come già anticipato qualche giorno fa, il 12 novembre dalle ore 9,30 alle 13 ci sarà il online il primo WUD del SIGHitaly. L’evento è gratuito e ci si può registrare sul sito: <>.
Il WUD (World Usability Day), la giornata mondiale sull’usabilità promossa su scala globale dalla User Experience Professional Association (UXPA), si tiene ogni anno il secondo giovedì di Novembre per "disseminare" l'importanza del lato "umano" nella tecnologia.
Ogni anno c'è un tema diverso e il tema di quest’anno è Human-Centered AI ( <>).
La giornata si aprirà con un intervento dell’assessore torinese all'innovazione Marco Pironti, a cui seguirà l’invited talk di apertura di Olivero Stock di FBK. Chiuderà la giornata l’intervento di Francesca Costabile su Teaching HCI for AI, e la mattinata è ricca di brevi, ma interessanti interventi sul tema della Human-Centered AI,di cui trovate il dettaglio sul sito.
Ci fa ovviamente piacere la vostra partecipazione e potete anche diffondere l’invito ai vostri studenti interessati.
Segnaliamo infine che nel pomeriggio del 12 novembre e anche nelle giornate del 10, 11 e 13 novembre potete seguire online i WUD days organizzati dalla Società Italiana di Ergonomia, trovate maggiori informazioni sul sito: <>
Buona giornata
Cristina, con Maristella e Massimo
Cristina Gena, PhD
Associate professor - Computer Science Department
Head of the Smart HCI Lab@ICxT Innovation Center
Università di Torino
Via Pessinetto 12, 10149 Torino, Italy
Phone +39 0116706827
web: <>
Webex: <>
Skype: cristinagena
The PhD program in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the
University of Udine, Italy,
welcomes candidates applying for 14 three-year positions (11 of which
supported by scholarship).
Applicants will focus their research project on topics that can be
chosen in a wide range
listed here
The PhD program in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence has
also opened funded agreements
with Fondazione Bruno Kessler (, CRO Aviano
( and ISTC-CNR (
The deadline for applicationa is *July 21, 2021. *
Detailed instructions as well as a link to the official call and
application forms are available from
Prospective applicants can contact the Coordinator for further details
and/or one or more PhD Supervisors for project-related questions.
All contacts can be found in the PhD web site
Prof. Luca Chittaro HCI Lab (
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics
tel: +39 (0432) 558.450 University of Udine
luca.chittaro(a) Via delle Scienze, 206 33100 Udine -- ITALY
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*6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
*June 24-25, 2020
Fully on-line
Conference program <>
Registration form <>
*Keynotes* <>
• *Inger Birkeland* (University of South-Eastern Norway)
/(Place-conscious education and regional development: Facilitating
ecologies of place)/
• *Danielle McNamara *(Arizona State University)
/(Interdisciplinary Behavioral Science: Enhancing Literacy from a
Multidimensional Perspective)/
• *Sébastien Turbot *(eko6 and WISE research fellow) /
/(Accelerating Learning Ecosystems: a Living Lab Approach)//
on the 25th of June SLERD 20201 will host two *open debates*
<> on:
*• Towards Learning Ecosystems Based on Competences: the promise of the
June 25 – h: 11:00
*• Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engine of the “new normality”*
June 25 – h: 15:40
Although the open debates are free we kindly ask people interested to
attend the events to fill the registration form
-> open debate registration form
SLERD 2021 features also a free satellite event
/on the 23rd of June//**//h: 15-18/
*• Social inclusion at school: new perspectives for a smart learning
ecosystem <>
Also to attend the satellite event pople is kindly requested to fill the
corresponding registration form
-> satellite event registration form
"See" you at *SLERD 2021!!!*
Third Symposium on Biases in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
10 - 12 November 2021, Delft, Netherlands (Online)
Organized by TU Delft, CHI Nederland, and the Academic Fringe Festival
--- Apologies for cross-posting ---
The goal of this symposium is to analyse both existing human biases in hybrid systems, and methods to manage bias via crowdsourcing and human computation. We will discuss different types of biases, measures and methods to track bias, as well as methodologies to prevent and solve bias.
We welcome the submission of research papers and abstracts which describe original work that has not been submitted or currently under review, has not been previously published nor accepted for publication elsewhere, in any other journal or conference. We welcome the submission of the following types of contributions:
- Full papers should be at most 10 pages in length (including figures, tables, appendices, and references),
- Short papers should be at most 5 pages in length (including figures, tables, appendices, and references),
- Abstracts should contain just a title and the abstract, and should detail demos or relevant work or ideas which are under development. They can not contain references.
More details:
*Important Dates*
Time zone: Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
- Full Papers and Short papers due: 26 August 2021
- Abstracts due: 2 September 2021
- Notifications: 22 October 2021
- Conference: 10-12 November 2021
We implement a double-blind review process. Submissions must be anonymous and the submission must be made via EasyChair:
We are committed to create an equal opportunity environment, without regard to race, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or any other status. For this reason, if you feel that you are in a disadvantaged situation or you require assistance please reach out to us (bhcc2021(a) We’ll be more than happy to help and allow everyone to submit a paper.
We are keen to create a fair working environment for the crowd workers and annotators. For this reason, each submission should clearly state the policies implemented to pursue this aim; each paper should be clear about the amount of work required for an annotator to submit the task, the payment, the time spent by the annotators to finish the task, and all the relevant details aimed at making clear that workers and annotators obtained a fair compensation and treatment for their work.
We are looking for candidates for two three-year PhD scholarships that will be carried out at the at
the Human Interfaces in Information Systems (HIIS) Laboratory at CNR-ISTI
One fellowship is associated with the PhD school at the Computer Science department of the
University of Pisa ( in the Human-Computer Interaction area, with
preference for topics in the field of Methods and Tools for Adaptive Human-Computer Interaction.
One fellowship is associated with the newly-established national PhD programme on Artificial
Intelligence ( on the topic Human-centered automations in daily environments
The HIIS Laboratory is a creative and multi-disciplinary interactive technologies research
laboratory, with deep and extensive research collaborations, industrial partners, and a supportive
working environment. Pisa is a lively small town located in Tuscany, near the coast, characterised
by the presence of a rich research ecosystem (three Universities and many research centres) very
active in the ICT area. We are therefore looking for deserving candidates. It is useful to have some
programming knowledge, interest and passion for the considered topics, and to carry out research
activities. The application procedure will be soon available. Applicants must have earned a master
degree by the end of October 2021.
For further information any interested potential candidate can contact fabio.paterno at
Cari saluti,
Da: Neha Kumar <neha.kumar(a)>
Inviato: domenica 23 maggio 2021 02:54
A: Eunice Sari <eunice.sari(a)>
Oggetto: SIGCHI Equity Talks: SIGCHI Across Chapters (May 27)
Dear SIGCHI chapters and friends,
Our next SIGCHI Equity Talks session, titled SIGCHI Across Chapters, will be held on May 27, 11.30am GMT. It will be co-organized by Eunice Sari (VP for Chapters) and myself (VP at Large). In this roundtable session, we will discuss prior and ongoing efforts to support and promote chapters, and how these efforts might be further cultivated towards the success of SIGCHI as a global institution. Chapters are of varying sizes across the globe, and feature different emphases on research vs. practice, different sizes, and different challenges facing sustainability and growth. We invite participation from all chapters, in the hope that this discussion can help in brainstorming approaches to support greater learning and exchange across chapters. The questions we propose to address are as follows: Naming the Problem(s): What are the challenges that chapters find themselves facing in being a part of SIGCHI that SIGCHI could better address?
Fostering Solidarity: What might a more inclusive, supportive infrastructure and culture within SIGCHI look like for supporting chapters? Identifying Nuance: What are some barriers chapters might face in this regard? How do these impact different chapters differently? Actions Towards Change: Where does the responsibility for change lie, and what actions can and should SIGCHI take to effect this change? Join us on Zoom: Ask questions on
Join SIGCHI's Discord server:
Read more about our Equity Talks here:
Please forward widely, and apologies for cross-posting!
Thank you,
Neha Kumar (SIGCHI VP at Large) &
Eunice Sari (SIGCHI VP for Chapters)
Invitation to submit to Special Issue on "VR, AR, and HCI" (MDPI Open Access Journal)
Dear Colleagues,
We are in the process of putting together a Special Issue on "Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Human-Computer Interaction" in collaboration with MDPI Open Access Journa (<>).
Details about the Special Issue can be found on the following website:
The deadline for the abstract (title and short outline of the planned content) is July 31, 2021.
We would like to invite you to contribute to our Special Issue and are looking forward to your contributions!
Best regards
Achim, Peter, and Gerrit
Achim Ebert, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Peter Dannenmann, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Gerrit van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dear all,
we are glad to announce the keynotes of CHItaly 2021, the hybrid program of the conference and how to register for it.
We are excited to present the two keynote speakers of CHItaly 2021 (
1) Prof. Albrecht Schmidt (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) will open the conference on July 12th, talking about "THE END OF SERENDIPITY: Will Artificial Intelligence Remove Chance and Choice in Everyday Life?";
2) Prof. Paola Bertola (Politecnico di Milano) will close the conference on July 13th, talking about: "FASHION WITHIN THE BIG DATA SOCIETY: How can data enable fashion transition towards more meaningful and sustainable products?".
The hybrid program includes a number of interesting events, besides its keynotes: presentations of long and short research papers, workshops, interactive experiences, the doctoral consortium, social events.
For details, kindly refer to
The program will be completed in due time.
Meanwhile you may want to reserve the following dates in your agenda for CHItaly 2021:
from Sunday the 11th of July, early afternoon,
to Tuesday the 13th of July at 22:00.
Given its hybrid nature, CHItaly allows for two types of participation: either physical or virtual.
Furthermore, due to the current uncertainty concerning travelling regulations in Europe, CHItaly adopts a 2-step registration process.
STEP 1). Attendees, willing to benefit from the early-bird rate, *must* register their intention to participate
- either physically
- or virtually
by June 7 (strict).
NOTA BENE: at least one author for each long/short research article, at least one workshop organiser and at least one interactive experience organiser are requested to register by June 7 (strict).
After June 7, registrations will be considered late.
STEP 2). Payments are purposefully delayed. They will be based on the Step-1 registration choice. The conference organisers will allow to modify a physical into a virtual fee in case of serious COVID-19-related reasons.
Payments for both physical and virtual fees will close on June 30.
No on-site registration will be possible.
Please, refer to
for up-to-date and detailed information as well as for registering for CHItaly 2021.
We apologise for the delay of this communication, due to the complexity of ensuring compliance with the COVID-19 regulations in South Tyrol, Italy, and Europe.
We are committed to providing you with a safe and entertaining environment and warmly invite you to attend in presence.
Yours sincerely,
CHItaly 2021 Organising Committee
** Apologies for cross-posting
CFP: Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop
This workshop brings together researchers, practitioners, stakeholders and
students from development of serious games (video games with a purpose
beyond entertainment, such as educational games), games user research,
software engineering in game development, HCI and related areas. Following
the spirit of the IEEE/ICIS conference, the workshop aims to discuss
practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted on software and user
testing and assessment of serious games, in the form of best practices.
Suggested topics for the Workshop include (but are not limited to) the
• Testing methodologies
• Testing protocols in the COVID-19 pandemic
• Remote testing
• Experiences in applying software testing tools
• Design and application of surveys and questionnaires
• White-box testing
• Usability testing
• UX testing
• QA testing
• Playtesting
• Presence testing
• Engagement testing
• Testing using physiological measurements
• Formative/Summative evaluation and testing
• AI-based testing
• Assessment with immersive technologies
• Knowledge retention and transferable skills tests/evaluation
Participants in this workshop are welcome to submit 2-4 pages for short
papers and 5-6 pages for full papers describing research and practical
issues on serious game testing and assessment, including a list of 4 best
practices. Each participant will present his/her own paper during the
workshop. For each accepted paper, one full author registration is required.
We encourage work-in-progress submissions as well as more mature work.
This Workshop is part of the IEEE/ACIS 21st International Fall Conference
on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2021-Fall) October 13-15, 2021,
Xi'an, China. Event web page:
The workshop will be held online via Zoom.
All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE conference
proceedings, and will be submitted to be indexed by Scopus, EI, INSPEC and
The Organizing Committee will peer-review the submitted papers.
Please write your proposal using the General IEEE conference paper
Please email your paper with the names and affiliations directly to the
workshop organizer (miguel.garcia(a)
Submission deadline: May 22, 2021 (extended deadline) . Please send
your submission to: miguel.garcia(a)
Author notification: June 10, 2021
Final manuscripts (camera ready)/ registration due: July 10, 2021.
Please consult the main Conference web page for registration:
Workshop date: October 13, 2021
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper and
Best Student Paper awards. In order to qualify for the award, the paper
must be presented at the Workshop.
For more information, contact the workshop chair:
Dr. Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, Algoma University, Canada
Organizing Committee
Bill Kapralos (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Luis A. Castro (Sonora Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez (Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla (University of Colima, Mexico)
Laura S. Gaytan-Lugo (University of Colima, Mexico)
Veronica Zammitto (UX consultant)
Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, BEng, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
Personal web page:
Algoma University
School of Computer Science and Technology
Office: WW105G
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, P6A 2G4
Dear colleagues,
Please find enclosed the call for paper or the 4th IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT)
Conference going to be held from 4 5 November 2021 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
We solicit submissions of full papers and poster presentations. Proposals for special sessions can
be submitted via the special form on the conference website.
Submitted full papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted to another conference or
journal for consideration. Poster presentations will have to be student papers.
Accepted submissions will be presented at the conference and included in the post-conference edited
book published in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT) series by
Springer Nature. Authors can choose to publish their paper as an open access paper, for details
contact Leon Strous.
Proceedings will be submitted for indexing in SCOPUS and Web of Science. Previous editions are
already indexed in SCOPUS. Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in the Springer
Nature Computer Science (SNCS) journal (
All papers must be written in English. Full papers should be at most 18 pages long in total
including references and appendices. The paper should be intelligible without having to read the
appendices. Poster presentations should be at most 4 pages. Submissions should not be anonymized.
Authors must follow the Springer formatting instructions for the IFIP AICT series, see
Each paper will receive at least 3 reviews. At least one author of each accepted paper must register
by the early registration date and present the paper. Poster presentations will have to be presented
by the student(s).
Full paper due 15 June 2021
Notification of acceptance 31 August 2021
Deadline for final version 15 December 2021
For paper submissions go to
For more information visit the conference website or contact Leon
Strous (strous(a) <> ), Srinivas Katkoori (katkoori(a)
<> ) or Luis Camarinha-Matos (cam(a) <> )