Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you about a research grant (assegno di ricerca) available at the University of Genoa in the field of information visualization and learning analytics.
The deadline for the application is on 8 November 2024, at noon (Italy time).
Please find the details below.
- Title of the research grant: Video augmentation, information visualization methods and learning analytics.
- Project: the research grant is part of the PRIN 2022 PNRR, NEXT GENERATION EU, EKEEL Project - Empowering Knowledge Extraction to Empower Learners.
- Short description: The automatic extraction of concepts and relationships from video lectures enables the generation of semantic graphs representing the structure of content and its connections. Such graphs can be used for the development of methods and applications to support video-based learning and learning processes. In this context, the grant has two main goals: 1) design, development, and testing of innovative methods and applications for video augmentation and knowledge visualization based on the semantic graphs extracted as part of the project, 2) analysis of the experimental data using qualitative-quantitative methods and pattern recognition techniques to study learners’ behavior.
- Location: University of Genoa, Department of 'Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi (DIBRIS)', Italy. The activity can be held remotely if required by the candidate.
- Start date: 2 December 2024 or later, if required.
- Total amount for 1 year: € 23.250,00
- Supervisor: Prof. Ilaria Torre
- Admission criteria: Master's degree in computer science or a related field (details in the call).
- Application deadline: 8th November 2024 (12:00 pm Italy time)
- Link to the call for applications:
Click on "Assegnisti" --> D.R. n. 5140 del 24.10.2024 Programma n.3<>
I kindly ask you to forward this call to anyone who might be interested and please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information.
Best regards
Ilaria Torre
Ilaria Torre
Associate Professor, University of Genoa, IT
Department of Computer Science, Bio-engineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering
Head of the MSc in Digital Humanities - Interactive systems and digital media, Polytechnic School
Office +39 010 3532818
Email ilaria.torre(a)<>
Care tutte e cari tutti,
come anticipato, si aprono oggi le votazioni per l'elezione del chair di SIGCHI Italy.
L'unica candidata è Giuliana Vitiello, trovate in allegato la sua lettera di candidatura.
Le votazioni si svolgeranno da ora a tutto giovedì 31 Ottobre a questo indirizzo:
Vi ricordiamo che per votare è necessario essere "voting member" si SIGCHI Italy ( Segnalate a me o a Massimo Zancanaro se, pur essendo iscritti ad ACM o a SIGCHI (condizioni necessarie per l'iscrizione a SIGCHI Italy) il vostro nome non risulta ancora in elenco.
In chiusura, sottolineiamo l'importanza del voto, anche in presenza di una sola candidatura.
Un caro saluto,
Maristella e Massimo
come annunciato qualche settimana fa, il prossimo WUD SIGCHI-Italy si terrà
giovedì 14 Novembre in modalità ibrida (a Milano e online). Di seguito
potete trovare le informazioni dettagliate sull’evento, al quale rinnoviamo
l’invito a partecipare.
Il WUD SIGCHI-Italy <> in
presenza si svolgerà il 14 novembre dalle ore 9:15 alle 13:40 nell’aula
“Emilio Gatti” del Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e
Bioingegneria (Edificio 20) del Politecnico di Milano, Via Ponzio 34/5 -
20134 Milano, e in streaming su WebEx.
L’evento è gratuito e ci si può registrare al link: entro l’8 Novembre. A tutti gli
iscritti che parteciperanno online verrà comunicato il link per accedere da
remoto all’evento.
La mattinata di interventi inizierà con la keynote della ricercatrice Eleonora
Mencarini, che esporrà il lavoro dei ricercatori e dei progettisti nel
campo dell'HCI per contribuire a comunicare le ripercussioni del
cambiamento climatico. L'intervento approfondirà l'evoluzione della HCI
sostenibile, dalla sua nascita fino alle tendenze attuali, evidenziando la
co-creazione di politiche pubbliche, l'integrazione della biodiversità nel
design e lo sviluppo di competenze multidisciplinari per affrontare la
complessità del cambiamento climatico. Nell’intervento verranno ripercorse
le tappe fondamentali di questo percorso, portando ad esempio uno scenario
insolito per la tecnologia: i rifugi alpini, avamposti del cambiamento
climatico, per i quali la comprensione del fenomeno da parte di cittadini e
decisori politici è la chiave per mettere in atto strategie di
anticipazione in grado di fronteggiare l’incertezza che la crisi climatica
comporta e sperimentare nuovi modi di abitare le terre alte.
Il programma degli interventi proseguirà poi con due voci aziendali: Jie
Yuan e Andrea Cardillo di Microsoft Italia e Carlo Boccazzi Varotto di
Hackability. I temi toccati negli interventi aziendali saranno
relativi all’intelligenza
artificiale accessibile e ai progetti realizzati e in corso, incentrati
sulla collaborazione con altre aziende e istituzioni, per portare
capace di creare un impatto sociale duraturo.
Seguiranno poi le due sessioni sui temi della Sostenibilità e dell’
Nella prima verranno toccati e discussi i temi della citizen science e del
suo ruolo nell'HCI, mostrando come il coinvolgimento diretto dei cittadini
nei progetti di ricerca possa promuovere la consapevolezza civica e
l'impegno su temi di sviluppo sostenibile. Seguiranno poi interventi su
quali sfide e responsabilità presenti il buon design del software
relativamente al consumo di risorse fisiche e di come quindi sia cruciale
progettare applicazioni web consapevoli del loro consumo energetico. Verrà
infine toccato il tema di come l’intelligenza artificiale possa supportare
l’equità e ridurre le disuguaglianze di genere e disabilità,
attraverso l’educazione
degli algoritmi ad allinearsi più e meglio all’apprendimento umano.
La seconda sessione esplorerà il concetto di design universale, come
approccio progettuale che mira a rendere spazi, oggetti e servizi
accessibili al maggior numero possibile di persone oltre i limiti
dell'accessibilità tradizionale. Verrà sollevata la questione
delle informazioni tecnico-scientifiche per le persone con disabilità
visive, specie quando si trattano informazioni non testuali ma grafiche,
schematiche e messe in formule. Di ciò verranno illustrati i metodi
tradizionali e le soluzioni innovative per garantire un accesso equo.
Infine, entreremo nel mondo dell’interazione multisensoriale per
l’apprendimento e la riabilitazione, dove verranno presentati esempi
pratici di interfacce tangibili e serious game, utilizzati in ambito
riabilitativo e nella gestione delle crisi, con un focus sull'efficacia di
questi strumenti in contesti educativi e sanitari.
Questo il programma della mattinata:
Ore 9:15 Saluti iniziali
Prof.ssa Giuliana Vitiello, Università degli Studi di Salerno e
Presidentessa del SIGCHI-Italy
Prof.ssa Cristina Gena, Università degli Studi di Torino, organizzatrice di
numerose precedenti edizioni del WUD SIGCHI-Italy
Introdurranno brevemente alla giornata gli organizzatori:
Prof.ssa Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano
Prof.ssa Angela Locoro Università degli Studi di Brescia
Prof.ssa Barbara Rita Barricelli, Università degli Studi di Brescia
Prof.ssa Daniela Fogli, Università degli Studi di Brescia
Prof. Stefano Valtolina,Università degli Studi di Milano
Ore 9:30 Dott.ssa Eleonora Mencarini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Azioni collettive e piani per il futuro: come la Sustainable HCI può
contribuire a contrastare il cambiamento climatico.
Ore 10:30-11:00 break
La parola alle aziende
Ore 11:00 Jie Yuan e Andrea Cardillo, Microsoft Italia, L'accessibilità in
Microsoft e l'impatto dell'intelligenza artificiale
Ore 11:20 Dr. Carlo Boccazzi Varotto, Hackability, Cambiare le cose:
l'importanza di un approccio strutturato al co-design per sviluppare
soluzioni per l'accessibilità, generando innovazione e impatti sociali ed
Ore 11:40 Prof.ssa Catia Prandi, Università degli Studi di Bologna. Citizen
Science in HCI: un approccio inclusivo per promuovere la consapevolezza e
l’impegno civico
Ore 12:00 Prof.ssa Monica Vitali, Politecnico di Milano. Progettare per la
sostenibilità: come il design di applicazioni Web a basso consumo
energetico influisce sull'esperienza utente
Ore 12:20 Prof.ssa Tania di Mascio, Università dell’Aquila. Educare
l'intelligenza artificiale seguendo le traiettorie di sviluppo dei bambini
Ore 12:40 Prof. Alberto Arenghi, Università degli Studi di Brescia. Universal
Design: un approccio trasversale per migliorare la qualità della vita
Ore 13:00 Prof. Dragan Ahmetovic, Università degli Studi di Milano.
delle informazioni tecnico-scientifiche per le persone con disabilità visive
Ore 13:20 Prof.ssa Ines Di Loreto, Université de Technologie de Troyes
(Francia). Interazione Multisensoriale per l'Apprendimento e la
Maggiori informazioni e la locandina dell’evento (disponibile a breve) sul sito
Web dell’evento <>.
Un caro saluto e a presto!
Angela Locoro, Maristella Matera, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Daniela Fogli,
Stefano Valtolina
Care tutte e cari tutti,
Tra poche settimane scade il mandato della nostra attuale chair Giuliana Vitiello.
Come sapete, è tradizione del nostro chapter incoraggiare che la posizione di chair venga riproposta per un secondo mandato e quindi, in qualità di vice-chair , vorrei incoraggiare Giuliana a candidarsi per un secondo mandato.
In ogni caso, la candidatura è aperta a tutti i soci e le socie iscritti ad ACM e al SIGCHI, oltre ovviamente alla nostra associazione.
Vi chiederei quindi di mandare a me (rispondendo a questa email) eventuali candidature accompagnate da un breve profilo e motivazione.
La raccolta delle candidature si chiuderà Lunedì 28 Ottobre e contestualmente verranno aperte le votazioni fino a Giovedì 31 Ottobre. La procedura di spoglio verrà fatta dal me e da Massimo Zancanaro, attuale segretario/tesoriere dell’associazione.
Vi ricordo sin da ora che, da regolamento, per votare è necessario essere membri ACM oppure SIGCHI ed essere inclusi nella lista dei Voting Members alla pagina Web Coloro che si fossero iscritti ad ACM SIGCHI ma non risultassero nella lista online sul nostro sito Web possono contattarmi.
Un caro saluto a tutti,
*** First Call for Paper Submission and Workshop Proposals ***
19th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2025)
September 15-19, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European software
architecture conference, providing researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to
present and discuss the most recent, innovative, and significant findings and experiences in the
field of software architecture research and practice. The 19th European Conference on Software
Architecture (ECSA 2025) will be held from September 15 to 19, 2025. ECSA 2025 is planned as
an in-person conference taking place in the beautiful city of Limassol (Cyprus).
The theme for ECSA 2025 is “impactful software architecture”. The software architecture
discipline has had a critical role in shaping robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. We are
interested in learning about software architecture principles and practices, emergence trends
and case studies highlighting strategic architectural choices that can lead to enhanced
performance, improved collaboration, and long-term sustainability. The overarching question is
how these architectural principles and practices, both well-established and emerging, are
making an impact in real-world systems, and how that impact is being felt across various
domains, from enterprise systems to more novel areas like, e.g., AI-driven or autonomous
The Program Committee of the 19th European Conference on Software Architecture seeks
submissions of original and unpublished high-quality papers describing fundamental and
applied research; new methods, approaches, and processes; novel applications; education and
training in software architecture; and experience reports on all topics related to software
We particularly encourage papers that demonstrate that diversity in gender, culture, religion,
country, etc. are key factors for success and innovation in software architecture.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Foundational principles of software architecture
• Relationship of requirements engineering and software architecture
• Quality attributes and software architectures
• Architecture practices for secure, explainable, and trustworthy software
• Architecture design and analysis
• Architecture description languages and meta-models
• Architecture verification and validation
• Management of architectural knowledge, decisions, and rationale
• Architecture patterns, styles, and tactics; reference architectures
• Architecture viewpoints and views
• Architecture conformance
• Software architecture virtualization and visualization
• Architecture-centric process models and frameworks
• Software architecture and agile, incremental, iterative, and continuous development
• Component-based models and deployment; middleware
• Software architecture and system architecture
• Software tools and environments for architecture-centric software engineering
• Ethics, cultural, economic, business, social, human, and managerial aspects of software
• Architecture and technical debt
• Architecting for sustainable and environment friendly systems
• Applying AI and LLMs in software architecture and architecting for AI and LLM intensive
• Software architecture education
• Cross-disciplinary approaches to software architecture
• Architectures for reconfigurable and self-adaptive systems
• Architectural concerns of autonomic systems
• Software architecture applied to new and emerging areas, such as the cloud/edge, big data,
blockchain, cyber-physical systems, IoT, autonomous systems, systems-of-systems, energy-
aware software, quantum computing, AI-enabled systems
• Empirical studies, systematic literature reviews, and mapping studies in software architecture
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion in activities related to software architecture
ECSA 2025 seeks four types of papers for the research track:
• Research papers (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) which describe novel contributions to software
architecture research (submissions should cover work that has a sound scientific/technological
basis and has been validated)
• Education and training papers (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) that address methodologies,
experiences and best practices for teaching and training software architecture
• Experience reports (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) that cover innovative implementations,
novel applications, insightful performance results and experience in applying software
architecture research advances to practical situations and systems
• Short papers (max. 8 pages in LNCS style) that present novel and preliminary work-in-
progress or challenges in a topic of software architecture research, education, and training.
Submissions must have a sound basis, but not necessarily be validated in full.
All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Papers will be
selected based on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. All contributions must be
original, not published, accepted, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Contravention of this
concurrent submission policy will be deemed a serious breach of ethics, and appropriate action
will be taken in all such cases. Plagiarism checking will be conducted and any paper reporting
more than a 20% match with published work will be desk-rejected.
To note is that research papers, education and training papers, and experience reports that are
rejected in their categories may be re-evaluated as short papers only if the committee decides
on rejection of the full paper on the basis that it presents preliminary work.
The research track of ECSA 2025 supports an Open Science policy. We encourage all
contributing authors to disclose (anonymized and curated) data/artifacts to increase
reproducibility. Note that sharing research artifacts is not mandatory for submission or
acceptance. Upon submission to the research track, authors are required:
• To make their artifacts available to the program committee (via a link to an anonymous
repository) and provide instructions on how to access this data in the paper; or
• To include in the paper an explanation as to why this is not possible or desirable; and
• To indicate why they do not intend to make their data or study materials publicly available
upon acceptance, if that is the case
While sharing research artifacts is not mandatory for submission or acceptance, authors are
required to include a Data Availability statement after the Conclusions section in a section
named "Data Availability". This statement should explain whether or not data and/or artifacts
are available or how they could be accessed (or not). Upon acceptance, papers with Open
Science artifacts (e.g., data, tools, etc.) will be invited to upload their artifacts into the ECSA
Zenodo community ( to make them accessible and
visible to the ECSA community. Sharing artifacts via the ECSA Zenodo community is required for
authors to be eligible for the best Open Artifact award.
All contributions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style Page limits include
figures and references.
Contributions need to be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair to the ECSA 2025 Research
Track: Please select the “Research Track”
in EasyChair for your submission and click "Continue".
The proceedings will be published by Springer as part of the LNCS series. We also plan to
organize a Journal Special Issue on the theme of ECSA 2025 and to invite authors of selected
papers to submit an extended version of their research.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials held
in conjunction with ECSA 2025. Workshops and tutorials will be held on September 15-16,
2025 (right before the main conference on September 17-19, 2025).
ECSA workshops allow researchers and practitioners to exchange and explore innovative
software architecture (scientific or engineering) ideas and challenges at an early stage.
