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cannot longer used to submit papers to IxD&A Journal.
Special Issue on
*STEAM teaching and learning: advances beyond the state of the art *
Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2007 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
* Hector Cardona-Reyes, Center for Research in Mathematics, Zacatecas,
* Carlos Alberto Lara-Álvarez, Center for Research in Mathematics,
Zacatecas, Mexico
* Miguel Angel Ortiz Esparza, Center for Research in Mathematics,
Zacatecas, Mexico
* Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori, Universidad Católica de Santa
María, Perù
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *March 31st, 2024*
• Notification to the authors: May 31st, 2024
• Camera ready paper: June 20th, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: Mid July 2024 (tentatively)
Science and technology are increasingly intertwined with our societal
fabric. This transformation profoundly affects the education of new
generations, who require access to cutting-edge knowledge in the STEAM
disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).
The STEAM framework is gaining global adoption, all over the world
instructional designers, technologists and scientists are conducting
research on the implementation of STEAM education. Its application is
diverse and spans all levels of education.
In this context, technology plays a pivotal role. Therefore, it is
imperative to develop strategies and mechanisms through which
researchers, experts from various knowledge domains, and educators can
facilitate participatory, interactive, sensory, and experimental
activities based on STEAM in which students can actively engage.
With this purpose in mind, our proposal seeks to extend a warm
invitation to researchers and professionals worldwide who are engaged in
scientific and technological advancements. We highly value the potential
for development that can be harnessed in classrooms across various
educational levels.
Additionally, we provide a scientific and academic platform aimed at
disseminating best practices in STEAM education. Our forum emphasizes
outstanding teaching practices in MATHEMATICS, AI, ROBOTICS, HCI, and
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT that align with the global context of STEAM and
leverage technology to enhance learning across diverse educational
levels and contexts.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
* Technology in STEAM Education.
* Virtual Pedagogical Practices in STEAM.
* Technological Environments for Teaching Science.
* Teaching Math, Robotics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Stats with
* Digital Science Teacher Training.
* Collaborative Science Learning with Technology.
* Computational Thinking in Education.
* Educational Robotics.
* Educational Gamification.
* AI and Machine Learning in Science Education.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: STEAM teaching and learning")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: //STEAM teaching and learning: advances beyond the state of the art /
• hector [dot] cardona [at] cimat [dot] mx
• carlos [dot] lara [at] cimat [dot] mx
• miguel [dot] ortiz [at] cimat [dot] mx
• kvillalba [at] ucsm [dot] edu [dot] pe
* Forthcoming issues:*
• ‘Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions’
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus
• ‘AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age’
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, Anders Mørch,
Alessandro Pagano
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
• ‘Smart Learning Ecosystems beyond 2030’
Guest editors: Gabriella Dodero, Carlo Giovannella, Francesca Pozzi
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* Online version: https://iui.acm.org/2024/call_for_doctoral_consortium.html
** ACM IUI 2024 - Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions**
29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/
** Overview **
The IUI 2024 Doctoral Consortium (DC) provides students an opportunity to present and receive feedback about their research in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of mentors selected from senior researchers in the field. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback—the ideal participant is a doctoral student about two years from finishing their Ph.D. We will also consider advanced Master's students and junior Ph.D. students provided their research plan is sufficiently developed to benefit from the discussion at the DC.
Submissions will be selected by the DC chairs and potentially other reviewers. The strongest candidates will be those who have a clear topic and research approach and who have made some progress, but are not too far along in their research so that they can still reshape their research topic or approach.
The final version of accepted Doctoral Consortium submissions will be included in the main conference proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library. The Doctoral Consortium workshop will take place as a separate session in parallel to workshops and tutorials, and DC participants will have the opportunity to present their research in the poster session during the main program.
Complimentary/reduced conference registration will be available for students. Doctoral Consortium participants will also be given high priority when applying for the student travel awards, under the precondition that they agree to assist as student volunteers in the organization of the event.
** Objectives **
The objectives of the Doctoral Consortium are to:
* Serve as a supportive setting to provide/receive feedback on students' current doctoral research as well as guidance on future research directions;
* Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside of their own institution;
* Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research;
* Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.
** Submission Instructions **
If you are unsure about eligibility or submission requirements, please do not hesitate to email us at dc2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:dc2024@iui.acm.org>!
To apply for the Doctoral Consortium, two steps are required:
Please submit a single PDF containing your technical submission (for details see below) via PCS by January 9.
In addition, your doctoral or thesis advisor should send a separate, brief letter of recommendation to the DC chairs at dc2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:dc2024@iui.acm.org> by January 12.
For the technical submission, please upload a single PDF containing the following four items to https://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi by January 9, 2024:
1. Cover Letter (1 page max):
Please include your full name, contact details, affiliation, web page, expected graduation date and target degree, the name of your thesis advisor, gender (optional), home country (optional), and whether you are a member of an underrepresented minority group (optional).
