, etc. that your tutorial builds on. Please
specify previous venues at which similar tutorials have been presented by you and
indicate the difference between the proposed tutorial and previous ones. CAiSE usually
does not accept tutorials that have been presented in other venues.
• Sample Slides: Include at least 5 sample slides of the presentation you plan to give if
your tutorial is accepted. Select slides that are typical of your presentation style. These
slides have to be submitted in a separate PDF file.
Services provided to tutorialists
• A 2-page tutorial abstract will be published in the CAiSE LNCS proceedings
• Tutorials will benefit from the local organizational infrastructure (registration, badges,
refreshments, beamers, screens, etc.).
• Advertisement of the tutorial on CAISE 2024 homepage and mailings.
• The conference fee will be waived for tutorial presenters (one fee per tutorial).
• Submission of Tutorial Proposals: 28th February, 2024 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: 15th March, 2024
• Camera-ready Abstracts: 5th April, 2024
• Tutorial Presenters Registration Deadline: 8th April, 2024
• Adela del Rio Ortega, University of Seville, Spain (adeladelrio(a)
• Tiago Prince Sales, University of Twente, The Netherlands (t.princesales(a)
Other Committee Members
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP *
For the online version of this Call, visit:
NLDB 2024
The 29th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems
25-27 June 2024, University of Turin, Italy.
Submission deadline: 22 March, 2024
About NLDB
The 29th International Conference on Natural Language & Information
Systems will be held at the University of Turin, Italy, and will be a
face to face event. Since 1995, the NLDB conference brings together
researchers, industry practitioners, and potential users interested in
various applications of Natural Language in the Database and Information
Systems field. The term "Information Systems" has to be considered in
the broader sense of Information and Communication Systems, including
Big Data, Linked Data and Social Networks.
The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has itself recently
experienced several exciting developments. In research, these
developments have been reflected in the emergence of Large Language
Models and the importance of aspects such as transparency, bias and
fairness, Large Multimodal Models and the connection of the NLP field
with Computer Vision, chatbots and dialogue-based pipelines.
Regarding applications, NLP systems have evolved to the point that they
now offer real-life, tangible benefits to enterprises. Many of these NLP
systems are now considered a de-facto offering in business intelligence
suites, such as algorithms for recommender systems and opinion
mining/sentiment analysis. Language models developed by the open-source
community have become widespread and commonly used. Businesses are now
readily adopting these technologies, thanks to the efforts of the
open-source community. For example, fine-tuning a language model on a
company’s own dataset is now easy and convenient, using modules created
by thousands of academic researchers and industry experts.
It is against this backdrop of recent innovations in NLP and its
applications in information systems that the 29th edition of the NLDB
conference takes place. We welcome research and industrial
contributions, describing novel, previously unpublished works on NLP and
its applications across a plethora of topics as described in the Call
for Papers.
Call for Papers:
NLDB 2024 invites authors to submit papers on unpublished research that
addresses theoretical aspects, algorithms, applications, architectures
for applied and integrated NLP, resources for applied NLP, and other
aspects of NLP, as well as survey and discussion papers. This year's
edition of NLDB continues with the Industry Track to foster fruitful
interaction between the industry and the research community.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Large Language Models: training, applications, transfer learning,
interpretability of large language models.
* Multimodal Models: Integration of text with other modalities like
images, video, and audio; multimodal representation learning;
applications of multimodal models.
* AI Safety and ethics: Safe and ethical use of Generative AI and NLP;
avoiding and mitigating biases in NLP models and systems; explainability
and transparency in AI.
* Natural Language Interfaces and Interaction: design and implementation
of Natural Language Interfaces, user studies with human participants on
Conversational User Interfaces, chatbots and LLM-based chatbots and
their interaction with users.
* Social Media and Web Analytics: Opinion mining/sentiment analysis,
irony/sarcasm detection; detection of fake reviews and deceptive
language; detection of harmful information: fake news and hate speech;
sexism and misogyny; detection of mental health disorders;
identification of stereotypes and social biases; robust NLP methods for
sparse, ill-formed texts; recommendation systems.
* Deep Learning and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Deep
learning architectures, word embeddings, transparency, interpretability,
fairness, debiasing, ethics.
* Argumentation Mining and Applications: Automatic detection of
argumentation components and relationships; creation of resource (e.g.
annotated corpora, treebanks and parsers); Integration of NLP techniques
with formal, abstract argumentation structures; Argumentation Mining
from legal texts and scientific articles.
* Question Answering (QA): Natural language interfaces to databases, QA
using web data, multi-lingual QA, non-factoid QA(how/why/opinion
questions, lists), geographical QA, QA corpora and training sets, QA
over linked data (QALD).
* Corpus Analysis: multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-modal
corpora; machine translation, text analysis, text classification and
clustering; language identification; plagiarism detection; information
extraction: named entity, extraction of events, terms and semantic
* Semantic Web, Open Linked Data, and Ontologies: Ontology learning and
alignment, ontology population, ontology evaluation, querying ontologies
and linked data, semantic tagging and classification, ontology-driven
NLP, ontology-driven systems integration.
* Natural Language in Conceptual Modelling: Analysis of natural language
descriptions, NLP in requirement engineering, terminological ontologies,
consistency checking, metadata creation and harvesting.
* Natural Language and Ubiquitous Computing: Pervasive computing,
embedded, robotic and mobile applications; conversational agents; NLP
techniques for Internet of Things (IoT); NLP techniques for ambient
* Big Data and Business Intelligence: Identity detection, semantic data
cleaning, summarisation, reporting, and data to text.
Important Dates:
Full paper submission: 22 March, 2024
Paper notification: 19 April, 2024
Camera-ready deadline: 26 April, 2024
Conference: 25-27 June 2024
Submission Guidelines:
Authors should follow the LNCS format
and submit their manuscripts in pdf via Easychair
Papers can be submitted to either the main conference or the industry track.
Submissions can be full papers (up to 15 pages including references and
appendices), short papers (up to 11 pages including references and
appendices) or papers for a poster presentation or system demonstration
(6 pages including references). The program committee may decide to
accept some full papers as short papers or poster papers.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
federico.torrielli(a) (Web & Publicity Chair)
General Chairs:
Luigi Di Caro, University of Turin
Farid Meziane, University of Derby
Amon Rapp, University of Turin
Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University
**** Apologies for cross-posting ***
This is just a gentle reminder that there is still time to contribute to
AVI 2024 with a poster or demo submission (deadline: Friday, March 8,
2024 - 23:59, AoE).
You can find more details in the call below.
CfP AVI 2024 Advanced Visual Interfaces - Call for Posters and Demos
ACM in-cooperation Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
3-7 June 2024
Genoa, Italy <>
Posters and Demo papers:
Friday, March 8, 2024 (23:59, AoE)
Submission webpage:
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international
community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three
decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a
forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms,
and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user
interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its
primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation
of novel visual interfaces.
AVI 2024 is under the patronage of University of Genoa, Department of
Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, Italy and
is held in-cooperation with ACM, SIGCHI, SIGMM, SIGWEB.
Ilaria Torre (AVI 2024 Program Chair)
AVI 2024 General Chairs
.Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
.Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
For information or requests, please contact avi2024(a)
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Affective Interfaces and Interaction
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Embodied Conversational Interfaces
Full-body Interaction and Nonverbal Behavior
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Interaction Design Tools
Building Interactions: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for entertainment
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Interfaces and Interactions for Persuasion and Behaviour Change
Interfaces and Interactions for Inclusion, Accessibility and Aging
Interfaces and interactions for usable security
Interfaces for Children
Interfaces for well-being and flourishing
Interfaces for Learning, Education, and Families
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
Technical demonstrations developed in context of artistic/cultural
activities (e.g., elements of museum exhibits or dance performances)
The AVI 2024 Poster Track provides researchers and practitioners with
the opportunity of presenting contributions which are
work-in-progressand obtaining precious feedback from their peers in an
informal setting. Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one
additional page for references), not anonymized.
The demo track is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative
implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about
interactive visual interfaces. We are looking for implementations of
novel and exciting concepts or systems related to the main topics of AVI.
We are especially keen to welcome innovative demonstrations from
industry and startups that are closely aligned with the conference core
themes. We encourage the emergent innovators interested to demonstrate
their solutions even at an early stage of development to submit the
papers to this call.
Demo papers must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for
references), not anonymized.
Demo submissions need to be complemented by a document that describes
technical requirements (the template can be downloaded from the website
<>). Please notice that:
The committee reserves the right to reject proposals whose hardware
and/or space requirements cannot be met by organizers (if you have
any doubt please contact the demo chairs
<>before submitting the paper). The
organizers cannot provide any specific equipment (e.g., sound or
lighting systems).
In no case does a demonstration involve any remuneration from
conference organizers.
All the papers mentioned above, i.e., posters and demos, require online
submission. Authors must format submissions according to the ACM SIGCONF
template. Please find the templates below:
Latex for Overleaf:…
Word Template:
Papers must be submitted online on EasyChair
Since 1994, accepted long and short research papers are included in the
Proceedings published by ACM Press and available in the ACM Digital Library.
For each accepted paper, at least one author must register to AVI 2024
by the early registration deadline for authors, pay the registration fee
and present the paper at the Conference.
General Chairs
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
Program Chair
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Long Papers Chairs
Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari
Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Elisabetta Bevacqua, National Engineering School of Brest
Maurizio Mancini, Sapienza University of Rome
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Poster Chairs
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento
Demo Chairs
Radoslaw Niewiadomski, University of Genoa
Fabiana Vernero, University of Turin
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabio Paternò, CNR ISTI
Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
Publicity Chairs
Beatrice Biancardi, LINEACT CESI
Federica Delprino, University of Genoa
Proceedings Chairs
Eleonora Ceccaldi, University of Genoa
Cigdem Beyan, University of Trento
Web Chair
Paola Barra, University of Naples Parthenope
Paolo Bottoni,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Paolo Buono
University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Catarci
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, Italy
Maristella Matera
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Massimo Mecella
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Kent Norman
University of Maryland, USA
Emanuele Panizzi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Genny Tortora
University of Salerno, Italy
Giuliana Vitiello
University of Salerno, Italy
Marco Winckler
Université Côte d'Azur, France
@avi2024conference (
@avi2024conference (
@avi2024conf (
* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested, thanks *
1st International Workshop Robots for Humans (R4H)
Co-located within the 17th International Conference on Advanced Visual
Interfaces (AVI2024)
Arenzano (Genoa), Italy
June 3rd or 4th 2024
Workshop website:
The "Robots for Humans" (R4H) workshop bridges the Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) communities.
With this workshop, we want to bring together these communities by
highlighting the commonalities of the two, stressing their differences,
and encouraging the contamination of their methods and results. We aim
to do so by recognising that human beings can be the bridge between
these two communities and the main objective for a human-centred design
With these reflections in mind, our workshop invites HCI and HRI
researchers to develop proposals for theoretical, technical and design
ideas that highlight thoughts on empowerment and the new challenges
posed by the design of robots. We ask researchers to propose both
perspectives: the utopian, which imagines ideal scenarios, and the
dystopian, which explores potential challenges, reflecting on the role
of artefact design and interaction in shaping these visions.
Join us to explore the intricate bond between humans and robots for
thoughtful HRI advancements.
Topics included in the workshop, but not limited to, are the following:
HCI theories and methods and novel approaches applied to HRI, Cognitive
Architectures for HRI.
Concept papers on the role of technology and robots in empowering or
challenging human well-being.
Empirical studies for human empowerment with technology (e.g., SAR,
Health care, educational context).
Participatory design approaches for HRI applications (e.g., user-centred
design for computer and robotic applications, human-centred, and
interaction-based design)
Research methods and challenges for different contexts (e.g., assistive
and education) in the HRI field.
Interaction with virtual or physical embodied agents, human factors and
human-in-the-loop in HRI, group dynamics in HRI.
Design relationship between humans and robots (multi-modal
communication, robot personalities, gender robotics, empathy).
Diversity, power dynamics, gender, racism, social stereotypes and
vulnerable targets of users in HRI.
Trust, acceptance and explainability in HRI; personalisation and
end-user development of robot applications.
Ethical issues (e.g. privacy, misuse and abusive interactions), social
risks and fairness in HRI.
We plan to conduct a half-day workshop including the following activities:
Welcome and opening (10 min.).
Keynote speaker: Dr Giulia Perugia (confirmed) (30 min.) and Q&A (10 min.).
Papers/Poster presentations (1.15 min.).
Coffee Break (15 min).
Focus groups (60 min.) moderated by Dr Carlo Mazzola.
Closing remarks (15 min.).
The workshop is planned to be in-person.
Participants will propose discussion topics for a focus group session in
the workshop's second part.
Led by moderators, subgroups will facilitate idea exchange in designing
HRI applications.
Participants will then identify the most significant topics for the
workshop at the session's conclusion.
AVI workshops are scheduled for either the 3rd or 4th of June, 2024.
Please check back the workshop website soon for the exact dates and
scheduling information.
Workshop participants are invited to submit a position papers (max 6
pages excluding references)
The accepted papers will be published in the workshop’s proceedings on
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, indexed by Scopus.
All submissions should be submitted by mail to r4hworkshop(a) in
PDF format using the “CEUR Template”: An Overleaf page for LaTeX
users is also available at:
All submissions will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process,
focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance.
The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members
of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper will be
required to attend the workshop.
Selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a
Special Issue of a relevant human-robot interaction journal.
Submission Deadline: 27 March
Notification of Acceptance: 23 April
Camera Ready: 03 May 2024
Registration deadline: 10 May 2024
Francesca Cocchella, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Omar Eldardeer, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Marco Manca, Institute of Information Science and Technologies
"Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI) - National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Marco Matarese, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Andrea Rezzani, Free University of Bolzano (Italy)
Eleonora Zedda, Institute of Information Science and Technologies
"Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI) - National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
facebook <> twitter
<> instagram
<> linkedin
Marco Manca
HIIS-Lab -
Tel. 0503153127
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1, 56124 – Pisa
** <>
Devolvi il 5×1000 al CNR
CF 80054330586
Questa email è stata esaminata alla ricerca di virus dal software antivirus AVG.
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the SYNERGY Workshop, to be held in conjunction with ACM AVI 2024. This workshop is dedicated to designing and building Hybrid Human-AI Systems. We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute to this evolving field, where human intelligence synergizes with artificial intelligence.
== Important Dates ==
* Submission Deadline: April 2, 2024
* Notification: April 16, 2024
* Camera Ready: May 3, 2024
* Workshop Date: Afternoon of June 3rd or 4th, 2024
== Submission Guidelines ==
* Length: 5-10 pages
* Format: CEUR-ART 1-column Template
* Selected papers may be invited to submit an extended version to a dedicated Special Issue of Springer's "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing"
* Submission Website:
== Topics Include ==
The workshop seeks contributions on, but not limited to, the following themes:
1. Human-AI Collaboration Models
2. Augmenting Human Cognition with AI
3. Design Principles for Synergistic Systems
4. Ethics and Trust in Human-AI Interaction
5. Philosophical and Theoretical Approaches
6. Adaptive Interfaces for Human-AI Synergy
7. Software Architectures and Tools
8. Case Studies of Human-AI Synergy
== Organizers ==
* Alan Dix, Swansea University & Cardiff Metropolitan University
* Matt Roach, Swansea University
* Tommaso Turchi, University of Pisa
* Alessio Malizia, University of Pisa
For more information, please visit our website at or contact Tommaso Turchi (tommaso.turchi(a)
Join us in Arenzano, Genoa, Italy for an insightful workshop that aims to explore and shape the future of hybrid human-AI systems!
Tommaso Turchi
Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa
CfP AVI 2024 Advanced Visual Interfaces - 3rd Call for Tutorial Proposals
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
3-7 June 2024
Genoa, Italy<>
Tutorial proposals:
- Friday, March 15, 2023 (23:59, AoE)
Submission webpage:
We encourage the proposal of tutorials on new and emerging topics or, conversely, consolidated topics related to Advanced Visual Interfaces and HCI approaches, methodologies, or technologies. The selected tutorials will be held on the first or last day of the conference and Doctoral Consortium students will be invited to participate in them.
Tutorial proposals must be submitted following the instructions on:
Tutorial Chairs
- Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.
While rooted in Italy, AVI is an actual international conference concerning the nationality of participants, authors of papers, and program committee members. The mixture of carefully selected research contributions paired with cordial Italian hospitality creates a unique conference atmosphere, which has made AVI an internationally recognized brand.
AVI 2024 is under the patronage of University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, Italy.
We look forward to your participation in AVI 2024!
Cristina Conati, AVI 2024 General Chair
Gulatiero Volpe, AVI 2024 General Chair
Ilaria Torre, AVI 2024 Program Chair
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Affective Visual Interfaces
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Conversational Interfaces
Full-body Interaction
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Interaction Design Tools
Building Interactions: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for i-TV
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Interfaces and Interactions for Inclusion, Accessibility and Aging
Interfaces for Children
Learning, Education, and Families
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Usability and (Cyber)Security
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
General Chairs
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
Program Chair
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Long Papers Chairs
Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari
Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Elisabetta Bevacqua, National Engineering School of Brest
Maurizio Mancini, Sapienza University of Rome
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Poster Chairs
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento
Demo Chairs
Radoslaw Niewiadomski, University of Genoa
Fabiana Vernero, University of Turin
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabio Paternò, CNR ISTI
Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
Publicity Chairs
Beatrice Biancardi, LINEACT CESI
Federica Delprino, University of Genoa
Proceedings Chairs
Eleonora Ceccaldi, University of Genoa
Cigdem Beyan, University of Trento
Web Chair
Paola Barra, University of Naples Parthenope
Paolo Bottoni,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Paolo Buono
University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Catarci
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, Italy
Maristella Matera
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Massimo Mecella
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Kent Norman
University of Maryland, USA
Emanuele Panizzi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Genny Tortora
University of Salerno, Italy
Giuliana Vitiello
University of Salerno, Italy
Marco Winckler
Université Côte d'Azur, France
@avi2024conference (
@avi2024conference (
@avi2024conf (
Tel : +33 (0)6 71 62 50 45
93 boulevard de La Seine
CS 40177 - 92006 Nanterre cedex
TLDR: postdoc position (PhD required), full-time employment (40
hrs/week), duration 2 years (preferred start October 2024), research and
teaching, supervisor: Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska, Koper,
Research topics:
- psychologically-informed user modeling,
- psychologically-informed item modeling,
- inference of user and item characteristics,
- explanations,
- recommender systems.
The Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (DIST) at the
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information
Technologies (FAMNIT) of the University of Primorska is seeking a top
early-career researcher for a postdoctoral position in the area of
psychologically-informed user modeling under the supervision of assoc.
prof. dr. Marko Tkalčič.
The project will explore how psychologically-informed features can be
used to model users, items, infer user characteristics from digital
traces, infer item characteristics, provide explanations and
recommendations in the music and film domains. The methodologies will
include user studies and machine learning. The candidate will work in a
great team with Marko Tkalčič as part of the HICUP lab
( in the beautiful Mediterranean city of
Koper (the beach is only a 3 min walk from the office).
- Full-time employment (40 hrs/week). Full social security.
- The position is for two years.
- The preferred starting date is October 2024.
- The candidate must have (or expect to obtain shortly) a PhD in
computer science or in an area relevant to the research topics.
- The ideal candidate should posses expertise in the following areas:
- recommender systems,
- machine learning,
- user modeling.
- Expertise in one or more of the following areas will be appreciated:
- ML explainability,
- computational psychology,
- computational social science,
- media-related knowledge (musicology etc.).
- The position includes a small teaching load (1 course/semester, 3-4
- The position comes with funding for travel (conferences, visitors).
Application Process:
The applications will be assessed on a rolling basis until the position
is filled. To apply, send an email to marko.tkalcic(a) with
the following documentation:
- motivation letter,
- CV,
- list of publications,
- research statement,
- names and email addresses of two to three references.
Link to call:
Dr. Marko Tkalcic
Google Scholar:
* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested, thanks *
2nd International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia
Co-located within the 17th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI2024)
Arenzano (Genoa), Italy
June 3rd or 4th 2024
More info:
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
- the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
- the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
- the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users development to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
- the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
- the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Learning in Cybersecurity
- Personalized Learning in Cybersecurity Education
- AI-Driven Cybersecurity Education
- Generative AI in Cybersecurity Education
- Explainable AI for Cybersecurity
- Immersive Virtual Reality for Cybersecurity Education
- Augmented Reality in Cybersecurity Education
- Game-based approaches in Cybersecurity Education
- Artistic Approaches to Cybersecurity Education
- Designing Tools and Frameworks for Cybersecurity Education
- Contextual Methodologies for Cybersecurity Education
- Innovative Technologies for Professional Cybersecurity Competencies
- Explainable Security in Public Administration
- Human, Economic, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cybersecurity Education
- Innovative Training Programs for Cybersecurity Education
- Empowering Users in Technology Creation with Cybersecurity Considerations
- Warning dialogues for Cybersecurity
- Human Factors for Cybersecurity
- Case Studies on Cybersecurity Challenges and Practices
- Data Visualization in Cybersecurity
- Accessibility in Cybersecurity Tools and Education
- User Behavior Analysis in Cybersecurity
- Conversational Interface in Cybersecurity Education
We will consider two different types of submissions:
- Regular papers will be up to 10 pages (excluding references) and will report original research on how cybersecurity and education can support Academia and Industry to reduce the gap between demand (workplace, recruitment) and supply (qualification, training);
- Extended Abstracts will be up to 4 pages (excluding references) and will report novel ideas about the application of the role of cybersecurity education in Academia and Industry.
Both types of submissions, if accepted, will be part of the workshop proceedings (CEUR-WS).
All submissions should be submitted through Easychair ( in PDF format using the “CEUR Template”: An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at:
All submissions will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance.
The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper will be required to attend the workshop. Virtual participation will be made possible.
Selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of a relevant cybersecurity and human-computer interaction journal.
Submission deadline: 27th March 2024
Notification: 19th April 2024
Camera-ready: 5th May 2024
Registration due: 10th May 2024
Vita Santa Barletta - Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT (vita.barletta(a)
Federica Caruso - Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L’Aquila, IT (federica.caruso1(a)
Tania Di Mascio - Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L’Aquila, IT (tania.dimascio(a)
Francesco Greco - Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT (francesco.greco(a)
Tasmina Islam - Department of Informatics, King's College London, UK (tasmina.islam(a)
Veronica Rossano - Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT (veronica.rossano(a)
Hannan Xiao - Department of Informatics, King's College London, UK (Hannah.xiao(a)
*(Apologies if you receive multiple e-mails on this subject via different
*_ATTENTION: DEADLINE EXTENSION: Upon several requests, we have extended the
submission deadline for Technical full papers and Late breaking results papers
to February 26 AoE._*
*_Shortcut to submission page:*
_If you encounter problems with the link from the conference website to the
EasyCair submission page (due to security settings), please copy the URL to your
browser's address field. _*_
*HCSE 2024*
*Call for Papers*
*10th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering*
*8th to 10th of July, 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland***
** <>**
*Submission dates:*
*Technical full papers, late breaking results: Monday*, *February 26th*, 2024 (NEW!)
*Demos, posters and Discussion Forum short papers*: Friday, April 5th, 2024
*HCSE*is a bi-annual, single-track, working conference organized by the IFIP
Working Group 13.2 on Methodology for User-Centred System Design
<>. We aim at *bringing
together researchers and practitioners* interested in strengthening the
scientific foundations of user interface design, examining the relationship
between software engineering and human-computer interaction and on how to
strengthen human-centered design as an essential part of software engineering
processes - more info on the topics on:
A novelty of *HCSE 2024* is the *Discussion Forum for PhD students* who want to
present and intensively discuss with established researchers their research
ideas and get feedback and/or guidance for the continuation of their work in a
friendly and constructive atmosphere.
Altogether, HCSE 2024 welcomes the following types of contributions: *
* Technical full papers (up to 20 pages)
* Late-breaking result papers (up to 12 pages)
* Demonstration papers (5–8 pages)
* Poster papers (5–8 pages, plus poster design draft)
* Discussion Forum papers from PhD students (5–8 pages, plus poster design
draft) *
Further information on these formats can be obtained
from: <>
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by
Springer in the *LNCS* series.
*Submissions and Reviewing Process*
All submissions will be peer-reviewed for their topical relevance, originality,
technical contribution, and presentation quality by the members of the
international program committee.
Technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers will be reviewed
*double-blind*; demonstrations, posters and Discussion Forum submissions
*single-blind*. Authors must prepare their submission files accordingly!
For poster and Discussion Forum submissions, both paper and poster design draft
will be assessed for review.
It will be possible for the program committee to suggest accepting submissions
in other than their original submission categories.
All accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by
Springer.They must be formatted according to the guidelines of the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS)
of Springer. Authors are requested to prepare submissions as close as possible
to final camera-ready versions.
All accepted submissions will be presented at the conference in technical
sessions. It will be possible for authors of accepted technical full papers and
late-breaking results papers to give tool demos as well without submitting
additional demo papers.
*Important Dates*
*Technical full and late breaking results papers*
-Submission: Monday, February 26th, 2024
-Notification to authors: Friday, March 22nd, 2024
-Camera-ready due: Friday, April 19th, 2024
*Demos, posters and Discussion Forum short papers*
-Submission: Friday, April 5th, 2024
-Notification to authors: Friday, April 19th, 2024
-Camera-ready due: Friday, May 3rd, 2024
*Conference dates*: July 8th – 10th, 2024
*General Conference Chairs:*
* Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir, Reykjavik University, Iceland
* Bilal Naqvi, LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland
*Technical Paper Chairs:*
* Carmelo Ardito, LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University, Italy
* Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
*Demos & Posters Chair:*
Bilal Naqvi, LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland
*Discussion Forum for PhD Students Chair:*
Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir, Reykjavik University, Iceland
*Local Organizers:*
* Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir, Reykjavik University, Iceland
* Anna Sigríður Islind, Reykjavik University, Iceland
* Grischa Liebel, Reykjavik University, Iceland