— Apologies for cross-posting —
29th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2021)
Utrecht, Netherlands, and Online
June 21-25, 2021
Important Dates:
Proposals due: January 15, 2021
Notification to proposers: January 29, 2021
Workshop Day(s): June TBA, 2021
Submission email: umap2021-workshop(a)um.org<mailto:umap2021-workshop@um.org>
ACM UMAP 2021 is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. ACM UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information. The workshops provide a venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User Modelling and Adaptive Hypermedia research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and academia.
Information about Hybrid Conference Format
ACM UMAP 2021 is planned to be a hybrid event, which welcomes everyone who is willing, able and allowed to travel in Utrecht, the Netherlands. However, there will also be an opportunity to attend the conference and the workshops online. Please check the conference website for updates: https://www.um.org/umap2021/
Workshops can therefore be held by the presenters at Utrecht (with synchronous online streaming), or designed as fully virtual workshops. The workshops will most probably be scheduled to start in the mornings or evenings local time (UTC+1).
Workshop Format
In this edition, our goal is to have a balanced workshop program comprising different workshop formats, combining newly emerging, currently evolving and established research topics. Different full-day and half-day workshop schemas are possible, such as:
• Working group meetings around a specific problem or topic; participants may be asked to submit a white paper or position statement
• Mini-conferences on specialized topics, having their own paper submission and review processes
• Mini-competitions or challenges around selected topics with individual or team participation
• Interactive discussion meetings focusing on subtopics of the UMAP general research topics.
• Joint panels for different workshops
Instructions for Proposers
Workshop proposals should not exceed 5 pages and should be organized as follows:
• Workshop title and acronym
• Workshop chair(s), including affiliation, email address, homepage, and experiences in organizing such events
• Abstract (up to 300 words) and topics of interest
• Motivation on why the workshop is of particular interest at this time
• Workshop format, discussing the mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, and general discussions
• Intended audience and expected number of participants
• List of (potential) members of the program committee
• Requested duration (half day or full day)
• Proposed workshop format (e.g. hybrid or fully virtual)
• When available, past editions of the workshop, including URLs, a brief statement on the development of the workshop series, e.g., in terms of topics, number of paper submissions and participants, post-workshop publications over the years and acceptance statistics
Submission and Review Process
Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF by email to: umap2021-workshop(a)um.org<mailto:umap2021-workshop@um.org>
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop proposals.
Researchers interested in submitting a workshop proposal are invited to contact us in advance, so we can help to design successful proposals. In particular, for workshop proposals with novel interactive formats, we are happy to assist in further developing and implementing the ideas.
We strongly suggest involving organizers from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions and may ensure rich interactions.
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop web site containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity and reviewing processes.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all the workshop papers will be published. Hence, the workshop organizers will need to adhere to the adjunct proceedings publication timeline.
• Proposal submission: January 15, 2021
• Notification of proposal acceptance: January 29, 2021
• Send the workshop description & website URL: February 15, 2021
• (Suggested) 1st call for papers: February 20, 2021
• (Suggested) 2nd call for papers: March 2, 2021
• (Suggested) paper submission: March 26, 2021
• (Suggested) notification to authors: April 19, 2021
• Workshop summary camera-ready deadline: May 7, 2021
• Workshop papers camera-ready deadline: May 7, 2021
• Workshop Date: June TBA, 2021
Proceedings and Registration Policy
Workshop papers will be included in the Adjunct Proceedings published by ACM. To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted workshop paper must register for the conference or the workshop and present the paper there. Student registration fee is allowed to students who present a student paper. A "Workshop/Tutorial Only” fee will be available as well.
Important Dates:
Proposals due: January 15, 2021
Notification to proposers: January 29, 2021
Tutorial Day: June TBA, 2021
Submission email: umap2021-workshop(a)um.org<mailto:umap2021-workshop@um.org>
ACM UMAP 2021 is pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction with the conference. ACM UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, Tutorials are intensive instructional sessions aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction to established or emerging research topics of interest for the UMAP community.
Information about Hybrid Conference Format
ACM UMAP 2021 is planned to be a hybrid event, which welcomes everyone who is willing, able and allowed to travel in Utrecht, the Netherlands. However, there will also be an opportunity to attend the conference and the tutorials online. Please check the conference website for updates: https://www.um.org/umap2021/
Tutorials can therefore be held by the presenters at Utrecht (with synchronous online streaming), or designed as fully virtual tutorials. The tutorials will most probably be scheduled to start in the morning or evening local time (UTC+1).
Tutorial Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• new user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends (e.g. exploiting data mining and big data analytics for user modeling, evaluation methodologies, data visualization, etc.)
• user modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains (e.g., health sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage, education, internet of things, mobile, music, information retrieval, human-robot interaction etc.)
• application of user modeling and personalization techniques for information retrieval and recommender systems
• eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users’ emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors
Instructions for Proposers
An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to the chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in depth. Tutorial presenters can have one page in the adjunct proceedings.
Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages and should contain the following information:
• Title and abstract of the tutorial for inclusion on the ACM UMAP 2021 website (200 words maximum)
• Tutorial description:
• learning objectives of the tutorial and relevance to ACM UMAP 2021
• targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills
• a brief outline of the tutorial structure
• Information about potential practical sessions
• Tutorial length: full (6 hours) or half day (3 hours)
• Other venues to which the tutorial or part thereof has been or will be presented, in addition to explaining how the current tutorial differs from the other editions
• Proposed tutorial format (hybrid or fully virtual)
• Name, email address, affiliation and brief professional biography of the tutorial instructor(s), indicating previous training and speaking experience
Submission and Review Process
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF by email to: umap2021-workshop(a)um.org<mailto:umap2021-workshop@um.org>
All proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs. The features that will be evaluated are:
• ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations of UMAP research
• clarity of the tutorial, which should emerge from its description
• organization, as appearing from the outline
• background/experience of tutorial instructor(s) in teaching the target topics
• Proposals due: January 15, 2021
• Notification of acceptance: January29, 2021
• Adjunct proceedings camera ready: May 7, 2021
• Tutorial Day: June TBA, 2021
Proceedings and Registration Policy
A “Workshop/Tutorial Only” fee will be available, as well as the option for student registration.
Workshop and Tutorial Chairs
Berardina Nadja De Carolis, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
Dietmar Jannach, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Dear all,
We would like to draw your attention to the following event that will happen in Zurich next summer. There are still opportunities to contribute by submitting a demo or a poster.
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work is an international venue on practice-centred computing and the design of cooperation technologies. It is a series of conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe that was established in 1989. The 19th edition of ECSCW will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, from 7th to 11th June 2021.
The presentation of posters and demos is a key element of the ECSCW conference. For presenters as well as recipients, the poster & demo session provides a lively environment for getting in touch with late-breaking research, preliminary results, innovative ideas, and early-stage research and design explorations. At a special session during the conference, authors are given the opportunity to showcase their research to interested delegates, as well as to involve them in discussions about their work, exchanging ideas, providing feedback, and sharing work-in-progress relating to CSCW.
Posters provide a great opportunity to present preliminary research results and disseminate novel ideas to conference visitors. Posters also offer the space to discuss potential collaborations and the emergent issues in CSCW in an informal manner with the larger ECSCW community. We particularly invite submissions that introduce speculative or provocative ideas that challenge existing epistemologies and methodologies.
Demos may be submitted in various forms. These may be interactive research prototypes or products, but also low-fi prototypes, such as paper mock-ups etc. In addition, the demo session will provide space for exhibiting innovative materials that have been developed in the context of the deployment of (user-centered) research methods – for example, innovations in storyboards, personas, and other materials that foster creativity in the design process.
How to apply?
Both submission categories (posters and demos) require the submission of a short paper (2000 words maximum excl. references, figures, and a 150-word max. abstract) in the PDF format through the EasyChair platform<https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ecscw2021#>. More details about the submission process (incl. templates) can be found at our website https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2021/posters-demos/
Key dates
Submission deadline: January, 22 2021, 23:59 AoE
Notifications: March 31, 2021
Camera-ready submission: May 11, 2021
Conference: June 7-11, 2021
As of now, the conference is planned in Zurich, Switzerland from 7th until 11th of June 2021.
If you have questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the Posters and Demo co-chairs: demoposters2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu<mailto:demoposters2021@ecscw.eusset.eu>
Verena Fuchsberger (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Anton Fedosov (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Best regards,
Dr. Anton Fedosov
People and Computing Lab (ZPAC)
University of Zurich
Department of Informatics
Binzmühlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zürich
Fourth IUI Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics
13 April 2021, Virtual
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: December 23, 2020 (midnight Hawaii time)
Acceptance notification: January 31, 2021
Final manuscript due: February 15, 2021
Workshop: April 13, 2021
Workshop Description:
This workshop will be part of the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2021
Conference (http://iui.acm.org/2021/). The workshop focuses on systems
that personalize, summarize and visualize the data for supporting
interactive information seeking and information discovery, along with
tools that enable user modeling and methods for incorporating the user
needs and preferences into both analytics and visualization. Our aim is to
bring together researchers and practitioners working on different
personalization aspects and applications of exploratory search and
interactive data analytics. This will allow us to achieve four goals: (1)
propose new strategies for systems that need to convey the rationale
behind their decisions or inference, and the sequence of steps that lead
to specific (search) results; (2) develop new user modeling and
personalization techniques for exploratory search and interactive data
analytics; (3) develop a common set of design principles for this type of
systems across platforms, contexts, users and applications; (4) develop a
set of evaluation metrics for personalization in exploratory search. The
workshop aims to solicit submissions in the following areas of
personalized interactive data analytics and exploratory search:
Personalized interactive exploration via interactive data analytics:
– personalization aspects in systems for exploratory search.
– cross-domain/ context-aware/ cross-platform exploratory search systems.
– interactively modelling the user’s information needs for high-recall
information retrieval.
– new applications of exploratory search and interactive data analytics.
Data analytics:
– interactive interfaces for data-intensive platforms.
– interaction degrees of freedom.
– preprocessing vs. online processing.
– interactive data visualization evaluation of interactive systems for
exploratory search and data analytics.
Metrics for explainable intelligent systems:
– metrics for explainable exploratory search.
– explainability and transparency in expert vs. non-expert systems.
– human-in-the-loop analytics systems.
– efficient vs. explainable analytics.
– user perception of explainability and transparency in interactive
intelligent systems.
Dorota Glowacka,
Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki (Finland),
Evangelos Milios,
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University (Canada),
Axel J. Soto,
Institute for Computer Science and Engineering, UNS - CONICET (Argentina),
Fernando V. Paulovich,
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University (Canada),
Denis Parra,
Department of Computer Science, Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile) ,
Osnat (Ossi) Mokryn,
Department of Information and Knowledge Management, University of Haifa
(Israel), omokryn[at]univ.haifa.ac.il
Submission Information:
We encourage submissions of work in progress, concept papers, case
studies, ongoing research projects, reports on recently completed PhD
dissertations or recently accepted journal papers, and generally material
that will stimulate discussion, generate useful feedback to the authors,
encourage research collaborations and vigorous exchange of ideas on
promising research directions, in one of the following formats:
-full papers (up to 8 pages in ACM sigconf format), which will presented
either as contributed talks or posters
-extended abstracts (up to 4 pages in ACM sigconf format), which will be
presented as posters with a possibility to be accompanied by a demo.
Papers can be submitted through EasyChair:
--- Apologies for cross-posting ---
Call for Papers - ACM UMAP 2021
29th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Theme: "Re-Evaluating Evaluation in Personalization Research"
Hybrid: Utrecht (The Netherlands) and Online
June 21-25th (tentative), 2021
Website: https://www.um.org/umap2021/
Abstracts due: January 17, 2021 (mandatory)
Full paper due: January 24, 2021
ACM UMAP – User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization – is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGWEB, and organized with User Modeling Inc. as the core Steering Committee, extended with past years’ chairs. The proceedings are published by ACM and will be part of the ACM Digital Library.
ACM UMAP covers a wide variety of research areas where personalization and adaptation may be applied. This includes a number of domains in which researchers are engendering significant innovations based on advances in user modeling and adaptation, recommender systems, adaptive educational systems, intelligent user interfaces, e-commerce, advertising, digital humanities, social networks, personalized health, entertainment, and many more.
We welcome submissions related to user modeling, personalization and adaptation; the conference web site provides a detailed list. Below we present a short (but not proscriptive) list of topics of importance to the conference. As the theme for UMAP 2021 is “Re-Evaluating Evaluation” we encourage submissions in all areas that offer a critical analysis of evaluations of personalized systems. We particularly want to acknowledge that some of the research might be influenced by Covid-19 related constraints (e.g., difficulty of running lab studies), and welcome submissions which introduce novel methodologies arising from a need to conduct research in new ways.
We welcome submissions related to user modeling, personalization and adaptation in any area. The topics listed below are not intended to limit possible contributions.
Final decisions will be made on the basis of suitability for, and fit to, the overall conference (not for specific tracks). Additionally, there is no quota for the maximal number of accepted papers per track. Topics include (but are not limited to):
• Personalized Recommender Systems
• Track chairs: Alejandro Bellogin, Sole Pera, Ludovico Boratto
• Adaptive Hypermedia and the Semantic Web
• Track chairs: Maria Bielikova, Panagiotis Germanakos, Ben Steichen
• Intelligent User Interfaces
• Track chairs: Katrien Verbert, Denis Parra
• Personalized Social Web
• Track chairs: Julita Vassileva, Jie Zhang
• Technology-Enhanced Adaptive Learning
• Track chairs: Ella Haig, Manolis Mavrikis
• Fairness, Transparency, Accountability, and Privacy
• Track chairs: Christine Bauer, Michael Ekstrand
• Personalization for Persuasive and Behavior Change Systems
• Track chairs: Jaap Ham, Rita Orji
Papers will be submitted through EasyChair:
Long (8 pages + references) and Short (4 pages + references) papers in ACM style. Original research papers addressing the theory and/or practice of UMAP, and papers showcasing innovative use of UMAP and exploring the benefits and challenges of applying UMAP technology in real-life applications and contexts are welcome.
* Long papers should present original reports of substantive new research techniques, findings, and applications of UMAP. They should place the work within the field and clearly indicate its innovative aspects. Research procedures and technical methods should be presented in sufficient detail to ensure scrutiny and reproducibility. Results should be clearly communicated and implications of the contributions/findings for UMAP and beyond should be explicitly discussed.
* Short papers should present original and highly promising research or applications. Merit will be assessed in terms of originality and importance rather than maturity, extensive technical validation, and user studies. Separation of long and short papers will be strictly enforced so papers will not compete across categories, but only within each category.
Papers must be formatted using the ACM SIG Standard (SIGCONF) proceedings template: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.
UMAP uses a double blind review process. Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. For instance, citations to the authors' own prior work should be made in the third-person.
All accepted papers will be published by ACM and will be available via the ACM Digital Library. To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there. Student registration fee is allowed for students who present a student paper.
Abstracts: January 17, 2021 (mandatory)
Full paper: January 24, 2021
Notification: March 8, 2021
Camera-ready: April 11, 2021
Video submission: May 5th, 2021
Conference: June 21-June 25, 2021 (tentative)
Note: The submissions times are 11:59pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
General chairs
Judith Masthoff, University of Utrecht
Eelco Herder, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Program chairs
Nava Tintarev, University of Maastricht
Marko Tkalcic, University of Primorska
Separate calls will be sent for Workshops and Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium, and Demo/Late Breaking Results, as these have different deadlines and submission requirements.
Apologize for unintended cross-mailing.
************************** CALL FOR PAPERS ******************************
''Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction Development"
Special issue of MPDI Sustainability <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability>, Open Access Journal
Link to the CFP:
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Human_Computer_I… <https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Human_Computer_I…>
This Special Issue will contribute to an integrated understanding of the relevance of HCI methodologies and practices in the design and development of sustainable infrastructures and tools, engaging communities and stakeholders, in critical initiatives to foster sustainable development. Contributors from different fields are invited to submit their articles on this topic, presenting how HCI researchers and practitioners can contribute to the broader research on developing sustainability.
Guest editors:
Catia Prandi, University of Bologna
Silvia Mirri, University of Bologna
************************** IMPORTANT DATES ********************************
- Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2020
Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website.
Please, feel free to contact: catia.prandi2(a)unibo.it <mailto:catia.prandi2@unibo.it> in case of interest.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Assistant professor (RTD A),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
Aug 30th - Sep 3rd, 2021, Bari, Italy
INTERACT 2021 is the 18th International Conference promoted by the IFIP
Technical Committee 13 on Human–Computer Interaction. INTERACT is held
every two years.
The theme of INTERACT 2021 is “Sense, Feel, Design”, highlighting new
challenges of interaction design. Technology is today more and more
widespread, pervasive and blended in the world we live in. On one side,
devices that sense humans' activities have the potential to provide an
enriched interaction. On the other side, the user experience can be
further enhanced by exploiting multisensorial technologies. Not only the
traditional human senses of vision and hearing, but also senses of
touch, smell, and taste, as well as emotions are to be taken into
account when designing for future interactions. INTERACT 2021 is the
right venue to debate such new challenges. Another new topic of this
edition is Human-AI Interaction, focusing on the design of
human-centered intelligent systems.
Conference proceedings are published in Springer LNCS series and are
available in the Springer Digital Library.
We invite you to submit your original work to INTERACT 2021 in the
following tracks:
Tracks with submission deadline *January 27th, 2021*
- Full Papers (abstract due by January 20th, 2021)
- Workshops
Tracks with submission deadline *April 16th, 2021*
- Short Papers
- Posters
- Interactive Demos
- Courses
- Poster
- Doctoral Consortium
- Industrial Experiences
- Panels
All contributions are peer reviewed, juried or curated by the members of
the international program committee.
INTERACT 2021 will be held in Bari, a beautiful city on the Adriatic
coast of Southern Italy.
The hotel Villa Romanazzi Carducci will host the conference. With its
liberty-period villa immersed in a nice park characterized by a variety
of trees along various pathways, this hotel provides a great context for
welcoming the INTERACT participants.
All precautions to ensure participants’ health safety will be taken. The
evolution of the pandemic will be carefully monitored and those who
could not travel due to COVID-19 will be allowed to present and
participate online to the conference.
Paolo Buono (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)
Catherine Plaisant (University of Maryland, USA and INRIA, France)
[General Co-Chairs]
Carmelo Ardito (Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy)
Rosa Lanzilotti (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)
Alessio Malizia (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
[Technical Programme Co-Chairs of INTERACT 2021]
For further information, please, visit the web site: