Cari Tutti,
è con molto piacere che faccio le mie congratulazioni a due nuovi
professori ordinari in università italiane:
Rosa Lanzilotti, che da qualche giorno ha preso servizio all'Università
di Bari;
Maristella Matera, che ha avuto oggi la chiamata dal suo Dipartimento
del Politecnico di Milano, dovrà probabilmente aspettare settembre per
la presa di servizio.
Sono due colleghe, e amiche per tanti di noi, di cui conosciamo bene il
valore e l'impegno, non solo nella nostra comunità ma nell'università
italiana e a livello internazionale. Avere due ulteriori professoresse
di HCI ci riempie di gioia e di orgoglio. Certamente continueranno a
trainare tanti altri giovani.
Davvero una bella notizia prima delle vacanze di agosto. Cari saluti,
M. Francesca
Prof. Maria Francesca Costabile
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Via Orabona 4 70125 Bari - Italy
tel +39-080-5443300 fax +39-080-5443300
email maria.costabile(a)
We have a complete information Attendees List of Mobile World Congress -MWC
Las Vegas
If yes, I would be happy to send over our data model and pricing structure.
Elena Johnson
Con preghiera di diffusione
***Sorry for cross-posting***
Dear colleagues,
The Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, is offering a fully funded three-year PhD position on the topic of "Human-Centered AI for Knowledge Work" (supervisor: Prof. S. Andolina).
We're seeking motivated and skilled candidates with a keen interest in large language models and human-centered AI research. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge topics in HCI and AI within a lively multidisciplinary team (, conduct independent research under experienced guidance, contribute to high-quality publications, and participate in international conferences. Additional benefits include access to advanced training, mobility periods, and a flexible, results-oriented work schedule.
The application deadline is 14:00 (Italian time) on September 5.
To apply, please visit: <> (id: 3689-2860)
For any questions or additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at salvatore.andolina(a)<>
Kind regards,
Salvatore Andolina
Assistant Professor (RTDb)
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano
Via Ponzio 34/5 - 20133 Milano, Italy
*** Call for Late Breaking Results ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 31 August, 2023 AoE ***)
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites now submissions for Late Breaking Results. The submitted papers should be
of original, high-quality research addressing cutting-edge developments from all areas of
behavioural and social computing. The conference aims to bring together researchers and
practitioners from academia and industry to share their knowledge, experience, and
perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is: .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers in the LBR category: 31 August 2023 AoE
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dear Colleagues,
The IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023)
invites applications for the 2023 edition of the IJCB Doctoral
Consortium (DC). Multiple *** travel grants *** are available to
support attendance at the DC.
The application deadline has been extended to *** August 10, 2023 ***.
For more information, visit:…
With kind regards,
IEEE IJCB 2023 Organizers
The Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Tempestt Neal
Maria De Marsico
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Chair of IAPR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)
tel: +39 06 49918312
Deadline for Workshops and Tutorials: August 22nd, 2023 (AoE)
**Workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed and archived in the ACM DL**
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit:*
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2023) welcomes proposals for workshops. A MUM Workshop is a forum for attendees with shared interests to present, discuss, and develop new ideas around a specific theme or domain related to Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. It is the perfect opportunity for putting the best minds in the field together to build new communities, to explore new ideas, and to develop emerging topics.
All workshops will take place on Sunday, the first day of the conference (Seminar rooms with equipment will be provided), on the 3rd of December. Because workshops are meant to encourage ideas exchange, we encourage proposals that go beyond being a mini-conference and that engage participants in hands-on activities and in discussion. We also encourage organisers to open the workshops to conference attendees without a workshop paper, but who would be interested in participating.
All tutorials will take place on the Sunday before the conference, on the 3rd of December and you can choose between three formats: 90min, half-day, or full-day. If you are interested in submitting a proposal and wish to discuss your ideas prior to the submission deadline, the workshop chairs welcome any inquiries. You can contact us at workshoptutorial2023(a)<>.
*Important Dates*
*Recommended Timeline for Internal Workshops*
WORKSHOP SUBMISSION: 28th of October 2023, AoE
WORKSHOP NOTIFICATION: 11th of November 2023, AoE
** Submission Guidelines **
* Workshop proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references)
* It should describe your goals for the workshop, how you plan to run the workshop, and any anticipated long-term outcomes that will impact the field. Additionally, include information on how you will publish your call and reach out to potential participants.
* Workshop proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the workshop. Submissions will be peer reviewed by experts in the field.
* Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair. Please select Workshops and Tutorials track in EasyChair.
* Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
* Tutorial proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references), and include the following details:
* Title
* Topics and objectives of the tutorial and how they are relevant to the MUM community
* Description of the tutorial activities
* Short biography of the organisers
* Proposed tutorial length (90min, half-day, full-day)
* Room and material requirements
* Maximum number of participants
* Tutorial proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the tutorial.
Submissions will be juried by the tutorial chairs. Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair, please select Workshops and Tutorials track. Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
*Organisers of the accepted workshops are responsible for the following tasks during the time leading up to the conference*
* Announce/disseminate their Workshop: Organisers of an accepted workshop must set up and maintain their own website in which they provide further and updated information about their workshop. The workshop page will be linked to from the official MUM workshop site.
* Solicit Submissions from Potential Participants: While some organizers may choose alternate formats, a position paper is generally 2-4 pages long and outlines the submitter’s view on the workshop theme and the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the topic. Proceedings of the workshop's submissions will be in charge of the workshop organizers. Commonly, the workshop's proceedings are included on each workshop's webpage.
* Select Participants: Choose participants on the basis of position papers submitted and your goals for the workshop.
* Workshop organizers and participants have to register for the conference.
* Provide a Participant List: A list of confirmed participants should be sent to the Workshop & Tutorials Chairs (workshoptutorial2023(a)
* Develop a final agenda of workshop activities.
* Develop a plan for any follow-up activities.
Link to submission system:
* Workshop Chairs *
Philipp Wintersberger, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Thomas Kosch, HU Berlin
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: workshoptutorial2023(a)<>
Dear Colleague,
We hope this email finds you well. We are excited to announce the Call for
Submissions for the Doctoral Consortium
at the upcoming International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 2023.
Please share the attached call for submissions with your students. The
submission deadline is July 26, 2023.
In the first part of the message, we report the availability of travel
scholarships for eligible graduate and undergraduate students to attend the
IJCB 2023 Doctoral Consortium. In the second part, you find again the call
for Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium.
We are excited to announce the availability of a limited number of travel
scholarships for eligible graduate and undergraduate students to attend the
IJCB 2023 Doctoral Consortium. Selected Ph.D. students will receive
scholarships of at least $2,500, while undergraduate and master’s students
will be awarded scholarships of at least $400. Scholarships awarded to
Ph.D. students are intended to help cover expenses such as round-trip
flights (limited to U.S. flag carriers or flights ticketed through an
US-carrier (e.g., codeshare flights on international airlines)),
accommodation at the conference venue (Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana,
Slovenia) for the conference’s duration, and the IJCB registration fee.
Undergraduate and master’s students are also strongly encouraged to apply
for these scholarships to cover their conference registration fees, as
early exposure to such opportunities can be highly beneficial. Scholarships
will be granted to undergraduate and master’s students who demonstrate
significant potential to benefit from attending the consortium.
Priority will be given to women, students from underrepresented groups, and
persons with disabilities, in line with the IEEE Biometrics Council
commitment to diversity and inclusion. Students wishing to apply must
complete the application form here (
by August 15, 2023. Additionally, applicants’ faculty advisors must email a
letter of support to tjneal(a) by August 15, 2023. The advisor’s
letter must explicitly state their willingness to support any costs not
covered by the travel scholarship, such as meals, additional flight or
lodging expenses exceeding the scholarship amount, incidentals,
transportation to and from the airport, and so on. Advisor letters must
also provide a statement regarding the availability (or lack thereof) of
travel funds for the applicant from other sources.
*Eligibility:* A limited number of travel scholarships are available to
support undergraduate or graduate students from any US university,
regardless of their citizenship or visa status, as well as US citizens
studying outside of the US. However, certain individuals are not eligible,
including speakers (unless they are students), postdocs, and those
supported through a federal grant or scholarship (e.g., NSF’s CyberCorps
Scholarship for Service or Graduate Research Fellowship Program). Although
students with alternative sources of funding, such as through their
advisor’s research funds, are eligible, priority will be given to students
with limited or no other means to support conference travel. Ph.D. students
that have already received an invitation to attend the IJCB 2023 Doctoral
Consortium will be prioritized, although this is not a requirement. We
strongly encourage students that wish to participate in the consortium to
take advantage of these scholarships.
We especially encourage faculty advisors to support and promote this
opportunity among their students from underrepresented groups that are
eligible to apply. To further support underrepresented students, we also
encourage advisors to explore the Broadening Participation in Computing
(BPC) Alliances. These alliances serve as invaluable resources, offering
comprehensive programs designed to address underrepresentation in the
computing disciplines. By collaborating with academic institutions, K-12
schools, government agencies, industry leaders, professional societies, and
other organizations, these alliances work towards achieving a
transformation in computing education. You can find a list of these
alliances at Notable resources to aid your
BPC efforts are listed below:
- National Society of Black Engineers (
- Computing Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) (
- Institute for Mentorship for African Americans in Computer Science
- Computing Research Association Committee on the Status of Women in
Computing Research (CRA-W) (
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) (
*Call for submissions*
The IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB’23) Doctoral
Consortium provides a valuable platform for Ph.D. students to engage with
the global research community in Biometrics, allowing them to present their
research and discuss their career objectives. This consortium offers an
opportunity for doctoral students to establish connections and
collaborations with experienced researchers in the field, while gaining
insights into potential career paths in both academia andindustry.
The IJCB’23 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place during the conference
as a parallel event to special sessions on the first day of the conference.
Attendance to the consortium is strictly by invitation. An informal
introduction by senior researchers acting as mentors will open the DC.
Afterwards, student participants will briefly present their research during
a spotlight oral session. This will be followed by a mentoring session,
providing students with an opportunity for constructive feedback and more
focused discussions with senior researchers. Additionally, each student
will be assigned a mentor from the committee, with whom they can interact
to explore specific areas of interest throughout the event. An informal
lunch with senior researchers will also be organized, enabling students to
engage in interactive conversations. DC participants will also have the
opportunity to participate in a poster session during the main conference
(specific details to be determined).
We invite eligible students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium, with the
expectation that successful applicants will actively participate in the
entire program in-person.
Eligible students are those pursuing a Ph.D. who have made progress in
their dissertation, with some results already published or nearing
publication. We value diversity and equality in terms of research topics,
participating institutions, and individuals involved. We particularly
encourage women and individuals from underrepresented groups to apply.
Although having a paper appearing in IJCB’23 is not a prerequisite for
participation, it is highly encouraged for applicants to have a paper
associated with the conference, whose topics could be summarized during the
To apply for the Doctoral Consortium, please submit:
1. A research statement summarizing the thesis research topic, the working
plan, and the progress to date (max 2 pages).
2. A CV (max 1 page). The CV should highlight any publications and
conference presentations that are related to the thesis topic.
3. A supporting letter from the thesis advisor that endorses the student’s
application to this Doctoral Consortium and briefly describes the progress
or status of the student’s thesis work.
All materials should be prepared in a single PDF file and submitted through
the Doctoral
Consortium Track of the IJCB 2023 CMT instance:
*Review and Selection Process*
Applications will be evaluated on:
1. Quality of the application and thesis topic.
2. Anticipated benefits (current/potential contributions to science) of the
student’s research.
3. Student’s contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds,
methodology, etc.
4. Endorsement by the thesis advisor.
There will be no papers published from the Doctoral Consortium in the
proceedings of IJCB.
*Financial Support*
The students selected to participate in the Doctoral Consortium may be
considered for financial support. However, the availability and extent of
financial support are subject to the availability of funds and are not
guaranteed. Applicants should be prepared to attend IJCB’23 without
financial support in the event that funds are not available. It is
important to note that the lunch session with senior mentors will be fully
covered by the conference anyway, and no expenses associated with lunch
will be incurred by the Doctoral Consortium participants or mentors.
*Important Dates*
• Submission deadline: July 26, 2023
• Notification of acceptance: August 7, 2023
• Doctoral consortium date: TBD
We look forward to welcoming the field’s most talented students to the IJCB
2023 Doctoral Consortium.
Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions.
Tempestt Neal and Maria De Marsico
IJCB’23 Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Chair of IAPR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)
tel: +39 06 49918312
Registration is now open for both the virtual and the physical event.
Information about the registration costs are available here:
Early registration deadline is August 31, 2023.
As of September 1, late/on-site registration rates apply.
All the students participating at the doctoral consortium will be awarded
by a free registration supported by ACM SIGCHI. More details will be given
by email.
In addition to the free registrations for the DC, ACM SIGCHI has sponsored
10 free registrations for students attending the conference, who will be
selected according to the form below:
Please, note: students cannot apply if they are registering to the
conference as the main author of a submission which will appear in the
Conference Proceedings, published in the ACM Digital Library. In that case,
they will have to proceed with regular registration.
The registration form is accessible at the following link:…
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*BehavRec Workshop @RecSys 2023 - Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE July, 18
International Workshop on Behavior Change and Persuasive Recommender Systems
co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’23)
Singapore, 18th-22nd September 2023
Submission site:
For any information: amon.rapp(a)
For solving a variety of personal and societal problems, changing human
behavior is crucial. Persuasive and behavior change recommender systems are
intentionally designed to provide users with suggestions on how to modify
their behavior, habits, beliefs and opinions. Research in this area has
advanced over the years attracting interest from both practitioners and
researchers also due to the increasing availability of personal data, like
medical records, physiological parameters, and psychological states, which
may enable novel forms of tailored suggestions that can be delivered
anywhere at any time, leveraging multiple technologies (e.g., natural
language processing) and different devices (e.g., ambient, wearable and
mobile devices).
The BehavRec workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing open problems
and innovative research approaches in this area. Some questions that
motivate the workshop are: What kind of data should be used to design
“persuasive” recommendations? How should they be delivered? What kind of
strategies should be implemented to design timely and contextualized
persuasive recommendations? What kind of theories should we rely on to
design effective persuasive recommendations? How to support the user’s
motivation and help them sustain the desired behavior in the long term?
What contextual factors may affect the effectiveness of behavior change
recommender systems and should be considered in design?
This workshop will deepen the discussion of novel approaches and
applications of recommender systems that might want to persuade users into
taking beneficial actions in domains as diverse as health and wellness,
safety and security, food and environmental sustainability, education and
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Persuasive and Behavior change recommender systems
– Health recommender systems
– Food recommender systems
– Recommender systems for education
– Persuasive conversational recommender systems
– Visual interfaces
– Context-aware interfaces
– Ubiquitous, wearable and mobile interfaces
– Conversational interfaces
– Controllability, transparency, and explainability
– Persuasive recommendation (e.g., argumentation-aware recommendation)
– Cultural differences (e.g., culture-aware recommendation)
– Context-aware recommendation
– How to balance the cost and benefit of behavior change recommender systems
– Challenges and limitations of implementing behavior change recommender
– Theories of behavior change and persuasion
– How to develop ethical and privacy-sensitive behavior change recommender
– Frameworks and models for developing personalized persuasive technology
– Objective and subjective approaches to behavior change recommendations
– Empirical studies and evaluations of recommender systems for behavior
– Evaluation methods and metrics (e.g., evaluation questionnaire design)
– Case studies and examples of behavior change recommender systems
– Success and failure stories with regard to behavior change recommender
– Long-term evaluation and evidence of long-term effects of behavior change
recommender systems.
We accept four kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (5-12 pages + references - single-column CEURART style)
(B) Position papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references -
single-column CEURART style);
(C) Journal papers (already published - 2 pages including abstract,
highlights, and a pointer to the complete paper single-column CEURART
(D) Manifestations of interest (max 2 pages including a bio of the
participant and a brief statement about why they are interest in the
Submission site:
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program
committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical
quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers, except from the (C-D) submission
type in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint volume. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the workshop.
The templates and format instructions are available here:
Early submission are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review system:
early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the notification will be
sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submission final deadline: July 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Paper notification: August 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Camera-ready version deadline: September 10, 2023
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Federica Cena
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Christoph Trattner
University of Bergen, Norway
Rita Orji
Dalhousie University, Canada
Julita Vassileva
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Alain Starke
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands