Apologies for cross-postings!
Dear colleagues in HCI and SE,
We kindly invite you to attend
*HCSE 2022 - 9th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software
August 24-26, 2022 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- live and in presence!
We have compiled an*interesting program
<https://groups.uni-paderborn.de/hcse2022/program.html>* including
* one Keynote by Panos Markopoulus on "Past, Present and Future of Ambulatory
Assessment Methods in Human-Computer Interaction"
* one Invited Talk by Ilaria Bortone on "The Potential of Human-Centered
Software Engineering in Promoting a Tailored and Adapted Rehabilitation"
* 11 peer-reviewed paper presentations of Full Research Papers and
Late-breaking Results
* one Demo and Poster Presentations
* a Walking Meeting and an Interactive Session / Panel on Redefining HCSE as a
* a Welcome Reception and a Conference Dinner
The conference will be hosted by TU/e, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Detailed information about attending the conference (registration, venue) and
the program can be found on our *website *https://hcse-conference.org/
This is an excellent opportunity to learn about latest research results,
exchange ideas, and meet again colleagues that you may not have seen for a while
or make new relationships.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Eindhoven!
Regina Bernhaupt - Carmelo Ardito - Stefan Sauer
HCSE 2022 Co-Chairs
MUM 2022, the 21st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, November 27th - 30th. The
conference is currently being planned as an in-person event only.
MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and
ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM,
academics and practitioners gather to discuss challenges and achievements
in this field from diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques,
user research, system development, software solutions, and devices. This
edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence
in research established by previous MUM conferences.
We welcome high-quality submissions to a wide range of tracks dealing with,
among others, the following topics:
Architectures, systems, algorithms and other constructions tackling
relevant technical challenges
Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new
applications and services
Conceptualizations and theorizations of the field
Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous
Middleware and distributed computing support for mobile and ubiquitous
Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, entertainment,
networking, and advertising
Privacy and security related issues to multimedia systems
Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and
ubiquitous multimedia systems
User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for
mobile and ubiquitous systems
Our tracks have the following submission deadlines (all AoE):
Papers: August 16, 2022
Workshops and Tutorials: September 2, 2022
Posters, Demos, and the Doctoral Consortium: September 29, 2022
Accepted papers, posters, and demos will appear in the Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be
available in the ACM Digital Library.
For further details on each individual track, please visit
We hope to see you all at MUM 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal,
João Guerreiro, LASIGE, ULisbon
Augusto Esteves, ITI / LARSyS, ULisbon
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
International Workshop on Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in
EXtended environments (IHEX) - SITIS 2022 16th international conference on
Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems, Dijon, France, October
19-21, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
A friendly reminder to contribute to the International Workshop on
Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in EXtended environments (IHEX) at
SITIS 2022 16th international conference on Signal Image Technology &
Internet based Systems (Conference website: https://www.sitis-conference.org
The workshop is about new approaches for designing and implementing
intelligent eXtended Reality systems. Please find the call for papers below
and forward it to colleagues who might be interested in contributing to the
For any questions and information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best Regards,
Agnese Augello
eXtended Reality is becoming more and more widespread; going beyond
entertainment and cultural heritage fruition purposes, these technologies
offer new challenges and opportunities also in educational, industrial and
healthcare domains. The research community in this field deals with
technological and human factors issues, presenting theoretical and
methodological proposals for perception, tracking, interaction and
visualization. Increasing attention is observed towards the use of machine
learning and AI methodologies to perform data analysis and reasoning,
manage a multimodal interaction, and ensure an adaptation to users’ needs
and preferences. The workshop is aimed at investigating new approaches for
the design and implementation of intelligent eXtended Reality systems. It
intends to provide a forum to share and discuss not only technological and
design advances but also ethical concerns about the implications of these
technologies on changing social interactions, information access and
Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Intelligent User Interfaces in eXtended environments
- Computational Interaction for XR
- Quality and User Experience in XR
- Cognitive Models for XR
- Semantic Computing in environments
- XR-based serious games
- Virtual Agents in eXtended environments
- Adaptive Interfaces
- Visual Reasoning
- Content Modelling
- Responsible Design of eXtended Environments
- XR systems for Human Augmentation
- AI methodologies applied to XR
- ML approaches in XR
- Ethical concerns in XR
University of Burgundy main campus, Dijon, France, October 19-21, 2022
Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Chiazzese, Institute for Educational Technology, National Research
Council, Italy
Dimitri Darzentas, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
Martin Flintham, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Ignazio Infantino, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Emel Küpçü, Xtinge Technology Inc., Turkey
Effie Lai-Chong Law, Durham University, United Kingdom
Pietro Neroni, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total including bibliography
and well-marked appendices and must follow the IEEE double columns
publication format.
You can download the IEEE conference templates – Latex and MS Word A4 – at
the following URL:
Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2022 submission site:
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. Papers
will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality,
technical soundness, and quality of presentation.
At least one author should attend the conference to present an accepted
Paper Submission July 15, 2022
Acceptance/Reject Notification. September 9, 2022
Camera-ready September 16, 2022
Author Registration September 16, 2022
All papers accepted for presentation at the main tracks and workshops will
be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE
Computer Society and referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus,
DBLP and major indexes.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference
and present the work. A single registration allows attending both track and
workshop sessions.
For any questions, please contact us via email.
Agnese Augello agnese.augello(a)icar.cnr.it
Giuseppe Caggianese giuseppe.caggianese(a)icar.cnr.it
Boriana Koleva B.Koleva(a)nottingham.ac.uk
Agnese Augello, Ph.D.
ICAR - Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Ugo la Malfa 153 - 90145 Palermo
+39-091-23894276 (Tel) +39-091-6529124 (Fax)
agnese.augello(a)icar.cnr.it <a.augello(a)pa.icar.cnr.it>
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -*
that implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
SRJ 2021 = 0.353
(Q1: Architecture/Design; Q2: Social Science, Media Technology; Q3:
Human Computer Interaction, Education)
*Videos of the on-line event are now avilable*
*Special issue N. 51
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education
*/guest editors: Ingi Helgason, Enrique Encinas, Ivica Mitrovic, Michael
*Meet the authors *
authors list
Videos can be accessed from the IxD&A Journal website ->
from the IxD&A Youtube Channel -> link
(play list issue 51: link
To keep updated join IxD&A Linkedin group -> link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy
Abbiamo una bella borsa di dottorato di tre anni alla scuola di informatica del'università di Pisa
per un/a giovane interessato/a a svolgere studi e ricerche nel settore adaptive human-computer
interaction, quindi l'interessante area di studio che riguarda soluzioni nell'ambito
dell'interazione tra le persone e le tecnologie digitali, e come adattarla in modo in modo da
migliorarne usabilità, accessibilità e esperienza dell'utente. La scadenza è il 23 agosto alle 13.
Per maggiori informazioni mi potete contattare o guardare a
Fabio Paternò, PhD
Tel: +39 050 3153066
Mobile: +39 348 3962624
HIIS Laboratory, CNR-ISTI
Email: fabio.paterno(a)isti.cnr.it
Via G. Moruzzi,
56124 Pisa, Italy
*** Sixth Call for Papers ***
Second International Conference on ICT for Health, Accessibility and
Wellbeing (IHAW 2022)
December 5-7, 2022, Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published by Springer in CCIS; Journal Special Issues
with SN Computer Science (Springer) and Smart Health (Elsevier); Best
Paper Award sponsored by MDPI "Sensors" with 300 CHF)
ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022) is the second of the
series of International Conferences on "ICT for Societal Challenges". It is a
showcase for high quality oral and poster presentations and demonstrations
sessions. This conference aims to be a platform for multi and interdisciplinary
research at the interplay between Information and Communication
Technologies, Biomedical, Neuro-cognitive, and Experimental research.
This research includes the design, experimental evaluation and
standardization of new ICT scalable systems and in-silico systems for new
and future inclusive and sustainable technologies that benefit all: healthy
people, people with disabilities or other impairments, people having chronic
diseases, etc. User-centered design and innovation, new intuitive ways of
human -computer interaction, and user acceptance are the topics of
particular interest.
Conference Topics
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Artificial Intelligence, Computation and Data Analytics
• Artificial Intelligence methods for medical device testing.
• Algorithms, methods and services for condition-specific intervention (e.g.,
diabetes, obesity, dementia, post cancer treatment, allergies, mental health).
• Algorithms, methods and services for predicting and monitoring infectious disease.
• Crowd-sourcing and social media analysis for predicting and monitoring infectious
• Medical Data and/or Medical Image Analysis.
• Electronic Medical Records Analysis.
• Computational methods for medical devices.
Human Computer Interaction and Cognition
• Human-Machine Interaction for healthcare and well-being.
• Cognitive Mechatronics for healthcare and well-being.
• Models for human-device interaction for medicine.
• Cobotics for healthcare and well-being.
• Model-based design and configuration tools for healthcare and well-being.
Assistive Devices
• Precision medicine.
• ICT for in-silicon trials.
• Implantable medical devices.
• Multimodal assistive ICT devices to empower people with sensory, cognitive,
motor, balance and spatial impairments.
ICT & Wellbeing
• Age-friendly systems for active and healthy ageing (telepresence, robotics
solutions, innovative solutions for independent living, innovative elderly care,
integrated care, age-related risks prevention/detection).
• ICT systems to improve the quality of life and for daily life activities assistance
(education, recreation, and nutrition).
• Smart living homes and wearables (Intelligent and personalized digital solutions
for sustaining and extending healthy and independent living; personalized early risk
detection and intervention).
• Smart Systems and services promoting access to the socio-economical and cultural
• IoT and smart real-time surveillance systems for monitoring, auditing and control
to prevent the spread of the pandemic.
• eHealth smart solutions in the fight against a COVID-19 like pandemic.
• IoT and Smart Healthcare systems with an environmentally friendly and sustainable
Health Infrastructure and Healthcare Operation Services
• Distributed and connected digital healthcare services.
• IoT services for real-time monitoring of health data and status of patients and/or
older adults.
• Wearable devices and IoT systems for remote monitoring of health data and status
of patients and/or older adults.
• mHealth services and applications using mobile and wearable devices to collect
community and clinical health data, and deliver healthcare information to
practitioners, researchers and patients.
• Sustainable city environments for emergency health management.
• 5G and beyond for healthcare in sustainable smart cities.
• Wireless Sensor Networks for advanced smart healthcare in sustainable cities.
Quality in Healthcare Systems
• New experimental validation methods with end-users.
• Systems and services for ensuring patient’s commitment to the medication
• Digital health systems and tools for health care professional training and
workforce development.
• Communication systems and services improving the quality of patient and
healthcare provider contact before, during and after admission.
• Methods and Technology for Improving the quality of services-oriented care
delivery systems.
• Methods, Digital Tools and/or Services for inclusive-for-all healthcare systems.
• Co-Creation of healthcare systems for social well being of people with special
needs, older adults and/or deprivileged or disadvantaged people.
• Systems for management of health and care (mental health, pain, neurological
disorders, sight, hearing, balance, space awareness; sensory based physiological
and psychological non-invasive measurements, preventive healthcare, m-healthcare,
e-healthcare, integrated care, serious games, electronic health record, self-
management, patient-centered systems for survivorship, palliation and/or
end-of-life care).
Privacy, Security & Standardization
• Standardization, certification, labelling, and communication issues (related to
ageing well, to sensory impairment).
• Privacy and Security/Regulation compliant services in health care systems (e.g.,
• Security and privacy of digital health systems and service.
• Socio-economic issues of smart healthcare in sustainable societies.
• Privacy, security and ethics in eHealth smart solutions and surveillance at scale in
the fight against a COVID-19 pandemic.
High-quality original submissions that address such future issues, show the
design and evaluation in (near-) real scenarios, explain how to benchmark
systems, and outline the education and training procedures for acquiring new
perceptual skills while using such systems are welcome. Research and technical
papers are expected to present significant and original contributions validated with
the targeted end-users.
Submissions should clearly state the progress beyond the existing state-of-
the-art and the expected societal benefits of the developed technology. When
possible, validate scenarios with the target user groups and well-identified
technology readiness levels
should be at least outlined.
We invite Research and Technical papers, up to 15 pages, describing original
unpublished research, making a substantial contribution to the research field.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. As was the case for
IHAW 2021, the proceedings of IHAW 2022 will be published by Springer in the
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series
(https://www.springer.com/series/7899) and will be presented in the technical
sessions of the conference.
The Best Paper Award is sponsored by MDPI "Sensors" with 300 CHF.
The authors of the best papers accepted and presented at IHAW2022 will be invited
to submit extended versions of their papers for further review and possible inclusion
in either of two Journal Special Issues that will be organised with SN Computer
Science (Springer) and Smart Health (Elsevier).
Submissions of all types should be carefully formatted according to the
Springer format for conference proceedings:
https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gu… .
The submission process will be handled through Easy Chair and the
submission link is: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=icihaw2022 .
Important Dates
• Submission Deadline: August 22, 2022 (AoE)
• Notification: September 26, 2022
• Camera-Ready Submission Deadline: October 10, 2022
• Author Registration Deadline: October 10, 2022
Honorary General Chair
• Edwige Pissaloux, University of Rouen Normandy, France
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Scientific Chair
• Achilleas Achilleos, Frederick University, Cyprus
Scientific Vice-Chair
• Ramiro Velazquez, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
Publicity Chair
• Jessica Allingham, Lakehead University, Canada
Finance Chair
• Petros Stratis, Easy Conferences LTD, Cyprus
Steering and Program Committee
• https://cyprusconferences.org/ihaw2022/committees/
************** SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED **************
Call for Papers
International Workshop on Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in
EXtended environments (IHEX) - SITIS 2022 16th international conference on
Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems, Dijon, France, October
19-21, 2022
Submit your paper by August 19, 2022 (extended)
Dear Colleagues,
the submission deadline to contribute to the International Workshop on
Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in EXtended environments (IHEX) at
SITIS 2022 16th international conference on Signal Image Technology &
Internet based Systems (Conference website: https://www.sitis-conference.org)
is extended to August 19.
The workshop is about new approaches for designing and implementing
intelligent eXtended Reality systems. Please find the call for papers below
and forward it to colleagues who might be interested in contributing to the
For any questions and information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best Regards,
Giuseppe Caggianese
eXtended Reality is becoming more and more widespread; going beyond
entertainment and cultural heritage fruition purposes, these technologies
offer new challenges and opportunities also in educational, industrial and
healthcare domains. The research community in this field deals with
technological and human factors issues, presenting theoretical and
methodological proposals for perception, tracking, interaction and
visualization. Increasing attention is observed towards the use of machine
learning and AI methodologies to perform data analysis and reasoning,
manage a multimodal interaction, and ensure an adaptation to users’ needs
and preferences. The workshop is aimed at investigating new approaches for
the design and implementation of intelligent eXtended Reality systems. It
intends to provide a forum to share and discuss not only technological and
design advances but also ethical concerns about the implications of these
technologies on changing social interactions, information access and
Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Intelligent User Interfaces in eXtended environments
- Computational Interaction for XR
- Quality and User Experience in XR
- Cognitive Models for XR
- Semantic Computing in environments
- XR-based serious games
- Virtual Agents in eXtended environments
- Adaptive Interfaces
- Visual Reasoning
- Content Modelling
- Responsible Design of eXtended Environments
- XR systems for Human Augmentation
- AI methodologies applied to XR
- ML approaches in XR
- Ethical concerns in XR
University of Burgundy main campus, Dijon, France, October 19-21, 2022
Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Agnese Augello, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese, Institute for high performance computing and
networking, National Research Council, Italy
Giuseppe Chiazzese, Institute for Educational Technology, National Research
Council, Italy
Dimitri Darzentas, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
Martin Flintham, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Ignazio Infantino, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Emel Küpçü, Xtinge Technology Inc., Turkey
Effie Lai-Chong Law, Durham University, United Kingdom
Pietro Neroni, Institute for high performance computing and networking,
National Research Council, Italy
Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total including bibliography
and well-marked appendices and must follow the IEEE double columns
publication format.
You can download the IEEE conference templates – Latex and MS Word A4 – at
the following URL:
Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2022 submission site:
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. Papers
will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality,
technical soundness, and quality of presentation.
At least one author should attend the conference to present an accepted
Paper Submission August 19, 2022 (extended)
Acceptance/Reject Notification. September 19, 2022
Camera-ready September 16, 2022
Author Registration September 16, 2022
All papers accepted for presentation at the main tracks and workshops will
be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE
Computer Society and referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus,
DBLP and major indexes.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference
and present the work. A single registration allows attending both track and
workshop sessions.
For any questions, please contact us via email.
Agnese Augello agnese.augello(a)icar.cnr.it
Giuseppe Caggianese giuseppe.caggianese(a)icar.cnr.it
Boriana Koleva B.Koleva(a)nottingham.ac.uk
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
*** Last Mile for Paper Submission to Special Sessions and Workshops Papers ***
8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022)
"Community Smartification and towards ZERO emission Smart Cities
for a Green New Era"
September 26-29, 2022, Aliathon Resort, Paphos, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: July 20, 2022 AoE (firm!))
The IEEE ISC2 will be held in-person on September 26-29, 2022, in
Paphos, Cyprus and the theme of the conference is “Community Smartification and
towards ZERO emission Smart Cities for a Green New Era.”
The IEEE ISC2 is the flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities
Technical Community, a coalition of eight IEEE technical societies and organizations.
It is still possible to submit papers to the following Special Sessions (more
information available here, https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/special-sessions/ ):
• Special Session 1: 5G technology and cloud native solutions for smart grids and
smart cities applications
• Special Session 2: Smartification from Pilot Projects to New Trends in Urban
• Special Session 3: Advances toward air pollution monitoring and mitigation
solutions for smart cities
as well as the following Workshops (more information available here,
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/workshops/ ):
• First International Workshop on MARV: Multimodal and AI-Responsible data
processing and deliVery in smart cities
• First International Workshop on Sustainable Digital Transformation of Urban
Landscape through Disruptive Technologies & Standards
• Second International Workshop On Intelligent IoT Solutions for Smart Cities
• First International Workshop on Smart and Circular Cities
• First International Workshop on Improving Quality of Life for People with Disabilities (PwD) through the use of Technologies in Smart Cities
Paper Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality original (Full or Short) papers
via the EasyChair submission site at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isc22022 .
Full papers should describe novel research contributions with evaluation results
and are limited to seven (7) pages. Short papers, limited in length to four (4) pages,
should be more visionary in nature and are meant to discuss new challenges and
visions, highlight early research results, and explore novel research directions.
All submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for
publication, should be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE
Template ( https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html ).
Each submitted paper will pass through the standard IEEE peer-review process. If
accepted and presented at the conference, it will appear in the conference
proceedings and be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The conference organisers are currently negotiating a number of special issues
with high quality journals. More information is available on the conference
web site (https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/journal-special-issues/ ).
The best papers will be awarded in the conference Best Paper Award and a Best
Student Paper Award contests.
For more information, please visit the conference website:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022 .
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please refer to the web site for further details:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/sponsorships/ .
Important Dates
• Special Sessions and Workshops Papers Submission Deadline: July 20, 2022 AoE (firm!)
• Special Sessions and Workshops Papers Acceptance Notification: August 7, 2022
• Special Sessions and Workshops Papers Camera-Ready Deadline: August 15, 2022
• Special Sessions and Workshops Papers Author Registration Deadline: August 15, 2022
• Conference Dates: September 26-29, 2022
Organizing Committee
Special Track Chairs Committee
IEEE Smart Cities
*** apologies for cross-posting ***
Human-Computer Interaction journal (
Extended deadline for proposals: 1st August 2022
Submission website:
We are aware of some issues with the new submission systems since it
changed in the last few days. If you encounter any problems, please contact
noemi.mauro(a)unito.it .We apologize for this inconvenience.
Special Issue on Intelligent Systems for People with Diverse Cognitive
This special issue highlights state-of-the-art research in intelligent
systems and technology for people with diverse abilities. To control scope,
we focus on cognitive diversity, including but not limited to,
neurodevelopmental disorders and autism, cognitive and learning
disabilities, and dementia. This special issue targets the challenges and
requirements inherent to the development and assessment of such systems.
Submission of Proposals
To help authors find a good fit, we encourage proposals. Proposals should
be about 1000 words and provide a clear indication of what the paper is
about. Proposals will be evaluated for relevance to the special issue
theme, and guidance will be given. Both proposal and full paper submissions
should be submitted to the HCI Editorial site (
Follow the guidelines
and instructions for submissions on the site. There is a place on the
submission site to note that your submission is for the special issue.
Special Issue submissions will be peer-reviewed to the usual standards of
the HCI journal.
Important Dates
Proposals due: 1st August 2022
Response to authors: 16th August 2022
Full papers due: 15th November 2022
Reviews to authors: 15th February 2023
Revised papers due: 15th April 2023
Reviews to authors: 1st July 2023
Final papers due: 1st August 2023
Topics of Interest
For this special issue, we are interested in works addressing topics that
include, but are not limited to:
Conceptual models and framework for intelligent applications for people
with cognitive disabilities;
How to model cognitive disabilities: which data to collect, how to
collect them, formalisms to represent user data;
Interaction models for people with cognitive disabilities and
user-centered design for intelligent applications for people with cognitive
disabilities, also considering universal design approach;
Search systems for people with cognitive disabilities, such as
conversational and traditional modes of interaction with search systems;
Job training systems for people with cognitive disabilities;
Personalized support for people with cognitive disabilities;
Recommender systems for people with cognitive disabilities;
Recommendation and search based on expert/human in the loop paradigm;
Ethical and privacy issues in dealing with intelligent applications for
people with cognitive disabilities;
Evaluation and associated concerns (restrictions inherent to the
population under study, lack of shared datasets or benchmarks to enable
comparisons, metrics);
Usability and accessibility studies where the participants are people
with cognitive disabilities.
Contact Information
For questions and further information, please contact one of the guest
Noemi Mauro (University of Torino) noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Federica Cena (University of Torino) federica.cena(a)unito.it
Cynthia Putnam (DePaul University) cputnam(a)depaul.edu
Maria Soledad Pera (Boise State University) SolePera(a)boisestate.edu
David Roldán Álvarez (University of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
*AFIRM CHI22 - Young Researcher Meetup in Human-Computer Interaction*
Padova, August 22-26 2022
Some place is still available!
The meetup offers a set of interconnected workshops to provide enticing and
convincing project illustrations. Such skills can be exploited to improve
your dissertation, grant requests, and publications. Moreover, the meetup
has a residential, team-based format that allows the participants to form
new contacts and leave with an enlarged professional network. Ideal
participants are Ph.D. students with a project in all areas of
human-computer interaction, with a background in computer science,
psychology, or design.
The fee (172€) includes registration, single room accommodation, and meals
for the whole duration of the meetup. The activities amount to
approximately 30 hours of work, equalling 1 credit according to ECTS
standards; the attendance is attested by a certificate issued by the summer
school organizers upon completion of the activities. To see the program and
access the application form, please visit https://rjc21.afihm.org.
For more information and inquiries, please contact anna.spagnolli(a)unipd.it.
The meetup is sponsored by UNIPD, Dept. of General Psychology and AFIHM.
The Italian and French associations SIGCHI Italy and AFIHM endorse this
Anna Spagnolli Ph.D.
Associate professor
Dept of General Psychology &
Human Inspired Technology Research Centre
Università degli Studi di Padova
via Venezia 8, 35121 Padova ITALY
phone: +39 049 8276644
fax: +39 049 8276600