Topics of interest are, but are not limited to:
• Software Architecture challenges for AI- and ML-based Systems
• Software Architecture challenges for Self-Adaptive Systems
• Software Architecture challenges for Cyber-Physical Systems
• Software Architecture challenges in Big Data and Cloud Computing
• Software Architecture challenges in IoT-based Systems
• Software Architecture challenges in DevOps and MLOps
• Software Architecture challenges in Blockchain Engineering
• Software Architecture challenges in Quantum Software
• Quality-of-service (QoS) measurements of Software Architectures
• Privacy and Security in Software Architectural Design
• Context-aware, Autonomous, and Smart Architectures
• Sustainability in Software Architectures
• Software Architecture Erosion and Architectural Consistency
• Technical Debt in Software Architecture Design
• Architecting the Digital Twin
• Continuous Architecting
• Agile Software Architecting
• Human Aspects of Software Architecting
• Software Architecture Assessment
• AI assisted Software Architecting
• Agile Modeling
All proposals must conform to a maximum of 8 pages following the LNCS format (see below),
including references, appendices, and figures.
The proposal must include the following information in the order specified:
• Workshop title and acronym
• Contact information for the workshop organizers (name, affiliation, email) and the main
• Abstract (up to 200 words) for the ECSA 2025 website (if the workshop is accepted)
• Motivation and Objectives
○ Relevance of the workshop to the field of software architecture
○ Anticipated goals and outcomes (e.g., open research problems to pursue, validation
objectives, empirical studies)
• Format
○ Workshop format (e.g., paper presentations, keynotes, breakout sessions, panel-like
discussions) and plans for generating discussions
○ Duration - half day, one day or two days
○ Preliminary workshop schedule
○ Special services, logistic and/or equipment constraints
• Participation
○ Target Audience and expected background
○ Plans regarding the mix of industry and research participation
○ Expected minimum and maximum number of workshop participants
○ Plans for participant solicitation and dissemination
• Submission
○ Types of contributions (e.g., extended abstracts, position papers, research papers, etc.) and
their estimated number.
○ Review and evaluation process deciding about the acceptance of submissions
○ Program committee, including tentative and already committed members
○ Strategy for the proceedings
• Organizers
○ Brief description of each organizer’s background, including relevant past experience in
organizing conferences and workshops
○ Brief organizers’ bios
• Previous editions
○ Where and when the workshop has been offered previously, the past numbers of submitted
and accepted papers, numbers of attendees
○ Number of registered attendees and websites of previous editions (if any)
• Draft Call-for-Papers (1 page)
Submissions must follow the LNCS style
All proposals should be submitted before the submission deadline (see below) using the online
submission site: EasyChair ECSA 2025 Workshop track
ECSA 2025 will use a single review process for workshop proceedings. For accepted papers, the
minimum number of pages for each workshop paper is 8 and the maximum is 16 pages in the
LNCS format. The proceedings of the workshops will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
Main Conference
• Abstract submission: March 14, 2025
• Paper submission: March 21, 2025
• Notification: May 9, 2025
• Camera-ready paper: June 23, 2025
• Workshop proposals: February 15, 2025
• Workshop proposals notification: March 7, 2025
• Workshop papers abstracts: May 12, 2025
• Workshop papers submission: May 19, 2025
• Workshop papers notification: June 20, 2025
• Workshop papers camera-ready: June 27, 2025
• Workshop dates: September 15-16, 2025
Early/Author registration for all accepted contributions: June 27, 2025
All dates are 23:59h AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
General Chairs
• Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
• Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Groeningen, The Netherlands
Program Co-Chairs
• Nour Ali, Brunel University London, UK
• Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Pisa
Workshop Co-Chairs
• Tommi Mikkonen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
• Jennifer Perez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Call for Papers
21st International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2025)
Darmstadt, Germany
23th-26th of June 2025
Important Dates:
Conference paper submission: 1 December 2024
Communication of results: 20 February 2025
Camera ready versions 28 March 2025
Workshops paper submission 1 March 2025
Workshops results: 5 April 2025
Workshops camera ready 15 April 2025
Conference Program:
IE is a multidisciplinary event welcoming contributions from a diversity of various relevant areas, including sensors and actuators, signal processing (incl. audio and images), networking, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, software engineering, context-awareness, internet of things, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, applied in domains such as healthcare, education, culture, building environments and smart cities. The event will include the followings.
- full (8-page) and short (4-page) papers
- 2 special sessions
- workshops
- 3 tutorials
- a doctoral colloquium
- an industrial forum
- demos & videos session
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Smart spaces
Smart cities
Smart communities
Mobile computing
Multimodal interaction
Robotic companions
Artificial intelligence
Computational intel.
Virtual/Mixed reality
Collaborative tools
Sensors and actuators
Industry 4.0
Smart buildings
Smart education
Smart healthcare tech
Pervasive computing
Context awareness
Energy Efficiency
Ambient Assisted Living
Evaluation and Corpora
Evaluation Paradigms
Data Acquisition
Labelling and Data Sets
User Studies
Signal Processing (incl. audio and images)
Special Sessions: IE2025 will have 2 special sessions
- Ecological and Human Synergies Intelligent Design for the Anthropocene
- Empowering the Elderly through Intelligent Technologies: Sociotechnical Approaches for Inclusive Aging
Workshops: The conference will start with a series of workshops?:
- QUITE - Quantum, IoT, and Technologies for Secure Environments
- WITLE - Workshop on Intelligent Teaching and Learning Environments
- WISHWell - Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being
- WORIE- Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments
- ALLEGET - Workshop on Artificial intelligence and machine learning for Emerging Topics
- WISSA - Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Smart Agriculture
- DiDiT - Workshop on Distributed Digital Twins
- CLEAR-AI - Compliance, Legal, and Ethical Aspects of AI Regulation
Tutorials: IE2025 will host 3 tutorials in person
- Which Missing Feature Should I Acquire If My Data Is Streaming? - An Introduction to Active Feature Acquisition on Data Streams
- Introducing a Quality Enhanced Process for Developing Intelligent Environments
- Tutorial on Explainable and Robust AI for Industry 4.0 & 5.0 (X-RAI)
As in previous editions, we expect all papers accepted at the main conference to be published by IEEE-indexed proceedings (currently in negotiation with IEEE, as in previous editions). All papers accepted in the workshops will be published as a volume of the IOS Press Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments book Series of IOS Press, which is published Open Access and indexed by Clarivate (Web of Science). Both the articles in the IEEE proceedings and the IOS Press books will be ISI-indexed. As in previous years, selected papers will be invited to be extended and submitted to journals for publication.
Keynote Speakers: IE2025 includes keynote lectures by the following distinguished speakers.
- Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Sumio Morioka, Interstellar Technologies, Japan
- Dirk Kutscher, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Hong Kong
Doctoral colloquium:
The aim of the colloquium is to provide research students an opportunity to meet other people in a similar position, make relatively informal presentations, receive feedback from experts in the field, exchange ideas and experiences with each other, and make connections and have fun! All accepted presentations will be submitted as short (4-page) papers and published in the IE2025 IEEE Proceedings. A prize will be awarded for the best colloquium paper.
Industrial Forum:
In the Industrial Forum, colleagues from the industry domain will have the opportunity to showcase their projects while attracting funding or further expand collaborations with industry and academia at an international level. A limited number of presentation/demo slots of up to 30 minutes including questions and answers will be available for industry partners. During these slots, it will be possible for companies to present products/solutions/projects related to Intelligent Environments.
- Papers accepted in the main conference as either short or full paper will be published in IEEE proceedings and available through IEEE Xplore.
- Papers accepted in workshops will be published as a volume of the IOS Press Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments book Series of IOS Press. Proceedings will be indexed by Web of Science and SCOPUS.
Journal publication:
A selection of papers will be invited to extent and submit extended versions to special issues of high-quality journals:
Awards: The following 8 awards will be presented at IE2025
- Best full paper award
- Best short paper award
- Beatrice WORSLEY award (best quality paper with a female co-author)
- Best presentation awards by a female presenter and a male presenter
- Award for the most influential paper in the last 5 years
- Best doctoral colloquium paper award
- Best demo & video award
Honorary Chair:
Dieter W. Fellner (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
General Chair:
Arjan Kuijper (Fraunhofer IGD/TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Program Chairs:
Hirozumi Yamaguchi (Osaka University, Japan)
Stephan Sigg (Aalto University, Finland)
Local Organizing Committee Chair:
Florian Kirchbuchner (Fraunhofer- IGD, Germany)
Workshop Chairs:
Raul Aquino Santos (University of Colima, Mexico)
Silvia Faquiri (Rus) (Fraunhofer- IGD, Germany)
Posters and Short Papers Chairs:
Paula Lago (Concordia University, Canada)
Goran Vojkovi? (University North, Croatia)
Dennys Matthies (Technische Hochschule L?beck, Germany)
Doctoral Colloquium Chairs:
Xi (James) Zheng (Macquarie University, Australia)
Andres Munoz Ortega (University of Cadiz, Spain)
Demos and Video Chairs:
Daniela Micucci (University degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Sergio Staab (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Special Session Chairs:
Aditya Santokhee (Middlesex University, Mauritius)
Sunil Choenni (Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Netherlands)
Robin Horst (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
Keynotes and Tutorials Chairs:
Slawomir Nowaczyk (Halmstad University, Sweden)
Biying Fu (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Journal Special Issues Chairs:
Sira Yongchareon (Auckland University of Technology, NZ)
Jeannette Chin (UEA -UK)
Publicity & WWW & Social Media Chairs:
Paula Lago (Concordia University, Canada)
Jeannette Chin (UEA -UK)
Hamada Rizk (Osaka University, Japan)
Awards and Prizes Chairs:
Ruizhi Liao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Carlos Rodr?guez Dom?nguez (University of Granada, Spain)
Professional Society Liaison Chair:
Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University, UK)
Industrial Forum Chair:
Khuong Minh Vu (National University of Singapore)
University of Cyprus -- Department of Computer Science
Postdoctoral Research Associates in Multi Robotic Systems
Application Deadline: October 18, 2024
No. of Positions: Four (4)
The University of Cyprus announces four (4) Postdoctoral Research Associate positions, focusing
on Multi-robotic Systems (MRS), for full-time employment. The successful candidates are expected to
conduct top-quality research on collaborative drone operations (including cooperative aerial robotic flight
planning, task execution and reasoning, as well as cooperative distributed control) with applications in
urban air mobility and disaster management.
Job Details
The successful candidates are expected to: •Conduct research in the area of Multi-Robot Systems (MRS), within the context of research and/or
innovation projects. •Use machine learning techniques including reinforcement learning, physics-informed neural networks
(PINNs), and transformer models for MRS tasks and scenarios that are adaptable and reusable to exploit
acquired knowledge and tools. •Develop next-generation autonomous systems for effective, safe, and secure operation during MRS
missions, enhancing overall operational performance. •Execute simulation-based scenarios using ROS-Gazebo for dataset generation, training, testing, and
evaluation of novel algorithms. •Implement and field-test state-of-the-art drone fleets using both open-source (Ardupilot/PX4) and
proprietary (DJI) flight controller platforms. •Provide technical expertise for the development and implementation of multi-robotic systems. •Collaborate with external partners, including industry and first responder organizations, to evaluate newly
developed technologies in these areas. •Engage in the preparation of research and/or innovation proposals. •Prepare reports and EU-funded project deliverables.
Interested candidates can submit their applications online through the following link: •Cover letter explaining the interest of the applicant in pursuing a career at the KIOS CoE, along with
employment availability date •Short summary of prior work experiences, activities and accomplishments (can be combined with the
cover letter) (2 pages maximum) •A detailed curriculum vitae in English
•Copies of transcripts of BSc/MSc/PhD or other degree(s) •Copy of an English language certificate •Identify at least two referees that can provide reference letters
Da: ifip-tc13-members(a) <ifip-tc13-members(a)>
Per conto di Paula Kotze
Inviato: martedì 8 ottobre 2024 11:42
A: ifip-tc13-members(a)
Oggetto: [IFIP TC13]: Reminder: Call for Proposals to Host INTERACT 2027
Priorità: Alta
Dear TC13
This is just a reminder about the Call for Proposals to Host INTERACT 2027.
We have received on expression of interest (EoI) at this stage, but as
decided at the TC13 Meeting in Milan, the Call will remain open until the
end of October 2024 for first EoIs.
Therefore, if you know of any group that is interested to host INTERACT
2027, please forward the information to them.
Thank you and keep well.
From: Paula Kotze <paula.kotze(a) <> >
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2024 3:38 PM
To: ifip-tc13-members(a)
Cc: 'paula.kotze(a)' <paula.kotze(a)
<> >; 'Marco Winckler' <marco.winckler(a)
<> >
Subject: Call for Proposals To Host INTERACT 2027
Importance: High
Dear TC13
I hope you are all doing well!
The organisation of INTERACT 2025 is well under way. Feedback on the
progress will be given during our TC13 Meeting in Milan.
Time has, however, also come for us to look to the future and find a host
for organising INTERACT 2027.
Attached, please find the First Call for Proposals to host INTERACT 2027.
We would ideally like to receive the first expression of interest by 30
August 2024, to enable the INTERACT Steering Committee to discuss the
expressions during our TC13 Meeting in Milan. However, if for some reason,
proposers cannot meet this date, we are open for submissions later, with the
proviso that we are informed about the possibility of such submissions,
preferably by no later than 7 October 2024.
Please distribute this call within your communities and encourage them to
make proposals for hosting INTERACT 2027.
Queries about the call and/or submissions can be sent to me
(paula.kotze(a) <> ), with a Cc to Marco
Winckler, the INTERACT Steering Committee Chair (marco.winckler(a)
<> ).
Thank you for your support in this regard.
Keep well.
Prof Paula Kotzé
E-Mail: paula.kotze(a) <>
Website: <>
Phone: +27 (0)82 454 8013
University of Pretoria: Extraordinary Professor, Department of Informatics - <>
IFIP: IFIP Fellow ( <> ), Chair IFIP TC13 -, IFIP TC13 Pioneer
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"IFIP TC13 members" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
email to ifip-tc13-members+unsubscribe(a)
<> .
To view this discussion on the web visit
<> .
*** Third Call for Contributions ***
20th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE 2025)
May 5-7, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
In a world in which technology is increasingly present in people’s lives, and changing human
behavior and attitudes is often the key to solving many societal and personal problems,
studying how technology might be used to influence humans (in their behavior, attitudes and
information processing), is paramount.
Persuasive Technology is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design,
development and evaluation of interactive technologies aimed at influencing people’s attitudes
and/or behaviors through persuasion, but not through coercion or deception. The research
community aims at enriching people’s lives in various domains such as health and sustainability
by supporting people in setting and achieving their own goals, thus helping them change their
The 2025 conference will be hosted in Limassol, Cyprus at the 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina.
The previous successful conferences have been organized in Wollongong, Limassol, Eindhoven,
Stanford, Oulu, Claremont, Copenhagen, Columbus, Linköping, Sydney, Padua, Chicago,
Salzburg, Amsterdam, and Waterloo. The conference series seeks to bring together researchers
and practitioners from industry and academia working with various topics of persuasive
We welcome the following categories of papers and extended abstracts:
• Technical papers that introduce novel persuasive technology approaches and solutions
alongside evidence of their potential.
• Empirical studies which seek to provide evidence and explanation of methods, principles and
theories in persuasive systems.
• Conceptual-theoretical papers which primarily seek to contribute to the general
understanding of the field’s core themes and specificities.
• Other papers, e.g. literature reviews or experience reports.
The scope of the conference includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:
• Persuasive systems’ design
• Behavior change support systems
• Interaction with persuasive systems, interfaces, visualization
• Interactive agents in persuasive systems
• (Generative) AI for persuasive technology
• Tailored and personalized persuasion
• Gamification for persuasion
• Evaluation and validation of persuasive applications
• Fitting methods for development, evaluation and implementation of persuasive systems
• Optimizing engagement with persuasive systems
• Software architectures and technical infrastructures for persuasive systems
• Smart environments, e.g. IoT, and persuasion
• Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems
• Motivational, cognitive and perceptual factors in persuasive technology
• Application domains for persuasive technologies such as safety, healthy living, sustainable
behaviors, learning and training, marketing and commerce, work environments, organizations
• Positive technology
• Humanizing and/or dehumanizing effects of persuasive technology
• Values and ethics in persuasive technology
• Privacy, perceived security and trust in persuasive technology
• Resilience and counter-persuasion
• Detecting persuasive strategies in social media posts
• Encouraging adherence to safety measures in pandemic situations
Questions that we hope to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
• How to recognize and demonstrate the real life effects of persuasive technology on people’s
attitudes and behaviours?
• How to conduct studies that not just show their effectiveness but are also able to explain in
more detail why a design or intervention works?
• How to design an evaluation study so that it yields insights that are applicable to other
designs or interventions?
• How theoretical insight can help improve application and/or intervention planning and design?
• How can design and intervention studies improve theory?
Regular Papers
This format is suitable for original research, which is completed work at the time of submission
and, regardless of the length of the paper, is a self-sufficient scientific contribution. Papers can
be full papers (12 pages, excluding references) or short papers (6 pages, excluding references)
in Springer LNCS format, and describe work not presented, published or simultaneously
submitted elsewhere. Accepted papers will be included in the Springer LNCS conference
proceedings and be devoted a timeslot for oral presentation. Selected papers will be invited for
submission to Behaviour & Information Technology journal (Taylor & Francis).
Extended Abstracts
We also welcome extended abstract submissions to showcase the results of already conducted
studies where authors do not wish to publish them as regular papers in the conference
proceedings but rather present them at the conference for discussions that can shape the final
version (that may be submitted elsewhere later). The studies will be also be devoted a timeslot
for oral presentation in a special session. Extended abstracts must not be more than 2 pages in
CEUR format (including references). Accepted abstracts will be included in the adjunct
conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1 column style, see here). Selected
papers in this category, based on their quality, level of timeliness and relevance, and
completion, will also be invited for submission to Behaviour & Information Technology
Poster Presentations
This format is suitable for descriptions of smaller studies, project outlines, literature reviews or
work-in-progress. Authors should submit a 2-page abstract in CEUR format (1 column style).
Accepted posters will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop
Proceedings). Posters will be displayed and presented during a dedicated session of the
Demonstrations and Artefacts
The Persuasive 2025 track on Demonstrations and Artefact is intended to foster discussion and
exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners from academia and industry by
demonstrating or presenting hardware and software products or artefacts, including those in
virtual settings (e.g., simulation systems, VR, and games), that range from early research
prototypes to mature production-ready systems. The contribution should be the result of
original, innovative work, including solving novel technical or research problems, and/or
creating novel individual or industrial UI/UX. Accepted demonstrations or presentations shall be
presented live during the conference.
Doctoral Consortium Papers
The Doctoral Consortium is a special session of the conference where PhD students can receive
advice in a constructive atmosphere. Students present and discuss their research with other PhD
students and a panel of established researchers in the area of persuasive technology. Students
interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should submit a 4-page abstract in CEUR
format (1 column style) describing their research question, its position with respect to the state
of the art, their research plans and methodology, ideas, and results achieved so far. Accepted
abstracts will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings)
unless opted out by the student.
Workshops and Tutorial Proposals
Workshops are meant to gather a number of people to work interactively on an emerging topic
and exchange ideas. Tutorials are intended to help people attending the conference organize a
related scientific meeting on a specific topic or instruct on a specific practice. Approved
workshops and tutorials will be announced on the conference website. Tutorials and workshops
will take place during a half- or full-day session before the conference. If you want to organize
a workshop, please submit a proposal as a maximum 4-page description in Springer LNCS
format (
guidelines), including a description of the topic, motivation, organization (including the list of
organizing members, how the organizers will form a program committee, duration of the
workshop and mode of delivery: in-person/hybrid), expected outcome, and supporting
materials (if applicable).
Workshop and tutorial descriptions will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings) Workshop organisers
must commit to creating their Call for Papers and their website within one week of the
Please email your proposal by December 01, 2024, to the workshop chairs: Wenzhen Xu
(wenzhen.xu(a), Rhoda Abadia (Rhoda.Abadia(a), and Kaoru Sumi
The organizing committee will review the proposals and communicate the results by December
15, 2024.
Paper submission:
• Submission deadline: January 03, 2025 (AoE)
• Decision notification: February 15, 2025
• Camera ready submission: February 28, 2025
Workshop and tutorial proposals:
• Submission deadline: December 1, 2024 (AoE)
• Decision notification: December 15, 2024
Workshop papers, posters, demos, artefacts, and doctoral consortium submission:
• Submission deadline: March 1, 2025 (AoE)
• Decision notification: March 15, 2025
• Camera ready: March 28, 2025
• Author registration deadline for the main track: February 28, 2025
• Author registration deadline for the rest of the categories: March 28, 2025
• Early bird registration: April 5, 2025
Accepted papers of the main track (both Full and Short) will be published by Springer in a
volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (
computer-science/lncs). Workshop and demo descriptions, extended abstracts , abstracts
from posters, and doctoral consortium abstracts will be published as an adjunct CEUR
Extended versions of the best papers and selected papers from the conference will be invited to
submit to a special issue on Persuasive Technology 2025 in Behaviour and Information
Technology, a Taylor & Francis publication.
General Chairs
• Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Raian Ali, HBKU, Qatar
• Khin Than Win, University of Wollongong, Australia
Demo, Poster and Artefacts
• Ruben Hgouveia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
• Hanne Spelt, Philips, Netherlands
Workshops and Tutorial Chairs
• Rhodora Abadia, University of South Australia, Australia
• Kaoru Sumi, Future University of Hakodate, Japan
• Wenzhen Xu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
• Sriram Iyengar, University of of Arizona, USA
• Roberto Legaspi, KDDI, Japan
• Shahla Meedya, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Proceedings Chairs
• Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, University of Wollongong, Australia
• Kiemute Oyibo, University of York, Canada
Society for Persuasion and Technology Steering Committee
• Raian Ali – Chair
Professor, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
• Luca Chittaro – General Member
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Physics, University of Udine, Italy
• Roberto Legaspi – General Member Research Scientist, Collaborative AI Lab, Human-centered AI Laboratories KDDI Research, Inc.,
• Harri Oinas-Kukkonen – General Member Professor, Information Systems Science and Dean of Graduate School, University of Oulu, Finland
• Kiemute Oyibo – General Member Assistant Professor, Interactive Systems Research Group, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, York University, Canada
• Khin Than Win – Secretary Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia
Track on Accessible Devices and Technologies (ADT ‘25)
Sicily, Italy, March 31 – April 4, 2025
Part of the 40thACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ‘25)
<> <>
Theme and Scope
Modern devices and technologies can represent a digital barrier for
users with disabilities, but they can be exploited to become enabling
tools for them. Accessibility of devices and technologies is a critical
topic to allow inclusion of all users, especially due to the European
laws that impose accessibility for new products and the definition of an
updated version of WCAG (Web Accessibility Guidelines). This track
invites scientists, engineers, and decision-makers from government,
industry, and academia to present technical papers on their research and
development results in areas of accessibility.
This track can interest many researchers since it would give the chance
to face a wide range of topics, i.e., web or mobile technologies, with
different points of view, taking into account specific technological
constraints and digital barriers. It is well-known that the so-called
“curb cut effect” can be applied to any technological and digital
context (in terms of devices, content, and services): technologies that
were originally meant to benefit people with disabilities can help any
other users. Moreover, the history and the evolution of several
technologies have been influenced and/or motivated by the special needs
of people with disabilities.
We welcome submission on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:
Accessible devices/assistive technologies: assistive technologies
refer to all the assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for
people with disabilities that enable users to perform tasks they
were formerly unable to accomplish. On the one hand, the widespread
diffusion of new devices and technologies stimulates researchers to
find and apply new solutions to make them accessible to anyone. On
the other hand, experiences in accessibility-related fields have
been exploited and have provided benefits to users equipped with
non-conventional devices when they emerged in the market.
Accessible solutions for e-learning, e-commerce, e-banking, etc:
e-services and content often require specific technologies, being
bounded by specific constraints when accessed by people with
disabilities equipped with assistive technologies. Specific
interaction modalities may affect interactive service access, while
richness and quantity of content may affect the users’ ability to
process information.
Accessible content: e-books, accessible TV, accessible broadcasting,
Accessibility of games.
AI for Accessibility: AI can be exploited both for personalization
(i.e., integrating AI-based personalization to support specific and
special needs) and “enabler” (i.e., exploiting LLM to support the
creation of accessible applications).
Submission Guidelines
We would like to invite authors to submit papers on research on the
Accessibility area, with particular emphasis on assessing the current
state of the art and identifying future directions. Original papers
addressing any of the listed topics of interest (or related topics) will
be considered. Each submitted paper will be fully refereed and undergo a
double-blind review process by at least three referees. Accepted papers
will be included in the ACM SAC 2025 proceedings and published in the
ACM digital library, being indexed by Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge and
The track accepts full papers (max 8 pages), posters (max 2 pages), and
SRC abstracts (max 2 pages). Submissions should be properly anonymized
to facilitate blind reviewing. Papers that will receive high reviews
(that is acceptable by reviewer standard) but will not be accepted due
to space limitations can be invited for poster session. Authors of
accepted papers must be prepared to sign a copyright statement and must
pay the registration fee and guarantee that their paper will be
presented at the conference. No-show of scheduled papers will result in
excluding the papers from the ACM Digital Library.
See the track website
<>for more details.
Important Dates
October 13, 2024: Submission of regular papers and SRC research
abstracts [Firm deadline!]
November 20, 2024: Notification of papers, posters, and SRC research
November 29, 2024: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers
December 6, 2024: Authors registration due
Ombretta Gaggi, University of Padua
Silvia Mirri, University of Bologna
Mike Paciello, AudioEye, WebABLE
Catia Prandi, University of Bologna
Submission Portal
Please submit your contribution through our online submission portal
available at
<>(regular papers) and
<>(SRC abstracts).
Contact us
For any inquires regarding the call for papers, please contact
gaggi(a) <>.
We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the ACM SAC
2025 Conference!