1. DC Submission (4 pages max including references)
A document describing your thesis/dissertation topic and research plan and your progress thus far. Key points the submission should include:
· motivation for your dissertation research
· goal and research questions
· related work that frames your research
· methods/approach to reach the goal
· results, if any
· next steps for your research
1. Questions to mentors and co-students (1 page max):
List the main questions and discussion points regarding your thesis/dissertation topic for which you expect to receive feedback from the Doctoral Consortium mentors/participants.
1. Your CV (3 pages max)
Provide an academic curriculum vitae (CV) document.
** How to format and submit **
Prepare your submission for review in a single column format, using the latest templates: Word Submission Template , or the LaTeX template using \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for the LaTeX template.
All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS 2.0 https://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi <https://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi%22> by the Doctoral Consortium deadline.
In PCS 2.0, first click "Submissions" at the top of the page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select "SIGCHI", "IUI 2024" and "Doctoral Consortium", respectively, and press "Go".
** Important dates (AoE) **
* DC Contributions Submission Due: Jan 9, 2024
DC Consortium Chairs (dc2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:dc2024@iui.acm.org>)
* Paul Taele, Texas A&M University, USA
* Jürgen Ziegler, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* Online version: https://iui.acm.org/2024/call_for_posters_demos.html
**ACM IUI 2024 - Call for Posters and Demos**
29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/
ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024 is the 29th annual premiere venue, where researchers and practitioners will meet and discuss state-of-the-art advances at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal IUI submissions should address practical HCI challenges using machine intelligence and discuss both computational and human-centric aspects of such methodologies, techniques, and systems. We welcome contributions from related fields such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our focus is to improve the interaction between humans and machines, by leveraging both HCI approaches and state-of-the-art AI techniques from machine learning, natural language processing, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning. ACM IUI welcomes contributions from all relevant arenas, academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations, and gives its participants the opportunity to present and see cutting-edge IUI work in a focused and interactive setting.
Posters provide an opportunity for sharing valuable last-minute ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. We invite submissions relevant to all conference topics. All submissions should convey a scientific result or work in progress that is not yet ready to be published as a full-length research paper at a refereed conference.
The page limit for poster papers is 7 pages (references do not count toward the page limit). Submitting a draft poster along with your submission is not required but is recommended. Accepted poster papers will appear in the companion proceedings of the conference. Each accepted contribution is expected to be presented in person.
The demonstration track complements the overall program of the conference. Demonstrations show implementations of novel, interesting, and important intelligent user interface concepts or systems. We invite submissions relevant to intelligent user interfaces and which address, but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. All submissions are intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.
The page limit for demo papers is 4 pages (references do not count toward the page limit). Authors further need to submit a video (max. 5 mins) along with their demo paper to showcase their work. Accepted demo papers will be presented as interactive demonstrations at IUI and published in the companion proceedings of the conference. Each accepted contribution is expected to be presented in person.
Authors who submitted a long or short research paper are welcome to also propose a demo of their work to exemplify their work at the conference.
**Submission Instructions**
Up to 4 (Demo) or 7 (Poster) page paper (references do not count towards the page limit). Demo and poster submissions do not need to be anonymized. Submissions should follow the ACM Master Article Templates in a single column format.
* We will adopt the ACM TAPS Workflow<https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow>.
* Prepare your submission for review in a single column format, using the latest templates: Word Submission Template <https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/preparing-your-a…> , or the LaTeX template <https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/preparing-your-a…> using \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for the LaTeX template.
Authors are required to include a proper classification for the paper according to the ACM Classification System (CCS). Additional information on how to use it is available at: https://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm
A video (up to 5 mins) is required for demo submissions. The video should showcase the system that will be demonstrated during the conference. Please follow the SIGCHI Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos.<https://sigchi.org/conferences/author-resources/video-guide/>
Please submit your demos and posters at http://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi under the IUI 2024 Demos and Posters track. In PCS 2.0, first click "Submissions" at the top of the page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select "SIGCHI", "IUI 2024" and "IUI 2024 Demos and Poster", respectively, and press "Go".
** Important dates (AoE) **
* Submission - January 9, 2024
* Notification to authors - January 30, 2024
* Camera-ready - February 8, 2024
Poster and demo chairs (posters2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:posters2024@iui.acm.org>)
* Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska
* Hanna Hauptmann, Utrecht University
Hello fellow researchers,
Join us for *VL/HCC 2024's Posters and Showpieces track*—an engaging
platform to share your latest research, experiences, and innovations with
our community. Formerly known as "posters and demonstrations," this track
now encompasses a broader spectrum of interactive elements: posters,
videos, demos, apps, prototypes, and more, fostering rich discussions among
*Key Dates:Submission deadline: June 25th, 2024*
For further details, including topics and submission guidelines, visit our
official VL/HCC 2024 website:
Don't miss this chance to showcase your work and engage with like-minded
enthusiasts. Submit your contributions now!
Dulaji Hidellaarachchi
Publicity & Social media Chair
On behalf of VL/HCC organising committee
*Dulaji Hidellaarachchi*
* | Research Fellow*
* | Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity*
* | Faculty of Information Technology*
* | Monash University*
* | Clayton VIC 3800*
* | Australia *
E: Dulaji.Hidellaarachchi(a)monash.edu
https://dulajih.com <https://www.dulajih.com/>