Cari membri di HCITALY,
segnalo il seguente bando di concorso, che include
"Interazione utente-elaboratore" fra le competenze di particolare
rilievo per la posizione:…
(scadenza: ore 13:00 /ora italiana /del 24/03/2022)
Luca Chittaro
Prof. Luca Chittaro HCI Lab (
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics
tel: +39 (0432) 558.450 University of Udine
luca.chittaro(a) Via delle Scienze, 206 33100 Udine -- ITALY
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Call for Papers - Designing for Meaningful Interactions and Digital Wellbeing (Design4DWB 2022)
AVI 2022 Workshop
06 June 2022 - Rome, Italy
More info: <>
Nowadays, tech companies adopt attention-capture dark patterns like recommendations and content autoplay to grab people's attention and maximize the time spent on different digital services, from social networks to video sharing platforms. Such a controversial business model exploits the individual's psychological vulnerabilities to increase advertisements revenue, and has several measurable consequences on individuals' sense of agency, often resulting in people's lack of control over technology use. In this context, public media and researchers in different areas, from philosophy to human-computer interaction, agree on the importance of considering a new kind of psychological digital wellbeing.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide the academic and industrial communities a venue for discussing ongoing research and ideas on the design of interfaces that allow people to take advantage of digital platforms in a meaningful and conscious way, without the need for external interventions (e.g., timers) that indiscriminately block the user's interaction. This could be done with either novel Digital Self-Control Tools (DSCTs), which allows people to limit their technology use through the redesign of interactive elements, or by finding ways to motivate key stakeholders to avoid or mitigate attention-capture dark patterns from the beginning of their design processes.
This workshop is part of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2022).
We invite researchers and practitioners in interdisciplinary domains intersecting HCI, AI, psychology, design, and/or STS to engage in dialog on the topics above. A key priority of our workshop will be to invite submissions from an intellectually diverse and global group of participants to further discussions on how appropriate human-centered design can contribute to digital wellbeing in this context. In particular, we solicit participation across more and less technical researchers in HCI who are motivated to address the list of topics below.
Prospective workshop participants are invited to submit a position paper (2-4 pages) describing and highlighting their contributions to the workshop topics.
The topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Definition and analysis of attention-capture dark patterns.
- Novel interfaces for meaningful interaction.
- Novel DSCTs that focus on redesigning the user's interaction rather than blocking it.
- Design methods and tools for digital wellbeing.
- Strategies and tools for measuring people's digital wellbeing.
- Responsibility and role of tech companies.
- Social, educational, and political factors.
This one-day workshop will be interactive and informal. It will combine presentations of accepted position papers with discussions and hands-on sessions, aimed at generating ideas for future research directions. The workshop is planned to be in-person, at the conference. Virtual participation will be made possible.
Submissions of position papers should be of 2-4 pages, in the ACM Primary Article Submission Templates (single column, <>).
PDFs of submissions can be emailed to Alberto Monge Roffarello (one of the organizers) at alberto.monge(a) <>. They will be reviewed by all organizers based on relevance, originality, and overall quality. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper will be required to attend the workshop. Virtual participation will be made possible.
All workshop participants will need to register for the workshop. Accepted and presented papers will be made available on CEUR Workshop Proceedings, if possible, while workshop results will be published on our website. Notifications will be mailed to the authors within 15 days of receipt (and no later than the date reported below).
Submission deadline: 10 April 2022 -> NEW!
Notification: 27 April 2022
Camera-ready and registration due: 08 May 2022
Workshop date: 06 June 2022
Alberto Monge Roffarello, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Luigi De Russis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
R. X. Schwartz, University of Virginia, USA
Panagiotis Apostolellis, University of Virginia, USA
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
HCSE 2022
9th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering
24th to 26th of August, 2022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
HCSE is a bi-annual, single-track, working conference organized by the IFIP Working Group 13.2 on Methodology for User-Centred System Design ( We aim at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in strengthening the scientific foundations of user interface design, examining the relationship between software engineering and human-computer interaction and on how to strengthen human-centered design as an essential part of software engineering processes. Other topics of interest include:
* contributions to the theory and best practices of user-centered design
* involvement of end-users, clients and stakeholders in the design and development process of interactive systems
* innovative methods for identifying end-user requirements for interactive systems
* integration of user experience (and any other user interface property) in development processes
* methods for designing, building and assessing interactive systems beyond the desktop (e.g. the living room, ubiquitous and multi-display, cockpits, etc.)
* models and model-based approaches for building interactive systems
* methods and tools for low-code and no-code development paradigms
* integration of multiple properties (e.g. usability, (cyber)security, reliability, user experience, privacy, accessibility, etc.) in software development and making them more accessible to developers and users
* context-aware and adaptive interactive systems (e.g. in areas such as digital collaboration, digital and worker assistance)
* design and integration of novel interaction techniques such as augmented, virtual, and mixed reality
* support for new kinds of human-machine interaction (HMI) for increasingly autonomous systems and systems that use or provide artificial intelligence (e.g. autonomous driving or human-robot collaboration)
* socio-technical aspects of interactive software development
* artificial intelligence and machine learning to support the development of interactive systems
* software architectures and architectural patterns for interactive systems
* rational design, design patterns and traceability of design choices.
HCSE 2022 welcomes contributions as technical full papers, late breaking results, demonstrations and posters. All papers are peer-reviewed and selected contributions will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series.
In the present edition of HCSE 2022 we are particularly interested in studies focused on multi-stakeholder concepts and how to cope with multi-stakeholders taking into account not only micro perspective, but on the systemic change level. This research area is central to the host of the current edition of the conference, the Eindhoven University of Technology, Industrial Design, Systemic Change group.
In addition, building on the activities carried out by the WG13.2 during the workshop held at the INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC-13 conference, special consideration will be given to issues related to “changing the context of use”, which has significant impact on how to design and develop with a user-centered perspective and how usage of these systems changed for example in the current pandemic situation.
As in past editions, the focus of the working group is on user interface properties (such as usability, ux, privacy, trust, security, reliability, adaptability, among others) and how to design, develop and evaluate based on a user-centered development process. We are interested in understanding how different stakeholders and developers value diverse user interface properties and how they manage conflicts between them (when one property might degrade the value of another) on a systemic change level. Our aim is to cover a large set of user interface properties and try to reveal their inner dependencies. We are particularly interested in the development of theories, methods, tools and approaches for dealing with multiple properties that should be taken into account when developing interactive systems.
HCSE welcomes the following types of contributions:
* Technical full papers (up to 20 pages) should describe substantial research contributions of novel work that has produced advanced results including validation of results.
* Late-breaking results (up to 12 pages) are short papers that present work in progress, new practice and experience reports containing good (and bad) practices and/or recent practical evaluations of methods, techniques and tools.
* Demonstrations and posters (5–8 pages, plus poster design draft) should present ongoing work and/or late-breaking results related to the use of innovative tools and cutting-edge systems not described in other paper submissions. Demonstration papers should provide description of tools including user tasks and evidence of use to end-users. Demo submissions should summarize the system’s significance and its performance and should either include screenshots or link to an online-accessible resource. The poster design draft should show the planned design and content of the poster that will be presented at the conference. Industry contributions to demos and posters are particularly welcome and highly encouraged.
All contributions should be submitted via the EasyChair system ( All submissions will be peer-reviewed for their topical relevance, originality, technical contribution, and presentation quality by the members of the international program committee.
Technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers will be reviewed double-blind, demonstrations and posters single-blind. Authors must prepare their submission files accordingly!
For poster submissions, both paper and poster design draft will be assessed for review.
It will be possible for the program committee to suggest accepting submissions in other than their original submission categories.
If we hold a physical conference, under the current circumstances, all accepted submissions will be presented at the conference in technical sessions. It will be possible for authors of accepted technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers to give tool demos as well without submitting additional demo papers.
The conference will NOT enable hybrid participation.
Accepted contributions must be formatted according to the guidelines of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer ( Authors are requested to prepare submissions as close as possible to final camera-ready versions.
Technical full papers, late breaking results
* Submission: Friday, April 15th, 2022
* Notification to authors: Monday, May 16th, 2022
* Camera-ready due: Monday, June 13th, 2022
Demos, posters
* Submission: Monday, May 30th, 2022
* Notification to authors: Monday, June 13th, 2022
* Camera-ready due: Monday, June 27th, 2022
CONFERENCE DATES: August 24th – 26th, 2022
General Conference Chairs:
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
Prof. Carmelo Ardito, PhD
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione
Politecnico di Bari
via Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari, Italy
E-Mail: carmelo.ardito(a)<>
Personal Home Page:
Research Group:
SisInf Lab - Information Systems Laboratory
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*DEADLINE EXTENSION -> April 30, 2022 (new hard deadline)*
Special issue on
*Gamification of the Learning Process*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus *** (back indexing on-going)*
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal and keep the open access, please donate:…
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Davide Carneiro, ESTG, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
• María-Pilar Cáceres-Reche, University of Granada, Spain
• Mariana Reimão Carvalho, ESTG, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
• Rui Silva, CETRAD, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *April 30, 2022 (extended deadline)*
• Notification to the authors: June 15, 2022
• Camera ready paper: June 30, 2022
• Publication of the special issue: July/August, 2022
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to Gamification of the Learning Process' includes, but is not limited to:
• Gamification in the classroom
• Gamification in distance learning
• Use of digital/physical games in the grading process
• Innovative game elements
• Serious games
• Gamification in STEAM
• Collaborative tools in education
• Storytelling in teaching/learning
• Gamification and student motivation
• Psychology and Human factors
• Gamification design principles
• Gamification frameworks
• Practical use cases of gamification in education
• Legal aspects of using gamification in education
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"/SI: //Gamification of the Learning Process/")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact any of the
guest-editors below and mark the subject as:
/IxD&A SI: Gamification of the Learning Process/
• dcarneiro [at] estg [dot] ipp [dot] pt
• mrc [at] estg [dot] ipp [dot] pt
• ruisilva [at] utad [dot] pt
* *To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
* Forthcoming issues:*
• Summer/Autumn 2022
'Online Social Environments for Active Ageing'
Guest Editors: Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira, Liliana
• Winter 2022
'Smart Learning Ecosystems - 2022'
Guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Mati, Francesca Pozzi
*VL/HCC '22 Graduate Consortium*
*Important Dates*
* Submission by e-mail: 12 May 2022- Notification of final decision: 2 June
2022- Camera-ready deadline: 9 June 2022- Consortium date: 12 September
(all deadlines are *23:59, AoE*)
*Call for Participation*
The primary goal of this year's event is to stimulate graduate students'
and other researchers' thinking about “*Human-Centric AI*”, addressing
issues such as how to ensure that tools and explanations for AI fit the
needs of the broad populations they need to serve.
Research areas could involve the design, building, or evaluation of
technologies involving or relating to human-centric AI and issues of
human-centric AI, such as trust and fairness. This goal aligns with the
theme of the 2022 VL/HCC main conference. Other areas within the remit of
VL/HCC are also welcome.
*Why You Should Participate*
- Present your work to a smaller, more attentive audience
- Get detailed, critical, constructive feedback from a diverse panel of
- Meet other students working on similar problems
- Travel funding may be available to help cover your cost of attending
VL/HCC (details below).
*Who Can Participate?*
The consortium is open to both master's and PhD students worldwide.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis, as well as from members of groups identified by NSF as
underrepresented in the sciences and engineering. If multiple applicants
from a particular university apply for the consortium this year, then no
more than two per university will be selected to participate. To be
eligible, each applicant may have participated no more than once in the
VL/HCC graduate consortia of past years.
*Application Process*
Email the following items with *_VLHCC22-GC_* in the subject line to *Andrew
Fish at [ `at' <>]* and
*Thomas LaToza [tlatoza `at' <>]:*
- A 2-page research abstract, formatted as a PDF in the standard IEEE
Conference Proceedings format. NOTE: Accepted participants' abstracts will
be included in the conference proceedings. To make it easier for you to
write a successful abstract, we provide examples from past years below.
Your curriculum vitae (CV), as a second PDF file. This CV should mention
whether you have previously participated in any graduate consortia at any
- A letter of recommendation sent directly by your thesis advisor. This
letter should summarize your accomplishments and describe how far along you
are in your master's or PhD program, why attending the GC this year would
be important for you, and please ask them to mention if you have already
attended VL/HCC GC in any past year. In addition, if you are a member of a
group designated by NSF as underrepresented, then the letter may mention
this fact.
*Selection Process*
For one-third of the slots, students who have participated once before will
be given priority. The remaining slots will be given to students who are
new to the event. Each student from the returning group will be linked with
new students in a mentoring arrangement. See _Who Can Participate?_ above
for additional selection criteria.
Selected students will be asked to present a poster on their work at the
Showpieces Reception during the main conference. Details will be provided
to accepted applicants.
*Travel Support*
We expect to be able to offer partial funding for travel expenses for US
participants to attend, contingent on the availability of funds.
The consortium event will be a full day the Monday before the main
conference. All participating students are expected to attend the main
conference as well as the graduate consortium. Other conference attendees
are invited to attend the consortium, to listen to the presentations, to
interact with participants, and to give feedback to presenters. More
details will be provided, closer to the event, including times and
*Examples of Successful Applications*
To be successful, a submission to the VL/HCC Graduate Consortium generally
has to have the following parts:
1. The paper starts with a sentence or two that describes a real-world
2. It then identifies a problem in that setting.
3. The remainder of the paper's introduction outlines an approach for
solving that problem.
4. In a subsequent section, the paper describes a prototype or preliminary
study showing the feasibility of that approach.
5. The paper explains why more work is still required in addition to this
prior work.
6. The paper concludes by describing future work that will build on this
prior work in order to finish completing the approach.
7. Somewhere along the way, the paper explains how the approach builds on,
or differs from, other related work.
We have annotated three excellent submissions that exemplify the pattern
described above (PDFs available via links at
We hope that you will find these examples thought-provoking and helpful as
you design your own submission this year.
- [Information on the Web: How End Users Make Use of Data]
- [Roles in Online Collaborative Problem Solving]
- [Re-forming the Internet with its End Users]
*Panel Members and Organizers*
- Andrew Fish, University of Brighton (chair)
- Thomas LaToza, George Mason University (chair)
- Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
- Brittany Johnson-Matthews, George Mason University
Emanuele Panizzi
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
*VL/HCC '22 Graduate Consortium*
*Important Dates*
* Submission by e-mail: 12 May 2022- Notification of final decision: 2 June
2022 - Camera-ready deadline: 9 June 2022- Consortium date: 12 September
(all deadlines are *23:59, AoE*)
*Call for Participation*
The primary goal of this year's event is to stimulate graduate students'
and other researchers' thinking about “*Human-Centric AI*”, addressing
issues such as how to ensure that tools and explanations for AI fit the
needs of the broad populations they need to serve.
Research areas could involve the design, building, or evaluation of
technologies involving or relating to human-centric AI and issues of
human-centric AI, such as trust and fairness. This goal aligns with the
theme of the 2022 VL/HCC main conference. Other areas within the remit of
VL/HCC are also welcome.
*Why You Should Participate*
- Present your work to a smaller, more attentive audience
- Get detailed, critical, constructive feedback from a diverse panel of
- Meet other students working on similar problems
- Travel funding may be available to help cover your cost of attending
VL/HCC (details below).
*Who Can Participate?*
The consortium is open to both master's and PhD students worldwide.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis, as well as from members of groups identified by NSF as
underrepresented in the sciences and engineering. If multiple applicants
from a particular university apply for the consortium this year, then no
more than two per university will be selected to participate. To be
eligible, each applicant may have participated no more than once in the
VL/HCC graduate consortia of past years.
*Application Process*
Email the following items with *_VLHCC22-GC_* in the subject line to *Andrew
Fish at [ `at' <>]* and
*Thomas LaToza [tlatoza `at' <>]:*
- A 2-page research abstract, formatted as a PDF in the standard IEEE
Conference Proceedings format. NOTE: Accepted participants' abstracts will
be included in the conference proceedings. To make it easier for you to
write a successful abstract, we provide examples from past years below.
Your curriculum vitae (CV), as a second PDF file. This CV should mention
whether you have previously participated in any graduate consortia at any
- A letter of recommendation sent directly by your thesis advisor. This
letter should summarize your accomplishments and describe how far along you
are in your master's or PhD program, why attending the GC this year would
be important for you, and please ask them to mention if you have already
attended VL/HCC GC in any past year. In addition, if you are a member of a
group designated by NSF as underrepresented, then the letter may mention
this fact.
*Selection Process*
For one-third of the slots, students who have participated once before will
be given priority. The remaining slots will be given to students who are
new to the event. Each student from the returning group will be linked with
new students in a mentoring arrangement. See _Who Can Participate?_ above
for additional selection criteria.
Selected students will be asked to present a poster on their work at the
Showpieces Reception during the main conference. Details will be provided
to accepted applicants.
*Travel Support*
We expect to be able to offer partial funding for travel expenses for US
participants to attend, contingent on the availability of funds.
The consortium event will be a full day the Monday before the main
conference. All participating students are expected to attend the main
conference as well as the graduate consortium. Other conference attendees
are invited to attend the consortium, to listen to the presentations, to
interact with participants, and to give feedback to presenters. More
details will be provided, closer to the event, including times and
*Examples of Successful Applications*
To be successful, a submission to the VL/HCC Graduate Consortium generally
has to have the following parts:
1. The paper starts with a sentence or two that describes a real-world
2. It then identifies a problem in that setting.
3. The remainder of the paper's introduction outlines an approach for
solving that problem.
4. In a subsequent section, the paper describes a prototype or preliminary
study showing the feasibility of that approach.
5. The paper explains why more work is still required in addition to this
prior work.
6. The paper concludes by describing future work that will build on this
prior work in order to finish completing the approach.
7. Somewhere along the way, the paper explains how the approach builds on,
or differs from, other related work.
We have annotated three excellent submissions that exemplify the pattern
described above (PDFs available via links at
We hope that you will find these examples thought-provoking and helpful as
you design your own submission this year.
- [Information on the Web: How End Users Make Use of Data]
- [Roles in Online Collaborative Problem Solving]
- [Re-forming the Internet with its End Users]
*Panel Members and Organizers*
- Andrew Fish, University of Brighton (chair)
- Thomas LaToza, George Mason University (chair)
- Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
- Brittany Johnson-Matthews, George Mason University
Emanuele Panizzi
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
(Apologies for multiple postings)
AVI 2022 Call for Posters and Demo
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
>>> 6-10 June 2022 <<<
Villa Tuscolana Park Hotel, Frascati, Rome, Italy
Posters and Demo papers submission deadline:
- Sunday, April 10, 2022, 23:59 (AoE)
Notification to authors by:
- Monday, May 9, 2022
Submission webpage:
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) - 30TH ANNIVERSARY
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.
While rooted in Italy, AVI is an actual international conference concerning the nationality of participants, authors of papers, and program committee members. The mixture of carefully selected research contributions paired with cordial Italian hospitality creates a unique conference atmosphere, which has made AVI an internationally recognized brand.
AVI 2022 is under the patronage of Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Informatica, Italy.
We look forward to your participation in AVI2022!
Paolo Bottoni, AVI 2022 General Chair
Emanuele Panizzi, AVI 2022 Program Chair
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Conversational Interfaces
Coronavirus Pandemic and Human-Computer Interaction
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Full-body Interaction
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Interaction Design Tools
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for i-TV
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Usability and (Cyber)Security
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
The AVI 2022 Poster Track allows researchers and practitioners to present their work in progress and obtain precious feedback from their peers in an informal setting.
Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized.
Demo papers refer to something that authors can show at the Conference to demonstrate a completed or ongoing research effort. We are looking for implementations of novel and exciting concepts or systems related to the main topics of AVI.
Demo submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized.
Posters, and demos, require online submission. Authors must format these submissions according to the ACM SIGCONF template. Please find the templates below:
Latex for Overleaf:…
Word Template:
Papers must be submitted online, non-anonymously, on EasyChair
Accepted full and short research papers, poster papers, demo papers, and workshop descriptions will appear in the Proceedings published by ACM Press. They will be available in the ACM Digital Library. For each accepted
paper, at least one author must register to AVI 2022 by the early registration deadline and present the paper at the Conference.
AVI2022 Poster Chairs
- Marianna Di Gregorio, University of Salerno, Italy
- Antti Knutas, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
AVI 2022 Demo Chairs
- Marco Angelini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Silvio Barra, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
For more information or any queries, please see our website: or write to us at avi2022[at]
6 JUNE 2022
We are running a workshop on Enhancing Cross-Reality Applications and User
Experiences at the AVI Conference @ the AVI Conference. The position paper
deadline April 3, 2022 (extended)
For more information, see
We invite all researchers to join this workshop and learn from
late-breaking work in applications focused on different points on the
reality-virtuality continuum. We also invite submissions on technical and
systems papers that describe new approaches, ideas, discussions, and
applications. All papers will be collected and curated on the workshop
website and participants are invited to do short presentations.
Applications of CR
Engineering processes for developing and evaluating CR
Empirical studies of the benefits and limitations of CR
Single-user CR
Collaborative CR
Use cases for CR
Software tools for developing CR applications
Designing CR applications
Papers due: Sunday, March 27 Sunday, April 3, 2022 (extended)
Paper acceptance notice: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Paper camera-ready: Sunday, May 8, 2022
Workshop day: Monday, June 6, 2022
Prospective participants should submit a 2 to 4-page position or
work-in-progress paper in the ACM Master Article Submission Template
(single-column, references do not count towards page limit) describing
their interest and/or previous, current, or future work related to the
workshop topic.
Submissions should be sent to this email and must include a title and a
list of authors, and a PDF file of the article.
These will be juried by an expert committee that will select participants
based on the relevance and quality of the work on the broad domain of XR
interaction. Each participant will have five minutes to present their
position/work at the workshop, and at least one author of each accepted
paper must attend the workshop and be registered for at least one day of
the conference.
Researchers and practitioners are interested in cross-reality applications
that bridge between different points on Milgram’s reality-virtuality
spectrum, graduate students conducting research in the area, and interested
in building an international network.
Short papers and presentations will be collected and made available on the
workshop website.
We hope you'll also encourage your colleagues, research group members, and
fellow scientists to contribute and participate in this workshop.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Frank Maurer (University of Calgary, Canada),
Craig Anslow (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand),
Joaquim Jorge (Univ. Lisboa, Portugal),
and Mauricio Sousa (University of Toronto, Canada)
--- Kindly forward it to anyone who might be interested ---
--- Apologies for cross-posting ---
Call for Papers
We are glad to invite you to submit a manuscript to MIS4TEL2022, the 12th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning.
The conference proceedings are published by Springer and indexed in Scopus, INSPEC, DBLP, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago.
MIS4TEL 2022 will be held in L'Aquila (Italy) on 13th-15th July, 2022, in parallel with the PAAMS'22 International Conference.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be hybrid, meaning that we will also organize remote participation/presentation for whoever cannot travel to L'Aquila.
Official Website:
Submission info:
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 22nd April, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 30th May, 2022
- Camera-Ready papers due: 17th June, 2022
- Conference celebration: 13th-15th July, 2022
MIS4TEL 2022 -- 12th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning
Education is the cornerstone of any society and it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. State-of-the-art and novel methodologies and technologies allow researchers, designers, and domain experts to pursue Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solutions targeting not only cognitive processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. Nowadays, we can identify two main legs, providing necessary and complementary strengths to a TEL-oriented design process: appropriate technologies should be applied, and appropriate methods should guide the design of such application. Technologies in TEL are capable of delivering smart, personalized, tailored, and motivating learning solutions. Methods are coming from different fields, such as education, psychology, medicine, computer science, and from diverse communities, where collaboration and co-working are used, such as maker communities and participatory design communities. In addition, Learning Analytics can help manage available (big) data and augment learning opportunities for learners and educators alike, for instance by supporting self-regulated learning or adaptation of the learning material.
As to these topics, the annual appointment of MIS4TEL established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences. The 12th edition of the conference calls for novel research in TEL and expands the topics of the previous editions, highlighting the role of the most recent methods and technological opportunities. As in the tradition of MIS4TEL, this edition aims at offering the different perspectives, and complementary voices, coming from the multidisciplinary field of TEL.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
# Technologies and technology-based solutions for TEL #
- AI technologies and tools for TEL
- Agent-based and multi-agent TEL systems
- Knowledge representation, reasoning, and management systems for TEL
- Natural language systems for TEL
- Recommendation, personalization, and adaptation in TEL systems
- Social networks for TEL
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for TEL
- Internet of things (IoT) solutions for TEL
- Smart solutions or environments for TEL
- Wearable technologies for TEL
- Robotics for TEL
- Virtual reality environments for TEL
- Games for TEL or gamified TEL
- Sharing and interoperability between TEL environments
- Making and fabrication for TEL
# Methodologies and experiences for TEL #
- Methodologies for personalization, user modeling, and adaptation in TEL- Methodologies for recommendation systems and user modeling in TEL
- Methodologies for fostering motivation and engagement in TEL
- Methodologies for the design of accessible and usable TEL systems
- Methodologies for including different voices in the design process of TEL
- Methodologies for informal learning for TEL
- Methodologies for fostering TEL in small, medium, and large companies
- Methodologies, tools, and frameworks supporting experiments in TEL
- Methodologies or approaches from game design and gamification for TEL
- Novel experiences and studies (e.g., case studies, ethnographic studies, field studies, experimentations) with methodologies for TEL
# Learning analytics for TEL #
- Big data and data visualization in TEL
- Learning analytics for curriculum design
- Learning analytics for personalizing the learner experience
- Learning analytics for predicting behavior
- Learning analytics for designing learning interventions
- Learning analytics for stakeholders
# Submitting papers #
MIS4TEL papers must be formatted according to the Springer LNNS Template, with a maximum length of 10 pages, including figures and references.
For further details, please see:
# Review process #
MIS4TEL welcomes the submission of papers with preference to the topics listed in the call for papers. All submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process. Each contribution will be refereed by three experts in the field using the following set of criteria; relevance, originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
The papers must consist of original, relevant, and previously unpublished sound research efforts related to any of the topics of the conference.
# Publication #
Accepted papers will be included in the MIS4TEL Proceedings published by LNNS series of Springer Verlag ( At least one of the authors will be required to register for MIS4TEL and to attend the Conference in order to present their paper and to have it included in the conference proceedings.
** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to SCOPUS, INSPEC, DBLP, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago.**
# General Chair #
- Marco Temperini - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
# Technical Program Co-Chairs #
- Ivana Marenzi - L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)
- Vittorio Scarano - University of Salerno (Italy)
# Paper Co-Chairs #
- Milos Kravcik - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Germany)
- Rosa Lanzilotti - University of Bari (Italy)
- Elvira Popescu - University of Craiova (Romania)
# Workshop Co-Chairs #
- Zuzana Kubincova - Comenius University of Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Alessandra Melonio - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
# Publicity Co-Chairs #
- Agnese Addone - University of Salerno (Italy)
- Federica Caruso - University of L'Aquila (Italy)
- Dalila Durães - University of Minho, Braga (Portugal)
- John Jairo Páez Rodríguez - University Francisco José de Caldas of Bogotà (Colombia)
# Steering Committee Representatives #
- Fernando De La Prieta University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Rosella Gennari - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
# Local Organizers Co-Chairs #
- Tania Di Mascio - University of L'Aquila (Italy)
- Pierpaolo Vittorini - University of L'Aquila (Italy)
More information can also be found on the MIS4TEL22 website and social media:
Official Website:
Submission info:
*VL/HCC 2022: Call for Research Papers*
(Apologies for multiple postings)
*IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing*
*>>> 12-16 September 2022 <<<*
*Rome, Italy*
Research Papers:
- Abstracts-Only: *Wednesday 6th April 2022*
- Submission Deadline: *Wednesday 6th April 2022*
(all deadlines are *23:59, AoE*)
*>>> Submission link: ***
*IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)
From the beginning of the computer age, people have sought easier ways to
learn, express, and understand computational ideas. Whether this meant
moving from punch cards to textual languages, or command lines to graphical
UIs, the quest to make computation easier to express, manipulate, and
understand by a broader group of people is an ongoing challenge.
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2022 symposium is scheduled to take place September 12-16 in Rome,
Our special emphasis for 2022 is *Human-Centric AI*. VL/HCC 2022 is 100%
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Multimedia
Computing (TCMC).
*VL/HCC is indexed in Scopus, DBLP, IEEE Explore, WoS.*
*The Symposium is planned to be in presence. In any case, we are monitoring
the Covid situation and will act according to decisions of the authorities
to insure the safest and widest participation.*
We look forward to your participation in VL/HCC!
Paolo Bottoni, VL/HCC 2022 General Co-Chair
Gennaro Costagliola, VL/HCC 2022 General Co-Chair
*Scope and Topics*
We solicit original, unpublished research papers on computing technologies
for modeling, programming, communicating, and reasoning, which are easier
to learn, use or understand by humans than the current state-of-the-art.
Papers should focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate
those technologies and languages. This includes technologies intended for
general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public)
or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in business
administration, production environments, healthcare, urban design or
scientific domains).
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual Languages: Novel visual languages, Design, evaluation, and
theory of visual languages and applications, Development of systems for
manipulating and interacting with diagrammatic representations
- Human aspects and psychology of software development and language
design, such as supporting inclusion and diversity in programming
- End-user development: End-user development, adaptation and
programming, Creation and evaluation of technologies and infrastructures
for end user development
- Crowdsourcing design and development work
- Representations: Novel representations and user interfaces for
expressing computation, Software, algorithm and data visualization
- Modeling: Model-driven development, Domain-specific languages,
including modeling languages, Visual modeling of human behavior and
socio-technical systems
- Thinking more deeply about code: Computational thinking and Computer
Science education, Debugging and program understanding, Explainable ML/AI
If you are not sure if your paper is a good fit for VL/HCC, feel free to
email the PC Co-chairs (see “Contacts” below). We welcome those new to the
VL/HCC community to submit!
*Special Emphasis for 2022: Human-Centric AI*
This year’s special topic is “Human-Centric AI”. As AI and explainable AI
(XAI) experience explosive growth, many questions arise about how to ensure
that tools and explanations for AI fit the needs of the broad populations
they need to serve. This year, we especially welcome papers at VL/HCC that
design, build, or evaluate technologies involving or relating to
human-centric AI and issues of human-centric AI, such as trust and fairness.
*Paper submissions*
We invite *two kinds of papers*:
- full-length research papers, up to 8 pages - plus unlimited additional
pages containing only references and/or acknowledgements
- short research papers, up to 4 pages - plus unlimited additional pages
containing only references and/or acknowledgements.
Papers must be submitted using the IEEE two-column conference paper format.
Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format (which was updated
in 2019), and to select the “US letter” template:
*>>> Papers should be submitted via the **EasyChair system*
<>*. <<<*
*>>> The submission link is: *
<>* <<<*
To facilitate the assigning of papers to reviewers, we require paper
abstracts to be submitted via EasyChair at least 1 week prior to the paper
submission deadline (see Important Deadlines above).
The abstract must be kept up to date such that it matches exactly the
abstract in the submitted paper. The abstract must be no longer than 250
All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete,
self-contained, archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are
more extensive than those from short papers. Work-in-progress, which has
not yet yielded a contribution, should be submitted to the Showpieces
category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of the Program
Committee in a single blind review process. Authors will then receive the
reviews for their submissions and will be able to answer them in a rebuttal
phase. Only after this step the PC will make a final decision about the
acceptance of the submissions. Submissions and reviews for the technical
program are managed with EasyChair. At least one author of each accepted
paper is required to register for VL/HCC 2022 and present the paper at the
conference. There will be a virtual presentation option in case of travel
restrictions. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution
after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital Library, if the paper
is not presented by the author at the conference.
The proceedings of IEEE VL/HCC are published in digital form by the IEEE
Computer Science Society and archived in the IEEE Digital Library with an
official ISBN number. Accepted papers will be available to conference
attendees via the IEEE Open Preview program in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (
*Evaluation and Justification*
Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For
example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected
to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to
use should demonstrate increased ease of use.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical
evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim
through the existence of a functioning prototype.
Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be
appropriate for justifying claims, including analytical methods, formal
arguments or case studies. Given this criterion, we encourage potential
authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and
what evidence would adequately support these claims. In addition, we expect
short papers to have less comprehensive evaluation than long papers.
*Special Issue of The Journal of Computer Languages (COLA)*
A select number of accepted papers will also be invited to optionally
submit a revised and extended paper to a special issue of the Journal of
Computer Languages (COLA). These papers will also go through the journal’s
normal reviewing process. Papers accepted at both would appear both in the
proceedings for VL/HCC 2022 and in COLA. Further instructions regarding
formatting and the review/publication process will be provided when the
invitations are made.
More information about COLA is available here:
General Co-Chair
Paolo Bottoni, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
General Co-Chair
Gennaro Costagliola, University of Salerno, Italy
Program Co-Chair
Michelle Brachman, IBM Research, United States
Program Co-Chair
Mark Minas, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Publicity & Social Media Chair
Emanuele Panizzi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Finance Chair
Maria De Marsico, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Publications Chair
Kim Monch, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Web Chair
Mattia De Rosa, University of Salerno, Italy
Graduate Consortium Co-Chair
Andrew Fish, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Graduate Consortium Co-Chair,
Thomas LaToza, George Mason University, United States
Tutorial and Workshop Co-Chair
Alessio Malizia, University of Pisa, Italy
Tutorial and Workshop Co-Chair
Vittorio Fuccella, University of Salerno, Italy
PC Co-Chairs:
- Michelle (Ichinco) Brachman (michelle.brachman(a)
- Mark Minas (mark.minas(a)
For more information or any queries, please see our website: