Il 17/02/21 08:35, Maristella Matera ha scritto:
> Carissimi,
> Con grande piacere annuncio che Fabio Paternò è uno dei recipients dei
> SIGCHI Awards di quest'anno: è entrato nella SIGCHI Academy.
> Congratulazioni a Fabio per questo prestigioso e meritato
> riconoscimento, che rispecchia in pieno il suo contributo all’HCI.
> Cari saluti,
> Maristella
[View More]ORG> *Per
> conto di *Gloria Mark
> *Inviato:* martedì 16 febbraio 2021 21:43
> *Oggetto:* SIGCHI 2021 award winners
> SIGCHI is very pleased to announce its 2021 Award Recipients. You can
> find more details about the awardees here:
> <>
> SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award:
> Scott Hudson – Carnegie Mellon University (U.S.)
> SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award:
> John T. Richards– IBM (U.S.)
> SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award:
> Wendy A. Kellogg – IBM (retired) (U.S.)
> Philippe Palanque – Université Toulouse (France)
> SIGCHI Social Impact Award:
> Cecilia Baranauskas – State University of Campinas (Brazil)
> Andy Dearden – Sheffield Hallam University (UK)
> Juan E. Gilbert – University of Florida (U.S.)
> SIGCHI Academy:
> Maneesh Agrawala – Stanford University (U.S.)
> Ann Blandford – University College London (UK)
> Jeffrey Heer – University of Washington (U.S.)
> Jonathan Lazar – University of Maryland (U.S.)
> Fabio Paternò – CNR-ISTI (Italy)
> Rosalind W. Picard – MIT Media Lab (U.S.)
> Fernanda Viégas – Google (U.S.)
> Allison Woodruff – Google (U.S.)
> SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award:
> Josh Andres – RMIT University (Australia)
> Arunesh Mathur – Princeton University (U.S.)
> Qian Yang – Cornell University (U.S.)
> Congratulations to all!
> Gloria Mark
> SIGCHI Awards chair
> **
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[Apologizes for cross-posting]
The Tech Notes track focuses on exclusively strong technical engineering
contributions. EICS Tech Notes are 6-page papers (excluding the reference
list) that focus specifically on system contributions and technical work,
including (but not limited to):
Infrastructures and architectures
(high-level toolkits, frameworks, networking infrastructures, the big
systems picture)
Technical realizations of specific interaction techniques
[View More] sensing & recognition, computer vision implementations, rendering
Engineering of physical interactive systems
(e.g., toolkits for physical computing or fabrication, hacking or
modding of machinery for interactive purposes)
Computational constructs
(e.g., optimization methods, mathematical modelling of HCI systems,
model-driven UI design)
Specification and verification
(e.g. language representations for HCI, formal approaches, optimization
methods, semantic models, testing / checking interactive systems)
Tech notes can be submitted through the Precision Conference System:
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 12/03/2021
Notifications: 16/04/2021
Camera-Ready: 30/04/2021
Tech Notes is a venue created to elaborate on the technical aspects of
research work, which would typically only be a short part of a longer
article. The presented research can be related to previous publications,
however, the tech note should present additional technical details and
reflections that are not covered in the original publication(s). Authors
are encouraged to refer to previously published research papers and
elaborate on technical components or discuss specific technical
implications of their previous work. Tech Notes will be judged on their
technical merits and relevance to interactive systems concerns. The focus
lies specifically on elucidating technical details of complex interactive
systems. Tech Notes require an illustrative example of the system. They do
not include formal evaluations or user studies.
Tech Notes are published as a 6-page paper in the standard ACM SIGCHI format
<> (excluding references). In line with recent
policies by ACM regarding publishing software and data artifacts in the ACM
Digital Library (, authors are
strongly encouraged to provide supplemental material. This could include
additional diagrams detailing the technical contribution, (online) demos,
links to source code repositories, videos, or example applications. We
suggest, wherever applicable the paper to be accompanied by a (max)
one-minute video presenting the technical contribution. The URL of the
video must be mentioned in the paper itself. We also highly encourage
authors to share a public repository of their software.
Tech Notes Chairs
Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock
Javed Khan, Eindhoven University of Technology
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Tech Notes, Full Papers and Late-Breaking
EICS Tech Notes are not journal articles that describe the full cycle of a
research project (concept, implementation, evaluation, reflection), but are
focused technical engineering research contributions. Tech Notes do not
require a formal evaluation nor an in-depth reflection on related work, but
can focus on very specific implementation details that are novel and
interesting to the EICS community. Thus, the reflection of the related work
should target in clarifying the technical novelty of the Tech Note.
EICS Tech Notes do not describe work-in-progress, as they require a novel
technical contribution to be finalized and completely described within the
space of the Tech Note. They are more similar to a traditional four-page
note than to a work-in-progress extended abstract. Late-Breaking Results
are intended for eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, that can
benefit from discussions with colleagues in the EICS community.
Why should I submit an EICS Tech Note?
EICS Tech Notes aims to be the primary submission venue for impactful
technical engineering work. EICS Tech Notes is a high-quality engineering
venue that is complementary to the main research-oriented track at EICS. It
shows new and exciting technical work of high relevance to the community.
The best Tech Notes will be awarded with the Tech Note Award.
EICS Tech Notes provides a platform to publish and present detailed
technical engineering aspects of HCI research. We specifically encourage
authors of previous papers to elaborate on technical challenges, technical
innovations or frameworks / systems / approaches / toolkits / algorithms
that enable them to conduct novel HCI research.
How are EICS Tech Notes disseminated?
EICS Tech Notes get a presentation slot at the conference and will be
published as 6-page papers in the ACM Digital Library (excluding the
reference list).
How are EICS Tech Notes reviewed?
EICS Tech Notes will be reviewed by an international committee of leading
experts within the technical HCI, engineering and interactive systems
communities. Because there is a difference in scope between tech notes,
full papers, and late-breaking results, reviewers will use specific
criteria to identify high-quality tech notes, including technical novelty,
research impact, and the potential to enable new HCI innovations.
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760 | Skype: davide.spano5
Website <> | RG
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Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming ECSCW conference in the summer. There are still opportunities to contribute by submitting a short contribution (2000 words max) to the Posters and Demos track until February 22.
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work is an international venue on practice-centered computing and the design of cooperation technologies. It is a series of conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in …
[View More]Europe that was established in 1989. The 19th edition of ECSCW will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, from 7th to 11th June 2021.
The presentation of posters and demos is a key element of the ECSCW conference. For presenters as well as recipients, the poster & demo session provides a lively environment for getting in touch with late-breaking research, preliminary results, innovative ideas, and early-stage research and design explorations. At a special session during the conference, authors are given the opportunity to showcase their research to interested delegates, as well as to involve them in discussions about their work, exchanging ideas, providing feedback, and sharing work-in-progress relating to CSCW.
Posters provide a great opportunity to present preliminary research results and disseminate novel ideas to conference visitors. Posters also offer the space to discuss potential collaborations and the emergent issues in CSCW in an informal manner with the larger ECSCW community. We particularly invite submissions that introduce speculative or provocative ideas that challenge existing epistemologies and methodologies.
Demos may be submitted in various forms. These may be interactive research prototypes or products, but also low-fi prototypes, such as paper mock-ups etc. In addition, the demo session will provide space for exhibiting innovative materials that have been developed in the context of the deployment of (user-centered) research methods – for example, innovations in storyboards, personas, and other materials that foster creativity in the design process.
How to apply?
Both submission categories (posters and demos) require the submission of a short paper (2000 words maximum excl. references, figures, and a 150-word max. abstract) in the PDF format through the EasyChair platform<>. More details about the submission process (incl. templates) can be found at our website All accepted submissions will be published as short papers in the European Society for Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) digital library
Key dates
Submission deadline: February, 22 2021, 23:59 AoE
Notifications: March 31, 2021
Camera-ready submission: May 11, 2021
Conference: June 7-11, 2021
As of now, the conference is planned in Zurich, Switzerland from 7th until 11th of June 2021. The final format of the conference is currently under discussion. Remote participation will be possible.
If you have questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the Posters and Demo co-chairs: demoposters2021(a)
Verena Fuchsberger (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Anton Fedosov (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Dr. Anton Fedosov
People and Computing Lab (ZPAC)
University of Zurich
Department of Informatics
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zürich
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